Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig; import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.wso2.carbon.datasource.core.api.DataSourceService; import org.wso2.carbon.datasource.core.exception.DataSourceException; import; import; import; import; import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Example; import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Extension; import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Parameter; import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.SystemParameter; import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.util.DataType; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.exception.CannotLoadConfigurationException; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.exception.ConnectionUnavailableException; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.AbstractRecordTable; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.ExpressionBuilder; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.RecordIterator; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.SiddhiConstants; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.collection.operator.CompiledCondition; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.collection.operator.CompiledExpression; import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.config.ConfigReader; import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Annotation; import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Element; import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.Attribute; import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.TableDefinition; import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.util.AnnotationHelper; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_STORE; /** * Class representing the RDBMS Event Table implementation. */ @Extension(name = "rdbms", namespace = "store", description = "This extension assigns data sources and connection instructions to event tables. It also " + "implements read-write operations on connected datasources.", parameters = { @Parameter(name = "jdbc.url", description = "The JDBC URL via which the RDBMS data store is accessed.", type = { DataType.STRING }), @Parameter(name = "username", description = "The username to be used to access the RDBMS data store.", type = { DataType.STRING }), @Parameter(name = "password", description = "The password to be used to access the RDBMS data store.", type = { DataType.STRING }), @Parameter(name = "", description = "The driver class name for connecting the RDBMS data store.", type = { DataType.STRING }), @Parameter(name = "", description = "Any pool parameters for the database connection must be specified as key-value" + " pairs.", type = { DataType.STRING }, optional = true, defaultValue = "null"), @Parameter(name = "jndi.resource", description = "The name of the JNDI resource through which the connection is attempted. " + "If this is found, the pool properties described above are not taken into account " + "and the connection is attempted via JNDI lookup instead.", type = { DataType.STRING }, optional = true, defaultValue = "null"), @Parameter(name = "datasource", description = "The name of the Carbon datasource that should be used for creating the " + "connection with the database. If this is found, neither the pool properties nor the " + "JNDI resource name described above are taken into account and the connection " + "is attempted via Carbon datasources instead. ", type = { DataType.STRING }, optional = true, defaultValue = "null"), @Parameter(name = "", description = "The name with which the event table should be persisted in the store. If no " + "name is specified via this parameter, the event table is persisted with the same " + "name as the Siddhi table.", type = { DataType.STRING }, optional = true, defaultValue = "The table name defined in the Siddhi App query."), @Parameter(name = "field.length", description = "The number of characters that the values for fields of the 'STRING' type in " + "the table definition must contain. Each required field must be provided as a " + "comma-separated list of key-value pairs in the '<>:<length>' format. If " + "this is not specified, the default number of characters specific to the database " + "type is considered.", type = { DataType.STRING }, optional = true, defaultValue = "null") }, examples = { @Example(syntax = "@Store(type=\"rdbms\", jdbc.url=\"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/das\", " + "username=\"root\", password=\"root\" ,\"org.h2.Driver\"," + "field.length=\"symbol:100\")\n" + "@PrimaryKey(\"symbol\")\n" + "@Index(\"volume\")\n" + "define table StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long);", description = "The above example creates an event table named 'StockTable' in the database if" + " it does not already exist (with three attributes named 'symbol', 'price', and " + "'volume' of the types 'string', 'float', and 'long' respectively). The connection " + "is made as specified by the parameters configured for the '@Store' annotation. The " + "'symbol' attribute is considered a unique field, and a DB index is created for it."), @Example(syntax = "@Store(type=\"rdbms\", jdbc.url=\"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/das\", " + "username=\"root\", password=\"root\" ,\"org.h2.Driver\"," + "field.length=\"symbol:100\")\n" + "@PrimaryKey(\"symbol\")\n" + "@Index(\"symbol\")\n" + "define table StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long);\n" + "define stream InputStream (symbol string, volume long);\n" + "from InputStream as a join StockTable as b on str:contains(b.symbol, a.symbol)\n" + "select a.symbol as symbol, b.volume as volume\n" + "insert into FooStream;", description = "The above example creates an event table named 'StockTable' in the database if" + " it does not already exist (with three attributes named 'symbol', 'price', and " + "'volume' of the types 'string', 'float' and 'long' respectively). Then the table is " + "joined with a stream named 'InputStream' based on a condition. The following " + "operations are included in the condition:\n" + "[ AND, OR, Comparisons( < <= > >= == !=), IS NULL, " + "NOT, str:contains(Table<Column>, Stream<Attribute> or Search.String)]") }, systemParameter = { @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.maxVersion", description = "The latest version supported for {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.minVersion", description = "The earliest version supported for {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.tableCheckQuery", description = "The template query for the 'check table' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, PRIMARY_KEYS}})<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, PRIMARY_KEYS}})<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, PRIMARY_KEYS}})<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, " + "PRIMARY_KEYS}})<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, PRIMARY_KEYS}})<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: CREATE TABLE {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS, PRIMARY_KEYS}})", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.tableCreateQuery", description = "The template query for the 'create table' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} LIMIT 1<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} LIMIT 1<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} WHERE rownum=1<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: SELECT TOP 1 1 from {{TABLE_NAME}}<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} LIMIT 1<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.indexCreateQuery", description = "The template query for the 'create index' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} " + "({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})" + "<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} " + "({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} " + "({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} " + "({{INDEX_COLUMNS}}) {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} " + "({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: CREATE INDEX {{TABLE_NAME}}_INDEX ON {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{INDEX_COLUMNS}})", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.recordInsertQuery", description = "The template query for the 'insert record' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) VALUES ({{Q}})<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) VALUES ({{Q}})<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) VALUES ({{Q}})<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) " + "VALUES ({{Q}})<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) VALUES ({{Q}})<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: INSERT INTO {{TABLE_NAME}} ({{COLUMNS}}) VALUES ({{Q}})", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.recordUpdateQuery", description = "The template query for the 'update record' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} " + "{{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} " + "{{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: UPDATE {{TABLE_NAME}} SET {{COLUMNS_AND_VALUES}} {{CONDITION}}", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.recordSelectQuery", description = "The template query for the 'select record' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: SELECT * FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.recordExistsQuery", description = "The template query for the 'check record existence' operation in " + "{{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: SELECT COUNT(1) INTO existence FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: SELECT TOP 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}} LIMIT 1<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: SELECT 1 FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}} FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.recordDeleteQuery", description = "The query for the 'delete record' operation in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: DELETE FROM {{TABLE_NAME}} {{CONDITION}}", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.stringSize", description = "This defines the length for the string fields in {{RDBMS-Name}}.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: 254<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: 254<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: 254<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: 254<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: 254<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: 254", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.fieldSizeLimit", description = "This defines the field size limit for select/switch to big string type from " + "the default string type if the 'bigStringType' is available in field type list.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: 2000<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: N/A", possibleParameters = "0 =< n =< INT_MAX"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.batchSize", description = "This defines the batch size when operations are performed for batches of " + "events.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: 1000<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: 1000<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: 1000<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: 1000<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: 1000<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: 1000", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.batchEnable", description = "This specifies whether 'Update' and 'Insert' operations can be performed for" + " batches of events or not.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: true<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: true<br>" + "<b>Oracle (versions 12.0 and less)</b>: false<br>" + "<b>Oracle (versions 12.1 and above)</b>: true<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: true<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: true<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: true", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.transactionSupported", description = "This is used to specify whether the JDBC connection that is used supports JDBC" + " transactions or not.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: true<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: true<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: true<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: true<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: true<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: true", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.binaryType", description = "This is used to specify the binary data type. An attribute defines as " + "'object' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: BLOB<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: BLOB<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: BLOB<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: VARBINARY(max)<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: BYTEA<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: BLOB(64000)", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.booleanType", description = "This is used to specify the boolean data type. An attribute defines as " + "'bool' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: TINYINT(1)<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: TINYINT(1)<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: NUMBER(1)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: BIT<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: BOOLEAN<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: SMALLINT", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.doubleType", description = "This is used to specify the double data type. An attribute defines as " + "'double' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: DOUBLE<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: DOUBLE<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: NUMBER(19,4)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: FLOAT(32)<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: DOUBLE PRECISION<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: DOUBLE", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.floatType", description = "This is used to specify the float data type. An attribute defines as " + "'float' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: FLOAT<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: FLOAT<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: NUMBER(19,4)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: REAL<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: REAL<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: REAL", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.integerType", description = "This is used to specify the integer data type. An attribute defines as " + "'int' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: INTEGER<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: INTEGER<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: NUMBER(10)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: INTEGER<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: INTEGER<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: INTEGER", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.longType", description = "This is used to specify the long data type. An attribute defines as " + "'long' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: BIGINT<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: BIGINT<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: NUMBER(19)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: BIGINT<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: BIGINT<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: BIGINT", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.stringType", description = "This is used to specify the string data type. An attribute defines as " + "'string' type in Siddhi stream will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)<br>" + "<b>Oracle</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)<br>" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: VARCHAR(stringSize)", possibleParameters = "N/A"), @SystemParameter(name = "{{RDBMS-Name}}.typeMapping.bigStringType", description = "This is used to specify the big string data type. An attribute defines as " + "'string' type in Siddhi stream and field.length define in the annotation is " + "greater than the fieldSizeLimit, will be stored into RDBMS with this type.", defaultValue = "<b>H2</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>MySQL</b>: N/A" + "<b>Oracle</b>: CLOB" + "<b>Microsoft SQL Server</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>PostgreSQL</b>: N/A<br>" + "<b>DB2.*</b>: N/A", possibleParameters = "N/A") }) public class RDBMSEventTable extends AbstractRecordTable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RDBMSEventTable.class); private RDBMSQueryConfigurationEntry queryConfigurationEntry; private HikariDataSource dataSource; private boolean isLocalDatasource; private String dataSourceName; private String tableName; private List<Attribute> attributes; private List<Integer> primaryKeyAttributePositionsList; private ConfigReader configReader; private String jndiResourceName; private Annotation storeAnnotation; private Annotation primaryKeys; private Annotation indices; private String selectQuery; private String containsQuery; private String deleteQuery; private String insertQuery; private String recordUpdateQuery; private String tableCheckQuery; private String createQuery; private String indexQuery; private int batchSize; private int fieldSizeLimit; private boolean batchEnable; private boolean transactionSupported; private String binaryType; private String booleanType; private String doubleType; private String floatType; private String integerType; private String longType; private String stringType; private String bigStringType; private String stringSize; private String recordContainsConditionTemplate; private boolean primaryKeysEnabled; @Override protected void init(TableDefinition tableDefinition, ConfigReader configReader) { attributes = tableDefinition.getAttributeList(); storeAnnotation = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(ANNOTATION_STORE, tableDefinition.getAnnotations()); primaryKeys = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_PRIMARY_KEY, tableDefinition.getAnnotations()); primaryKeyAttributePositionsList = new ArrayList<>(); if (primaryKeys != null) { primaryKeysEnabled = true; primaryKeys.getElements().forEach(elem -> { for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { if (this.attributes.get(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(elem.getValue())) { primaryKeyAttributePositionsList.add(i); } } }); } indices = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_INDEX, tableDefinition.getAnnotations()); RDBMSTableUtils.validateAnnotation(primaryKeys); RDBMSTableUtils.validateAnnotation(indices); jndiResourceName = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_JNDI_RESOURCE); dataSourceName = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_DATASOURCE); if (null != configReader) { this.configReader = configReader; } else { this.configReader = new DefaultConfigReader(); } String tableName = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_TABLE_NAME); this.tableName = RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(tableName) ? tableDefinition.getId() : tableName; } @Override protected void add(List<Object[]> records) { String sql = this.composeInsertQuery(); try { // Setting autocommit to true if the JDBC connection does not support transactions. this.batchExecuteQueriesWithRecords(sql, records, !this.transactionSupported); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException( "Error in adding events to '" + this.tableName + "' store: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected RecordIterator<Object[]> find(Map<String, Object> findConditionParameterMap, CompiledCondition compiledCondition) { RDBMSCompiledCondition rdbmsCompiledCondition = (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition; String findCondition; if (rdbmsCompiledCondition.isContainsConditionExist()) { findCondition = RDBMSTableUtils.processFindConditionWithContainsConditionTemplate( rdbmsCompiledCondition.getCompiledQuery(), this.recordContainsConditionTemplate); } else { findCondition = rdbmsCompiledCondition.getCompiledQuery(); } //Some databases does not support single condition on where clause. //(atomic condition on where clause: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE true) //If the compile condition is resolved for '?', atomicCondition boolean value // will be used for ignore condition resolver. boolean atomicCondition = false; if (findCondition.equals(QUESTION_MARK)) { atomicCondition = true; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Ignore the condition resolver in 'find()' method for compile " + "condition: '" + QUESTION_MARK + "'"); } } Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs; try { stmt = RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(findCondition) | atomicCondition ? conn.prepareStatement(selectQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_CONDITION, "")) : conn.prepareStatement(RDBMSTableUtils.formatQueryWithCondition(selectQuery, findCondition)); if (!atomicCondition) { if (rdbmsCompiledCondition.isContainsConditionExist()) { RDBMSTableUtils.resolveConditionForContainsCheck(stmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, findConditionParameterMap, 0); } else { RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(stmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, findConditionParameterMap, 0); } } rs = stmt.executeQuery(); //Passing all java.sql artifacts to the iterator to ensure everything gets cleaned up at once. return new RDBMSIterator(conn, stmt, rs, this.attributes, this.tableName); } catch (SQLException e) { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, stmt, conn); throw new RDBMSTableException( "Error retrieving records from table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected boolean contains(Map<String, Object> containsConditionParameterMap, CompiledCondition compiledCondition) { String condition = ((RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition).getCompiledQuery(); Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(condition) ? conn.prepareStatement(containsQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_CONDITION, "")) : conn.prepareStatement(RDBMSTableUtils.formatQueryWithCondition(containsQuery, condition)); RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(stmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, containsConditionParameterMap, 0); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); return; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException( "Error performing a contains check on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(rs, stmt, conn); } } @Override protected void delete(List<Map<String, Object>> deleteConditionParameterMaps, CompiledCondition compiledCondition) { this.batchProcessDelete(deleteConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition); } private void batchProcessDelete(List<Map<String, Object>> deleteConditionParameterMaps, CompiledCondition compiledCondition) { String condition = ((RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition).getCompiledQuery(); Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(condition) ? conn.prepareStatement(deleteQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_CONDITION, "")) : conn.prepareStatement(RDBMSTableUtils.formatQueryWithCondition(deleteQuery, condition)); int counter = 0; for (Map<String, Object> deleteConditionParameterMap : deleteConditionParameterMaps) { RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(stmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, deleteConditionParameterMap, 0); stmt.addBatch(); counter++; if (counter == batchSize) { stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.clearBatch(); counter = 0; } } if (counter > 0) { stmt.executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException( "Error performing record deletion on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, stmt, conn); } } @Override protected void update(CompiledCondition compiledCondition, List<Map<String, Object>> updateConditionParameterMaps, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions, List<Map<String, Object>> updateValues) throws ConnectionUnavailableException { String sql = this.composeUpdateQuery(compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions); this.batchProcessSQLUpdates(sql, updateConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions, updateValues); } /** * Method for processing update operations in a batched manner. This assumes that all update operations will be * accepted by the database. * * @param sql the SQL update operation as string. * @param updateConditionParameterMaps the runtime parameters that should be populated to the condition. * @param compiledCondition the condition that was built during compile time. * @param updateSetExpressions the expressions that are used in the SET operation * @param updateSetParameterMaps the runtime parameters that should be populated to the update statement. */ private void batchProcessSQLUpdates(String sql, List<Map<String, Object>> updateConditionParameterMaps, CompiledCondition compiledCondition, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions, List<Map<String, Object>> updateSetParameterMaps) { int counter = 0; Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> conditionParamIterator = updateConditionParameterMaps.iterator(); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> updateSetParameterMapsIterator = updateSetParameterMaps.iterator(); while (conditionParamIterator.hasNext() && updateSetParameterMapsIterator.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> conditionParameters =; Map<String, Object> updateSetMap =; int ordinal = RDBMSTableUtils.enumerateUpdateSetEntries(updateSetExpressions, stmt, updateSetMap); //Incrementing the ordinals of the conditions in the statement with the # of variables to be updated RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(stmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, conditionParameters, ordinal - 1); stmt.addBatch(); counter++; if (counter == batchSize) { stmt.executeBatch(); stmt.clearBatch(); counter = 0; } } if (counter > 0) { stmt.executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Error performing record update operations on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, stmt, conn); } } @Override protected void updateOrAdd(CompiledCondition compiledCondition, List<Map<String, Object>> updateConditionParameterMaps, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions, List<Map<String, Object>> updateSetParameterMaps, List<Object[]> addingRecords) throws ConnectionUnavailableException { List<Integer> recordInsertIndexList; //If any existing records already contain the new values supplied for the MATCHING columns, //if so, those records are updated. If not, a new record is inserted. if (batchEnable) { recordInsertIndexList = batchProcessUpdate(updateConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions, updateSetParameterMaps); } else { recordInsertIndexList = sequentialProcessUpdate(updateConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions, updateSetParameterMaps); } if (!recordInsertIndexList.isEmpty()) { //Batch process the non-existing records by inserting into the table. //Returns the retry update list, if there are any events to update after the non-existing // insertion process. List<Integer> retryUpdateOrdinalList = batchProcessInsert(addingRecords, recordInsertIndexList); if (!retryUpdateOrdinalList.isEmpty()) { List<Map<String, Object>> retryUpdateConditionParameterMaps = new ArrayList<>(); List<Map<String, Object>> retryUpdateSetParameterMaps = new ArrayList<>(); for (Integer ordinal : retryUpdateOrdinalList) { retryUpdateConditionParameterMaps.add(updateConditionParameterMaps.get(ordinal)); retryUpdateSetParameterMaps.add(updateSetParameterMaps.get(ordinal)); } //Retry the update operation if (batchEnable) { batchProcessUpdate(retryUpdateConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions, retryUpdateSetParameterMaps); } else { sequentialProcessUpdate(retryUpdateConditionParameterMaps, compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions, retryUpdateSetParameterMaps); } } } } private List<Integer> batchProcessUpdate(List<Map<String, Object>> updateConditionParameterMaps, CompiledCondition compiledCondition, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions, List<Map<String, Object>> updateSetParameterMaps) { int counter = 0; Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement updateStmt = null; List<Integer> recordInsertIndexList = new ArrayList<>(); String query = this.composeUpdateQuery(compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions); try { updateStmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> conditionParamIterator = updateConditionParameterMaps.iterator(); Iterator<Map<String, Object>> updateSetMapIterator = updateSetParameterMaps.iterator(); while (conditionParamIterator.hasNext() && updateSetMapIterator.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> conditionParameters =; Map<String, Object> updateSetMap =; int ordinal = RDBMSTableUtils.enumerateUpdateSetEntries(updateSetExpressions, updateStmt, updateSetMap); //Incrementing the ordinals of the conditions in the statement with the # of variables to be updated RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(updateStmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, conditionParameters, ordinal - 1); updateStmt.addBatch(); if (counter % batchSize == batchSize - 1) { recordInsertIndexList.addAll(this.filterRequiredInsertIndex(updateStmt.executeBatch(), ((counter / batchSize) * batchSize))); updateStmt.clearBatch(); } counter++; } if (counter % batchSize > 0) { recordInsertIndexList.addAll(this.filterRequiredInsertIndex(updateStmt.executeBatch(), (counter - (counter % batchSize)))); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Cannot execute update/insert operation (update) on table '" + this.tableName + "' with SQL query " + query + " .", e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, updateStmt, conn); } return recordInsertIndexList; } private List<Integer> sequentialProcessUpdate(List<Map<String, Object>> updateConditionParameterMaps, CompiledCondition compiledCondition, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions, List<Map<String, Object>> updateSetParameterMaps) { int counter = 0; Connection conn = this.getConnection(false); PreparedStatement updateStmt = null; List<Integer> updateResultList = new ArrayList<>(); try { updateStmt = conn.prepareStatement(this.composeUpdateQuery(compiledCondition, updateSetExpressions)); while (counter < updateSetParameterMaps.size()) { Map<String, Object> conditionParameters = updateConditionParameterMaps.get(counter); Map<String, Object> updateSetParameterMap = updateSetParameterMaps.get(counter); int ordinal = RDBMSTableUtils.enumerateUpdateSetEntries(updateSetExpressions, updateStmt, updateSetParameterMap); //Incrementing the ordinals of the conditions in the statement with the # of variables to be updated RDBMSTableUtils.resolveCondition(updateStmt, (RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, conditionParameters, ordinal - 1); int isUpdate = updateStmt.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); if (isUpdate < 1) { updateResultList.add(counter); } counter++; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Error performing update/insert operation (update) on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, updateStmt, conn); } return updateResultList; } private List<Integer> batchProcessInsert(List<Object[]> addingRecords, List<Integer> recordInsertIndexList) { int counter = 0; String query = this.composeInsertQuery(); Connection conn = this.getConnection(false); PreparedStatement insertStmt = null; List<Integer> retryUpdateOrdinalList = new ArrayList<>(); try { insertStmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); if (!primaryKeysEnabled) { //Default Scenario: If the primary keys are disabled, then insert all the records into the table. while (counter < recordInsertIndexList.size()) { if (recordInsertIndexList.get(counter) == counter) { Object[] record = addingRecords.get(counter); this.populateStatement(record, insertStmt); try { insertStmt.addBatch(); if (counter % batchSize == (batchSize - 1)) { insertStmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); insertStmt.clearBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e2) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); throw new RDBMSTableException( "Error performing update/insert operation (insert) on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e2.getMessage(), e2); } } counter++; } if (counter % batchSize > 0) { insertStmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } } else { // If the primary keys are enabled, add records into a map with keys as a combination of primary keys, // values as ordinal of the recordInsertIndexList. // If the key already available in the map, then its copy the relevant updateSetParameter entry into // retryUpdateSetParameterMaps, where it will be process again with update operation. // Finally insert records from recordInsertIndexList into database table. Map<String, Integer> nonDuplicateRecordIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); while (counter < recordInsertIndexList.size()) { if (recordInsertIndexList.get(counter) == counter) { StringBuilder primaryKeyHashBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer primaryKeyAttributePosition : primaryKeyAttributePositionsList) { Attribute attribute = attributes.get(primaryKeyAttributePosition); Object recordAttribute = addingRecords.get(counter)[primaryKeyAttributePosition]; switch (attribute.getType()) { case BOOL: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(Boolean.toString((Boolean) recordAttribute)); break; case DOUBLE: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(Double.toString((Double) recordAttribute)); break; case FLOAT: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(Float.toString((Float) recordAttribute)); break; case INT: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(Integer.toString((Integer) recordAttribute)); break; case LONG: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(Long.toString((Long) recordAttribute)); break; case OBJECT: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append(recordAttribute.toString()); break; case STRING: primaryKeyHashBuilder.append((String) recordAttribute); break; } } if (!nonDuplicateRecordIdMap.containsKey(primaryKeyHashBuilder.toString())) { nonDuplicateRecordIdMap.put(primaryKeyHashBuilder.toString(), counter); } else { //Add the record insert index ordinal to retry update retryUpdateOrdinalList.add(counter); } } counter++; } counter = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> record : nonDuplicateRecordIdMap.entrySet()) { this.populateStatement(addingRecords.get(record.getValue()), insertStmt); try { insertStmt.addBatch(); if (counter % batchSize == (batchSize - 1)) { insertStmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); insertStmt.clearBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e2) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); throw new RDBMSTableException("Error performing update/insert operation (insert) on table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e2.getMessage(), e2); } counter++; } if (counter % batchSize > 0) { insertStmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Cannot execute update/insert operation (update) on table '" + this.tableName + "' with SQL query " + query + " .", e); } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, insertStmt, conn); } return retryUpdateOrdinalList; } private List<Integer> filterRequiredInsertIndex(int[] updateResultIndex, int lastUpdatedRecordIndex) { List<Integer> insertIndexList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < updateResultIndex.length; i++) { //Filter update result index and adding to list. if (updateResultIndex[i] < 1) { insertIndexList.add(lastUpdatedRecordIndex + i); } } return insertIndexList; } @Override protected CompiledCondition compileCondition(ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder) { RDBMSConditionVisitor visitor = new RDBMSConditionVisitor(this.tableName);; return new RDBMSCompiledCondition(visitor.returnCondition(), visitor.getParameters(), visitor.isContainsConditionExist(), visitor.getOrdinalOfContainPattern()); } @Override protected CompiledCondition compileSetAttribute(ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder) { return compileCondition(expressionBuilder); } @Override public void connect() throws ConnectionUnavailableException { try { if (dataSource == null) { if (!RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(dataSourceName)) { try { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(DataSourceService.class) .getBundleContext(); ServiceReference serviceRef = bundleContext .getServiceReference(DataSourceService.class.getName()); if (serviceRef == null) { throw new RDBMSTableException("DatasourceService : '" + DataSourceService.class.getCanonicalName() + "' cannot be found."); } else { DataSourceService dataSourceService = (DataSourceService) bundleContext .getService(serviceRef); this.dataSource = (HikariDataSource) dataSourceService.getDataSource(dataSourceName); this.isLocalDatasource = false; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Lookup for datasource '" + dataSourceName + "' completed through " + "DataSource Service lookup."); } } } catch (DataSourceException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Datasource '" + dataSourceName + "' cannot be connected.", e); } } else { if (!RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(jndiResourceName)) { this.lookupDatasource(jndiResourceName); } else { this.initializeDatasource(storeAnnotation); } } if (this.queryConfigurationEntry == null) { this.queryConfigurationEntry = RDBMSTableUtils .lookupCurrentQueryConfigurationEntry(this.dataSource, this.configReader); selectQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_SELECT_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordSelectQuery())); containsQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_EXISTS_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordExistsQuery())); deleteQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_DELETE_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordDeleteQuery())); batchSize = Integer.parseInt(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + BATCH_SIZE, String.valueOf(this.queryConfigurationEntry.getBatchSize()))); fieldSizeLimit = Integer.parseInt(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT, String.valueOf(this.queryConfigurationEntry.getFieldSizeLimit()))); insertQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_INSERT_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordInsertQuery())); insertQuery = this.insertColumnNames(); recordUpdateQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_UPDATE_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordUpdateQuery())); tableCheckQuery = this.resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TABLE_CHECK_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getTableCheckQuery())); createQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TABLE_CREATE_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getTableCreateQuery())); indexQuery = this .resolveTableName(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + INDEX_CREATE_QUERY, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getIndexCreateQuery())); batchEnable = Boolean.parseBoolean(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + BATCH_ENABLE, String.valueOf(this.queryConfigurationEntry.getBatchEnable()))); transactionSupported = Boolean.parseBoolean(configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED, String.valueOf(this.queryConfigurationEntry.isTransactionSupported()))); RDBMSTypeMapping typeMapping = this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRdbmsTypeMapping(); booleanType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + BOOLEAN_TYPE, typeMapping.getBooleanType()); doubleType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + DOUBLE_TYPE, typeMapping.getDoubleType()); floatType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + FLOAT_TYPE, typeMapping.getFloatType()); integerType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + INTEGER_TYPE, typeMapping.getIntegerType()); longType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + LONG_TYPE, typeMapping.getLongType()); binaryType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + BINARY_TYPE, typeMapping.getBinaryType()); stringType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + STRING_TYPE, typeMapping.getStringType()); bigStringType = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + TYPE_MAPPING + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + BIG_STRING_TYPE, typeMapping.getBigStringType()); stringSize = configReader.readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + STRING_SIZE, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getStringSize()); recordContainsConditionTemplate = configReader .readConfig( this.queryConfigurationEntry.getDatabaseName() + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + RECORD_CONTAINS_CONDITION, this.queryConfigurationEntry.getRecordContainsCondition()) .replace(PLACEHOLDER_VALUES, QUESTION_MARK); } } if (!this.tableExists()) { this.createTable(storeAnnotation, primaryKeys, indices); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("A table: " + this.tableName + " is created with the provided information."); } } } catch (CannotLoadConfigurationException | NamingException | RDBMSTableException e) { this.destroy(); throw new ConnectionUnavailableException( "Failed to initialize store for table name '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void disconnect() { if (dataSource != null && isLocalDatasource) { dataSource.close(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Closing the pool name: " + dataSource.getPoolName()); } } } @Override public void destroy() { this.disconnect(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Destroyed RDBMS Store instance"); } } /** * Method for looking up a datasource instance through JNDI. * * @param resourceName the name of the resource to be looked up. * @throws NamingException if the lookup fails. */ private void lookupDatasource(String resourceName) throws NamingException { this.dataSource = InitialContext.doLookup(resourceName); this.isLocalDatasource = false; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Lookup for resource '" + resourceName + "' completed through " + "JNDI lookup."); } } /** * Method for composing the SQL query for INSERT operations with proper placeholders. * * @return the composed SQL query in string form. */ private String composeInsertQuery() { StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); int fieldsLeft = this.attributes.size(); while (fieldsLeft > 0) { params.append(QUESTION_MARK); if (fieldsLeft > 1) { params.append(SEPARATOR); } fieldsLeft = fieldsLeft - 1; } return insertQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_Q, params.toString()); } private String insertColumnNames() { StringBuilder columnNames = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { columnNames.append(attributes.get(i).getName()).append(WHITESPACE).append(SEPARATOR); } //Deleting the last two characters to remove the WHITESPACE and SEPARATOR columnNames.delete(columnNames.length() - 2, columnNames.length() - 1); return insertQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS, columnNames.toString()); } /** * Method for composing the SQL query for UPDATE operations with proper placeholders. * * @return the composed SQL query in string form. */ private String composeUpdateQuery(CompiledCondition compiledCondition, Map<String, CompiledExpression> updateSetExpressions) { String condition = ((RDBMSCompiledCondition) compiledCondition).getCompiledQuery(); String result = updateSetExpressions.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> e.getKey() + " = " + ((RDBMSCompiledCondition) e.getValue()).getCompiledQuery()) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); String localRecordUpdateQuery = recordUpdateQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS_VALUES, result); localRecordUpdateQuery = RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(condition) ? localRecordUpdateQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_CONDITION, "") : RDBMSTableUtils.formatQueryWithCondition(localRecordUpdateQuery, condition); return localRecordUpdateQuery; } /** * Method for creating and initializing the datasource instance given the "@Store" annotation. * * @param storeAnnotation the source annotation which contains the needed parameters. */ private void initializeDatasource(Annotation storeAnnotation) { Properties connectionProperties = new Properties(); String poolPropertyString = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_POOL_PROPERTIES); String url = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_URL); String username = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_USERNAME); String password = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_PASSWORD); String driverClassName = storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME); if (RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(url)) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Required parameter '" + ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_URL + "' for DB " + "connectivity cannot be empty."); } if (RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(username)) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Required parameter '" + ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_USERNAME + "' for DB " + "connectivity cannot be empty."); } if (RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(driverClassName)) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Required parameter '" + ANNOTATION_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME + "' for DB " + "connectivity cannot be empty."); } connectionProperties.setProperty("jdbcUrl", url); connectionProperties.setProperty("dataSource.user", username); if (!RDBMSTableUtils.isEmpty(password)) { connectionProperties.setProperty("dataSource.password", password); } connectionProperties.setProperty("driverClassName", driverClassName); if (poolPropertyString != null) { List<String[]> poolProps = RDBMSTableUtils.processKeyValuePairs(poolPropertyString); poolProps.forEach(pair -> connectionProperties.setProperty(pair[0], pair[1])); } HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(connectionProperties); this.dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config); this.isLocalDatasource = true; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Database connection for '" + this.tableName + "' created through connection" + " parameters specified in the query."); } } /** * Returns a connection instance assuming that autocommit should be true. * * @return a new {@link Connection} instance from the datasource. */ private Connection getConnection() { return this.getConnection(true); } /** * Returns a connection instance. * * @param autoCommit whether or not transactions to the connections should be committed automatically. * @return a new {@link Connection} instance from the datasource. */ private Connection getConnection(boolean autoCommit) { Connection conn; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Error initializing connection: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return conn; } /** * Method for replacing the placeholder for the table name with the Event Table's name. * * @param statement the SQL statement in string form. * @return the formatted SQL statement. */ private String resolveTableName(String statement) { if (statement == null) { return null; } return statement.replace(PLACEHOLDER_TABLE_NAME, this.tableName); } /** * Method for creating a table on the data store in question, if it does not exist already. * * @param storeAnnotation the "@Store" annotation that contains the connection properties. * @param primaryKeys the unique keys that should be set for the table. * @param indices the DB indices that should be set for the table. */ private void createTable(Annotation storeAnnotation, Annotation primaryKeys, Annotation indices) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); List<Element> primaryKeyList = (primaryKeys == null) ? new ArrayList<>() : primaryKeys.getElements(); List<Element> indexElementList = (indices == null) ? new ArrayList<>() : indices.getElements(); List<String> queries = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> fieldLengths = RDBMSTableUtils .processFieldLengths(storeAnnotation.getElement(ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_FIELD_LENGTHS)); this.validateFieldLengths(fieldLengths); this.attributes.forEach(attribute -> { builder.append(attribute.getName()).append(WHITESPACE); switch (attribute.getType()) { case BOOL: builder.append(booleanType); break; case DOUBLE: builder.append(doubleType); break; case FLOAT: builder.append(floatType); break; case INT: builder.append(integerType); break; case LONG: builder.append(longType); break; case OBJECT: builder.append(binaryType); break; case STRING: String fieldLengthAsString = fieldLengths.getOrDefault(attribute.getName(), stringSize); int fieldLength = fieldLengthAsString != null ? Integer.parseInt(fieldLengthAsString) : 0; if (fieldLength > fieldSizeLimit && bigStringType != null) { builder.append(bigStringType); } else { builder.append(stringType); if (null != stringSize) { builder.append(OPEN_PARENTHESIS); builder.append(fieldLengths.getOrDefault(attribute.getName(), stringSize)); builder.append(CLOSE_PARENTHESIS); } } break; } if (this.queryConfigurationEntry.isKeyExplicitNotNull()) { builder.append(WHITESPACE).append(SQL_NOT_NULL); } if (this.attributes.indexOf(attribute) != this.attributes.size() - 1 || !primaryKeyList.isEmpty()) { builder.append(SEPARATOR); } }); if (primaryKeyList != null && !primaryKeyList.isEmpty()) { builder.append(SQL_PRIMARY_KEY_DEF).append(OPEN_PARENTHESIS) .append(RDBMSTableUtils.flattenAnnotatedElements(primaryKeyList)).append(CLOSE_PARENTHESIS); } queries.add(createQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS_FOR_CREATE, builder.toString())); if (indexElementList != null && !indexElementList.isEmpty()) { queries.add(indexQuery.replace(PLACEHOLDER_INDEX, RDBMSTableUtils.flattenAnnotatedElements(indexElementList))); } try { // Setting autocommit to true if the JDBC connection does not support transactions. this.executeDDQueries(queries, !this.transactionSupported); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Table '" + this.tableName + "' created."); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Unable to initialize table '" + this.tableName + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Method used to validate the field length specifications and ensure that the table definition contains them. * * @param fieldLengths the specified list of custom string field lengths. */ private void validateFieldLengths(Map<String, String> fieldLengths) { List<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<>(); this.attributes.forEach(attribute -> attributeNames.add(attribute.getName())); fieldLengths.keySet().forEach(field -> { if (!attributeNames.contains(field)) { throw new RDBMSTableException( "Field '" + field + "' (for which a size of " + fieldLengths.get(field) + " has been specified) does not exist in the table's list of fields."); } }); } /** * Method for performing data definition queries for the current datasource. * * @param queries the list of queries to be executed. * @param autocommit whether or not the transactions should automatically be committed. * @throws SQLException if the query execution fails. */ private void executeDDQueries(List<String> queries, boolean autocommit) throws SQLException { Connection conn = this.getConnection(autocommit); boolean committed = autocommit; PreparedStatement stmt; try { for (String query : queries) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); stmt.execute(); RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, stmt, null); } if (!autocommit) { conn.commit(); committed = true; } } catch (SQLException e) { if (!autocommit) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); } throw e; } finally { if (!committed) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); } RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, null, conn); } } /** * Given a set of records and a query, this method performs that query per each record. * * @param query the query to be executed. * @param records the records to use. * @param autocommit whether or not the transactions should automatically be committed. * @throws SQLException if the query execution fails. */ private void batchExecuteQueriesWithRecords(String query, List<Object[]> records, boolean autocommit) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; boolean committed = autocommit; Connection conn = this.getConnection(autocommit); try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); for (Object[] record : records) { this.populateStatement(record, stmt); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); if (!autocommit) { conn.commit(); committed = true; } } catch (SQLException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Attempted execution of query [" + query + "] produced an exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if (!autocommit) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); } throw e; } finally { if (!committed) { RDBMSTableUtils.rollbackConnection(conn); } RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(null, stmt, conn); } } /** * Method for checking whether or not the given table (which reflects the current event table instance) exists. * * @return true/false based on the table existence. */ private boolean tableExists() { Connection conn = this.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(tableCheckQuery); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Table '" + this.tableName + "' assumed to not exist since its existence check resulted " + "in exception " + e.getMessage()); } return false; } finally { RDBMSTableUtils.cleanupConnection(rs, stmt, conn); } } /** * Method for populating values to a pre-created SQL prepared statement. * * @param record the record whose values should be populated. * @param stmt the statement to which the values should be set. */ private void populateStatement(Object[] record, PreparedStatement stmt) { Attribute attribute = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.size(); i++) { attribute = this.attributes.get(i); Object value = record[i]; if (value != null || attribute.getType() == Attribute.Type.STRING) { RDBMSTableUtils.populateStatementWithSingleElement(stmt, i + 1, attribute.getType(), value); } else { throw new RDBMSTableException("Cannot Execute Insert/Update: null value detected for " + "attribute '" + attribute.getName() + "'"); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RDBMSTableException("Dropping event since value for attribute name " + attribute.getName() + "cannot be set: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private static class DefaultConfigReader implements ConfigReader { @Override public String readConfig(String name, String defaultValue) { return defaultValue; } @Override public Map<String, String> getAllConfigs() { return new HashMap<>(); } } }