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 * Copyright (c) 2017, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
 * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;
import com.mongodb.MongoException;
import com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.WriteModel;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Example;
import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Extension;
import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.Parameter;
import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.SystemParameter;
import org.wso2.siddhi.annotation.util.DataType;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.exception.ConnectionUnavailableException;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.exception.SiddhiAppCreationException;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.AbstractRecordTable;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.ExpressionBuilder;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.table.record.RecordIterator;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.collection.operator.CompiledCondition;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.collection.operator.CompiledExpression;
import org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.config.ConfigReader;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.annotation.Annotation;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.Attribute;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.TableDefinition;
import org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.util.AnnotationHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_INDEX_BY;
import static org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_PRIMARY_KEY;
import static org.wso2.siddhi.core.util.SiddhiConstants.ANNOTATION_STORE;

 * Class representing MongoDB Event Table implementation.
@Extension(name = "mongodb", namespace = "store", description = "Using this extension a MongoDB Event Table can be configured to persist events "
        + "in a MongoDB of user's choice.", parameters = {
                @Parameter(name = "mongodb.uri", description = "The MongoDB URI for the MongoDB data store. The uri must be of the format \n"
                        + "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,hostN[:portN]][/[database][?options]]\n"
                        + "The options specified in the uri will override any connection options specified in "
                        + "the deployment yaml file.", type = { DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "", description = "The name of the collection in the store this Event Table should"
                        + " be persisted as.", optional = true, defaultValue = "Name of the siddhi event table.", type = {
                                DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "secure.connection", description = "Describes enabling the SSL for the mongodb connection", optional = true, defaultValue = "false", type = {
                        DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "", description = "File path to the trust store.", optional = true, defaultValue = "${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks", type = {
                        DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "", description = "Password to access the trust store", optional = true, defaultValue = "wso2carbon", type = {
                        DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "", description = "File path to the keystore.", optional = true, defaultValue = "${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks", type = {
                        DataType.STRING }),
                @Parameter(name = "", description = "Password to access the keystore", optional = true, defaultValue = "wso2carbon", type = {
                        DataType.STRING }) }, systemParameter = {
                                @SystemParameter(name = "applicationName", description = "Sets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient. The "
                                        + "application name may be used by the client to identify the application to "
                                        + "the server, for use in server logs, slow query logs, and profile collection.", defaultValue = "null", possibleParameters = "the logical name of the application using this MongoClient. The "
                                                + "UTF-8 encoding may not exceed 128 bytes."),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "cursorFinalizerEnabled", description = "Sets whether cursor finalizers are enabled.", defaultValue = "true", possibleParameters = {
                                        "true", "false" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "requiredReplicaSetName", description = "The name of the replica set", defaultValue = "null", possibleParameters = "the logical name of the replica set"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "sslEnabled", description = "Sets whether to initiate connection with TSL/SSL enabled. true: Initiate "
                                        + "the connection with TLS/SSL. false: Initiate the connection without TLS/SSL.", defaultValue = "false", possibleParameters = {
                                                "true", "false" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "trustStore", description = "File path to the trust store.", defaultValue = "${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks", possibleParameters = "Any valid file path."),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "trustStorePassword", description = "Password to access the trust store", defaultValue = "wso2carbon", possibleParameters = "Any valid password."),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "keyStore", description = "File path to the keystore.", defaultValue = "${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks", possibleParameters = "Any valid file path."),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "keyStorePassword", description = "Password to access the keystore", defaultValue = "wso2carbon", possibleParameters = "Any valid password."),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "connectTimeout", description = "The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out.", defaultValue = "10000", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "connectionsPerHost", description = "The maximum number of connections in the connection pool.", defaultValue = "100", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "minConnectionsPerHost", description = "The minimum number of connections in the connection pool.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "Any natural number"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "maxConnectionIdleTime", description = "The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in "
                                        + "the pool before being removed and closed. A zero value indicates no limit to "
                                        + "the idle time.  A pooled connection that has exceeded its idle time will be "
                                        + "closed and replaced when necessary by a new connection.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "maxWaitTime", description = "The maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection "
                                        + "to become available. A value of 0 means that it will not wait.  A negative value "
                                        + "means to wait indefinitely", defaultValue = "120000", possibleParameters = "Any integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier", description = "The maximum number of connections allowed per host for this MongoClient "
                                        + "instance. Those connections will be kept in a pool when idle. Once the pool "
                                        + "is exhausted, any operation requiring a connection will block waiting for an "
                                        + "available connection.", defaultValue = "100", possibleParameters = "Any natural number"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "maxConnectionLifeTime", description = "The maximum life time of a pooled connection.  A zero value indicates "
                                        + "no limit to the life time.  A pooled connection that has exceeded its life time "
                                        + "will be closed and replaced when necessary by a new connection.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "socketKeepAlive", description = "Sets whether to keep a connection alive through firewalls", defaultValue = "false", possibleParameters = {
                                        "true", "false" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "socketTimeout", description = "The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket "
                                        + "before the attempt times out. Default 0 means never to timeout.", defaultValue = "0", possibleParameters = "Any natural integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "writeConcern", description = "The write concern to use.", defaultValue = "acknowledged", possibleParameters = {
                                        "acknowledged", "w1", "w2", "w3", "unacknowledged", "fsynced", "journaled",
                                        "replica_acknowledged", "normal", "safe", "majority", "fsync_safe",
                                        "journal_safe", "replicas_safe" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "readConcern", description = "The level of isolation for the reads from replica sets.", defaultValue = "default", possibleParameters = {
                                        "local", "majority", "linearizable" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "readPreference", description = "Specifies the replica set read preference for the connection.", defaultValue = "primary", possibleParameters = {
                                        "primary", "secondary", "secondarypreferred", "primarypreferred",
                                        "nearest" }),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "localThreshold", description = "The size (in milliseconds) of the latency window for selecting among "
                                        + "multiple suitable MongoDB instances.", defaultValue = "15", possibleParameters = "Any natural number"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "serverSelectionTimeout", description = "Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection "
                                        + "before throwing an exception. A value of 0 means that it will timeout immediately "
                                        + "if no server is available.  A negative value means to wait indefinitely.", defaultValue = "30000", possibleParameters = "Any integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "heartbeatSocketTimeout", description = "The socket timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat. A value of "
                                        + "0 means that it will timeout immediately if no cluster member is available.  "
                                        + "A negative value means to wait indefinitely.", defaultValue = "20000", possibleParameters = "Any integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "heartbeatConnectTimeout", description = "The connect timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat. A value "
                                        + "of 0 means that it will timeout immediately if no cluster member is available.  "
                                        + "A negative value means to wait indefinitely.", defaultValue = "20000", possibleParameters = "Any integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "heartbeatFrequency", description = "Specify the interval (in milliseconds) between checks, counted from "
                                        + "the end of the previous check until the beginning of the next one.", defaultValue = "10000", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer"),
                                @SystemParameter(name = "minHeartbeatFrequency", description = "Sets the minimum heartbeat frequency.  In the event that the driver "
                                        + "has to frequently re-check a server's availability, it will wait at least this "
                                        + "long since the previous check to avoid wasted effort.", defaultValue = "500", possibleParameters = "Any positive integer") }, examples = {
                                                @Example(syntax = "@Store(type=\"mongodb\","
                                                        + "mongodb.uri=\"mongodb://admin:admin@localhost/Foo\")\n"
                                                        + "@PrimaryKey(\"symbol\")\n"
                                                        + "@IndexBy(\"volume 1 {background:true,unique:true}\")\n"
                                                        + "define table FooTable (symbol string, price float, volume long);", description = "This will create a collection called FooTable for the events to be saved "
                                                                + "with symbol as Primary Key(unique index at mongod level) and index for the field "
                                                                + "volume will be created in ascending order with the index option to create the index "
                                                                + "in the background.\n\n" + "Note: \n"
                                                                + "@PrimaryKey: This specifies a list of comma-separated values to be treated as "
                                                                + "unique fields in the table. Each record in the table must have a unique combination "
                                                                + "of values for the fields specified here.\n\n"
                                                                + "@IndexBy: This specifies the fields that must be indexed at the database level. "
                                                                + "You can specify multiple values as a come-separated list. A single value to be in "
                                                                + "the format,\n<FieldName> <SortOrder> <IndexOptions>?\n"
                                                                + "<SortOrder> - ( 1) for Ascending and (-1) for Descending\n"
                                                                + "<IndexOptions> - Index Options must be defined inside curly brackets. {} to be "
                                                                + "used for default options. Options must follow the standard mongodb index options "
                                                                + "format. Reference : "
                                                                + "\n"
                                                                + "Example : symbol 1 {unique?:true}?\n") })
public class MongoDBEventTable extends AbstractRecordTable {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MongoDBEventTable.class);

    private MongoClientURI mongoClientURI;
    private MongoClient mongoClient;
    private String databaseName;
    private String collectionName;
    private List<String> attributeNames;
    private ArrayList<IndexModel> expectedIndexModels;
    private boolean initialCollectionTest;

    protected void init(TableDefinition tableDefinition, ConfigReader configReader) {
        this.attributeNames = tableDefinition.getAttributeList().stream().map(Attribute::getName)

        Annotation storeAnnotation = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(ANNOTATION_STORE,
        Annotation primaryKeys = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(ANNOTATION_PRIMARY_KEY,
        Annotation indices = AnnotationHelper.getAnnotation(ANNOTATION_INDEX_BY, tableDefinition.getAnnotations());

        this.initializeConnectionParameters(storeAnnotation, configReader);

        this.expectedIndexModels = new ArrayList<>();
        IndexModel primaryKey = MongoTableUtils.extractPrimaryKey(primaryKeys, this.attributeNames);
        if (primaryKey != null) {
        this.expectedIndexModels.addAll(MongoTableUtils.extractIndexModels(indices, this.attributeNames));

        String customCollectionName = storeAnnotation
        this.collectionName = MongoTableUtils.isEmpty(customCollectionName) ? tableDefinition.getId()
                : customCollectionName;
        this.initialCollectionTest = false;
        try {
            this.mongoClient = new MongoClient(this.mongoClientURI);
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            throw new SiddhiAppCreationException(
                    "Annotation 'Store' contains illegal value for " + "element 'mongodb.uri' as '"
                            + this.mongoClientURI + "'. Please check " + "your query and try again.",

     * Method for initializing mongoClientURI and database name.
     * @param storeAnnotation the source annotation which contains the needed parameters.
     * @param configReader    {@link ConfigReader} ConfigurationReader.
     * @throws MongoTableException when store annotation does not contain mongodb.uri or contains an illegal
     *                             argument for mongodb.uri
    private void initializeConnectionParameters(Annotation storeAnnotation, ConfigReader configReader) {
        String mongoClientURI = storeAnnotation.getElement(MongoTableConstants.ANNOTATION_ELEMENT_URI);
        if (mongoClientURI != null) {
            MongoClientOptions.Builder mongoClientOptionsBuilder = MongoTableUtils
                    .extractMongoClientOptionsBuilder(storeAnnotation, configReader);
            try {
                this.mongoClientURI = new MongoClientURI(mongoClientURI, mongoClientOptionsBuilder);
                this.databaseName = this.mongoClientURI.getDatabase();
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new SiddhiAppCreationException("Annotation '" + storeAnnotation.getName() + "' contains "
                        + "illegal value for 'mongodb.uri' as '" + mongoClientURI
                        + "'. Please check your query and " + "try again.", e);
        } else {
            throw new SiddhiAppCreationException("Annotation '" + storeAnnotation.getName()
                    + "' must contain the element 'mongodb.uri'. Please check your query and try again.");

     * Method for checking if the collection exists or not.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the collection exists
     * <code>false</code> otherwise
     * @throws MongoTableException if lookup fails.
    private boolean collectionExists() throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        try {
            for (String collectionName : this.getDatabaseObject().listCollectionNames()) {
                if (this.collectionName.equals(collectionName)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
            throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            throw new MongoTableException("Error in retrieving collection names from the database '"
                    + this.databaseName + "' : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

     * Method for returning a database object.
     * @return a new {@link MongoDatabase} instance from the Mongo client.
    private MongoDatabase getDatabaseObject() {
        return this.mongoClient.getDatabase(this.databaseName);

     * Method for returning a collection object.
     * @return a new {@link MongoCollection} instance from the Mongo client.
    private MongoCollection<Document> getCollectionObject() {
        return this.mongoClient.getDatabase(this.databaseName).getCollection(this.collectionName);

     * Method for creating indices on the collection.
    private void createIndices(List<IndexModel> indexModels) throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        if (!indexModels.isEmpty()) {
            try {
            } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);
            } catch (MongoException e) {
                throw new MongoTableException("Error in creating indices in the database '" + this.collectionName
                        + "' : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

     * Method for doing bulk write operations on the collection.
     * @param parsedRecords a List of WriteModels to be applied
     * @throws MongoTableException if the write fails
    private void bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<Document>> parsedRecords)
            throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        try {
            if (!parsedRecords.isEmpty()) {
        } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
            throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);
        } catch (MongoBulkWriteException e) {
            List<com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError> writeErrors = e.getWriteErrors();
            int failedIndex;
            Object failedModel;
            for (com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError bulkWriteError : writeErrors) {
                failedIndex = bulkWriteError.getIndex();
                failedModel = parsedRecords.get(failedIndex);
                if (failedModel instanceof UpdateManyModel) {
                    log.error("The update filter '" + ((UpdateManyModel) failedModel).getFilter().toString()
                            + "' failed to update with event '"
                            + ((UpdateManyModel) failedModel).getUpdate().toString()
                            + "' in the MongoDB Event Table due to " + bulkWriteError.getMessage());
                } else {
                    if (failedModel instanceof InsertOneModel) {
                        log.error("The event '" + ((InsertOneModel) failedModel).getDocument().toString()
                                + "' failed to insert into the Mongo Event Table due to "
                                + bulkWriteError.getMessage());
                    } else {

                        log.error("The delete filter '" + ((DeleteManyModel) failedModel).getFilter().toString()
                                + "' failed to delete the events from the MongoDB Event Table due to "
                                + bulkWriteError.getMessage());
                if (failedIndex + 1 < parsedRecords.size()) {
                    this.bulkWrite(parsedRecords.subList(failedIndex + 1, parsedRecords.size() - 1));
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            throw new MongoTableException(
                    "Error in writing to the collection '" + this.collectionName + "' : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(),

    protected void add(List<Object[]> records) throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        List<InsertOneModel<Document>> parsedRecords = -> {
            Map<String, Object> insertMap = MongoTableUtils.mapValuesToAttributes(record, this.attributeNames);
            Document insertDocument = new Document(insertMap);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Event formatted as document '" + insertDocument.toJson() + "' is used for building "
                        + "Mongo Insert Model");
            return new InsertOneModel<>(insertDocument);

    protected RecordIterator<Object[]> find(Map<String, Object> findConditionParameterMap,
            CompiledCondition compiledCondition) throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        try {
            Document findFilter = MongoTableUtils.resolveCondition((MongoCompiledCondition) compiledCondition,
            MongoCollection<? extends Document> mongoCollection = this.getCollectionObject();
            return new MongoIterator(mongoCollection.find(findFilter), this.attributeNames);
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            throw new MongoTableException("Error in retrieving documents from the collection '"
                    + this.collectionName + "' : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

    protected boolean contains(Map<String, Object> containsConditionParameterMap,
            CompiledCondition compiledCondition) throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        try {
            Document containsFilter = MongoTableUtils.resolveCondition((MongoCompiledCondition) compiledCondition,
            return this.getCollectionObject().count(containsFilter) > 0;
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            throw new MongoTableException("Error in retrieving count of documents from the collection '"
                    + this.collectionName + "' : " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

    protected void delete(List<Map<String, Object>> deleteConditionParameterMaps,
            CompiledCondition compiledCondition) throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        List<DeleteManyModel<Document>> parsedRecords =
                .map((Map<String, Object> conditionParameterMap) -> {
                    Document deleteFilter = MongoTableUtils
                            .resolveCondition((MongoCompiledCondition) compiledCondition, conditionParameterMap);
                    return new DeleteManyModel<Document>(deleteFilter);

    protected void update(CompiledCondition compiledCondition, List<Map<String, Object>> list,
            Map<String, CompiledExpression> map, List<Map<String, Object>> list1)
            throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        List<UpdateManyModel<Document>> parsedRecords = -> {
            int ordinal = list.indexOf(conditionParameterMap);
            Document updateFilter = MongoTableUtils.resolveCondition((MongoCompiledCondition) compiledCondition,
            Document updateDocument = new Document().append("$set", list1.get(ordinal));
            return new UpdateManyModel<Document>(updateFilter, updateDocument);

    protected void updateOrAdd(CompiledCondition compiledCondition, List<Map<String, Object>> list,
            Map<String, CompiledExpression> map, List<Map<String, Object>> list1, List<Object[]> list2)
            throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        List<UpdateManyModel<Document>> parsedRecords = -> {
            int ordinal = list.indexOf(conditionParameterMap);
            Document updateFilter = MongoTableUtils.resolveCondition((MongoCompiledCondition) compiledCondition,
            Document updateDocument = new Document().append("$set", list1.get(ordinal));
            UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions().upsert(true);
            return new UpdateManyModel<Document>(updateFilter, updateDocument, updateOptions);

    protected CompiledCondition compileCondition(ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder) {
        MongoExpressionVisitor visitor = new MongoExpressionVisitor();;
        return new MongoCompiledCondition(visitor.getCompiledCondition(), visitor.getPlaceholders());

    protected CompiledCondition compileSetAttribute(ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder) {
        MongoSetExpressionVisitor visitor = new MongoSetExpressionVisitor();;
        return new MongoCompiledCondition(visitor.getCompiledCondition(), visitor.getPlaceholders());

    protected void connect() throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        if (!this.initialCollectionTest) {
            if (!this.collectionExists()) {
                try {
                } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
                    throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);
                } catch (MongoException e) {
                    throw new MongoTableException("Creating mongo collection '" + this.collectionName
                            + "' is not successful due to " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            } else {
                MongoCursor<Document> existingIndicesIterator;
                try {
                    existingIndicesIterator = this.getCollectionObject().listIndexes().iterator();
                } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
                    throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);
                } catch (MongoException e) {
                    throw new MongoTableException("Retrieving indexes from  mongo collection '"
                            + this.collectionName + "' is not successful due to " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                MongoTableUtils.checkExistingIndices(expectedIndexModels, existingIndicesIterator);
            this.initialCollectionTest = true;
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (MongoSocketOpenException e) {
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(e);

    protected void disconnect() {

    protected void destroy() {