Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.codegen.service.wsdl2code; import*; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.util.CommandLineOption; import org.apache.axis2.util.CommandLineOptionConstants; import org.apache.axis2.util.CommandLineOptionParser; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.util.WSDL2JavaOptionsValidator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import org.jaxen.XPath; import org.wso2.utils.ArchiveManipulator; import org.wso2.utils.FileManipulator; import org.wso2.utils.WSO2Constants; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.*; import; import; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Tool that generate code for the given options */ public class WSDL2Code { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WSDL2Code.class); private static final String CODEGEN_POM_XSL = "codegen-pom.xsl"; //Codegen option file is taken from classpath private static final String CODEGEN_OPTIONS = "codegen-options.xml"; /** * User will be able to get the codegen options file * * @return OMElement * @throws AxisFault throws an AxisFault */ public OMElement getCodegenOptions() throws AxisFault { OMElement docEle = loadCodegenOptions();; return docEle; } private OMElement loadCodegenOptions() throws AxisFault { InputStream inStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(CODEGEN_OPTIONS); if (inStream == null) { inStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(CODEGEN_OPTIONS); if (inStream == null) { String s = "Codegen option file is not available"; log.error(s); throw new AxisFault(s); } } XMLStreamReader streamReader; try { streamReader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(inStream); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error occurred while creating XMLStreamReader", e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(streamReader); return builder.getDocumentElement(); } /** * uploadFileValue element will be generated for given codegen option and value. * * @param codegenOption codegen option that need to be fill with * @param codegenOptionValue value * @return OMElement return * @throws AxisFault with be thrown */ public OMElement getCodegenOptionsWithValues(String codegenOption, String codegenOptionValue) throws AxisFault { OMElement docEle = loadCodegenOptions(); try { XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath("/codegen/argument[@name='" + codegenOption + "']"); OMElement nameEle = (OMElement) xp.selectSingleNode(docEle); if (nameEle != null) { OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement uploadFileValueEle = fac.createOMElement(new QName("uploadFileValue")); nameEle.addChild(uploadFileValueEle); Map fileResourcesMap = (Map) MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext() .getProperty(WSO2Constants.FILE_RESOURCE_MAP); if (fileResourcesMap == null) { String msg = "File resource is not available"; log.error(msg); throw new AxisFault(msg); } String absFilePath = (String) fileResourcesMap.get(codegenOptionValue); if (absFilePath == null) { String msg = "Uploaded file is not available"; log.error(msg); throw new AxisFault(msg); } OMText omText = fac.createOMText(absFilePath, XMLStreamConstants.CDATA); uploadFileValueEle.addChild(omText); } return nameEle; } catch (JaxenException e) { String msg = "Xpath error has been encounted while looking for the argument : " + codegenOption; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } } /** * This method will generate the code based on the options array. Options arrya should be as * follows, * new String[] {"-uri", "location of wsdl", "-g" ...}. Thus, the incoming XML should be as * follows, * <p/> * <ns:codegenRequest xmlns:ns="http://org.wso2.wsf/tools"> * <options>-uri</options> * <options>file://foo</options> * ... * </ns:codegenRequest> * <p/> * Once codegenerated, location of genereated code will be send as an ID, thus, one could easily * download artifact as a zip file or jar file. * * @param options * @return String * @throws AxisFault */ public String codegen(String[] options) throws AxisFault { String uuid = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.random()); String codegenOutputDir = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext().getProperty( WSO2Constants.WORK_DIR) + File.separator + "tools_codegen" + File.separator + uuid + File.separator; System.getProperties().remove("project.base.dir"); System.getProperties().remove("name"); System.setProperty("project.base.dir", codegenOutputDir); ArrayList optionsList = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++) { optionsList.add(options[j]); } optionsList.add("-o"); optionsList.add(codegenOutputDir); String[] args = (String[]) optionsList.toArray(new String[optionsList.size()]); Map allOptions; try { CommandLineOptionParser commandLineOptionParser = new CommandLineOptionParser(args); allOptions = commandLineOptionParser.getAllOptions(); //validation List list = commandLineOptionParser.getInvalidOptions(new WSDL2JavaOptionsValidator()); if (list.size() > 0) { String faultOptions = ""; for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { CommandLineOption commandLineOption = (CommandLineOption); String optionValue = commandLineOption.getOptionValue(); faultOptions += "Invalid input for [ " + commandLineOption.getOptionType() + (optionValue != null ? " : " + optionValue + " ]" : " ]") + "\n"; } log.error(faultOptions); throw new AxisFault(faultOptions); } new CodeGenerationEngine(commandLineOptionParser).generate(); } catch (Exception e) { String rootMsg = "Code generation failed"; Throwable throwable = e.getCause(); if (throwable != null) { String msg = throwable.getMessage(); if (msg != null) { log.error(rootMsg + " " + msg, throwable); throw new AxisFault(throwable.toString()); } } log.error(rootMsg, e); throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } //set the output name CommandLineOption option = (CommandLineOption) allOptions .get(CommandLineOptionConstants.WSDL2JavaConstants.SERVICE_NAME_OPTION); try { //achive destination uuid = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.random()); File destDir = new File(MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext().getProperty( WSO2Constants.WORK_DIR) + File.separator + "tools_codegen" + File.separator + uuid); if (!destDir.exists()) { destDir.mkdirs(); } String destArchive = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + uuid + ".zip"; InputStream pomXslInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(CODEGEN_POM_XSL); if (pomXslInputStream == null) { pomXslInputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(CODEGEN_POM_XSL); } String name = uuid; boolean isBuildXml = false; String version = "1.0"; File buildXml = new File(codegenOutputDir, "build.xml"); if (buildXml.exists() && buildXml.isFile()) { isBuildXml = true; InputStream buildInputStream = new FileInputStream(buildXml); XMLStreamReader streamReader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamReader(buildInputStream); StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(streamReader); XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath("/project/property[@name='name']"); OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); OMElement nameEle = (OMElement) xp.selectSingleNode(documentElement); if (nameEle != null) { OMAttribute omAttribute = nameEle.getAttribute(new QName("value")); String nameVal = omAttribute.getAttributeValue(); if (nameVal != null) { name = nameVal; } } } OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement infoEle = fac.createOMElement(new QName("info")); OMElement nameEle = fac.createOMElement(new QName("name")); nameEle.setText(name); infoEle.addChild(nameEle); OMElement isBuildXmlEle = fac.createOMElement(new QName("isBuildXml")); isBuildXmlEle.setText(Boolean.valueOf(isBuildXml).toString()); infoEle.addChild(isBuildXmlEle); OMElement versionEle = fac.createOMElement(new QName("version")); versionEle.setText(version); infoEle.addChild(versionEle); ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); infoEle.serialize(bao); InputStream xmlInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bao.toByteArray()); if (pomXslInputStream != null) { File pomFileOut = new File(codegenOutputDir, "pom.xml"); FileOutputStream pomFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(pomFileOut); Source xmlSource = new StreamSource(xmlInputStream); Source xslSource = new StreamSource(pomXslInputStream); Result result = new StreamResult(pomFileOutputStream); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(xslSource); transformer.transform(xmlSource, result); } new ArchiveManipulator().archiveDir(destArchive, new File(codegenOutputDir).getPath()); new FileManipulator().deleteDir(new File(codegenOutputDir)); Map fileResourcesMap = (Map) MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext() .getProperty(WSO2Constants.FILE_RESOURCE_MAP); if (fileResourcesMap == null) { fileResourcesMap = new Hashtable(); MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext() .setProperty(WSO2Constants.FILE_RESOURCE_MAP, fileResourcesMap); } fileResourcesMap.put(uuid, destArchive); return WSO2Constants.ContextPaths.DOWNLOAD_PATH + "?id=" + uuid; } catch (IOException e) { String msg = WSDL2Code.class.getName() + " IOException has occured."; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = WSDL2Code.class.getName() + " error encountred while reading the build.xml"; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } catch (JaxenException e) { String msg = WSDL2Code.class.getName() + " xpath error has occured"; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { String msg = WSDL2Code.class.getName() + " transformation error has occured"; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } catch (TransformerException e) { String msg = WSDL2Code.class.getName() + " transformation error has occured"; log.error(msg, e); throw new AxisFault(msg, e); } } }