Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.registry.synchronization; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.RegistryConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.RegistryContext; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.LogWriter; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.RegistryUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.synchronization.message.Message; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.synchronization.message.MessageCode; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import*; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Some utility methods used by the synchronization operations. */ @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public class Utils { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Utils.class); public static final int RADIX = 16; private Utils() { } private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; private static final String ATTR_IGNORE_CONFLICTS = "ignoreConflicts"; private static final String ATTR_IS_COLLECTION = "isCollection"; private static final String ATTR_STATUS = "status"; private static final String ATTR_PATH = "path"; private static final String ATTR_KEY = "key"; private static final String ELEM_RESOURCE = "resource"; private static final String ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE = "mediaType"; private static final String ELEM_CREATOR = "creator"; private static final String ELEM_CREATED_TIME = "createdTime"; private static final String ELEM_LAST_UPDATER = "lastUpdater"; private static final String ELEM_LAST_MODIFIED = "lastModified"; private static final String ELEM_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String ELEM_UUID = "uuid"; private static final String ELEM_PROPERTIES = "properties"; private static final String ELEM_COMMENTS = "comments"; private static final String ELEM_TAGGINGS = "taggings"; private static final String ELEM_RATINGS = "ratings"; private static final String ELEM_VERSION = "version"; private static final String ELEM_ASSOCIATIONS = "associations"; private static final String ELEM_CONTENT = "content"; private static final String ELEM_PROPERTY = "property"; private static final String ELEM_COMMENT = "comment"; private static final String ELEM_USER = "user"; private static final String ELEM_TEXT = "text"; private static final String ELEM_TAGGING = "tagging"; private static final String ELEM_DATE = "date"; private static final String ELEM_TAG_NAME = "tagName"; private static final String ELEM_RATING = "rating"; private static final String ELEM_RATE = "rate"; private static final String ELEM_ASSOCIATION = "association"; private static final String ELEM_SOURCE = "source"; private static final String ELEM_DESTINATION = "destination"; private static final String ELEM_TYPE = "type"; private static final String ELEM_CHILDREN = "children"; private static final String REGISTRY_CONTEXT = "/registry"; private static final String FILE_PATH = "file path: "; private static final String META_FILE_NAME = "meta file name: "; private static final String FILE_NAME = "file name: "; private static final List<String> SERIALIZABLE_ELEMENTS = Arrays.asList(ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE, ELEM_CREATOR, ELEM_CREATED_TIME, ELEM_LAST_UPDATER, ELEM_LAST_MODIFIED, ELEM_DESCRIPTION, ELEM_PROPERTIES, ELEM_COMMENTS, ELEM_TAGGINGS, ELEM_RATINGS, ELEM_VERSION, ELEM_ASSOCIATIONS); /** * This method writes the meta element to the xml stream up to the children. * * @param xmlWriter xml writer * @param metaElement meta element to write * * @throws XMLStreamException if the operation failed */ public static void writeMetaElement(XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter, OMElement metaElement) throws XMLStreamException { xmlWriter.writeStartElement(ELEM_RESOURCE); // adding path as an attribute, updated dump has name instead of path String name = metaElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(ATTR_NAME)); xmlWriter.writeAttribute(ATTR_NAME, name); // adding status as an attribute String status = metaElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(ATTR_STATUS)); if (status != null) { xmlWriter.writeAttribute(ATTR_STATUS, status); } // adding ignoreConflicts as an attribute, if it is available.: String ignoreConflicts = metaElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(ATTR_IGNORE_CONFLICTS)); if (ignoreConflicts != null) { xmlWriter.writeAttribute(ATTR_IGNORE_CONFLICTS, ignoreConflicts); } // adding isCollection as an attribute String isCollectionStr = metaElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(ATTR_IS_COLLECTION)); xmlWriter.writeAttribute(ATTR_IS_COLLECTION, isCollectionStr); Iterator childrenIt = metaElement.getChildren(); while (childrenIt.hasNext()) { Object childObj =; if (!(childObj instanceof OMElement)) { continue; } OMElement childElement = (OMElement) childObj; String childName = childElement.getLocalName(); // the following elements will be serialized to the writer directly if (SERIALIZABLE_ELEMENTS.contains(childName)) { childElement.serialize(xmlWriter); } } } /** * This method reads the xml stream up to the children and return the meta element. * * @param xmlReader the xml reader. * * @return the meta element. * @throws SynchronizationException if the provided XML is invalid. * @throws XMLStreamException if XML parsing failed. */ public static OMElement readMetaElement(XMLStreamReader xmlReader) throws SynchronizationException, XMLStreamException { try { while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()) {; } if (!xmlReader.hasNext()) { // nothing to parse return null; } if (!xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE)) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.INVALID_DUMP_CREATE_META_FILE); } // alerting non-backward compatibility... // String pathAttribute = xmlReader.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_PATH); // if (pathAttribute != null) { // throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.CHECKOUT_OLD_VERSION); // } OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement root = factory.createOMElement(new QName(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE)); String resourceName = xmlReader.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NAME); String isCollectionString = xmlReader.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_IS_COLLECTION); root.addAttribute(ATTR_NAME, resourceName, null); root.addAttribute(ATTR_IS_COLLECTION, isCollectionString, null); // traversing to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()); while (xmlReader.hasNext()) { String localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); // version if (localName.equals(ELEM_VERSION)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement versionElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_VERSION)); if (text != null) { versionElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(versionElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // setMediaType else if (localName.equals(ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement mediaTypeElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE)); if (text != null) { mediaTypeElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(mediaTypeElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // creator else if (localName.equals(ELEM_CREATOR)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement creatorElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_CREATOR)); if (text != null) { creatorElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(creatorElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // createdTime else if (localName.equals(ELEM_CREATED_TIME)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement createdTimeElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_CREATED_TIME)); if (text != null) { createdTimeElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(createdTimeElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // createdTime else if (localName.equals(ELEM_CONTENT)) { // currently we are keeping the content within the root element, and remove it // later. Before Carbon 3.0.0 the content was in the middle of the other // resource attributes String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement contentElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_CONTENT)); if (text != null) { contentElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(contentElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // setLastUpdater else if (localName.equals(ELEM_LAST_UPDATER)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement lastUpdaterElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_LAST_UPDATER)); if (text != null) { lastUpdaterElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(lastUpdaterElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // LastModified else if (localName.equals(ELEM_LAST_MODIFIED)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement lastModifiedElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_LAST_MODIFIED)); if (text != null) { lastModifiedElement.setText(text); } root.addChild(lastModifiedElement); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // get description else if (localName.equals(ELEM_DESCRIPTION)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement description = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DESCRIPTION)); if (text != null) { description.setText(text); } root.addChild(description); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); // now go to the next element while // (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()); } // get uuid else if (localName.equals(ELEM_UUID)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement description = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_UUID)); if (text != null) { description.setText(text); } root.addChild(description); // now go to the next element do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); // now go to the next element while // (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()); } // get properties else if (localName.equals(ELEM_PROPERTIES)) { // iterating trying to find the children.. OMElement properties = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_PROPERTIES)); root.addChild(properties); do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(ELEM_PROPERTY)) { String key = xmlReader.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_KEY); String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); OMElement property = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_PROPERTY)); property.addAttribute(ATTR_KEY, key, null); properties.addChild(property); if (text.equals("")) { text = null; } if (text != null) { property.setText(text); } do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); } // getting comment information } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_COMMENTS)) { // iterating trying to find the children.. OMElement commentsElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_COMMENTS)); root.addChild(commentsElement); do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(ELEM_COMMENT)) { do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); OMElement commentElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_COMMENT)); commentsElement.addChild(commentElement); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && (localName.equals(ELEM_USER) || localName.equals(ELEM_TEXT))) { if (localName.equals(ELEM_USER)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement userElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_USER)); userElement.setText(text); commentElement.addChild(userElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_TEXT)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement textElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_TEXT)); textElement.setText(text); commentElement.addChild(textElement); } } do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); if (xmlReader.hasNext()) { localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); } } } } // getting tagging information else if (localName.equals(ELEM_TAGGINGS)) { // iterating trying to find the children.. OMElement taggingsElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_TAGGINGS)); root.addChild(taggingsElement); do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(ELEM_TAGGING)) { do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); OMElement taggingElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_TAGGING)); taggingsElement.addChild(taggingElement); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && (localName.equals(ELEM_USER) || localName.equals(ELEM_DATE) || localName.equals(ELEM_TAG_NAME))) { if (localName.equals(ELEM_USER)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement userElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_USER)); userElement.setText(text); taggingElement.addChild(userElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_DATE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement dateElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DATE)); dateElement.setText(text); taggingElement.addChild(dateElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_TAG_NAME)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement tagNameElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_TAG_NAME)); tagNameElement.setText(text); taggingElement.addChild(tagNameElement); } } do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); if (xmlReader.hasNext()) { localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); } } } } // getting rating information else if (localName.equals(ELEM_RATINGS)) { // iterating trying to find the children.. OMElement ratingsElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_RATINGS)); root.addChild(ratingsElement); do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(ELEM_RATING)) { do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext()); localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); OMElement ratingElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_RATING)); ratingsElement.addChild(ratingElement); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && (localName.equals(ELEM_USER) || localName.equals(ELEM_DATE) || localName.equals(ELEM_RATE))) { if (localName.equals(ELEM_USER)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement userElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_USER)); userElement.setText(text); ratingElement.addChild(userElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_DATE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement dateElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DATE)); dateElement.setText(text); ratingElement.addChild(dateElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_RATE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement rateElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_RATE)); rateElement.setText(text); ratingElement.addChild(rateElement); } } do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); if (xmlReader.hasNext()) { localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); } } } } // getting rating information else if (localName.equals(ELEM_ASSOCIATIONS)) { // iterating trying to find the children.. OMElement associationsElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_ASSOCIATIONS)); root.addChild(associationsElement); do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(ELEM_ASSOCIATION)) { do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); OMElement associationElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_ASSOCIATION)); associationsElement.addChild(associationElement); while (xmlReader.hasNext() && (localName.equals(ELEM_SOURCE) || localName.equals(ELEM_DESTINATION) || localName.equals(ELEM_TYPE))) { if (localName.equals(ELEM_SOURCE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement sourceElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_SOURCE)); sourceElement.setText(text); associationElement.addChild(sourceElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_DESTINATION)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement destinationElement = factory .createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DESTINATION)); destinationElement.setText(text); associationElement.addChild(destinationElement); } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_TYPE)) { String text = xmlReader.getElementText(); if (text != null) { OMElement typeElement = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_TYPE)); typeElement.setText(text); associationElement.addChild(typeElement); } } do {; } while (!xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.hasNext() && !(xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))); if (xmlReader.hasNext()) { localName = xmlReader.getLocalName(); } } } } else if (localName.equals(ELEM_CHILDREN) || localName.equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE)) { // checking the children or content element to terminate the check. break; } else { // we do mind having unwanted elements, now go to the next element break; } if ((xmlReader.isEndElement() && xmlReader.getLocalName().equals(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE))) { // here we come the end of the resource tag break; } } return root; } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_READING_STREAM_TO_CREATE_META_FILE, e); } } /** * This method creates the file that store the meta data of the current directory or file. * * @param fileName the name of the file. * @param metaData the meta data element. * * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static void createMetaFile(String fileName, OMElement metaData) throws SynchronizationException { try { File file = new File(fileName); String metaDirName = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent(); if (metaDirName != null) { File metaDir = new File(metaDirName); if (!metaDir.exists() && !metaDir.mkdir()) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_CREATING_META_FILE, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } } if (!file.exists() && !file.createNewFile()) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } FileOutputStream fileOut = null; try { fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file, false); metaData.serialize(fileOut); } finally { if (fileOut != null) { fileOut.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_CREATING_META_FILE, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_WRITING_TO_META_FILE, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } } /** * This method update the file that store the meta data of the current directory or file. * * @param fileName the name of the file. * @param metaData the meta data element. * * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static void updateMetaFile(String fileName, OMElement metaData) throws SynchronizationException { try { File file = new File(fileName); FileOutputStream fileOut = null; try { fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file, false); metaData.serialize(fileOut); } finally { if (fileOut != null) { fileOut.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_CREATING_META_FILE, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_WRITING_TO_META_FILE, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + fileName }); } } /** * This method checks whether the resource updated or not in the Registry from the last checkout/update * * @param metaFilePath Resource metadata file location in the file system * @param metaElement Metadata of Registry resource * @return Whether the resource updated or not in the Registry from the last checkout/update */ public static boolean resourceUpdated(String metaFilePath, OMElement metaElement) { File file = new File(metaFilePath); if (file.exists()) { Reader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader(file); XMLStreamReader xmlReader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(reader); OMElement fileMetaElement = readMetaElement(xmlReader); if (getLastModified(metaElement) == getLastModified(fileMetaElement)) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { //if something went wrong, then consider as resource need to be updated return true; } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to close the stream", e); } } } } return true; } private static long getLastModified(OMElement metadata) { return Long.parseLong(((OMElement) metadata.getChildrenWithLocalName("lastModified").next()).getText()); } /** * Returns the contents of the file in a byte array. * * @param file the file the to read * * @return the content of the file * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws SynchronizationException { InputStream is = null; try { try { is = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.FILE_TO_READ_IS_NOT_FOUND, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + file.getName() }); } long length = file.length(); // to ensure that file is not larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE. if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // File is too large throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.FILE_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LARGE, new String[] { FILE_NAME + file.getName(), "file length limit: " + Integer.MAX_VALUE }); } // byte array to keep the data byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead; try { while (offset < bytes.length) { numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset); if (numRead < 0) { break; } offset += numRead; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_READING, e, new String[] { FILE_NAME + file.getName() }); } if (offset < bytes.length) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_COMPLETELY_READING, new String[] { FILE_NAME + file.getName() }); } return bytes; } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { // We only want to make sure that the stream is closed. We don't quite need to worry // whether it failed or not, as this might happen due to another upstream exception. } } } /** * Method to obtain the XML representation of the meta information corresponding to the given * file. This method will first determine the path of the meta file for the given file-path, and * then obtain the corresponding XML representation using the {@link * #getOMElementFromMetaFile(String)} method. * * @param filePath the path to the file of which the meta information is required. * * @return An OM element containing the meta information. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static OMElement getMetaOMElement(String filePath) throws SynchronizationException { File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { return null; } String fileName = file.getName(); String metaFilePath = Utils.getMetaFilePath(file); // check the existence of the meta directory File metaFile = new File(metaFilePath); if (!metaFile.exists()) { return null; } return Utils.getOMElementFromMetaFile(metaFilePath); } /** * Method to obtain the XML representation of the data contained in a meta file. * * @param metaFilePath the path to the meta file. * * @return An OM element containing the meta information. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static OMElement getOMElementFromMetaFile(String metaFilePath) throws SynchronizationException { File metaFile = new File(metaFilePath); OMElement element = null; // if the file exists, just get it. FileInputStream directoryMetaFileStream = null; if (metaFile.exists()) { try { directoryMetaFileStream = new FileInputStream(metaFilePath); //create the parser XMLStreamReader parser = XMLInputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamReader(directoryMetaFileStream); //create the builder StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(parser); // get the element to restore element = builder.getDocumentElement().cloneOMElement(); try { directoryMetaFileStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_CLOSING_META_FILE_STREAM, e, new String[] { META_FILE_NAME + metaFilePath }); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_READING_META_FILE, e, new String[] { META_FILE_NAME + metaFilePath }); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_READING_META_FILE_STREAM, e, new String[] { META_FILE_NAME + metaFilePath }); } finally { if (directoryMetaFileStream != null) { try { directoryMetaFileStream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { // We cannot throw an exception in here because it would swallow the // incoming exception if there are any. A potential user would in fact be // interested in the incoming exception instead of this exception. } } } } return element; } /** * Method to generate the XML content of a meta file. This method will require information about * the resource and details of who created it. * * @param isCollection whether the resource at the given path is a collection. * @param path the path of the resource for which the meta information is generated. * @param username the username of the creator. * * @return the meta information as an OM element. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static OMElement createDefaultMetaFile(boolean isCollection, String path, String username) throws SynchronizationException { // if not provide the default details OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement root = factory.createOMElement(new QName(Utils.ELEM_RESOURCE)); // adding path as an attribute root.addAttribute(ATTR_PATH, path, null); String resourceName = RegistryUtils.getResourceName(path); root.addAttribute(ATTR_NAME, resourceName, null); // adding isCollection as an attribute root.addAttribute(ATTR_IS_COLLECTION, isCollection ? "true" : "false", null); OMElement child; // guessing the media type by extension String mediaType = "unknown"; int lastIndex = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastIndex > 0) { mediaType = path.substring(lastIndex + 1); } child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE)); child.setText(mediaType); root.addChild(child); // set creator child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_CREATOR)); child.setText(username); root.addChild(child); // set updator child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_LAST_UPDATER)); child.setText(username); root.addChild(child); // set Description child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DESCRIPTION)); root.addChild(child); // set UUID child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_UUID)); root.addChild(child); // create a 0 version tag child = factory.createOMElement((new QName(ELEM_VERSION))); child.setText("0"); root.addChild(child); return root; } /** * Method to update the XML content of a meta file. This method will require information about * the resource and details of who created it. * * @param root metadata OMElement * @param path the path of the resource for which the meta information is generated. * @param username the username of the creator. * * @return the meta information as an OM element. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. */ public static OMElement updateDefaultAddMetaFile(OMElement root, String path, String username, boolean isDirectory) throws SynchronizationException { OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement child; // guessing the media type by extension if (!isDirectory && root.getChildrenWithName(new QName("mediaType")) == null) { String mediaType = "unknown"; int lastIndex = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastIndex > 0) { mediaType = path.substring(lastIndex + 1); } child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_MEDIA_TYPE)); child.setText(mediaType); root.addChild(child); } // set creator child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_CREATOR)); child.setText(username); root.addChild(child); // set updator child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_LAST_UPDATER)); child.setText(username); root.addChild(child); // set Description child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_DESCRIPTION)); root.addChild(child); // set UUID child = factory.createOMElement(new QName(ELEM_UUID)); root.addChild(child); return root; } /** * copying the contents of one file to another. * * @param source source * @param destination destination * * @throws SynchronizationException throws if the operation failed. */ public static void copy(File source, File destination) throws SynchronizationException { try { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(source); out = new FileOutputStream(destination); // Transfer bytes from in to out byte[] buf = new byte[RegistryConstants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } } finally { try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_COPYING, e, new String[] { "source: " + source, "target: " + destination }); } } /** * Method to extract the URL of the remote registry instance from the given URL. * * @param url aggregate URL containing a concatenation of the registry URL and the resource path * that is capable of referencing a remote resource. This url will contain only the * resource path if the resource was local to the given registry instance. * * @return the URL of the remote instance, or null if the instance was local. */ public static String getRegistryUrl(String url) { if (url.startsWith("/")) { // mean this is a local path.. return null; } if (url.indexOf(REGISTRY_CONTEXT) > 0) { return url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf(REGISTRY_CONTEXT) + REGISTRY_CONTEXT.length()); } return null; } /** * Method to extract the resource path from the given URL. * * @param url aggregate URL containing a concatenation of the registry URL and the resource path * that is capable of referencing a remote resource. This url will contain only the * resource path if the resource was local to the given registry instance. * * @return the path of the resource on the registry. */ public static String getPath(String url) { if (url.startsWith("/")) { // mean this is a local path.. return url; } if (url.indexOf(REGISTRY_CONTEXT) > 0) { return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(REGISTRY_CONTEXT) + REGISTRY_CONTEXT.length()); } return null; } /** * This method will obtain the encoded representation of the given resource name. * * @param resourceName the name of the resource. * * @return the encoded name. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. * @see URLEncoder */ public static String encodeResourceName(String resourceName) throws SynchronizationException { String encodedName; try { encodedName = URLEncoder.encode(resourceName, RegistryConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_ENCODING_RESOURCE_NAME, e, new String[] { "resource name: " + resourceName }); } return encodedName; } /** * This method will obtain the decoded representation of the given encoded resource path. * * @param path the encoded path of the resource. * * @return the decoded path. * @throws SynchronizationException if the operation failed. * @see URLDecoder */ public static String decodeFilename(String path) throws SynchronizationException { String decodedName; try { decodedName = URLDecoder.decode(path, RegistryConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_DECODING_PATH, e, new String[] { "path: " + path }); } return decodedName; } /** * This method will obtain the consent from the user to delete the specified file and meta file * (corresponding to the file), if the user agrees to. * * @param file the file or directory to delete. * @param metaFile the meta file corresponding to the file or directory to delete. * @param callback the callback which is used to obtain the user's consent. If this parameter is * null, the file and the meta file will be deleted irrespective of the user's * choice. * * @return whether the operation succeeded or not. * @throws SynchronizationException if an error occurred during the operation. */ public static boolean confirmDelete(File file, File metaFile, UserInputCallback callback) throws SynchronizationException { String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); boolean isDirectory = file.isDirectory(); boolean sameContent = false; if (!isDirectory && metaFile.exists()) { OMElement metaElement; try { metaElement = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(metaFile)).getDocumentElement(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.RESOURCE_METADATA_CORRUPTED, e); } OMAttribute md5Attribute = metaElement.getAttribute(new QName("md5")); String metaFileMD5 = null; if (md5Attribute != null) { metaFileMD5 = md5Attribute.getAttributeValue(); } String fileMD5 = Utils.getMD5(file); sameContent = fileMD5.equals(metaFileMD5); } boolean inputCode; if (!sameContent) { if (callback == null) { // The default behaviour is to delete. inputCode = true; } else if (file.isDirectory()) { inputCode = callback.getConfirmation( new Message(MessageCode.DIRECTORY_DELETE_CONFIRMATION, new String[] { FILE_PATH + filePath }), SynchronizationConstants.DELETE_CONFIRMATION_CONTEXT); } else { inputCode = callback.getConfirmation( new Message(MessageCode.FILE_DELETE_CONFIRMATION, new String[] { FILE_PATH + filePath }), SynchronizationConstants.DELETE_CONFIRMATION_CONTEXT); } if (!inputCode) { // just continue; return false; } } // if you come here it is for the permission to delete boolean deleted = deleteFile(file); if (!deleted) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_DELETING, new String[] { FILE_PATH + filePath }); } if (!isDirectory) { deleted = deleteFile(metaFile); if (!deleted) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_DELETING, new String[] { FILE_PATH + metaFile.getAbsolutePath() }); } } return true; } /** * This method deletes the specified file from the filesystem. If the given file-path * corresponds to a directory, the directory and everything under it (child files and * directories) will be recursively deleted in the process. * * @param file the file or directory to delete. * * @return true if the operation succeeded or false if it failed. */ public static boolean deleteFile(File file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { String[] children = file.list(); for (String child : children) { boolean success = deleteFile(new File(file, child)); if (!success) { return false; } } } return FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file); } /** * Method to determine the files that are required to be cleaned up from meta information * directory and preserve only the given list of files. This method will determine all meta * files within the given directory that have no corresponding physical files on the filesystem. * This is used after a check-in operation has been propagated to ensure that the filesystem * will always remain consistent. * * @param directory the meta information directory that requires cleaning up. * @param filesToPreserve the list of files to preserve. * * @return the list of files to be cleaned. */ public static List<String> cleanUpDirectory(File directory, List<String> filesToPreserve) { List<String> filesToClean = new LinkedList<String>(); if (directory.isDirectory()) { String[] children = directory.list(); for (String child : children) { File file = new File(directory, child); String absoluteFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (!filesToPreserve.contains(absoluteFilePath)) { filesToClean.add(absoluteFilePath); } } } return filesToClean; } /** * Method to obtain the MD5 hash value for the given content. * * @param content the content as an array of bytes. * * @return the MD5 hash of the content. */ public static String getMD5(byte[] content) { MessageDigest m; try { m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (Exception e) { //String msg = "Error in generating the md5. "; //throw new Exception(msg, e); return null; } m.update(content, 0, content.length); return new BigInteger(1, m.digest()).toString(RADIX); } /** * Method to obtain the MD5 hash value for the given file. * * @param file the content file. * * @return the MD5 hash of the content. */ public static String getMD5(File file) throws SynchronizationException { return getMD5(getBytesFromFile(file)); } /** * Determines whether the content of the given file has changed. If the given file is a * directory, this method will recursively test each file under this directory to determine * whether the content of any child, or grand child has changed. * <p/> * The change in content is determined using MD5 hash values written to the meta files during a * check-out or update. If the MD5 hash value of the given file was not found in its meta file, * this operation will assume that a change has been made, irrespective of whether the content * of the file changed or not. * * @param file the file to test for changes. * * @return true if the content has changed, or false if not. * @throws SynchronizationException if an error occurred during the operation. */ public static boolean contentChanged(File file) throws SynchronizationException { return contentChanged(file, true); } // Method that actually checks for content changes. This needs to know whether the call is the // first-call to this method, or was it a recursive call. private static boolean contentChanged(File file, boolean isParent) throws SynchronizationException { if (!file.exists()) { // If we don't find a file, this is not a valid checkout. throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.CHECKOUT_BEFORE_CHECK_IN); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] files = file.listFiles(); if (files == null || files.length == 0) { // The meta information for this directory has not been found. Therefore, this is // a new directory. if (isParent) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.CHECKOUT_BEFORE_CHECK_IN); } return true; } File metaFile = new File(file.getPath() + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY); File[] metaFiles = metaFile.listFiles(); if (metaFiles == null || metaFiles.length == 0) { // Though the meta directory exists, the meta information for the given directory // has not been found. Therefore, this is a new directory waiting to be checked in. return true; } // Child directories don't have meta files. Therefore, we need the number of children // that are not directories. int childFiles = 0; for (File child : files) { if (!child.isDirectory()) { childFiles++; } } // We don't count the meta file corresponding to this directory. if ((metaFiles.length - 1) != childFiles) { // A file has been added or removed from this directory. return true; } for (File child : files) { // If the given child is not the meta directory, and if the content has changed, // the content of this directory has changed. if (!child.getPath().endsWith(SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY) && contentChanged(child, false)) { return true; } } return false; } return fileContentChanged(file); } public static boolean fileContentChanged(File file) throws SynchronizationException { String parentDirName = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent(); String name = file.getName(); String metaFilePath = parentDirName + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_PREFIX + Utils.encodeResourceName(name) + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_EXTENSION; String currentMD5 = getMD5(getBytesFromFile(file)); OMElement metaFileElement = getOMElementFromMetaFile(metaFilePath); String metaFileMD5 = null; if (metaFileElement != null) { metaFileMD5 = metaFileElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("md5")); } // We obtain the MD5 value of the file and compare it against the one saved in the meta file // to see whether any change has been done. return metaFileMD5 == null || !metaFileMD5.equals(currentMD5); } /** * Method to clean the embedded registry instance, after the synchronization operation. This * method should only be invoked if the synchronization happens at a client that terminates soon * after the execution of the synchronization operation, to prevent loss of activity logs. */ public static void cleanEmbeddedRegistry() { RegistryContext registryContext = RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(); if (registryContext != null) { LogWriter logWriter = registryContext.getLogWriter(); if (logWriter != null) { logWriter.interrupt(); } } } /** * Get metadata file path for a given file path * * @param path file path * @return * @throws SynchronizationException if operation failed */ public static String getMetaFilePath(String path) throws SynchronizationException { File f = new File(path); return getMetaFilePath(f); } /** * Get metadata file path for a given file * * @param f file * @return * @throws SynchronizationException if operation failed */ public static String getMetaFilePath(File f) throws SynchronizationException { String absPath = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (f.isDirectory()) { return absPath + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_PREFIX + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_EXTENSION; } else { return absPath.substring(0, absPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_PREFIX + Utils.encodeResourceName(f.getName()) + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_EXTENSION; } } /** * This method add the resources which are not added to commit * * @param path * @throws SynchronizationException */ public static void addResource(String path) throws SynchronizationException { String registryUrl = null; String metaFile = Utils.getMetaFilePath(path); File file = new File(metaFile); String pathAttribute; try { OMElement resourceElement = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(file)).getDocumentElement(); pathAttribute = resourceElement.getAttribute(new QName("path")).getAttributeValue(); OMAttribute registryUrlAttr; if ((registryUrlAttr = resourceElement.getAttribute(new QName("registryUrl"))) != null) { registryUrl = registryUrlAttr.getAttributeValue(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.CURRENT_COLLECTION_NOT_UNDER_REGISTRY_CONTROL); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.RESOURCE_METADATA_CORRUPTED); } addResourceMetadataRecursively(path, pathAttribute, registryUrl, true); } private static void addResourceMetadataRecursively(String path, String parentRegistryPath, String registryUrl, boolean root) throws SynchronizationException { File file = new File(path); String registryPath = parentRegistryPath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + file.getName(); String metaFilePath; if (file.isDirectory()) { metaFilePath = path + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_PREFIX + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_EXTENSION; addMetadata(metaFilePath, file.getName(), true, registryPath, registryUrl, root); for (String fileName : file.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String s) { if (SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY.equals(s)) { return false; } return true; } })) { addResourceMetadataRecursively(path + File.separator + fileName, registryPath, registryUrl, false); } } else { String parentDirName = file.getParent(); metaFilePath = parentDirName + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_PREFIX + Utils.encodeResourceName(file.getName()) + SynchronizationConstants.META_FILE_EXTENSION; addMetadata(metaFilePath, file.getName(), false, registryPath, registryUrl, root); } } private static void addMetadata(String metaFilePath, String fileName, boolean isCollection, String registryPath, String registryUrl, boolean root) throws SynchronizationException { FileWriter writer = null; File metaDir; File file = new File(metaFilePath); if (file.exists()) { return; } try { metaDir = new File(file.getParent()); metaDir.mkdirs(); file.createNewFile(); writer = new FileWriter(file); XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(writer); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("resource"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("name", fileName); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("isCollection", String.valueOf(isCollection)); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("path", registryPath); if (registryUrl != null) { xmlWriter.writeAttribute("registryUrl", registryUrl); } xmlWriter.writeAttribute("status", "added"); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); xmlWriter.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.ERROR_IN_ADDING_METADATA); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to close the stream", e); } } } } /** * This method mark the resources as delete if it no longer exists in the file system * * @param dirPath Parent directory of the deleted file/s * @throws SynchronizationException If the operation failed */ public static void setResourcesDelete(String dirPath) throws SynchronizationException { if (dirPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { dirPath = dirPath.substring(0, dirPath.length() - 1); } findAndSetResourcesDeleteRecursively(dirPath); } private static void findAndSetResourcesDeleteRecursively(String dirPath) throws SynchronizationException { String metaDirPath = dirPath + File.separator + SynchronizationConstants.META_DIRECTORY; File file = new File(metaDirPath); String[] metaFiles = file.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String s) { if (!s.equals("~.xml")) { return true; } return false; } }); for (String metaFilePath : metaFiles) { String fileName = metaFilePath.substring(1, metaFilePath.length() - 4); String filePath = dirPath + File.separator + fileName; File resourceFile = new File(decodeFilename(filePath)); if (!resourceFile.exists()) { setDelete(metaDirPath + File.separator + metaFilePath); } } File dir = new File(dirPath); String[] childFiles = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File file, String s) { if (!s.equals(".meta")) { return true; } return false; } }); for (String child : childFiles) { String childPath = dirPath + File.separator + child; if (new File(childPath).isDirectory()) { findAndSetResourcesDeleteRecursively(childPath); } } } private static void setDelete(String metaFilePath) throws SynchronizationException { File metaFile = new File(metaFilePath); OMElement resourceElement; FileWriter writer = null; try { resourceElement = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(metaFile)).getDocumentElement(); resourceElement.addAttribute("status", "deleted", null); writer = new FileWriter(metaFile); XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(writer); resourceElement.serialize(xmlWriter); xmlWriter.flush(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.RESOURCE_NOT_UNDER_REGISTRY_CONTROL); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SynchronizationException(MessageCode.RESOURCE_METADATA_CORRUPTED); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to close the stream", e); } } } } }