Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.wso2.carbon.registry.samples.populator; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory; import; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.dataobjects.GenericArtifact; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.util.GovernanceUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.profile.stub.types.UserFieldDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.profile.stub.types.UserProfileDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Comment; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Resource; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.UUIDGenerator; import; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.resource.ui.clients.ResourceServiceClient; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.samples.populator.utils.*; import; import org.wso2.carbon.user.mgt.stub.types.carbon.ClaimValue; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class Main { private static String cookie; private static void setSystemProperties() { String trustStore = System.getProperty("carbon.home") + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "wso2carbon.jks"; System.setProperty("", trustStore); System.setProperty("", "wso2carbon"); System.setProperty("", "JKS"); System.setProperty("carbon.repo.write.mode", "true"); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { CommandHandler.setInputs(args); setSystemProperties(); String axis2Configuration = System.getProperty("carbon.home") + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + "axis2" + File.separator + "axis2_client.xml"; ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory .createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(axis2Configuration); Registry registry = new WSRegistryServiceClient(CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), CommandHandler.getUsername(), CommandHandler.getPassword(), configContext) { public void setCookie(String cookie) { Main.cookie = cookie; super.setCookie(cookie); } }; ResourceServiceClient resourceServiceClient = new ResourceServiceClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); int currentTask = 0; int tasks = 10; addRXT(resourceServiceClient); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed uploading RXT definitions", tasks, currentTask); addReportTemplates(resourceServiceClient); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed uploading Jasper Reporting templates", tasks, currentTask); addReports(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed configuring reports", tasks, currentTask); addExtensions(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed uploading extensions", tasks, currentTask); addHandlers(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed configuring handlers", tasks, currentTask); addLifecycles(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed configuring lifecycles", tasks, currentTask); addData(configContext, registry); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed populating resource data", tasks, currentTask); addSubscriptions(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed setting up subscriptions", tasks, currentTask); performLifecycleOperations(configContext, registry); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed lifecycle operations", tasks, currentTask); addUsersRolesAndTenants(configContext); currentTask = printStatusMessage("Completed populating users and roles", tasks, currentTask); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An error occurred."); e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } private static int printStatusMessage(String message, int tasks, int currentTask) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(message); for (int i = message.length(); i < 48; i++) { sb.append(" "); } int value = (++currentTask * 100) / tasks; if ((currentTask * 100) % tasks > (float) tasks / 2f) { value++; } if (value < 10) { System.out.println(sb.append(" ").append(value).append("%").toString()); } else if (value < 100) { System.out.println(sb.append(value).append("%").toString()); } else { System.out.println(sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1).append(value).append("%").toString()); } return currentTask; } private static void addRXT(ResourceServiceClient resourceServiceClient) throws Exception { File extensionFolder = new File(CommandHandler.getRxtFileLocation()); File[] extensions = extensionFolder.listFiles(); if (extensions != null) { for (File extension : extensions) { String extensionName = getResourceName(extension.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/")); if (extensionName.endsWith(".rxt")) { DataSource dataSource = new InputStreamBasedDataSource( new FileInputStream(new File(extension.getAbsolutePath()))); DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource); resourceServiceClient.addResource( "/_system/governance/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.governance/types/" + extensionName, "application/vnd.wso2.registry-ext-type+xml", null, dataHandler, null, null); } } } } private static void addReportTemplates(ResourceServiceClient resourceServiceClient) throws Exception { File templateFolder = new File(CommandHandler.getJRTemplateLocation()); File[] templates = templateFolder.listFiles(); if (templates != null) { for (File template : templates) { String templateName = getResourceName(template.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/")); if (templateName.endsWith(".jrxml")) { DataSource dataSource = new InputStreamBasedDataSource( new FileInputStream(new File(template.getAbsolutePath()))); DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource); resourceServiceClient.addResource( "/_system/governance/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.governance/templates/" + templateName, "application/xml", null, dataHandler, null, null); } } } } private static void addReports(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { File reportsDirectory = new File(CommandHandler.getReportsLocation()); if (reportsDirectory.exists()) { ReportGeneratorServiceClient client = new ReportGeneratorServiceClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(reportsDirectory, "list"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } client.saveReport(PopulatorUtil.getReportConfigurationBean(row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(), row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue(), row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue(), row.getCell(3).getStringCellValue())); } } } } private static void addExtensions(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { String extensionJarLocation = CommandHandler.getHandlerJarLocation(); if (extensionJarLocation != null) { org.wso2.carbon.registry.extensions.ui.clients.ResourceServiceClient extensionResourceServiceClient = new org.wso2.carbon.registry.extensions.ui.clients.ResourceServiceClient( cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); File folder = new File(extensionJarLocation); File[] filesList = folder.listFiles(); if (filesList != null) { for (File file : filesList) { String name = file.getName(); if (file.isFile() && name.endsWith(".jar")) { String fileName = getResourceName(file.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/")); DataSource dataSource = new InputStreamBasedDataSource( new FileInputStream(new File(file.getAbsolutePath()))); DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource); extensionResourceServiceClient.addExtension(fileName, dataHandler); } } } } } private static void addHandlers(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { if (new File(CommandHandler.getHandlerDef()).exists()) { StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(CommandHandler.getHandlerDef()); OMElement handlersOMElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); Iterator<OMElement> handlers = handlersOMElement.getChildElements(); PopulatorHandlerManagerServiceClient handlerManagementServiceClient = new PopulatorHandlerManagerServiceClient( cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); while (handlers.hasNext()) { handlerManagementServiceClient.newHandler(; } } } private static void addLifecycles(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { if (CommandHandler.getLifecycleConfigLocation() != null) { File lifecycleConfigLocation = new File(CommandHandler.getLifecycleConfigLocation()); if (lifecycleConfigLocation.exists()) { String[] filesList = lifecycleConfigLocation.list(); if (filesList != null) { LifeCycleManagementClient lifeCycleManagementClient = new LifeCycleManagementClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); for (String file : filesList) { lifeCycleManagementClient.createLifecycle(new StAXOMBuilder( CommandHandler.getLifecycleConfigLocation() + File.separator + file) .getDocumentElement().toString()); } } } } } private static void addData(ConfigurationContext configContext, Registry registry) throws Exception { File dataDirectory = new File(CommandHandler.getDataLocation()); if (dataDirectory.exists()) { addAssets(registry, dataDirectory); addResourcesAndCollections(registry, dataDirectory); importAndUploadResources(registry, dataDirectory); addCommentsRatingsAndTags(registry, dataDirectory); addAssociations(registry, dataDirectory); addPermissions(configContext, dataDirectory); } } private static void addPermissions(ConfigurationContext configContext, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { UserManagementClient userManager = new UserManagementClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "permission"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } userManager.setRoleResourcePermission(getCellValue(row.getCell(0), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null), splitAndTrim(getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null), ",")); } } } private static void addAssociations(Registry registry, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "association"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } registry.addAssociation(getCellValue(row.getCell(0), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null)); } } } private static void addCommentsRatingsAndTags(Registry registry, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "community"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String type = getCellValue(row.getCell(0), null).toLowerCase(); if (type.contains("tag")) { String tag = getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null); if (tag == null) { String[] parts = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null).split(";"); registry.removeTag(parts[0], parts[1].substring(5)); } else { registry.applyTag(getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null), tag); } } else if (type.contains("comment")) { String path = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null); if (path.contains(";")) { String comment = getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null); if (comment == null) { registry.removeComment(path); } else { registry.editComment(path, comment); } } else { registry.addComment(path, new Comment(getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null))); } } else if (type.contains("rate") || type.contains("rating")) { registry.rateResource(getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null), Integer.parseInt(getCellValue(row.getCell(2), "0"))); } } } } private static void importAndUploadResources(Registry registry, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "import"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String path = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(); String url = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue(); Resource resource = registry.newResource(); resource.setMediaType(getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null)); resource.setDescription(getCellValue(row.getCell(3), "This resource was added using the " + "WSO2 Governance Registry Sample Data Populator")); if (url.startsWith("file:")) { resource.setContentStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(new URI(url))))); registry.put(path, resource); } else { registry.importResource(path, url, resource); } } } } private static void addResourcesAndCollections(Registry registry, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "resource"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String path = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(); Resource resource; if (registry.resourceExists(path)) { resource = registry.get(path); String key = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null); String value = getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null); if (value == null) { resource.removeProperty(key); } else { resource.setProperty(key, value); } } else { String value = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null); if (value == null) { resource = registry.newCollection(); } else { resource = registry.newResource(); resource.setMediaType("text/plain"); resource.setContent(value); } resource.setDescription(getCellValue(row.getCell(2), "This resource was added using the " + "WSO2 Governance Registry Sample Data Populator")); } registry.put(path, resource); } } } private static void addAssets(Registry registry, File dataDirectory) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(dataDirectory, "asset"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Registry governanceRegistry = GovernanceUtils.getGovernanceUserRegistry(registry, CommandHandler.getUsername()); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); if (limit < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Column headers were not specified in Asset Data Spreadsheet"); } Row row = sheet.getRow(0); int key = -1; List<String> temp = new LinkedList<String>(); String value; int count = 0; while ((value = getCellValue(row.getCell(count++), null)) != null) { if (value.equals("key")) { key = count - 1; } else { temp.add(value); } } String[] headers = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]); if (key == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Asset Key was not specified"); } for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) { row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String type = row.getCell(key).getStringCellValue(); String nameAttribute = GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifactConfiguration(type, governanceRegistry) .getArtifactNameAttribute(); String namespaceAttribute = GovernanceUtils .findGovernanceArtifactConfiguration(type, governanceRegistry) .getArtifactNamespaceAttribute(); GenericArtifactManager manager = new GenericArtifactManager(governanceRegistry, type); Map<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) { attributeMap.put(headers[j], row.getCell(j > key ? j + 1 : j).getStringCellValue()); } GenericArtifact artifact = manager.newGovernanceArtifact(new QName( attributeMap.containsKey(namespaceAttribute) ? attributeMap.get(namespaceAttribute) : null, attributeMap.containsKey(nameAttribute) ? attributeMap.get(nameAttribute) : UUIDGenerator.generateUUID())); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : attributeMap.entrySet()) { artifact.setAttribute(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } manager.addGenericArtifact(artifact); } } } private static void addSubscriptions(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { File subscriptionsDirectory = new File(CommandHandler.getSubscriptionsLocation()); if (subscriptionsDirectory.exists()) { SubscriberClient manager = new SubscriberClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); Workbook workbook = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbook(subscriptionsDirectory, "list"); if (workbook != null) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } manager.subscribe(row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(), row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue(), row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue()); } } } } private static void performLifecycleOperations(ConfigurationContext configContext, Registry registry) throws Exception { if (CommandHandler.getLifecycleConfigLocation() != null) { File lifecycleOperationsLocation = new File(CommandHandler.getLifecycleOperationsLocation()); LifeCycleManagementClient client = new LifeCycleManagementClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); if (lifecycleOperationsLocation.exists()) { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(lifecycleOperationsLocation, "actions"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String path = getCellValue(row.getCell(0), null); String aspect = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null); String action = getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null); if (action == null) { if (aspect.equals(registry.get(path).getProperty(""))) { client.removeAspect(path, aspect); } else { client.addAspect(path, aspect); } } else { String[] items = splitAndTrim(getCellValue(row.getCell(3), null), ","); String temp = getCellValue(row.getCell(4), null); if (temp == null) { client.invokeAspect(path, aspect, action, items, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } else { Map<String, String> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String[] pairs = splitAndTrim(temp, ","); for (String pair : pairs) { String[] keyAndValue = splitAndTrim(pair, "[|]"); params.put(keyAndValue[0], keyAndValue[1]); } client.invokeAspect(path, aspect, action, items, params); } } } } } } } private static void addUsersRolesAndTenants(ConfigurationContext configContext) throws Exception { File usersAndRolesDirectory = new File(CommandHandler.getUsersAndRolesLocation()); if (usersAndRolesDirectory.exists()) { UserManagementClient userManager = new UserManagementClient(cookie, CommandHandler.getServiceURL(), configContext); addTenants(usersAndRolesDirectory, userManager); addRoles(usersAndRolesDirectory, userManager); addUsers(usersAndRolesDirectory, userManager); } } private static void addUsers(File usersAndRolesDirectory, UserManagementClient userManager) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(usersAndRolesDirectory, "users"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String name = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(); String password = getCellValue(row.getCell(1), name + "123"); String roles = getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null); userManager.addUser(name, password, splitAndTrim(roles == null ? null : roles, ","), new ClaimValue[0], null); if (row.getCell(3) != null && row.getCell(3).getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) { UserProfileDTO profile = userManager.getUserProfile(name, "default"); UserFieldDTO[] fieldValues = profile.getFieldValues(); String email = row.getCell(3).getStringCellValue(); String firstName = getCellValue(row.getCell(4), name); String lastName = getCellValue(row.getCell(5), name); for (UserFieldDTO fieldValue : fieldValues) { if (fieldValue.getClaimUri().equals("")) { fieldValue.setFieldValue(email); } else if (fieldValue.getClaimUri().equals("")) { fieldValue.setFieldValue(firstName); } else if (fieldValue.getClaimUri().equals("")) { fieldValue.setFieldValue(lastName); } else { fieldValue.setFieldValue(""); } } userManager.setUserProfile(name, profile); } } } } private static void addRoles(File usersAndRolesDirectory, UserManagementClient userManager) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(usersAndRolesDirectory, "roles"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } String name = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue(); String[] permissions = splitAndTrim(row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue(), ","); if (name.equals("everyone") || name.equals("admin")) { userManager.setRoleUIPermission(name, permissions); } else { userManager.addRole(name, new String[0], permissions); } } } } private static void addTenants(File usersAndRolesDirectory, UserManagementClient userManager) throws Exception { Workbook[] workbooks = PopulatorUtil.getWorkbooks(usersAndRolesDirectory, "tenants"); for (Workbook workbook : workbooks) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(workbook.getSheetName(0)); if (sheet == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("The first sheet is empty"); } int limit = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null || row.getCell(0) == null) { break; } userManager.addTenant(getCellValue(row.getCell(0), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(1), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(2), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(3), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(4), null), getCellValue(row.getCell(5), null)); } } } private static String getCellValue(Cell cell, String def) { return cell != null && cell.getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK ? cell.getStringCellValue() : def; } private static String[] splitAndTrim(String input, String splitBy) { if (input == null) { return null; } else { List<String> output = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String string : input.split(splitBy)) { output.add(string.trim()); } return output.toArray(new String[output.size()]); } } private static String getResourceName(String fileLocation) { String[] s = fileLocation.split("/"); return s[s.length - 1]; } }