Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.CarbonConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.ActionConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Aspect; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Association; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.CollectionImpl; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Comment; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.LogEntry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.LogEntryCollection; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.RegistryConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Resource; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.ResourceImpl; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.ResourcePath; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.TaggedResourcePath; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.RegistryContext; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.StaticConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dao.AssociationDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dao.LogsDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dao.RatingsDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dao.TagsDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dataaccess.DataAccessManager; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.dao.CommentsDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.Handler; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.HandlerLifecycleManager; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.HandlerManager; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.RequestContext; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.queries.QueryProcessorManager; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.utils.DumpReader; import; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.session.CurrentSession; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.session.UserRegistry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.statistics.query.DBQueryStatisticsLog; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.statistics.query.StatisticsRecord; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.AuthorizationUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.RegistryUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.VersionedPath; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.RealmConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserRealm; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.service.RealmService; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This is a core class of the Embedded JDBC Based implementation of the Registry. This will be used * mostly as the back-end by other Registry implementations. This can use either an in-memory * database or a external database configured using data source. */ public class EmbeddedRegistry implements Registry { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EmbeddedRegistry.class); // The instance of the logger to be used to log database query statistics. private static final Log dbQueryLog = DBQueryStatisticsLog.getLog(); private static List<String> statEnabledOperations = new LinkedList<String>(); private DataAccessManager dataAccessManager = null; // The executor service used to create threads to record connection statistics. private static ExecutorService executor = null; /** * Repository instance. This is used to handle basic resource storage operations of current * versions. */ private Repository repository; /** * VersionRepository instance. This is used to handle resource storage operations of archived * (old) versions. */ private VersionRepository versionRepository; /** * This is used to execute custom queries. */ private QueryProcessorManager queryProcessorManager; /** * This is used to interact with the database layer to perform resource related operations. */ private CommentsDAO commentsDAO; private RatingsDAO ratingsDAO; private TagsDAO tagsDAO; /** * This is used to interact with the database layer to perform associations related operations. */ private AssociationDAO associationDAO = null; /** * This is used to interact with the database layer to perform activity logging related * operations. */ private LogsDAO logsDAO = null; /** * The URL of the WS-Eventing Service */ private String defaultEventingServiceURL; /** * Dictionary of URLs of the WS-Eventing Services */ //TODO: Write new comparator for this map private Map<String, String> eventingServiceURLs = new TreeMap<String, String>(); /** * Reference to the RegistryContext instance. */ private RegistryContext registryContext; /** * UserRealm instance */ private RealmService realmService = null; /** * jdbcDir uses in content indexing */ // private JdbcDirectory jdbcDir; static { if (dbQueryLog.isDebugEnabled()) { initializeStatisticsLogging(); } String property = System.getProperty("carbon.registry.statistics.operations"); if (property != null) { statEnabledOperations.addAll(Arrays.asList(property.split(","))); } } private static synchronized void initializeStatisticsLogging() { if (executor != null) { return; } executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { executor.shutdownNow(); } }); } /** * Default constructor. Embedded registry should be configured using the {@link #configure} * method, if it is instantiated using this constructor. */ public EmbeddedRegistry() { } /** * Constructs a Embedded registry to be used with secure registries. Default authorizations will * be applied on the resources created using this registry. * * @param registryContext RegistryContext containing our configuration and data access manager. * Note that this may or may not be the same data source as the User * Manager. * @param realmService User manager realm service handle authorizations. * * @throws RegistryException If something went wrong */ public EmbeddedRegistry(RegistryContext registryContext, RealmService realmService) throws RegistryException { this.registryContext = registryContext; this.dataAccessManager = registryContext.getDataAccessManager(); this.logsDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getLogsDAO(); this.associationDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getAssociationDAO(); this.realmService = realmService; init(); } /** * Configures and initiates the Embedded registry with a (new) data source and a realm. This is * useful for changing underlying databases at run-time. * * @param dataAccessManager the data access manager to use * @param realmService the User manager realm service handle authorizations. * * @throws RegistryException If something went wrong while init */ public void configure(DataAccessManager dataAccessManager, RealmService realmService) throws RegistryException { this.dataAccessManager = dataAccessManager; this.logsDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getLogsDAO(); this.associationDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getAssociationDAO(); this.realmService = realmService; init(); } // initializing the registry, filling repository, versionRepository + initializing handlers // (This contains the code that used to be in EmbeddedRegistry constructor private void init() throws RegistryException { beginDBQueryLog(2); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initialing main registry"); } if (registryContext == null) { registryContext = RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(realmService); } registryContext.setDataAccessManager(dataAccessManager); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initializing the version repository."); } versionRepository = new VersionRepository(dataAccessManager); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initializing the repository."); } repository = new Repository(dataAccessManager, versionRepository, registryContext.isVersionOnChange(), new RecursionRepository(this)); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initializing the query manager for processing custom queries."); } queryProcessorManager = new QueryProcessorManager(dataAccessManager, registryContext); registryContext.setRepository(repository); registryContext.setVersionRepository(versionRepository); registryContext.setQueryProcessorManager(queryProcessorManager); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initialing the content indexing system."); } // initializeIndex(); // registryContext.setJdbcDir(jdbcDir); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initializing DAOs depending on the static configurations."); } commentsDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getCommentsDAO(StaticConfiguration.isVersioningComments()); ratingsDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getRatingsDAO(StaticConfiguration.isVersioningRatings()); tagsDAO = dataAccessManager.getDAOManager().getTagsDAO(StaticConfiguration.isVersioningTags()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Main registry initialized successfully."); } endDBQueryLog(2); } // Starts logging database query statistics. private void beginDBQueryLog(int level) { if (dbQueryLog.isDebugEnabled()) { StackTraceElement traceElement = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[level]; String methodName = traceElement.getMethodName(); if (!statEnabledOperations.isEmpty() && statEnabledOperations.contains(methodName)) { if (traceElement.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getCanonicalName())) { StatisticsRecord statisticsRecord = DBQueryStatisticsLog.getStatisticsRecord(); if (statisticsRecord.increment() == 0) { DBQueryStatisticsLog.clearStatisticsRecord(); statisticsRecord = DBQueryStatisticsLog.getStatisticsRecord(); statisticsRecord.increment(); statisticsRecord.setOperation(methodName); } } } } } // Finishes logging database query statistics. private void endDBQueryLog(int level) { if (dbQueryLog.isDebugEnabled()) { StackTraceElement traceElement = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[level]; String methodName = traceElement.getMethodName(); if (!statEnabledOperations.isEmpty() && statEnabledOperations.contains(methodName)) { if (traceElement.getClassName().equals(this.getClass().getCanonicalName())) { StatisticsRecord statisticsRecord = DBQueryStatisticsLog.getStatisticsRecord(); if (statisticsRecord.decrement() == 0) { final StatisticsRecord clone = new StatisticsRecord(statisticsRecord); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (clone.getTableRecords().length > 0) { dbQueryLog.debug(""); dbQueryLog.debug("---------------------------------------------------"); dbQueryLog.debug("Registry Operation: " + clone.getOperation()); dbQueryLog.debug(""); for (String record : clone.getTableRecords()) { dbQueryLog.debug("Tables Accessed: " + record); } if (Boolean.toString(true).equals(System.getProperty( "carbon.registry.statistics.output." + "queries.executed"))) { dbQueryLog.debug(""); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String query : clone.getQueries()) { sb.append("\n").append(query); } dbQueryLog.debug("Queries Executed:" + sb.toString()); } dbQueryLog.debug("---------------------------------------------------"); dbQueryLog.debug(""); } } }; if (executor != null) { executor.submit(runnable); } else { initializeStatisticsLogging(); executor.submit(runnable); } DBQueryStatisticsLog.clearStatisticsRecord(); } } } } } // TODO: Add this back once this is in a working state. @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void initializeIndex() throws RegistryException { /*Connection conn = null; try { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Initialing database for content indexing."); } conn = dataSource.getConnection(); ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, "REG_CONTENT_INDEX", null); jdbcDir = new JdbcDirectory(dataSource, DialectFactory.getDialect(dataSource) , "REG_CONTENT_INDEX"); if (! { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Creating the database tables storing indexes."); } jdbcDir.create(); } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Database tables for storing indexes are already created."); } } rs.close(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Database for content indexing is initialized successfully."); } } catch (SQLException e) { // Note if Registry is running on multiple nodes in a cluster sharing a same database: // When nodes are started at the same time, the first node that reaches database // creation code, tries to create tables. But other nodes may also perform the check and // finds out that tables are not created (if the first node has not yet committed the // table creation operation). Then they may also try to create tables and only one node // succeeds in this process. All other nodes may fail in this table creation operation, // if they encounter this concurrency scenario. But all other nodes should continue, // if the tables are created by some other node. boolean indexTableCreated = false; try { ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, "REG_CONTENT_INDEX", null); if ( { indexTableCreated = true; } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { String msg = "Failed to check the existence of the table REG_CONTENT_INDEX."; log.error(msg, e1); } if (indexTableCreated) { String msg = "Attempt to create database tables for content index is " + "unsuccessful. But all the required database tables are already created. " + "If this Registry instance is started in a clustered environment " + "simultaneously with other Registry nodes, this is an expected situation " + "and considered as a successful start-up of this node. Complete error " + "is also logged for reference. Ignore this error log if this " + "instance is started in a cluster."; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(msg, e); } } else { String msg = "Failed to create table to store content index."; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Failed to create table to store content index."; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Failed to close the connection used to create database tables " + "for content index. Caused by: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(msg, e); } }*/ } public void beginTransaction() throws RegistryException { beginDBQueryLog(3); dataAccessManager.getTransactionManager().beginTransaction(); } public void rollbackTransaction() throws RegistryException { dataAccessManager.getTransactionManager().rollbackTransaction(); endDBQueryLog(3); } public void commitTransaction() throws RegistryException { dataAccessManager.getTransactionManager().commitTransaction(); endDBQueryLog(3); } public RegistryContext getRegistryContext() { beginDBQueryLog(2); RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); // We need to set the path of the registry that is making the request for the registry // context so that the handler manager can figure out which handler to invoke. In here, // we use the chroot of the registry as the path. String chroot = CurrentSession.getChroot(); if (chroot == null) { chroot = "/"; } else if (!chroot.endsWith("/")) { chroot += "/"; } context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(chroot)); RegistryContext output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getRegistryContext(context); endDBQueryLog(2); if (output != null) { return output; } return registryContext; } public Resource newResource() throws RegistryException { beginDBQueryLog(2); try { ResourceImpl resource = new ResourceImpl(); resource.setAuthorUserName(CurrentSession.getUser()); return resource; } finally { endDBQueryLog(2); } } public Collection newCollection() throws RegistryException { beginDBQueryLog(2); try { CollectionImpl coll = new CollectionImpl(); coll.setAuthorUserName(CurrentSession.getUser()); return coll; } finally { endDBQueryLog(2); } } public Resource get(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); // check if this path refers to a resource referred by a URL query (e.g. comment) context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); Resource resource = registryContext.getHandlerManager().get(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { // resource may have been fetched from the repository, to be used by handlers. if // it is done, it has to be stored in the request context. we can just use that // resource without fetching it again from the repository. if (resource == null) { resource = context.getResource(); } if (resource == null) { VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resource = repository.get(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resource = versionRepository.get(versionedPath); } } if (resource == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(path); } context.setResource(resource); registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).get(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return resource; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE).get(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public Resource getMetaData(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // starting the transactional operation wrapper beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); Resource resource; VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resource = repository.getMetaData(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resource = versionRepository.getMetaData(versionedPath); } if (resource == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(path); } // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; return resource; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public String importResource(String suggestedPath, String sourceURL, org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Resource resource) throws org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.RegistryException { return importResource(suggestedPath, sourceURL, (Resource) resource); } public Collection get(String path, int start, int pageSize) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // starting the transactional operation wrapper beginTransaction(); Collection collection; ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { collection = repository.get(resourcePath.getPath(), start, pageSize); } else { collection = versionRepository.get(versionedPath, start, pageSize); } // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; return collection; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public boolean resourceExists(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // starting the transactional operation wrapper ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); boolean output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().resourceExists(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); output = (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) ? repository.resourceExists(resourcePath.getPath()) : versionRepository.resourceExists(versionedPath); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .resourceExists(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .resourceExists(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String put(String suggestedPath, org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Resource resource) throws org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.RegistryException { return put(suggestedPath, (Resource) resource); } public String put(String suggestedPath, Resource resource) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); boolean mustPutChild = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(suggestedPath); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setResource(resource); if (repository.resourceExists(suggestedPath)) { context.setOldResource(repository.get(suggestedPath)); } if (!RegistryConstants.ROOT_PATH.equals(resourcePath.getPath())) { mustPutChild = true; registryContext.getHandlerManager().putChild(context); } registryContext.getHandlerManager().put(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { String actualPath = context.getActualPath(); if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { ((ResourceImpl) resource).prepareContentForPut(); actualPath = suggestedPath; try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); repository.put(suggestedPath, resource); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } } if (mustPutChild) { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .putChild(context); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).put(context); transactionSucceeded = true; if (actualPath == null) { return suggestedPath; } else { return actualPath; } } else { return suggestedPath; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { if (mustPutChild) { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .putChild(context); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE).put(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String importResource(String suggestedPath, String sourceURL, Resource metaResource) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); RequestContext importChildContext = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(suggestedPath); importChildContext.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setSourceURL(sourceURL); context.setResource(metaResource); if (repository.resourceExists(suggestedPath)) { Resource resource = repository.get(suggestedPath); importChildContext.setOldResource(resource); context.setOldResource(resource); } registryContext.getHandlerManager().importChild(importChildContext); registryContext.getHandlerManager().importResource(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { String savedPath = context.getActualPath(); if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { savedPath = suggestedPath; // if some handlers have updated the meta data *without completing the request* we should // capture the updated meta data here. if (context.getResource() != null) { metaResource = context.getResource(); } try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); repository.importResource(resourcePath.getPath(), sourceURL, metaResource); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } } if (savedPath != null) { if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(savedPath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.UPDATE, null); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .importChild(importChildContext); registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .importResource(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; if (savedPath != null) { return savedPath; } } return suggestedPath; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .importChild(importChildContext); registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .importResource(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void delete(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setRegistryContext(registryContext); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); registryContext.getHandlerManager().delete(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete() && repository.resourceExists(resourcePath.getPath())) { repository.delete(resourcePath.getPath()); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(resourcePath.getPath(), CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.DELETE_RESOURCE, null); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).delete(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .delete(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String rename(String currentPath, String newName) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(currentPath); context.setRegistryContext(registryContext); context.setSourcePath(currentPath); context.setTargetPath(newName); String newPath = registryContext.getHandlerManager().rename(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); newPath = repository.rename(resourcePath, newName); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(newPath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.RENAME, currentPath); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).rename(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return newPath; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .rename(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String move(String currentPath, String newPath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath currentResourcePath = new ResourcePath(currentPath); context.setSourcePath(currentPath); context.setTargetPath(newPath); context.setRegistryContext(registryContext); String movedPath = registryContext.getHandlerManager().move(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); movedPath = repository.move(currentResourcePath, newPath); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(newPath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.MOVE, currentPath); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).move(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return movedPath; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE).move(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String copy(String sourcePath, String targetPath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath sourceResourcePath = new ResourcePath(sourcePath); ResourcePath targetResourcePath = new ResourcePath(targetPath); context.setSourcePath(sourcePath); context.setTargetPath(targetPath); String copiedPath = registryContext.getHandlerManager().copy(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); copiedPath = repository.copy(sourceResourcePath, targetResourcePath); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(sourcePath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.COPY, targetPath); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).copy(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return copiedPath; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE).copy(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void createVersion(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); registryContext.getHandlerManager().createVersion(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { versionRepository.createSnapshot(resourcePath, true, true); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .createVersion(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .createVersion(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String[] getVersions(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); String[] output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getVersions(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { output = versionRepository.getVersions(path); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getVersions(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getVersions(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void restoreVersion(String versionPath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setVersionPath(versionPath); ResourcePath versionedResourcePath = new ResourcePath(versionPath); String path = versionedResourcePath.getPath(); if (repository.resourceExists(path)) { context.setOldResource(repository.get(path)); } registryContext.getHandlerManager().restoreVersion(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (repository.resourceExists(path)) { // if the target already have resources, delete them.. repository.prepareVersionRestore(path); } versionRepository.restoreVersion(versionedResourcePath); VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(versionedResourcePath); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.RESTORE, Long.toString(versionedPath.getVersion())); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .restoreVersion(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .restoreVersion(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Associations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void addAssociation(String sourcePath, String targetPath, String associationType) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // Source and target of associations may or may not be resources in the registry. If they // don't refer to a resource, they can contain any string value. But if they refer to // resources, values should be proper resource paths. ResourcePath sourceResourcePath = new ResourcePath(sourcePath); if (repository.resourceExists(sourceResourcePath.getPath())) { sourcePath = sourceResourcePath.getPathWithVersion(); } ResourcePath targetResourcePath = new ResourcePath(targetPath); if (repository.resourceExists(targetResourcePath.getPath())) { targetPath = targetResourcePath.getPathWithVersion(); } context.setSourcePath(sourcePath); context.setTargetPath(targetPath); context.setAssociationType(associationType); context.setOldAssociationsOnSource(getAllAssociations(sourcePath)); context.setOldAssociationsOnTarget(getAllAssociations(targetPath)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().addAssociation(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { associationDAO.addAssociation(sourcePath, targetPath, associationType); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(sourcePath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.ADD_ASSOCIATION, associationType + ";" + targetPath); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .addAssociation(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .addAssociation(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void removeAssociation(String sourcePath, String targetPath, String associationType) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // Source and target of associations may or may not be resources in the registry. If they // don't refer to a resource, they can contain any string value. But if they refer to // resources, values should be proper resource paths. ResourcePath sourceResourcePath = new ResourcePath(sourcePath); if (repository.resourceExists(sourceResourcePath.getPath())) { sourcePath = sourceResourcePath.getPathWithVersion(); } ResourcePath targetResourcePath = new ResourcePath(targetPath); if (repository.resourceExists(targetResourcePath.getPath())) { targetPath = targetResourcePath.getPathWithVersion(); } context.setSourcePath(sourcePath); context.setTargetPath(targetPath); context.setAssociationType(associationType); context.setOldAssociationsOnSource(getAllAssociations(sourcePath)); context.setOldAssociationsOnTarget(getAllAssociations(targetPath)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().removeAssociation(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { associationDAO.removeAssociation(sourcePath, targetPath, associationType); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(sourcePath, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.REMOVE_ASSOCIATION, associationType + ";" + targetPath); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .removeAssociation(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .removeAssociation(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public Association[] getAllAssociations(String resourcePath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // Source and target of associations may or may not be resources in the registry. If they // don't refer to a resource, they can contain any string value. But if they refer to // resources, values should be proper resource paths. ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (repository.resourceExists(processedPath.getPath())) { resourcePath = processedPath.getPathWithVersion(); } context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(resourcePath)); Association[] associations = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getAllAssociations(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { associations = associationDAO.getAllAssociations(resourcePath); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAllAssociations(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return associations; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAllAssociations(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public Association[] getAssociations(String resourcePath, String associationType) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // Source and target of associations may or may not be resources in the registry. If they // don't refer to a resource, they can contain any string value. But if they refer to // resources, values should be proper resource paths. ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (repository.resourceExists(processedPath.getPath())) { resourcePath = processedPath.getPathWithVersion(); } context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(resourcePath)); context.setAssociationType(associationType); Association[] associations = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getAssociations(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { associations = associationDAO.getAllAssociationsForType(resourcePath, associationType); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAssociations(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return associations; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAssociations(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tagging //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void applyTag(String resourcePath, String tag) throws RegistryException { final String ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_FOR_TAG = ".*[~!@#;%^*+={}\\|\\\\<>\"\'].*"; Pattern illegalCharactersPattern = Pattern.compile(ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_FOR_TAG); if (illegalCharactersPattern.matcher(tag).matches()) { //"[~!@#;%^*()+={}[]|\\<>\"\']" throw new RegistryException( "The tag '" + tag + "' contains one or more illegal " + "characters (~!@#;%^*()+={}|\\<>\"\')"); } boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setResourcePath(processedPath); context.setTag(tag); context.setOldTags(getTags(processedPath.getPath())); registryContext.getHandlerManager().applyTag(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to apply tag to the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); // break the comma separated words into multiple tags String[] tags = tag.split(","); ResourceImpl resource = tagsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath); if (resource == null) { String msg = "Failed to apply tag " + tag + " on resource " + resourcePath + ". Resource " + resourcePath + " does not exist."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } String userName = CurrentSession.getUser(); if (!AuthorizationUtils.authorize(resource.getPath(), ActionConstants.GET)) { String msg = "Failed to apply tag " + tag + " on resource " + resourcePath + ". User " + userName + " is not authorized to read the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { tags[i] = tags[i].trim(); if (tags[i].length() == 0 || tags[i].equals(" ")) { continue; } if (tagsDAO.taggingExists(tags[i], resource, userName)) { // Already there, don't bother doing it again. continue; } tagsDAO.addTagging(tags[i], resource, userName); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(resourcePath, userName, LogEntry.TAG, tags[i]); } } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).applyTag(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .applyTag(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public TaggedResourcePath[] getResourcePathsWithTag(String tag) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setTag(tag); TaggedResourcePath[] output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getResourcePathsWithTag(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { // break the tags from spaces String[] tags = tag.trim().split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { tags[i] = tags[i].trim(); } Map<String, TaggedResourcePath> taggedPaths = new HashMap<String, TaggedResourcePath>(); // We know that the paths list contains strings. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> pathList = tagsDAO.getPathsWithAnyTag(tags); for (String path : pathList) { TaggedResourcePath taggedResourcePath = new TaggedResourcePath(); taggedResourcePath.setResourcePath(path); ResourceImpl resourceImpl = tagsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(path); for (String currentTag : tags) { long count = tagsDAO.getTagCount(resourceImpl, currentTag); taggedResourcePath.addTagCount(currentTag, count); taggedPaths.put(currentTag + path, taggedResourcePath); } } if (output == null || output.length == 0) { java.util.Collection<TaggedResourcePath> taggedPathsSet = taggedPaths.values(); output = taggedPathsSet.toArray(new TaggedResourcePath[taggedPathsSet.size()]); } else { for (TaggedResourcePath taggedResourcePath : output) { for (String currentTag : taggedResourcePath.getTagCounts().keySet()) { taggedPaths.put(currentTag + taggedResourcePath.getResourcePath(), taggedResourcePath); } } java.util.Collection<TaggedResourcePath> taggedPathsSet = taggedPaths.values(); output = taggedPathsSet.toArray(new TaggedResourcePath[taggedPathsSet.size()]); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getResourcePathsWithTag(context); // transaction successfully finished transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getResourcePathsWithTag(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public Tag[] getTags(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); Tag[] output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getTags(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { path = RegistryUtils.prepareGeneralPath(path); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); ResourceImpl resourceImpl; if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resourceImpl = tagsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resourceImpl = (ResourceImpl) versionRepository.getMetaData(versionedPath); } if (resourceImpl == null) { String msg = "Failed to get tags of " + path + ". The resource doesn't exists."; log.debug(msg); output = new Tag[0]; } else { output = tagsDAO.getTagsWithCount(resourceImpl); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).getTags(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getTags(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void removeTag(String path, String tag) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(processedPath); context.setTag(tag); context.setOldTags(getTags(processedPath.getPath())); registryContext.getHandlerManager().removeTag(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to remove tag from the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } path = processedPath.getPath(); path = RegistryUtils.prepareGeneralPath(path); String user = CurrentSession.getUser(); UserRealm userRealm = CurrentSession.getUserRealm(); boolean adminUser = false; // getting the realm config to get admin role, user details RealmConfiguration realmConfig; try { realmConfig = userRealm.getRealmConfiguration(); } catch (UserStoreException e) { String msg = "Failed to retrieve realm configuration."; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } // check is the user belongs to the admin role try { String[] roles = userRealm.getUserStoreManager().getRoleListOfUser(user); String adminRoleName = realmConfig.getAdminRoleName(); if (RegistryUtils.containsString(adminRoleName, roles)) { adminUser = true; } } catch (UserStoreException e) { String msg = "Failed to get roles of the current user. " + "User will be considered as non-admin user.\n" + e.getMessage(); log.error(msg, e); adminUser = false; } // check if the user is the admin user // TODO - do we really need to do this check? Won't this user always be in the // admin role? String adminUsername = realmConfig.getAdminUserName(); if (adminUsername.equals(user)) { adminUser = true; } if (adminUser) { ResourceImpl resource = tagsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(path); tagsDAO.removeTags(resource, tag); } else { ResourceImpl resource = (ResourceImpl) repository.getMetaData(path); String author = resource.getAuthorUserName(); if (user.equals(author)) { tagsDAO.removeTags(resource, tag); } else { tagsDAO.removeTags(resource, tag, user); } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, user, LogEntry.REMOVE_TAG, tag); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).removeTag(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .removeTag(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String addComment(String resourcePath, org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Comment comment) throws org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.RegistryException { return addComment(resourcePath, (Comment) comment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Commenting //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String addComment(String resourcePath, Comment comment) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setResourcePath(processedPath); context.setComment(comment); context.setOldComments(getComments(processedPath.getPath())); String output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().addComment(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to add comment to the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); String userName = CurrentSession.getUser(); if (!AuthorizationUtils.authorize(resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET)) { String msg = "Failed to apply comment " + comment.getText() + " on resource " + resourcePath + ". User " + userName + " is not authorized to read the " + "resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } try { ResourceImpl resource = commentsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath); if (resource == null) { String msg = "Failed to add comment " + comment.getText() + " to resource " + resourcePath + ". Resource " + resourcePath + " does not exist."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } int commentId = commentsDAO.addComment(resource, userName, comment); String commentPath = resourcePath + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + "comments:" + commentId; if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(resourcePath, userName, LogEntry.COMMENT, comment.getText()); } output = commentPath; } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed to add comment " + comment.getText() + " on resource " + resourcePath + ". User " + userName + "."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).addComment(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .addComment(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void editComment(String commentPath, String text) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(commentPath); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setCommentPath(commentPath); comment.setText(text); context.setResourcePath(processedPath); context.setComment(comment); context.setOldComments(getComments(commentPath)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().editComment(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { String userName = CurrentSession.getUser(); String[] parts = commentPath.split(RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 2) { String resourcePath = parts[0]; String commentPart = parts[1]; if (!AuthorizationUtils.authorize(resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET)) { String msg = "Failed to edit comment " + text + " on resource " + resourcePath + ". User " + userName + " is not authorized to read " + "the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } if (commentPart.startsWith("comments:")) { String commentId = commentPart.substring(9); commentsDAO.updateComment(Long.parseLong(commentId), text); } } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .editComment(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .editComment(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void removeComment(String commentPath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(commentPath); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setCommentPath(commentPath); context.setResourcePath(processedPath); context.setComment(comment); context.setOldComments(getComments(commentPath)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().removeComment(context); if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to remove tag from the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } String user = CurrentSession.getUser(); UserRealm userRealm = CurrentSession.getUserRealm(); boolean adminUser = false; // getting the realm config to get admin role, user details RealmConfiguration realmConfig; try { realmConfig = userRealm.getRealmConfiguration(); } catch (UserStoreException e) { String msg = "Failed to retrieve realm configuration."; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } // check is the user belongs to the admin role try { String[] roles = userRealm.getUserStoreManager().getRoleListOfUser(user); String adminRoleName = realmConfig.getAdminRoleName(); if (RegistryUtils.containsString(adminRoleName, roles)) { adminUser = true; } } catch (UserStoreException e) { String msg = "Failed to get roles of the current user. " + "User will be considered as non-admin user.\n" + e.getMessage(); log.error(msg, e); adminUser = false; } // check if the user is the admin user // TODO - do we really need to do this check? Won't this user always be in the // admin role? String adminUsername = realmConfig.getAdminUserName(); if (adminUsername.equals(user)) { adminUser = true; } String[] parts = commentPath.split(RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR); String commentPart = parts[1]; String commentId = null; if (parts.length == 2 && commentPart.startsWith("comments:")) { commentId = parts[1].substring(9); } Comment temp = commentsDAO.getComment(Long.parseLong(commentId), processedPath.getPath()); if (adminUser) { commentsDAO.deleteComment(Long.parseLong(commentId)); } else { ResourceImpl resource = (ResourceImpl) repository.getMetaData(processedPath.getPath()); String author = resource.getAuthorUserName(); if (user.equals(author)) { commentsDAO.deleteComment(Long.parseLong(commentId)); } else { if (temp != null && user.equals(temp.getUser())) { commentsDAO.deleteComment(Long.parseLong(commentId)); } else { String msg = "User: " + user + " is not authorized to delete the comment on the resource: " + processedPath.getPath(); log.warn(msg); throw new AuthorizationFailedException(msg); } } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { if (temp != null) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(processedPath.getPath(), user, LogEntry.DELETE_COMMENT, temp.getText()); } else { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(processedPath.getPath(), user, LogEntry.DELETE_COMMENT, commentPath); } } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).removeComment(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .removeComment(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public Comment[] getComments(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); Comment[] output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getComments(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); ResourceImpl resourceImpl; if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resourceImpl = commentsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resourceImpl = (ResourceImpl) versionRepository.getMetaData(versionedPath); } if (resourceImpl == null) { output = new Comment[0]; } else { output = commentsDAO.getComments(resourceImpl); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getComments(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getComments(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ratings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void rateResource(String resourcePath, int rating) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); String userName = CurrentSession.getUser(); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(resourcePath)); context.setRating(rating); context.setOldRating(getRating(resourcePath, userName)); context.setOldAverageRating(getAverageRating(resourcePath)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().rateResource(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to apply rating to the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); ResourceImpl resourceImpl = ratingsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath); if (resourceImpl != null) { if (!AuthorizationUtils.authorize(resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET)) { String msg = "Failed to rate resource " + resourcePath + " with rating " + rating + ". User " + userName + " is not authorized to read the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } // check for the existing rating. int rateID = ratingsDAO.getRateID(resourceImpl, userName); if (rateID > -1) { if (rating == 0) { ratingsDAO.removeRating(resourceImpl, rateID); } else { ratingsDAO.updateRating(resourceImpl, rateID, rating); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updated the rating on the resource " + resourcePath + " by user " + userName); } } else { ratingsDAO.addRating(resourceImpl, userName, rating); } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(resourcePath, userName, LogEntry.RATING, Integer.toString(rating)); } } else { String msg = "Rate on Null resource " + resourcePath; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .rateResource(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .rateResource(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public float getAverageRating(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); float rating = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getAverageRating(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); ResourceImpl resourceImpl; if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resourceImpl = ratingsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resourceImpl = (ResourceImpl) versionRepository.getMetaData(versionedPath); } if (resourceImpl == null) { String msg = "Rate on Null resource " + path; log.debug(msg); rating = 0; } else { rating = ratingsDAO.getAverageRating(resourceImpl); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAverageRating(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return rating; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getAverageRating(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public int getRating(String path, String userName) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setUserName(userName); int rating = registryContext.getHandlerManager().getRating(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { VersionedPath versionedPath = RegistryUtils.getVersionedPath(resourcePath); ResourceImpl resourceImpl; if (versionedPath.getVersion() == -1) { resourceImpl = ratingsDAO.getResourceWithMinimumData(resourcePath.getPath()); } else { resourceImpl = (ResourceImpl) versionRepository.getMetaData(versionedPath); } if (resourceImpl == null) { String msg = "Rate on Null resource " + path; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } rating = ratingsDAO.getRating(resourceImpl, userName); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).getRating(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return rating; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .getRating(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extensible searching API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Collection executeQuery(String path, Map parameters) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; boolean remote = false; if (parameters.get("remote") != null) { parameters.remove("remote"); remote = true; } RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); Resource query = null; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); Registry systemRegistry = new UserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_SYSTEM_USERNAME, CurrentSession.getTenantId(), this, realmService, null); // we have to get the stored query without checking the user permissions. // all query actions are blocked for all users. they are allowed to read the // queries, only when executing them. if (path != null) { String purePath = RegistryUtils.getPureResourcePath(path); if (systemRegistry.resourceExists(purePath)) { query = systemRegistry.get(purePath); // If no media type was specified, the query should not work at all. // This is also used in the remote registry scenario, where we send '/' as the // query path, when path is null. if (query != null && (query.getMediaType() == null || query.getMediaType().length() == 0)) { query = null; } } } /*// transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } // new transaction transactionSucceeded = false; context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction();*/ if (path != null) { context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); } context.setResource(query); context.setQueryParameters(parameters); Collection output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().executeQuery(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { if (query == null) { query = newResource(); String mediaType = (String) parameters.get("mediaType"); query.setMediaType(mediaType != null ? mediaType : RegistryConstants.SQL_QUERY_MEDIA_TYPE); } //Resource query = repository.get(purePath); Collection temp = queryProcessorManager.executeQuery(this, query, parameters); Set<String> results = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (output != null) { String[] children = output.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (String child : children) { if (child != null && (remote || resourceExists(child))) { results.add(child); } } } if (temp != null) { children = temp.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (String child : children) { if (child != null && (remote || resourceExists(child))) { results.add(child); } } } } else { temp = output; } temp.setContent(results.toArray(new String[results.size()])); } output = temp; } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .executeQuery(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } return output; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .executeQuery(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public LogEntry[] getLogs(String resourcePath, int action, String userName, Date from, Date to, boolean recentFirst) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); List logEntryList = logsDAO.getLogList(resourcePath, action, userName, from, to, recentFirst, dataAccessManager); // We go on two iterations to avoid null values in the following array. Need better way // in a single iteration for (int i = logEntryList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LogEntry logEntry = (LogEntry) logEntryList.get(i); if (logEntry == null) { logEntryList.remove(i); } } LogEntry[] logEntries = new LogEntry[logEntryList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < logEntryList.size(); i++) { logEntries[i] = (LogEntry) logEntryList.get(i); } // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return logEntries; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public LogEntryCollection getLogCollection(String resourcePath, int action, String userName, Date from, Date to, boolean recentFirst) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); LogEntryCollection logEntryCollection = new LogEntryCollection(); logEntryCollection .setLogCount(logsDAO.getLogsCount(resourcePath, action, userName, from, to, recentFirst)); logEntryCollection.setDataAccessManager(dataAccessManager); logEntryCollection.setResourcePath(resourcePath); logEntryCollection.setAction(action); logEntryCollection.setUserName(userName); logEntryCollection.setFrom(from); logEntryCollection.setTo(to); logEntryCollection.setRecentFirst(recentFirst); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return logEntryCollection; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public String[] getAvailableAspects() { // we are using CallerTenantId instead of tenantId to preserve the tenant information // even this is called from a system registry, which anyway make just tenantId always = 0, // but keep the callerTenantId value to it is callers real tenant id return registryContext.getAspectNames(CurrentSession.getCallerTenantId()); } public void associateAspect(String resourcePath, String aspectName) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to associate aspectName to the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); //TODO need to do the security validation here Resource resource = get(resourcePath); if ((resource.getAspects() == null) || (!resource.getAspects().contains(aspectName))) { Aspect aspect = getAspect(aspectName); if (aspect == null) { throw new RegistryException("Couldn't find aspectName '" + aspectName + "'"); } aspect.associate(resource, this); resource.addAspect(aspectName); String path = resource.getPath(); put(path, resource); registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.ASSOCIATE_ASPECT, aspectName); } // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } private Aspect getAspect(String name) throws RegistryException { // we are using CallerTenantId instead of tenantId to preserve the tenant information // even this is called from a system registry, which anyway make just tenantId always = 0, // but keep the callerTenantId value to it is callers real tenant id return registryContext.getAspect(name, CurrentSession.getCallerTenantId()); } public void invokeAspect(String resourcePath, String aspectName, String action) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to invoke aspect of the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); Resource resource = get(resourcePath); Aspect aspect = getResourceAspect(resource, aspectName); context.setOldResource(get(resourcePath)); context.setResource(resource); // List aspectNames = resource.getPropertyValues(Aspect.AVAILABLE_ASPECTS); // if (aspectNames == null) { // throw new RegistryException("No aspect are associated with the resource"); // } context.setAspect(aspect); context.setAction(action); registryContext.getHandlerManager().invokeAspect(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { aspect.invoke(context, action); } resource.discard(); registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .invokeAspect(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .invokeAspect(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void invokeAspect(String resourcePath, String aspectName, String action, Map<String, String> parameters) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to invoke aspect of the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); Resource resource = get(resourcePath); Aspect aspect = getResourceAspect(resource, aspectName); context.setOldResource(get(resourcePath)); context.setResource(resource); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : parameters.entrySet()) { context.setProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } context.setProperty("parameterNames", Collections.unmodifiableSet(parameters.keySet())); // List aspectNames = resource.getPropertyValues(Aspect.AVAILABLE_ASPECTS); // if (aspectNames == null) { // throw new RegistryException("No aspect are associated with the resource"); // } context.setAspect(aspect); context.setAction(action); registryContext.getHandlerManager().invokeAspect(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { aspect.invoke(context, action, parameters); } resource.discard(); registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE) .invokeAspect(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .invokeAspect(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } private Aspect getResourceAspect(Resource resource, String aspectName) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); Aspect aspect = getAspect(aspectName); if (aspect == null) { throw new RegistryException("Aspect '" + aspectName + "' is not registered!"); } // Confirm this aspect is associated with this Resource List<String> resourceAspects = resource.getAspects(); if (resourceAspects == null || !resourceAspects.contains(aspectName)) { throw new RegistryException( "Resource at '" + resource.getPath() + "' not associated with aspect '" + aspectName + "'"); } // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return aspect; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public String[] getAspectActions(String resourcePath, String aspectName) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath processedPath = new ResourcePath(resourcePath); if (!processedPath.isCurrentVersion()) { String msg = "Failed to get aspect actions of the resource " + processedPath + ". Given path refers to an archived version of the resource."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } resourcePath = processedPath.getPath(); Resource resource = get(resourcePath); Aspect aspect = getResourceAspect(resource, aspectName); context.setResource(resource); String[] actions = aspect.getAvailableActions(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return actions; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public Collection searchContent(String keywords) throws RegistryException { /*RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); context.setKeywords(keywords); Collection output = registryContext.getHandlerManager().searchContent(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(registryContext.getJdbcDir()); Query query = new QueryParser("content", new StandardAnalyzer()).parse(keywords); Hits hits =; org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection collection = new CollectionImpl(); String[] paths = new String[hits.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) { paths[i] = hits.doc(i).get("id"); } collection.setContent(paths); output = collection; } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Failed to search content"; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } catch (ParseException e) { String msg = "Failed to parse the query"; log.error(msg, e); throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } } } return output;*/ return null; } public void createLink(String path, String target) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); if (path.equals(target)) { String msg = "Path and target are same, path = target = " + path + ". You can't create a symbolic link to itself."; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } // first put the data.. Resource oldResource = repository.getMetaData(target); Resource resource; if (repository.resourceExists(path)) { resource = repository.get(path); resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_EXISTING_RESOURCE, "true"); } else if (oldResource != null) { if (oldResource instanceof Collection) { resource = new CollectionImpl(); } else { resource = new ResourceImpl(); } } else { resource = new CollectionImpl(); } resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_NON_RECURSIVE, "true"); resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_LINK_RESTORATION, path + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + target + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + CurrentSession.getUser()); resource.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.LINK_MEDIA_TYPE); try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, false); repository.put(path, resource); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } resource.discard(); HandlerManager hm = registryContext.getHandlerManager(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setTargetPath(target); hm.createLink(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { RegistryUtils.registerHandlerForSymbolicLinks(registryContext, path, target, CurrentSession.getUser()); String author = CurrentSession.getUser(); RegistryUtils.addMountEntry(RegistryUtils.getSystemRegistry(this), registryContext, path, target, false, author); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK, target); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).createLink(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .createLink(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void createLink(String path, String target, String targetSubPath) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); Resource resource; if (repository.resourceExists(path)) { resource = repository.get(path); resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_EXISTING_RESOURCE, "true"); } else { resource = new CollectionImpl(); } resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_NON_RECURSIVE, "true"); resource.addProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_LINK_RESTORATION, path + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + target + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + targetSubPath + RegistryConstants.URL_SEPARATOR + CurrentSession.getUser()); resource.setMediaType(RegistryConstants.LINK_MEDIA_TYPE); try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, false); repository.put(path, resource); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } resource.discard(); HandlerManager hm = registryContext.getHandlerManager(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); context.setTargetPath(target); context.setTargetSubPath(targetSubPath); hm.createLink(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { RegistryUtils.registerHandlerForRemoteLinks(registryContext, path, target, targetSubPath, CurrentSession.getUser()); String author = CurrentSession.getUser(); RegistryUtils.addMountEntry(RegistryUtils.getSystemRegistry(this), registryContext, path, target, targetSubPath, author); if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.CREATE_REMOTE_LINK, target + ";" + targetSubPath); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).createLink(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .createLink(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public void removeLink(String path) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); ResourcePath resourcePath = new ResourcePath(path); context.setResourcePath(resourcePath); registryContext.getHandlerManager().removeLink(context); // we will be removing the symlink handlers to remove Handler handlerToRemove = (Handler) context .getProperty(RegistryConstants.SYMLINK_TO_REMOVE_PROPERTY_NAME); if (handlerToRemove != null) { registryContext.getHandlerManager().removeHandler(handlerToRemove, HandlerLifecycleManager.TENANT_SPECIFIC_SYSTEM_HANDLER_PHASE); } if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { Collection mountCollection = (Collection) get(RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(registryContext, RegistryConstants.LOCAL_REPOSITORY_BASE_PATH + RegistryConstants.SYSTEM_MOUNT_PATH)); String[] mountResources = mountCollection.getChildren(); Resource resource = null; for (String mountResource : mountResources) { String mountResName = mountResource.substring(mountResource.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); String relativePath = RegistryUtils.getRelativePath(registryContext, path); if (mountResName.equals(relativePath.replace("/", "-"))) { resource = get(mountResource); break; } } if (resource == null) { String msg = "Couldn't find the mount point to remove. "; log.error(msg); throw new RegistryException(msg); } RegistryUtils.getSystemRegistry(this).delete(resource.getPath()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException ignored) { // There can be situations where the mount resource is not found. In that // case, we can simply ignore this exception being thrown. An example of // such a situation is found in CARBON-12002. } if (repository.resourceExists(path)) { Resource r = repository.get(path); if (!Boolean.toString(true) .equals(r.getProperty(RegistryConstants.REGISTRY_EXISTING_RESOURCE))) { repository.delete(path); } } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.REMOVE_LINK, null); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).removeLink(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .removeLink(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } // check in, check out functionality public void restore(String path, Reader reader) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setDumpingReader(reader); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); registryContext.getHandlerManager().restore(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { try { CurrentSession.setAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY, context.isLoggingActivity()); repository.restore(path, reader); } finally { CurrentSession.removeAttribute(Repository.IS_LOGGING_ACTIVITY); } if (context.isLoggingActivity()) { registryContext.getLogWriter().addLog(path, CurrentSession.getUser(), LogEntry.RESTORE, null); } } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).restore(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .restore(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("total read: " + DumpReader.getTotalRead()); log.debug("total buffered: " + DumpReader.getTotalBuffered()); log.debug("maximum buffer size: " + DumpReader.getMaxBufferedSize()); log.debug("total buffer read size: " + DumpReader.getTotalBufferedRead()); } } } public void dump(String path, Writer writer) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); context.setDumpingWriter(writer); registryContext.getHandlerManager().dump(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { repository.dump(path, writer); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).dump(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE).dump(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } public String getEventingServiceURL(String path) throws RegistryException { if (path == null || eventingServiceURLs.size() == 0) { return defaultEventingServiceURL; } Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = eventingServiceURLs.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : entries) { if (e.getValue() == null) { // Clean-up step eventingServiceURLs.remove(e.getKey()); } else if (path.matches(e.getKey())) { return e.getValue(); } } return defaultEventingServiceURL; } public void setEventingServiceURL(String path, String eventingServiceURL) throws RegistryException { if (path == null) { this.defaultEventingServiceURL = eventingServiceURL; } else { this.eventingServiceURLs.put(path, eventingServiceURL); } } public boolean addAspect(String name, Aspect aspect) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // we are using CallerTenantId instead of tenantId to preserve the tenant information // even this is called from a system registry, which anyway makes tenantId always = 0, // but keep the callerTenantId value to it is callers real tenant id registryContext.addAspect(name, aspect, CurrentSession.getCallerTenantId()); if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return true; } return false; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public boolean removeAspect(String name) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); // we are using CallerTenantId instead of tenantId to preserve the tenant information // even this is called from a system registry, which anyway makes tenantId always = 0, // but keep the callerTenantId value to it is callers real tenant id registryContext.removeAspect(name, CurrentSession.getCallerTenantId()); if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; return true; } return false; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } } public boolean removeVersionHistory(String path, long snapshotId) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); versionRepository.removeVersionHistory(path, snapshotId); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { rollbackTransaction(); } } return false; } @Override public void dumpLite(String path, Writer writer) throws RegistryException { boolean transactionSucceeded = false; RequestContext context = new RequestContext(this, repository, versionRepository); try { // start the transaction beginTransaction(); context.setResourcePath(new ResourcePath(path)); context.setDumpingWriter(writer); registryContext.getHandlerManager().dumpLite(context); if (!context.isSimulation()) { if (!context.isProcessingComplete()) { repository.dumpLite(path, writer); } registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.COMMIT_HANDLER_PHASE).dumpLite(context); // transaction succeeded transactionSucceeded = true; } } finally { if (transactionSucceeded) { commitTransaction(); } else { try { registryContext.getHandlerManager(HandlerLifecycleManager.ROLLBACK_HANDLER_PHASE) .dumpLite(context); } finally { rollbackTransaction(); } } } } }