Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons.Event; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons.utils.DataBridgeCommonsUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.AbstractTask; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class contains execution flow of the schedule alert task. */ public class ScheduleAlertTask extends AbstractTask { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ScheduleAlertTask.class); Map<String, String> taskProperties; @Override public void execute() { taskProperties = this.getProperties(); String alertName = taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.ALERT_NAME); String version = LAAlertConstants.ALERT_OUTPUT_STREAM_VERSION; String condition = taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.CONDITION); int conditionValue = Integer.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_VALUE)); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { List<RecordBean> recordBeans = getSearchRecords(timeStamp); int recodeListSize = recordBeans.size(); Object[] payload = getPayload(recordBeans, timeStamp); switch (condition) { case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_GREATER_THAN: if (recodeListSize > conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_LESS_THAN: if (recodeListSize < conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_EQUALS: if (recodeListSize == conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: if (recodeListSize >= conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: if (recodeListSize <= conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; case LAAlertConstants.CONDITION_NOT_EQUALS: if (recodeListSize != conditionValue) { createEvent(alertName, version, timeStamp, payload); } break; } } catch (AnalyticsException e) { log.error("Unable to perform scheduled" + alertName + " task: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * This method search scheduled query and return the results. * * @param currentTimeStamp Execution start time. * @return RecordBean List. * @throws AnalyticsException */ private List<RecordBean> getSearchRecords(long currentTimeStamp) throws AnalyticsException { SearchController searchController = new SearchController(); String username = taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.USER_NAME); long timeFrom = Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_FROM)); long timeTo = Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_TO)); if (Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_FROM)) != 0) { long timeDifference = Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_DIFF)); timeFrom = currentTimeStamp - timeDifference; timeTo = currentTimeStamp; } taskProperties.put(LAAlertConstants.TIME_FROM, String.valueOf(timeFrom)); taskProperties.put(LAAlertConstants.TIME_TO, String.valueOf(timeTo)); QueryBean queryBean = getQueryBean(); return, username); } /** * This method build Query Bean object which used to search by getSearchRecord method. * * @return QueryBean */ private QueryBean getQueryBean() { QueryBean queryBean = new QueryBean(); queryBean.setTableName(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TABLE_NAME)); queryBean.setQuery(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.QUERY)); queryBean.setTimeFrom(Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_FROM))); queryBean.setTimeTo(Long.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_TO))); queryBean.setStart(Integer.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.START))); queryBean.setLength(Integer.valueOf(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.LENGTH))); return queryBean; } /** * This method build the payload for put in to the LA output stream. * * @param recordBeans Results of the search. * @param timeStamp Execution start time. * @return Object[] payload */ private Object[] getPayload(List<RecordBean> recordBeans, long timeStamp) { StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String[] fields = null; if (taskProperties.containsKey(LAAlertConstants.FIELDS)) { fields = taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.FIELDS).split(","); } if (taskProperties.containsKey(LAAlertConstants.FIELDS)) { for (RecordBean record : recordBeans) { Map<String, Object> recordValues = record.getValues(); String dataOb = "<div>"; if (fields != null) { for (String field : fields) { dataOb += field + ":" + recordValues.get(field) + ","; } dataOb += "</div>"; resultBuilder.append(dataOb); } } } SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(LAAlertConstants.TRIGGER_DATE_TIME_FORMAT); Date date = new Date(timeStamp); String dateTime = dateTimeFormat.format(date); int resultCount = recordBeans.size(); String url = getBuildURL(); return new Object[] { taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.ALERT_NAME), dateTime, url, resultBuilder, (long) resultCount }; } /** * This method create an event and put in to the LA output stream. * * @param alertName Name of the alert (output stream name). * @param version Output stream version. * @param timeStamp Current timestamp. * @param payload Payload of the event. */ private void createEvent(String alertName, String version, long timeStamp, Object[] payload) { Event event = new Event(DataBridgeCommonsUtils.generateStreamId(alertName, version), timeStamp, null, null, payload); LAAlertServiceValueHolder.getInstance().getEventStreamService().publish(event); } /** * This method build a URL string according to the current search. * * @return String URL */ private String getBuildURL() { String base64EncodeQuery = DatatypeConverter .printBase64Binary(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.QUERY).getBytes()); String base64EncodeTimeFrom = DatatypeConverter .printBase64Binary(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_FROM).getBytes()); String base64EncodeTimeTo = DatatypeConverter .printBase64Binary(taskProperties.get(LAAlertConstants.TIME_TO).getBytes()); return "" + "query=" + base64EncodeQuery + "&" + "timeFrom=" + base64EncodeTimeFrom + "&" + "timeTo=" + base64EncodeTimeTo; } }