Java tutorial
/* *Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * *WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, *Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except *in compliance with the License. *You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *software distributed under the License is distributed on an *"AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY *KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *specific language governing permissions and limitations *under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.tests; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.frameworkutils.FrameworkPathUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.integration.common.tests.utils.DistributionValidationTestUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.ServerConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; /** * This class can be used to to test, * 1.Validation of jar files inside the product distribution against the LICENSE.txt. * 2.Recursive scan for no occurrence of SNAPSHOT in file names and contents of textual files * (.txt, .xsd, etc). * 3.Validate duplicate .jar entries in LICENSE file. * 4.Check whether maven variables are properly replaced inside configuration files found of * repository/conf * 5.Validate product distribution size against the latest release distribution in the maven repo * 6.Identification of duplicate jars inside the distribution * 7.Product specific checks - validate sample directory - versions, resources validation */ public abstract class DistributionValidationTest { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DistributionValidationTest.class); private static final HashSet<String> licenceJarList = new HashSet<String>(); private static final HashSet<String> duplicateJarList = new HashSet<String>(); private static final HashMap<File, Integer> snapshotKeywordMap = new HashMap<File, Integer>(); private static final HashMap<String, Exception> xsdValidateMap = new HashMap<String, Exception>(); private static final String SAMPLES_DIRECTORY = "samples"; private static final String KEYWORD = "SNAPSHOT"; private static ArrayList<String> unidentifiedVersionJars = new ArrayList<String>(); private static HashSet<String> distributionDuplicateJarList = new HashSet<String>(); private static ArrayList<String> directoryLists = new ArrayList<String>(); private ArrayList<String> versionArr = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<File> jarFileListInDistribution; private String productPath; private File reportFile; private File distributionVersion; abstract public String getPathToXSD(); abstract public String[] getPathToXML(); @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void init() { productPath = System.getProperty(ServerConstants.CARBON_HOME); reportFile = new File( FrameworkPathUtil.getReportLocation() + File.separator + "DistributionValidationTestReport.txt"); // getting the jar files list inside the distribution directory jarFileListInDistribution = (List<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(new File(productPath), new String[] { "jar" }, true); // getting the running distribution name distributionVersion = new File(productPath.split("/")[productPath.split("/").length - 1] + ".zip"); // derive the jar list from LICENSE.txt DistributionValidationTestUtils.readLicenseFile(productPath, licenceJarList, duplicateJarList); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Validation of jar files mentioned in the" + " LICENSE.txt file against the distribution") public void testValidateJarFilesAgainstDistribution() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { assertTrue("Jar entries does not exist in LICENSE.txt", licenceJarList.size() > 0); ArrayList<String> additionalJarFilesInLicenceFile = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String licenceJar : licenceJarList) { if (!jarFileListInDistribution.toString().contains(licenceJar)) { additionalJarFilesInLicenceFile.add(licenceJar); } } DistributionValidationTestUtils .reportGeneratorList(additionalJarFilesInLicenceFile, "Following jar files mentioned" + " in the LICENSE.txt cloud not be found inside the product distribution", reportFile); assertFalse("Some of the jar files mentioned in the LICENSE.txt are unavailable" + " in the product distribution", additionalJarFilesInLicenceFile.size() > 0); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Validation of jar files inside the" + " distribution against LICENSE.txt", dependsOnMethods = "testValidateJarFilesAgainstDistribution") public void testValidateJarFilesAgainstLicenceFile() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { ArrayList<String> jarsNotMentionedInLicenceFile = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object jarFileInDistribution : jarFileListInDistribution) { String fileName = ((File) jarFileInDistribution).getName(); if (!licenceJarList.toString().contains(fileName) && !fileName.contains("emma")) { jarsNotMentionedInLicenceFile.add(jarFileInDistribution.toString()); } } if (jarsNotMentionedInLicenceFile.size() > 0) { DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(jarsNotMentionedInLicenceFile, "Following jar files inside the " + "product distribution should be mentioned in LICENSE.txt file", reportFile); assertTrue("Some jar file names in the product distribution were not" + "mentioned in the LICENCE.txt file", jarsNotMentionedInLicenceFile.size() > 0); } } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Validate duplicate jar entries inside LICENSE.txt", dependsOnMethods = "testValidateJarFilesAgainstLicenceFile") public void testValidateDuplicateJarEntriesInLicenceFile() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { boolean isDuplicateJars = false; if (duplicateJarList.size() > 0) { isDuplicateJars = true; for (String duplicateJarFile : duplicateJarList) {"Duplicate jar entry name " + duplicateJarFile); } DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(new ArrayList<String>(duplicateJarList), "Following are the " + "duplicate jar file list in the LICENSE.txt file", reportFile); } assertFalse("Duplicate jar entries exist in LICENSE.txt", isDuplicateJars); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Recursive scan to identify SNAPSHOT keyword inside " + "the distribution", dependsOnMethods = "testValidateDuplicateJarEntriesInLicenceFile") public void testRecursiveScanForSnapshotKeyword() throws IOException { String[] extensions = new String[] { "txt", "xsd", "js" }; // getting the textual file list List<File> distributionTextualFileList = DistributionValidationTestUtils .recursiveScanToRetrieveTextualFiles(productPath, extensions); ArrayList<String> textualFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(); for (File textualFile : distributionTextualFileList) { int count; //checking for file names which contains the keyword if (textualFile.getName().contains(KEYWORD)) { textualFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword.add(textualFile.toString()); } // checking for the specific keyword inside textual file contents String contents = FileUtils.readFileToString(textualFile); count = StringUtils.countMatches(contents, KEYWORD); if (count > 0) { snapshotKeywordMap.put(textualFile, count); } } Iterator<File> it = jarFileListInDistribution.iterator(); ArrayList<String> jarFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(); while (it.hasNext()) { String fileName = (; if (fileName.contains(KEYWORD)) { jarFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword.add(fileName); } } DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(textualFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword, "Following are the" + " textual file names which contain " + KEYWORD + " keyword", reportFile); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(snapshotKeywordMap, "List of textual file names together" + " with number of occurrences of " + KEYWORD + " keyword", reportFile); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(jarFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword, "List of jar file " + "names which contain " + KEYWORD + " keyword", reportFile); assertFalse("Textual file names with " + KEYWORD + " exists inside the product distribution", textualFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword.size() > 0); assertFalse("Occurrence of the keyword" + KEYWORD + " inside a textual file/s contents " + "detected", snapshotKeywordMap.size() > 0); assertFalse("Jar file names with " + KEYWORD + " exists inside the product distribution", jarFileNameWithSnapshotKeyword.size() > 0); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Check whether Maven variables are properly " + "being replaced inside configuration files of repository/conf"/*, dependsOnMethods = "testRecursiveScanForSnapshotKeyword"*/) public void testMavenVariablesReplacement() throws IOException { // getting xml file path String[] xmlFileList = getPathToXML(); String pathToXML = null; for (String xmlFile : xmlFileList) { boolean isRecursive = true; Collection files = FileUtils.listFiles( new File(productPath + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "conf"), null, isRecursive); for (Object fileName : files) { File file = (File) fileName; if (file.getName().equals(xmlFile)) { pathToXML = file.getAbsolutePath(); break; } } DistributionValidationTestUtils.validateXml(xsdValidateMap, pathToXML, (getPathToXSD() + File.separator + new File(pathToXML).getName().replace(".xml", ".xsd"))); } DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(xsdValidateMap, "Following are the configuration file " + "names together with the exceptions encountered while validating respective " + "xml schemas", reportFile); assertFalse("configuration files - maven variable replacement failure", xsdValidateMap.size() > 0); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Comparison of distribution sizes", dependsOnMethods = "testMavenVariablesReplacement") public void testCompareDistributionSize() throws ParserException, IOException { double runningDistributionSize; double mavenDistributionSize = 0; boolean mavenDistributionStatus = false; boolean sizeDifferenceStatus = false; String path; String productName = distributionVersion.getName().split("wso2")[1].split("-")[0]; if (productName.contains("as")) { path = "appserver" + File.separator + "wso2as" + File.separator; } else { path = productName + File.separator + "wso2" + productName + File.separator; } String urlToDistributionList = "http:" + File.separator + File.separator + "" + File.separator + "nexus" + File.separator + "content" + File.separator + "repositories" + File.separator + "wso2maven2" + File.separator + "org" + File.separator + "wso2" + File.separator + path; List<String> linksToVersion = DistributionValidationTestUtils.getLinks(urlToDistributionList); List<String> linksFromVersion = DistributionValidationTestUtils .getLinks(linksToVersion.get(linksToVersion.size() - 1)); URL url = null; for (Object link : linksFromVersion) { String temp = link.toString(); if (temp.contains(".zip") && !temp.contains(".zip.")) { url = new URL(temp); break; } } HttpURLConnection conn; if (url != null) { conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); conn.getInputStream(); mavenDistributionSize = conn.getContentLength(); mavenDistributionStatus = true; conn.disconnect(); } assertTrue("Either no product distribution detected in the maven repo " + "or connection establishment failure", mavenDistributionStatus); File distributionFile = new File(System.getProperty("")); //calculating the running zip file size runningDistributionSize = distributionFile.length(); HashMap<String, String> resultsDataMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); String runningDistribution = df.format(runningDistributionSize / (1024 * 1024)); String mavenDistribution = df.format(mavenDistributionSize / (1024 * 1024)); String difference = df.format((mavenDistributionSize - runningDistributionSize) / (1024 * 1024)); resultsDataMap.put("Running Distribution Size", runningDistribution + " MB"); resultsDataMap.put("Maven Distribution Size", mavenDistribution + " MB"); resultsDataMap.put("The difference between running distribution and maven distribution" + " sizes are ", difference + " MB"); // checking whether size of the running distribution is acceptable if (Double.parseDouble(difference) >= 20) { DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(resultsDataMap, "Running distribution size " + "comparison failure.Below are the sizes of two packs compared.", reportFile); sizeDifferenceStatus = true; } else { DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(resultsDataMap, "Running distribution size comparison passed." + " Below are the sizes of two packs compared.", reportFile); } assertFalse("Running Distribution size exceeds the acceptable limit size range " + "compared to the previous released distribution size", sizeDifferenceStatus); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Identification of duplicate jar files", dependsOnMethods = "testCompareDistributionSize") public void testIdentifyingDuplicateJarFiles() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { //check same directory duplicate jars Set<String> duplicateSet = DistributionValidationTestUtils.getDuplicateJarSet(jarFileListInDistribution); //check different directories duplicate jars DistributionValidationTestUtils.identifyDuplicateJars(jarFileListInDistribution, distributionVersion, distributionDuplicateJarList, unidentifiedVersionJars); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(new ArrayList<String>(duplicateSet), "These are duplicate jar files in the same directory", reportFile); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(new ArrayList<String>(distributionDuplicateJarList), "These jar files were identified as duplicates", reportFile); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(new ArrayList<String>(unidentifiedVersionJars), "Following jars were excluded from the search for duplicate jars", reportFile); assertFalse("Duplicated jar file identified in same directories", duplicateSet.size() > 0); assertFalse("Duplicated jar file identified in different versions", distributionDuplicateJarList.size() > 0); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Product specific checks - whether " + "samples/resources are properly packaged", dependsOnMethods = "testIdentifyingDuplicateJarFiles") public void testSamplesDirectoryStructureSrcValidation() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { HashMap<String, String> structureViolation = new HashMap<String, String>(); String samplesDirPath = productPath + File.separator + SAMPLES_DIRECTORY; if (new File(samplesDirPath).exists()) { versionArr = DistributionValidationTestUtils .validateSamplesDirectoryStructureIdentifyVersions(samplesDirPath, versionArr); DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(versionArr, "Following are the sample directories " + "with versions embedded", reportFile); } else { DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(versionArr, "No sample directory detected.", reportFile); } DistributionValidationTestUtils.searchDirectoryByName(samplesDirPath, directoryLists, "/src"); // violation of samples/src standard Iterator<String> itTemp = directoryLists.iterator(); String readmeFile; String pomFile; String buildFile; while (itTemp.hasNext()) { readmeFile = "Not Available"; pomFile = "Not Available"; buildFile = "Not Available"; String parentDir = (new File(; File folder = new File(parentDir); // gets you the list of files at this folder File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // loop through each of the files looking for filenames that match if (listOfFiles != null) { for (File listOfFile : listOfFiles) { String filename = listOfFile.getName(); if (filename.equals("README")) { readmeFile = "Available"; } else if (filename.equals("pom.xml")) { pomFile = "Available"; } else if (filename.equals("build.xml")) { buildFile = "Available"; } } } if (!readmeFile.equals("Available") || (!pomFile.equals("Available") || !buildFile.equals("Available"))) { structureViolation.put(parentDir, "README File " + readmeFile + " pom.xml" + " " + pomFile + " build.xml " + buildFile); } } DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(structureViolation, "Following are the maven directory " + "structure violating src folders with the details of the violation", reportFile); assertFalse("Samples directory contains sample directories with versions ", versionArr.size() > 0); } @Test(groups = "wso2.all", description = "Product specific checks - whether " + "samples/resources are properly packaged", dependsOnMethods = "testSamplesDirectoryStructureSrcValidation") public void testSamplesDirectoryStructureResourcesValidation() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { if (directoryLists.size() == 0) { String samplesDirPath = productPath + File.separator + SAMPLES_DIRECTORY; DistributionValidationTestUtils.searchDirectoryByName(samplesDirPath, directoryLists, "/src"); } HashMap<String, String> resourcesStructureViolation = new HashMap<String, String>(); ArrayList<String> tempArrList = new ArrayList<String>(); String samplesDirPath = productPath + File.separator + SAMPLES_DIRECTORY; if (new File(samplesDirPath).exists()) { // violation of samples/src - resources standard for (String dirName : directoryLists) { DistributionValidationTestUtils.searchDirectoryByName(dirName, tempArrList, "/resources"); if (tempArrList.size() == 0) { resourcesStructureViolation.put(dirName, "No resources directory detected."); } else { for (String item : tempArrList) { File file[] = new File(item).listFiles(); if (file != null) { int length = file.length; if (length == 0) { resourcesStructureViolation.put(dirName, "Resources directory" + " contains 0 files."); } } } } tempArrList.clear(); } } else { DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorList(versionArr, "No sample directory detected.", reportFile); } DistributionValidationTestUtils.reportGeneratorMap(resourcesStructureViolation, "Following are the src " + "directories which violates the maven resources directory structure ", reportFile); } }