Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.provider.impl; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.CarbonConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.context.CarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.IdentityApplicationManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ProvisioningServiceProviderType; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ServiceProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.util.IdentityApplicationManagementUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.mgt.ApplicationManagementService; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.IdentityProvisioningConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.IdentityProvisioningException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.OutboundProvisioningManager; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.ProvisioningEntity; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.ProvisioningEntityType; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.ProvisioningOperation; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.provisioning.listener.DefaultInboundUserProvisioningListener; import; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.common.utils.AttributeMapper; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.common.utils.IdentitySCIMException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.common.utils.SCIMCommonConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.common.utils.SCIMCommonUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.ClaimMapping; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserCoreConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreManager; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.claim.ClaimManager; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.util.UserCoreUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils; import org.wso2.charon.core.attributes.Attribute; import org.wso2.charon.core.attributes.SimpleAttribute; import org.wso2.charon.core.exceptions.CharonException; import org.wso2.charon.core.exceptions.DuplicateResourceException; import org.wso2.charon.core.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.wso2.charon.core.extensions.UserManager; import org.wso2.charon.core.objects.AbstractSCIMObject; import org.wso2.charon.core.objects.Group; import org.wso2.charon.core.objects.SCIMObject; import org.wso2.charon.core.objects.User; import org.wso2.charon.core.schema.SCIMConstants; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class SCIMUserManager implements UserManager { public static final String USER_NAME_STRING = "userName"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SCIMUserManager.class); private UserStoreManager carbonUM = null; private ClaimManager carbonClaimManager = null; private String consumerName; public SCIMUserManager(UserStoreManager carbonUserStoreManager, String userName, ClaimManager claimManager) { carbonUM = carbonUserStoreManager; consumerName = userName; carbonClaimManager = claimManager; } @Override public User createUser(User user) throws CharonException, DuplicateResourceException { return createUser(user, false); } @Override public User createUser(User user, boolean isBulkUserAdd) throws CharonException, DuplicateResourceException { try { ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider threadLocalSP = IdentityApplicationManagementUtil .getThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(); //isBulkUserAdd is true indicates bulk user add if (isBulkUserAdd) { threadLocalSP.setBulkUserAdd(true); } String userStoreName = null; if (!UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(getUserStoreDomainFromSP())) { userStoreName = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); } StringBuilder userName = new StringBuilder(); if (userStoreName != null && userStoreName.trim().length() > 0) { // if we have set a user store under provisioning configuration - we should only use // that. String currentUserName = user.getUserName(); currentUserName = UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(currentUserName); user.setUserName(userName.append(userStoreName).append(CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) .append(currentUserName).toString()); } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } try { //TODO: Start tenant flow at the scim authentication point PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext carbonContext = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext(); carbonContext.setTenantDomain(MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(consumerName)); carbonContext.getTenantId(true); carbonContext.setUsername(consumerName); //if operating in dumb mode, do not persist the operation, only provision to providers //Persist in carbon user store if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Creating user: " + user.getUserName()); } /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); Map<String, String> claimsMap = AttributeMapper.getClaimsMap(user); /*skip groups attribute since we map groups attribute to actual groups in ldap. and do not update it as an attribute in user schema*/ if (claimsMap.containsKey(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI)) { claimsMap.remove(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI); } //TODO: Do not accept the roles list - it is read only. if (carbonUM.isExistingUser(user.getUserName())) { String error = "User with the name: " + user.getUserName() + " already exists in the system."; throw new DuplicateResourceException(error); } if (claimsMap.containsKey(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI)) { claimsMap.remove(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI); } carbonUM.addUser(user.getUserName(), user.getPassword(), null, claimsMap, null);"User: " + user.getUserName() + " is created through SCIM."); } catch (UserStoreException e) { String errMsg = "Error in adding the user: " + user.getUserName() + " to the user store. "; errMsg += e.getMessage(); throw new CharonException(errMsg, e); } finally { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } return user; } @Override public User getUser(String userId) throws CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Retrieving user: " + userId); } User scimUser = null; try { ClaimMapping[] claims; //get the user name of the user with this id String[] userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, userId, UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User with SCIM id: " + userId + " does not exist in the system."); } return null; } else if (userNames != null && userNames.length == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User with SCIM id: " + userId + " does not exist in the system."); } return null; } else { //get claims related to SCIM claim dialect claims = carbonClaimManager.getAllClaimMappings(SCIMCommonConstants.SCIM_CLAIM_DIALECT); List<String> claimURIList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClaimMapping claim : claims) { claimURIList.add(claim.getClaim().getClaimUri()); } //we assume (since id is unique per user) only one user exists for a given id scimUser = this.getSCIMUser(userNames[0], claimURIList);"User: " + scimUser.getUserName() + " is retrieved through SCIM."); } } catch (UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException( "Error in getting user information from Carbon User Store for" + "user: " + userId, e); } return scimUser; } @Override public List<User> listUsers() throws CharonException { ClaimMapping[] claims; List<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); try { String[] userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, "*", null); if (userNames != null && userNames.length != 0) { //get claims related to SCIM claim dialect claims = carbonClaimManager.getAllClaimMappings(SCIMCommonConstants.SCIM_CLAIM_DIALECT); List<String> claimURIList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClaimMapping claim : claims) { claimURIList.add(claim.getClaim().getClaimUri()); } for (String userName : userNames) { if (userName.contains(UserCoreConstants.NAME_COMBINER)) { userName = userName.split("\\" + UserCoreConstants.NAME_COMBINER)[0]; } User scimUser = this.getSCIMMetaUser(userName); Map<String, Attribute> attrMap = scimUser.getAttributeList(); if (attrMap != null && !attrMap.isEmpty()) { users.add(scimUser); } } } } catch (UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error while retrieving users from user store..", e); } return users; } @Override public List<User> listUsersByAttribute(Attribute attribute) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<User> listUsersByFilter(String attributeName, String filterOperation, String attributeValue) throws CharonException { //since we only support eq filter operation at the moment, no need to check for that. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Listing users by filter: " + attributeName + filterOperation + attributeValue); } List<User> filteredUsers = new ArrayList<>(); ClaimMapping[] claims; User scimUser = null; try { String[] userNames = null; if (!SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI.equals(attributeName)) { //get the user name of the user with this id userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(attributeName, attributeValue, UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); } else { userNames = carbonUM.getUserListOfRole(attributeValue); } if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Users with filter: " + attributeName + filterOperation + attributeValue + " does not exist in the system."); } return Collections.emptyList(); } else { //get claims related to SCIM claim dialect claims = carbonClaimManager.getAllClaimMappings(SCIMCommonConstants.SCIM_CLAIM_DIALECT); List<String> claimURIList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClaimMapping claim : claims) { claimURIList.add(claim.getClaim().getClaimUri()); } for (String userName : userNames) { if (CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME.equals(userName)) { continue; } scimUser = this.getSCIMMetaUser(userName); //if SCIM-ID is not present in the attributes, skip if (scimUser.getId() == null) { continue; } filteredUsers.add(scimUser); }"Users filtered through SCIM for the filter: " + attributeName + filterOperation + attributeValue); } } catch (UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in filtering users by attribute name : " + attributeName + ", " + "attribute value : " + attributeValue + " and filter operation " + filterOperation, e); } return filteredUsers; } @Override public List<User> listUsersBySort(String s, String s1) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<User> listUsersWithPagination(int i, int i1) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public User updateUser(User user) throws CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating user: " + user.getUserName()); } try { /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); //get user claim values Map<String, String> claims = AttributeMapper.getClaimsMap(user); //check if username of the updating user existing in the userstore. //TODO:immutable userId can be something else other than username. eg: mail. //Therefore, correct way is to check the corresponding SCIM attribute for the //UserNameAttribute of user-mgt.xml. // Refer: SCIMUserOperationListener#isProvisioningActionAuthorized method. try { String userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); User oldUser = this.getUser(user.getId()); if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldUser.getUserName()))) { throw new CharonException("User :" + oldUser.getUserName() + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence user updating fail"); } if (getUserStoreDomainFromSP() != null && !UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME .equalsIgnoreCase(getUserStoreDomainFromSP())) { user.setUserName(UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName( UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(user.getUserName()), getUserStoreDomainFromSP())); } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } if (!carbonUM.isExistingUser(user.getUserName())) { throw new CharonException("User name is immutable in carbon user store."); } /*skip groups attribute since we map groups attribute to actual groups in ldap. and do not update it as an attribute in user schema*/ if (claims.containsKey(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI)) { claims.remove(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI); } if (claims.containsKey(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI)) { claims.remove(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI); } ClaimMapping[] claimList; claimList = carbonClaimManager.getAllClaimMappings(SCIMCommonConstants.SCIM_CLAIM_DIALECT); List<String> claimURIList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClaimMapping claim : claimList) { claimURIList.add(claim.getClaim().getClaimUri()); } Map<String, String> oldClaimList = carbonUM.getUserClaimValues(user.getUserName(), claimURIList.toArray(new String[claimURIList.size()]), null); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : oldClaimList.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.ID_URI) && !entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI) && !entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.META_CREATED_URI) && !entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.META_LAST_MODIFIED_URI) && !entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.META_LOCATION_URI) && !entry.getKey().equals(SCIMConstants.NAME_FAMILY_NAME_URI)) { carbonUM.deleteUserClaimValue(user.getUserName(), entry.getKey(), null); } } //set user claim values carbonUM.setUserClaimValues(user.getUserName(), claims, null); //if password is updated, set it separately if (user.getPassword() != null) { carbonUM.updateCredentialByAdmin(user.getUserName(), user.getPassword()); }"User: " + user.getUserName() + " updated updated through SCIM."); } catch (UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error while updating attributes of user: " + user.getUserName(), e); } return user; } @Override public User patchUser(User newUser, User oldUser, String[] attributesToDelete) throws CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating user: " + newUser.getUserName()); } try { String userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldUser.getUserName()))) { throw new CharonException("User :" + oldUser.getUserName() + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence user updating fail"); } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } try { /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); //get user claim values Map<String, String> claims = AttributeMapper.getClaimsMap(newUser); if (UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(newUser.getUserName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME) && !(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldUser.getUserName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME))) { newUser.setUserName(UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(newUser.getUserName(), UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldUser.getUserName()))); } //check if username of the updating user existing in the userStore. if (!carbonUM.isExistingUser(newUser.getUserName())) { throw new CharonException("User name is immutable in carbon user store."); } /*skip groups attribute since we map groups attribute to actual groups in ldap. and do not update it as an attribute in user schema*/ if (claims.containsKey(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI)) { claims.remove(SCIMConstants.GROUPS_URI); } if (claims.containsKey(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI)) { claims.remove(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI); } for (int i = 0; i < attributesToDelete.length; i++) { attributesToDelete[i] = SCIMConstants.CORE_SCHEMA_URI + ":" + attributesToDelete[i]; } carbonUM.deleteUserClaimValues(oldUser.getUserName(), attributesToDelete, null); //set user claim values carbonUM.setUserClaimValues(oldUser.getUserName(), claims, null); //if password is updated, set it separately if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(newUser.getPassword())) { carbonUM.updateCredentialByAdmin(newUser.getUserName(), newUser.getPassword()); }"User: " + newUser.getUserName() + " updated updated through SCIM."); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error while updating attributes of user: " + newUser.getUserName(), e); } return newUser; } public User updateUser(List<Attribute> attributes) { return null; } @Override public void deleteUser(String userId) throws NotFoundException, CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deleting user: " + userId); } //get the user name of the user with this id String[] userNames = null; String userName = null; try { /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, userId, UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); String userStoreDomainFromSP = null; try { userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { //resource with given id not found if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("User with id: " + userId + " not found."); } throw new NotFoundException(); } else if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !(userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(userNames[0])))) { throw new CharonException("User :" + userNames[0] + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence user updating fail"); } else { //we assume (since id is unique per user) only one user exists for a given id userName = userNames[0]; carbonUM.deleteUser(userName);"User: " + userName + " is deleted through SCIM."); } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in deleting user: " + userName, e); } } @Override public Group createGroup(Group group) throws CharonException, DuplicateResourceException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Creating group: " + group.getDisplayName()); } try { //modify display name if no domain is specified, in order to support multiple user store feature String originalName = group.getDisplayName(); String roleNameWithDomain = null; String domainName = ""; try { if (getUserStoreDomainFromSP() != null) { domainName = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); roleNameWithDomain = UserCoreUtil .addDomainToName(UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(originalName), domainName); } else if (originalName.indexOf(CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) > 0) { roleNameWithDomain = originalName; domainName = originalName.split(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR)[0]; } else { roleNameWithDomain = UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR + originalName; domainName = UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME; } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } group.setDisplayName(roleNameWithDomain); //check if the group already exists if (carbonUM.isExistingRole(group.getDisplayName(), false)) { String error = "Group with name: " + group.getDisplayName() + " already exists in the system."; throw new DuplicateResourceException(error); } /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); /*if members are sent when creating the group, check whether users already exist in the user store*/ List<String> userIds = group.getMembers(); List<String> userDisplayNames = group.getMembersWithDisplayName(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userIds)) { List<String> members = new ArrayList<>(); for (String userId : userIds) { String[] userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, userId, UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { String error = "User: " + userId + " doesn't exist in the user store. " + "Hence, can not create the group: " + group.getDisplayName(); throw new IdentitySCIMException(error); } else if (userNames[0].indexOf(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) > 0 && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(userNames[0], domainName)) { String error = "User: " + userId + " doesn't exist in the same user store. " + "Hence, can not create the group: " + group.getDisplayName(); throw new IdentitySCIMException(error); } else { members.add(userNames[0]); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userDisplayNames)) { boolean userContains = false; for (String user : userDisplayNames) { user = user.indexOf(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) > 0 ? user.split(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR)[1] : user; if (user.equalsIgnoreCase( userNames[0].indexOf(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) > 0 ? userNames[0].split(UserCoreConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR)[1] : userNames[0])) { userContains = true; break; } } if (!userContains) { throw new IdentitySCIMException("Given SCIM user Id and name not matching.."); } } } } //add other scim attributes in the identity DB since user store doesn't support some attributes. SCIMGroupHandler scimGroupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); scimGroupHandler.createSCIMAttributes(group); carbonUM.addRole(group.getDisplayName(), members.toArray(new String[members.size()]), null, false);"Group: " + group.getDisplayName() + " is created through SCIM."); } else { //add other scim attributes in the identity DB since user store doesn't support some attributes. SCIMGroupHandler scimGroupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); scimGroupHandler.createSCIMAttributes(group); carbonUM.addRole(group.getDisplayName(), null, null, false);"Group: " + group.getDisplayName() + " is created through SCIM."); } } catch (UserStoreException e) { try { SCIMGroupHandler scimGroupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); scimGroupHandler.deleteGroupAttributes(group.getDisplayName()); } catch (UserStoreException | IdentitySCIMException ex) { log.error("Error occurred while doing rollback operation of the SCIM table entry for role: " + group.getDisplayName(), ex); throw new CharonException( "Error occurred while doing rollback operation of the SCIM table entry for role: " + group.getDisplayName(), e); } throw new CharonException("Error occurred while adding role : " + group.getDisplayName(), e); } catch (IdentitySCIMException e) { //This exception can occurr because of scimGroupHandler.createSCIMAttributes(group) or //userContains=false. Therefore contextual message could not be provided. throw new CharonException("Error in creating group", e); } //TODO:after the group is added, read it from user store and return return group; } @Override public Group getGroup(String id) throws CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Retrieving group with id: " + id); } Group group = null; try { SCIMGroupHandler groupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); //get group name by Id String groupName = groupHandler.getGroupName(id); if (groupName != null) { group = getGroupWithName(groupName); } else { //returning null will send a resource not found error to client by Charon. return null; } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in retrieving group : " + id, e); } catch (IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in retrieving SCIM Group information from database.", e); } return group; } @Override public List<Group> listGroups() throws CharonException { List<Group> groupList = new ArrayList<>(); try { SCIMGroupHandler groupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); Set<String> roleNames = groupHandler.listSCIMRoles(); for (String roleName : roleNames) { Group group = this.getGroupOnlyWithMetaAttributes(roleName); if (group.getId() != null) { groupList.add(group); } } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { String errMsg = "Error in obtaining role names from user store."; errMsg += e.getMessage(); throw new CharonException(errMsg, e); } catch (IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in retrieving SCIM Group information from database.", e); } return groupList; } @Override public List<Group> listGroupsByAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws CharonException { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<Group> listGroupsByFilter(String filterAttribute, String filterOperation, String attributeValue) throws CharonException { //since we only support "eq" filter operation for group name currently, no need to check for that. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Listing groups with filter: " + filterAttribute + filterOperation + attributeValue); } List<Group> filteredGroups = new ArrayList<>(); Group group = null; try { if (attributeValue != null && carbonUM.isExistingRole(attributeValue, false)) { //skip internal roles if ((CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME.equals(attributeValue)) || UserCoreUtil.isEveryoneRole(attributeValue, carbonUM.getRealmConfiguration()) || UserCoreUtil.isPrimaryAdminRole(attributeValue, carbonUM.getRealmConfiguration())) { throw new IdentitySCIMException("Internal roles do not support SCIM."); } /********we expect only one result**********/ //construct the group name with domain -if not already provided, in order to support //multiple user store feature with SCIM. String groupNameWithDomain = null; if (attributeValue.indexOf(CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) > 0) { groupNameWithDomain = attributeValue; } else { groupNameWithDomain = UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR + attributeValue; } group = getGroupOnlyWithMetaAttributes(groupNameWithDomain); filteredGroups.add(group); } else { //returning null will send a resource not found error to client by Charon. return Collections.emptyList(); } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in filtering groups by attribute name : " + filterAttribute + ", " + "attribute value : " + attributeValue + " and filter operation " + filterOperation, e); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { throw new CharonException( "Error in filtering group with filter: " + filterAttribute + filterOperation + attributeValue, e); } catch (IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in retrieving SCIM Group information from database.", e); } return filteredGroups; } @Override public List<Group> listGroupsBySort(String s, String s1) throws CharonException { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<Group> listGroupsWithPagination(int i, int i1) { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Group updateGroup(Group oldGroup, Group newGroup) throws CharonException { try { String userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()))) { throw new CharonException("Group :" + oldGroup.getDisplayName() + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence group updating fail"); } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } oldGroup.setDisplayName( UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()), UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()))); if (UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(newGroup.getDisplayName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME) && !(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME))) { String userStoreDomain = UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()); newGroup.setDisplayName(UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(newGroup.getDisplayName(), userStoreDomain)); if (newGroup.getMembers() != null && !(newGroup.getMembers().isEmpty())) { newGroup = addDomainToUserMembers(newGroup, userStoreDomain); } } newGroup.setDisplayName(SCIMCommonUtils.getGroupNameWithDomain(newGroup.getDisplayName())); oldGroup.setDisplayName(SCIMCommonUtils.getGroupNameWithDomain(oldGroup.getDisplayName())); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName()); } /*we need to set the domain name for the newGroup if it doesn't have it */ // we should be able get the domain name like bellow, cause we set it by force at create group try { /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); boolean updated = false; /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); //check if the user ids sent in updated group exist in the user store and the associated user name //also a matching one. List<String> userIds = newGroup.getMembers(); List<String> userDisplayNames = newGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(); String groupName = newGroup.getDisplayName(); String userStoreDomainForGroup = UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(groupName); /* compare user store domain of group and user store domain of user name , if there is a mismatch do not update the group */ if (userDisplayNames != null && userDisplayNames.size() > 0) { for (String userDisplayName : userDisplayNames) { String userStoreDomainForUser = UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(userDisplayName); if (!(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(userStoreDomainForGroup)) && (UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(userStoreDomainForUser))) { throw new IdentitySCIMException( "User store domain is not indicated for user :" + userDisplayName); } if (!userStoreDomainForGroup.equalsIgnoreCase(userStoreDomainForUser)) { throw new IdentitySCIMException(userDisplayName + " does not " + "belongs to user store " + userStoreDomainForGroup); } } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userIds)) { String[] userNames = null; for (String userId : userIds) { userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(userId, userStoreDomainForGroup), UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { String error = "User: " + userId + " doesn't exist in the user store. " + "Hence, can not update the group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName(); throw new IdentitySCIMException(error); } else { if (!UserCoreUtil.isContain(UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(userNames[0]), UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromNames( userDisplayNames.toArray(new String[userDisplayNames.size()])))) { throw new IdentitySCIMException("Given SCIM user Id and name not matching.."); } } } } //we do not update Identity_SCIM DB here since it is updated in SCIMUserOperationListener's methods. //update name if it is changed if (!(oldGroup.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(newGroup.getDisplayName()))) { //update group name in carbon UM carbonUM.updateRoleName(oldGroup.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(), newGroup.getDisplayName().toLowerCase()); updated = true; } //find out added members and deleted members.. List<String> oldMembers = oldGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(); List<String> newMembers = newGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(); if (newMembers != null) { List<String> addedMembers = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> deletedMembers = new ArrayList<>(); //check for deleted members if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(oldMembers)) { for (String oldMember : oldMembers) { if (newMembers != null && newMembers.contains(oldMember)) { continue; } deletedMembers.add(oldMember); } } //check for added members if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(newMembers)) { for (String newMember : newMembers) { if (oldMembers != null && oldMembers.contains(newMember)) { continue; } addedMembers.add(newMember); } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(addedMembers) || CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(deletedMembers)) { carbonUM.updateUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName(), deletedMembers.toArray(new String[deletedMembers.size()]), addedMembers.toArray(new String[addedMembers.size()])); updated = true; } } if (updated) {"Group: " + newGroup.getDisplayName() + " is updated through SCIM."); } else { log.warn("There is no updated field in the group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName() + ". Therefore ignoring the provisioning."); } } catch (UserStoreException | IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error occurred while updating old group : " + oldGroup.getDisplayName(), e); } return newGroup; } @Override public Group updateGroup(List<Attribute> attributes) throws CharonException { return null; } /** * this method similar to updateGroup but new changes to group will be merged without changing existing data * * @param oldGroup existing group meta information * @param newGroup new changes required for existing group * @return updated group information * @throws CharonException */ @Override public Group patchGroup(Group oldGroup, Group newGroup) throws CharonException { try { String userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()))) { throw new CharonException("Group :" + oldGroup.getDisplayName() + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence group updating fail"); } } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } oldGroup.setDisplayName( UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(UserCoreUtil.removeDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()), UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()))); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Updating group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName());//add from group new name } /* * we need to set the domain name for the newGroup if it doesn't * have it */ // we should be able get the domain name like bellow, cause we set // it by force at create group try { /* * set thread local property to signal the downstream * SCIMUserOperationListener * about the provisioning route. */ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); boolean updated = false; /* * set thread local property to signal the downstream * SCIMUserOperationListener * about the provisioning route. */ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); // check if the user ids sent in updated group exist in the user // store and the associated user name // also a matching one. List<String> userIds = newGroup.getMembers(); List<String> userDisplayNames = newGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(); String[] userNames = null; if (userIds != null) { for (String userId : userIds) { userNames = carbonUM.getUserList(SCIMConstants.ID_URI, userId, UserCoreConstants.DEFAULT_PROFILE); if (userNames == null || userNames.length == 0) { String error = "User: " + userId + " doesn't exist in the user store. " + "Hence, can not update the group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName(); throw new CharonException(error); } else { if (!userDisplayNames.contains(userNames[0])) { throw new CharonException("Given SCIM user Id and name not matching.."); } } } } if (UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(newGroup.getDisplayName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME) && !(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()) .equals(UserCoreConstants.PRIMARY_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME))) { String userStoreDomain = UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(oldGroup.getDisplayName()); newGroup.setDisplayName(UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(newGroup.getDisplayName(), userStoreDomain)); if (newGroup.getMembers() != null && !newGroup.getMembers().isEmpty()) { newGroup = addDomainToUserMembers(newGroup, userStoreDomain); } } // we do not update Identity_SCIM DB here since it is updated in // SCIMUserOperationListener's methods. // update name if it is changed if (!(oldGroup.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(newGroup.getDisplayName()))) { // update group name in carbon UM carbonUM.updateRoleName(oldGroup.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(), newGroup.getDisplayName().toLowerCase()); updated = true; } //SCIM request does not have operation attribute for new members need be added hence parsing null List<String> addRequestedMembers = newGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(null); List<String> deleteRequestedMembers = newGroup .getMembersWithDisplayName(SCIMConstants.CommonSchemaConstants.OPERATION_DELETE); //Handling meta data attributes coming from SCIM request. Through meta attributes all existing members // can be replaced with new set of members if (newGroup.getAttributesOfMeta() != null && SCIMConstants.GroupSchemaConstants.MEMBERS.equals(newGroup.getAttributesOfMeta().get(0))) { if (!deleteRequestedMembers.isEmpty()) { log.warn("All Existing members will be deleted through SCIM meta attributes Hence operation " + "delete is Invalid"); deleteRequestedMembers = new ArrayList<>(); } String users[] = carbonUM.getUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName()); if (addRequestedMembers.isEmpty()) { carbonUM.updateUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName(), users, new String[0]); } else { //If new set of members contains an old members, save those old members without deleting from user store List<String> membersDeleteFromUserStore = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String user : users) { if (!addRequestedMembers.contains(user)) { membersDeleteFromUserStore.add(user); } } carbonUM.updateUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName(), membersDeleteFromUserStore.toArray(new String[membersDeleteFromUserStore.size()]), new String[0]); } } // find out added members and deleted members.. List<String> oldMembers = oldGroup.getMembersWithDisplayName(); List<String> addedMembers = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> deletedMembers = new ArrayList<>(); if (addRequestedMembers.isEmpty() && deleteRequestedMembers.isEmpty()) { String users[] = carbonUM.getUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName()); deletedMembers = Arrays.asList(users); } for (String addRequestedMember : addRequestedMembers) { if ((!oldMembers.isEmpty()) && oldMembers.contains(addRequestedMember)) { continue; } addedMembers.add(addRequestedMember); } for (String deleteRequestedMember : deleteRequestedMembers) { if ((!oldMembers.isEmpty()) && oldMembers.contains(deleteRequestedMember)) { deletedMembers.add(deleteRequestedMember); } else { continue; } } if (newGroup.getDisplayName() != null && ((CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(addedMembers)) || (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(deletedMembers)))) { carbonUM.updateUserListOfRole(newGroup.getDisplayName(), deletedMembers.toArray(new String[deletedMembers.size()]), addedMembers.toArray(new String[addedMembers.size()])); updated = true; } if (updated) {"Group: " + newGroup.getDisplayName() + " is updated through SCIM."); } else { log.warn("There is no updated field in the group: " + oldGroup.getDisplayName() + ". Therefore ignoring the provisioning."); } } catch (UserStoreException e) { //throwing real message coming from carbon user manager throw new CharonException("Error in patching group", e); } return newGroup; } @Override public void deleteGroup(String groupId) throws NotFoundException, CharonException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deleting group: " + groupId); } try { /*set thread local property to signal the downstream SCIMUserOperationListener about the provisioning route.*/ SCIMCommonUtils.setThreadLocalIsManagedThroughSCIMEP(true); //get group name by id SCIMGroupHandler groupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); String groupName = groupHandler.getGroupName(groupId); if (groupName != null) { String userStoreDomainFromSP = null; try { userStoreDomainFromSP = getUserStoreDomainFromSP(); } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { throw new CharonException("Error retrieving User Store name. ", e); } if (userStoreDomainFromSP != null && !(userStoreDomainFromSP .equalsIgnoreCase(UserCoreUtil.extractDomainFromName(groupName)))) { throw new CharonException("Group :" + groupName + "is not belong to user store " + userStoreDomainFromSP + "Hence group updating fail"); } //delete group in carbon UM carbonUM.deleteRole(groupName); //we do not update Identity_SCIM DB here since it is updated in SCIMUserOperationListener's methods."Group: " + groupName + " is deleted through SCIM."); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Group with SCIM id: " + groupId + " doesn't exist in the system."); } throw new NotFoundException(); } } catch (UserStoreException | IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error occurred while deleting group " + groupId, e); } } private User getSCIMMetaUser(String userName) throws CharonException { List<String> claimURIList = new ArrayList<>(); claimURIList.add(SCIMConstants.ID_URI); claimURIList.add(SCIMConstants.META_LOCATION_URI); claimURIList.add(SCIMConstants.META_CREATED_URI); claimURIList.add(SCIMConstants.META_LAST_MODIFIED_URI); User scimUser = null; try { Map<String, String> attributes = carbonUM.getUserClaimValues(userName, claimURIList.toArray(new String[claimURIList.size()]), null); attributes.put(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI, userName); scimUser = (User) AttributeMapper.constructSCIMObjectFromAttributes(attributes, SCIMConstants.USER_INT); } catch (UserStoreException | CharonException | NotFoundException e) { throw new CharonException( "Error in getting user information from Carbon User Store for " + "user: " + userName + " ", e); } return scimUser; } private User getSCIMUser(String userName, List<String> claimURIList) throws CharonException { User scimUser = null; try { //obtain user claim values Map<String, String> attributes = carbonUM.getUserClaimValues(userName, claimURIList.toArray(new String[claimURIList.size()]), null); //skip simple type addresses claim coz it is complex with sub types in the schema if (attributes.containsKey(SCIMConstants.ADDRESSES_URI)) { attributes.remove(SCIMConstants.ADDRESSES_URI); } // Add username with domain name attributes.put(SCIMConstants.USER_NAME_URI, userName); //get groups of user and add it as groups attribute String[] roles = carbonUM.getRoleListOfUser(userName); //construct the SCIM Object from the attributes scimUser = (User) AttributeMapper.constructSCIMObjectFromAttributes(attributes, SCIMConstants.USER_INT); //add groups of user: for (String role : roles) { if (UserCoreUtil.isEveryoneRole(role, carbonUM.getRealmConfiguration()) || UserCoreUtil.isPrimaryAdminRole(role, carbonUM.getRealmConfiguration()) || CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(role) || role.toLowerCase() .startsWith((UserCoreConstants.INTERNAL_DOMAIN + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR) .toLowerCase())) { // carbon specific roles do not possess SCIM info, hence // skipping them. // skip intenal roles continue; } Group group = getGroupOnlyWithMetaAttributes(role); if (group != null) { // can be null for non SCIM groups scimUser.setGroup(null, group.getId(), role); } } } catch (UserStoreException | CharonException | NotFoundException | IdentitySCIMException e) { throw new CharonException("Error in getting user information for user: " + userName, e); } return scimUser; } /** * Get the full group with all the details including users. * * @param groupName * @return * @throws CharonException * @throws org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException * @throws IdentitySCIMException */ private Group getGroupWithName(String groupName) throws CharonException, org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException, IdentitySCIMException { Group group = new Group(); group.setDisplayName(groupName); String[] userNames = carbonUM.getUserListOfRole(groupName); //get the ids of the users and set them in the group with id + display name if (userNames != null && userNames.length != 0) { for (String userName : userNames) { String userId = carbonUM.getUserClaimValue(userName, SCIMConstants.ID_URI, null); group.setMember(userId, userName); } } //get other group attributes and set. SCIMGroupHandler groupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); group = groupHandler.getGroupWithAttributes(group, groupName); return group; } /** * Get group with only meta attributes. * * @param groupName * @return * @throws CharonException * @throws IdentitySCIMException * @throws org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException */ private Group getGroupOnlyWithMetaAttributes(String groupName) throws CharonException, IdentitySCIMException, org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException { //get other group attributes and set. Group group = new Group(); group.setDisplayName(groupName); SCIMGroupHandler groupHandler = new SCIMGroupHandler(carbonUM.getTenantId()); return groupHandler.getGroupWithAttributes(group, groupName); } private void provision(ProvisioningOperation provisioningMethod, SCIMObject provisioningObject) throws CharonException { String domainName = UserCoreUtil.getDomainName(carbonUM.getRealmConfiguration()); try { Map<org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ClaimMapping, List<String>> outboundAttributes = new HashMap<org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ClaimMapping, List<String>>(); if (provisioningObject.getAttribute("password") != null) { outboundAttributes.put( org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ClaimMapping .build(IdentityProvisioningConstants.PASSWORD_CLAIM_URI, null, null, false), Arrays.asList(new String[] { ((SimpleAttribute) provisioningObject.getAttribute("password")) .getStringValue() })); } if (provisioningObject.getAttribute(USER_NAME_STRING) != null) { outboundAttributes.put( org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.ClaimMapping .build(IdentityProvisioningConstants.USERNAME_CLAIM_URI, null, null, false), Arrays.asList( new String[] { ((SimpleAttribute) provisioningObject.getAttribute(USER_NAME_STRING)) .getStringValue() })); } String domainAwareName = UserCoreUtil .addDomainToName(provisioningObject.getAttribute(USER_NAME_STRING).getName(), domainName); ProvisioningEntity provisioningEntity = new ProvisioningEntity(ProvisioningEntityType.USER, domainAwareName, provisioningMethod, outboundAttributes); Map<String, String> inboundAttributes = AttributeMapper .getClaimsMap((AbstractSCIMObject) provisioningObject); provisioningEntity.setInboundAttributes(inboundAttributes); String tenantDomainName = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantDomain(); ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider threadLocalServiceProvider; threadLocalServiceProvider = IdentityApplicationManagementUtil .getThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(); if (threadLocalServiceProvider != null) { String serviceProvider = threadLocalServiceProvider.getServiceProviderName(); tenantDomainName = threadLocalServiceProvider.getTenantDomain(); if (threadLocalServiceProvider.getServiceProviderType() == ProvisioningServiceProviderType.OAUTH) { try { serviceProvider = ApplicationManagementService.getInstance() .getServiceProviderNameByClientId( threadLocalServiceProvider.getServiceProviderName(), "oauth2", tenantDomainName); } catch (IdentityApplicationManagementException e) { log.error("Error while provisioning", e); return; } } // call framework method to provision the user. OutboundProvisioningManager.getInstance().provision(provisioningEntity, serviceProvider, threadLocalServiceProvider.getClaimDialect(), tenantDomainName, threadLocalServiceProvider.isJustInTimeProvisioning()); } else { // call framework method to provision the user. OutboundProvisioningManager.getInstance().provision(provisioningEntity, ApplicationConstants.LOCAL_SP, DefaultInboundUserProvisioningListener.WSO2_CARBON_DIALECT, tenantDomainName, false); } } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CharonException("Failed to find resource in external user store.", e); } catch (IdentityProvisioningException e) { throw new CharonException("Error while provisioning to externaluser store in dumb mode.", e); } } private String getUserStoreDomainFromSP() throws IdentityApplicationManagementException { ThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider threadLocalSP = IdentityApplicationManagementUtil .getThreadLocalProvisioningServiceProvider(); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = null; if (threadLocalSP.getServiceProviderType() == ProvisioningServiceProviderType.OAUTH) { serviceProvider = ApplicationManagementService.getInstance().getServiceProviderByClientId( threadLocalSP.getServiceProviderName(), "oauth2", threadLocalSP.getTenantDomain()); } else { serviceProvider = ApplicationManagementService.getInstance() .getServiceProvider(threadLocalSP.getServiceProviderName(), threadLocalSP.getTenantDomain()); } if (serviceProvider != null && serviceProvider.getInboundProvisioningConfig() != null && !StringUtils .isBlank(serviceProvider.getInboundProvisioningConfig().getProvisioningUserStore())) { return serviceProvider.getInboundProvisioningConfig().getProvisioningUserStore(); } return null; } private Group addDomainToUserMembers(Group group, String userStoreDomain) throws CharonException { List<String> membersId = group.getMembers(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(userStoreDomain) || membersId == null || membersId.isEmpty()) { return group; } Map<String, String> userMembers = mergeSCIMIDsWithDisplayNames(group); //remove all existing user members to add user members with user store domain for (String memberId : membersId) { group.removeMember(memberId); } //add user members with user store domain for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userMembers.entrySet()) { group.setMember(entry.getKey(), UserCoreUtil.addDomainToName(entry.getValue(), userStoreDomain)); } return group; } /** * In current charon implementation there is no way to associate SCIM ID with display name for user member, hence * adding association to map * * @param group * @return * @throws CharonException */ private Map<String, String> mergeSCIMIDsWithDisplayNames(Group group) throws CharonException { List<String> membersId = group.getMembers(); List<String> membersDisplayNames = group.getMembersWithDisplayName(); Map<String, String> userMembers = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < membersId.size(); i++) { userMembers.put(membersId.get(i), membersDisplayNames.get(i)); } return userMembers; } }