Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.identity.query.saml.util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.opensaml.core.xml.config.XMLObjectProviderRegistrySupport; import; import; import; import org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObjectContentReference; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Assertion; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Issuer; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.RequestAbstractType; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.Response; import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.impl.IssuerBuilder; import; import org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.KeyInfo; import org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.SignableXMLObject; import org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.Signature; import org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Certificate; import org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Data; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.core.util.KeyStoreManager; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.FederatedAuthenticatorConfig; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.IdentityProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.model.SAML2SSOFederatedAuthenticatorConfig; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.common.util.IdentityApplicationConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.base.IdentityConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.base.IdentityException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.util.IdentityTenantUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.util.IdentityUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.query.saml.X509CredentialImpl; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.query.saml.exception.IdentitySAML2QueryException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.query.saml.internal.SAMLQueryServiceComponent; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.saml.SAMLSSOConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.saml.exception.IdentitySAML2SSOException; import org.wso2.carbon.idp.mgt.IdentityProviderManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.idp.mgt.IdentityProviderManager; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.opensaml.core.xml.util.XMLObjectSupport.buildXMLObject; import static org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.saml.util.SAMLSSOUtil.generateKSNameFromDomainName; /** * This is a utility class for processing request message issuer and signature elements. */ public class OpenSAML3Util { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OpenSAML3Util.class); /** * this method is used to get issuer according to tenant domain. * * @param tenantDomain tenant domain of the issuer * @return Issuer instance of Issuer * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException If unable to connect with RealmService */ public static Issuer getIssuer(String tenantDomain) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { Issuer issuer = new IssuerBuilder().buildObject(); String idPEntityId = null; IdentityProvider identityProvider; int tenantId; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tenantDomain) || "null".equals(tenantDomain)) { tenantDomain = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME; tenantId = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID; } else { try { tenantId = SAMLQueryServiceComponent.getRealmservice().getTenantManager().getTenantId(tenantDomain); } catch (UserStoreException e) { log.error("Error occurred while retrieving tenant id from tenant domain", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException( "Error occurred while retrieving tenant id from tenant domain"); } if (MultitenantConstants.INVALID_TENANT_ID == tenantId) { log.error("Invalid tenant domain - '" + tenantDomain + "'"); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException( "Error occurred while retrieving tenant id from tenant domain"); } } try { IdentityTenantUtil.initializeRegistry(tenantId, tenantDomain); identityProvider = IdentityProviderManager.getInstance().getResidentIdP(tenantDomain); } catch (IdentityProviderManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while retrieving Resident Identity Provider information for tenant", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException( "Error occurred while retrieving Resident Identity Provider information for tenant " + tenantDomain); } catch (IdentityException e) { log.error("Error occurred while retrieving Identity Provider Information for tenant", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException( "Error occurred while retrieving Identity Provider Information for tenant"); } FederatedAuthenticatorConfig[] authnConfigs = identityProvider.getFederatedAuthenticatorConfigs(); for (FederatedAuthenticatorConfig config : authnConfigs) { if (IdentityApplicationConstants.Authenticator.SAML2SSO.NAME.equals(config.getName())) { SAML2SSOFederatedAuthenticatorConfig samlFedAuthnConfig = new SAML2SSOFederatedAuthenticatorConfig( config); idPEntityId = samlFedAuthnConfig.getIdpEntityId(); } } if (idPEntityId == null) { idPEntityId = IdentityUtil.getProperty(IdentityConstants.ServerConfig.ENTITY_ID); } issuer.setValue(idPEntityId); issuer.setFormat(SAMLSSOConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_ENTITY); return issuer; } /** * This method is used to set signature to a assertion * * @param assertion created assertion need to sign * @param signatureAlgorithm signature algorithm * @param digestAlgorithm cryptographic hash algorithm * @param cred X509Credential instance * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException If unable to write signature to the assertion */ public static void setSignature(Assertion assertion, String signatureAlgorithm, String digestAlgorithm, X509Credential cred) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { try { doSetSignature(assertion, signatureAlgorithm, digestAlgorithm, cred); } catch (IdentityException e) { log.error("Unable to set signature to the assertion id" + assertion.getID(), e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Unable to set signature to the assertion id" + assertion.getID(), e); } } /** * This method is used to set Signature to the Response message * @param response Genareated Response including zero or more assertions * @param signatureAlgorithm signature Algorithm * @param digestAlgorithm cryptographic hash algorithm * @param cred X509Credential instance * @return Response response message * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException If unable to set signature to the response */ public static Response setSignature(Response response, String signatureAlgorithm, String digestAlgorithm, X509Credential cred) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { try { return (Response) doSetSignature(response, signatureAlgorithm, digestAlgorithm, cred); } catch (IdentityException e) { log.error("Unable to set signature to the response id:" + response.getID(), e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Unable to set signature to the response id:" + response.getID(), e); } } /** * Generic method to sign SAML2.0 Assertion or Response * * @param request generic xml request * @param signatureAlgorithm signature algorithm * @param digestAlgorithm cryptographic hash algorithm * @param cred X509credential instance * @return SignableXMLObject signed XML object * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException If unable to set signature */ private static SignableXMLObject doSetSignature(SignableXMLObject request, String signatureAlgorithm, String digestAlgorithm, X509Credential cred) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { try { SAMLQueryRequestUtil.doBootstrap(); return setSSOSignature(request, signatureAlgorithm, digestAlgorithm, cred); } catch (IdentityException e) { log.error("Error while signing the XML object.", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Error while signing the XML object."); } } /** * This method is used to sign XML object * * @param signableXMLObject signable XML object * @param signatureAlgorithm signature algorithm * @param digestAlgorithm cryptographic hash algorithm * @param cred X509Credential instance * @return SignableXMLObject signed XML object * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException If unable to set signature */ public static SignableXMLObject setSSOSignature(SignableXMLObject signableXMLObject, String signatureAlgorithm, String digestAlgorithm, X509Credential cred) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { Signature signature = (Signature) buildXMLObject(Signature.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); signature.setSigningCredential(cred); signature.setSignatureAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm); signature.setCanonicalizationAlgorithm(Canonicalizer.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS); try { KeyInfo keyInfo = (KeyInfo) buildXMLObject(KeyInfo.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); X509Data data = (X509Data) buildXMLObject(X509Data.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) buildXMLObject(X509Certificate.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); String value =; cert.setValue(value); data.getX509Certificates().add(cert); keyInfo.getX509Datas().add(data); signature.setKeyInfo(keyInfo); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { log.error("Error occurred while retrieving encoded cert", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Error occurred while retrieving encoded cert"); } signableXMLObject.setSignature(signature); ((SAMLObjectContentReference) signature.getContentReferences().get(0)).setDigestAlgorithm(digestAlgorithm); List<Signature> signatureList = new ArrayList<Signature>(); signatureList.add(signature); MarshallerFactory marshallerFactory = XMLObjectProviderRegistrySupport.getMarshallerFactory(); Marshaller marshaller = marshallerFactory.getMarshaller(signableXMLObject); try { marshaller.marshall(signableXMLObject); } catch (MarshallingException e) { log.error("Unable to marshall the request", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Unable to marshall the request"); } Init.init(); try { Signer.signObjects(signatureList); } catch (SignatureException e) { log.error("Error occurred while signing request", e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Error occurred while signing request"); } return signableXMLObject; } /** * Validate the signature of an assertion * * @param request SAML Assertion, this could be either a SAML Request or a * LogoutRequest * @param alias Certificate alias against which the signature is validated. * @param domainName domain name of the subject * @return true, if the signature is valid. * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException When signature is invalid or unable to load credential information */ public static boolean validateXMLSignature(RequestAbstractType request, String alias, String domainName) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { boolean isSignatureValid = false; if (request.getSignature() != null) { try { X509Credential cred = OpenSAML3Util.getX509CredentialImplForTenant(domainName, alias); SignatureValidator.validate(request.getSignature(), cred); return true; } catch (SignatureException e) { log.error("Unable to validate Signature of the request id:" + request.getID() + " with alias:" + alias + " ,domainname: " + domainName, e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException("Unable to validate Signature of the request id:" + request.getID() + " with alias:" + alias + " ,domainname: " + domainName, e); } } return isSignatureValid; } /** * Get the X509CredentialImpl object for a particular tenant * * @param tenantDomain tenant domain of the issuer * @param alias alias of cert * @return X509CredentialImpl object containing the public certificate of that tenant * @throws IdentitySAML2QueryException Error when creating X509CredentialImpl object */ public static X509CredentialImpl getX509CredentialImplForTenant(String tenantDomain, String alias) throws IdentitySAML2QueryException { if (tenantDomain.trim() == null || alias.trim() == null) { log.error("Invalid parameters; domain name : " + tenantDomain + ", " + "alias : " + alias); } int tenantId; try { tenantId = SAMLQueryServiceComponent.getRealmservice().getTenantManager().getTenantId(tenantDomain); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { String errorMsg = "Error getting the tenant ID for the tenant domain : " + tenantDomain; throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException(errorMsg, e); } KeyStoreManager keyStoreManager; // get an instance of the corresponding Key Store Manager instance keyStoreManager = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantId); X509CredentialImpl credentialImpl = null; KeyStore keyStore; try { if (tenantId != -1234) {// for tenants, load private key from their generated key store keyStore = keyStoreManager.getKeyStore(generateKSNameFromDomainName(tenantDomain)); } else { // for super tenant, load the default pub. cert using the // config. in carbon.xml keyStore = keyStoreManager.getPrimaryKeyStore(); } cert = ( keyStore .getCertificate(alias); credentialImpl = new X509CredentialImpl(cert); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { String errorMsg = "Error instantiating an X509CredentialImpl object for the public certificate of " + tenantDomain; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException(errorMsg, e); } catch (Exception e) { //keyStoreManager throws Exception log.error("Unable to load key store manager for the tenant domain:" + tenantDomain, e); throw new IdentitySAML2QueryException( "Unable to load key store manager for the tenant domain:" + tenantDomain, e); } return credentialImpl; } }