Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2014, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.identity.certificateauthority.dao; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.base.IdentityException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.certificateauthority.CaException; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.certificateauthority.Constants; import; import; import; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.persistence.JDBCPersistenceManager; import org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.util.IdentityDatabaseUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; public class CertificateDAO { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CertificateDAO.class); /** * adds a public certificate to the database * * @param serial serial number of the certificate * @param tenantID id of the tenant tenant who issued the certificate * @return */ public void addCertificate(String serial, X509Certificate certificate, int tenantID, String username, String userStoreDomain) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; Date requestDate = new Date(); String sql = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; try { Date expiryDate = certificate.getNotAfter(); log.debug("adding public certificate file to database"); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "INSERT INTO CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE (SERIAL_NO,PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE,STATUS,ISSUED_DATE,EXPIRY_DATE,TENANT_ID,USER_NAME,UM_DOMAIN_NAME) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, serial); prepStmt.setBlob(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(certificate.getEncoded())); prepStmt.setString(3, CertificateStatus.ACTIVE.toString()); prepStmt.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(requestDate.getTime())); prepStmt.setTimestamp(5, new Timestamp(expiryDate.getTime())); prepStmt.setInt(6, tenantID); prepStmt.setString(7, username); prepStmt.setString(8, userStoreDomain); prepStmt.execute(); connection.commit(); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { log.error("Error encoding certificate"); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } } /** * update pc status to a given string * * @param serialNo serial number of the PC * @param status Status of the PC * @return 1 if the update is successfull, 0 if not */ public int updateCertificateStatus(String serialNo, String status) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; String sql = null; int result = 0; try { log.debug("updating PC with serial number :" + serialNo); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "UPDATE CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE SET STATUS= ? WHERE SERIAL_NO= ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, status); prepStmt.setString(2, serialNo); result = prepStmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); if (result == 1) { log.debug("PC with serial number " + serialNo + " status updated to " + status); } else { log.debug("error while updating PC with serial number " + serialNo); } } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return result; } /** * get CSR * * @return returns an array of revoked certificates */ public CertificateMetaInfo[] getRevokedCertificateList() throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; try { log.debug("retriving revoked certificates"); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE STATUS = ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, CertificateStatus.REVOKED.toString()); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); return getCertificateMetaInfoArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return new CertificateMetaInfo[0]; } /** * convert result set to an array of publicCertificates * * @param resultSet resultSet * @return an Array of PublicCertificates */ private Certificate[] getCertificateArray(ResultSet resultSet) { ArrayList<Certificate> pcList = new ArrayList<Certificate>(); int count = 0; try { while ( { Certificate cert = null; String serialNo = resultSet.getString(Constants.SERIAL_NO_LABEL); String status = resultSet.getString(Constants.PC_STATUS_LABEL); Date expiryDate = resultSet.getTimestamp(Constants.PC_EXPIRY_DATE); Blob pcBlob = resultSet.getBlob(Constants.PC_CONTENT_LABEL); CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory .generateCertificate(pcBlob.getBinaryStream()); Date issuedDate = resultSet.getTimestamp(Constants.PC_ISSUDED_DATE); String username = resultSet.getString(Constants.PC_ISSUER_LABEL); int tenantID = resultSet.getInt(Constants.TENANT_ID_LABEL); String userStoreDomain = resultSet.getString(Constants.USER_STORE_DOMAIN_LABEL); cert = new Certificate(serialNo, certificate, status, tenantID, username, issuedDate, expiryDate, userStoreDomain); pcList.add(cert); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Certificate[] pcFiles = new Certificate[pcList.size()]; pcFiles = pcList.toArray(pcFiles); return pcFiles; } /** * converts a result set to a CertificateMetaInfo Array * * @param resultSet result set * @return CertificateMetaInfoArray */ public CertificateMetaInfo[] getCertificateMetaInfoArray(ResultSet resultSet) { ArrayList<CertificateMetaInfo> pcList = new ArrayList<CertificateMetaInfo>(); int count = 0; try { while ( { CertificateMetaInfo pcMeta = null; String serialNo = resultSet.getString(Constants.SERIAL_NO_LABEL); String status = resultSet.getString(Constants.PC_STATUS_LABEL); Date expiryDate = resultSet.getTimestamp(Constants.PC_EXPIRY_DATE); Date issuedDate = resultSet.getTimestamp(Constants.PC_ISSUDED_DATE); String username = resultSet.getString(Constants.PC_ISSUER_LABEL); pcMeta = new CertificateMetaInfo(serialNo, issuedDate, expiryDate, username, status); pcList.add(pcMeta); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } CertificateMetaInfo[] certFiles = new CertificateMetaInfo[pcList.size()]; certFiles = pcList.toArray(certFiles); return certFiles; } /** * to get public certificate from a serial number * * @param serialNo serial number of the certificate * @return Certificate */ public Certificate getCertificate(String serialNo, int tenantID) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; Certificate[] certificates = null; try { log.debug("retriving PC information from serial :" + serialNo); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE SERIAL_NO = ? AND TENANT_ID = ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, serialNo); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); certificates = getCertificateArray(resultSet); if (certificates != null && certificates.length > 0) { return certificates[0]; } } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } if (certificates == null || certificates.length == 0) { throw new CaException("No such certificate"); } return certificates[0]; } /** * get public certificate from serial number * * @param serialNo serial number of the requested certificate * @return public certificate with requested serial number * @throws CaException */ public Certificate getCertificate(String serialNo) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; Certificate[] certificates = null; try { log.debug("retriving PC information from serial :" + serialNo); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE SERIAL_NO = ? "; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, serialNo); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); certificates = getCertificateArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } if (certificates == null || certificates.length == 0) { throw new CaException("No such certificate"); } return certificates[0]; } /** * get the public certificate with given serial number for a user * * @param serialNo serial number of the certificate * @param tenantID tenant * @param username username * @param userStoreDomain user store domain of the user * @return certificate with requested details * @throws CaException */ public Certificate getCertificate(String serialNo, int tenantID, String username, String userStoreDomain) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; Certificate[] certificates = null; try { log.debug("retriving Certificate information from serial :" + serialNo); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE SERIAL_NO = ? AND TENANT_ID = ? AND UM_DOMAIN_NAME =? AND USER_NAME = ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, serialNo); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantID); prepStmt.setString(3, userStoreDomain); prepStmt.setString(4, username); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); certificates = getCertificateArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } if (certificates == null || certificates.length == 0) { throw new CaException("No such certificate"); } return certificates[0]; } /** * get list of abstract certificates from tenantID * * @param tenantID * @return * @throws CaException */ public Certificate[] getRevokedCertificatesDecoded(String tenantID) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; try { log.debug("retriving revoked certificates"); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE STATUS = ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, CertificateStatus.REVOKED.toString()); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); return getCertificateArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return new Certificate[0]; } /** * get all certificates issued by a tenant * * @param tenantId id of the tenant * @return set of certificate meta infos of all the certificates issued by the given tenant * @throws CaException */ public CertificateMetaInfo[] getCertificates(int tenantId) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; try { log.debug("retriving certificates issued by :" + tenantId); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE TENANT_ID = ?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setInt(1, tenantId); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); return getCertificateMetaInfoArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return new CertificateMetaInfo[0]; } /** * get all the certificates of a tenant with given status * * @param status status of the certificate * @param tenantId tenant Id * @return * @throws CaException */ public CertificateMetaInfo[] getCertificates(String status, int tenantId) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; try { log.debug("retriving revoked certificates"); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE STATUS = ? AND TENANT_ID =?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, CertificateStatus.valueOf(status).toString()); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); return getCertificateMetaInfoArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return new CertificateMetaInfo[0]; } /** * get all the certificates issued for a particular user * * @param username username of the user * @param tenantId tenant id * @return * @throws CaException */ public CertificateMetaInfo[] getCertificatesFromUsername(String username, int tenantId) throws CaException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet resultSet; String sql = null; try { log.debug("retriving revoked certificates"); connection = JDBCPersistenceManager.getInstance().getDBConnection(); sql = "SELECT * FROM CA_CERTIFICATE_STORE WHERE USER_NAME = ? AND TENANT_ID =?"; prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); prepStmt.setString(1, username); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery(); return getCertificateMetaInfoArray(resultSet); } catch (IdentityException e) { String errorMsg = "Error when getting an Identity Persistence Store instance."; log.error(errorMsg, e); throw new CaException(errorMsg, e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error when executing the SQL : " + sql); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IdentityDatabaseUtil.closeAllConnections(connection, null, prepStmt); } return new CertificateMetaInfo[0]; } }