Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.wso2.carbon.dssapi.util; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.*; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.context.CarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.admin.DataServiceAdmin; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.ui.beans.*; import org.wso2.carbon.dssapi.core.DSSAPIException; import org.wso2.carbon.dssapi.model.Application; import org.wso2.carbon.dssapi.model.LifeCycleEventDao; import; import org.wso2.carbon.service.mgt.ServiceAdmin; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.CarbonUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * APIUtil method has all the util methods to help dss api */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class APIUtil { private static final String HTTP_PORT = "mgt.transport.http.port"; private static final String HOST_NAME = "carbon.local.ip"; public static final String APPLICATION_XML = "_application.xml"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIUtil.class); /** * To get the API provider * * @param username username of the logged user * @return APIProvider object according to user */ private static APIProvider getAPIProvider(String username) { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Create APIProvider from username:" + username); } return APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIProvider(username); } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Failed to Create APIProvider for" + username, e); } return null; } /** * To add an API * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @param data data service object * @param version version of the api */ public static void addApi(String serviceId, String username, Data data, String version) throws DSSAPIException { APIProvider apiProvider; apiProvider = getAPIProvider(username); Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, JSONArray>(); API api = createApiObject(serviceId, username, data, version, apiProvider, resourceMap); JSONObject swagger12Json = new JSONObject(); if (api != null) { try { apiProvider.addAPI(api); updateSwagger12Definition(api, apiProvider, swagger12Json, resourceMap); api.setStatus(APIStatus.CREATED); apiProvider.changeAPIStatus(api, APIStatus.PUBLISHED, username, false); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Couldn't create API for " + serviceId + "service", e); } catch (DSSAPIException e) { handleException("Error occurred while updating swagger12 definition", e); } String dssRepositoryPath; int tenantId = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(); if (tenantId == MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) { dssRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonRepository() + "/dataservices"; } else { dssRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonTenantsDirPath() + "/" + tenantId + "/dataservices"; } try { String deployedTime = new ServiceAdmin(DataHolder.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration()) .getServiceData(serviceId).getServiceDeployedTime(); String applicationXmlPath = dssRepositoryPath + "/" + serviceId + APPLICATION_XML; File file = new File(applicationXmlPath); if (!file.exists()) { Application application = new Application(true, deployedTime, username, version, MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username)); JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Application.class); Marshaller jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); jaxbMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); jaxbMarshaller.marshal(application, file); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("API created successfully for " + serviceId); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { handleException("Couldn't find path :" + dssRepositoryPath + " application.xml file for " + serviceId + "service", e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { handleException("Couldn't write application xml file for " + serviceId + "service", e); } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Couldn't get service meta data for the service " + serviceId, e); } } } /** * To create the model of the API * * @param apiProvider API Provider * @param apiContext API Context * @param apiEndpoint Endpoint url * @param authType Authentication type * @param identifier API identifier * @param data data service object * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json * @return API model */ private static API createAPIModel(APIProvider apiProvider, String apiContext, String apiEndpoint, String authType, APIIdentifier identifier, Data data, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) throws DSSAPIException { API api = null; try { api = new API(identifier); api.setContext(apiContext); api.setUriTemplates(getURITemplates(apiEndpoint, authType, data, apiProvider.getTiers(), resourceMap)); api.setVisibility(APIConstants.API_GLOBAL_VISIBILITY); api.addAvailableTiers(apiProvider.getTiers()); api.setEndpointSecured(false); api.setStatus(APIStatus.CREATED); api.setTransports(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP + "," + Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTPS); api.setSubscriptionAvailability(APIConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_TO_ALL_TENANTS); api.setResponseCache(APIConstants.DISABLED); api.setImplementation("endpoint"); String endpointConfig = "{\"production_endpoints\":{\"url\":\"" + apiEndpoint + "\",\"config\":null},\"endpoint_type\":\"http\"}"; api.setEndpointConfig(endpointConfig); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("API Object Created for API:" + identifier.getApiName() + "version:" + identifier.getVersion()); } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Couldn't get tiers for provider:" + identifier.getProviderName(), e); } return api; } /** * To get URI templates * * @param endpoint Endpoint URL * @param authType Authentication type * @param data data service object * @param tiers tiers according to publisher * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json * @return URI templates */ private static Set<URITemplate> getURITemplates(String endpoint, String authType, Data data, Set<Tier> tiers, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) { Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = new LinkedHashSet<URITemplate>(); ArrayList<Operation> operations = data.getOperations(); ArrayList<Resource> resourceList = data.getResources(); if (authType.equals(APIConstants.AUTH_NO_AUTHENTICATION)) { for (Resource resource : resourceList) { URITemplate template = new URITemplate(); template.setAuthType(APIConstants.AUTH_NO_AUTHENTICATION); template.setHTTPVerb(resource.getMethod()); template.setResourceURI(endpoint); template.setUriTemplate("/" + resource.getPath()); for (Tier tier : tiers.toArray(new Tier[tiers.size()])) { template.setThrottlingTier(tier.getName()); } uriTemplates.add(template); addApiArray(template, resource.getCallQuery().getWithParams(), resourceMap); } for (Operation operation : operations) { URITemplate template = new URITemplate(); template.setAuthType(APIConstants.AUTH_NO_AUTHENTICATION); template.setHTTPVerb(getOperationBasedHttpVerbs(operation.getCallQuery().getHref(), data)); template.setResourceURI(endpoint); template.setUriTemplate("/" + operation.getName()); for (Tier tier : tiers.toArray(new Tier[tiers.size()])) { template.setThrottlingTier(tier.getName()); } uriTemplates.add(template); addApiArray(template, operation.getCallQuery().getWithParams(), resourceMap); } } else { for (Operation operation : operations) { URITemplate template = new URITemplate(); template.setAuthType(APIConstants.AUTH_APPLICATION_OR_USER_LEVEL_TOKEN); template.setHTTPVerb(getOperationBasedHttpVerbs(operation.getCallQuery().getHref(), data)); template.setResourceURI(endpoint); template.setUriTemplate("/" + operation.getName()); for (Tier tier : tiers.toArray(new Tier[tiers.size()])) { template.setThrottlingTier(tier.getName()); } uriTemplates.add(template); addApiArray(template, operation.getCallQuery().getWithParams(), resourceMap); } for (Resource resource : resourceList) { URITemplate template = new URITemplate(); if (!"OPTIONS".equals(resource.getMethod())) { template.setAuthType(APIConstants.AUTH_APPLICATION_OR_USER_LEVEL_TOKEN); } else { template.setAuthType(APIConstants.AUTH_NO_AUTHENTICATION); } template.setHTTPVerb(resource.getMethod()); template.setResourceURI(endpoint); template.setUriTemplate("/" + resource.getPath()); for (Tier tier : tiers.toArray(new Tier[tiers.size()])) { template.setThrottlingTier(tier.getName()); } uriTemplates.add(template); addApiArray(template, resource.getCallQuery().getWithParams(), resourceMap); } } return uriTemplates; } /** * @param queryId QueryId of the Operation * @param data data service object * @return type of http verb can used to operation */ private static String getOperationBasedHttpVerbs(String queryId, Data data) { String httpVerb = "POST"; if (queryId != null) { Query query = data.getQuery(queryId); if (query != null) { if (Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("SELECT"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query.getSql()) .find()) httpVerb = "GET"; if (Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("INSERT"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query.getSql()) .find()) httpVerb = "PUT"; if (Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("DELETE"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query.getSql()) .find()) httpVerb = "DELETE"; if (Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("UPDATE"), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(query.getSql()) .find()) httpVerb = "POST"; } } return httpVerb; } /** * To make sure that the API is available for given service and to the given user of a given tenant * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param tenantId tenant domain * @return availability of the API */ public boolean checkApiAvailability(String serviceId, int tenantId) throws DSSAPIException { boolean checkApiAvailability = false; String DSSRepositoryPath; if (tenantId == MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonRepository() + "/dataservices"; } else { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonTenantsDirPath() + "/" + tenantId + "/dataservices"; } try { String applicationXmlPath = DSSRepositoryPath + "/" + serviceId + APPLICATION_XML; File file = new File(applicationXmlPath); if (file.exists()) { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Application.class); Unmarshaller jaxbUnMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); Application application = (Application) jaxbUnMarshaller.unmarshal(file); checkApiAvailability = application.getManagedApi(); } } catch (JAXBException e) { handleException("Couldn't parse xml file", e); } return checkApiAvailability; } /** * To make sure that the API having active subscriptions for given service * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @return availability of the API */ public long getApiSubscriptions(String serviceId, String username, String version) throws DSSAPIException { long subscriptionCount = 0; APIProvider apiProvider = getAPIProvider(username); String provider = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(username); APIIdentifier identifier = new APIIdentifier(provider, serviceId, version); try { subscriptionCount = apiProvider.getAPISubscriptionCountByAPI(identifier); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("error getting subscription count for API:" + serviceId + "for version:" + version, e); } return subscriptionCount; } /** * To remove API availability form a given user in the given tenant domain * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @param version version of the api */ public static boolean removeApi(String serviceId, String username, String version) throws DSSAPIException { boolean status = false; APIProvider apiProvider = getAPIProvider(username); String provider = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(username); APIIdentifier identifier = new APIIdentifier(provider, serviceId, version); try { if (apiProvider.checkIfAPIExists(identifier)) { apiProvider.deleteAPI(identifier); } String DSSRepositoryPath; int tenantId = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(); if (tenantId == MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonRepository() + "/dataservices"; } else { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonTenantsDirPath() + "/" + tenantId + "/dataservices"; } String applicationXmlPath = DSSRepositoryPath + "/" + serviceId + "_application.xml"; File file = new File(applicationXmlPath); if (file.exists()) { if (file.delete()) { status = true; } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("couldn't remove API" + serviceId + "version:" + version, e); } return status; } /** * To get the list of APIs * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @return api list according to the given parameters */ public List<API> getApi(String serviceId, String username) throws DSSAPIException { String version = null; List<API> apiList = null; int tenantId = CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(); APIProvider apiProvider; String DSSRepositoryPath; String provider = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(username); apiProvider = getAPIProvider(provider); if (tenantId == MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonRepository() + "/dataservices"; } else { DSSRepositoryPath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonTenantsDirPath() + "/" + tenantId + "/dataservices"; } try { String applicationXmlPath = DSSRepositoryPath + "/" + serviceId + APPLICATION_XML; File file = new File(applicationXmlPath); if (file.exists()) { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Application.class); Unmarshaller jaxbUnMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); Application application = (Application) jaxbUnMarshaller.unmarshal(file); version = application.getVersion(); } apiList = new ArrayList<API>(); apiList.add(apiProvider.getAPI(new APIIdentifier(provider, serviceId, version))); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("couldn't find api for Service:" + serviceId, e); } catch (JAXBException e) { handleException("Couldn't parse xml file", e); } return apiList; } /** * To update an API * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @param version version of the api */ public static void updateApi(String serviceId, String username, Data data, String version) throws DSSAPIException { APIProvider apiProvider = getAPIProvider(username); Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, JSONArray>(); JSONObject swagger12Json = new JSONObject(); API api = createApiObject(serviceId, username, data, version, apiProvider, resourceMap); if (api != null) { try { apiProvider.changeAPIStatus(api, APIStatus.PROTOTYPED, username, false); apiProvider.updateAPI(api); api.setStatus(APIStatus.PROTOTYPED); updateSwagger12Definition(api, apiProvider, swagger12Json, resourceMap); apiProvider.changeAPIStatus(api, APIStatus.PUBLISHED, username, false); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error while updating api:" + serviceId + "for version:" + version, e); } } } /** * To get life cycle event list for a particular service * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @param version version of the api */ public LifeCycleEventDao[] getLifeCycleEventList(String serviceId, String username, String version) throws DSSAPIException { APIProvider apiProvider = getAPIProvider(username); List<LifeCycleEvent> lifeCycleEventList; List<LifeCycleEventDao> lifeCycleEventDaoList = new ArrayList<LifeCycleEventDao>(); String provider = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(username); APIIdentifier apiIdentifier = new APIIdentifier(provider, serviceId, version); try { lifeCycleEventList = apiProvider.getLifeCycleEvents(apiIdentifier); if (lifeCycleEventList.size() > 0) { for (LifeCycleEvent lifeCycleEvent : lifeCycleEventList) { LifeCycleEventDao lifeCycleEventDao; if ((lifeCycleEvent.getOldStatus() != null)) { lifeCycleEventDao = new LifeCycleEventDao(apiIdentifier, lifeCycleEvent.getOldStatus().name(), lifeCycleEvent.getNewStatus().name(), lifeCycleEvent.getUserId(), lifeCycleEvent.getDate().toString()); } else lifeCycleEventDao = new LifeCycleEventDao(apiIdentifier, "", lifeCycleEvent.getNewStatus().name(), lifeCycleEvent.getUserId(), lifeCycleEvent.getDate().toString()); lifeCycleEventDaoList.add(lifeCycleEventDao); } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("error while getting lifecycle history api:" + serviceId + "for version:" + version, e); } return lifeCycleEventDaoList.toArray(new LifeCycleEventDao[lifeCycleEventDaoList.size()]); } /** * To create API model * * @param serviceId service name of the service * @param username username of the logged user * @param data data service object * @param version version of the api * @param apiProvider API Provider * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json * @return created api model */ private static API createApiObject(String serviceId, String username, Data data, String version, APIProvider apiProvider, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) throws DSSAPIException { String apiEndpoint; String apiContext; String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username); if (MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { apiEndpoint = "http://" + System.getProperty(HOST_NAME) + ":" + System.getProperty(HTTP_PORT) + "/services/" + serviceId + "?wsdl"; apiContext = "/api/" + serviceId; } else { apiEndpoint = "http://" + System.getProperty(HOST_NAME) + ":" + System.getProperty(HTTP_PORT) + "/services/t/" + tenantDomain + "/" + serviceId + "?wsdl"; apiContext = "/t/" + tenantDomain + "/api/" + serviceId; } String provider = org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(username); String apiVersion; apiVersion = version; //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable String apiName = serviceId; String authType = "Any"; APIIdentifier identifier = new APIIdentifier(provider, apiName, apiVersion); return createAPIModel(apiProvider, apiContext, apiEndpoint, authType, identifier, data, resourceMap); } /** * To Create api_doc and info json objects in Swagger12 Json * * @param apiIdentifier API identifier * @param swagger12Json swagger12 json object * @throws ParseException */ private static void createApiDocInfo(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier, JSONObject swagger12Json) throws ParseException { JSONObject api_doc = new JSONObject(); api_doc.put("apiVersion", apiIdentifier.getVersion()); api_doc.put("swaggerVersion", "1.2"); api_doc.put("authorizations", new JSONParser().parse("{\"oauth2\":{\n" + " \"scopes\":[\n" + "\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\":\"oauth2\"\n" + " }}")); api_doc.put("info", new JSONParser().parse("{\n" + " \"title\":\"" + apiIdentifier.getApiName() + "\",\n" + " \"termsOfServiceUrl\":\"\",\n" + " \"description\":\"\",\n" + " \"license\":\"\",\n" + " \"contact\":\"\",\n" + " \"licenseUrl\":\"\"\n" + " }")); swagger12Json.put("api_doc", api_doc); } /** * To Create apis Json Object in swagger12 Json * * @param api api Object * @param swagger12Json swagger12 json object * @throws ParseException */ private static void createApis(API api, JSONObject swagger12Json) throws ParseException { Set<String> resourceMap = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); Set<URITemplate> uriTemplateSet = api.getUriTemplates(); Set<URITemplate> tempUriTemplates = new HashSet<URITemplate>(); for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplateSet) { String uriTemplateString = uriTemplate.getUriTemplate(); if (Pattern.compile("[/][{]\\w+[}]").matcher(uriTemplateString).find()) { String tempUriTemplate = uriTemplateString.replaceAll("[/][{]\\w+[}]", ""); resourceMap.add(tempUriTemplate); uriTemplate.setUriTemplate(uriTemplateString.replaceFirst("[/][{]\\w+[}]", "/*")); tempUriTemplates.add(uriTemplate); } else { resourceMap.add(uriTemplateString); tempUriTemplates.add(uriTemplate); } } api.setUriTemplates(tempUriTemplates); for (String resource : resourceMap) { jsonArray.add(new JSONParser().parse("{\n" + " \"description\":\"\",\n" + " \"path\":\"" + resource + "\"\n" + " }")); } JSONObject api_doc = (JSONObject) swagger12Json.get("api_doc"); api_doc.put("apis", jsonArray); swagger12Json.remove("api_doc"); swagger12Json.put("api_doc", api_doc); } /** * To Create API Resources in swagger12 definition * * @param api api Object * @param swagger12Json swagger12 json object * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json */ private static void createAPIResources(API api, JSONObject swagger12Json, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) { JSONArray resourcesArray = new JSONArray(); Set<String> resources = resourceMap.keySet(); for (String resource : resources) { JSONObject resourcesObject = new JSONObject(); resourcesObject.put("apiVersion", api.getId().getVersion()); resourcesObject.put("basePath", "http://" + System.getProperty(HOST_NAME) + ":" + System.getProperty(HTTP_PORT) + api.getContext() + api.getId().getVersion()); resourcesObject.put("swaggerVersion", "1.2"); resourcesObject.put("resourcePath", resource); resourcesObject.put("apis", resourceMap.get(resource)); resourcesArray.add(resourcesObject); } swagger12Json.put("resources", resourcesArray); } /** * To Add api according to the Uri Template to Swagger12 Json * * @param template URITemplate according to path * @param withParams parameters in Sql Query * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json */ private static void addApiArray(URITemplate template, List<WithParam> withParams, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) { String tempKey = template.getUriTemplate(); String key = tempKey.replaceAll("[/][{]\\w+[}]", ""); if (resourceMap.containsKey(key)) { JSONArray APIArray = resourceMap.get(key); if (APIArray != null) { JSONObject newApiObject = new JSONObject(); newApiObject.put("path", template.getUriTemplate()); JSONArray operationsArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject operationObject = new JSONObject(); createOperationObject(withParams, template, operationObject); operationsArray.add(operationObject); newApiObject.put("operations", operationsArray); APIArray.add(newApiObject); resourceMap.remove(key); resourceMap.put(key, APIArray); } else { JSONArray newApiArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject newApiObject = new JSONObject(); newApiObject.put("path", template.getUriTemplate()); JSONArray operationsArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject operationObject = new JSONObject(); createOperationObject(withParams, template, operationObject); operationsArray.add(operationObject); newApiObject.put("operations", operationsArray); newApiArray.add(newApiObject); resourceMap.put(key, newApiArray); } } else { JSONArray APIArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject newApiObject = new JSONObject(); newApiObject.put("path", template.getUriTemplate()); JSONArray operationsArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject operationObject = new JSONObject(); createOperationObject(withParams, template, operationObject); operationsArray.add(operationObject); newApiObject.put("operations", operationsArray); APIArray.add(newApiObject); resourceMap.put(key, APIArray); } } /** * To create Operations objects in Swagger12 * * @param withParams parameters in Sql Query * @param template URITemplate according to path * @param operationObject JSONObject of the Operation in Swagger12 */ private static void createOperationObject(List<WithParam> withParams, URITemplate template, JSONObject operationObject) { operationObject.put("nickname", template.getHTTPVerb().toLowerCase() + "_" + template.getUriTemplate().replaceFirst("/", "")); operationObject.put("method", template.getHTTPVerb().toUpperCase()); JSONArray parametersArray = new JSONArray(); String pathParam = null; Matcher paramNamePattern = Pattern.compile("[{]\\w+[}]").matcher(template.getUriTemplate()); try { if (paramNamePattern.find()) { pathParam ="{", ""); pathParam = pathParam.replace("}", ""); parametersArray.add(new JSONParser().parse("{\n" + " \"description\":\"Request Body\",\n" + " \"name\":\"" + pathParam + "\",\n" + " \"allowMultiple\":false,\n" + " \"required\":true,\n" + " \"type\":\"string\",\n" + " \"paramType\":\"path\"\n" + " }")); } for (WithParam param : withParams) { if (!param.getName().equals(pathParam)) { if ("GET".equals(template.getHTTPVerb().toUpperCase())) { parametersArray.add(new JSONParser() .parse("{\n" + " \"description\":\"Request Body\",\n" + " \"name\":\"" + param.getName() + "\",\n" + " \"allowMultiple\":false,\n" + " \"required\":true,\n" + " \"type\":\"string\",\n" + " \"paramType\":\"query\"\n" + " }")); } else { parametersArray.add(new JSONParser() .parse("{\n" + " \"description\":\"Request Body\",\n" + " \"name\":\"" + param.getName() + "\",\n" + " \"allowMultiple\":false,\n" + " \"required\":true,\n" + " \"type\":\"string\",\n" + " \"paramType\":\"form\"\n" + " }")); } } } } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("Couldn't parse swagger parameter Json", e); } operationObject.put("parameters", parametersArray); operationObject.put("auth_type", template.getAuthType()); operationObject.put("throttling_tier", template.getThrottlingTiers()); } /** * To Update Swagger12 definition according to api * * @param api api Object * @param apiProvider API Provider * @param swagger12Json swagger12 json object * @param resourceMap map of resources in swagger12 json * @throws APIManagementException */ public static void updateSwagger12Definition(API api, APIProvider apiProvider, JSONObject swagger12Json, Map<String, JSONArray> resourceMap) throws APIManagementException, DSSAPIException { try { createApiDocInfo(api.getId(), swagger12Json); createApis(api, swagger12Json); createAPIResources(api, swagger12Json, resourceMap); String apiJSON = ((JSONObject) swagger12Json.get("api_doc")).toJSONString(); apiProvider.updateSwagger12Definition(api.getId(), APIConstants.API_DOC_1_2_RESOURCE_NAME, apiJSON); JSONArray resources = (JSONArray) swagger12Json.get("resources"); for (Object resource : resources) { JSONObject tempResource = (JSONObject) resource; String resourcePath = (String) tempResource.get("resourcePath"); apiProvider.updateSwagger12Definition(api.getId(), resourcePath, tempResource.toJSONString()); } } catch (ParseException e) { handleException("couldn't Create Swagger12Json for Api " + api.getId().getApiName(), e); } } /** * This method is used to handle exceptions * * @param errorMessage error * @param e throwable error * @throws DSSAPIException */ public static void handleException(String errorMessage, Throwable e) throws DSSAPIException { log.error(errorMessage, e); throw new DSSAPIException(errorMessage, e); } /** * This method is used to populate data of the dss service * * @param serviceId data service Name * @return data object of data service * @throws AxisFault * @throws XMLStreamException */ public static Data populateDataServiceData(String serviceId) throws AxisFault, XMLStreamException { String serviceContents = new DataServiceAdmin().getDataServiceContentAsString(serviceId); XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(serviceContents)); OMElement configElement = (new StAXOMBuilder(reader)).getDocumentElement();; Data data = new Data(); data.populate(configElement); return data; } }