Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2008, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.wso2.carbon.discovery; import org.wso2.carbon.discovery.messages.*; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReferenceHelper; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; /** * Utilitiy methods for manipulating WS-Discovery message payloads and * data access objects */ public class DiscoveryOMUtils { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DiscoveryOMUtils.class); public static Notification getHelloFromOM(OMElement helloElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.HELLO, helloElement); TargetService targetService = createService(helloElement, true); return new Notification(DiscoveryConstants.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_HELLO, targetService); } public static Notification getByeFromOM(OMElement byeElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.BYE, byeElement); TargetService targetService = createService(byeElement, false); return new Notification(DiscoveryConstants.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_BYE, targetService); } public static Probe getProbeFromOM(OMElement probeElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.PROBE, probeElement); Probe probe = new Probe(); probe.setTypes(getTypes(probeElement)); probe.setScopes(getScopes(probeElement)); OMElement scopesElement = probeElement.getFirstChildWithName(DiscoveryConstants.SCOPES); if (scopesElement != null) { OMAttribute attr = scopesElement.getAttribute(DiscoveryConstants.ATTR_MATCH_BY); if (attr != null && attr.getAttributeValue() != null) { try { probe.setMatchBy(new URI(attr.getAttributeValue())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new DiscoveryException("Invalid URI value for the MatchBy attribute", e); } } } return probe; } public static Resolve getResolveFromOM(OMElement resolveElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE, resolveElement); OMElement eprElement = getRequiredElement(resolveElement, AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE); EndpointReference epr = null; try { epr = EndpointReferenceHelper.fromOM(eprElement); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { handleFault("Error while processing the endpoint reference", axisFault); } return new Resolve(epr); } public static QueryMatch getProbeMatchFromOM(OMElement matchElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.PROBE_MATCHES, matchElement); Iterator matches = matchElement.getChildrenWithName(DiscoveryConstants.PROBE_MATCH); List<TargetService> services = new ArrayList<TargetService>(); while (matches.hasNext()) { services.add(createService((OMElement), true)); } return new QueryMatch(DiscoveryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROBE_MATCH, services.toArray(new TargetService[services.size()])); } public static QueryMatch getResolveMatchFromOM(OMElement matchElement) throws DiscoveryException { validateTopElement(DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE_MATCHES, matchElement); Iterator matches = matchElement.getChildrenWithName(DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE_MATCH); List<TargetService> services = new ArrayList<TargetService>(); while (matches.hasNext()) { if (services.size() == 0) { services.add(createService((OMElement), true)); } else { throw new DiscoveryException( "A ResolveMatch must not contain more than " + "one target service descriprion"); } } return new QueryMatch(DiscoveryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_RESOLVE_MATCH, services.toArray(new TargetService[1])); } private static TargetService createService(OMElement parent, boolean requireMetaVersion) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement eprElement = getRequiredElement(parent, AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE); EndpointReference epr = null; try { epr = EndpointReferenceHelper.fromOM(eprElement); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { handleFault( "Error while processing the endpoint reference in the " + parent.getLocalName() + " message", axisFault); } TargetService targetService = new TargetService(epr); targetService.setTypes(getTypes(parent)); targetService.setScopes(getScopes(parent)); targetService.setXAddresses(getXAddresses(parent)); OMElement metaVersionElement; if (requireMetaVersion) { metaVersionElement = getRequiredElement(parent, DiscoveryConstants.METADATA_VERSION); } else { metaVersionElement = parent.getFirstChildWithName(DiscoveryConstants.METADATA_VERSION); } if (metaVersionElement != null && metaVersionElement.getText() != null) { targetService.setMetadataVersion(Integer.parseInt(metaVersionElement.getText())); } return targetService; } public static OMElement toOM(Notification notification, OMFactory factory) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement topElement; if (DiscoveryConstants.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_HELLO == notification.getType()) { topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.HELLO); } else { topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.BYE); } return toOM(notification.getTargetService(), factory, topElement); } public static OMElement toOM(Probe probe, OMFactory factory) { OMElement topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.PROBE); if (probe.getTypes() != null && probe.getTypes().length > 0) { topElement.addChild(serializeQNamesList(probe.getTypes(), DiscoveryConstants.TYPES, factory)); } if (probe.getScopes() != null && probe.getScopes().length > 0) { OMElement scopesElement = serializeURIList(probe.getScopes(), DiscoveryConstants.SCOPES, factory); if (!DiscoveryConstants.SCOPE_MATCH_RULE_DEAULT.equals(probe.getMatchBy().toString())) { scopesElement.addAttribute(factory.createOMAttribute( DiscoveryConstants.ATTR_MATCH_BY.getLocalPart(), null, probe.getMatchBy().toString())); } topElement.addChild(scopesElement); } return topElement; } public static OMElement toOM(Resolve resolve, OMFactory factory) throws DiscoveryException { if (resolve.getEpr() == null) { throw new DiscoveryException("The EPR of a Resolve request must not be null"); } OMElement topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE); try { OMElement epr = EndpointReferenceHelper.toOM(factory, resolve.getEpr(), AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE, AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_NAMESPACE); topElement.addChild(epr); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { handleFault("Error while serializing the Resolve request", axisFault); } return topElement; } public static OMElement toOM(QueryMatch match, OMFactory factory) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement topElement; QName childQName; if (DiscoveryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROBE_MATCH == match.getResultType()) { topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.PROBE_MATCHES); childQName = DiscoveryConstants.PROBE_MATCH; } else { topElement = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE_MATCHES); childQName = DiscoveryConstants.RESOLVE_MATCH; } if (match.getTargetServices() != null) { for (TargetService service : match.getTargetServices()) { if (service != null) { OMElement matchElement = factory.createOMElement(childQName); topElement.addChild(toOM(service, factory, matchElement)); } } } return topElement; } /** * Serializes the given TargetService instance into XML using the provided OMFactory. * The serialized XML content is attached to the provided parent element. Therefore * the parent element must not be null when invoking this method. * * @param service TargetService to be serialized * @param factory OMFactory to be used for creating XML objects * @param parent The parent element to which the TargetService will be attached * @return The parent element with the serialized TargetService content * @throws DiscoveryException If an error occurs while serializing XML content */ public static OMElement toOM(TargetService service, OMFactory factory, OMElement parent) throws DiscoveryException { try { OMElement epr = EndpointReferenceHelper.toOM(factory, service.getEpr(), AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE, AddressingConstants.Final.WSA_NAMESPACE); parent.addChild(epr); if (service.getTypes() != null && service.getTypes().length > 0) { parent.addChild(serializeQNamesList(service.getTypes(), DiscoveryConstants.TYPES, factory)); } if (service.getScopes() != null && service.getScopes().length > 0) { parent.addChild(serializeURIList(service.getScopes(), DiscoveryConstants.SCOPES, factory)); } if (service.getXAddresses() != null && service.getXAddresses().length > 0) { parent.addChild(serializeURIList(service.getXAddresses(), DiscoveryConstants.XADDRESSES, factory)); } if (service.getMetadataVersion() != -1) { OMElement metaVersion = factory.createOMElement(DiscoveryConstants.METADATA_VERSION); metaVersion.setText(String.valueOf(service.getMetadataVersion())); parent.addChild(metaVersion); } } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { handleFault("Error while serializing the target service description " + "into XML", axisFault); } return parent; } private static OMElement getRequiredElement(OMElement parent, QName qname) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement child = parent.getFirstChildWithName(qname); if (child == null) { String msg = "Required element " + qname + " was not found"; log.error(msg); throw new DiscoveryException(msg); } return child; } private static void validateTopElement(QName expected, OMElement elt) throws DiscoveryException { QName found = elt.getQName(); if (!expected.equals(found)) { String msg = "Invalid top level element in the " + expected.getLocalPart() + " " + "message. Expected: " + expected + " but found: " + found; log.error(msg); throw new DiscoveryException(msg); } } private static QName[] getTypes(OMElement parent) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement typesElement = parent.getFirstChildWithName(DiscoveryConstants.TYPES); if (typesElement == null) { return null; } String typesList = typesElement.getText(); if (typesList == null || "".equals(typesList)) { return null; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(typesList.trim()); List<QName> types = new ArrayList<QName>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String type = st.nextToken(); QName typeQName = typesElement.resolveQName(type); if (typeQName == null) { String msg = "Type " + type + " cannot be resolved to a valid QName"; log.error(msg); throw new DiscoveryException(msg); } types.add(typeQName); } if (types.size() == 0) { return null; } return types.toArray(new QName[types.size()]); } private static URI[] getScopes(OMElement parent) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement scopesElement = parent.getFirstChildWithName(DiscoveryConstants.SCOPES); if (scopesElement == null) { return null; } String scopesList = scopesElement.getText(); if (scopesList == null || "".equals(scopesList)) { return null; } return parseURIList(scopesList); } private static OMElement serializeURIList(URI[] scopes, QName topElement, OMFactory factory) { OMElement scopesElement = factory.createOMElement(topElement); StringBuffer scopesTxt = new StringBuffer(); boolean firstEntry = true; for (URI scope : scopes) { if (!firstEntry) { scopesTxt.append(" "); } scopesTxt.append(scope.toString()); firstEntry = false; } scopesElement.setText(scopesTxt.toString()); return scopesElement; } private static OMElement serializeQNamesList(QName[] qnames, QName topElement, OMFactory factory) { OMElement wrapperElement = factory.createOMElement(topElement); StringBuffer qnamesTxt = new StringBuffer(); boolean firstEntry = true; for (QName qname : qnames) { if (!firstEntry) { qnamesTxt.append(" "); } OMNamespace ns = wrapperElement.declareNamespace(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getPrefix()); qnamesTxt.append(ns.getPrefix() + ":" + qname.getLocalPart()); firstEntry = false; } wrapperElement.setText(qnamesTxt.toString()); return wrapperElement; } private static URI[] getXAddresses(OMElement parent) throws DiscoveryException { OMElement xAddrsElement = parent.getFirstChildWithName(DiscoveryConstants.XADDRESSES); if (xAddrsElement == null) { return null; } String xAddrsList = xAddrsElement.getText(); if (xAddrsList == null || "".equals(xAddrsList)) { return null; } return parseURIList(xAddrsList); } private static URI[] parseURIList(String uriListStr) throws DiscoveryException { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(uriListStr.trim()); List<URI> uriList = new ArrayList<URI>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String scope = st.nextToken(); try { URI uri = new URI(scope); uriList.add(uri); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { String msg = "Error while parsing the scope URI: " + scope; log.error(msg, e); throw new DiscoveryException(msg, e); } } if (uriList.size() == 0) { return null; } return uriList.toArray(new URI[uriList.size()]); } private static void handleFault(String msg, Throwable t) throws DiscoveryException { log.error(msg, t); throw new DiscoveryException(msg, t); } }