Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.odata; import org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.common.DBConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.DBUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.DataServiceFault; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.engine.DataEntry; import org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.odata.DataColumn.ODataDataType; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class implements RDBMS datasource related operations for ODataDataHandler. * * @see ODataDataHandler */ public class RDBMSDataHandler implements ODataDataHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RDBMSDataHandler.class); /** * Table metadata. */ private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> rdbmsDataTypes; private Map<String, Map<String, DataColumn>> tableMetaData; /** * Primary Keys of the Tables (Map<Table Name, List>). */ private Map<String, List<String>> primaryKeys; /** * Config ID. */ private final String configID; /** * RDBMS datasource. */ private final DataSource dataSource; /** * List of Tables in the Database. */ private List<String> tableList; private ThreadLocal<Connection> transactionalConnection = new ThreadLocal<Connection>() { protected synchronized Connection initialValue() { return null; } }; private boolean defaultAutoCommit; private int defaultTransactionalIsolation; /** * Navigation properties map <Target Table Name, Map<Source Table Name, List<String>). */ private Map<String, NavigationTable> navigationProperties; public RDBMSDataHandler(DataSource dataSource, String configId) throws ODataServiceFault { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.tableList = generateTableList(); this.configID = configId; this.rdbmsDataTypes = new HashMap<>(this.tableList.size()); initializeMetaData(); } @Override public Map<String, NavigationTable> getNavigationProperties() { return this.navigationProperties; } @Override public void openTransaction() throws ODataServiceFault { try { if (getTransactionalConnection() == null) { Connection connection = this.dataSource.getConnection(); this.defaultAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); this.defaultTransactionalIsolation = connection.getTransactionIsolation(); connection.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ); transactionalConnection.set(connection); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Connection Error occurred. :" + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void commitTransaction() throws ODataServiceFault { Connection connection = getTransactionalConnection(); try { connection.commit(); connection.setTransactionIsolation(defaultTransactionalIsolation); connection.setAutoCommit(defaultAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Connection Error occurred while committing. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { /* close the connection */ try { connection.close(); transactionalConnection.set(null); } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignore } } } private Connection getTransactionalConnection() { return transactionalConnection.get(); } @Override public void rollbackTransaction() throws ODataServiceFault { Connection connection = getTransactionalConnection(); try { connection.rollback(); connection.setTransactionIsolation(defaultTransactionalIsolation); connection.setAutoCommit(defaultAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Connection Error occurred while rollback. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { /* close the connection */ try { connection.close(); transactionalConnection.set(null); } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignore } } } @Override public void updateReference(String rootTable, ODataEntry rootTableKeys, String navigationTable, ODataEntry navigationTableKeys) throws ODataServiceFault { /* To add a reference first we need to find the foreign key values of the tables, and therefore we need to identify which table has been exported */ // Identifying the exported table and change the imported tables' column value NavigationTable navigation = navigationProperties.get(rootTable); boolean rootTableExportedColumns = false; if (navigation != null && navigation.getTables().contains(navigationTable)) { // that means rootTable is the exportedTable -confirmed rootTableExportedColumns = true; } String exportedTable; String importedTable; ODataEntry exportedTableKeys; ODataEntry importedTableKeys; List<NavigationKeys> keys; if (rootTableExportedColumns) { exportedTable = rootTable; importedTable = navigationTable; exportedTableKeys = rootTableKeys; importedTableKeys = navigationTableKeys; } else { exportedTable = navigationTable; importedTable = rootTable; exportedTableKeys = navigationTableKeys; importedTableKeys = rootTableKeys; } keys = navigationProperties.get(exportedTable).getNavigationKeys(importedTable); ODataEntry exportedKeyValues = getForeignKeysValues(exportedTable, exportedTableKeys, keys); modifyReferences(keys, importedTable, exportedTable, exportedKeyValues, importedTableKeys); } @Override public void deleteReference(String rootTable, ODataEntry rootTableKeys, String navigationTable, ODataEntry navigationTableKeys) throws ODataServiceFault { /* To add a reference first we need to find the foreign key values of the tables, and therefore we need to identify which table has been exported */ // Identifying the exported table and change the imported tables' column value NavigationTable navigation = navigationProperties.get(rootTable); boolean rootTableExportedColumns = false; if (navigation != null && navigation.getTables().contains(navigationTable)) { // that means rootTable is the exportedTable -confirmed rootTableExportedColumns = true; } String exportedTable; String importedTable; ODataEntry importedTableKeys; List<NavigationKeys> keys; if (rootTableExportedColumns) { exportedTable = rootTable; importedTable = navigationTable; importedTableKeys = navigationTableKeys; } else { exportedTable = navigationTable; importedTable = rootTable; importedTableKeys = rootTableKeys; } keys = navigationProperties.get(exportedTable).getNavigationKeys(importedTable); ODataEntry nullReferenceValues = new ODataEntry(); for (NavigationKeys key : keys) { nullReferenceValues.addValue(key.getForeignKey(), null); } modifyReferences(keys, importedTable, exportedTable, nullReferenceValues, importedTableKeys); } private void modifyReferences(List<NavigationKeys> keys, String importedTable, String exportedTable, ODataEntry modifyValues, ODataEntry primaryKeys) throws ODataServiceFault { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createAddReferenceSQL(importedTable, keys); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : modifyValues.getNames()) { String value = modifyValues.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(exportedTable).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } for (String column : primaryKeys.getNames()) { String value = primaryKeys.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(importedTable).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } statement.execute(); commitExecution(connection); } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { log.warn("modify value count - " + modifyValues.getNames().size() + ", primary keys size - " + primaryKeys.getNames().size() + ", Error - " + e.getMessage(), e); //todo remove this later throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while updating foreign key values. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(null, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } private ODataEntry getForeignKeysValues(String tableName, ODataEntry keys, List<NavigationKeys> columns) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createSelectReferenceKeyFromExportedTable(tableName, keys, columns); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : keys.getNames()) { String value = keys.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); ODataEntry values = new ODataEntry(); String value; for (NavigationKeys column : columns) { String columnName = column.getPrimaryKey(); while ( { value = getValueFromResultSet(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(columnName), columnName, resultSet); values.addValue(columnName, value); } } return values; } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while retrieving foreign key values. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } private String createSelectReferenceKeyFromExportedTable(String tableName, ODataEntry keys, List<NavigationKeys> columns) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); boolean propertyMatch = false; sql.append("SELECT "); for (NavigationKeys column : columns) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" , "); } sql.append(column.getPrimaryKey()); propertyMatch = true; } sql.append(" FROM ").append(tableName).append(" WHERE "); propertyMatch = false; for (String column : this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet()) { if (keys.getValue(column) != null) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append(column).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } } return sql.toString(); } private String createAddReferenceSQL(String tableName, List<NavigationKeys> keys) { List<String> pKeys = primaryKeys.get(tableName); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE ").append(tableName).append(" SET "); boolean propertyMatch = false; for (NavigationKeys column : keys) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(column.getForeignKey()).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } sql.append(" WHERE "); // Handling keys propertyMatch = false; for (String key : pKeys) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append(key).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } return sql.toString(); } @Override public List<ODataEntry> readTable(String tableName) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); statement = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName); return createDataEntryCollectionFromRS(tableName, resultSet); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while reading entities from " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } @Override public List<String> getTableList() { return this.tableList; } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getPrimaryKeys() { return this.primaryKeys; } private String convertToTimeString(Time sqlTime) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(sqlTime.getTime()); return new org.apache.axis2.databinding.types.Time(cal).toString(); } private String convertToTimestampString(Timestamp sqlTimestamp) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(sqlTimestamp.getTime()); return ConverterUtil.convertToString(cal); } @Override public String insertEntityToTable(String tableName, ODataEntry entry) throws ODataServiceFault { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createInsertSQL(tableName, entry); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : entry.getNames()) { if (this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet().contains(column)) { String value = entry.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } statement.execute(); commitExecution(connection); return ODataUtils.generateETag(this.configID, tableName, entry); } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while writing entities to " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(null, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } @Override public List<ODataEntry> readTableWithKeys(String tableName, ODataEntry keys) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createReadSqlWithKeys(tableName, keys); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : keys.getNames()) { if (this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet().contains(column)) { String value = keys.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); return createDataEntryCollectionFromRS(tableName, resultSet); } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while reading entities from " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } /** * This method bind values to prepared statement. * * @param type data Type * @param value String value * @param ordinalPosition Ordinal Position * @param sqlStatement Statement * @throws SQLException * @throws ParseException * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private void bindValuesToPreparedStatement(int type, String value, int ordinalPosition, PreparedStatement sqlStatement) throws SQLException, ParseException, ODataServiceFault { byte[] data; try { switch (type) { case Types.INTEGER: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setInt(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToInt(value)); } break; case Types.TINYINT: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setByte(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToByte(value)); } break; case Types.SMALLINT: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setShort(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToShort(value)); } break; case Types.DOUBLE: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setDouble(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToDouble(value)); } break; case Types.VARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.CHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARCHAR: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setString(ordinalPosition, value); } break; case Types.CLOB: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setClob(ordinalPosition, new BufferedReader(new StringReader(value)), value.length()); } break; case Types.BOOLEAN: /* fall through */ case Types.BIT: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setBoolean(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToBoolean(value)); } break; case Types.BLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARBINARY: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { data = this.getBytesFromBase64String(value); sqlStatement.setBlob(ordinalPosition, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length); } break; case Types.BINARY: /* fall through */ case Types.VARBINARY: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { data = this.getBytesFromBase64String(value); sqlStatement.setBinaryStream(ordinalPosition, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length); } break; case Types.DATE: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setDate(ordinalPosition, DBUtils.getDate(value)); } break; case Types.DECIMAL: /* fall through */ case Types.NUMERIC: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setBigDecimal(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToBigDecimal(value)); } break; case Types.FLOAT: /* fall through */ case Types.REAL: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setFloat(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToFloat(value)); } break; case Types.TIME: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setTime(ordinalPosition, DBUtils.getTime(value)); } break; case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NVARCHAR: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setNString(ordinalPosition, value); } break; case Types.NCLOB: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setNClob(ordinalPosition, new BufferedReader(new StringReader(value)), value.length()); } break; case Types.BIGINT: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setLong(ordinalPosition, ConverterUtil.convertToLong(value)); } break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setTimestamp(ordinalPosition, DBUtils.getTimestamp(value)); } break; default: if (value == null) { sqlStatement.setNull(ordinalPosition, type); } else { sqlStatement.setString(ordinalPosition, value); } break; } } catch (DataServiceFault e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while binding values. :" + e.getMessage()); } } private byte[] getBytesFromBase64String(String base64Str) throws SQLException { try { return Base64.decodeBase64(base64Str.getBytes(DBConstants.DEFAULT_CHAR_SET_TYPE)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public boolean updateEntityInTable(String tableName, ODataEntry newProperties) throws ODataServiceFault { List<String> pKeys = this.primaryKeys.get(tableName); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String value; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createUpdateEntitySQL(tableName, newProperties); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : newProperties.getNames()) { if (!pKeys.contains(column)) { value = newProperties.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } for (String column : newProperties.getNames()) { if (!pKeys.isEmpty()) { if (pKeys.contains(column)) { value = newProperties.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } else { throw new ODataServiceFault("Error occurred while updating the entity to " + tableName + " table. couldn't find keys in the table."); } } statement.execute(); commitExecution(connection); return true; } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while updating the entity to " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(null, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } public boolean updateEntityInTableTransactional(String tableName, ODataEntry oldProperties, ODataEntry newProperties) throws ODataServiceFault { List<String> pKeys = this.primaryKeys.get(tableName); PreparedStatement statement = null; Connection connection = null; String value; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createUpdateEntitySQL(tableName, newProperties); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : newProperties.getNames()) { if (!pKeys.contains(column)) { value = newProperties.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } for (String column : oldProperties.getNames()) { if (!pKeys.isEmpty()) { if (pKeys.contains(column)) { value = oldProperties.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } else { throw new ODataServiceFault("Error occurred while updating the entity to " + tableName + " table. couldn't find keys in the table."); } } statement.execute(); commitExecution(connection); return true; } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while updating the entity to " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(null, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } @Override public boolean deleteEntityInTable(String tableName, ODataEntry entry) throws ODataServiceFault { List<String> pKeys = this.primaryKeys.get(tableName); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String value; try { connection = initializeConnection(); String query = createDeleteSQL(tableName); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; for (String column : this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet()) { if (pKeys.contains(column)) { value = entry.getValue(column); bindValuesToPreparedStatement(this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column), value, index, statement); index++; } } statement.execute(); int rowCount = statement.getUpdateCount(); commitExecution(connection); return rowCount > 0; } catch (SQLException | ParseException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error occurred while deleting the entity from " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(null, statement); releaseConnection(connection); } } private void addDataType(String tableName, String columnName, int dataType) { Map<String, Integer> tableMap = this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName); if (tableMap == null) { tableMap = new HashMap<>(); this.rdbmsDataTypes.put(tableName, tableMap); } tableMap.put(columnName, dataType); } /** * This method wraps result set data in to DataEntry and creates a list of DataEntry. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @param resultSet Result set * @return List of DataEntry * @throws ODataServiceFault * @see DataEntry */ private List<ODataEntry> createDataEntryCollectionFromRS(String tableName, ResultSet resultSet) throws ODataServiceFault { List<ODataEntry> entitySet = new ArrayList<>(); try { String paramValue; while ( { ODataEntry entry = new ODataEntry(); //Creating a unique string to represent the for (String column : this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet()) { int columnType = this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).get(column); paramValue = getValueFromResultSet(columnType, column, resultSet); entry.addValue(column, paramValue); } //Set Etag to the entity entry.addValue("ETag", ODataUtils.generateETag(this.configID, tableName, entry)); entitySet.add(entry); } return entitySet; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in writing the entities to table. :" + e.getMessage()); } } private String getValueFromResultSet(int columnType, String column, ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { String paramValue; switch (columnType) { case Types.INTEGER: /* fall through */ case Types.TINYINT: /* fall through */ case Types.SMALLINT: paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(resultSet.getInt(column)); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.DOUBLE: paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(resultSet.getDouble(column)); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.VARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.CHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.CLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARCHAR: paramValue = resultSet.getString(column); break; case Types.BOOLEAN: /* fall through */ case Types.BIT: paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(resultSet.getBoolean(column)); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.BLOB: Blob sqlBlob = resultSet.getBlob(column); if (sqlBlob != null) { paramValue = this.getBase64StringFromInputStream(sqlBlob.getBinaryStream()); } else { paramValue = null; } paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.BINARY: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARBINARY: /* fall through */ case Types.VARBINARY: InputStream binInStream = resultSet.getBinaryStream(column); if (binInStream != null) { paramValue = this.getBase64StringFromInputStream(binInStream); } else { paramValue = null; } break; case Types.DATE: Date sqlDate = resultSet.getDate(column); if (sqlDate != null) { paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(sqlDate); } else { paramValue = null; } break; case Types.DECIMAL: /* fall through */ case Types.NUMERIC: BigDecimal bigDecimal = resultSet.getBigDecimal(column); if (bigDecimal != null) { paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(bigDecimal); } else { paramValue = null; } paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.FLOAT: paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(resultSet.getFloat(column)); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.TIME: Time sqlTime = resultSet.getTime(column); if (sqlTime != null) { paramValue = this.convertToTimeString(sqlTime); } else { paramValue = null; } break; case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NCLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.NVARCHAR: paramValue = resultSet.getNString(column); break; case Types.BIGINT: paramValue = ConverterUtil.convertToString(resultSet.getLong(column)); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: Timestamp sqlTimestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(column); if (sqlTimestamp != null) { paramValue = this.convertToTimestampString(sqlTimestamp); } else { paramValue = null; } paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; /* handle all other types as strings */ default: paramValue = resultSet.getString(column); paramValue = resultSet.wasNull() ? null : paramValue; break; } return paramValue; } private void releaseResources(ResultSet resultSet, Statement statement) { /* close the result set */ if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignore } } /* close the statement */ if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignore } } } private String getBase64StringFromInputStream(InputStream in) throws SQLException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String strData; try { byte[] buff = new byte[512]; int i; while ((i = > 0) { byteOut.write(buff, 0, i); } in.close(); byte[] base64Data = Base64.encodeBase64(byteOut.toByteArray()); if (base64Data != null) { strData = new String(base64Data, DBConstants.DEFAULT_CHAR_SET_TYPE); } else { strData = null; } return strData; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * This method reads table column meta data. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @return table MetaData * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private Map<String, DataColumn> readTableColumnMetaData(String tableName, DatabaseMetaData meta) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; Map<String, DataColumn> columnMap = new HashMap<>(); try { resultSet = meta.getColumns(null, null, tableName, null); int i = 1; while ( { String columnName = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); int columnType = resultSet.getInt("DATA_TYPE"); int size = resultSet.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); boolean nullable = resultSet.getBoolean("NULLABLE"); String columnDefaultVal = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); int precision = resultSet.getMetaData().getPrecision(i); int scale = resultSet.getMetaData().getScale(i); DataColumn column = new DataColumn(columnName, getODataDataType(columnType), i, nullable, size); if (null != columnDefaultVal) { column.setDefaultValue(columnDefaultVal); } if (Types.DOUBLE == columnType || Types.FLOAT == columnType || Types.DECIMAL == columnType || Types.NUMERIC == columnType || Types.REAL == columnType) { column.setPrecision(precision); if (scale == 0) { //setting default scale as 5 column.setScale(precision); } else { column.setScale(scale); } } columnMap.put(columnName, column); addDataType(tableName, columnName, columnType); i++; } return columnMap; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in reading table meta data in " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, null); } } /** * This method initializes metadata. * * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private void initializeMetaData() throws ODataServiceFault { this.tableMetaData = new HashMap<>(); this.primaryKeys = new HashMap<>(); this.navigationProperties = new HashMap<>(); Connection connection = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData(); String catalog = connection.getCatalog(); for (String tableName : this.tableList) { this.tableMetaData.put(tableName, readTableColumnMetaData(tableName, metadata)); this.navigationProperties.put(tableName, readForeignKeys(tableName, metadata, catalog)); this.primaryKeys.put(tableName, readTablePrimaryKeys(tableName, metadata, catalog)); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in reading tables from the database. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseConnection(connection); } } /** * This method creates a list of tables available in the DB. * * @return Table List of the DB * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private List<String> generateTableList() throws ODataServiceFault { List<String> tableList = new ArrayList<>(); Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = initializeConnection(); DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData(); rs = meta.getTables(null, null, null, new String[] { "TABLE" }); while ( { String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); tableList.add(tableName); } return tableList; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in reading tables from the database. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(rs, null); releaseConnection(connection); } } /** * This method reads primary keys of the table. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @return primary key list * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private List<String> readTablePrimaryKeys(String tableName, DatabaseMetaData metaData, String catalog) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); try { resultSet = metaData.getPrimaryKeys(catalog, "", tableName); while ( { String primaryKey = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); keys.add(primaryKey); } return keys; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in reading table primary keys in " + tableName + " table. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, null); } } /** * This method reads foreign keys of the table. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @throws ODataServiceFault */ private NavigationTable readForeignKeys(String tableName, DatabaseMetaData metaData, String catalog) throws ODataServiceFault { ResultSet resultSet = null; try { resultSet = metaData.getExportedKeys(catalog, null, tableName); NavigationTable navigationLinks = new NavigationTable(); while ( { // foreignKeyTableName means the table name of the table which used columns as foreign keys in that table. String primaryKeyColumnName = resultSet.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); String foreignKeyTableName = resultSet.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); String foreignKeyColumnName = resultSet.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); List<NavigationKeys> columnList = navigationLinks.getNavigationKeys(foreignKeyTableName); if (columnList == null) { columnList = new ArrayList<>(); navigationLinks.addNavigationKeys(foreignKeyTableName, columnList); } columnList.add(new NavigationKeys(primaryKeyColumnName, foreignKeyColumnName)); } return navigationLinks; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ODataServiceFault(e, "Error in reading " + tableName + " table meta data. :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(resultSet, null); } } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, DataColumn>> getTableMetadata() { return this.tableMetaData; } /** * This method creates a SQL query to update data. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @param properties Properties * @return sql Query */ private String createUpdateEntitySQL(String tableName, ODataEntry properties) { List<String> pKeys = primaryKeys.get(tableName); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE ").append(tableName).append(" SET "); boolean propertyMatch = false; for (String column : properties.getNames()) { if (!pKeys.contains(column)) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(column).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } } sql.append(" WHERE "); // Handling keys propertyMatch = false; for (String key : pKeys) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append(key).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } return sql.toString(); } /** * This method creates a SQL query to insert data in table. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @return sqlQuery */ private String createInsertSQL(String tableName, ODataEntry entry) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("INSERT INTO ").append(tableName).append(" ("); boolean propertyMatch = false; for (String column : entry.getNames()) { if (this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet().contains(column)) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(","); } sql.append(column); propertyMatch = true; } } sql.append(" ) VALUES ( "); propertyMatch = false; for (String column : entry.getNames()) { if (this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet().contains(column)) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(","); } sql.append("?"); propertyMatch = true; } } sql.append(" ) "); return sql.toString(); } /** * This method creates SQL query to read data with keys. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @param keys Keys * @return sql Query */ private String createReadSqlWithKeys(String tableName, ODataEntry keys) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT * FROM ").append(tableName).append(" WHERE "); boolean propertyMatch = false; for (String column : this.rdbmsDataTypes.get(tableName).keySet()) { if (keys.getNames().contains(column)) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append(column).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } } return sql.toString(); } /** * This method creates SQL query to delete data. * * @param tableName Name of the table * @return sql Query */ private String createDeleteSQL(String tableName) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("DELETE FROM ").append(tableName).append(" WHERE "); List<String> pKeys = primaryKeys.get(tableName); boolean propertyMatch = false; for (String key : pKeys) { if (propertyMatch) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append(key).append(" = ").append(" ? "); propertyMatch = true; } return sql.toString(); } private ODataDataType getODataDataType(int columnType) { ODataDataType dataType; switch (columnType) { case Types.INTEGER: dataType = ODataDataType.INT32; break; case Types.TINYINT: /* fall through */ case Types.SMALLINT: dataType = ODataDataType.INT16; break; case Types.DOUBLE: dataType = ODataDataType.DOUBLE; break; case Types.VARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.CHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.CLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NVARCHAR: /* fall through */ case Types.NCLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.SQLXML: dataType = ODataDataType.STRING; break; case Types.BOOLEAN: /* fall through */ case Types.BIT: dataType = ODataDataType.BOOLEAN; break; case Types.BLOB: /* fall through */ case Types.BINARY: /* fall through */ case Types.LONGVARBINARY: /* fall through */ case Types.VARBINARY: dataType = ODataDataType.BINARY; break; case Types.DATE: dataType = ODataDataType.DATE; break; case Types.DECIMAL: /* fall through */ case Types.NUMERIC: dataType = ODataDataType.DECIMAL; break; case Types.FLOAT: /* fall through */ case Types.REAL: dataType = ODataDataType.SINGLE; break; case Types.TIME: dataType = ODataDataType.TIMEOFDAY; break; case Types.BIGINT: dataType = ODataDataType.INT64; break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: dataType = ODataDataType.DATE_TIMEOFFSET; break; default: dataType = ODataDataType.STRING; break; } return dataType; } private Connection initializeConnection() throws SQLException { if (getTransactionalConnection() == null) { return this.dataSource.getConnection(); } return getTransactionalConnection(); } private void commitExecution(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if (getTransactionalConnection() == null) { if (!connection.getAutoCommit()) { connection.commit(); } } } private void releaseConnection(Connection connection) { if (getTransactionalConnection() == null) { /* close the connection */ try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignore } } } }