Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.internal.publisher.client; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.conf.DataPublisherConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.conf.ReceiverConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.exception.AgentException; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.exception.EventPublisherException; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.internal.EventQueue; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.internal.publisher.authenticator.AgentAuthenticator; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.internal.utils.AgentConstants; import; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons.Event; import org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons.exception.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; /** * The publisher who sends all the arrived events to the Agent Server using a pool of threads */ public abstract class EventPublisher implements Runnable { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventPublisher.class); private EventQueue<Event> eventQueue; private GenericKeyedObjectPool transportPool; private Semaphore queueSemaphore; private int maxMessageBundleSize; private DataPublisherConfiguration dataPublisherConfiguration; private AgentAuthenticator agentAuthenticator; private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool; private ReceiverStateObserver receiverStateObserver; public EventPublisher(EventQueue<Event> eventQueue, GenericKeyedObjectPool transportPool, Semaphore queueSemaphore, int maxMessageBundleSize, DataPublisherConfiguration dataPublisherConfiguration, AgentAuthenticator agentAuthenticator, ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool) { this.eventQueue = eventQueue; this.transportPool = transportPool; this.queueSemaphore = queueSemaphore; this.maxMessageBundleSize = maxMessageBundleSize; this.dataPublisherConfiguration = dataPublisherConfiguration; this.agentAuthenticator = agentAuthenticator; this.threadPool = threadPool; } public void registerReceiverStateObserver(ReceiverStateObserver stateObserver) { if (null == receiverStateObserver) { receiverStateObserver = stateObserver; } } public void run() { ArrayList<Event> tempEventBundleHolder = null; Object eventBundle = null; if (null != receiverStateObserver) { tempEventBundleHolder = new ArrayList<Event>(); } while (true) { Event event = eventQueue.poll(); if (event != null) { queueSemaphore.release(); if (null != tempEventBundleHolder) { tempEventBundleHolder.add(event); } eventBundle = convertToEventBundle(eventBundle, event, dataPublisherConfiguration.getSessionId()); //Sending the event bundle when maxMessageBundleSize is reached if (getNumberOfEvents(eventBundle) >= maxMessageBundleSize) { publishEvent(eventBundle, tempEventBundleHolder); if (null != receiverStateObserver) { tempEventBundleHolder = new ArrayList<Event>(); } //checking if all threads in the pool are NOT active if (threadPool.getActiveCount() < threadPool.getCorePoolSize()) { //starts building another event bundle with the same thread eventBundle = null; } else { //submit the remaining task to the end of the taskQueue // and exit threadPool.submit(this); break; } } } else { //When the queue is empty if (eventBundle != null) { publishEvent(eventBundle, tempEventBundleHolder); } //Since no more events are available to dispatch, exit break; } } } private void publishEvent(Object eventBundle, ArrayList<Event> tempEventBundleHolder) { Object client = null; try { client = getClient(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); setSessionId(eventBundle, dataPublisherConfiguration.getSessionId()); publish(client, eventBundle); returnClient(client); } catch (AgentException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(tempEventBundleHolder); log.error("Cannot get a client to send events to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { "Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + "," + e.getMessage()); setSessionId(eventBundle, reconnect(getSessionId(eventBundle))); republish(client, eventBundle, tempEventBundleHolder); } catch (UndefinedEventTypeException e) { log.error("Wrongly typed event " + eventBundle + " sent to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); returnClient(client); } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(tempEventBundleHolder); log.error("Cannot send events to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); } } private void republish(Object client, Object eventBundle, ArrayList<Event> tempEventBundleHolder) { try { publish(client, eventBundle); returnClient(client); } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); log.error("Cannot send events to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", e); notifyConnectionFailure(tempEventBundleHolder); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { discardClient(); log.error("Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", e); } catch (UndefinedEventTypeException e) { log.error("Wrongly typed event " + eventBundle.toString() + " sent to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); returnClient(client); } } private void notifyConnectionFailure(ArrayList<Event> tempEventBundleHolder) { if (null != receiverStateObserver) { ReceiverConfiguration conf = dataPublisherConfiguration.getReceiverConfiguration(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(conf.getDataReceiverProtocol().toString()); url.append("://"); url.append(conf.getDataReceiverIp()); url.append(":"); url.append(conf.getDataReceiverPort()); receiverStateObserver.notifyConnectionFailure(url.toString(), conf.getUserName(), conf.getPassword()); if (null != eventQueue) { LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> events = eventQueue.getAndResetQueue(); if (null != tempEventBundleHolder) { for (Event event : tempEventBundleHolder) { try { events.put(event); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { log.error("Error while populating resend events list", ignore); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("resending events size: " + events.size() + "in thread id :" + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } receiverStateObserver.resendEvents(events); } } } protected abstract int getNumberOfEvents(Object eventBundle); protected abstract ThriftEventBundle convertToEventBundle(Object eventBundle, Event event, String sessionId); protected abstract void setSessionId(Object eventBundle, String reconnect); protected abstract String getSessionId(Object eventBundle); abstract void publish(Object client, Object eventBundle) throws UndefinedEventTypeException, SessionTimeoutException, EventPublisherException; public String defineStream(String sessionId, String streamDefinition) throws AgentException, DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException, MalformedStreamDefinitionException, StreamDefinitionException { String currentSessionId = sessionId; String streamId = null; Object client = getClient(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); try { streamId = defineStream(client, currentSessionId, streamDefinition); returnClient(client); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { "Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + "," + e.getMessage()); currentSessionId = reconnect(currentSessionId); streamId = redefineStream(client, streamDefinition, currentSessionId); } catch (StreamDefinitionException e) { returnClient(client); throw new StreamDefinitionException("Invalid type definition for stream " + streamDefinition, e); } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(null); throw new AgentException("Cannot define type " + streamDefinition, e); } catch (DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException e) { returnClient(client); throw new DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException( "Same stream with different definition already defined before sending this stream definitions to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); } catch (MalformedStreamDefinitionException e) { returnClient(client); throw new MalformedStreamDefinitionException("Malformed event definition :" + streamDefinition + " send to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), e); } return streamId; } private String redefineStream(Object client, String streamDefinition, String currentSessionId) throws DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException, StreamDefinitionException, MalformedStreamDefinitionException { String streamId = null; try { streamId = defineStream(client, currentSessionId, streamDefinition); returnClient(client); return streamId; } catch (SessionTimeoutException ex) { log.error("Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); discardClient(); return null; } catch (EventPublisherException ex) { log.error("Cannot send events to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(null); return null; } catch (DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException ex) { returnClient(client); throw new DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException( "Type already defined when send event definitions to" + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), ex); } catch (StreamDefinitionException ex) { returnClient(client); throw new StreamDefinitionException("Wrongly defined event definition after reconnection :" + streamDefinition + " sent to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), ex); } catch (MalformedStreamDefinitionException ex) { returnClient(client); throw new MalformedStreamDefinitionException("Malformed event definition after reconnection :" + streamDefinition + " sent to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), ex); } } protected abstract String defineStream(Object client, String currentSessionId, String streamDefinition) throws DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException, MalformedStreamDefinitionException, EventPublisherException, SessionTimeoutException, StreamDefinitionException; public String findStreamId(String sessionId, String name, String version) throws AgentException { String currentSessionId = sessionId; String streamId = null; Object client = getClient(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); try { streamId = findStreamId(client, currentSessionId, name, version); returnClient(client); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { "Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + "," + e.getMessage()); currentSessionId = reconnect(currentSessionId); try { streamId = findStreamId(client, currentSessionId, name, version); returnClient(client); } catch (SessionTimeoutException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); } catch (EventPublisherException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Cannot send events to " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); notifyConnectionFailure(null); } } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(null); throw new AgentException("Error when finding event stream definition for : " + name + " " + version, e); } return streamId; } protected abstract String findStreamId(Object client, String currentSessionId, String name, String version) throws SessionTimeoutException, EventPublisherException; public boolean deleteStream(String sessionId, String streamId) throws AgentException { String currentSessionId = sessionId; Object client = getClient(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); boolean status = false; try { status = deleteStream(client, currentSessionId, streamId); returnClient(client); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { "Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + "," + e.getMessage()); currentSessionId = reconnect(currentSessionId); try { status = deleteStream(client, currentSessionId, streamId); returnClient(client); } catch (EventPublisherException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Cannot delete stream " + streamId + " at " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); notifyConnectionFailure(null); } catch (SessionTimeoutException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); } } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(null); throw new AgentException("Error when deleting event stream of: " + streamId, e); } return status; } protected abstract boolean deleteStream(Object client, String currentSessionId, String streamId) throws EventPublisherException, SessionTimeoutException; public boolean deleteStream(String sessionId, String streamName, String streamVersion) throws AgentException { String currentSessionId = sessionId; Object client = getClient(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); boolean status = false; try { status = deleteStream(client, currentSessionId, streamName, streamVersion); returnClient(client); } catch (SessionTimeoutException e) { "Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + "," + e.getMessage()); currentSessionId = reconnect(currentSessionId); try { status = deleteStream(client, currentSessionId, streamName, streamVersion); returnClient(client); } catch (EventPublisherException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Cannot delete stream " + streamName + " " + streamVersion + " at " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); notifyConnectionFailure(null); } catch (SessionTimeoutException ex) { discardClient(); log.error("Session timed out for " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey() + " even after reconnecting ", ex); } } catch (EventPublisherException e) { discardClient(); notifyConnectionFailure(null); throw new AgentException("Error when deleting event stream of: " + streamName + " " + streamVersion, e); } return status; } protected abstract boolean deleteStream(Object client, String currentSessionId, String streamName, String streamVersion) throws EventPublisherException, SessionTimeoutException; private String reconnect(String currentSessionId) { attemptReconnection(AgentConstants.AGENT_RECONNECTION_TIMES, currentSessionId); return dataPublisherConfiguration.getSessionId(); } public synchronized void attemptReconnection(int reconnectionTime, String sessionId) { if (!dataPublisherConfiguration.getSessionId().equals(sessionId)) { return; } if (reconnectionTime > 0) { try { dataPublisherConfiguration.setSessionId(agentAuthenticator.connect(dataPublisherConfiguration)); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { log.error(dataPublisherConfiguration.getReceiverConfiguration().getUserName() + " not authorised to access server at " + dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); } catch (TransportException e) { attemptReconnection(reconnectionTime - 1, sessionId); } catch (AgentException e) { attemptReconnection(reconnectionTime - 1, sessionId); } } } private Object getClient(String publisherKey) throws AgentException { try { return transportPool.borrowObject(publisherKey); } catch (Exception e) { notifyConnectionFailure(null); throw new AgentException("Cannot borrow client for " + publisherKey, e); } } private void returnClient(Object client) { try { transportPool.returnObject(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey(), client); } catch (Exception e) { notifyConnectionFailure(null); log.warn("Error occurred while returning object to connection pool", e); discardClient(); } } private void discardClient() { transportPool.clear(dataPublisherConfiguration.getPublisherKey()); } }