Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.deployers; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.common.AppFactoryConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.common.AppFactoryException; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.deployers.util.DeployerUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.repository.mgt.RepositoryMgtException; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.repository.mgt.git.GitRepositoryClient; import org.wso2.carbon.appfactory.repository.mgt.git.JGitAgent; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; public abstract class AbstractStratosDeployer extends AbstractDeployer { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractStratosDeployer.class); /** * deploying artifacts * * @param artifactType type of the artifact war /jaxrs/jaxws etc. * @param artifactsToDeploy current artifact to deploy * @param parameters hash map with values needed to deploy an artifact * @param notify notify after deployment happens * @throws AppFactoryException */ protected void deploy(String artifactType, File[] artifactsToDeploy, Map<String, String[]> parameters, Boolean notify) throws AppFactoryException { String applicatonId = DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, AppFactoryConstants.APPLICATION_ID); String currentVersion = DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, AppFactoryConstants.APPLICATION_VERSION); String deployStage = DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, AppFactoryConstants.DEPLOY_STAGE); String serverDeploymentPath = DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, AppFactoryConstants.SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_PATHS); String tenantDomain = DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, AppFactoryConstants.TENANT_DOMAIN); //TODO move tenantId to a constant int tenantId = Integer.parseInt(DeployerUtil.getParameter(parameters, "tenantId")); String condition = applicatonId + AppFactoryConstants.MINUS + currentVersion + AppFactoryConstants.MINUS + deployStage + AppFactoryConstants.MINUS + tenantDomain; synchronized (condition.intern()) { for (File artifactToDeploy : artifactsToDeploy) { String fileName = artifactToDeploy.getName(); addToGitRepo(fileName, artifactToDeploy, parameters, artifactType, serverDeploymentPath, null, tenantDomain, tenantId); } if (notify) { // git uses "master" for the main branch while , we need to parse "trunk" here for the main branch if (AppFactoryConstants.MASTER.equals(currentVersion)) { postDeploymentNoifier(null, applicatonId, AppFactoryConstants.TRUNK, artifactType, deployStage, tenantDomain); } else { postDeploymentNoifier(null, applicatonId, currentVersion, artifactType, deployStage, tenantDomain); } } } } private void addToGitRepo(String fileName, File artifacts, Map metadata, String appTypeName, String serverDeploymentPath, String relativePathFragment, String tenantDomain, int tenantId) throws AppFactoryException { // subscribeOnDeployment is true or not boolean subscribeOnDeployment = Boolean.parseBoolean( DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.RUNTIME_SUBSCRIBE_ON_DEPLOYMENT)); String applicationId = DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.APPLICATION_ID); String version = DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.APPLICATION_VERSION); version = version.replaceAll("\\.+", AppFactoryConstants.MINUS); String gitRepoUrl = generateRepoUrl(applicationId, version, metadata, tenantId, appTypeName, subscribeOnDeployment); String stageName = DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.DEPLOY_STAGE); String username = ((String[]) metadata.get("tenantUserName"))[0]; // if subscribeOnDeployment is true create a git repo per application if (subscribeOnDeployment) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SubscribeOnDeployment is true"); } SubscriptionHandler.getInstance().createSubscription(metadata, stageName, username, tenantId, applicationId + AppFactoryConstants.MINUS + version, tenantDomain); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SubscribeOnDeployment is false"); } } String applicationAdmin = getAdminUserName(); String defaultPassword = getAdminPassword(); // Create the temporary directory first. without this we can't proceed String path = getTempPath(tenantDomain) + File.separator + stageName + File.separator + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(fileName).replaceAll("\\.", "_"); File tempApptypeDirectory = new File(path); synchronized (path) {"====================Thread name:========" + Thread.currentThread().getName()); // <tempdir>/jaxrs, if (!tempApptypeDirectory.exists()) { if (!tempApptypeDirectory.mkdirs()) { String msg = "Unable to create temp directory : " + tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); handleException(msg); } } String appTypeDirectory = null; // if (serverDeploymentPath != null) { appTypeDirectory = tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + serverDeploymentPath; // tempdir/<war>webapps // ,tempdir/jaggery/jaggeryapps, // //tempdir/esb/synapse-config } else { appTypeDirectory = tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); } String deployableFileName = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(relativePathFragment)) { deployableFileName = appTypeDirectory + File.separator + fileName; // tempdir/webapps/myapp.war // , // tempdir/jappgeryapps/myapp.war } else { deployableFileName = appTypeDirectory + File.separator + relativePathFragment + File.separator + fileName; // <tempdir>/synapse-config/proxy-services/MyProxy.xml } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Deployable file name to be git push:" + deployableFileName); } GitRepositoryClient repositoryClient = new GitRepositoryClient(new JGitAgent()); try { repositoryClient.init(applicationAdmin, defaultPassword); if (tempApptypeDirectory.isDirectory() && tempApptypeDirectory.list().length > 0) { try { FileUtils.cleanDirectory(tempApptypeDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Unable to clean the directory : " + tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); throw new AppFactoryException(msg, e); } // File[] filesToDelete = tempApptypeDirectory.listFiles(); // // if (filesToDelete != null) { // for (File fileToDelete : filesToDelete) { // try { // if (fileToDelete.isDirectory()) { // FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fileToDelete); // } else { // FileUtils.forceDelete(fileToDelete); // } // } catch (IOException e) { // String msg = "Unable to delete the file : " + fileToDelete.getAbsolutePath(); // throw new AppFactoryException(msg, e); // } // } // } repositoryClient.retireveMetadata(gitRepoUrl, false, tempApptypeDirectory); } else { // this means no files exists, so we straight away check out the // repo repositoryClient.retireveMetadata(gitRepoUrl, false, tempApptypeDirectory); } File deployableFile = new File(deployableFileName); if (!deployableFile.getParentFile().exists()) { log.debug("deployableFile.getParentFile() doesn't exist: " + deployableFile.getParentFile()); if (!deployableFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { String msg = "Unable to create parent path of the deployable file " + deployableFile.getAbsolutePath(); // unable to create <tempdir>/war/webapps, // <tempdir>/jaggery/jaggeryapps // or <tempdir>/esb/synapse-config/default/proxy-services handleException(msg); } } // If there is a file in repo, we delete it first if (deployableFile.exists()) { repositoryClient.delete(gitRepoUrl, deployableFile, "Removing the old file to add the new one", tempApptypeDirectory); // Checking and removing the local file if (deployableFile.exists()) { deployableFile.delete(); } // repositoryClient.checkIn(gitRepoUrl, applicationTempLocation, // "Removing the old file to add the new one"); try { deployableFile = new File(deployableFileName); // check weather directory exists. if (!deployableFile.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { log.debug("parent directory : " + deployableFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exits creating again"); if (!deployableFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { throw new IOException( "Unable to re-create " + deployableFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); } } if (artifacts.isFile()) { if (!deployableFile.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException( "unable re-create the target file : " + deployableFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (deployableFile.canWrite()) { log.debug("Successfully re-created a writable file : " + deployableFileName); } else { String errorMsg = "re-created file is not writable: " + deployableFileName; log.error(errorMsg); throw new IOException(errorMsg); } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Unable to create the new file after deleting the old: " + deployableFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); throw new AppFactoryException(e); } } copyFilesToGit(artifacts, deployableFile); if (repositoryClient.add(gitRepoUrl, deployableFile, true, false, tempApptypeDirectory)) { if (repositoryClient.commitLocally("Adding the artifact to the repo", true, tempApptypeDirectory)) { if (!repositoryClient.pushLocalCommits(gitRepoUrl, AppFactoryConstants.MASTER, tempApptypeDirectory)) { String msg = "Unable to push local commits to git repo. Git repo URL : " + gitRepoUrl + "from local directory " + tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); handleException(msg); } } else { String msg = "Unable to commit files locally to location : " + tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); handleException(msg); } } else { String msg = "Unable to add file : " + deployableFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to git repo : " + gitRepoUrl; handleException(msg); } } catch (RepositoryMgtException e) { String msg = "Unable to add files to git location."; handleException(msg, e); } finally { if (tempApptypeDirectory.exists()) { try { FileUtils.cleanDirectory(tempApptypeDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Unable to clean the directory : " + tempApptypeDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); log.warn(msg, e); } } } } } private void copyFilesToGit(File sourceFile, File destinationFile) throws AppFactoryException { try { if (sourceFile.isFile()) { FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); } else if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceFile, destinationFile); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); throw new AppFactoryException(e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); throw new AppFactoryException(e); } } protected String generateRepoUrl(String applicationId, String version, Map metadata, int tenantId, String appType, boolean subscribeOnDeployment) throws AppFactoryException { String paasRepositoryURLPattern = DeployerUtil.getParameter(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.PAAS_REPOSITORY_URL_PATTERN); String stage = DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.DEPLOY_STAGE); String baseUrl = getBaseRepoUrl(); String gitRepoUrl = ""; if (subscribeOnDeployment) { gitRepoUrl = baseUrl + AppFactoryConstants.GIT_REPOSITORY_CONTEXT + AppFactoryConstants.URL_SEPERATOR + paasRepositoryURLPattern + AppFactoryConstants.URL_SEPERATOR + tenantId + AppFactoryConstants.URL_SEPERATOR + applicationId + AppFactoryConstants.APPFACTORY_ARTIFACT_NAME_VERSION_SEPERATOR + version + tenantDomain.replace(AppFactoryConstants.DOT_SEPERATOR, AppFactoryConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_ALIAS_DOT_REPLACEMENT) + AppFactoryConstants.GIT_REPOSITORY_EXTENSION; } else { String repoFrom = DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.BUILD_REPO_FROM); String preDevRepoNameAppender = ""; // append _<username>, if the deployment repo is a forked one if (AppFactoryConstants.FORK_REPOSITORY.equals(repoFrom)) { preDevRepoNameAppender = "_" + MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername( DeployerUtil.getParameterValue(metadata, AppFactoryConstants.TENANT_USER_NAME)); } gitRepoUrl = baseUrl + AppFactoryConstants.GIT_REPOSITORY_CONTEXT + AppFactoryConstants.URL_SEPERATOR + paasRepositoryURLPattern + AppFactoryConstants.URL_SEPERATOR + tenantId + preDevRepoNameAppender + AppFactoryConstants.GIT_REPOSITORY_EXTENSION; } gitRepoUrl = gitRepoUrl.replace(AppFactoryConstants.STAGE_PLACE_HOLDER, stage); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Git URL : " + gitRepoUrl); } return gitRepoUrl; } @Override public void unDeployArtifact(Map<String, String[]> requestParameters) throws Exception { // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File // Templates. } protected abstract String getBaseRepoUrl() throws AppFactoryException; protected abstract String getAdminUserName() throws AppFactoryException; protected abstract String getAdminPassword() throws AppFactoryException; }