Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.impl; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HttpTransportProperties; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.Period; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIProvider; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.API; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerAnalyticsConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerConfiguration; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.APIUsageStatisticsClient; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.bean.APIUsageByApplication; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.bean.ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.bean.PerGeoLocationUsageCount; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.bean.Result; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.bean.UserAgentUsageCount; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.billing.APIUsageRangeCost; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.billing.PaymentPlan; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIDestinationUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIResourcePathUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIResponseFaultCountDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIResponseTimeDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIUsageByUserDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.APIVersionUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.ApiTopUsersDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.ApiTopUsersListDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.AppCallTypeDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.AppUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.FaultCountDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.PerAppApiCountDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.dto.PerUserAPIUsageDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.internal.APIUsageClientServiceComponent; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIAccessTime; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIFirstAccess; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIResponseFaultCount; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIResponseTime; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIUsage; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIUsageByDestination; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIUsageByResourcePath; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIUsageByUser; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.pojo.APIUsageByUserName; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.util.RestClientUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.application.mgt.stub.upload.CarbonAppUploaderStub; import org.wso2.carbon.application.mgt.stub.upload.types.carbon.UploadedFileItem; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.CarbonUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Usage statistics class implementation for the APIUsageStatisticsClient. * Use the Siddhi Rest API to query and fetch the data for getting usage Statistics */ public class APIUsageStatisticsRestClientImpl extends APIUsageStatisticsClient { private static PaymentPlan paymentPlan; private APIProvider apiProviderImpl; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIUsageStatisticsRestClientImpl.class); /** * default constructor */ public APIUsageStatisticsRestClientImpl() { } /** * Initialize the Rest client with logged user * * @param username logged user ID * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws when error occurred */ public APIUsageStatisticsRestClientImpl(String username) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { OMElement element; APIManagerConfiguration config; APIManagerAnalyticsConfiguration apiManagerAnalyticsConfiguration; try { config = APIUsageClientServiceComponent.getAPIManagerConfiguration(); apiManagerAnalyticsConfiguration = APIManagerAnalyticsConfiguration.getInstance(); String billingConfig = config.getFirstProperty("EnableBillingAndUsage"); boolean isBillingEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(billingConfig); if (isBillingEnabled) { String filePath = (new StringBuilder()).append(CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome()).append(File.separator) .append("repository").append(File.separator).append("conf").append(File.separator) .append("billing-conf.xml").toString(); element = buildOMElement(new FileInputStream(filePath)); paymentPlan = new PaymentPlan(element); } String targetEndpoint = apiManagerAnalyticsConfiguration.getDasReceiverUrlGroups(); if (targetEndpoint == null || targetEndpoint.equals("")) { handleException("Required BAM server URL parameter unspecified"); } apiProviderImpl = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIProvider(username); } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Exception while instantiating API manager core objects", e); } } /** * This method Initialises the datasource * * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ @Override public void initializeDataSource() throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { //do nothing } /** * This method read XML content from the given stream * * @param inputStream Stream to read XML * @return XML represented by OMElement * @throws Exception throws generic exception */ public static OMElement buildOMElement(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { XMLStreamReader parser; try { XMLInputFactory xmlInputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); xmlInputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES, false); parser = xmlInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(inputStream); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "Error in initializing the parser to build the OMElement."; log.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg, e); } StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(parser); return builder.getDocumentElement(); } /** * This methods return the api invocation fault count data per applications * * @param subscriberName subscriber name * @param groupId group id of the subscriber * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @param limit limit of the result * @return list of fault count data * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws when error occurred */ @Override public List<FaultCountDTO> getPerAppAPIFaultCount(String subscriberName, String groupId, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<String> subscriberApps = getAppsWithIdBySubscriber(subscriberName, groupId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (subscriberApps.isEmpty()) { log.debug("List of Subscriber Applications is empty"); } } return getFaultAppUsageData(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_FAULTY_INVOCATION_AGG, subscriberApps, fromDate, toDate, limit); } /** * this method return the top users for the list of applications. * * @param subscriberName subscriber name * @param groupId group id of the subscriber * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @param limit limit of the result * @return list of AppUsageDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ @Override public List<AppUsageDTO> getTopAppUsers(String subscriberName, String groupId, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<String> subscriberApps = getAppsWithIdBySubscriber(subscriberName, groupId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (subscriberApps.isEmpty()) { log.debug("List of Subscriber Applications is empty"); } } return getTopAppUsageData(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG, subscriberApps, fromDate, toDate, limit); } /** * This method gets the app usage data for invoking APIs * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @param idList Id list of applications * @return a collection containing the data related to App usage * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private List<AppUsageDTO> getTopAppUsageData(String tableName, List<String> idList, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<AppUsageDTO> topAppUsageDataList = new ArrayList<AppUsageDTO>(); try { if (!idList.isEmpty()) { String startDate = fromDate + ":00"; String endDate = toDate + ":00"; String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(startDate, endDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder idListQuery = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { idListQuery.append(" or "); } idListQuery.append(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "=="); idListQuery.append("'" + idList.get(i) + "'"); } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + tableName + " on " + idListQuery.toString() + " within " + getTimestamp(startDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(endDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as net_total_requests group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + " order by net_total_requests DESC"); // limit enforced if (limit >= 0) { query.append(" limit" + limit); } query.append(";"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); String applicationId; String username; long requestCount; AppUsageDTO appUsageDTO; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 3) { applicationId = (String) recordArray.get(0); username = (String) recordArray.get(1); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(2); String appName = subscriberAppsMap.get(applicationId); boolean found = false; for (AppUsageDTO dto : topAppUsageDataList) { if (dto.getAppName().equals(appName)) { dto.addToUserCountArray(username, requestCount); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { appUsageDTO = new AppUsageDTO(); appUsageDTO.setAppName(appName); appUsageDTO.addToUserCountArray(username, requestCount); topAppUsageDataList.add(appUsageDTO); } } } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying top app usage data from Stream Processor ", e); } return topAppUsageDataList; } /** * this method return the top users for the for the provided API. * * @param apiName API name * @param version version of the required API * @param fromDate Start date of the time span * @param toDate End date of time span * @param start starting index of the result * @param limit number of results to return * @return a collection containing the data related to Api usage * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ @Override public ApiTopUsersListDTO getTopApiUsers(String apiName, String version, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, int start, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<ApiTopUsersDTO> tenantFilteredTopUsersDTOs = getTopApiUsers( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG, apiName, tenantDomain, version, fromDate, toDate); //filter based on pagination List<ApiTopUsersDTO> paginationFilteredTopUsersDTOs = new ArrayList<ApiTopUsersDTO>(); ApiTopUsersListDTO apiTopUsersListDTO = new ApiTopUsersListDTO(); int end = (start + limit) <= tenantFilteredTopUsersDTOs.size() ? (start + limit) : tenantFilteredTopUsersDTOs.size(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { paginationFilteredTopUsersDTOs.add(tenantFilteredTopUsersDTOs.get(i)); } apiTopUsersListDTO.setApiTopUsersDTOs(paginationFilteredTopUsersDTOs); apiTopUsersListDTO.setLimit(limit); apiTopUsersListDTO.setOffset(start); apiTopUsersListDTO.setTotalRecordCount(tenantFilteredTopUsersDTOs.size()); return apiTopUsersListDTO; } /** * This method gets the top user usage data for invoking APIs * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @param apiName API name * @param version version of the required API * @param fromDate Start date of the time span * @param toDate End date of time span * @return a collection containing the data related to Api usage * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private List<ApiTopUsersDTO> getTopApiUsers(String tableName, String apiName, String tenantDomain, String version, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<ApiTopUsersDTO> apiTopUsersDataList = new ArrayList<ApiTopUsersDTO>(); try { StringBuilder topApiUserQuery; long totalRequestCount = getTotalRequestCountOfAPIVersion(tableName, apiName, tenantDomain, version, fromDate, toDate); String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } topApiUserQuery = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName); if (!APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.FOR_ALL_API_VERSIONS.equals(version)) { topApiUserQuery.append("' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + version); } topApiUserQuery.append("') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as net_total_requests group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + " order by net_total_requests DESC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, topApiUserQuery.toString()); String username; Long requestCount; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 3) { String creator = (String) recordArray.get(1); if (creator != null && MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(creator).equals(tenantDomain)) { username = (String) recordArray.get(0); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(2); ApiTopUsersDTO apiTopUsersDTO = new ApiTopUsersDTO(); apiTopUsersDTO.setApiName(apiName); apiTopUsersDTO.setFromDate(fromDate); apiTopUsersDTO.setToDate(toDate); apiTopUsersDTO.setVersion(version); apiTopUsersDTO.setProvider(creator); //remove @carbon.super from super tenant users if (MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME .equals(MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username))) { username = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username); } apiTopUsersDTO.setUser(username); apiTopUsersDTO.setRequestCount(requestCount); apiTopUsersDTO.setTotalRequestCount(totalRequestCount); apiTopUsersDataList.add(apiTopUsersDTO); } } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying top api users data from Stream Processor ", e); } return apiTopUsersDataList; } /** * This method gets the API faulty invocation data * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @param idList Ids List of applications * @return a collection containing the data related to API faulty invocations * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private List<FaultCountDTO> getFaultAppUsageData(String tableName, List<String> idList, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<FaultCountDTO> falseAppUsageDataList = new ArrayList<FaultCountDTO>(); try { if (!idList.isEmpty()) { String startDate = fromDate + ":00"; String endDate = toDate + ":00"; String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MINUTES_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(startDate, endDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0 || durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder idListQuery = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { idListQuery.append(" or "); } idListQuery.append(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "=="); idListQuery.append("'" + idList.get(i) + "'"); } String query = "from " + tableName + " on " + idListQuery.toString() + " within " + getTimestamp(startDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(endDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_FAULT_COUNT + ") as total_faults group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_FAULT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String applicationId; String apiName; String apiCreator; long faultCount; FaultCountDTO faultCountDTO; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { applicationId = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiName = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiCreator = (String) recordArray.get(2); apiName = apiName + " (" + apiCreator + ")"; faultCount = (Long) recordArray.get(3); String appName = subscriberAppsMap.get(applicationId); boolean found = false; for (FaultCountDTO dto : falseAppUsageDataList) { if (dto.getAppName().equals(appName)) { dto.addToApiFaultCountArray(apiName, faultCount); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { faultCountDTO = new FaultCountDTO(); faultCountDTO.setAppName(appName); faultCountDTO.addToApiFaultCountArray(apiName, faultCount); falseAppUsageDataList.add(faultCountDTO); } } } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying API faulty invocation data from Stream Processor ", e); } return falseAppUsageDataList; } /** * This method retrieve and return the usage path invocations per applications * * @param subscriberName subscriber name * @param groupId group id of the subscriber * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @param limit limit of the result * @return list if AppCallTypeDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ @Override public List<AppCallTypeDTO> getAppApiCallType(String subscriberName, String groupId, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<String> subscriberApps = getAppsWithIdBySubscriber(subscriberName, groupId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (subscriberApps.isEmpty()) { log.debug("List of Subscriber Applications is empty"); } } return getAPICallTypeUsageData(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_PATH_PER_APP_AGG, subscriberApps, fromDate, toDate, limit); } /** * This method gets the API usage data per API call type * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @param idList Ids List of applications * @return a collection containing the data related to API call types * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private List<AppCallTypeDTO> getAPICallTypeUsageData(String tableName, List<String> idList, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<AppCallTypeDTO> appApiCallTypeList = new ArrayList<AppCallTypeDTO>(); try { if (!idList.isEmpty()) { String startDate = fromDate + ":00"; String endDate = toDate + ":00"; String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(startDate, endDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder idListQuery = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { idListQuery.append(" or "); } idListQuery.append(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "=="); idListQuery.append("'" + idList.get(i) + "'"); } String query = "from " + tableName + " on " + idListQuery.toString() + " within " + getTimestamp(startDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(endDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_METHOD + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE + ", " + "sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_METHOD + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String apiVersion; String apiCreator; String callType; String applicationId; String apiResourceTemplate; AppCallTypeDTO appCallTypeDTO; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 7) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiCreator = (String) recordArray.get(2); apiName = apiName + " (" + apiCreator + ")"; callType = (String) recordArray.get(3); applicationId = (String) recordArray.get(4); apiResourceTemplate = (String) recordArray.get(5); List<String> callTypeList = new ArrayList<String>(); callTypeList.add(apiResourceTemplate + " (" + callType + ")"); List<Integer> hitCountList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); long hitCount = (Long) recordArray.get(6); hitCountList.add((int) hitCount); String appName = subscriberAppsMap.get(applicationId); boolean found = false; for (AppCallTypeDTO dto : appApiCallTypeList) { if (dto.getAppName().equals(appName)) { dto.addToApiCallTypeArray(apiName, apiVersion, callTypeList, hitCountList); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { appCallTypeDTO = new AppCallTypeDTO(); appCallTypeDTO.setAppName(appName); appCallTypeDTO.addToApiCallTypeArray(apiName, apiVersion, callTypeList, hitCountList); appApiCallTypeList.add(appCallTypeDTO); } } } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying API call type data from Stream Processor ", e); } return appApiCallTypeList; } /** * this method find the API Usage per Application data * * @param subscriberName subscriber name * @param groupId group id of the subscriber * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending data * @param limit limit of the result * @return list of PerAppApiCountDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occured */ @Override public List<PerAppApiCountDTO> perAppPerAPIUsage(String subscriberName, String groupId, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<String> subscriberApps = getAppsWithIdBySubscriber(subscriberName, groupId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { if (subscriberApps.isEmpty()) { log.debug("List of Subscriber Applications is empty"); } } return getPerAppAPIUsageData(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG, subscriberApps, fromDate, toDate, limit); } /** * This method gets the API usage data per application * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @param idList Ids list of applications * @return a collection containing the data related to per App API usage * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private List<PerAppApiCountDTO> getPerAppAPIUsageData(String tableName, List<String> idList, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<PerAppApiCountDTO> perAppUsageDataList = new ArrayList<PerAppApiCountDTO>(); try { if (!idList.isEmpty()) { String startDate = fromDate + ":00"; String endDate = toDate + ":00"; String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(startDate, endDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder idListQuery = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { idListQuery.append(" or "); } idListQuery.append(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + "=="); idListQuery.append("'" + idList.get(i) + "'"); } String query = "from " + tableName + " on " + idListQuery.toString() + " within " + getTimestamp(startDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(endDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_calls group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_ID + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String apiCreator; String applicationId; long requestCount; PerAppApiCountDTO apiUsageDTO; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiCreator = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiName = apiName + " (" + apiCreator + ")"; applicationId = (String) recordArray.get(2); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(3); String appName = subscriberAppsMap.get(applicationId); boolean found = false; for (PerAppApiCountDTO dto : perAppUsageDataList) { if (dto.getAppName().equals(appName)) { dto.addToApiCountArray(apiName, requestCount); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { apiUsageDTO = new PerAppApiCountDTO(); apiUsageDTO.setAppName(appName); apiUsageDTO.addToApiCountArray(apiName, requestCount); perAppUsageDataList.add(apiUsageDTO); } } } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying per App usage data from Stream Processor", e); } return perAppUsageDataList; } /** * Returns a list of APIUsageDTO objects that contain information related to APIs that * belong to a particular provider and the number of total API calls each API has processed * up to now. This method does not distinguish between different API versions. That is all * versions of a single API are treated as one, and their individual request counts are summed * up to calculate a grand total per each API. * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @return a List of APIUsageDTO objects - possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs * while contacting * backend services */ @Override public List<APIUsageDTO> getProviderAPIUsage(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } Collection<APIUsage> usageData = getAPIUsageData(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION_PER_APP_AGG, tenantDomain, fromDate, toDate); List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); Map<String, APIUsageDTO> usageByAPIs = new TreeMap<String, APIUsageDTO>(); for (APIUsage usage : usageData) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(usage.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(usage.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(usage.getContext())) { String[] apiData = { usage.getApiName(), usage.getApiVersion(), providerAPI.getId().getProviderName() }; JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); jsonArray.add(0, apiData[0]); jsonArray.add(1, apiData[1]); jsonArray.add(2, apiData[2]); String apiName = jsonArray.toJSONString(); APIUsageDTO usageDTO = usageByAPIs.get(apiName); if (usageDTO != null) { usageDTO.setCount(usageDTO.getCount() + usage.getRequestCount()); } else { usageDTO = new APIUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setApiName(apiName); usageDTO.setCount(usage.getRequestCount()); usageByAPIs.put(apiName, usageDTO); } } } } return getAPIUsageTopEntries(new ArrayList<APIUsageDTO>(usageByAPIs.values()), limit); } /** * This method gets the usage data for a given API across all versions * * @param tableName name of the table in the database * @param tenantDomain Tenant Domain * @param fromDate From date * @param toDate To date * @return a collection containing the API usage data * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private Collection<APIUsage> getAPIUsageData(String tableName, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Collection<APIUsage> usageDataList = new ArrayList<APIUsage>(); try { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } String query = "from " + tableName + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as aggregateSum group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String apiContext; String apiVersion; Long requestCount; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(2); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(3); usageDataList.add(new APIUsage(apiName, apiContext, apiVersion, requestCount)); } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying API usage data from Stream Processor ", e); } return usageDataList; } /** * Returns a list of APIVersionUsageDTO objects that contain information related to a * particular API of a specified provider, along with the number of API calls processed * by each version of that API for a particular time preriod. * * @param providerName API publisher username * @param apiName API name * @param fromDate Starting date * @param toDate Ending date * @return list of APIVersionUsageDTO * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if error occurred */ @Override public List<APIVersionUsageDTO> getUsageByAPIVersions(String providerName, String apiName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = null; if (providerName != null) { tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } } List<APIUsage> usageData = this.getUsageByAPIVersionsData( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG, tenantDomain, fromDate, toDate, apiName); List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); Map<String, APIVersionUsageDTO> usageByVersions = new TreeMap<String, APIVersionUsageDTO>(); for (APIUsage usage : usageData) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(usage.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(usage.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(usage.getContext())) { APIVersionUsageDTO usageDTO = new APIVersionUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setVersion(usage.getApiVersion()); usageDTO.setCount(usage.getRequestCount()); usageByVersions.put(usage.getApiVersion(), usageDTO); } } } return new ArrayList<APIVersionUsageDTO>(usageByVersions.values()); } /** * Returns a list of APIVersionUsageDTO objects that contain information related to a * particular API of a specified provider, along with the number of API calls processed * by each resource path of that API. * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @return a List of APIResourcePathUsageDTO objects, possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException on error */ @Override public List<APIResourcePathUsageDTO> getAPIUsageByResourcePath(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Collection<APIUsageByResourcePath> usageData = this.getAPIUsageByResourcePathData( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_PATH_PER_APP_AGG, providerName, fromDate, toDate); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); List<APIResourcePathUsageDTO> usageByResourcePath = new ArrayList<APIResourcePathUsageDTO>(); for (APIUsageByResourcePath usage : usageData) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(usage.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(usage.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(usage.getContext())) { APIResourcePathUsageDTO usageDTO = new APIResourcePathUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setApiName(usage.getApiName()); usageDTO.setVersion(usage.getApiVersion()); usageDTO.setMethod(usage.getMethod()); usageDTO.setContext(usage.getContext()); usageDTO.setCount(usage.getRequestCount()); usageDTO.setTime(usage.getTime()); usageDTO.setResourcePath(usage.getResourcePath()); usageByResourcePath.add(usageDTO); } } } return usageByResourcePath; } /** * This method finds the destination of the apis * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @param fromDate starting date of the results * @param toDate ending date of the results * @return list of APIDestinationUsageDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ @Override public List<APIDestinationUsageDTO> getAPIUsageByDestination(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsageByDestination> usageData = this.getAPIUsageByDestinationData( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_PER_DESTINATION_AGG, providerName, fromDate, toDate); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); List<APIDestinationUsageDTO> usageByDestination = new ArrayList<APIDestinationUsageDTO>(); for (APIUsageByDestination usage : usageData) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(usage.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(usage.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(usage.getContext())) { APIDestinationUsageDTO usageDTO = new APIDestinationUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setApiName(usage.getApiName()); usageDTO.setVersion(usage.getApiVersion()); usageDTO.setDestination(usage.getDestination()); usageDTO.setContext(usage.getContext()); usageDTO.setCount(usage.getRequestCount()); usageByDestination.add(usageDTO); } } } return usageByDestination; } /** * Returns a list of APIUsageByUserDTO objects that contain information related to * User wise API Usage, along with the number of invocations, and API Version * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @return a List of APIUsageByUserDTO objects, possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException on error */ @Override public List<APIUsageByUserDTO> getAPIUsageByUser(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsageByUserName> usageData = this.getAPIUsageByUserData(providerName, fromDate, toDate, null); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); List<APIUsageByUserDTO> usageByName = new ArrayList<APIUsageByUserDTO>(); for (APIUsageByUserName usage : usageData) { if (tenantDomain.equals(MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(usage.getApipublisher()))) { APIUsageByUserDTO usageDTO = new APIUsageByUserDTO(); usageDTO.setApiName(usage.getApiName()); usageDTO.setVersion(usage.getApiVersion()); usageDTO.setUserID(usage.getUserID()); usageDTO.setCount(usage.getRequestCount()); usageByName.add(usageDTO); } } return usageByName; } /** * Gets a list of APIResponseTimeDTO objects containing information related to APIs belonging * to a particular provider along with their average response times. * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @return a List of APIResponseTimeDTO objects, possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException on error */ @Override public List<APIResponseTimeDTO> getProviderAPIServiceTime(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { //do nothing return null; } /** * This method gets the response times for APIs * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @return a collection containing the data related to API response times * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private Collection<APIResponseTime> getAPIResponseTimeData(String tableName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { //do nothing return null; } /** * Returns a list of APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO objects for all the APIs belonging to the * specified provider. Last access times are calculated without taking API versions into * account. That is all the versions of an API are treated as one. * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @return a list of APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO objects, possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException on error */ @Override public List<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO> getProviderAPIVersionUserLastAccess(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Collection<APIAccessTime> accessTimes = getLastAccessData( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_LAST_ACCESS_SUMMARY, providerName); if (providerName.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); List<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO> accessTimeByAPI = new ArrayList<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO>(); APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO accessTimeDTO; for (APIAccessTime accessTime : accessTimes) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(accessTime.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(accessTime.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(accessTime.getContext())) { accessTimeDTO = new APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO(); String apiName = accessTime.getApiName() + " (" + providerAPI.getId().getProviderName() + ")"; accessTimeDTO.setApiName(apiName); accessTimeDTO.setApiVersion(accessTime.getApiVersion()); accessTimeDTO.setLastAccessTime(Long.toString(accessTime.getAccessTime())); accessTimeDTO.setUser(accessTime.getUsername()); accessTimeByAPI.add(accessTimeDTO); } } } return getLastAccessTimeTopEntries(accessTimeByAPI, limit); } /** * This method gets the last access times for APIs * * @param tableName name of the required table in the database * @return a collection containing the data related to API last access times * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException if an error occurs while querying the database */ private Collection<APIAccessTime> getLastAccessData(String tableName, String providerName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Collection<APIAccessTime> lastAccessTimeData = new ArrayList<APIAccessTime>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); try { StringBuilder lastAccessQuery = new StringBuilder("from " + tableName); if (!providerName.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { lastAccessQuery.append(" on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND (" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + providerName + "' OR " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + APIUtil.getUserNameWithTenantSuffix(providerName) + "'))"); } else { lastAccessQuery.append(" on " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); } lastAccessQuery.append(" select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APP_OWNER + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.LAST_ACCESS_TIME + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.LAST_ACCESS_TIME + " DESC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, lastAccessQuery.toString()); String apiName; String apiVersion; String apiContext; Long accessTime; String username; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 5) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(2); username = (String) recordArray.get(3); accessTime = (Long) recordArray.get(4); lastAccessTimeData .add(new APIAccessTime(apiName, apiVersion, apiContext, accessTime, username)); } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying last access data for APIs from Stream Processor ", e); } return lastAccessTimeData; } /** * Returns a sorted list of PerUserAPIUsageDTO objects related to a particular API. The returned * list will only have at most limit + 1 entries. This method does not differentiate between * API versions. * * @param providerName API provider name * @param apiName Name of the API * @param limit Number of sorted entries to return * @return a List of PerUserAPIUsageDTO objects - Possibly empty * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException on error */ @Override public List<PerUserAPIUsageDTO> getUsageBySubscribers(String providerName, String apiName, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = null; if (providerName != null) { tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } } Collection<APIUsageByUser> usageData = getUsageOfAPI(apiName, null, tenantDomain); Map<String, PerUserAPIUsageDTO> usageByUsername = new TreeMap<String, PerUserAPIUsageDTO>(); List<API> apiList = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); for (APIUsageByUser usageEntry : usageData) { for (API api : apiList) { if (api.getContext().equals(usageEntry.getContext()) && api.getId().getApiName().equals(apiName)) { PerUserAPIUsageDTO usageDTO = usageByUsername.get(usageEntry.getUsername()); if (usageDTO != null) { usageDTO.setCount(usageDTO.getCount() + usageEntry.getRequestCount()); } else { usageDTO = new PerUserAPIUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setUsername(usageEntry.getUsername()); usageDTO.setCount(usageEntry.getRequestCount()); usageByUsername.put(usageEntry.getUsername(), usageDTO); } break; } } } return getTopEntries(new ArrayList<PerUserAPIUsageDTO>(usageByUsername.values()), limit); } /** * This method find the fault count of the APIs * * @param providerName Name of the API provider * @param fromDate starting date of the results * @param toDate ending date of the results * @return list of APIResponseFaultCountDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ @Override public List<APIResponseFaultCountDTO> getAPIResponseFaultCount(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantAwareProviderName = providerName; String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(tenantAwareProviderName); if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { providerName = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS; } List<APIResponseFaultCount> faultyData = this.getAPIResponseFaultCountData( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_FAULTY_INVOCATION_AGG, tenantDomain, fromDate, toDate); List<API> providerAPIs = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); List<APIResponseFaultCountDTO> faultyCount = new ArrayList<APIResponseFaultCountDTO>(); List<APIVersionUsageDTO> apiVersionUsageList; for (APIResponseFaultCount fault : faultyData) { for (API providerAPI : providerAPIs) { if (providerAPI.getId().getApiName().equals(fault.getApiName()) && providerAPI.getId().getVersion().equals(fault.getApiVersion()) && providerAPI.getContext().equals(fault.getContext())) { APIResponseFaultCountDTO faultyDTO = new APIResponseFaultCountDTO(); faultyDTO.setApiName(fault.getApiName()); faultyDTO.setVersion(fault.getApiVersion()); faultyDTO.setContext(fault.getContext()); faultyDTO.setCount(fault.getFaultCount()); apiVersionUsageList = getUsageByAPIVersions(tenantAwareProviderName, fault.getApiName(), fromDate, toDate); for (APIVersionUsageDTO apiVersionUsageDTO : apiVersionUsageList) { if (apiVersionUsageDTO.getVersion().equals(fault.getApiVersion())) { long requestCount = apiVersionUsageDTO.getCount(); double faultPercentage = ((double) fault.getFaultCount()) / (requestCount + fault.getFaultCount()) * 100; DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()); try { faultPercentage = numberFormat.parse(twoDForm.format(faultPercentage)) .doubleValue(); } catch (ParseException e) { handleException("Parse exception while formatting time"); } faultyDTO.setFaultPercentage(faultPercentage); faultyDTO.setTotalRequestCount(requestCount + fault.getFaultCount()); break; } } //if no success request within that period, fault percentage is 100% if (apiVersionUsageList.isEmpty()) { faultyDTO.setFaultPercentage(100); faultyDTO.setTotalRequestCount(fault.getFaultCount()); } faultyCount.add(faultyDTO); } } } return faultyCount; } /** * find the API usage * * @param providerName API provider name * @param apiName Name of the API * @param apiVersion API version * @param limit Number of sorted entries to return * @return list of PerUserAPIUsageDTO * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ @Override public List<PerUserAPIUsageDTO> getUsageBySubscribers(String providerName, String apiName, String apiVersion, int limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = null; if (providerName != null) { tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); } Collection<APIUsageByUser> usageData = getUsageOfAPI(apiName, apiVersion, tenantDomain); Map<String, PerUserAPIUsageDTO> usageByUsername = new TreeMap<String, PerUserAPIUsageDTO>(); List<API> apiList = getAPIsByProvider(providerName); for (APIUsageByUser usageEntry : usageData) { for (API api : apiList) { if (api.getContext().equals(usageEntry.getContext()) && api.getId().getApiName().equals(apiName) && api.getId().getVersion().equals(apiVersion) && apiVersion.equals(usageEntry.getApiVersion())) { PerUserAPIUsageDTO usageDTO = usageByUsername.get(usageEntry.getUsername()); if (usageDTO != null) { usageDTO.setCount(usageDTO.getCount() + usageEntry.getRequestCount()); } else { usageDTO = new PerUserAPIUsageDTO(); usageDTO.setUsername(usageEntry.getUsername()); usageDTO.setCount(usageEntry.getRequestCount()); usageByUsername.put(usageEntry.getUsername(), usageDTO); } break; } } } return getTopEntries(new ArrayList<PerUserAPIUsageDTO>(usageByUsername.values()), limit); } /** * This method sort and set the result size * * @param usageData result to be sort * @param limit value to limit * @return list of PerUserAPIUsageDTO */ private List<PerUserAPIUsageDTO> getTopEntries(List<PerUserAPIUsageDTO> usageData, int limit) { Collections.sort(usageData, new Comparator<PerUserAPIUsageDTO>() { public int compare(PerUserAPIUsageDTO o1, PerUserAPIUsageDTO o2) { // Note that o2 appears before o1 // This is because we need to sort in the descending order return (int) (o2.getCount() - o1.getCount()); } }); if (usageData.size() > limit) { PerUserAPIUsageDTO other = new PerUserAPIUsageDTO(); other.setUsername("[Other]"); for (int i = limit; i < usageData.size(); i++) { other.setCount(other.getCount() + usageData.get(i).getCount()); } while (usageData.size() > limit) { usageData.remove(limit); } usageData.add(other); } return usageData; } /** * This method sort and limit the result size for API usage data * * @param usageData data to be sort and limit * @param limit value to be limited * @return list of APIUsageDTO */ private List<APIUsageDTO> getAPIUsageTopEntries(List<APIUsageDTO> usageData, int limit) { Collections.sort(usageData, new Comparator<APIUsageDTO>() { public int compare(APIUsageDTO o1, APIUsageDTO o2) { // Note that o2 appears before o1 // This is because we need to sort in the descending order return (int) (o2.getCount() - o1.getCount()); } }); if (usageData.size() > limit) { APIUsageDTO other = new APIUsageDTO(); other.setApiName("[\"Other\"]"); for (int i = limit; i < usageData.size(); i++) { other.setCount(other.getCount() + usageData.get(i).getCount()); } while (usageData.size() > limit) { usageData.remove(limit); } usageData.add(other); } return usageData; } /** * This method sort and limit the result size for API Response time data * * @param usageData data to be sort and limit * @param limit value to be limited * @return list of APIResponseTimeDTO */ private List<APIResponseTimeDTO> getResponseTimeTopEntries(List<APIResponseTimeDTO> usageData, int limit) { //do nothing return null; } /** * This method sort and limit the result size for API Last access time data * * @param usageData data to be sort and limit * @param limit value to be limited * @return list of APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO */ private List<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO> getLastAccessTimeTopEntries( List<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO> usageData, int limit) { Collections.sort(usageData, new Comparator<APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO>() { public int compare(APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO o1, APIVersionLastAccessTimeDTO o2) { // Note that o2 appears before o1 // This is because we need to sort in the descending order return o2.getLastAccessTime().compareToIgnoreCase(o1.getLastAccessTime()); } }); if (usageData.size() > limit) { while (usageData.size() > limit) { usageData.remove(limit); } } return usageData; } /** * This method find the API fault count data * * @param tableName Name of the table data exist * @param tenantDomain Tenant Domain * @param fromDate starting data * @param toDate ending date * @return list of APIResponseFaultCount * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<APIResponseFaultCount> getAPIResponseFaultCountData(String tableName, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIResponseFaultCount> faultUsage = new ArrayList<APIResponseFaultCount>(); try { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } String query = "from " + tableName + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_FAULT_COUNT + ") as total_fault_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + " ASC ;"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_FAULT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String apiVersion; String apiContext; long faultCount; APIResponseFaultCount apiResponseFaultCount; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 5) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(3); //omitting the creator faultCount = (Long) recordArray.get(4); apiResponseFaultCount = new APIResponseFaultCount(apiName, apiVersion, apiContext, faultCount); faultUsage.add(apiResponseFaultCount); } } } return faultUsage; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * This method finds the Resource path usage of APIs * * @param tableName Name of the aggregation where the data exist * @param providerName Name of the provider * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @return list of APIUsageByResourcePath * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<APIUsageByResourcePath> getAPIUsageByResourcePathData(String tableName, String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsageByResourcePath> usage = new ArrayList<APIUsageByResourcePath>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); try { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } String query = "from " + tableName + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_METHOD + ", " + "sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count, " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_METHOD + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String version; String context; String method; Long hits; String resourcePaths; Long time; APIUsageByResourcePath apiUsageByResourcePath; DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat .forPattern(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN); if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 8) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); version = (String) recordArray.get(1); context = (String) recordArray.get(3);//omitting apiCreator method = (String) recordArray.get(4); hits = (Long) recordArray.get(5); resourcePaths = (String) recordArray.get(6); time = (Long) recordArray.get(7); DateTime date = new DateTime(time); apiUsageByResourcePath = new APIUsageByResourcePath(apiName, version, method, context, hits, date.toString(formatter), resourcePaths); usage.add(apiUsageByResourcePath); } } } return usage; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from stream processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from stream processor ", e); } } /** * This method finds the API Destination usage of APIs * * @param tableName Name of the table where the data exist * @param providerName Name of the provider * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @return list of APIUsageByDestination * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<APIUsageByDestination> getAPIUsageByDestinationData(String tableName, String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsageByDestination> usageByDestination = new ArrayList<APIUsageByDestination>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); try { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } String query = "from " + tableName + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DESTINATION + ", " + "sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DESTINATION + ";"; JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String version; String context; String destination; Long requestCount; APIUsageByDestination apiUsageByDestination; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 6) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); version = (String) recordArray.get(1); context = (String) recordArray.get(3);//omitting apiCreator destination = (String) recordArray.get(4); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(5); apiUsageByDestination = new APIUsageByDestination(apiName, version, context, destination, requestCount); usageByDestination.add(apiUsageByDestination); } } } return usageByDestination; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from stream processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from stream processor", e); } } /** * Retrieves total request count for the given period of time for particular API and Version. If version provided * as FOR_ALL_API_VERSIONS it will get total aggregated request count for all api versions * * @param tableName tableName * @param apiName API name * @param apiVersion API version * @param fromDate Start date of the time span * @param toDate End date of time span * @return Total request count * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ private long getTotalRequestCountOfAPIVersion(String tableName, String apiName, String tenantDomain, String apiVersion, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsage> apiUsages = getUsageByAPIVersionsData(tableName, tenantDomain, fromDate, toDate, apiName); long totalRequestCount = 0; Pattern tenantContextPattern; boolean match; if (tenantDomain != null && !tenantDomain.equals(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME)) { tenantContextPattern = Pattern.compile("^/t/" + tenantDomain + "/.*"); //Context should match /t/<tenant-domain>/.. pattern match = true; } else { tenantContextPattern = Pattern.compile("^/t/.*"); //Context should NOT match /t/<tenant-domain>/.. pattern match = false; } for (APIUsage usage : apiUsages) { if (tenantContextPattern.matcher(usage.getContext()).find() == match) { if (APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.FOR_ALL_API_VERSIONS.equals(apiVersion)) { totalRequestCount += usage.getRequestCount(); } else if (apiVersion.equals(usage.getApiVersion())) { totalRequestCount += usage.getRequestCount(); } } } return totalRequestCount; } /** * This method find the API version wise usage * * @param tableName Name of the table data exist * @param fromDate starting data * @param toDate ending date * @param apiName API name * @return list of APIUsage * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<APIUsage> getUsageByAPIVersionsData(String tableName, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, String apiName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIUsage> usageDataList = new ArrayList<APIUsage>(); try { String query; if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } query = "from " + tableName + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ";"; } else { query = "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "') within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ";"; } JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiContext; String apiVersion; Long requestCount; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 5) { apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(1); apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(3); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(4); usageDataList.add(new APIUsage(apiName, apiContext, apiVersion, requestCount)); } } } return usageDataList; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * This method find the api usage count and its subscribers * * @param providerName logged API publisher * @param fromDate starting date * @param toDate ending date * @param limit result to be limited * @return list of APIUsageByUserName * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<APIUsageByUserName> getAPIUsageByUserData(String providerName, String fromDate, String toDate, Integer limit) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); try { String query; String filter; if (providerName.contains(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { filter = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"; } else { filter = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + providerName + "'"; } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } query = "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + " on " + filter + " within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count, " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + " order by total_request_count DESC;"; } else { query = "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + " on " + filter + " select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count, " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + " order by total_request_count DESC;"; } JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); String apiName; String apiVersion; String apiContext; String username; Long requestCount; String creator; List<APIUsageByUserName> usageByName = new ArrayList<APIUsageByUserName>(); if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 6) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiVersion = (String) recordArray.get(1); creator = (String) recordArray.get(2); username = (String) recordArray.get(3); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(4); apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(5); if (creator != null) { APIUsageByUserName usage = new APIUsageByUserName(apiName, apiVersion, apiContext, username, creator, requestCount); usageByName.add(usage); } } } } return usageByName; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * This method find the list of API published by particular Pulisher * * @param providerId Provider username * @return list of APIs * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private List<API> getAPIsByProvider(String providerId) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { try { if (APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS.equals(providerId)) { return apiProviderImpl.getAllAPIs(); } else { return apiProviderImpl.getAPIsByProvider(providerId); } } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error while retrieving APIs by " + providerId, e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error while retrieving APIs by " + providerId, e); } } /** * Not used in the current implementation * * @param param parameters * @param calls no of calls * @return list of APIUsageRangeCost * @throws Exception if error occured */ @Override public List<APIUsageRangeCost> evaluate(String param, int calls) throws Exception { return paymentPlan.evaluate(param, calls); } /** * Custom artifacts deployment. deploy capp related to RDBMS on DAS * * @param url url of the DAS * @param user user name * @param pass password * @throws Exception general exception throws, because different exception can occur */ @Override public void deployArtifacts(String url, String user, String pass) throws Exception { //name of the capp to deploy String cAppName = ""; String cAppPath = System.getProperty("carbon.home") + File.separator + "statistics"; cAppPath = cAppPath + File.separator + cAppName; File file = new File(cAppPath); //get the byte array of file byte[] byteArray = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file); DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(byteArray, APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); //create the stub to deploy artifacts CarbonAppUploaderStub stub = new CarbonAppUploaderStub(url + "/services/CarbonAppUploader"); ServiceClient client = stub._getServiceClient(); Options options = client.getOptions(); //set the security HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator authenticator = new HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator(); authenticator.setUsername(user); authenticator.setPassword(pass); authenticator.setPreemptiveAuthentication(true); options.setProperty(org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants.AUTHENTICATE, authenticator); client.setOptions(options);"Deploying DAS cApp '" + cAppName + "'..."); //create UploadedFileItem array and 1st element contain the deploy artifact UploadedFileItem[] fileItem = new UploadedFileItem[1]; fileItem[0] = new UploadedFileItem(); fileItem[0].setDataHandler(dataHandler); fileItem[0].setFileName(cAppName); fileItem[0].setFileType("jar"); //upload the artifacts stub.uploadApp(fileItem); } /** * This method returns a default first access time for the API * * @param providerName provider name * @return APIFirstAccess Object with the first access data * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException when error occurs while connecting to the stream processor */ @Override public List<APIFirstAccess> getFirstAccessTime(String providerName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<APIFirstAccess> APIFirstAccessList = new ArrayList<APIFirstAccess>(); try { //Check availability of the analytics server String query = "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + "_SECONDS select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + " limit 1;"; APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); //get 1 month from the current date String year = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); String month = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); //Month is 0 based String day = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); APIFirstAccess firstAccess = new APIFirstAccess(year, month, day); APIFirstAccess fTime; if (firstAccess != null) { fTime = new APIFirstAccess(firstAccess.getYear(), firstAccess.getMonth(), firstAccess.getDay()); APIFirstAccessList.add(fTime); } } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from the stream processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException( "Error occurred while querying from the stream processor " + e.getMessage(), e); } return APIFirstAccessList; } /** * This method find the API usage * * @param apiName API name * @param apiVersion API version * @return list of APIUsageByUser * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws if error occurred */ private Collection<APIUsageByUser> getUsageOfAPI(String apiName, String apiVersion, String tenantDomain) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Collection<APIUsageByUser> usageData = new ArrayList<APIUsageByUser>(); try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_PER_APP_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName); if (apiVersion != null) { query.append("' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + apiVersion); } query.append("') within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.USERNAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ";"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); String apiContext; String username; Long requestCount; String version; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { apiContext = (String) recordArray.get(0); username = (String) recordArray.get(1); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(2); version = (String) recordArray.get(3); usageData.add(new APIUsageByUser(apiContext, username, requestCount, version)); } } } return usageData; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor", e); } } /** * Given API name and Application, returns throttling request counts over time for a given time span. * * @param apiName Name of the API * @param provider Provider name * @param appName Application name * @param fromDate Start date of the time span * @param toDate End date of time span * @param groupBy Group by parameter. Supported parameters are :day,hour * @return Throttling counts over time * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException throws when there is an error */ @Override public List<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO> getThrottleDataOfAPIAndApplication(String apiName, String provider, String appName, String fromDate, String toDate, String groupBy) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { try { List<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO> throttlingData = new ArrayList<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(provider); String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MINUTES_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0 || durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_REQ_COUNT_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "'"); if (!provider.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + provider + "'"); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(appName)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + "=='" + appName + "'"); } query.append(") within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.SUCCESS_COUNT + ") as success_request_count, sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.THROTTLE_COUNT + ") as throttled_out_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + " ASC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_THROTTLED_OUT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); Long timeStamp; String time; long successRequestCount; long throttledOutCount; DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat .forPattern(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN); if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 3) { timeStamp = (Long) recordArray.get(0); time = new DateTime(timeStamp).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString(formatter); successRequestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(1); throttledOutCount = (Long) recordArray.get(2); throttlingData.add(new APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO(apiName, provider, (int) successRequestCount, (int) throttledOutCount, time)); } } } return throttlingData; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * Given Application name and the provider, returns throttle data for the APIs of the provider invoked by the * given application. * * @param appName Application name * @param provider Provider name * @param fromDate Start date of the time span * @param toDate End date of time span * @return Throttling counts of APIs of the provider invoked by the given app * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ @Override public List<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO> getThrottleDataOfApplication(String appName, String provider, String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { try { List<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO> throttlingData = new ArrayList<APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(provider); String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MINUTES_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0 || durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY; } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_REQ_COUNT_AGG + " on (" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + "=='" + appName + "'"); if (!provider.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { query.append("AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + provider + "'"); } query.append(") within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.SUCCESS_COUNT + ") as success_request_count, sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.THROTTLE_COUNT + ") as throttleout_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + " ASC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_THROTTLED_OUT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); String apiName; String apiCreator; long successRequestCount; long throttledOutCount; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); apiCreator = (String) recordArray.get(1); successRequestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(2); throttledOutCount = (Long) recordArray.get(3); throttlingData.add(new APIThrottlingOverTimeDTO(apiName, apiCreator, (int) successRequestCount, (int) throttledOutCount, null)); } } } return throttlingData; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * Get APIs of the provider that consist of throttle data. * * @param provider Provider name * @return List of APIs of the provider that consist of throttle data * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ @Override public List<String> getAPIsForThrottleStats(String provider) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { try { List<String> throttlingAPIData = new ArrayList<String>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(provider); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_THROTTLED_OUT_AGG); if (!provider.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { query.append(" on (" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + APIUtil.getUserNameWithTenantSuffix(provider) + "')"); } else { query.append(" on " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); } query.append(" within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + " ASC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_THROTTLED_OUT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); String apiName; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 1) { apiName = (String) recordArray.get(0); throttlingAPIData.add(apiName); } } } return throttlingAPIData; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * Given provider name and the API name, returns a list of applications through which the corresponding API is * invoked and which consist of success/throttled requests. * * @param provider Provider name * @param apiName Name of th API * @return A list of applications through which the corresponding API is invoked and which consist of throttle data * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException */ @Override public List<String> getAppsForThrottleStats(String provider, String apiName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { try { List<String> throttlingAppData = new ArrayList<String>(); String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(provider); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_THROTTLED_OUT_AGG); query.append(" on " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); if (!provider.startsWith(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.ALL_PROVIDERS)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + "=='" + APIUtil.getUserNameWithTenantSuffix(provider) + "'"); } if (apiName != null) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "'"); } query.append(" within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + " order by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + " DESC;"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_THROTTLED_OUT_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); String applicationName; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 1) { applicationName = (String) recordArray.get(0); throttlingAppData.add(applicationName); } } } return throttlingAppData; } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } } /** * return a string to indicate type of statistics client * * @return String */ @Override public String getClientType() { return APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.REST_STATISTICS_CLIENT_TYPE; } @Override public List<Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues>> getExecutionTimeByAPI(String apiName, String version, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, String drillDown) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { return getExecutionTimeByAPI(apiName, version, tenantDomain, fromDate, toDate, drillDown, "ALL"); } @Override public List<Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues>> getExecutionTimeByAPI(String apiName, String version, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, String drillDown, String mediationType) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues>> result = new ArrayList<Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues>>(); try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_EXECUTION_TIME_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "'"); if (version != null) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + version + "'"); } if (tenantDomain != null) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.SECONDS_GRANULARITY; Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0 || durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_HOURS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MINUTES_GRANULARITY; } query.append(") within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "'"); } else { query.append(") within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months'"); } query.append(" select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CONTEXT + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIME_STAMP + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RESPONSE_TIME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.SECURITY_LATENCY + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.THROTTLING_LATENCY + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.REQUEST_MEDIATION_LATENCY + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RESPONSE_MEDIATION_LATENCY + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.BACKEND_LATENCY + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.OTHER_LATENCY + ";"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); long timeStamp; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 12) { Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues> result1 = new Result<ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues>(); ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues executionTimeOfAPIValues = new ExecutionTimeOfAPIValues(); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setApi((String) recordArray.get(0)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setContext((String) recordArray.get(1)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setApiPublisher((String) recordArray.get(2)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setVersion((String) recordArray.get(3)); timeStamp = (Long) recordArray.get(4); DateTime time = new DateTime(timeStamp).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setYear(time.getYear()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setMonth(time.getMonthOfYear()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setDay(time.getDayOfMonth()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setHour(time.getHourOfDay()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setMinutes(time.getMinuteOfHour()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setSeconds(time.getSecondOfMinute()); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setApiResponseTime((Long) recordArray.get(5)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setSecurityLatency((Long) recordArray.get(6)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setThrottlingLatency((Long) recordArray.get(7)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setRequestMediationLatency((Long) recordArray.get(8)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setResponseMediationLatency((Long) recordArray.get(9)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setBackendLatency((Long) recordArray.get(10)); executionTimeOfAPIValues.setOtherLatency((Long) recordArray.get(11)); result1.setValues(executionTimeOfAPIValues); result1.setTableName(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_EXECUTION_TIME_AGG); result1.setTimestamp(RestClientUtil.longToDate(new Date().getTime())); result.add(result1); } } } if (!result.isEmpty() && fromDate != null && toDate != null) { insertZeroElementsAndSort(result, drillDown, getDateToLong(fromDate), getDateToLong(toDate)); } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } catch (ParseException e) { handleException("Couldn't parse the date", e); } return result; } @Override public List<Result<PerGeoLocationUsageCount>> getGeoLocationsByApi(String apiName, String version, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, String drillDown) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<Result<PerGeoLocationUsageCount>> result = new ArrayList<Result<PerGeoLocationUsageCount>>(); try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.GEO_LOCATION_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "'"); if (version != null && !"ALL".equals(version)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + version + "'"); } if (tenantDomain != null) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); } if (!"ALL".equals(drillDown)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.COUNTRY + "=='" + drillDown + "'"); } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } query.append(") within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_COUNT); } else { query.append(") within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_COUNT); } query.append(") as count, " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.COUNTRY); if (!"ALL".equals(drillDown)) { query.append(", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.CITY); } query.append(" group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.COUNTRY); if (!"ALL".equals(drillDown)) { query.append(", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.CITY); } query.append(";"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); long count; String country; String city; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() >= 2) { Result<PerGeoLocationUsageCount> result1 = new Result<PerGeoLocationUsageCount>(); count = (Long) recordArray.get(0); country = (String) recordArray.get(1); List<String> facetValues = new ArrayList<String>(); facetValues.add(country); if (!"ALL".equals(drillDown)) { city = (String) recordArray.get(2); facetValues.add(city); } PerGeoLocationUsageCount perGeoLocationUsageCount = new PerGeoLocationUsageCount( (int) count, facetValues); result1.setValues(perGeoLocationUsageCount); result1.setTableName(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.GEO_LOCATION_AGG); result1.setTimestamp(RestClientUtil.longToDate(new Date().getTime())); result.add(result1); } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } return result; } @Override public List<Result<UserAgentUsageCount>> getUserAgentUsageByAPI(String apiName, String version, String tenantDomain, String fromDate, String toDate, String drillDown) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { List<Result<UserAgentUsageCount>> result = new ArrayList<Result<UserAgentUsageCount>>(); try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_BROWSER_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName + "'"); if (version != null && !"ALL".equals(version)) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + version + "'"); } if (tenantDomain != null) { query.append(" AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "'"); } if (!"ALL".equals(drillDown)) { query.append( " AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.OPERATING_SYSTEM + "=='" + drillDown + "'"); } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY;//default granularity Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.YEARS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } query.append(") within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT); } else { query.append(") within " + 0 + "L, " + new Date().getTime() + "L per 'months' select sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT); } query.append(") as count, " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.OPERATING_SYSTEM + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.BROWSER + " group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.OPERATING_SYSTEM + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.BROWSER + ";"); JSONObject jsonObj = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, query.toString()); long count; String operatingSystem; String browser; if (jsonObj != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 3) { Result<UserAgentUsageCount> result1 = new Result<UserAgentUsageCount>(); count = (Long) recordArray.get(0); operatingSystem = (String) recordArray.get(1); browser = (String) recordArray.get(2); List<String> facetValues = new ArrayList<String>(); facetValues.add(operatingSystem); facetValues.add(browser); UserAgentUsageCount perUserAgentUsageCount = new UserAgentUsageCount((int) count, facetValues); result1.setValues(perUserAgentUsageCount); result1.setTableName(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_USER_BROWSER_AGG); result1.setTimestamp(RestClientUtil.longToDate(new Date().getTime())); result.add(result1); } } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor ", e); } return result; } @Override public List<Result<APIUsageByApplication>> getAPIUsageByApplications(String apiName, String apiVersion, String fromDate, String toDate, String providerName) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { String tenantDomain = null; if (providerName != null) { tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(providerName); } List<Result<APIUsageByApplication>> apiUsageByApplicationsResultList = new ArrayList<Result<APIUsageByApplication>>(); try { // Build the query. StringBuilder apiUsageByAppQuery = new StringBuilder( "from " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION_PER_APP_AGG + " on(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_CREATOR_TENANT_DOMAIN + "=='" + tenantDomain + "' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + "=='" + apiName); if (!APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.FOR_ALL_API_VERSIONS.equals(apiVersion)) { apiUsageByAppQuery .append("' AND " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + "=='" + apiVersion); } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { String granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.SECONDS_GRANULARITY; Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = this.getDurationBreakdown(fromDate, toDate); if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MONTHS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS) > 0 || durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DAYS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.HOURS_GRANULARITY; } else if (durationBreakdown.get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_HOURS) > 0) { granularity = APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.MINUTES_GRANULARITY; } apiUsageByAppQuery.append("') within " + getTimestamp(fromDate) + "L, " + getTimestamp(toDate) + "L per '" + granularity + "' select " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + ", sum(" + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT + ") as total_request_count group by " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_NAME + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION + ", " + APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APPLICATION_NAME + ";"); } // Invoke the rest api and get the results. JSONObject apiUsageByAppResult = APIUtil.executeQueryOnStreamProcessor( APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.APIM_ACCESS_SUMMARY_SIDDHI_APP, apiUsageByAppQuery.toString()); // Create the api usage object and return. long requestCount; String api; String version; String appName; if (apiUsageByAppResult != null) { JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) apiUsageByAppResult .get(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.RECORDS_DELIMITER); for (Object record : jArray) { JSONArray recordArray = (JSONArray) record; if (recordArray.size() == 4) { Result<APIUsageByApplication> result = new Result<APIUsageByApplication>(); api = (String) recordArray.get(0); version = (String) recordArray.get(1); appName = (String) recordArray.get(2); requestCount = (Long) recordArray.get(3); APIUsageByApplication apiUsageByApplication = new APIUsageByApplication(); apiUsageByApplication.setApiName(api); apiUsageByApplication.setApiVersion(version); apiUsageByApplication.setApplicationName(appName); apiUsageByApplication.setRequstCount(requestCount); result.setValues(apiUsageByApplication); result.setTableName(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.API_VERSION_PER_APP_AGG); result.setTimestamp(RestClientUtil.longToDate(new Date().getTime())); apiUsageByApplicationsResultList.add(result); } } } return apiUsageByApplicationsResultList; } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error occurred while querying from Stream Processor.", e); } return new ArrayList<Result<APIUsageByApplication>>(); } /** * This method is used to get the breakdown of the duration between 2 days/timestamps in terms of years, * months, days, hours, minutes and seconds * * @param fromDate Start timestamp of the duration * @param toDate End timestamp of the duration * @return A map containing the breakdown * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException when there is an error during date parsing */ private Map<String, Integer> getDurationBreakdown(String fromDate, String toDate) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { Map<String, Integer> durationBreakdown = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat .forPattern(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN); LocalDateTime startDate = LocalDateTime.parse(fromDate, formatter); LocalDateTime endDate = LocalDateTime.parse(toDate, formatter); Period period = new Period(startDate, endDate); int numOfYears = period.getYears(); int numOfMonths = period.getMonths(); int numOfWeeks = period.getWeeks(); int numOfDays = period.getDays(); if (numOfWeeks > 0) { numOfDays += numOfWeeks * 7; } int numOfHours = period.getHours(); int numOfMinutes = period.getMinutes(); int numOfSeconds = period.getSeconds(); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_YEARS, numOfYears); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MONTHS, numOfMonths); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_DAYS, numOfDays); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_WEEKS, numOfWeeks); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_HOURS, numOfHours); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_MINUTES, numOfMinutes); durationBreakdown.put(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.DURATION_SECONDS, numOfSeconds); return durationBreakdown; } private long getTimestamp(String date) throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(APIUsageStatisticsClientConstants.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); long time = 0; Date parsedDate = null; try { parsedDate = formatter.parse(date); time = parsedDate.getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { handleException("Error while parsing the date ", e); } return time; } }