Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.wso2.carbon.CarbonConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIConsumer; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.LoginPostExecutor; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.WorkflowResponse; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.*; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Tag; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.caching.CacheInvalidator; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dao.ApiMgtDAO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.*; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.factory.KeyManagerHolder; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.internal.ServiceReferenceHolder; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.*; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.*; import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.common.dataobjects.GovernanceArtifact; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.exception.GovernanceException; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactFilter; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.dataobjects.GenericArtifact; import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.util.GovernanceUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.*; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Collection; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.RegistryContext; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.pagination.PaginationContext; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.service.RegistryService; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.session.UserRegistry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.RegistryUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager; import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException; import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.service.RealmService; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.common.TermData; import javax.cache.Caching; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * This class provides the core API store functionality. It is implemented in a very * self-contained and 'pure' manner, without taking requirements like security into account, * which are subject to frequent change. Due to this 'pure' nature and the significance of * the class to the overall API management functionality, the visibility of the class has * been reduced to package level. This means we can still use it for internal purposes and * possibly even extend it, but it's totally off the limits of the users. Users wishing to * programmatically access this functionality should use one of the extensions of this * class which is visible to them. These extensions may add additional features like * security to this class. */ class APIConsumerImpl extends AbstractAPIManager implements APIConsumer { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIConsumerImpl.class); public static final char COLON_CHAR = ':'; public static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; /* Map to Store APIs against Tag */ private ConcurrentMap<String, Set<API>> taggedAPIs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<API>>(); private boolean isTenantModeStoreView; private String requestedTenant; private boolean isTagCacheEnabled; private Set<Tag> tagSet; private long tagCacheValidityTime; private volatile long lastUpdatedTime; private volatile long lastUpdatedTimeForTagApi; private final Object tagCacheMutex = new Object(); private final Object tagWithAPICacheMutex = new Object(); private APIMRegistryService apimRegistryService; public APIConsumerImpl() throws APIManagementException { super(); readTagCacheConfigs(); } public APIConsumerImpl(String username, APIMRegistryService apimRegistryService) throws APIManagementException { super(username); readTagCacheConfigs(); this.apimRegistryService = apimRegistryService; } private void readTagCacheConfigs() { APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService() .getAPIManagerConfiguration(); String enableTagCache = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.STORE_TAG_CACHE_DURATION); if (enableTagCache == null) { isTagCacheEnabled = false; tagCacheValidityTime = 0; } else { isTagCacheEnabled = true; tagCacheValidityTime = Long.parseLong(enableTagCache); } } @Override public Subscriber getSubscriber(String subscriberId) throws APIManagementException { Subscriber subscriber = null; try { subscriber = apiMgtDAO.getSubscriber(subscriberId); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Failed to get Subscriber", e); } return subscriber; } /** * Returns the set of APIs with the given tag from the taggedAPIs Map * * @param tagName The name of the tag * @return Set of {@link API} with the given tag * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Set<API> getAPIsWithTag(String tagName, String requestedTenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { /* We keep track of the lastUpdatedTime of the TagCache to determine its freshness. */ long lastUpdatedTimeAtStart = lastUpdatedTimeForTagApi; long currentTimeAtStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (isTagCacheEnabled && ((currentTimeAtStart - lastUpdatedTimeAtStart) < tagCacheValidityTime)) { if (taggedAPIs != null && taggedAPIs.containsKey(tagName)) { return taggedAPIs.get(tagName); } } else { synchronized (tagWithAPICacheMutex) { lastUpdatedTimeForTagApi = System.currentTimeMillis(); taggedAPIs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<API>>(); } } boolean isTenantMode = requestedTenantDomain != null && !"null".equalsIgnoreCase(requestedTenantDomain); this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; if (requestedTenantDomain != null && !"null".equals(requestedTenantDomain)) { this.requestedTenant = requestedTenantDomain; } Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; Set<API> apisWithTag = null; try { //start the tenant flow prior to loading registry if (requestedTenant != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(requestedTenant)) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(requestedTenant, true); isTenantFlowStarted = true; } if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(requestedTenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(requestedTenantDomain); // explicitly load the tenant's registry APIUtil.loadTenantRegistry(tenantId); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); } apisWithTag = getAPIsWithTag(userRegistry, tagName); /* Add the APIs against the tag name */ if (!apisWithTag.isEmpty()) { if (taggedAPIs.containsKey(tagName)) { for (API api : apisWithTag) { taggedAPIs.get(tagName).add(api); } } else { taggedAPIs.putIfAbsent(tagName, apisWithTag); } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get api by the tag", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get api by the tag", e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } return apisWithTag; } /** * Returns the set of APIs with the given tag from the taggedAPIs Map. * * @param tag The name of the tag * @param start The starting index of the return result set * @param end The end index of the return result set * @return A {@link Map} of APIs(between the given indexes) and the total number indicating all the available * APIs count * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Map<String, Object> getPaginatedAPIsWithTag(String tag, int start, int end, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { List<API> apiList = new ArrayList<API>(); Set<API> resultSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Set<API> taggedAPISet = this.getAPIsWithTag(tag, tenantDomain); if (taggedAPISet != null) { if (taggedAPISet.size() < end) { end = taggedAPISet.size(); } int totalLength; apiList.addAll(taggedAPISet); totalLength = apiList.size(); if (totalLength <= ((start + end) - 1)) { end = totalLength; } else { end = start + end; } for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { resultSet.add(apiList.get(i)); } results.put("apis", resultSet); results.put("length", taggedAPISet.size()); } else { results.put("apis", null); results.put("length", 0); } return results; } /** * Returns the set of APIs with the given tag, retrieved from registry * * @param registry - Current registry; tenant/SuperTenant * @param tag - The tag name * @return A {@link Set} of {@link API} objects. * @throws APIManagementException */ private Set<API> getAPIsWithTag(Registry registry, String tag) throws APIManagementException { Set<API> apiSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); try { List<GovernanceArtifact> genericArtifacts = GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifacts( APIConstants.TAG_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX2 + tag, registry, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE); for (GovernanceArtifact genericArtifact : genericArtifacts) { try { String apiStatus = genericArtifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); if (genericArtifact != null && (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(apiStatus) || APIConstants.PROTOTYPED.equals(apiStatus))) { API api = APIUtil.getAPI(genericArtifact); if (api != null) { apiSet.add(api); } } } catch (RegistryException e) { log.warn("User is not authorized to get an API with tag " + tag, e); } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get API for tag " + tag, e); } return apiSet; } /** * The method to get APIs to Store view * * @return Set<API> Set of APIs * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Set<API> getAllPublishedAPIs(String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); try { Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); } else { userRegistry = registry; } this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain; GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); if (artifactManager != null) { GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.getAllGenericArtifacts(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { return apiSortedSet; } Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); Boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { // adding the API provider can mark the latest API . String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); API api = null; //Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) { // then we are only interested in published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } else { // else we are interested in both deprecated/published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status) || APIConstants.DEPRECATED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } if (api != null) { String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { apiSortedSet.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); return apiSortedSet; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); return apiVersionsSortedSet; } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } return apiSortedSet; } /** * The method to get APIs to Store view * * * @return Set<API> Set of APIs * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override @Deprecated public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedPublishedAPIs(String tenantDomain, int start, int end) throws APIManagementException { Boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); //Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) { //Create the search attribute map listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PUBLISHED); } }); } else { return getAllPaginatedAPIs(tenantDomain, start, end); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); int totalLength = 0; try { Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); // explicitly load the tenant's registry APIUtil.loadTenantRegistry(tenantId); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); } this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain; Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE); GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); if (artifactManager != null) { GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { // adding the API provider can mark the latest API . API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); if (api != null) { String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { apiSortedSet.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } finally { PaginationContext.destroy(); } result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } /** * The method to get APIs in any of the given LC status array * * @return Map<String, Object> API result set with pagination information * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedAPIsByStatus(String tenantDomain, int start, int end, final String[] apiStatus, boolean returnAPITags) throws APIManagementException { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); int totalLength = 0; boolean isMore = false; String criteria = "lcState="; try { Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); // explicitly load the tenant's registry APIUtil.loadTenantRegistry(tenantId); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); } this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain; Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); String paginationLimit = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService() .getAPIManagerConfiguration().getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE); // If the Config exists use it to set the pagination limit final int maxPaginationLimit; if (paginationLimit != null) { // The additional 1 added to the maxPaginationLimit is to help us determine if more // APIs may exist so that we know that we are unable to determine the actual total // API count. We will subtract this 1 later on so that it does not interfere with // the logic of the rest of the application int pagination = Integer.parseInt(paginationLimit); // Because the store jaggery pagination logic is 10 results per a page we need to set pagination // limit to at least 11 or the pagination done at this level will conflict with the store pagination // leading to some of the APIs not being displayed if (pagination < 11) { pagination = 11; log.warn( "Value of '" + APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE + "' is too low, defaulting to 11"); } maxPaginationLimit = start + pagination + 1; } // Else if the config is not specified we go with default functionality and load all else { maxPaginationLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, maxPaginationLimit); criteria = criteria + APIUtil.getORBasedSearchCriteria(apiStatus); GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); if (artifactManager != null) { if (apiStatus != null && apiStatus.length > 0) { List<GovernanceArtifact> genericArtifacts = GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifacts(criteria, userRegistry, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE); totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.size() == 0) { result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } // Check to see if we can speculate that there are more APIs to be loaded if (maxPaginationLimit == totalLength) { isMore = true; // More APIs exist so we cannot determine the total API count without incurring a // performance hit --totalLength; // Remove the additional 1 we added earlier when setting max pagination limit } int tempLength = 0; for (GovernanceArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { API api = null; try { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } catch (APIManagementException e) { //log and continue since we want to load the rest of the APIs. log.error("Error while loading API " + artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME), e); } if (api != null) { if (returnAPITags) { String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, artifact.getId()); Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(); org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag[] tag = registry.getTags(artifactPath); for (org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag tag1 : tag) { tags.add(tag1.getTagName()); } api.addTags(tags); } String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } tempLength++; if (tempLength >= totalLength) { break; } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { apiSortedSet.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } finally { PaginationContext.destroy(); } result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } /** * The method to get APIs by given status to Store view * * @return Set<API> Set of APIs * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override @Deprecated public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedAPIsByStatus(String tenantDomain, int start, int end, final String apiStatus, boolean returnAPITags) throws APIManagementException { Boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); //Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false if (APIConstants.PROTOTYPED.equals(apiStatus)) { listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(apiStatus); } }); } else { if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) { //Create the search attribute map listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(apiStatus); } }); } else { return getAllPaginatedAPIs(tenantDomain, start, end); } } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); int totalLength = 0; boolean isMore = false; try { Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); // explicitly load the tenant's registry APIUtil.loadTenantRegistry(tenantId); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); } this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain; Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); String paginationLimit = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService() .getAPIManagerConfiguration().getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE); // If the Config exists use it to set the pagination limit final int maxPaginationLimit; if (paginationLimit != null) { // The additional 1 added to the maxPaginationLimit is to help us determine if more // APIs may exist so that we know that we are unable to determine the actual total // API count. We will subtract this 1 later on so that it does not interfere with // the logic of the rest of the application int pagination = Integer.parseInt(paginationLimit); // Because the store jaggery pagination logic is 10 results per a page we need to set pagination // limit to at least 11 or the pagination done at this level will conflict with the store pagination // leading to some of the APIs not being displayed if (pagination < 11) { pagination = 11; log.warn( "Value of '" + APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE + "' is too low, defaulting to 11"); } maxPaginationLimit = start + pagination + 1; } // Else if the config is not specified we go with default functionality and load all else { maxPaginationLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, maxPaginationLimit); GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); if (artifactManager != null) { GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } // Check to see if we can speculate that there are more APIs to be loaded if (maxPaginationLimit == totalLength) { isMore = true; // More APIs exist so we cannot determine the total API count without incurring a // performance hit --totalLength; // Remove the additional 1 we added earlier when setting max pagination limit } int tempLength = 0; for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { API api = null; try { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } catch (APIManagementException e) { //log and continue since we want to load the rest of the APIs. log.error( "Error while loading API " + artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME), e); } if (api != null) { if (returnAPITags) { String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, artifact.getId()); Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(); org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag[] tag = registry.getTags(artifactPath); for (org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag tag1 : tag) { tags.add(tag1.getTagName()); } api.addTags(tags); } String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } tempLength++; if (tempLength >= totalLength) { break; } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { apiSortedSet.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } finally { PaginationContext.destroy(); } result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } /** * Re-generates the access token. * @param oldAccessToken Token to be revoked * @param clientId Consumer Key for the Application * @param clientSecret Consumer Secret for the Application * @param validityTime Desired Validity time for the token * @param jsonInput Additional parameters if Authorization server needs any. * @return Renewed Access Token. * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public AccessTokenInfo renewAccessToken(String oldAccessToken, String clientId, String clientSecret, String validityTime, String requestedScopes[], String jsonInput) throws APIManagementException { // Create Token Request with parameters provided from UI. AccessTokenRequest tokenRequest = new AccessTokenRequest(); tokenRequest.setClientId(clientId); tokenRequest.setClientSecret(clientSecret); tokenRequest.setValidityPeriod(Long.parseLong(validityTime)); tokenRequest.setTokenToRevoke(oldAccessToken); tokenRequest.setScope(requestedScopes); try { // Populating additional parameters. tokenRequest = ApplicationUtils.populateTokenRequest(jsonInput, tokenRequest); KeyManager keyManager = KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance(); return keyManager.getNewApplicationAccessToken(tokenRequest); } catch (APIManagementException e) { log.error("Error while re-generating AccessToken", e); throw e; } } /** * The method to get All PUBLISHED and DEPRECATED APIs, to Store view * * @return Set<API> Set of APIs * @throws APIManagementException */ @Deprecated public Map<String, Object> getAllPaginatedAPIs(String tenantDomain, int start, int end) throws APIManagementException { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); int totalLength = 0; try { Registry userRegistry; boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); } this.isTenantModeStoreView = isTenantMode; this.requestedTenant = tenantDomain; Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE); boolean noPublishedAPIs = false; if (artifactManager != null) { //Create the search attribute map for PUBLISHED APIs Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PUBLISHED); } }); GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { noPublishedAPIs = true; } int publishedAPICount; if (genericArtifacts != null) { for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { // adding the API provider can mark the latest API . // String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); if (api != null) { String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API // key = api.getId().getProviderName() + ":" + api.getId().getApiName() + ":" + api.getId() // .getVersion(); multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { publishedAPICount = latestPublishedAPIs.size(); } else { publishedAPICount = multiVersionedAPIs.size(); } if ((start + end) > publishedAPICount) { if (publishedAPICount > 0) { /*Starting to retrieve DEPRECATED APIs*/ start = 0; /* publishedAPICount is always less than end*/ end = end - publishedAPICount; } else { start = start - totalLength; } PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE); //Create the search attribute map for DEPRECATED APIs Map<String, List<String>> listMapForDeprecatedAPIs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); listMapForDeprecatedAPIs.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.DEPRECATED); } }); GenericArtifact[] genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs = artifactManager .findGenericArtifacts(listMapForDeprecatedAPIs); totalLength = totalLength + PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); if ((genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs == null || genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs.length == 0) && noPublishedAPIs) { result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } if (genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs != null) { for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifactsForDeprecatedAPIs) { // adding the API provider can mark the latest API . API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); if (api != null) { String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } } } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { for (API api : latestPublishedAPIs.values()) { apiSortedSet.add(api); } result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); result.put("apis", apiVersionsSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } finally { PaginationContext.destroy(); } result.put("apis", apiSortedSet); result.put("totalLength", totalLength); return result; } @Override public Set<API> getTopRatedAPIs(int limit) throws APIManagementException { int returnLimit = 0; SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); try { GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY); GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.getAllGenericArtifacts(); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { return apiSortedSet; } for (GenericArtifact genericArtifact : genericArtifacts) { String status = genericArtifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) { String artifactPath = genericArtifact.getPath(); float rating = registry.getAverageRating(artifactPath); if (rating > APIConstants.TOP_TATE_MARGIN && (returnLimit < limit)) { returnLimit++; API api = APIUtil.getAPI(genericArtifact, registry); if (api != null) { apiSortedSet.add(api); } } } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get top rated API", e); } return apiSortedSet; } /** * Get the recently added APIs set * * @param limit no limit. Return everything else, limit the return list to specified value. * @return Set<API> * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Set<API> getRecentlyAddedAPIs(int limit, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { SortedSet<API> recentlyAddedAPIs = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> recentlyAddedAPIsWithMultipleVersions = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); Registry userRegistry; APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService() .getAPIManagerConfiguration(); boolean isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled = Boolean .parseBoolean(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_ENABLE)); PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); boolean isTenantFlowStarted; if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); isTenantFlowStarted = true; } else { PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setTenantDomain(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME, true); isTenantFlowStarted = true; } try { boolean isTenantMode = (tenantDomain != null); if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(tenantDomain))) {//Tenant based store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); // explicitly load the tenant's registry APIUtil.loadTenantRegistry(tenantId); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME); isTenantFlowStarted = true; userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); } else { userRegistry = registry; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(this.username); isTenantFlowStarted = true; } if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) { boolean isStatusChanged = false; Set<API> recentlyAddedAPI = (Set<API>) Caching .getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER) .getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME) .get(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain); if (recentlyAddedAPI != null) { for (API api : recentlyAddedAPI) { try { if (!APIConstants.PUBLISHED .equalsIgnoreCase(userRegistry.get(APIUtil.getAPIPath(api.getId())) .getProperty(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS))) { isStatusChanged = true; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error while checking API status for APP " + api.getId().getApiName() + '-' + api.getId().getVersion(), ex); } } if (!isStatusChanged) { return recentlyAddedAPI; } } } PaginationContext.init(0, limit, APIConstants.REGISTRY_ARTIFACT_SEARCH_DESC_ORDER, APIConstants.REGISTRY_ARTIFACT_SORT_BY_CREATED_TIME, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PUBLISHED); } }); //Find UUID GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(userRegistry, APIConstants.API_KEY); if (artifactManager != null) { GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); SortedSet<API> allAPIs = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { API api = null; try { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } catch (APIManagementException e) { //just log and continue since we want to go through the other APIs as well. log.error("Error loading API " + artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME), e); } if (api != null) { allAPIs.add(api); } } if (!APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions()) { Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); String key; for (API api : allAPIs) { key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same // name, make sure this one has a higher version // number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } recentlyAddedAPIs.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) { Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER) .getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME) .put(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain, allAPIs); } return recentlyAddedAPIs; } else { recentlyAddedAPIsWithMultipleVersions.addAll(allAPIs); if (isRecentlyAddedAPICacheEnabled) { Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER) .getCache(APIConstants.RECENTLY_ADDED_API_CACHE_NAME) .put(username + COLON_CHAR + tenantDomain, allAPIs); } return recentlyAddedAPIsWithMultipleVersions; } } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all published APIs", e); } finally { PaginationContext.destroy(); if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } return recentlyAddedAPIs; } @Override public Set<Tag> getAllTags(String requestedTenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { this.isTenantModeStoreView = (requestedTenantDomain != null); if (requestedTenantDomain != null) { this.requestedTenant = requestedTenantDomain; } /* We keep track of the lastUpdatedTime of the TagCache to determine its freshness. */ long lastUpdatedTimeAtStart = lastUpdatedTime; long currentTimeAtStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (isTagCacheEnabled && ((currentTimeAtStart - lastUpdatedTimeAtStart) < tagCacheValidityTime)) { if (tagSet != null) { return tagSet; } } TreeSet<Tag> tempTagSet = new TreeSet<Tag>(new Comparator<Tag>() { @Override public int compare(Tag o1, Tag o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); Registry userRegistry = null; boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; String tagsQueryPath = null; try { tagsQueryPath = RegistryConstants.QUERIES_COLLECTION_PATH + "/tag-summary"; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(RegistryConstants.RESULT_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, RegistryConstants.TAG_SUMMARY_RESULT_TYPE); //as a tenant, I'm browsing my own Store or I'm browsing a Store of another tenant.. if ((this.isTenantModeStoreView && this.tenantDomain == null) || (this.isTenantModeStoreView && isTenantDomainNotMatching(requestedTenantDomain))) {//Tenant based store anonymous mode int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(this.requestedTenant); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantId); } else { userRegistry = registry; } Map<String, Tag> tagsData = new HashMap<String, Tag>(); try { PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(((UserRegistry) userRegistry).getUserName()); if (requestedTenant != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(requestedTenant)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(requestedTenant, true); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() .setUsername(((UserRegistry) userRegistry).getUserName()); } Map<String, List<String>> criteriaPublished = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); criteriaPublished.put(APIConstants.LCSTATE_SEARCH_KEY, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PUBLISHED); } }); //rxt api media type List<TermData> termsPublished = GovernanceUtils.getTermDataList(criteriaPublished, APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TAG, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE, true); if (termsPublished != null) { for (TermData data : termsPublished) { tempTagSet.add(new Tag(data.getTerm(), (int) data.getFrequency())); } } Map<String, List<String>> criteriaPrototyped = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); criteriaPrototyped.put(APIConstants.LCSTATE_SEARCH_KEY, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PROTOTYPED); } }); //rxt api media type List<TermData> termsPrototyped = GovernanceUtils.getTermDataList(criteriaPrototyped, APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TAG, APIConstants.API_RXT_MEDIA_TYPE, true); if (termsPrototyped != null) { for (TermData data : termsPrototyped) { tempTagSet.add(new Tag(data.getTerm(), (int) data.getFrequency())); } } } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } synchronized (tagCacheMutex) { lastUpdatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.tagSet = tempTagSet; } } catch (RegistryException e) { try { //Before a tenant login to the store or publisher at least one time, //a registry exception is thrown when the tenant store is accessed in anonymous mode. //This fix checks whether query resource available in the registry. If not // give a warn. if (userRegistry != null && !userRegistry.resourceExists(tagsQueryPath)) { log.warn("Failed to retrieve tags query resource at " + tagsQueryPath); return tagSet == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : tagSet; } } catch (RegistryException e1) { // Even if we should ignore this exception, we are logging this as a warn log. // The reason is that, this error happens when we try to add some additional logs in an error // scenario and it does not affect the execution path. log.warn("Unable to execute the resource exist method for tags query resource path : " + tagsQueryPath, e1); } handleException("Failed to get all the tags", e); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get all the tags", e); } return tagSet; } @Override public Set<Tag> getTagsWithAttributes(String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { // Fetch the all the tags first. Set<Tag> tags = getAllTags(tenantDomain); // For each and every tag get additional attributes from the registry. String descriptionPathPattern = APIConstants.TAGS_INFO_ROOT_LOCATION + "/%s/description.txt"; String thumbnailPathPattern = APIConstants.TAGS_INFO_ROOT_LOCATION + "/%s/thumbnail.png"; //if the tenantDomain is not specified super tenant domain is used if (StringUtils.isBlank(tenantDomain)) { try { tenantDomain = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getSuperTenantDomain(); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { handleException("Cannot get super tenant domain name", e); } } //get the registry instance related to the tenant domain UserRegistry govRegistry = null; try { ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager().getTenantId(tenantDomain); int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService(); govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantId); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Cannot get tenant id for tenant domain name:" + tenantDomain, e); } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Cannot get registry for tenant domain name:" + tenantDomain, e); } if (govRegistry != null) { for (Tag tag : tags) { // Get the description. Resource descriptionResource = null; String descriptionPath = String.format(descriptionPathPattern, tag.getName()); try { if (govRegistry.resourceExists(descriptionPath)) { descriptionResource = govRegistry.get(descriptionPath); } } catch (RegistryException e) { //warn and proceed to the next tag log.warn(String.format("Error while querying the existence of the description for the tag '%s'", tag.getName()), e); } // The resource is assumed to be a byte array since its the content // of a text file. if (descriptionResource != null) { try { String description = new String((byte[]) descriptionResource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset()); tag.setDescription(description); } catch (ClassCastException e) { //added warnings as it can then proceed to load rest of resources/tags log.warn(String.format("Cannot cast content of %s to byte[]", descriptionPath), e); } catch (RegistryException e) { //added warnings as it can then proceed to load rest of resources/tags log.warn(String.format("Cannot read content of %s", descriptionPath), e); } } // Checks whether the thumbnail exists. String thumbnailPath = String.format(thumbnailPathPattern, tag.getName()); try { boolean isThumbnailExists = govRegistry.resourceExists(thumbnailPath); tag.setThumbnailExists(isThumbnailExists); if (isThumbnailExists) { tag.setThumbnailUrl(APIUtil.getRegistryResourcePathForUI( APIConstants.RegistryResourceTypesForUI.TAG_THUMBNAIL, tenantDomain, thumbnailPath)); } } catch (RegistryException e) { //warn and then proceed to load rest of tags log.warn(String.format("Error while querying the existence of %s", thumbnailPath), e); } } } return tags; } @Override public void rateAPI(APIIdentifier apiId, APIRating rating, String user) throws APIManagementException { apiMgtDAO.addRating(apiId, rating.getRating(), user); } @Override public void removeAPIRating(APIIdentifier apiId, String user) throws APIManagementException { apiMgtDAO.removeAPIRating(apiId, user); } @Override public int getUserRating(APIIdentifier apiId, String user) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getUserRating(apiId, user); } @Override public Set<API> getPublishedAPIsByProvider(String providerId, int limit) throws APIManagementException { SortedSet<API> apiSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); SortedSet<API> apiVersionsSortedSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APIVersionComparator()); try { Map<String, API> latestPublishedAPIs = new HashMap<String, API>(); List<API> multiVersionedAPIs = new ArrayList<API>(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Boolean displayMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); Boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); String providerPath = APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + providerId; GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY); Association[] associations = registry.getAssociations(providerPath, APIConstants.PROVIDER_ASSOCIATION); if (associations.length < limit || limit == -1) { limit = associations.length; } for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { Association association = associations[i]; String apiPath = association.getDestinationPath(); Resource resource = registry.get(apiPath); String apiArtifactId = resource.getUUID(); if (apiArtifactId != null) { GenericArtifact artifact = artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(apiArtifactId); // check the API status String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); API api = null; //Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) { // then we are only interested in published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } else { // else we are interested in both deprecated/published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status) || APIConstants.DEPRECATED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } if (api != null) { String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!displayMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = latestPublishedAPIs.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { // We haven't seen this API before latestPublishedAPIs.put(key, api); } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API multiVersionedAPIs.add(api); } } } else { throw new GovernanceException("artifact id is null of " + apiPath); } } if (!displayMultipleVersions) { apiSortedSet.addAll(latestPublishedAPIs.values()); return apiSortedSet; } else { apiVersionsSortedSet.addAll(multiVersionedAPIs); return apiVersionsSortedSet; } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e); } return null; } @Override public Set<API> getPublishedAPIsByProvider(String providerId, String loggedUsername, int limit, String apiOwner, String apiBizOwner) throws APIManagementException { try { Boolean allowMultipleVersions = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions(); Boolean showAllAPIs = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); String providerDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId)); int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(providerDomain); final Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantId); GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY); int publishedAPICount = 0; Map<String, API> apiCollection = new HashMap<String, API>(); if (apiBizOwner != null && !apiBizOwner.isEmpty()) { try { final String bizOwner = apiBizOwner; GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager .findGenericArtifacts(new GenericArtifactFilter() { public boolean matches(GenericArtifact artifact) throws GovernanceException { return artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_BUSS_OWNER) != null && bizOwner.matches( artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_BUSS_OWNER)); } }); if (genericArtifacts != null && genericArtifacts.length > 0) { for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { if (publishedAPICount >= limit) { break; } if (isCandidateAPI(artifact.getPath(), loggedUsername, artifactManager, tenantId, showAllAPIs, allowMultipleVersions, apiOwner, providerId, registry, apiCollection)) { publishedAPICount += 1; } } } } catch (GovernanceException e) { log.error("Error while finding APIs by business owner " + apiBizOwner, e); return null; } } else { String providerPath = APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + providerId; Association[] associations = registry.getAssociations(providerPath, APIConstants.PROVIDER_ASSOCIATION); for (Association association : associations) { if (publishedAPICount >= limit) { break; } String apiPath = association.getDestinationPath(); if (isCandidateAPI(apiPath, loggedUsername, artifactManager, tenantId, showAllAPIs, allowMultipleVersions, apiOwner, providerId, registry, apiCollection)) { publishedAPICount += 1; } } } return new HashSet<API>(apiCollection.values()); } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e); return null; } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e); return null; } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Failed to get Published APIs for provider : " + providerId, e); return null; } } private boolean isCandidateAPI(String apiPath, String loggedUsername, GenericArtifactManager artifactManager, int tenantId, boolean showAllAPIs, boolean allowMultipleVersions, String apiOwner, String providerId, Registry registry, Map<String, API> apiCollection) throws UserStoreException, RegistryException, APIManagementException { AuthorizationManager manager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService() .getTenantUserRealm(tenantId).getAuthorizationManager(); Comparator<API> versionComparator = new APIVersionComparator(); Resource resource; String path = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(), APIUtil.getMountedPath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(), RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + apiPath); boolean checkAuthorized; String userNameWithoutDomain = loggedUsername; if (!loggedUsername.isEmpty() && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(super.tenantDomain)) { String[] nameParts = loggedUsername.split("@"); userNameWithoutDomain = nameParts[0]; } int loggedInUserTenantDomain = -1; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(loggedUsername)) { loggedInUserTenantDomain = APIUtil.getTenantId(loggedUsername); } if (loggedUsername.isEmpty()) { // Anonymous user is viewing. checkAuthorized = manager.isRoleAuthorized(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, path, ActionConstants.GET); } else if (tenantId != loggedInUserTenantDomain) { //Cross tenant scenario providerId = APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId); String[] nameParts = providerId.split("@"); String provideNameWithoutDomain = nameParts[0]; checkAuthorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(provideNameWithoutDomain, path, ActionConstants.GET); } else { // Some user is logged in also user and api provider tenant domain are same. checkAuthorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(userNameWithoutDomain, path, ActionConstants.GET); } String apiArtifactId = null; if (checkAuthorized) { resource = registry.get(apiPath); apiArtifactId = resource.getUUID(); } if (apiArtifactId != null) { GenericArtifact artifact = artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(apiArtifactId); // check the API status String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); API api = null; //Check the api-manager.xml config file entry <DisplayAllAPIs> value is false if (!showAllAPIs) { // then we are only interested in published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } else { // else we are interested in both deprecated/published APIs here... if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status) || APIConstants.DEPRECATED.equals(status)) { api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } } if (api != null) { String apiVisibility = api.getVisibility(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiVisibility) && !APIConstants.API_GLOBAL_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(apiVisibility)) { String providerDomain = MultitenantUtils .getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId)); String loginUserDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(loggedUsername); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(providerDomain) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(loginUserDomain) && !providerDomain.equals(loginUserDomain)) { return false; } } // apiOwner is the value coming from front end and compared against the API instance if (apiOwner != null && !apiOwner.isEmpty()) { if (APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId).equals(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(apiOwner)) && api.getApiOwner() != null && !api.getApiOwner().isEmpty() && !APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(apiOwner) .equals(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(api.getApiOwner()))) { return false; // reject remote APIs when local admin user's API selected } else if (!APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(providerId) .equals(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(apiOwner)) && !APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(apiOwner) .equals(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(api.getApiOwner()))) { return false; // reject local admin's APIs when remote API selected } } String key; //Check the configuration to allow showing multiple versions of an API true/false if (!allowMultipleVersions) { //If allow only showing the latest version of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName(); API existingAPI = apiCollection.get(key); if (existingAPI != null) { // If we have already seen an API with the same name, make sure // this one has a higher version number if (, existingAPI) > 0) { apiCollection.put(key, api); return true; } } else { // We haven't seen this API before apiCollection.put(key, api); return true; } } else { //If allow showing multiple versions of an API key = api.getId().getProviderName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getApiName() + COLON_CHAR + api.getId().getVersion(); //we're not really interested in the key, so generate one for the sake of adding this element to //the map. key = key + '_' + apiCollection.size(); apiCollection.put(key, api); return true; } } } return false; } @Override public Map<String, Object> searchPaginatedAPIs(String searchTerm, String searchType, String requestedTenantDomain, int start, int end, boolean isLazyLoad) throws APIManagementException { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; try { boolean isTenantMode = (requestedTenantDomain != null); if (isTenantMode && !org.wso2.carbon.base.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME .equals(requestedTenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(requestedTenantDomain, true); } else { requestedTenantDomain = org.wso2.carbon.base.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME; isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(requestedTenantDomain, true); } Registry userRegistry; int tenantIDLocal = 0; String userNameLocal = this.username; if ((isTenantMode && this.tenantDomain == null) || (isTenantMode && isTenantDomainNotMatching(requestedTenantDomain))) {//Tenant store anonymous mode tenantIDLocal = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(requestedTenantDomain); userRegistry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService() .getGovernanceUserRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME, tenantIDLocal); userNameLocal = CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME; } else { userRegistry = this.registry; tenantIDLocal = tenantId; } PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setUsername(userNameLocal); if (APIConstants.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { Map<Documentation, API> apiDocMap = APIUtil.searchAPIsByDoc(userRegistry, tenantIDLocal, userNameLocal, searchTerm, APIConstants.STORE_CLIENT); result.put("apis", apiDocMap); /*Pagination for Document search results is not supported yet, hence length is sent as end-start*/ if (apiDocMap.isEmpty()) { result.put("length", 0); } else { result.put("length", end - start); } } else if ("subcontext".equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { result = APIUtil.searchAPIsByURLPattern(userRegistry, searchTerm, start, end); ; } else { result = searchPaginatedAPIs(userRegistry, searchTerm, searchType, start, end, isLazyLoad); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Failed to Search APIs", e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } return result; } /** * Pagination API search based on solr indexing * * @param registry * @param searchTerm * @param searchType * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ public Map<String, Object> searchPaginatedAPIs(Registry registry, String searchTerm, String searchType, int start, int end, boolean limitAttributes) throws APIManagementException { SortedSet<API> apiSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator()); List<API> apiList = new ArrayList<API>(); searchTerm = searchTerm.trim(); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int totalLength = 0; boolean isMore = false; String criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME; try { String paginationLimit = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService() .getAPIManagerConfiguration().getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE); // If the Config exists use it to set the pagination limit final int maxPaginationLimit; if (paginationLimit != null) { // The additional 1 added to the maxPaginationLimit is to help us determine if more // APIs may exist so that we know that we are unable to determine the actual total // API count. We will subtract this 1 later on so that it does not interfere with // the logic of the rest of the application int pagination = Integer.parseInt(paginationLimit); // Because the store jaggery pagination logic is 10 results per a page we need to set pagination // limit to at least 11 or the pagination done at this level will conflict with the store pagination // leading to some of the APIs not being displayed if (pagination < 11) { pagination = 11; log.warn( "Value of '" + APIConstants.API_STORE_APIS_PER_PAGE + "' is too low, defaulting to 11"); } maxPaginationLimit = start + pagination + 1; } // Else if the config is not specified we go with default functionality and load all else { maxPaginationLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY); PaginationContext.init(start, end, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, maxPaginationLimit); if (artifactManager != null) { if (APIConstants.API_PROVIDER.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER; searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("@", "-AT-"); } else if (APIConstants.API_VERSION_LABEL.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION; } else if (APIConstants.API_CONTEXT.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CONTEXT; } else if (APIConstants.API_DESCRIPTION.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_DESCRIPTION; } else if (APIConstants.API_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(searchType)) { criteria = APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TAG; } //Create the search attribute map for PUBLISHED APIs final String searchValue = searchTerm; Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); listMap.put(criteria, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(searchValue); } }); boolean displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus = APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus(); //This is due to take only the published APIs from the search if there is no need to return APIs with //multiple status. This is because pagination is breaking when we do a another filtering with the API Status if (!displayAPIsWithMultipleStatus) { listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(APIConstants.PUBLISHED); } }); } GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); totalLength = PaginationContext.getInstance().getLength(); boolean isFound = true; if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { if (APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER.equals(criteria)) { genericArtifacts = searchAPIsByOwner(artifactManager, searchValue); if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) { isFound = false; } } else { isFound = false; } } if (!isFound) { result.put("apis", apiSet); result.put("length", 0); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } // Check to see if we can speculate that there are more APIs to be loaded if (maxPaginationLimit == totalLength) { isMore = true; // More APIs exist, cannot determine total API count without incurring perf hit --totalLength; // Remove the additional 1 added earlier when setting max pagination limit } int tempLength = 0; for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) { String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS); if (APIUtil.isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus()) { if (APIConstants.PROTOTYPED.equals(status) || APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status) || APIConstants.DEPRECATED.equals(status)) { API resultAPI; if (limitAttributes) { resultAPI = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } else { resultAPI = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact, registry); } if (resultAPI != null) { apiList.add(resultAPI); } } } else { if (APIConstants.PROTOTYPED.equals(status) || APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) { API resultAPI; if (limitAttributes) { resultAPI = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact); } else { resultAPI = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact, registry); } if (resultAPI != null) { apiList.add(resultAPI); } } } // Ensure the APIs returned matches the length, there could be an additional API // returned due incrementing the pagination limit when getting from registry tempLength++; if (tempLength >= totalLength) { break; } } apiSet.addAll(apiList); } } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("Failed to search APIs with type", e); } result.put("apis", apiSet); result.put("length", totalLength); result.put("isMore", isMore); return result; } private GenericArtifact[] searchAPIsByOwner(GenericArtifactManager artifactManager, final String searchValue) throws GovernanceException { Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); listMap.put(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_OWNER, new ArrayList<String>() { { add(searchValue); } }); return artifactManager.findGenericArtifacts(listMap); } /** *This method will delete application key mapping table and application registration table. *@param applicationName application Name *@param tokenType Token Type. *@param groupId group id. *@param userName user name. *@return *@throws APIManagementException */ @Override public void cleanUpApplicationRegistration(String applicationName, String tokenType, String groupId, String userName) throws APIManagementException { Application application = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationByName(applicationName, userName, groupId); String applicationId = String.valueOf(application.getId()); apiMgtDAO.deleteApplicationRegistration(applicationId, tokenType); apiMgtDAO.deleteApplicationKeyMappingByApplicationIdAndType(applicationId, tokenType); String consumerKey = apiMgtDAO.getConsumerkeyByApplicationIdAndKeyType(applicationId, tokenType); } /** * * @param jsonString this string will contain oAuth app details * @param userName user name of logged in user. * @param clientId this is the consumer key of oAuthApplication * @param applicationName this is the APIM appication name. * @param keyType * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Map<String, Object> mapExistingOAuthClient(String jsonString, String userName, String clientId, String applicationName, String keyType) throws APIManagementException { String callBackURL = null; OAuthAppRequest oauthAppRequest = ApplicationUtils.createOauthAppRequest(applicationName, clientId, callBackURL, "default", jsonString); KeyManager keyManager = KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance(); // Checking if clientId is mapped with another application. if (apiMgtDAO.isMappingExistsforConsumerKey(clientId)) { String message = "Consumer Key " + clientId + " is used for another Application."; log.error(message); throw new APIManagementException(message); } log.debug("Client ID not mapped previously with another application."); //createApplication on oAuthorization server. OAuthApplicationInfo oAuthApplication = keyManager.mapOAuthApplication(oauthAppRequest); //Do application mapping with consumerKey. apiMgtDAO.createApplicationKeyTypeMappingForManualClients(keyType, applicationName, userName, clientId); AccessTokenRequest tokenRequest = ApplicationUtils.createAccessTokenRequest(oAuthApplication, null); AccessTokenInfo tokenInfo = keyManager.getNewApplicationAccessToken(tokenRequest); //#TODO get actuall values from response and pass. Map<String, Object> keyDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (tokenInfo != null) { keyDetails.put("validityTime", Long.toString(tokenInfo.getValidityPeriod())); keyDetails.put("accessToken", tokenInfo.getAccessToken()); } if (oAuthApplication != null) { keyDetails.put("consumerKey", oAuthApplication.getClientId()); keyDetails.put("consumerSecret", oAuthApplication.getParameter("client_secret")); keyDetails.put("appDetails", oAuthApplication.getJsonString()); } return keyDetails; } /** returns the SubscribedAPI object which is related to the subscriptionId * * @param subscriptionId subscription id * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public SubscribedAPI getSubscriptionById(int subscriptionId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionById(subscriptionId); } @Override public Set<SubscribedAPI> getSubscribedAPIs(Subscriber subscriber) throws APIManagementException { return getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, null); } @Override public Set<SubscribedAPI> getSubscribedAPIs(Subscriber subscriber, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { Set<SubscribedAPI> originalSubscribedAPIs; Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = new HashSet<SubscribedAPI>(); try { originalSubscribedAPIs = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, groupingId); if (originalSubscribedAPIs != null && !originalSubscribedAPIs.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Tier> tiers = APIUtil.getTiers(tenantId); for (SubscribedAPI subscribedApi : originalSubscribedAPIs) { Tier tier = tiers.get(subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); subscribedApi.getTier().setDisplayName( tier != null ? tier.getDisplayName() : subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); subscribedAPIs.add(subscribedApi); } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Failed to get APIs of " + subscriber.getName(), e); } return subscribedAPIs; } @Override public Set<SubscribedAPI> getSubscribedAPIs(Subscriber subscriber, String applicationName, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = null; try { subscribedAPIs = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, applicationName, groupingId); if (subscribedAPIs != null && !subscribedAPIs.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Tier> tiers = APIUtil.getTiers(tenantId); for (SubscribedAPI subscribedApi : subscribedAPIs) { Tier tier = tiers.get(subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); subscribedApi.getTier().setDisplayName( tier != null ? tier.getDisplayName() : subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); // We do not need to add the modified object again. } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException( "Failed to get APIs of " + subscriber.getName() + " under application " + applicationName, e); } return subscribedAPIs; } @Override public Set<SubscribedAPI> getPaginatedSubscribedAPIs(Subscriber subscriber, String applicationName, int startSubIndex, int endSubIndex, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = null; try { subscribedAPIs = apiMgtDAO.getPaginatedSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, applicationName, startSubIndex, endSubIndex, groupingId); if (subscribedAPIs != null && !subscribedAPIs.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Tier> tiers = APIUtil.getTiers(tenantId); for (SubscribedAPI subscribedApi : subscribedAPIs) { Tier tier = tiers.get(subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); subscribedApi.getTier().setDisplayName( tier != null ? tier.getDisplayName() : subscribedApi.getTier().getName()); // We do not need to add the modified object again. // subscribedAPIs.add(subscribedApi); } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException( "Failed to get APIs of " + subscriber.getName() + " under application " + applicationName, e); } return subscribedAPIs; } public Integer getSubscriptionCount(Subscriber subscriber, String applicationName, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionCount(subscriber, applicationName, groupingId); } @Override public Set<APIIdentifier> getAPIByConsumerKey(String accessToken) throws APIManagementException { try { return apiMgtDAO.getAPIByConsumerKey(accessToken); } catch (APIManagementException e) { handleException("Error while obtaining API from API key", e); } return null; } @Override public boolean isSubscribed(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier, String userId) throws APIManagementException { boolean isSubscribed; try { isSubscribed = apiMgtDAO.isSubscribed(apiIdentifier, userId); } catch (APIManagementException e) { String msg = "Failed to check if user(" + userId + ") has subscribed to " + apiIdentifier; log.error(msg, e); throw new APIManagementException(msg, e); } return isSubscribed; } @Override public SubscriptionResponse addSubscription(APIIdentifier identifier, String userId, int applicationId) throws APIManagementException { API api = getAPI(identifier); WorkflowResponse workflowResponse = null; int subscriptionId; if (api.getStatus().equals(APIStatus.PUBLISHED)) { subscriptionId = apiMgtDAO.addSubscription(identifier, api.getContext(), applicationId, APIConstants.SubscriptionStatus.ON_HOLD, userId); boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } String applicationName = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationNameFromId(applicationId); try { WorkflowExecutor addSubscriptionWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION); SubscriptionWorkflowDTO workflowDTO = new SubscriptionWorkflowDTO(); workflowDTO.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.CREATED); workflowDTO.setCreatedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); workflowDTO.setTenantDomain(tenantDomain); workflowDTO.setTenantId(tenantId); workflowDTO.setExternalWorkflowReference(addSubscriptionWFExecutor.generateUUID()); workflowDTO.setWorkflowReference(String.valueOf(subscriptionId)); workflowDTO.setWorkflowType(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION); workflowDTO.setCallbackUrl(addSubscriptionWFExecutor.getCallbackURL()); workflowDTO.setApiName(identifier.getApiName()); workflowDTO.setApiContext(api.getContext()); workflowDTO.setApiVersion(identifier.getVersion()); workflowDTO.setApiProvider(identifier.getProviderName()); workflowDTO.setTierName(identifier.getTier()); workflowDTO.setApplicationName(apiMgtDAO.getApplicationNameFromId(applicationId)); workflowDTO.setSubscriber(userId); workflowResponse = addSubscriptionWFExecutor.execute(workflowDTO); } catch (WorkflowException e) { //If the workflow execution fails, roll back transaction by removing the subscription entry. apiMgtDAO.removeSubscriptionById(subscriptionId); log.error("Could not execute Workflow", e); throw new APIManagementException("Could not execute Workflow", e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } if (APIUtil.isAPIGatewayKeyCacheEnabled()) { invalidateCachedKeys(applicationId); } SubscribedAPI addedSubscription = getSubscriptionById(subscriptionId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String logMessage = "API Name: " + identifier.getApiName() + ", API Version " + identifier.getVersion() + ", Subscription Status: " + addedSubscription.getSubStatus() + " subscribe by " + userId + " for app " + applicationName; log.debug(logMessage); } JSONObject subsLogObject = new JSONObject(); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.API_NAME, identifier.getApiName()); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.PROVIDER, identifier.getProviderName()); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION_ID, applicationId); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION_NAME, applicationName); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.TIER, identifier.getTier()); APIUtil.logAuditMessage(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.SUBSCRIPTION, subsLogObject.toString(), APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.CREATED, this.username); return new SubscriptionResponse(addedSubscription.getSubStatus(), addedSubscription.getUUID(), workflowResponse); } else { throw new APIManagementException( "Subscriptions not allowed on APIs in the state: " + api.getStatus().getStatus()); } } @Override public String getSubscriptionStatusById(int subscriptionId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionStatusById(subscriptionId); } @Override public void removeSubscription(APIIdentifier identifier, String userId, int applicationId) throws APIManagementException { boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; String providerTenantDomain = MultitenantUtils .getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(identifier.getProviderName())); String applicationName = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationNameFromId(applicationId); try { if (providerTenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(providerTenantDomain)) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(providerTenantDomain, true); isTenantFlowStarted = true; } API api = getAPI(identifier); SubscriptionWorkflowDTO workflowDTO; WorkflowExecutor createSubscriptionWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION); WorkflowExecutor removeSubscriptionWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETION); String workflowExtRef = apiMgtDAO.getExternalWorkflowReferenceForSubscription(identifier, applicationId); // in a normal flow workflowExtRef is null when workflows are not enabled if (workflowExtRef == null) { workflowDTO = new SubscriptionWorkflowDTO(); } else { workflowDTO = (SubscriptionWorkflowDTO) apiMgtDAO.retrieveWorkflow(workflowExtRef); // set tiername to the workflowDTO only when workflows are enabled SubscribedAPI subscription = apiMgtDAO .getSubscriptionById(Integer.parseInt(workflowDTO.getWorkflowReference())); workflowDTO.setTierName(subscription.getTier().getName()); } workflowDTO.setApiProvider(identifier.getProviderName()); workflowDTO.setApiContext(api.getContext()); workflowDTO.setApiName(identifier.getApiName()); workflowDTO.setApiVersion(identifier.getVersion()); workflowDTO.setApplicationName(applicationName); workflowDTO.setTenantDomain(tenantDomain); workflowDTO.setTenantId(tenantId); workflowDTO.setExternalWorkflowReference(workflowExtRef); workflowDTO.setSubscriber(userId); workflowDTO.setCallbackUrl(removeSubscriptionWFExecutor.getCallbackURL()); String status = apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionStatus(identifier, applicationId); if (APIConstants.SubscriptionStatus.ON_HOLD.equals(status)) { try { createSubscriptionWFExecutor.cleanUpPendingTask(workflowExtRef); } catch (WorkflowException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the deletion process log.warn("Failed to clean pending subscription approval task"); } } // update attributes of the new remove workflow to be created workflowDTO.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.CREATED); workflowDTO.setWorkflowType(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETION); workflowDTO.setCreatedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); workflowDTO.setExternalWorkflowReference(removeSubscriptionWFExecutor.generateUUID()); removeSubscriptionWFExecutor.execute(workflowDTO); JSONObject subsLogObject = new JSONObject(); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.API_NAME, identifier.getApiName()); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.PROVIDER, identifier.getProviderName()); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION_ID, applicationId); subsLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION_NAME, applicationName); APIUtil.logAuditMessage(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.SUBSCRIPTION, subsLogObject.toString(), APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.DELETED, this.username); } catch (WorkflowException e) { String errorMsg = "Could not execute Workflow, " + WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETION + " for apiID " + identifier.getApiName(); handleException(errorMsg, e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } if (APIUtil.isAPIGatewayKeyCacheEnabled()) { invalidateCachedKeys(applicationId); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String logMessage = "API Name: " + identifier.getApiName() + ", API Version " + identifier.getVersion() + " subscription removed from app " + applicationName + " by " + userId; log.debug(logMessage); } } /** * Removes a subscription specified by SubscribedAPI object * * @param subscription SubscribedAPI object * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public void removeSubscription(SubscribedAPI subscription) throws APIManagementException { String uuid = subscription.getUUID(); SubscribedAPI subscribedAPI = apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionByUUID(uuid); if (subscribedAPI != null) { Application application = subscribedAPI.getApplication(); APIIdentifier identifier = subscribedAPI.getApiId(); String userId = application.getSubscriber().getName(); removeSubscription(identifier, userId, application.getId()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String appName = application.getName(); String logMessage = "API Name: " + identifier.getApiName() + ", API Version " + identifier.getVersion() + " subscription (uuid : " + uuid + ") removed from app " + appName; log.debug(logMessage); } } else { throw new APIManagementException("Subscription for UUID:" + uuid + " does not exist."); } } /** * * @param applicationId Application ID related cache keys to be cleared * @throws APIManagementException */ private void invalidateCachedKeys(int applicationId) throws APIManagementException { CacheInvalidator.getInstance().invalidateCacheForApp(applicationId); } @Override public void removeSubscriber(APIIdentifier identifier, String userId) throws APIManagementException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsubscribe operation is not yet implemented"); } @Override public void updateSubscriptions(APIIdentifier identifier, String userId, int applicationId) throws APIManagementException { API api = getAPI(identifier); apiMgtDAO.updateSubscriptions(identifier, api.getContext(), applicationId, userId); } @Override public void addComment(APIIdentifier identifier, String commentText, String user) throws APIManagementException { apiMgtDAO.addComment(identifier, commentText, user); } @Override public org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Comment[] getComments(APIIdentifier identifier) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getComments(identifier); } /** * Add a new Application from the store. * @param application - {@link org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Application} * @param userId - {@link String} * @return {@link String} */ @Override public int addApplication(Application application, String userId) throws APIManagementException { if (APIUtil.isApplicationExist(userId, application.getName(), application.getGroupId())) { handleResourceAlreadyExistsException( "A duplicate application already exists by the name - " + application.getName()); } //check whether callback url is empty and set null if (StringUtils.isBlank(application.getCallbackUrl())) { application.setCallbackUrl(null); } int applicationId = apiMgtDAO.addApplication(application, userId); JSONObject appLogObject = new JSONObject(); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.NAME, application.getName()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.TIER, application.getTier()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.CALLBACK, application.getCallbackUrl()); APIUtil.logAuditMessage(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION, appLogObject.toString(), APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.CREATED, this.username); boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } try { WorkflowExecutor appCreationWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_CREATION); ApplicationWorkflowDTO appWFDto = new ApplicationWorkflowDTO(); appWFDto.setApplication(application); appWFDto.setExternalWorkflowReference(appCreationWFExecutor.generateUUID()); appWFDto.setWorkflowReference(String.valueOf(applicationId)); appWFDto.setWorkflowType(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_CREATION); appWFDto.setCallbackUrl(appCreationWFExecutor.getCallbackURL()); appWFDto.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.CREATED); appWFDto.setTenantDomain(tenantDomain); appWFDto.setTenantId(tenantId); appWFDto.setUserName(userId); appWFDto.setCreatedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); appCreationWFExecutor.execute(appWFDto); } catch (WorkflowException e) { //If the workflow execution fails, roll back transaction by removing the application entry. application.setId(applicationId); apiMgtDAO.deleteApplication(application); log.error("Unable to execute Application Creation Workflow", e); handleException("Unable to execute Application Creation Workflow", e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Application Name: " + application.getName() + " added successfully."); } return applicationId; } /** Updates an Application identified by its id * * @param application Application object to be updated * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public void updateApplication(Application application) throws APIManagementException { Application existingApp; String uuid = application.getUUID(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uuid)) { existingApp = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationByUUID(uuid); application.setId(existingApp.getId()); } else { existingApp = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationById(application.getId()); } if (existingApp != null && APIConstants.ApplicationStatus.APPLICATION_CREATED.equals(existingApp.getStatus())) { throw new APIManagementException("Cannot update the application while it is INACTIVE"); } //validate callback url if (!APIUtil.isValidURL(application.getCallbackUrl())) { log.warn("Invalid Call Back URL " + application.getCallbackUrl()); } apiMgtDAO.updateApplication(application); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Successfully updated the Application: " + application.getId() + " in the database."); } JSONObject appLogObject = new JSONObject(); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.NAME, application.getName()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.TIER, application.getTier()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.STATUS, existingApp != null ? existingApp.getStatus() : ""); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.CALLBACK, application.getCallbackUrl()); APIUtil.logAuditMessage(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION, appLogObject.toString(), APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.UPDATED, this.username); APIKey[] apiKeys = null; // Update on OAuthApps are performed by if ((application.getCallbackUrl() != null && existingApp != null && !application.getCallbackUrl().equals(existingApp.getCallbackUrl())) || (existingApp != null && !application.getName().equals(existingApp.getName()))) { // Only the OauthApps created from UI will be changed. Mapped Clients won't be touched. apiKeys = apiMgtDAO.getConsumerKeysWithMode(application.getId(), APIConstants.OAuthAppMode.CREATED.toString()); } if (apiKeys != null && apiKeys.length > 0) { for (APIKey apiKey : apiKeys) { OAuthApplicationInfo applicationInfo = new OAuthApplicationInfo(); applicationInfo.setClientId(apiKey.getConsumerKey()); if (application.getCallbackUrl() != null && application.getCallbackUrl().equals(existingApp.getCallbackUrl())) { applicationInfo.setCallBackURL(application.getCallbackUrl()); } if (application.getName() != null && !application.getName().equals(existingApp.getName())) { applicationInfo.setClientName(application.getName() + '_' + apiKey.getType()); } applicationInfo.addParameter(ApplicationConstants.OAUTH_CLIENT_USERNAME, application.getSubscriber().getName()); // This parameter is set as a way of indicating from which point updateApplication was called. When // integrating with different OAuthProviders, if the implementers do not wish to change CallBackUrl // when an update is performed on the AM_Application, then using this variable that update can be // ignored. applicationInfo.addParameter("executing_mode", "AM_APPLICATION_UPDATE"); OAuthAppRequest oAuthAppRequest = new OAuthAppRequest(); oAuthAppRequest.setOAuthApplicationInfo(applicationInfo); KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance().updateApplication(oAuthAppRequest); } } try { invalidateCachedKeys(application.getId()); } catch (APIManagementException ignore) { //Log and ignore since we do not want to throw exceptions to the front end due to cache invalidation failure. log.warn("Failed to invalidate Gateway Cache " + ignore.getMessage(), ignore); } } /** * Function to remove an Application from the API Store * * @param application - The Application Object that represents the Application * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public void removeApplication(Application application) throws APIManagementException { String uuid = application.getUUID(); if (application.getId() == 0 && !StringUtils.isEmpty(uuid)) { application = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationByUUID(uuid); } boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; int applicationId = application.getId(); try { String workflowExtRef; ApplicationWorkflowDTO workflowDTO; if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } WorkflowExecutor createApplicationWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_CREATION); WorkflowExecutor createSubscriptionWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION); WorkflowExecutor createProductionRegistrationWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_PRODUCTION); WorkflowExecutor createSandboxRegistrationWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_SANDBOX); WorkflowExecutor removeApplicationWFExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_DELETION); workflowExtRef = apiMgtDAO.getExternalWorkflowReferenceByApplicationID(application.getId()); // in a normal flow workflowExtRef is null when workflows are not enabled if (workflowExtRef == null) { workflowDTO = new ApplicationWorkflowDTO(); } else { workflowDTO = (ApplicationWorkflowDTO) apiMgtDAO.retrieveWorkflow(workflowExtRef); } workflowDTO.setApplication(application); workflowDTO.setCallbackUrl(removeApplicationWFExecutor.getCallbackURL()); workflowDTO.setUserName(this.username); workflowDTO.setTenantDomain(tenantDomain); workflowDTO.setTenantId(tenantId); // Remove from cache first since we won't be able to find active access tokens // once the application is removed. invalidateCachedKeys(application.getId()); // clean up pending subscription tasks Set<Integer> pendingSubscriptions = apiMgtDAO.getPendingSubscriptionsByApplicationId(applicationId); for (int subscription : pendingSubscriptions) { try { workflowExtRef = apiMgtDAO.getExternalWorkflowReferenceForSubscription(subscription); createSubscriptionWFExecutor.cleanUpPendingTask(workflowExtRef); } catch (APIManagementException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to get external workflow reference for subscription " + subscription); } catch (WorkflowException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to clean pending subscription approval task: " + subscription); } } // cleanup pending application registration tasks String productionKeyStatus = apiMgtDAO.getRegistrationApprovalState(applicationId, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION); String sandboxKeyStatus = apiMgtDAO.getRegistrationApprovalState(applicationId, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX); if (WorkflowStatus.CREATED.toString().equals(productionKeyStatus)) { try { workflowExtRef = apiMgtDAO.getRegistrationWFReference(applicationId, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION); createProductionRegistrationWFExecutor.cleanUpPendingTask(workflowExtRef); } catch (APIManagementException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to get external workflow reference for production key of application " + applicationId); } catch (WorkflowException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to clean pending production key approval task of " + applicationId); } } if (WorkflowStatus.CREATED.toString().equals(sandboxKeyStatus)) { try { workflowExtRef = apiMgtDAO.getRegistrationWFReference(applicationId, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX); createSandboxRegistrationWFExecutor.cleanUpPendingTask(workflowExtRef); } catch (APIManagementException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to get external workflow reference for sandbox key of application " + applicationId); } catch (WorkflowException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to clean pending sandbox key approval task of " + applicationId); } } if (workflowExtRef != null) { try { createApplicationWFExecutor.cleanUpPendingTask(workflowExtRef); } catch (WorkflowException ex) { // failed cleanup processes are ignored to prevent failing the application removal process log.warn("Failed to clean pending application approval task of " + applicationId); } } // update attributes of the new remove workflow to be created workflowDTO.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.CREATED); workflowDTO.setCreatedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); workflowDTO.setWorkflowType(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_DELETION); workflowDTO.setExternalWorkflowReference(removeApplicationWFExecutor.generateUUID()); removeApplicationWFExecutor.execute(workflowDTO); JSONObject appLogObject = new JSONObject(); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.NAME, application.getName()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.TIER, application.getTier()); appLogObject.put(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.CALLBACK, application.getCallbackUrl()); APIUtil.logAuditMessage(APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.APPLICATION, appLogObject.toString(), APIConstants.AuditLogConstants.DELETED, this.username); } catch (WorkflowException e) { String errorMsg = "Could not execute Workflow, " + WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_DELETION + " " + "for applicationID " + application.getId(); handleException(errorMsg, e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String logMessage = "Application Name: " + application.getName() + " successfully removed"; log.debug(logMessage); } } /** * This method specifically implemented for REST API by removing application and data access logic * from host object layer. So as per new implementation we need to pass requested scopes to this method * as tokenScope. So we will do scope related other logic here in this method. * So host object should only pass required 9 parameters. * */ @Override public Map<String, Object> requestApprovalForApplicationRegistration(String userId, String applicationName, String tokenType, String callbackUrl, String[] allowedDomains, String validityTime, String tokenScope, String groupingId, String jsonString) throws APIManagementException { boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(userId); int tenantId = MultitenantConstants.INVALID_TENANT_ID; try { tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(tenantDomain); } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("Unable to retrieve the tenant information of the current user.", e); } //checking for authorized scopes Set<Scope> scopeSet = new LinkedHashSet<Scope>(); List<Scope> authorizedScopes = new ArrayList<Scope>(); String authScopeString; if (tokenScope != null && tokenScope.length() != 0 && !APIConstants.OAUTH2_DEFAULT_SCOPE.equals(tokenScope)) { scopeSet.addAll(getScopesByScopeKeys(tokenScope, tenantId)); authorizedScopes = getAllowedScopesForUserApplication(userId, scopeSet); } if (!authorizedScopes.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder scopeBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Scope scope : authorizedScopes) { scopeBuilder.append(scope.getKey()).append(' '); } authScopeString = scopeBuilder.toString(); } else { authScopeString = APIConstants.OAUTH2_DEFAULT_SCOPE; } try { if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } // initiate WorkflowExecutor WorkflowExecutor appRegistrationWorkflow = null; // initiate ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO appRegWFDto = null; ApplicationKeysDTO appKeysDto = new ApplicationKeysDTO(); // get APIM application by Application Name and userId. Application application = ApplicationUtils.retrieveApplication(applicationName, userId, groupingId); // if its a PRODUCTION application. if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION.equals(tokenType)) { // initiate workflow type. By default simple work flow will be // executed. appRegistrationWorkflow = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_PRODUCTION); appRegWFDto = (ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO) WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .createWorkflowDTO(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_PRODUCTION); } // if it is a sandBox application. else if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(tokenType)) { // if // its // a // SANDBOX // application. appRegistrationWorkflow = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .getWorkflowExecutor(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_SANDBOX); appRegWFDto = (ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO) WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .createWorkflowDTO(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_SANDBOX); } else { throw new APIManagementException("Invalid Token Type '" + tokenType + "' requested."); } //check whether callback url is empty and set null if (StringUtils.isBlank(callbackUrl)) { callbackUrl = null; } // Build key manager instance and create oAuthAppRequest by jsonString. OAuthAppRequest request = ApplicationUtils.createOauthAppRequest(applicationName, null, callbackUrl, authScopeString, jsonString); request.getOAuthApplicationInfo().addParameter(ApplicationConstants.VALIDITY_PERIOD, validityTime); request.getOAuthApplicationInfo().addParameter(ApplicationConstants.APP_KEY_TYPE, tokenType); // Setting request values in WorkflowDTO - In future we should keep // Application/OAuthApplication related // information in the respective entities not in the workflowDTO. appRegWFDto.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.CREATED); appRegWFDto.setCreatedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); appRegWFDto.setTenantDomain(tenantDomain); appRegWFDto.setTenantId(tenantId); appRegWFDto.setExternalWorkflowReference(appRegistrationWorkflow.generateUUID()); appRegWFDto.setWorkflowReference(appRegWFDto.getExternalWorkflowReference()); appRegWFDto.setApplication(application); request.setMappingId(appRegWFDto.getWorkflowReference()); if (!application.getSubscriber().getName().equals(userId)) { appRegWFDto.setUserName(application.getSubscriber().getName()); } else { appRegWFDto.setUserName(userId); } appRegWFDto.setCallbackUrl(appRegistrationWorkflow.getCallbackURL()); appRegWFDto.setAppInfoDTO(request); appRegWFDto.setDomainList(allowedDomains); appRegWFDto.setKeyDetails(appKeysDto); appRegistrationWorkflow.execute(appRegWFDto); Map<String, Object> keyDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>(); keyDetails.put("keyState", appRegWFDto.getStatus().toString()); OAuthApplicationInfo applicationInfo = appRegWFDto.getApplicationInfo(); if (applicationInfo != null) { keyDetails.put("consumerKey", applicationInfo.getClientId()); keyDetails.put("consumerSecret", applicationInfo.getClientSecret()); keyDetails.put("appDetails", applicationInfo.getJsonString()); } // There can be instances where generating the Application Token is // not required. In those cases, // token info will have nothing. AccessTokenInfo tokenInfo = appRegWFDto.getAccessTokenInfo(); if (tokenInfo != null) { keyDetails.put("accessToken", tokenInfo.getAccessToken()); keyDetails.put("validityTime", tokenInfo.getValidityPeriod()); keyDetails.put("tokenDetails", tokenInfo.getJSONString()); keyDetails.put("tokenScope", tokenInfo.getScopes()); } return keyDetails; } catch (WorkflowException e) { log.error("Could not execute Workflow", e); throw new APIManagementException("Could not execute Workflow", e); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } } private static List<Scope> getAllowedScopesForUserApplication(String username, Set<Scope> reqScopeSet) { String[] userRoles = null; org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreManager userStoreManager = null; List<Scope> authorizedScopes = new ArrayList<Scope>(); try { RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService(); int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager() .getTenantId(MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username)); userStoreManager = realmService.getTenantUserRealm(tenantId).getUserStoreManager(); userRoles = userStoreManager.getRoleListOfUser(MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username)); } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { // Log and return since we do not want to stop issuing the token in // case of scope validation failures. log.error("Error when getting the tenant's UserStoreManager or when getting roles of user ", e); } List<String> userRoleList; if (userRoles != null) { userRoleList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(userRoles)); } else { userRoleList = Collections.emptyList(); } //Iterate the requested scopes list. for (Scope scope : reqScopeSet) { //Get the set of roles associated with the requested scope. String roles = scope.getRoles(); //If the scope has been defined in the context of the App and if roles have been defined for the scope if (roles != null && roles.length() != 0) { List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(roles.replaceAll(" ", EMPTY_STRING).split(","))); //Check if user has at least one of the roles associated with the scope roleList.retainAll(userRoleList); if (!roleList.isEmpty()) { authorizedScopes.add(scope); } } } return authorizedScopes; } @Override public Map<String, String> completeApplicationRegistration(String userId, String applicationName, String tokenType, String tokenScope, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { Application application = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationByName(applicationName, userId, groupingId); String status = apiMgtDAO.getRegistrationApprovalState(application.getId(), tokenType); Map<String, String> keyDetails = null; if (!application.getSubscriber().getName().equals(userId)) { userId = application.getSubscriber().getName(); } String workflowReference = apiMgtDAO.getWorkflowReference(applicationName, userId); if (workflowReference != null) { WorkflowDTO workflowDTO = null; // Creating workflowDTO for the correct key type. if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION.equals(tokenType)) { workflowDTO = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .createWorkflowDTO(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_PRODUCTION); } else if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(tokenType)) { workflowDTO = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance() .createWorkflowDTO(WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_SANDBOX); } if (workflowDTO != null) { // Set the workflow reference in the workflow dto and the populate method will fill in other details // using the persisted request. ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO registrationWorkflowDTO = (ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO) workflowDTO; registrationWorkflowDTO.setExternalWorkflowReference(workflowReference); if (APIConstants.AppRegistrationStatus.REGISTRATION_APPROVED.equals(status)) { apiMgtDAO.populateAppRegistrationWorkflowDTO(registrationWorkflowDTO); try { AbstractApplicationRegistrationWorkflowExecutor .dogenerateKeysForApplication(registrationWorkflowDTO); AccessTokenInfo tokenInfo = registrationWorkflowDTO.getAccessTokenInfo(); OAuthApplicationInfo oauthApp = registrationWorkflowDTO.getApplicationInfo(); keyDetails = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (tokenInfo != null) { keyDetails.put("accessToken", tokenInfo.getAccessToken()); keyDetails.put("validityTime", Long.toString(tokenInfo.getValidityPeriod())); keyDetails.put("tokenDetails", tokenInfo.getJSONString()); } keyDetails.put("consumerKey", oauthApp.getClientId()); keyDetails.put("consumerSecret", oauthApp.getClientSecret()); keyDetails.put("accessallowdomains", registrationWorkflowDTO.getDomainList()); keyDetails.put("appDetails", oauthApp.getJsonString()); } catch (APIManagementException e) { APIUtil.handleException("Error occurred while Creating Keys.", e); } } } } return keyDetails; } /** * * @param userId APIM subscriber user ID. * @param ApplicationName APIM application name. * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Application getApplicationsByName(String userId, String ApplicationName, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getApplicationByName(ApplicationName, userId, groupingId); } /** * Returns the corresponding application given the Id * @param id Id of the Application * @return it will return Application corresponds to the id. * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public Application getApplicationById(int id) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getApplicationById(id); } /** get the status of the Application creation process given the application Id * * @param applicationId Id of the Application * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public String getApplicationStatusById(int applicationId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getApplicationStatusById(applicationId); } @Override public boolean isApplicationTokenExists(String accessToken) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.isAccessTokenExists(accessToken); } @Override public Set<SubscribedAPI> getSubscribedIdentifiers(Subscriber subscriber, APIIdentifier identifier, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPISet = new HashSet<SubscribedAPI>(); Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, groupingId); for (SubscribedAPI api : subscribedAPIs) { if (api.getApiId().equals(identifier)) { subscribedAPISet.add(api); } } return subscribedAPISet; } /** * Returns a list of tiers denied * * @return Set<Tier> */ @Override public Set<String> getDeniedTiers() throws APIManagementException { Set<String> deniedTiers = new HashSet<String>(); String[] currentUserRoles; try { if (tenantId != 0) { /* Get the roles of the Current User */ currentUserRoles = ((UserRegistry) ((UserAwareAPIConsumer) this).registry).getUserRealm() .getUserStoreManager().getRoleListOfUser(((UserRegistry) this.registry).getUserName()); Set<TierPermissionDTO> tierPermissions; if (APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) { tierPermissions = apiMgtDAO.getThrottleTierPermissions(tenantId); } else { tierPermissions = apiMgtDAO.getTierPermissions(tenantId); } for (TierPermissionDTO tierPermission : tierPermissions) { String type = tierPermission.getPermissionType(); List<String> currentRolesList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(currentUserRoles)); List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(tierPermission.getRoles())); currentRolesList.retainAll(roles); if (APIConstants.TIER_PERMISSION_ALLOW.equals(type)) { /* Current User is not allowed for this Tier*/ if (currentRolesList.isEmpty()) { deniedTiers.add(tierPermission.getTierName()); } } else { /* Current User is denied for this Tier*/ if (currentRolesList.size() > 0) { deniedTiers.add(tierPermission.getTierName()); } } } } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { log.error("cannot retrieve user role list for tenant" + tenantDomain, e); } return deniedTiers; } /** * Check whether given Tier is denied for the user * * @param tierName * @return * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get the tiers */ @Override public boolean isTierDeneid(String tierName) throws APIManagementException { String[] currentUserRoles; try { if (tenantId != 0) { /* Get the roles of the Current User */ currentUserRoles = ((UserRegistry) ((UserAwareAPIConsumer) this).registry).getUserRealm() .getUserStoreManager().getRoleListOfUser(((UserRegistry) this.registry).getUserName()); TierPermissionDTO tierPermission; if (APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) { tierPermission = apiMgtDAO.getThrottleTierPermission(tierName, tenantId); } else { tierPermission = apiMgtDAO.getTierPermission(tierName, tenantId); } if (tierPermission == null) { return false; } else { List<String> currentRolesList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(currentUserRoles)); List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(tierPermission.getRoles())); currentRolesList.retainAll(roles); if (APIConstants.TIER_PERMISSION_ALLOW.equals(tierPermission.getPermissionType())) { if (currentRolesList.isEmpty()) { return true; } } else { if (currentRolesList.size() > 0) { return true; } } } } } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) { log.error("cannot retrieve user role list for tenant" + tenantDomain, e); } return false; } private boolean isTenantDomainNotMatching(String tenantDomain) { if (this.tenantDomain != null) { return !(this.tenantDomain.equals(tenantDomain)); } return true; } @Override public Set<API> searchAPI(String searchTerm, String searchType, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { return null; } public Set<Scope> getScopesBySubscribedAPIs(List<APIIdentifier> identifiers) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getScopesBySubscribedAPIs(identifiers); } public String getScopesByToken(String accessToken) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getScopesByToken(accessToken); } public Set<Scope> getScopesByScopeKeys(String scopeKeys, int tenantId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getScopesByScopeKeys(scopeKeys, tenantId); } @Override public String getGroupIds(String response) throws APIManagementException { String groupingExtractorClass = APIUtil.getGroupingExtractorImplementation(); if (groupingExtractorClass != null) { try { LoginPostExecutor groupingExtractor = (LoginPostExecutor) APIUtil .getClassForName(groupingExtractorClass).newInstance(); return groupingExtractor.getGroupingIdentifiers(response); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { handleException(groupingExtractorClass + " is not found in run time", e); return null; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { handleException("Error occurred while invocation of getGroupingIdentifier method", e); return null; } catch (InstantiationException e) { handleException("Error occurred while instantiating " + groupingExtractorClass + " class", e); return null; } } return null; } @Override public Application[] getApplicationsWithPagination(Subscriber subscriber, String groupingId, int start, int offset, String search, String sortColumn, String sortOrder) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getApplicationsWithPagination(subscriber, groupingId, start, offset, search, sortColumn, sortOrder); } @Override public Application[] getApplications(Subscriber subscriber, String groupingId) throws APIManagementException { return apiMgtDAO.getApplications(subscriber, groupingId); } /** * @param userId Subscriber name. * @param applicationName of the Application. * @param tokenType Token type (PRODUCTION | SANDBOX) * @param callbackUrl callback URL * @param allowedDomains allowedDomains for token. * @param validityTime validity time period. * @param groupingId APIM application id. * @param jsonString Callback URL for the Application. * @param tokenScope Scopes for the requested tokens. * @return * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public OAuthApplicationInfo updateAuthClient(String userId, String applicationName, String tokenType, String callbackUrl, String[] allowedDomains, String validityTime, String tokenScope, String groupingId, String jsonString) throws APIManagementException { if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } //Create OauthAppRequest object by passing json String. OAuthAppRequest oauthAppRequest = ApplicationUtils.createOauthAppRequest(applicationName, null, callbackUrl, tokenScope, jsonString); oauthAppRequest.getOAuthApplicationInfo().addParameter(ApplicationConstants.APP_KEY_TYPE, tokenType); String consumerKey = apiMgtDAO.getConsumerKeyForApplicationKeyType(applicationName, userId, tokenType, groupingId); oauthAppRequest.getOAuthApplicationInfo().setClientId(consumerKey); //get key manager instant. KeyManager keyManager = KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance(); //call update method. return keyManager.updateApplication(oauthAppRequest); } /** * This method perform delete oAuth application. * * @param consumerKey * @throws APIManagementException */ @Override public void deleteOAuthApplication(String consumerKey) throws APIManagementException { //get key manager instance. KeyManager keyManager = KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance(); //delete oAuthApplication by calling key manager implementation keyManager.deleteApplication(consumerKey); Map<String, String> applicationIdAndTokenTypeMap = apiMgtDAO .getApplicationIdAndTokenTypeByConsumerKey(consumerKey); if (applicationIdAndTokenTypeMap != null) { String applicationId = applicationIdAndTokenTypeMap.get("application_id"); String tokenType = applicationIdAndTokenTypeMap.get("token_type"); if (applicationId != null && tokenType != null) { apiMgtDAO.deleteApplicationKeyMappingByConsumerKey(consumerKey); apiMgtDAO.deleteApplicationRegistration(applicationId, tokenType); } } } public JSONObject resumeWorkflow(Object[] args) { JSONObject row = new JSONObject(); if (args != null && APIUtil.isStringArray(args)) { String workflowReference = (String) args[0]; String status = (String) args[1]; String description = null; if (args.length > 2 && args[2] != null) { description = (String) args[2]; } ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance(); boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; try { // if (workflowReference != null) { WorkflowDTO workflowDTO = apiMgtDAO.retrieveWorkflow(workflowReference); if (workflowDTO == null) { log.error("Could not find workflow for reference " + workflowReference); row.put("error", Boolean.TRUE); row.put("statusCode", 500); row.put("message", "Could not find workflow for reference " + workflowReference); return row; } String tenantDomain = workflowDTO.getTenantDomain(); if (tenantDomain != null && !org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME .equals(tenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } workflowDTO.setWorkflowDescription(description); workflowDTO.setStatus(WorkflowStatus.valueOf(status)); String workflowType = workflowDTO.getWorkflowType(); WorkflowExecutor workflowExecutor; try { workflowExecutor = WorkflowExecutorFactory.getInstance().getWorkflowExecutor(workflowType); workflowExecutor.complete(workflowDTO); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new APIManagementException(e); } row.put("error", Boolean.FALSE); row.put("statusCode", 200); row.put("message", "Invoked workflow completion successfully."); // } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String msg = "Illegal argument provided. Valid values for status are APPROVED and REJECTED."; log.error(msg, e); row.put("error", Boolean.TRUE); row.put("statusCode", 500); row.put("message", msg); } catch (APIManagementException e) { String msg = "Error while resuming the workflow. "; log.error(msg, e); row.put("error", Boolean.TRUE); row.put("statusCode", 500); row.put("message", msg + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } } return row; } @Override public boolean isMonetizationEnabled(String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException { JSONObject apiTenantConfig = null; try { String content = apimRegistryService.getConfigRegistryResourceContent(tenantDomain, APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_LOCATION); if (content != null) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); apiTenantConfig = (JSONObject) parser.parse(content); } } catch (UserStoreException e) { handleException("UserStoreException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e); } catch (RegistryException e) { handleException("RegistryException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e); } catch (ParseException e) { handleException("ParseException thrown when passing API tenant config from registry", e); } return getTenantConfigValue(tenantDomain, apiTenantConfig, APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_ENABLE_MONITZATION_KEY); } private boolean getTenantConfigValue(String tenantDomain, JSONObject apiTenantConfig, String configKey) throws APIManagementException { if (apiTenantConfig != null) { Object value = apiTenantConfig.get(configKey); if (value != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()); } else { throw new APIManagementException(configKey + " config does not exist for tenant " + tenantDomain); } } return false; } }