Java tutorial
/* * Copyright WSO2 Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.handlers.throttling; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.clustering.ClusteringFault; import org.apache.axis2.clustering.state.Replicator; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyEngine; import org.apache.synapse.*; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.AccessInformation; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.AccessRateController; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ConcurrentAccessController; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.RoleBasedAccessRateController; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.Throttle; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleConfiguration; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleConstants; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleContext; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleDataHolder; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleException; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.ThrottleFactory; import org.apache.synapse.commons.throttle.core.factory.ThrottleContextFactory; import org.apache.synapse.config.Entry; import org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext; import; import; import org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.NhttpConstants; import org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.PassThroughConstants; import org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.util.RelayUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.APIMgtGatewayConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.handlers.Utils; import*; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.utils.GatewayUtils; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.VerbInfoDTO; import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIDescriptionGenUtil; import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext; import org.wso2.carbon.metrics.manager.MetricManager; import org.wso2.carbon.metrics.manager.Timer; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This API handler is responsible for evaluating authenticated user requests against their * corresponding access tiers (SLAs) and deciding whether the requests should be accepted * or not. Note that this implementation assumes that all the requests are already authenticated * and have associated AuthenticationContext information. Otherwise it will assume that the request * should not be throttled in which case it will simply log a warning and accept the request. * When this handler decides to throttle a request out, it looks for a custom sequence named * ThrottleConstants.API_THROTTLE_OUT_HANDLER and executes it. Following that it will send * a HTTP 503 response to the API consumer. */ public class APIThrottleHandler extends AbstractHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIThrottleHandler.class); /** * The Throttle object - holds all runtime and configuration data */ private volatile Throttle throttle; /** * ConcurrentAccessController - limit the remote callers concurrent access */ private ConcurrentAccessController concurrentAccessController = null; /** * Access rate controller - limit the remote caller access */ private AccessRateController accessController; private RoleBasedAccessRateController roleBasedAccessController; private RoleBasedAccessRateController applicationRoleBasedAccessController; public static final String RESOURCE_THROTTLE_KEY = "resource_throttle_context"; private Map<String, Boolean> continueOnLimitReachedMap; /** * The property key that used when the ConcurrentAccessController * look up from ConfigurationContext */ private String key; /** * The key for getting the throttling policy - key refers to a/an [registry] Api entry */ private String policyKey = null; /** * The key for getting the throttling policy - key refers to a/an [registry] Application entry */ private String policyKeyApplication = null; /** * The key for getting the throttling policy - key refers to a/an [registry] Resource entry */ private String policyKeyResource = null; /** * The concurrent access control group id */ private String id; /** * Version number of the throttle policy */ private long version; private String sandboxUnitTime = "1000"; private String productionUnitTime = "1000"; private String sandboxMaxCount; private String productionMaxCount; /** * Does this env. support clustering */ private boolean isClusteringEnable = false; public APIThrottleHandler() { this.accessController = new AccessRateController(); this.roleBasedAccessController = new RoleBasedAccessRateController(); this.applicationRoleBasedAccessController = new RoleBasedAccessRateController(); } public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext messageContext) { Timer timer = MetricManager.timer(org.wso2.carbon.metrics.manager.Level.INFO,, this.getClass().getSimpleName())); Timer.Context context = timer.start(); long executionStartTime = System.nanoTime(); try { return doThrottle(messageContext); } finally { messageContext.setProperty(APIMgtGatewayConstants.THROTTLING_LATENCY, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - executionStartTime)); context.stop(); } } public boolean handleResponse(MessageContext messageContext) { return doThrottle(messageContext); } private boolean doThrottle(MessageContext messageContext) { boolean isResponse = messageContext.isResponse(); org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axis2MC = ((Axis2MessageContext) messageContext) .getAxis2MessageContext(); ConfigurationContext cc = axis2MC.getConfigurationContext(); ThrottleDataHolder dataHolder = null; if (cc == null) { handleException("Error while retrieving ConfigurationContext from messageContext"); } synchronized (cc) { dataHolder = (ThrottleDataHolder) cc.getProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_INFO_KEY); if (dataHolder == null) { dataHolder = new ThrottleDataHolder(); cc.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_INFO_KEY, dataHolder); } } if ((throttle == null && !isResponse) || (isResponse && concurrentAccessController == null)) { if (GatewayUtils.isClusteringEnabled()) { isClusteringEnable = true; } } if (!isResponse) { //check the availability of the ConcurrentAccessController //if this is a clustered environment if (isClusteringEnable) { concurrentAccessController = (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key); } initThrottle(messageContext, cc); } else { // if the message flow path is OUT , then must lookup from ConfigurationContext - // never create ,just get the existing one concurrentAccessController = (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key); } // perform concurrency throttling boolean canAccess = doThrottleByConcurrency(isResponse); // if the access is success through concurrency throttle and if this is a request message // then do access rate based throttling if (canAccess && !isResponse && throttle != null) { canAccess = throttleByAccessRate(axis2MC, cc) && doRoleBasedAccessThrottling(messageContext, cc); } // All the replication functionality of the access rate based throttling handled by itself // Just replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController if (isClusteringEnable && concurrentAccessController != null) { try { Replicator.replicate(cc); } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) { handleException("Error during the replicating states ", clusteringFault); } } if (!canAccess) { handleThrottleOut(messageContext); return false; } return true; } private void handleThrottleOut(MessageContext messageContext) { String errorMessage = null; String errorDescription = null; int errorCode = -1; int httpErrorCode = -1; if (APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED .equals(messageContext.getProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON))) { errorCode = APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_ERROR_CODE; errorMessage = "API Limit Reached"; errorDescription = "API not accepting requests"; // It it's a hard limit exceeding, we tell it as service not being available. httpErrorCode = HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } else if (APIThrottleConstants.API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED .equals(messageContext.getProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON))) { errorCode = APIThrottleConstants.API_THROTTLE_OUT_ERROR_CODE; errorMessage = "Message throttled out"; // By default we send a 429 response back httpErrorCode = APIThrottleConstants.SC_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS; errorDescription = "You have exceeded your quota"; } else if (APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED .equals(messageContext.getProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON))) { errorCode = APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_THROTTLE_OUT_ERROR_CODE; errorMessage = "Message throttled out"; // By default we send a 429 response back httpErrorCode = APIThrottleConstants.SC_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS; errorDescription = "You have exceeded your quota"; } else { errorCode = APIThrottleConstants.APPLICATION_THROTTLE_OUT_ERROR_CODE; errorMessage = "Message throttled out"; // By default we send a 429 response back httpErrorCode = APIThrottleConstants.SC_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS; errorDescription = "You have exceeded your quota"; } messageContext.setProperty(SynapseConstants.ERROR_CODE, errorCode); messageContext.setProperty(SynapseConstants.ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); Mediator sequence = messageContext.getSequence(APIThrottleConstants.API_THROTTLE_OUT_HANDLER); // Invoke the custom error handler specified by the user if (sequence != null && !sequence.mediate(messageContext)) { // If needed user should be able to prevent the rest of the fault handling // logic from getting executed return; } org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axis2MC = ((Axis2MessageContext) messageContext) .getAxis2MessageContext(); // This property need to be set to avoid sending the content in pass-through pipe (request message) // as the response. axis2MC.setProperty(PassThroughConstants.MESSAGE_BUILDER_INVOKED, Boolean.TRUE); try { RelayUtils.consumeAndDiscardMessage(axis2MC); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { //In case of an error it is logged and the process is continued because we're setting a fault message in the payload. log.error("Error occurred while consuming and discarding the message", axisFault); } if (messageContext.isDoingPOX() || messageContext.isDoingGET()) { Utils.setFaultPayload(messageContext, getFaultPayload(errorCode, errorMessage, errorDescription)); } else { Utils.setSOAPFault(messageContext, "Server", errorMessage, errorDescription); } Utils.sendFault(messageContext, httpErrorCode); } private OMElement getFaultPayload(int throttleErrorCode, String message, String description) { OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace ns = fac.createOMNamespace(APIThrottleConstants.API_THROTTLE_NS, APIThrottleConstants.API_THROTTLE_NS_PREFIX); OMElement payload = fac.createOMElement("fault", ns); OMElement errorCode = fac.createOMElement("code", ns); errorCode.setText(String.valueOf(throttleErrorCode)); OMElement errorMessage = fac.createOMElement("message", ns); errorMessage.setText(message); OMElement errorDetail = fac.createOMElement("description", ns); errorDetail.setText(description); payload.addChild(errorCode); payload.addChild(errorMessage); payload.addChild(errorDetail); return payload; } private boolean doThrottleByConcurrency(boolean isResponse) { boolean canAccess = true; if (concurrentAccessController != null) { // do the concurrency throttling int concurrentLimit = concurrentAccessController.getLimit(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Concurrent access controller for ID: " + id + " allows: " + concurrentLimit + " concurrent accesses"); } int available; if (!isResponse) { available = concurrentAccessController.getAndDecrement(); canAccess = available > 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Concurrency Throttle: Access " + (canAccess ? "allowed" : "denied") + " :: " + available + " of available of " + concurrentLimit + " connections"); } } else { available = concurrentAccessController.incrementAndGet(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Concurrency Throttle : Connection returned" + " :: " + available + " of available of " + concurrentLimit + " connections"); } } } return canAccess; } private boolean throttleByAccessRate(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisMC, ConfigurationContext cc) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(true); String callerId = null; boolean canAccess = true; //remote ip of the caller String remoteIP = (String) ((TreeMap) axisMC .getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS)) .get(APIMgtGatewayConstants.X_FORWARDED_FOR); if (remoteIP != null) { if (remoteIP.indexOf(',') > 0) { remoteIP = remoteIP.substring(0, remoteIP.indexOf(',')); } } else { remoteIP = (String) axisMC.getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.REMOTE_ADDR); } //domain name of the caller String domainName = (String) axisMC.getPropertyNonReplicable(NhttpConstants.REMOTE_HOST); //Using remote caller domain name , If there is a throttle configuration for // this domain name ,then throttling will occur according to that configuration if (domainName != null) { // do the domain based throttling if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("The Domain Name of the caller is :" + domainName); } // loads the DomainBasedThrottleContext ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.DOMAIN_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY); if (context != null) { //loads the DomainBasedThrottleConfiguration ThrottleConfiguration config = context.getThrottleConfiguration(); if (config != null) { //checks the availability of a policy configuration for this domain name callerId = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(domainName); if (callerId != null) { // there is configuration for this domain name //If this is a clustered env. if (isClusteringEnable) { context.setConfigurationContext(cc); context.setThrottleId(id); } try { //Checks for access state AccessInformation accessInformation = accessController.canAccess(context, callerId, ThrottleConstants.DOMAIN_BASE); canAccess = accessInformation.isAccessAllowed(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Access " + (canAccess ? "allowed" : "denied") + " for Domain Name : " + domainName); } //In the case of both of concurrency throttling and //rate based throttling have enabled , //if the access rate less than maximum concurrent access , //then it is possible to occur death situation.To avoid that reset, //if the access has denied by rate based throttling if (!canAccess && concurrentAccessController != null) { concurrentAccessController.incrementAndGet(); if (isClusteringEnable) { cc.setProperty(key, concurrentAccessController); } } } catch (ThrottleException e) { handleException("Error occurred during throttling", e); } } } } } else { log.debug("The Domain name of the caller cannot be found"); } //At this point , any configuration for the remote caller hasn't found , //therefore trying to find a configuration policy based on remote caller ip if (callerId == null) { //do the IP-based throttling if (remoteIP == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The IP address of the caller cannot be found"); } canAccess = true; } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The IP Address of the caller is :" + remoteIP); } try { // Loads the IPBasedThrottleContext ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.IP_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY); if (context != null) { //Loads the IPBasedThrottleConfiguration ThrottleConfiguration config = context.getThrottleConfiguration(); if (config != null) { //Checks the availability of a policy configuration for this ip callerId = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(remoteIP); if (callerId != null) { // there is configuration for this ip //For clustered env. if (isClusteringEnable) { context.setConfigurationContext(cc); context.setThrottleId(id); } //Checks access state AccessInformation accessInformation = accessController.canAccess(context, callerId, ThrottleConstants.IP_BASE); canAccess = accessInformation.isAccessAllowed(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Access " + (canAccess ? "allowed" : "denied") + " for IP : " + remoteIP); } //In the case of both of concurrency throttling and //rate based throttling have enabled , //if the access rate less than maximum concurrent access , //then it is possible to occur death situation.To avoid that reset, //if the access has denied by rate based throttling if (!canAccess && concurrentAccessController != null) { concurrentAccessController.incrementAndGet(); if (isClusteringEnable) { cc.setProperty(key, concurrentAccessController); } } } } } } catch (ThrottleException e) { handleException("Error occurred during throttling", e); } } } return canAccess; } private boolean doRoleBasedAccessThrottling(MessageContext synCtx, ConfigurationContext cc) { boolean canAccess = true; ThrottleDataHolder dataHolder = (ThrottleDataHolder) cc .getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_INFO_KEY); if (throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY) == null) { //there is no throttle configuration for RoleBase Throttling //skip role base throttling return true; } ConcurrentAccessController cac = null; if (isClusteringEnable) { // for clustered env.,gets it from axis configuration context cac = (ConcurrentAccessController) cc.getProperty(key); } if (!synCtx.isResponse()) { // gets the remote caller role name AuthenticationContext authContext = APISecurityUtils.getAuthenticationContext(synCtx); String accessToken; String consumerKey; String authorizedUser; String roleID; String applicationId; String applicationTier; if (authContext != null) { //Although the method says getApiKey, what is actually returned is the Bearer header (accessToken) accessToken = authContext.getApiKey(); consumerKey = authContext.getConsumerKey(); authorizedUser = authContext.getUsername(); roleID = authContext.getTier(); applicationTier = authContext.getApplicationTier(); applicationId = authContext.getApplicationId(); if (accessToken == null || roleID == null) { log.warn("No consumer key or role information found on the request - " + "Throttling not applied"); return true; } } else { log.warn( "No authentication context information found on the request - " + "Throttling not applied"); return true; } // Domain name based throttling //check whether a configuration has been defined for this role name or not //loads the ThrottleContext ThrottleContext resourceContext = throttle.getThrottleContext(RESOURCE_THROTTLE_KEY); if (resourceContext == null) { log.warn("Unable to load throttle context"); return true; } //Loads the ThrottleConfiguration ThrottleConfiguration config = resourceContext.getThrottleConfiguration(); if (config != null) { String applicationRoleId = null; //If an application level tier has been specified and it is not 'Unlimited' if (applicationTier != null && !APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(applicationTier)) { //Get the configuration role of the application //applicationRoleId = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(applicationTier); applicationRoleId = applicationTier; } AccessInformation info = null; //If application level throttling is applied if (applicationRoleId != null) { ThrottleContext applicationThrottleContext = ApplicationThrottleController .getApplicationThrottleContext(synCtx, dataHolder, applicationId, policyKeyApplication); if (isClusteringEnable) { applicationThrottleContext.setConfigurationContext(cc); applicationThrottleContext.setThrottleId(id); } //First throttle by application try { info = applicationRoleBasedAccessController.canAccess(applicationThrottleContext, applicationId, applicationRoleId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Throttle by Application " + applicationId); log.debug("Allowed = " + (info != null ? info.isAccessAllowed() : "false")); } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role " + "based throttling", e); synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.APPLICATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } //check for the permission for access if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {"Exceeded the allocated quota in Application level."); //In the case of both of concurrency throttling and //rate based throttling have enabled , //if the access rate less than maximum concurrent access , //then it is possible to occur death situation.To avoid that reset, //if the access has denied by rate based throttling if (cac != null) { cac.incrementAndGet(); // set back if this is a clustered env if (isClusteringEnable) { cc.setProperty(key, cac); resourceContext.setConfigurationContext(cc); //replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController try { Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key }); } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) { log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault); } } } synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.APPLICATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } } //---------------End of application level throttling------------ //==============================Start of Resource level throttling====================================== //get throttling information for given request with resource path and http verb // VerbInfoDTO verbInfoDTO = null; //verbInfoDTO = validator.getVerbInfoDTOFromAPIData(apiContext, apiVersion, requestPath, httpMethod); VerbInfoDTO verbInfoDTO = (VerbInfoDTO) synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.VERB_INFO_DTO); String resourceLevelRoleId = null; //no data related to verb information data if (verbInfoDTO == null) { log.warn("Error while getting throttling information for resource and http verb"); return false; } else { //Not only we can proceed String resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier = verbInfoDTO.getThrottling(); //If there no any tier then we need to set it as unlimited if (resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier == null) { log.warn( "Unable to find throttling information for resource and http verb. Throttling will " + "not apply"); } else { resourceLevelRoleId = resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier; } //adding consumerKey and authz_user combination instead of access token to resourceAndHTTPVerbKey //This avoids sending more than the permitted number of requests in a unit time by // regenerating the access token String resourceAndHTTPVerbKey = verbInfoDTO.getRequestKey() + '-' + consumerKey + ':' + authorizedUser; //resourceLevelTier should get from auth context or request synapse context // getResourceAuthenticationScheme(apiContext, apiVersion, requestPath, httpMethod); //api + resource+http verb combination as verb_resource_api_combined_key //if request not null then only we proceed if (resourceLevelRoleId != null) { try { //If the application has not been subscribed to the Unlimited Tier and //if application level throttling has passed if (!APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(resourceLevelRoleId) && (info == null || info.isAccessAllowed())) { //Throttle by resource and http verb // If this is a clustered env. if (isClusteringEnable) { resourceContext.setConfigurationContext(cc); resourceContext.setThrottleId(id + "resource"); } info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(resourceContext, resourceAndHTTPVerbKey, resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier); } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.warn("Exception occurred while performing resource" + "based throttling", e); synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } //check for the permission for access if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {"Exceeded the allocated quota in Resource level."); //In the case of both of concurrency throttling and //rate based throttling have enabled , //if the access rate less than maximum concurrent access , //then it is possible to occur death situation.To avoid that reset, //if the access has denied by rate based throttling if (cac != null) { cac.incrementAndGet(); // set back if this is a clustered env if (isClusteringEnable) { cc.setProperty(key, cac); //replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController try { Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key }); } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) { log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault); } } } if (isContinueOnThrottleReached(resourceAndHTTPVerbThrottlingTier)) { // This means that we are allowing the requests to continue even after the throttling // limit has reached. if (synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY) == null) { synCtx.setProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY, Boolean.TRUE); } } else { synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } } } else { log.warn("Unable to find the throttle policy for role."); } } //==============================End of Resource level throttling======================================= //---------------Start of API level throttling------------------ // Domain name based throttling //check whether a configuration has been defined for this role name or not //loads the ThrottleContext ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY); String apiKey; if (context == null) { log.warn("Unable to load throttle context"); return true; } // If this is a clustered env. //check for configuration role of the caller config = context.getThrottleConfiguration(); String consumerRoleID = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(roleID); if (isClusteringEnable) { context.setConfigurationContext(cc); context.setThrottleId(id); } try { String apiContext = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.REST_API_CONTEXT); String apiVersion = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API_VERSION); apiContext = apiContext != null ? apiContext : ""; apiVersion = apiVersion != null ? apiVersion : ""; //adding consumerKey and authz_user combination instead of access token to apiKey //This avoids sending more than the permitted number of requests in a unit time by // regenerating the access token apiKey = apiContext + ':' + apiVersion + ':' + consumerKey + ':' + authorizedUser; //If the application has not been subscribed to the Unlimited Tier and //if application level throttling has passed if (!APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(roleID) && (info == null || info.isAccessAllowed())) { //Throttle by access token info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(context, apiKey, consumerRoleID); } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role " + "based throttling", e); synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } //check for the permission for access if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) {"Exceeded the allocated quota in API level."); //In the case of both of concurrency throttling and //rate based throttling have enabled , //if the access rate less than maximum concurrent access , //then it is possible to occur death situation.To avoid that reset, //if the access has denied by rate based throttling if (cac != null) { cac.incrementAndGet(); // set back if this is a clustered env if (isClusteringEnable) { cc.setProperty(key, cac); //replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController try { Replicator.replicate(cc, new String[] { key }); } catch (ClusteringFault clusteringFault) { log.error("Error during replicating states", clusteringFault); } } } if (isContinueOnThrottleReached(consumerRoleID)) { // This means that we are allowing the requests to continue even after the throttling // limit has reached. if (synCtx.getProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY) == null) { synCtx.setProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_THROTTLE_OUT_PROPERTY_KEY, Boolean.TRUE); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Request throttled at API level for throttle key" + apiKey + ". But role " + consumerRoleID + "allows to continue to serve requests"); } } else { synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } } } } //---------------End of API level throttling------------------ //---------------Start of Hard throttling------------------ ThrottleContext hardThrottleContext = throttle .getThrottleContext(APIThrottleConstants.HARD_THROTTLING_CONFIGURATION); try { String apiContext = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.REST_API_CONTEXT); String apiVersion = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API_VERSION); apiContext = apiContext != null ? apiContext : ""; apiVersion = apiVersion != null ? apiVersion : ""; AuthenticationContext authContext = APISecurityUtils.getAuthenticationContext(synCtx); if (hardThrottleContext != null && authContext.getKeyType() != null) { String throttleKey = apiContext + ':' + apiVersion + ':' + authContext.getKeyType(); AccessInformation info = null; if (isClusteringEnable) { hardThrottleContext.setConfigurationContext(cc); } if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION.equals(authContext.getKeyType())) { hardThrottleContext.setThrottleId(id + APIThrottleConstants.PRODUCTION_HARD_LIMIT); info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(hardThrottleContext, throttleKey, APIThrottleConstants.PRODUCTION_HARD_LIMIT); } else if (APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(authContext.getApiKey())) { hardThrottleContext.setThrottleId(id + APIThrottleConstants.SANDBOX_HARD_LIMIT); info = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(hardThrottleContext, throttleKey, APIThrottleConstants.SANDBOX_HARD_LIMIT); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Throttle by hard limit " + throttleKey); log.debug("Allowed = " + (info != null ? info.isAccessAllowed() : "false")); } if (info != null && !info.isAccessAllowed()) { synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);"Hard Throttling limit exceeded."); return false; } } } catch (ThrottleException e) { log.warn("Exception occurred while performing role " + "based throttling", e); synCtx.setProperty(APIThrottleConstants.THROTTLED_OUT_REASON, APIThrottleConstants.HARD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); return false; } return canAccess; } private void initThrottle(MessageContext synCtx, ConfigurationContext cc) { if (policyKey == null) { throw new SynapseException("Throttle policy unspecified for the API"); } Entry entry = synCtx.getConfiguration().getEntryDefinition(policyKey); if (entry == null) { handleException("Cannot find throttling policy using key: " + policyKey); return; } Object entryValue = null; boolean reCreate = false; if (entry.isDynamic()) { if ((!entry.isCached()) || (entry.isExpired()) || throttle == null) { entryValue = synCtx.getEntry(this.policyKey); if (this.version != entry.getVersion()) { reCreate = true;// if there is a change, it will recreate } } } else if (this.throttle == null) { entryValue = synCtx.getEntry(this.policyKey); } if (reCreate || throttle == null) { if (entryValue == null || !(entryValue instanceof OMElement)) { handleException("Unable to load throttling policy using key: " + policyKey); return; } version = entry.getVersion(); // Check for reload in a cluster environment // For clustered environments, if the concurrent access controller // is not null and throttle is not null , then must reload. if (isClusteringEnable && concurrentAccessController != null && throttle != null) { concurrentAccessController = null; // set null , // because need to reload } try { // Creates the throttle from the policy synchronized (this) { if (throttle == null || reCreate) { OMElement policyOMElement = (OMElement) entryValue; throttle = ThrottleFactory.createMediatorThrottle(PolicyEngine.getPolicy(policyOMElement)); //load the resource level tiers Object resEntryValue = synCtx.getEntry(this.policyKeyResource); if (resEntryValue == null || !(resEntryValue instanceof OMElement)) { handleException( "Unable to load throttling policy using key: " + this.policyKeyResource); return; } //create throttle for the resource level Throttle resThrottle = ThrottleFactory .createMediatorThrottle(PolicyEngine.getPolicy((OMElement) resEntryValue)); //get the throttle Context for the resource level ThrottleContext throttleContext = resThrottle .getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY); if (throttleContext != null) { ThrottleConfiguration throttleConfiguration = throttleContext .getThrottleConfiguration(); ThrottleContext resourceContext = ThrottleContextFactory .createThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASE, throttleConfiguration); throttle.addThrottleContext(RESOURCE_THROTTLE_KEY, resourceContext); } OMElement hardThrottlingPolicy = createHardThrottlingPolicy(); if (hardThrottlingPolicy != null) { Throttle tempThrottle = ThrottleFactory .createMediatorThrottle(PolicyEngine.getPolicy(hardThrottlingPolicy)); ThrottleConfiguration newThrottleConfig = tempThrottle .getThrottleConfiguration(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY); ThrottleContext hardThrottling = ThrottleContextFactory .createThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASE, newThrottleConfig); throttle.addThrottleContext(APIThrottleConstants.HARD_THROTTLING_CONFIGURATION, hardThrottling); } // We check to what tiers allows to continue on quota reached. OMElement assertionElement = policyOMElement .getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.ASSERTION_ELEMENT); Iterator tierElementIterator = assertionElement .getChildrenWithName(APIConstants.POLICY_ELEMENT); if (continueOnLimitReachedMap == null) { continueOnLimitReachedMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); } else if (!continueOnLimitReachedMap.isEmpty()) { continueOnLimitReachedMap.clear(); } while (tierElementIterator.hasNext()) { OMElement tierElement = (OMElement); String tierName = tierElement.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_ELEMENT) .getText(); try { Map<String, Object> tierAttributes = APIDescriptionGenUtil .getTierAttributes(tierElement); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> tierEntry : tierAttributes.entrySet()) { if (APIConstants.THROTTLE_TIER_QUOTA_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE .equalsIgnoreCase(tierEntry.getKey())) { // We are putting the inverse value of the attribute to the map. // The reason is that we have the value whether to stop when quota reached. // The map contains the inverse of this, whether to continue when quota reached. continueOnLimitReachedMap.put(tierName, !Boolean.parseBoolean((String) tierEntry.getValue())); break; } } } catch (APIManagementException e) { // We do not throw the exception. If there is any exception, then the others can // still function without any issue. log.warn("Unable to get the action for quota reached of tier : " + tierName); } } } } //For non-clustered environment , must re-initiates //For clustered environment, //concurrent access controller is null , //then must re-initiates if (throttle != null && (concurrentAccessController == null || !isClusteringEnable)) { concurrentAccessController = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController(); if (concurrentAccessController != null) { cc.setProperty(key, concurrentAccessController); } else { cc.removeProperty(key); } } } catch (ThrottleException e) { handleException("Error processing the throttling policy", e); } } } public void setId(String id) { = id; this.key = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + id + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setPolicyKey(String policyKey) { this.policyKey = policyKey; } public String gePolicyKey() { return policyKey; } public void setPolicyKeyApplication(String policyKeyApplication) { this.policyKeyApplication = policyKeyApplication; } public String gePolicyKeyApplication() { return policyKeyApplication; } public void setPolicyKeyResource(String policyKeyResource) { this.policyKeyResource = policyKeyResource; } public String gePolicyKeyResource() { return policyKeyResource; } private void handleException(String msg, Exception e) { log.error(msg, e); throw new SynapseException(msg, e); } private void handleException(String msg) { log.error(msg); throw new SynapseException(msg); } public String getSandboxUnitTime() { return sandboxUnitTime; } public void setSandboxUnitTime(String sandboxUnitTime) { this.sandboxUnitTime = sandboxUnitTime; } public String getSandboxMaxCount() { return sandboxMaxCount; } public void setSandboxMaxCount(String sandboxMaxCount) { this.sandboxMaxCount = sandboxMaxCount; } private OMElement createHardThrottlingPolicy() { if (productionMaxCount == null && sandboxMaxCount == null) { return null; } OMElement parsedPolicy = null; StringBuilder policy = new StringBuilder( "<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp=\"\" " + "xmlns:throttle=\"\">\n" + " <throttle:MediatorThrottleAssertion>\n"); if (productionMaxCount != null && productionUnitTime != null) { policy.append(createPolicyForRole(APIThrottleConstants.PRODUCTION_HARD_LIMIT, productionUnitTime, productionMaxCount)); } if (sandboxMaxCount != null && sandboxUnitTime != null) { policy.append( createPolicyForRole(APIThrottleConstants.SANDBOX_HARD_LIMIT, sandboxUnitTime, sandboxMaxCount)); } policy.append(" </throttle:MediatorThrottleAssertion>\n" + "</wsp:Policy>"); try { parsedPolicy = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(policy.toString()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error occurred while creating policy file for Hard Throttling.", e); } return parsedPolicy; } private String createPolicyForRole(String roleId, String unitTime, String maxCount) { return "<wsp:Policy>\n" + " <throttle:ID throttle:type=\"ROLE\">" + roleId + "</throttle:ID>\n" + " <wsp:Policy>\n" + " <throttle:Control>\n" + " <wsp:Policy>\n" + " <throttle:MaximumCount>" + maxCount + "</throttle:MaximumCount>\n" + " <throttle:UnitTime>" + unitTime + "</throttle:UnitTime>\n" + " </wsp:Policy>\n" + " </throttle:Control>\n" + " </wsp:Policy>\n" + " </wsp:Policy>\n"; } private void logMessageDetails(MessageContext messageContext) { //TODO: Hardcoded const should be moved to a common place which is visible to org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.handlers String applicationName = (String) messageContext.getProperty(APIMgtGatewayConstants.APPLICATION_NAME); String endUserName = (String) messageContext.getProperty(APIMgtGatewayConstants.END_USER_NAME); //Do not change this log format since its using by some external apps org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axisMC = ((Axis2MessageContext) messageContext) .getAxis2MessageContext(); String logMessage = ""; if (applicationName != null) { logMessage = " belonging to appName=" + applicationName; } if (endUserName != null) { logMessage = logMessage + " userName=" + endUserName; } String logID = axisMC.getOptions().getMessageId(); if (logID != null) { logMessage = logMessage + " transactionId=" + logID; } try { String userAgent = (String) ((TreeMap) axisMC .getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS)) .get(APIConstants.USER_AGENT); if (userAgent != null) { logMessage = logMessage + " with userAgent=" + userAgent; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while getting User Agent for request", e); } long reqIncomingTimestamp = Long.parseLong((String) ((Axis2MessageContext) messageContext) .getAxis2MessageContext().getProperty(APIMgtGatewayConstants.REQUEST_RECEIVED_TIME)); Date incomingReqTime = new Date(reqIncomingTimestamp); logMessage = logMessage + " at requestTime=" + incomingReqTime; //If gateway is fronted by hardware load balancer client ip should retrieve from x forward for header String remoteIP = (String) ((TreeMap) axisMC .getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS)) .get(APIMgtGatewayConstants.X_FORWARDED_FOR); if (remoteIP == null) { remoteIP = (String) axisMC.getProperty(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.REMOTE_ADDR); } //null check before add it to log message if (remoteIP != null) { logMessage = logMessage + " from clientIP=" + remoteIP; } log.debug("Message throttled out Details:" + logMessage); } public String getProductionUnitTime() { return productionUnitTime; } public void setProductionUnitTime(String productionUnitTime) { this.productionUnitTime = productionUnitTime; } public String getProductionMaxCount() { return productionMaxCount; } public void setProductionMaxCount(String productionMaxCount) { this.productionMaxCount = productionMaxCount; } private synchronized boolean isContinueOnThrottleReached(String tier) { if (continueOnLimitReachedMap.isEmpty()) { // This means that there are no tiers that has the attribute defined. Hence we should not allow to continue. return false; } // This means that the tier is not there. Then we have should not allow to continue. return continueOnLimitReachedMap.containsKey(tier) && continueOnLimitReachedMap.get(tier); } }