Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved. * * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.wso2.andes.server.cluster; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.wso2.andes.kernel.*; import org.wso2.andes.server.ClusterResourceHolder; import org.wso2.andes.server.cassandra.OnflightMessageTracker; import org.wso2.andes.server.cassandra.QueueDeliveryWorker; import org.wso2.andes.server.cluster.coordination.CoordinationConstants; import org.wso2.andes.server.cluster.coordination.CoordinationException; import org.wso2.andes.server.cluster.coordination.ZooKeeperAgent; import org.wso2.andes.server.configuration.ClusterConfiguration; import org.apache.zookeeper.*; import org.wso2.andes.server.util.AndesConstants; import org.wso2.andes.server.util.AndesUtils; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * F * Cluster Manager is responsible for Handling the Broker Cluster Management Tasks like * Queue Worker distribution. Fail over handling for cluster nodes. etc. */ public class ClusterManager { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterManager.class); private ZooKeeperAgent zkAgent; private int nodeId; private String zkNode; private GlobalQueueManager globalQueueManager; //each node is assigned an ID 0-x after arranging nodeIDs in an ascending order private int globalQueueSyncId; //Map that Keeps the node id private Map<Integer, ClusterNode> nodeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ClusterNode>(); //in memory map keeping destination Queues active in the cluster private List<String> destinationQueueList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>()); //in memory map keeping nodeIds assigned for each node in cluster private List<Integer> clusterNodeIDList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Integer>()); //in memory map keeping global queues assigned to the this node private List<String> globalQueuesAssignedToMe = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>()); private String connectionString; private MessageStore messageStore; private SubscriptionStore subscriptionStore; /** * Create a ClusterManager instance for clustered environment * * @param zkConnectionString zookeeper port */ public ClusterManager(String zkConnectionString) { this.messageStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getCassandraBasedMessageStore(); this.subscriptionStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getSubscriptionStore(); this.globalQueueManager = new GlobalQueueManager(messageStore); this.connectionString = zkConnectionString; } /** * Create a ClusterManager instance for standalone environment. * Then this will handle only standalone operations */ public ClusterManager() { this.messageStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getCassandraBasedMessageStore(); this.subscriptionStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getSubscriptionStore(); this.globalQueueManager = new GlobalQueueManager(messageStore); this.nodeId = 0; } private static int getNodeIdFromZkNode(String node) { return Integer.parseInt(node.substring(node.length() - 5)); } /** * Initialize the Cluster manager. This will create ZNodes related to nodes and assign node ids * * @throws CoordinationException in a Error when communicating with Zookeeper */ public void init() throws CoordinationException { final ClusterConfiguration config = ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration(); /** * do following if clustering is disabled. Here no Zookeeper is involved * so nodeID will be always 0 */ if (!config.isClusteringEnabled()) { //update node information in durable store List<String> nodeList = subscriptionStore.getStoredNodeIDList(); for (String node : nodeList) { subscriptionStore.deleteNodeData(node); } clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(nodeId); subscriptionStore.addNodeDetails("" + nodeId, config.getBindIpAddress()); //start all global queue workers on the node startAllGlobalQueueWorkers(); return; } /** * do following if cluster is enabled */ try { // create a new node with a generated randomId // get the node name and id zkAgent = new ZooKeeperAgent(connectionString); zkAgent.initQueueWorkerCoordination(); final String nodeName = CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_NODE + (UUID.randomUUID()).toString().replace("-", "_"); String path = CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + nodeName; //Register the watcher for zoo keeper parent to be fired when children changed zkAgent.getZooKeeper().getChildren(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT, new Watcher() { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent watchedEvent) { if (Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged == watchedEvent.getType()) { try { List<String> nodeListFromZK = zkAgent.getZooKeeper().getChildren( CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT, false); //identify and register this node for (String node : nodeListFromZK) { if ((CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + node).contains(nodeName)) { zkNode = node; nodeId = getNodeIdFromZkNode(node);"Initializing Cluster Manager , " + "Selected Node id : " + nodeId); //add node information to durable store subscriptionStore.addNodeDetails("" + nodeId, config.getBindIpAddress()); //register a listener for changes on my node data only zkAgent.getZooKeeper().getData( CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + node, new NodeDataChangeListener(), null); break; } } for (String node : nodeListFromZK) { //update in-memory node list int id = getNodeIdFromZkNode(node); clusterNodeIDList.add(id); } List<String> storedNodes = subscriptionStore.getStoredNodeIDList(); /** * If nodeList size is one, this is the first node joining to cluster. Here we check if there has been * any nodes that lived before and somehow suddenly got killed. If there are such nodes clear the state of them and * copy back node queue messages of them back to global queue. * If node was the same machine:ip and zookeeper assigned a different id this logic will handle the confusion * We need to clear up current node's state as well as there might have been a node with same id and it was killed */ clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(nodeId); for (String storedNode : storedNodes) { int storedNodeId = Integer.parseInt(storedNode); if (!clusterNodeIDList.contains(storedNodeId)) { clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(storedNodeId); checkAndCopyMessagesOfNodeQueueBackToGlobalQueue(nodeId, AndesUtils.getNodeQueueNameForNodeId(storedNodeId)); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Error while coordinating cluster information while joining to cluster", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }); // Once this method called above defined watcher will be fired zkAgent.getZooKeeper().create(path, new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL); //wait until above task is completed Thread.sleep(4000); //update global queue synchronizing ID reAssignGlobalQueueSyncId(); //handle global queue addition for this node handleGlobalQueueAddition(); //notify node addition to all nodes and register node existence listeners for all nodes on this node List<String> nodeList = zkAgent.getZooKeeper() .getChildren(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT, false); for (String node : nodeList) { String currentNodePath = CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + node; String data = CoordinationConstants.NODE_CHANGED_PREFIX + zkNode; //notify all other nodes that a new node joined with node ID zkAgent.getZooKeeper().setData(currentNodePath, data.getBytes(), -1); //Add Listener for node existence of any node in the cluster zkAgent.getZooKeeper().exists(currentNodePath, new NodeExistenceListener(node)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); String msg = "Error while initializing the zookeeper coordination "; log.error("Error while initializing the zookeeper coordination ", e); throw new CoordinationException(msg, e); } } /** * get global queue manager working in the current node * * @return */ public GlobalQueueManager getGlobalQueueManager() { return this.globalQueueManager; } /** * Start all global queues and workers * * @throws CoordinationException */ public void startAllGlobalQueueWorkers() throws CoordinationException { if (!ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration().isClusteringEnabled()) { List<String> globalQueueNames = AndesUtils.getAllGlobalQueueNames(); for (String globalQueueName : globalQueueNames) { globalQueueManager.scheduleWorkForGlobalQueue(globalQueueName); } } } public void handleGlobalQueueAddition() { try { //get the current globalQueue Assignments List<String> currentGlobalQueueAssignments = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String q : globalQueuesAssignedToMe) { currentGlobalQueueAssignments.add(q); } //update GlobalQueues to be assigned as to new situation in cluster updateGlobalQueuesAssignedTome(); //stop any global queue worker that is not assigned to me now for (String globalQueue : currentGlobalQueueAssignments) { if (!globalQueuesAssignedToMe.contains(globalQueue)) { globalQueueManager.removeWorker(globalQueue); } } //start global queue workers for queues assigned to me for (String globalQueue : globalQueuesAssignedToMe) { globalQueueManager.scheduleWorkForGlobalQueue(globalQueue); } } catch (KeeperException e) { log.error("Error in handling global queue worker assignment", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error in handling global queue worker assignment", e); } } /** * Handles changes needs to be done in current node when a node joins to the cluster * * @param node node name * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void handleNewNodeJoiningToCluster(String node) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { int id = getNodeIdFromZkNode(node);"Handling cluster gossip: Node with ID " + id + " Joined the Cluster"); //update in memory node map clusterNodeIDList.add(id); //reassign global queue sync id reAssignGlobalQueueSyncId(); //register a node existence listener for the new node zkAgent.getZooKeeper().exists(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + node, new NodeExistenceListener(node)); //reassign global queues for yourself handleGlobalQueueAddition(); } /** * update global queue synchronizing ID according to current status in cluster */ private void reAssignGlobalQueueSyncId() { Collections.sort(clusterNodeIDList); int indexOfMyId = clusterNodeIDList.indexOf(new Integer(nodeId)); globalQueueSyncId = indexOfMyId; } /** * Start and stop global queue workers * * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void updateGlobalQueuesAssignedTome() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { List<String> globalQueuesToBeAssigned = new ArrayList<String>(); int globalQueueCount = ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration().getGlobalQueueCount(); List<String> nodeList = zkAgent.getZooKeeper() .getChildren(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT, false); int clusterNodeCount = nodeList.size(); for (int count = 0; count < globalQueueCount; count++) { if (count % clusterNodeCount == globalQueueSyncId) { globalQueuesToBeAssigned.add(AndesConstants.GLOBAL_QUEUE_NAME_PREFIX + count); } } this.globalQueuesAssignedToMe.clear(); for (String q : globalQueuesToBeAssigned) { globalQueuesAssignedToMe.add(q); } } /** * This class will handle node data changes in ZooKeeper nodes */ private class NodeDataChangeListener implements Watcher { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { if (Event.EventType.NodeDataChanged == event.getType()) { //Date Change Event received. This can be Queue addition , Queue removal, Node addition try { //as watcher is consumed we have to register a watcher again byte[] data = zkAgent.getZooKeeper().getData( CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + zkNode, new NodeDataChangeListener(), null); String dataStr = new String(data); //check if it is a new node joining if (dataStr.startsWith(CoordinationConstants.NODE_CHANGED_PREFIX)) { String node = dataStr.split(":")[1]; handleNewNodeJoiningToCluster(node); } } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("Error processing the Node data change : This might cause serious " + "issues in distributed queue management", e); } } } } /** * Called when a node in MB cluster disappears. Any logic that should be handled * by other nodes should come here */ private class NodeExistenceListener implements Watcher { private String watchZNode = null; public NodeExistenceListener(String zNode) { this.watchZNode = zNode; } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent watchedEvent) { //node left the cluster if (Event.EventType.NodeDeleted == watchedEvent.getType()) { String path = watchedEvent.getPath(); String[] parts = path.split(CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR); String deletedNode = parts[parts.length - 1]; try { int deletedNodeId = getNodeIdFromZkNode(deletedNode);"Handling cluster gossip: Node with ID " + deletedNodeId + " left the cluster"); //Update the durable store subscriptionStore.deleteNodeData("" + deletedNodeId); //update in memory list clusterNodeIDList.remove(new Integer(deletedNodeId)); //refresh global queue sync ID reAssignGlobalQueueSyncId(); //reassign global queue workers handleGlobalQueueAddition(); Collections.sort(clusterNodeIDList); int IdOfMessageCopyTaskOwningNode = clusterNodeIDList.get(0); if (nodeId == IdOfMessageCopyTaskOwningNode) { //clear persisted states of disappeared node clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(deletedNodeId); /** * check and copy back messages of node queue belonging to disappeared node * the node having smallest zkId out of active nodes should handle this task */ checkAndCopyMessagesOfNodeQueueBackToGlobalQueue(IdOfMessageCopyTaskOwningNode, AndesUtils.getNodeQueueNameForNodeId(deletedNodeId)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removing node details", e); } } else { //if some other event type came we have to register the watcher again try { zkAgent.getZooKeeper().exists(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT + CoordinationConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR + watchZNode, this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("Error while registering a watch for loader node : " + watchZNode, e); } } } } /** * get node id assigned by ZooKeeper for this node * * @return node id */ public int getNodeId() { return nodeId; } /** * get Zookeeper connection * * @return connection string */ public String getZkConnectionString() { return connectionString; } /** * get binding address of the node * * @param nodeId id of node assigned by zookeeper * @return bind address */ public String getNodeAddress(int nodeId) { return subscriptionStore.getNodeData("" + nodeId); } /** * get Id list of ZooKeeper nodes * * @return list of Ids of cluster nodes */ public List<Integer> getZkNodes() { List<String> storedNodes = subscriptionStore.getStoredNodeIDList(); ArrayList<Integer> zkNodeIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String storedNode : storedNodes) { Integer ZKId = Integer.parseInt(storedNode); zkNodeIdList.add(ZKId); } return zkNodeIdList; } public String[] getGlobalQueuesAssigned(int nodeId) { List<String> globalQueuesToBeAssigned = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Collections.sort(clusterNodeIDList); int indexOfRequestedId = clusterNodeIDList.indexOf(new Integer(nodeId)); int globalQueueCount = ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration() .getGlobalQueueCount(); List<String> nodeList = zkAgent.getZooKeeper() .getChildren(CoordinationConstants.QUEUE_WORKER_COORDINATION_PARENT, false); int clusterNodeCount = nodeList.size(); for (int count = 0; count < globalQueueCount; count++) { if (count % clusterNodeCount == indexOfRequestedId) { globalQueuesToBeAssigned.add(AndesConstants.GLOBAL_QUEUE_NAME_PREFIX + count); } } } catch (KeeperException e) { log.error("Error occurred while getting global queues assigned for node", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error occurred while getting global queues assigned for node", e); } String[] globalQueueList = globalQueuesToBeAssigned.toArray(new String[globalQueuesToBeAssigned.size()]); return globalQueueList; } /** * get how many messages in the given global queue * * @param globalQueue global queue name * @return */ public int numberOfMessagesInGlobalQueue(String globalQueue) throws AndesException { return globalQueueManager.getMessageCountOfGlobalQueue(globalQueue); } /** * Get all topics in the cluster * * @return list of topics created * @throws AndesException */ public List<String> getTopics() throws AndesException { return subscriptionStore.getTopics(); } //TODO:hasitha can we implement moving global queue workers? public boolean updateWorkerForQueue(String queueToBeMoved, String newNodeToAssign) { boolean successful = false; return false; } /** * Get whether clustering is enabled * * @return */ public boolean isClusteringEnabled() { ClusterConfiguration config = ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration(); return config.isClusteringEnabled(); } /** * Get the node ID assigned by ZooKeeper for the current node * * @return */ public String getMyNodeID() { String nodeID = Integer.toString(nodeId); return nodeID; } /** * get destination queues in broker cluster * * @return */ public List<String> getDestinationQueuesInCluster() { List<String> queueList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AndesQueue queue : subscriptionStore.getDurableQueues()) { queueList.add(queue.queueName); } return queueList; } /** * gracefully stop all global queue workers assigned for the current node */ public void shutDownMyNode() { try { //clear stored node IDS and mark subscriptions of node as closed clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(nodeId); //stop all global queue Workers globalQueueManager.removeAllQueueWorkersLocally(); //if in clustered mode copy back node queue messages back to global queue if (ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration().isClusteringEnabled()) { checkAndCopyMessagesOfNodeQueueBackToGlobalQueue(nodeId, MessagingEngine.getMyNodeQueueName()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error stopping global queues while shutting down", e); } } /** * get message count of node queue belonging to given node * * @param zkId ZK ID of the node * @param destinationQueue destination queue name * @return message count */ public int getNodeQueueMessageCount(int zkId, String destinationQueue) throws AndesException { String nodeQueueName = AndesUtils.getNodeQueueNameForNodeId(zkId); QueueAddress nodeQueueAddress = new QueueAddress(QueueAddress.QueueType.QUEUE_NODE_QUEUE, nodeQueueName); return MessagingEngine.getInstance().getCassandraBasedMessageStore().countMessagesOfQueue(nodeQueueAddress, destinationQueue); } public void clearAllPersistedStatesOfDissapearedNode(int nodeID) {"Clearing the Persisted State of Node with ID " + nodeID); SubscriptionStore subscriptionStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getSubscriptionStore(); try { //remove node from nodes list subscriptionStore.deleteNodeData("" + nodeID); //if in stand-alone mode close all local queue and topic subscriptions if (!ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getClusterConfiguration().isClusteringEnabled()) { synchronized (this) { subscriptionStore.closeAllLocalSubscriptionsOfNode(true); subscriptionStore.closeAllLocalSubscriptionsOfNode(false); } } else { //close all cluster queue and topic subscriptions for the node subscriptionStore.closeAllClusterSubscriptionsOfNode(nodeID, false); subscriptionStore.closeAllClusterSubscriptionsOfNode(nodeID, true); } } catch (AndesException e) { log.error("Error while clearing state of disappeared node", e); } } /** * remove in-memory messages tracked for this queue * * @param destinationQueueName name of queue messages should be removed * @throws AndesException */ public void removeInMemoryMessagesAccumulated(String destinationQueueName) throws AndesException { //remove in-memory messages accumulated due to sudden subscription closing QueueDeliveryWorker queueDeliveryWorker = ClusterResourceHolder.getInstance().getQueueDeliveryWorker(); if (queueDeliveryWorker != null) { queueDeliveryWorker.clearMessagesAccumilatedDueToInactiveSubscriptionsForQueue(destinationQueueName); } //remove sent but not acked messages OnflightMessageTracker.getInstance().getSentButNotAckedMessagesOfQueue(destinationQueueName); } /** * check and move all metadata of messages of node queue to global queue */ private void checkAndCopyMessagesOfNodeQueueBackToGlobalQueue(int IdOfTaskOwningNode, String nodeQueueName) throws AndesException { if (this.nodeId == IdOfTaskOwningNode) { MessageStore messageStore = MessagingEngine.getInstance().getCassandraBasedMessageStore(); QueueAddress nodeQueueAddress = new QueueAddress(QueueAddress.QueueType.QUEUE_NODE_QUEUE, nodeQueueName); long lastProcessedMessageID = 0; int numberOfMessagesMoved = 0; List<AndesMessageMetadata> messageList = messageStore.getNextNMessageMetadataFromQueue(nodeQueueAddress, lastProcessedMessageID, 40); while (messageList.size() != 0) { Iterator<AndesMessageMetadata> metadataIterator = messageList.iterator(); while (metadataIterator.hasNext()) { AndesMessageMetadata metadata =; lastProcessedMessageID = metadata.getMessageID(); } messageStore.moveMessageMetaData(nodeQueueAddress, null, messageList); numberOfMessagesMoved += messageList.size(); messageList = messageStore.getNextNMessageMetadataFromQueue(nodeQueueAddress, lastProcessedMessageID, 40); }"Moved " + numberOfMessagesMoved + " Number of Messages from Node Queue " + nodeQueueName + "to Global Queues "); } } }