Java tutorial
/** * WRML - Web Resource Modeling Language * __ __ ______ __ __ __ * /\ \ _ \ \ /\ == \ /\ "-./ \ /\ \ * \ \ \/ ".\ \\ \ __< \ \ \-./\ \\ \ \____ * \ \__/".~\_\\ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \ \_\\ \_____\ * \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ /_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ * * * * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Mark Masse <> (OSS project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wrml.runtime.schema; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import org.wrml.model.schema.*; import org.wrml.runtime.Context; import org.wrml.runtime.Dimensions; import org.wrml.runtime.Keys; import org.wrml.runtime.KeysBuilder; import org.wrml.runtime.syntax.SyntaxLoader; import org.wrml.util.UniqueName; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import java.util.*; /** * A helper utility to build Schema models from everyday inputs (e.g. <code>Map<String, Object></code>). */ public final class SchemaBuilder { private static final String JAVA_KEYWORDS[] = { "abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true", "try", "void", "volatile", "while" }; private static final SortedSet<String> RESERVED_WORD_SET = new TreeSet<>(); static { for (final String javaKeyword : JAVA_KEYWORDS) { RESERVED_WORD_SET.add(javaKeyword); } } private final Context _Context; private final Schema _Schema; private final Map<String, Slot> _Slots; public SchemaBuilder(final Context context) { this(context, (Map<String, Object>) null); } public SchemaBuilder(final Context context, final Object... slots) { this(context, (Map<String, Object>) null); slots(slots); } public SchemaBuilder(final Context context, final Map<String, Object> startFromSlotMap) { this(context, startFromSlotMap, null); } public SchemaBuilder(final Context context, final Map<String, Object> startFromSlotMap, final UniqueName name) { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context cannot be null."); } _Context = context; _Schema = _Context.newModel(Schema.class); if (name != null) { _Schema.setUniqueName(name); } _Slots = new TreeMap<>(); if (startFromSlotMap != null) { slots(startFromSlotMap); } } public static String ensureValidJavaIdentifier(final String identifier) { if (identifier == null || RESERVED_WORD_SET.contains(identifier)) { return null; } String validJavaIdentifier = identifier; int index = validJavaIdentifier.indexOf('-'); if (index > 0) { validJavaIdentifier = validJavaIdentifier.replace('-', '_'); } if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(validJavaIdentifier.charAt(0))) { validJavaIdentifier = "_" + validJavaIdentifier; } final int validJavaIdentifierLength = validJavaIdentifier.length(); String replaceCharacters = ""; for (int i = 1; i < validJavaIdentifierLength; i++) { char c = validJavaIdentifier.charAt(i); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) { replaceCharacters += c; } } if (!replaceCharacters.isEmpty()) { validJavaIdentifier = StringUtils.replaceChars(validJavaIdentifier, replaceCharacters, "$"); } return validJavaIdentifier; } public SchemaBuilder extend(final URI baseSchemaUri, final URI... baseSchemaUris) { _Schema.getBaseSchemaUris().add(baseSchemaUri); if (baseSchemaUris != null) { _Schema.getBaseSchemaUris().addAll(Arrays.asList(baseSchemaUris)); } return this; } public SchemaBuilder extend(final Schema baseSchema, final Schema... baseSchemas) { extend(baseSchema.getUri()); if (baseSchemas != null) { final LinkedHashSet<URI> baseSchemaUris = new LinkedHashSet<>(baseSchemas.length); for (final Schema schema : baseSchemas) { baseSchemaUris.add(schema.getUri()); } _Schema.getBaseSchemaUris().addAll(baseSchemaUris); } return this; } public SchemaBuilder extend(final Class<?> baseSchemaInterface, final Class<?>... baseSchemaInterfaces) { final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = _Context.getSchemaLoader(); extend(schemaLoader.getTypeUri(baseSchemaInterface)); if (baseSchemaInterfaces != null) { final LinkedHashSet<URI> baseSchemaUris = new LinkedHashSet<>(baseSchemaInterfaces.length); for (final Class<?> schemaInterface : baseSchemaInterfaces) { baseSchemaUris.add(schemaLoader.getTypeUri(schemaInterface)); } _Schema.getBaseSchemaUris().addAll(baseSchemaUris); } return this; } public SchemaBuilder extend(final Collection<URI> baseSchemaUris) { _Schema.getBaseSchemaUris().addAll(baseSchemaUris); return this; } public SchemaBuilder slots(final Map<String, Object> slotMap) { final Set<String> slotNames = slotMap.keySet(); for (final String slotName : slotNames) { slot(slotName, slotMap.get(slotName)); } return this; } public SchemaBuilder slots(final Object... slots) { if (slots == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The slots cannot be null."); } if ((slots.length % 2) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The slots must be in name/value pair order. Slots: " + Arrays.deepToString(slots)); } for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { if (!(slots[i] instanceof String)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The slot's _definition_ array must contain a (String) name and (Object) value. Slots: " + Arrays.deepToString(slots)); } final String slotName = (String) slots[i]; i = i + 1; final Object slotValue = slots[i]; slot(slotName, slotValue); } return this; } public SchemaBuilder slot(final String slotName, final Object slotValue) { if (slotName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot name cannot be null."); } final String validName = ensureValidJavaIdentifier(slotName); if (validName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid slot name: " + slotName); } final ProtoSlot protoSlot = _Schema.getPrototype().getProtoSlot(validName, false); if (protoSlot != null) { _Schema.setSlotValue(validName, slotValue); return this; } final Slot slot = _Context.newModel(Slot.class); slot.setName(validName); final Value value = createValue(slotValue); if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid slot value: " + slotValue); } slot.setValue(value); _Slots.put(validName, slot); _Schema.getSlots().add(slot); return this; } public SchemaBuilder link(final LinkRelation linkRelation) { return link(linkRelation.getUri(), linkRelation.getUniqueName().getLocalName()); } public SchemaBuilder link(final URI linkRelationUri) { final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = _Context.getSchemaLoader(); final Keys keys = new KeysBuilder().addKey(schemaLoader.getDocumentSchemaUri(), linkRelationUri).toKeys(); final Dimensions dimensions = schemaLoader.getLinkRelationDimensions(); final LinkRelation linkRelation = _Context.getModel(keys, dimensions); return link(linkRelation); } public SchemaBuilder link(final URI linkRelationUri, final String linkSlotName) { return link(linkRelationUri, linkSlotName, null); } public SchemaBuilder link(final URI linkRelationUri, final String linkSlotName, final URI responseSchemaUri) { return link(linkRelationUri, linkSlotName, responseSchemaUri, false); } public SchemaBuilder link(final URI linkRelationUri, final String linkSlotName, final URI responseSchemaUri, final boolean embedded) { if (linkRelationUri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link Relation URI cannot be null."); } if (linkSlotName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link slot name cannot be null."); } final String validName = ensureValidJavaIdentifier(linkSlotName); if (validName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid link slot name: " + linkSlotName); } final Slot slot = _Context.newModel(Slot.class); slot.setName(validName); final LinkValue linkValue = _Context.newModel(LinkValue.class); linkValue.setLinkRelationUri(linkRelationUri); if (responseSchemaUri != null) { linkValue.setResponseSchemaUri(responseSchemaUri); } linkValue.setEmbedded(embedded); slot.setValue(linkValue); _Slots.put(validName, slot); _Schema.getSlots().add(slot); return this; } public SchemaBuilder key(final String keySlotName) { return keys(keySlotName, (String[]) null); } public SchemaBuilder keys(final String keySlotName, final String... keySlotNames) { if (keySlotName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key slot name cannot be null."); } _Schema.getKeySlotNames().add(keySlotName); if (keySlotNames != null) { for (final String slotName : keySlotNames) { if (slotName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key slot name cannot be null."); } _Schema.getKeySlotNames().add(slotName); } } return this; } public SchemaBuilder keys(final Collection<String> keySlotNames) { _Schema.getKeySlotNames().addAll(keySlotNames); return this; } public Schema toSchema() { return _Schema; } public Context getContext() { return _Context; } public Slot getSlot(final String slotName) { if (!_Slots.containsKey(slotName)) { return null; } return _Slots.get(slotName); } public Class<?> load() throws ClassNotFoundException { final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = _Context.getSchemaLoader(); final Schema schema = toSchema(); schemaLoader.load(schema); return schemaLoader.getSchemaInterface(schema.getUri()); } private Value createValue(final ValueType valueType) { return createValue(valueType, null); } private Value createValue(final Object value) { final Value slotValue; if (value instanceof ValueType) { slotValue = createValue((ValueType) value); } else if (value instanceof Class<?>) { slotValue = createValue((Class<?>) value); } else { slotValue = createValue(value.getClass()); if (slotValue != null && slotValue.getPrototype().getProtoSlot(Value.SLOT_NAME_DEFAULT, false) != null) { slotValue.setSlotValue(Value.SLOT_NAME_DEFAULT, value); } } return slotValue; } private Value createValue(final Class<?> heapValueType) { final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = _Context.getSchemaLoader(); final ValueType valueType = schemaLoader.getValueType(heapValueType); return createValue(valueType, heapValueType); } private Value createValue(final ValueType valueType, final Class<?> heapValueType) { final SchemaLoader schemaLoader = _Context.getSchemaLoader(); final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader = _Context.getSyntaxLoader(); Value value = null; switch (valueType) { case Boolean: final BooleanValue booleanValue = _Context.newModel(BooleanValue.class); value = booleanValue; break; case Date: final DateValue dateValue = _Context.newModel(DateValue.class); value = dateValue; break; case Double: final DoubleValue doubleValue = _Context.newModel(DoubleValue.class); value = doubleValue; break; case Integer: final IntegerValue integerValue = _Context.newModel(IntegerValue.class); value = integerValue; break; case Model: final ModelValue modelValue = _Context.newModel(ModelValue.class); if (heapValueType != null) { final URI modelSchemaUri = schemaLoader.getTypeUri(heapValueType); modelValue.setModelSchemaUri(modelSchemaUri); } value = modelValue; break; case List: final ListValue listValue = _Context.newModel(ListValue.class); final Slot elementSlot = _Context.newModel(Slot.class); elementSlot.setName("E"); final Type elementValueHeapType = ValueType.getListElementType(heapValueType); final Value elementValue = createValue(elementValueHeapType); elementSlot.setValue(elementValue); listValue.setElementSlot(elementSlot); value = listValue; break; case Long: final LongValue longValue = _Context.newModel(LongValue.class); value = longValue; break; case SingleSelect: final SingleSelectValue singleSelectValue = _Context.newModel(SingleSelectValue.class); value = singleSelectValue; break; case Text: final TextValue textValue = _Context.newModel(TextValue.class); if (heapValueType != null && !String.class.equals(heapValueType)) { final URI syntaxUri = syntaxLoader.getSyntaxUri(heapValueType); textValue.setSyntaxUri(syntaxUri); } value = textValue; break; default: break; } return value; } }