Java tutorial
/** * WRML - Web Resource Modeling Language * __ __ ______ __ __ __ * /\ \ _ \ \ /\ == \ /\ "-./ \ /\ \ * \ \ \/ ".\ \\ \ __< \ \ \-./\ \\ \ \____ * \ \__/".~\_\\ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \ \_\\ \_____\ * \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ /_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ * * * * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Mark Masse <> (OSS project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import; import org.wrml.runtime.Context; import org.wrml.runtime.Dimensions; import org.wrml.runtime.DimensionsBuilder; import org.wrml.runtime.syntax.SyntaxLoader; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Set of reusable utility functions related to REST. */ public final class RestUtils { public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final Pattern ACCEPT = Pattern.compile(CommonHeader.ACCEPT.getName() + ": (.*)"); public static final Pattern ACCEPT_MAJOR = Pattern.compile("([^,]+)"); public static final Pattern ACCEPT_TYPE_PARAM_SEP = Pattern.compile("( +)?([^;]*)((;( +)?(.*))+)?"); public static final Pattern ACCEPT_TYPE_SEP = Pattern.compile("(.*)/(.*)"); public static final Pattern ACCEPT_PARAM = Pattern.compile(";( )*([^;]+)?"); public static final Pattern ACCEPT_PARAM_SEP = Pattern.compile("([^=]+)=?(\"([^\"]+)(\"))?(.*)?"); public static final Pattern CONTENT_TYPE = Pattern.compile(CommonHeader.CONTENT_TYPE.getName() + ": (.*)"); public static final Pattern CONTENT_TYPE_TYPE_PARAM_SEP = Pattern.compile("([^;/]*)/([^;/]*)((;( +)?(.*))+)?"); public static final Pattern CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM_SEP = Pattern.compile(";( )*([^;=]+)=(\"([^\"]+)(\"))?([^;]+)?"); public static final URI encodeUri(final URI uri) { String uriString; try { uriString = URLEncoder.encode(uri.toString(), DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } return URI.create(uriString); } public static MediaType extractMediaTypeFromContentTypeHeaderValue(String contentTypeHeaderValue) { MediaType mediaType = null; if (contentTypeHeaderValue == null) { return mediaType; } final Matcher contentWrap = CONTENT_TYPE.matcher(contentTypeHeaderValue); if (contentWrap.find()) { contentTypeHeaderValue =; final Matcher content = CONTENT_TYPE_TYPE_PARAM_SEP.matcher(contentTypeHeaderValue); if (content.find()) { final String majorType =; final String subType =; final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); final String params =; if (params != null && !params.equals("")) { final Matcher paramM = CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM_SEP.matcher(params); while (paramM.find()) { if ( != null) { parameters.put(,; } else { parameters.put(,; } } } mediaType = new MediaType(majorType, subType, parameters); } } return mediaType; } public static final MediaType extractMediaTypeFromDimensions(final Context context, final Dimensions dimensions) { final URI defaultFormatUri = context.getFormatLoader().getDefaultFormatUri(); final Map<String, String> mediaTypeParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>(6); mediaTypeParameters.put(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_SCHEMA, dimensions.getSchemaUri().toString()); mediaTypeParameters.put(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_FORMAT, defaultFormatUri.toString()); final List<String> embeddedLinkSlotNames = dimensions.getEmbeddedLinkSlotNames(); if (embeddedLinkSlotNames != null && !embeddedLinkSlotNames.isEmpty()) { mediaTypeParameters.put(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_EMBED, RestUtils.formatListString(embeddedLinkSlotNames)); } final List<String> excludedSlotNames = dimensions.getExcludedSlotNames(); if (excludedSlotNames != null && !excludedSlotNames.isEmpty()) { mediaTypeParameters.put(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_EXCLUDE, RestUtils.formatListString(excludedSlotNames)); } else { // INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are mutually exclusive paramaters, with precedence given to exclude (if both are // present). final List<String> includedSlotNames = dimensions.getIncludedSlotNames(); if (includedSlotNames != null && !includedSlotNames.isEmpty()) { mediaTypeParameters.put(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_INCLUDE, RestUtils.formatListString(includedSlotNames)); } } final MediaType mediaType = new MediaType(SystemMediaType.TYPE_APPLICATION, SystemMediaType.SUBTYPE_WRML, mediaTypeParameters); return mediaType; } public static List<MediaType> extractMediaTypesFromAcceptHeaderValue(String acceptsHeaderValue) { final List<MediaType> mediaTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if (acceptsHeaderValue == null) { return mediaTypes; } Matcher accept = ACCEPT.matcher(acceptsHeaderValue); // Remove front if present if (accept.find()) { acceptsHeaderValue =; } accept = ACCEPT_MAJOR.matcher(acceptsHeaderValue); while (accept.find()) { final String group =; final Matcher typeParam = ACCEPT_TYPE_PARAM_SEP.matcher(group); if (typeParam.find()) { final String uberType =; final String uberParams =; final Matcher typeM = ACCEPT_TYPE_SEP.matcher(uberType); String majorType = ""; String subType = ""; if (typeM.find()) { majorType =; subType =; } final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); if (uberParams != null && !uberParams.equals("")) { final Matcher params = ACCEPT_PARAM.matcher(uberParams); while (params.find()) { final String param =; final Matcher paramSep = ACCEPT_PARAM_SEP.matcher(param); if (paramSep.find()) { if ( != null) { parameters.put(,; } else { parameters.put(,; } } } } mediaTypes.add(new MediaType(majorType, subType, parameters)); } } Collections.sort(mediaTypes); return mediaTypes; } public static final Set<Header> extractRequestHeaders(final Context context, final Dimensions requestedDimensions) { final Set<Header> headers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); final String acceptHeaderValue = RestUtils.extractMediaTypeFromDimensions(context, requestedDimensions) .toString(); final Header acceptHeader = new BasicHeader(CommonHeader.ACCEPT.getName(), acceptHeaderValue); headers.add(acceptHeader); final URI referrerUri = requestedDimensions.getReferrerUri(); if (referrerUri != null) { headers.add(new BasicHeader(CommonHeader.REFERER.getName(), referrerUri.toString())); } final Locale locale = requestedDimensions.getLocale(); if (locale != null) { final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader = context.getSyntaxLoader(); final String languageHeaderValue = syntaxLoader.formatSyntaxValue(locale); headers.add(new BasicHeader(CommonHeader.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.getName(), languageHeaderValue)); } final Map<String, String> metadataMap = requestedDimensions.getMetadata(); if (metadataMap != null && !metadataMap.isEmpty()) { for (final String metadataName : metadataMap.keySet()) { final String metadataValue = metadataMap.get(metadataName); final Header additionalHeader = new BasicHeader(metadataName, metadataValue); headers.add(additionalHeader); } } return headers; } public static final Dimensions extractResponseDimensions(final Context context, final HttpResponse response, final Dimensions requestedDimensions) { final DimensionsBuilder dimensionsBuilder = new DimensionsBuilder(); URI schemaURI = null; final Header contentTypeHeader = response.getFirstHeader(CommonHeader.CONTENT_TYPE.getName()); if (contentTypeHeader != null) { final String contentTypeHeaderValue = contentTypeHeader.getValue(); final MediaType mediaType = RestUtils .extractMediaTypeFromContentTypeHeaderValue(contentTypeHeaderValue); if (mediaType != null) { final String schemaUriString = mediaType.getParameter(SystemMediaType.PARAMETER_NAME_SCHEMA); if (schemaUriString != null) { schemaURI = URI.create(schemaUriString); } } } if (schemaURI == null) { schemaURI = requestedDimensions.getSchemaUri(); } dimensionsBuilder.setSchemaUri(schemaURI); final Header contentLanguageheader = response.getFirstHeader(CommonHeader.CONTENT_LANGUAGE.getName()); if (contentLanguageheader != null) { String languageTag = contentLanguageheader.getValue(); if (languageTag != null) { if (languageTag.contains(",")) { languageTag = StringUtils.split(languageTag)[0]; } final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader = context.getSyntaxLoader(); final Locale locale = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(languageTag, Locale.class); if (locale != null) { dimensionsBuilder.setLocale(locale); } } } return dimensionsBuilder.toDimensions(); } public static final SortedSet<Parameter> extractUriQueryParameters(final URI uri) { if (uri == null) { return null; } final String queryPart = uri.getQuery(); if (queryPart == null || queryPart.isEmpty()) { return null; } final List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = URLEncodedUtils.parse(uri, DEFAULT_ENCODING); if (nameValuePairs == null) { return null; } final SortedSet<Parameter> queryParameters = new TreeSet<Parameter>(); for (final NameValuePair nameValuePair : nameValuePairs) { final Parameter parameter = new Parameter(nameValuePair.getName(), nameValuePair.getValue()); queryParameters.add(parameter); } return queryParameters; } public static final String getLastPathElement(final URI uri) { final String path = uri.getPath(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(path)) { return path; } String lastPathElement = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, "/"); lastPathElement = StringUtils.substringBefore(lastPathElement, "?"); return lastPathElement; } private static final String formatListString(final List<String> list) { return new StringBuilder("[").append(StringUtils.join(list, ", ")).append("]").toString(); } }