Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Regents of the University of California (Regents). * Created by WISE, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley. * * This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License, v3, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license * or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and * the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * REGENTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED * HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". REGENTS HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE * MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * REGENTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.SessionAttributes; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.wise.portal.dao.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.wise.portal.domain.authentication.impl.TeacherUserDetails; import; import org.wise.portal.domain.impl.DefaultPeriodNames; import org.wise.portal.domain.module.Curnit; import org.wise.portal.domain.module.impl.CurnitGetCurnitUrlVisitor; import org.wise.portal.domain.module.impl.ModuleParameters; import org.wise.portal.domain.project.Project; import org.wise.portal.domain.project.ProjectMetadata; import org.wise.portal.domain.project.impl.ProjectMetadataImpl; import org.wise.portal.domain.project.impl.ProjectParameters; import org.wise.portal.domain.project.impl.ProjectType; import; import; import org.wise.portal.domain.user.User; import org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.ControllerUtil; import org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.CredentialManager; import org.wise.portal.service.mail.IMailFacade; import org.wise.portal.service.module.CurnitService; import org.wise.portal.service.offering.RunService; import org.wise.portal.service.project.ProjectService; import org.wise.portal.service.workgroup.WorkgroupService; import org.wise.vle.utils.FileManager; import org.wise.vle.web.SecurityUtils; /** * Controller for the wizard to "create a run" * * The default getTargetPage() method is used to find out which page to navigate to, so * the controller looks for a request parameter starting with "_target" and ending with * a number (e.g. "_target1"). The jsp pages should provide these parameters. * * General method invocation flow (when user clicks on "prev" and "next"): * 1) onBind * 2) onBindAndValidate * 3) validatePage * 4) referenceData * Note that on user's first visit to the first page of the wizard, only referenceData will be * invoked, and steps 1-3 are bypassed. * * @author Hiroki Terashima */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/teacher/run/createRun.html") @SessionAttributes("runParameters") public class CreateRunController { @Autowired private RunService runService; @Autowired private WorkgroupService workgroupService; @Autowired private ProjectService projectService = null; @Autowired private CurnitService curnitService; private static final String COMPLETE_VIEW_NAME = "teacher/run/create/createrunfinish"; private static final String RUN_KEY = "run"; @Autowired private IMailFacade mailService = null; @Autowired private MessageSource messageSource; @Autowired protected Properties wiseProperties; private Map<Long, String> postLevelTextMap; /* change this to true if you are testing and do not want to send mail to the actual groups */ private static final Boolean DEBUG = false; //set this to your email private static final String DEBUG_EMAIL = ""; private static final Long[] IMPLEMENTED_POST_LEVELS = { 5l, 1l }; /** * The default handler (page=0) */ @RequestMapping public String getInitialPage(@RequestParam("projectId") final String projectId, final ModelMap modelMap) { User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser(); Project project = null; try { project = (Project) this.projectService.getById(projectId); if (!projectService.canCreateRun(project, user)) { return "errors/accessdenied"; } project.getTags().size(); // fetch the tags } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } modelMap.put("project", project); RunParameters runParameters = new RunParameters(); runParameters.setOwner(user); // add the current user as an owner of the run runParameters.setProject(project); runParameters.setName(project.getName()); // get the owners and add their usernames to the model String ownerUsernames = ""; Set<User> allOwners = new HashSet<>(); allOwners.add(project.getOwner()); allOwners.addAll(project.getSharedowners()); for (User currentOwner : allOwners) { ownerUsernames += currentOwner.getUserDetails().getUsername() + ","; } modelMap.put("projectOwners", ownerUsernames.substring(0, ownerUsernames.length() - 1)); /* determine if the project has been cleaned since last edited * and that the results indicate that all critical problems * have been resolved. Add relevant data to the model. */ boolean forceCleaning = false; boolean isAllowedToClean = (project.getOwner().equals(user) || project.getSharedowners().contains(user)); ProjectMetadata metadata = project.getMetadata(); if (metadata != null) { Date lastCleaned = metadata.getLastCleaned(); //Long lcTime = lastCleaned.getLong("timestamp"); Date lastEdited = metadata.getLastEdited(); /* if it has been edited since it was last cleaned, we need to force cleaning */ if (lastCleaned != null && lastEdited != null && lastCleaned.before(lastEdited)) { forceCleaning = true; } } forceCleaning = false; //TODO: Jon remove when cleaning is stable modelMap.put("user", user); modelMap.put("currentUsername", user.getUserDetails().getUsername()); modelMap.put("forceCleaning", forceCleaning); modelMap.put("isAllowedToClean", isAllowedToClean); modelMap.addAttribute("runParameters", runParameters); // populate the model Map as needed return "teacher/run/create/createrunconfirm"; } @RequestMapping(params = "_cancel") public String processCancel(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final SessionStatus status) { status.setComplete(); return "redirect:/teacher/index.html"; } /** * For page 1, show list of existing runs for this user and lets them select * which ones to archive */ @RequestMapping(params = "_page=1") public String processFirstPage(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters, final BindingResult result, final ModelMap modelMap) { User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser(); // for page 2 of the wizard, display existing runs for this user List<Run> allRuns = runService.getRunListByOwner(user); // this is a temporary solution to filtering out runs that the logged-in user owns. // when the ACL entry permissions is figured out, we shouldn't have to do this filtering // start temporary code List<Run> currentRuns = new ArrayList<Run>(); for (Run run : allRuns) { if (run.getOwner().equals(user) && !run.isEnded()) { currentRuns.add(run); } } // end temporary code modelMap.put("existingRunList", currentRuns); return "teacher/run/create/createrunarchive"; } /** * Second page handler. Allow user to specify periods that they will use * the run for */ @RequestMapping(params = "_page=2") public String processSecondPage(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters, final BindingResult result, final ModelMap modelMap) { modelMap.put("periodNames", DefaultPeriodNames.values()); return "teacher/run/create/createrunperiods"; } /** * Third page handler. This is where user selects postLevel and real time settings */ @RequestMapping(params = "_page=3") public String processThirdPage(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters, final BindingResult result, final ModelMap modelMap, final HttpServletRequest request) { modelMap.put("periodNames", DefaultPeriodNames.values()); if (runParameters.getPeriodNames() == null || runParameters.getPeriodNames().size() == 0) { if (runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods() == "") { result.rejectValue("periodNames", "setuprun.error.selectperiods", "You must select one or more periods or manually" + " create your period names."); } else { // check if manually entered periods is an empty string or just "," If yes, throw error if (runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods() == null || StringUtils.trim(runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods()).length() == 0 || StringUtils.trim(runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods()).equals(",")) { result.rejectValue("periodNames", "setuprun.error.selectperiods", "You must select one or more periods or manually" + " create your period names."); } else { String[] parsed = StringUtils.split(runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods(), ","); if (parsed.length == 0) { result.rejectValue("periodNames", "setuprun.error.whitespaceornonalphanumeric", "Manually entered" + " periods cannot contain whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters."); return "teacher/run/create/createrunperiods"; } Set<String> parsedAndTrimmed = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String current : parsed) { String trimmed = StringUtils.trim(current); if (trimmed.length() == 0 || StringUtils.contains(trimmed, " ") || !StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(trimmed) || trimmed.equals(",")) { result.rejectValue("periodNames", "setuprun.error.whitespaceornonalphanumeric", "Manually entered" + " periods cannot contain whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters."); break; } else { parsedAndTrimmed.add(trimmed); } } runParameters.setPeriodNames(parsedAndTrimmed); runParameters.setManuallyEnteredPeriods(""); } } } else if (runParameters.getManuallyEnteredPeriods() != "") { result.rejectValue("periodNames", "setuprun.error.notsupported", "Selecting both periods AND" + " manually entering periods is not supported."); } if (result.hasErrors()) { return "teacher/run/create/createrunperiods"; } postLevelTextMap = new HashMap<Long, String>(); String defaultPostLevelHighMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", null, Locale.US); String postLevelHighMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", null, defaultPostLevelHighMessage, request.getLocale()); String defaultPostLevelLowMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", null, Locale.US); String postLevelLowMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", null, defaultPostLevelLowMessage, request.getLocale()); postLevelTextMap.put(5l, postLevelHighMessage); postLevelTextMap.put(1l, postLevelLowMessage); Project project = runParameters.getProject(); String maxWorkgroupSizeStr = wiseProperties.getProperty("maxWorkgroupSize", "3"); int maxWorkgroupSize = Integer.parseInt(maxWorkgroupSizeStr); runParameters.setMaxWorkgroupSize(maxWorkgroupSize); modelMap.put("maxWorkgroupSize", maxWorkgroupSize); modelMap.put("implementedPostLevels", IMPLEMENTED_POST_LEVELS); modelMap.put("postLevelTextMap", postLevelTextMap); modelMap.put("minPostLevel", this.getMinPostLevel(project)); runParameters.setEnableRealTime(true); return "teacher/run/create/createrunconfigure"; } /** * Fourth step handler */ @RequestMapping(params = "_page=4") public String processFourthPage(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters, final BindingResult result, final ModelMap modelMap) { Project project = runParameters.getProject(); Integer projectWiseVersion = project.getWiseVersion(); if (projectWiseVersion == null) { projectWiseVersion = 4; } String relativeProjectFilePath = (String) project.getCurnit().accept(new CurnitGetCurnitUrlVisitor()); // looks like this: "/109/new.project.json" int ndx = relativeProjectFilePath.lastIndexOf("/"); String projectJSONFilename = relativeProjectFilePath.substring(ndx + 1, relativeProjectFilePath.length()); // looks like this: "new.project.json" //get the project name String projectName = project.getName(); //replace ' with \' so when the project name is displayed on the jsp page, it won't short circuit the string projectName = projectName.replaceAll("\\'", "\\\\'"); modelMap.put("projectId", project.getId()); modelMap.put("projectType", project.getProjectType()); modelMap.put("projectName", projectName); modelMap.put("projectWiseVersion", projectWiseVersion); modelMap.put("projectJSONFilename", projectJSONFilename); return "teacher/run/create/createrunreview"; } /** * Retrieves the post level from the project metadata if it exists and determines * the minimum post level that the user can set for the run. * * @param project * @return */ private Long getMinPostLevel(Project project) { Long level = 1l; ProjectMetadata metadata = project.getMetadata(); if (metadata != null && metadata.getPostLevel() != null) { level = metadata.getPostLevel(); } return level; } /** * Creates a run. * * This method is called if there is a submit that validates and contains the "_finish" * request parameter. */ @RequestMapping(params = "_finish") protected ModelAndView processFinish(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters, final BindingResult result, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final SessionStatus status) throws Exception { Project project = runParameters.getProject(); Project newProject; // copied project that will be used for new run. Integer projectWiseVersion = project.getWiseVersion(); if (projectWiseVersion != null && projectWiseVersion == 5) { User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser(); CredentialManager.setRequestCredentials(request, user); String pathAllowedToAccess = CredentialManager.getAllowedPathAccess(request); /* * get the project folder path * e.g. * /Users/geoffreykwan/dev/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/curriculum/667 */ String projectFolderPath = FileManager.getProjectFolderPath(project); /* * get the curriculum base * e.g. * /Users/geoffreykwan/dev/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/curriculum */ String curriculumBaseDir = wiseProperties.getProperty("curriculum_base_dir"); if (SecurityUtils.isAllowedAccess(pathAllowedToAccess, projectFolderPath)) { String newProjectDirname = FileManager.copyProject(curriculumBaseDir, projectFolderPath); String newProjectPath = "/" + newProjectDirname + "/project.json"; String newProjectName = project.getName(); Long parentProjectId = (Long) project.getId(); ModuleParameters mParams = new ModuleParameters(); mParams.setUrl(newProjectPath); Curnit curnit = curnitService.createCurnit(mParams); ProjectParameters pParams = new ProjectParameters(); pParams.setCurnitId(curnit.getId()); pParams.setOwner(user); pParams.setProjectname(newProjectName); pParams.setProjectType(ProjectType.LD); pParams.setWiseVersion(5); pParams.setParentProjectId(parentProjectId); // get the project's metadata from the parent ProjectMetadata parentProjectMetadata = project.getMetadata(); if (parentProjectMetadata != null) { // copy into new metadata object ProjectMetadata newProjectMetadata = new ProjectMetadataImpl( parentProjectMetadata.toJSONString()); pParams.setMetadata(newProjectMetadata); } newProject = projectService.createProject(pParams); } else { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return new ModelAndView("errors/accessdenied"); } } else { // this will be a new run using a WISE4 project. The new project has already been created. // get newProjectId from request and use that to set up the run String newProjectId = request.getParameter("newProjectId"); newProject = projectService.getById(new Long(newProjectId)); } Run run; try { runParameters.setProject(newProject); Locale userLocale = request.getLocale(); runParameters.setLocale(userLocale); runParameters.setPostLevel(5); // always use the highest post-level (starting WISE5) run = this.runService.createRun(runParameters); User owner = runParameters.getOwner(); HashSet<User> members = new HashSet<>(); members.add(owner); // create a workgroup for the owners of the run (teacher) workgroupService.createWISEWorkgroup("teacher", members, run, null); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { result.rejectValue("curnitId", "error.curnit-not_found", new Object[] { runParameters.getCurnitId() }, "Project Not Found."); return null; } ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(COMPLETE_VIEW_NAME); modelAndView.addObject(RUN_KEY, run); Set<String> runIdsToArchive = runParameters.getRunIdsToArchive(); if (runIdsToArchive != null) { for (String runIdStr : runIdsToArchive) { Long runId = Long.valueOf(runIdStr); Run runToArchive = runService.retrieveById(runId); runService.endRun(runToArchive); } } // send email to the recipients in new thread //tries to retrieve the user from the session User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser(); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); String fullWiseContextPath = ControllerUtil.getPortalUrlString(request); // e.g. http://localhost:8080/wise CreateRunEmailService emailService = new CreateRunEmailService(runParameters, run, user, locale, fullWiseContextPath); Thread thread = new Thread(emailService); thread.start(); status.setComplete(); return modelAndView; } class CreateRunEmailService implements Runnable { private Object command; private Run run; private User user; private Locale locale; private String fullWiseContextPath; public CreateRunEmailService(Object command, Run run, User user, Locale locale, String fullWiseContextPath) { this.command = command; = run; this.user = user; this.locale = locale; this.fullWiseContextPath = fullWiseContextPath; } public void run() { try { String sendEmailEnabledStr = wiseProperties.getProperty("send_email_enabled"); Boolean sendEmailEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(sendEmailEnabledStr); if (!sendEmailEnabled) { return; } sendEmail(); } catch (MessagingException e) { // what if there was an error sending email? // should uber_admin be notified? e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * sends an email to individuals to notify them of a new project run * having been set up by a teacher */ private void sendEmail() throws MessagingException { RunParameters runParameters = (RunParameters) command; String teacherName = null; String teacherEmail = null; Serializable projectID = null; String schoolName = null; String schoolPeriods = null; Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, MMMMM d, yyyy"); TeacherUserDetails teacherUserDetails = (TeacherUserDetails) user.getUserDetails(); teacherName = teacherUserDetails.getFirstname() + " " + teacherUserDetails.getLastname(); teacherEmail = teacherUserDetails.getEmailAddress(); schoolName = teacherUserDetails.getSchoolname(); String schoolLocation = ""; if (teacherUserDetails.getCity() != null) { schoolLocation += teacherUserDetails.getCity(); } if (teacherUserDetails.getState() != null) { schoolLocation += " " + teacherUserDetails.getState(); } if (teacherUserDetails.getCountry() != null) { schoolLocation += " " + teacherUserDetails.getCountry(); } schoolPeriods = runParameters.printAllPeriods(); Set<String> projectcodes = new TreeSet<String>(); String runcode = run.getRuncode(); Set<Group> periods = run.getPeriods(); for (Group period : periods) { projectcodes.add(runcode + "-" + period.getName()); } projectID = runParameters.getProject().getId(); Long runID = run.getId(); String previewProjectUrl = fullWiseContextPath + "/previewproject.html?projectId=" + run.getProject().getId(); String[] recipients = wiseProperties.getProperty("project_setup").split(","); String defaultSubject = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { wiseProperties.getProperty("") }, Locale.US); String subject = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { wiseProperties.getProperty("") }, defaultSubject, this.locale); String defaultMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { wiseProperties.getProperty(""), teacherName, teacherUserDetails.getUsername(), teacherEmail, schoolName, schoolLocation, schoolPeriods, projectcodes.toString(), run.getProject().getName(), projectID, runID, sdf.format(date), previewProjectUrl }, Locale.US); String message = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { wiseProperties.getProperty(""), teacherName, teacherUserDetails.getUsername(), teacherEmail, schoolName, schoolLocation, schoolPeriods, projectcodes.toString(), run.getProject().getName(), projectID, runID, sdf.format(date), previewProjectUrl }, defaultMessage, this.locale); String fromEmail = wiseProperties.getProperty("portalemailaddress"); //for testing out the email functionality without spamming the groups if (DEBUG) { recipients[0] = DEBUG_EMAIL; } //sends the email to the admin mailService.postMail(recipients, subject, message, fromEmail); //also send email to teacher String[] teacherRecipient = new String[] { teacherEmail }; String defaultTeacherSubject = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { run.getProject().getName() }, Locale.US); String teacherSubject = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { run.getProject().getName() }, defaultTeacherSubject, this.locale); String defaultRunCodeDescription = messageSource .getMessage("", null, Locale.US); String runCodeDescription = messageSource.getMessage( "", null, defaultRunCodeDescription, this.locale); String defaultTeacherMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { teacherUserDetails.getUsername(), run.getProject().getName(), sdf.format(date), runcode, defaultRunCodeDescription }, Locale.US); String teacherMessage = messageSource.getMessage( "", new Object[] { teacherUserDetails.getUsername(), run.getProject().getName(), sdf.format(date), runcode, runCodeDescription }, defaultTeacherMessage, this.locale); if (wiseProperties.containsKey("discourse_url")) { String discourseURL = wiseProperties.getProperty("discourse_url"); if (discourseURL != null && !discourseURL.isEmpty()) { // if this WISE instance uses discourse for teacher community, append link to it in the P.S. section of the email String defaultPS = messageSource.getMessage("teacherEmailPSCommunity", new Object[] { discourseURL }, Locale.US); String pS = messageSource.getMessage("teacherEmailPSCommunity", new Object[] { discourseURL }, defaultPS, this.locale); teacherMessage += "\n\n" + pS; } } //sends the email to the teacher mailService.postMail(teacherRecipient, teacherSubject, teacherMessage, fromEmail); } } }