Java tutorial
/** * Approved for Public Release: 10-4800. Distribution Unlimited. * Copyright 2011 The MITRE Corporation, * Licensed under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.transform.v2.bpmn20; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.omg.spec.bpmn._20100524.model.Definitions; import org.omg.spec.bpmn._20100524.model.ObjectFactory; import org.omg.spec.bpmn._20100524.model.TProcess; import org.omg.spec.bpmn._20100524.model.TProcessType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.api.model.v2.Activity; import org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.api.model.v2.Variable; import org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.transform.v2.AbstractProcessBuilder; import org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.transform.v2.Builder; /** * * @author JKRANES */ @Component public class Bpmn20ProcessBuilder extends AbstractProcessBuilder<Definitions> { private static ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory(); private static final String DEFINITIONS_ID = "Definitions"; // unclear whether this has a any meaning @Override public Definitions build(org.wiredwidgets.cow.server.api.model.v2.Process source) { Definitions definitions = new Definitions(); definitions.setName(source.getName()); definitions.setId(DEFINITIONS_ID); definitions.setTargetNamespace(""); definitions.setTypeLanguage(""); definitions.setExpressionLanguage(""); TProcess process = new TProcess(); process.setProcessType(TProcessType.PRIVATE); process.setIsExecutable(Boolean.TRUE); process.getOtherAttributes().put(new QName("", "packageName", "tns"), "defaultPackage"); process.setId("com.sample.evaluation"); process.setName(source.getName()); definitions.getRootElements().add(factory.createProcess(process)); Bpmn20ProcessContext context = new Bpmn20ProcessContext(source, definitions, process); // Every process has a Map for ad-hoc content context.addProcessVariable("content", "java.util.Map"); // Add any additional variables defined in the workflow if (source.getVariables() != null) { for (Variable var : source.getVariables().getVariables()) { context.addProcessVariable(var.getName(), "String"); } } // TODO: initialize the process variables from values specified in the master workflow Builder startBuilder = new Bpmn20StartNodeBuilder(context);; Activity activity = source.getActivity().getValue(); Builder builder = createActivityBuilder(context, activity);;; Builder endBuilder = new Bpmn20EndNodeBuilder(context);;; return definitions; } }