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package org.wikidata.wdtk.wikibaseapi;

 * #%L
 * Wikidata Toolkit Wikibase API
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Wikidata Toolkit Developers
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.helpers.Datamodel;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.DocumentDataFilter;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.EntityDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.json.jackson.JacksonItemDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.json.jackson.JacksonTermedStatementDocument;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.util.WebResourceFetcher;
import org.wikidata.wdtk.util.WebResourceFetcherImpl;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

 * Simple class to fetch data from Wikibase via the online API. Only anonymous,
 * read-only access is supported here.
 * @author Markus Kroetzsch
public class WikibaseDataFetcher {

    static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WikibaseDataFetcher.class);

     * URL of the Web API of
    final static String WIKIDATA_API_URL = "";

     * Object used to make web requests. Package-private so that it can be
     * overwritten with a mock object in tests.
    WebResourceFetcher webResourceFetcher = new WebResourceFetcherImpl();

     * The URL where the MediaWiki API can be found.
    final String apiBaseUrl;

     * The IRI that identifies the site that the data is from.
    final String siteIri;

     * Mapper object used for deserializing JSON data.
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

     * Filter that is used to restrict API requests.
    private final DocumentDataFilter filter = new DocumentDataFilter();

     * Creates an object to fetch data from
    public WikibaseDataFetcher() {
        this(WIKIDATA_API_URL, Datamodel.SITE_WIKIDATA);

     * Creates an object to fetch data from API at the given URL. The site URI
     * is necessary since it is not contained in the data retrieved from the
     * URI.
     * @param apiBaseUrl
     *            the base URL of the Web API that should be accessed, e.g.,
     *            ""
     * @param siteUri
     *            the URI identifying the site that is accessed (usually the
     *            prefix of entity URIs), e.g.,
     *            ""
    public WikibaseDataFetcher(String apiBaseUrl, String siteUri) {
        this.apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl;
        this.siteIri = siteUri;

     * Returns the {@link DocumentDataFilter} object that is used to filter API
     * requests. Settings made in this object will affect the API request, and
     * often lead to reduced network traffic and better performance.
     * <p>
     * Note: Filtering individual properties is currently not supported (such
     * filters will be ignored). However, filtering all properties is possible;
     * in this case all statements are excluded.
     * @return the filter used by this object
    public DocumentDataFilter getFilter() {
        return this.filter;

     * Fetches the documents for the entity of the given string IDs. The result
     * is an {@link EntityDocument} or null if the data could not be fetched.
     * @param entityId
     *            string IDs (e.g., "P31" or "Q42") of requested entity
     * @return retrieved entity document or null
    public EntityDocument getEntityDocument(String entityId) {
        return getEntityDocuments(entityId).get(entityId);

     * Fetches the documents for the entities of the given string IDs. The
     * result is a map from entity IDs to {@link EntityDocument} objects. It is
     * possible that a requested ID could not be found: then this key is not set
     * in the map.
     * @param entityIds
     *            string IDs (e.g., "P31", "Q42") of requested entities
     * @return map from IDs for which data could be found to the documents that
     *         were retrieved
    public Map<String, EntityDocument> getEntityDocuments(String... entityIds) {
        return getEntityDocuments(Arrays.asList(entityIds));

     * Fetches the documents for the entities of the given string IDs. The
     * result is a map from entity IDs to {@link EntityDocument} objects. It is
     * possible that a requested ID could not be found: then this key is not set
     * in the map.
     * @param entityIds
     *            list of string IDs (e.g., "P31", "Q42") of requested entities
     * @return map from IDs for which data could be found to the documents that
     *         were retrieved
    public Map<String, EntityDocument> getEntityDocuments(List<String> entityIds) {
        String url = getWbGetEntitiesUrl(entityIds);
        return getStringEntityDocumentMap(entityIds.size(), url, null);

     * Fetches the document for the entity that has a page of the given title on
     * the given site. Site keys should be some site identifier known to the
     * Wikibase site that is queried, such as "enwiki" for
     * <p>
     * Note: This method will not work properly if a filter is set for sites
     * that excludes the requested site.
     * @param siteKey
     *            wiki site id, e.g., "enwiki"
     * @param title
     *            string titles (e.g. "Douglas Adams") of requested entities
     * @return document for the entity with this title, or null if no such
     *         document exists
    public EntityDocument getEntityDocumentByTitle(String siteKey, String title) {
        return getEntityDocumentsByTitle(siteKey, title).get(title);

     * Fetches the documents for the entities that have pages of the given
     * titles on the given site. Site keys should be some site identifier known
     * to the Wikibase site that is queried, such as "enwiki" for
     * <p>
     * Note: This method will not work properly if a filter is set for sites
     * that excludes the requested site.
     * @param siteKey
     *            wiki site id, e.g. "enwiki"
     * @param titles
     *            list of string titles (e.g. "Douglas Adams") of requested
     *            entities
     * @return map from titles for which data could be found to the documents
     *         that were retrieved
    public Map<String, EntityDocument> getEntityDocumentsByTitle(String siteKey, String... titles) {
        return getEntityDocumentsByTitle(siteKey, Arrays.asList(titles));

     * Fetches the documents for the entities that have pages of the given
     * titles on the given site. Site keys should be some site identifier known
     * to the Wikibase site that is queried, such as "enwiki" for
     * <p>
     * Note: This method will not work properly if a filter is set for sites
     * that excludes the requested site.
     * @param siteKey
     *            wiki site id, e.g. "enwiki"
     * @param titles
     *            list of string titles (e.g. "Douglas Adams") of requested
     *            entities
     * @return map from titles for which data could be found to the documents
     *         that were retrieved
    public Map<String, EntityDocument> getEntityDocumentsByTitle(String siteKey, List<String> titles) {
        String url = getWbGetEntitiesUrl(siteKey, titles);
        return getStringEntityDocumentMap(titles.size(), url, siteKey);

     * Creates a map of identifiers or page titles to documents retrieved via
     * the API URL.
     * @param numOfEntities
     *            number of entities that should be retrieved
     * @param url
     *            the API URL (with parameters)
     * @param siteKey
     *            null if the map keys should be document ids; siite key (e.g.,
     *            "enwiki") if the map should use page titles of a linked site
     *            as keys
     * @return map of document identifiers or titles to documents retrieved via
     *         the API URL
    Map<String, EntityDocument> getStringEntityDocumentMap(int numOfEntities, String url, String siteKey) {
        if (numOfEntities == 0 || url == null) {
            return Collections.<String, EntityDocument>emptyMap();
        Map<String, EntityDocument> result = new HashMap<>(numOfEntities);

        try (InputStream inStream = this.webResourceFetcher.getInputStreamForUrl(url)) {

            JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(inStream);

            if (root.has("error")) {
                JsonNode errorNode = root.path("error");
                        "Error when reading data from API: " + errorNode.path("info").asText("DESCRIPTION MISSING")
                                + " [" + errorNode.path("code").asText("UNKNOWN ERROR CODE") + "]");
            } // fall through: maybe there are some entities anyway

            JsonNode entities = root.path("entities");
            for (JsonNode entityNode : entities) {
                if (!entityNode.has("missing")) {
                    try {
                        JacksonTermedStatementDocument ed = mapper.treeToValue(entityNode,

                        if (siteKey == null) {
                            result.put(ed.getEntityId().getId(), ed);
                        } else {
                            if (ed instanceof JacksonItemDocument
                                    && ((JacksonItemDocument) ed).getSiteLinks().containsKey(siteKey)) {
                                result.put(((JacksonItemDocument) ed).getSiteLinks().get(siteKey).getPageTitle(),
                    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                        logger.error("Error when reading JSON for entity " + entityNode.path("id").asText("UNKNOWN")
                                + ": " + e.toString());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Could not retrieve data from " + url + ". Error:\n" + e.toString());

        return result;

     * Returns the URL string for a wbgetentities request to the Wikibase API,
     * or null if it was not possible to build such a string with the current
     * settings.
     * @param parameters
     *            map of possible parameters (e.g. ("sites", "enwiki"),
     *            ("titles", titles of entities to retrieve), ("ids", ids of
     *            entities to retrieve). See
     *            WikibaseDataFetcher.getWbGetEntitiesUrl(List<String>
     *            entityIds) as an example.
     * @return URL string
    String getWbGetEntitiesUrl(Map<String, String> parameters) {

        URIBuilder uriBuilder;
        try {
            uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(this.apiBaseUrl);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
            logger.error("Error in API URL \"" + this.apiBaseUrl + "\": " + e1.toString());
            return null;

        uriBuilder.setParameter("action", "wbgetentities");
        uriBuilder.setParameter("format", "json");
        for (String parameter : parameters.keySet()) {
            String value = parameters.get(parameter);
            uriBuilder.setParameter(parameter, value);

        return uriBuilder.toString();

     * Returns the URL string for a wbgetentities request to the Wikibase API,
     * or null if it was not possible to build such a string with the current
     * settings.
     * @param entityIds
     *            list of string IDs (e.g., "P31", "Q42") of requested entities
     * @return URL string
    String getWbGetEntitiesUrl(List<String> entityIds) {
        final String entityString = implodeObjects(entityIds);
        Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
        parameters.put("ids", entityString);
        return getWbGetEntitiesUrl(parameters);

     * Returns the URL string for a wbgetentities request to the Wikibase API,
     * or null if it was not possible to build such a string with the current
     * settings.
     * @param siteKey
     *            wiki site id, e.g. "enwiki"
     * @param titles
     *            list of string titles (e.g. "Douglas Adams") of requested
     *            entities.
     * @return URL string
    String getWbGetEntitiesUrl(String siteKey, List<String> titles) {
        final String titleString = implodeObjects(titles);
        Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>();
        parameters.put("sites", siteKey);
        parameters.put("titles", titleString);
        return getWbGetEntitiesUrl(parameters);

     * Sets the value for the API's "props" parameter based on the current
     * settings.
     * @param uriBuilder
     *            the URI builder to set the parameter in
    private void setRequestProps(URIBuilder uriBuilder) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        if (!this.filter.excludeAllLanguages()) {
        if (!this.filter.excludeAllProperties()) {
        if (!this.filter.excludeAllSiteLinks()) {

        uriBuilder.setParameter("props", builder.toString());

     * Sets the value for the API's "languages" parameter based on the current
     * settings.
     * @param uriBuilder
     *            the URI builder to set the parameter in
    private void setRequestLanguages(URIBuilder uriBuilder) {
        if (this.filter.excludeAllLanguages() || this.filter.getLanguageFilter() == null) {
        uriBuilder.setParameter("languages", implodeObjects(this.filter.getLanguageFilter()));

     * Sets the value for the API's "sitefilter" parameter based on the current
     * settings.
     * @param uriBuilder
     *            the URI builder to set the parameter in
    private void setRequestSitefilter(URIBuilder uriBuilder) {
        if (this.filter.excludeAllSiteLinks() || this.filter.getSiteLinkFilter() == null) {
        uriBuilder.setParameter("sitefilter", implodeObjects(this.filter.getSiteLinkFilter()));

     * Builds a string that serializes a list of objects separated by the pipe
     * character. The toString methods are used to turn objects into strings.
     * @param objects
     *            the objects to implode
     * @return string of imploded objects
    private String implodeObjects(Iterable<? extends Object> objects) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (Object o : objects) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
        return builder.toString();
