Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wicketstuff.datastores.memcached; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import net.spy.memcached.ConnectionObserver; import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient; import org.apache.wicket.pageStore.IDataStore; import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args; import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Checks; import org.apache.wicket.util.time.Duration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; /** * {@link org.apache.wicket.pageStore.IDataStore} that stores the pages' bytes in Memcached. * It uses <a href="">Google Guava</a>'s Cache * as a Map with eviction functionality by last access time. * * To use it the application has to add: as dependency in * the classpath. * * A useful read about the way Memcached works can be found * <a href="">here</a>. */ public class GuavaMemcachedDataStore implements IDataStore { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GuavaMemcachedDataStore.class); /** * A suffix for the keys to avoid duplication of entries * in Memcached entered by another process and to make * it easier to find out who put the data at the server */ private static final String KEY_SUFFIX = "Wicket-Memcached-Guava"; /** * A separator used for the key construction */ private static final String SEPARATOR = "|||"; /** * The connection to the Memcached server */ private final MemcachedClient client; /** * The configuration for the client */ private final IMemcachedSettings settings; /** * Tracks the keys for all operations per session. * Used to delete all entries for a session when invalidated. * * The entries in Memcached have time-to-live so they will be * removed anyway at some point. */ private final Cache<String, Set<String>> keysPerSession; /** * Constructor. * * Creates a MemcachedClient from the provided settings * * @param settings The configuration for the client * @throws when cannot connect to any of the provided * in IMemcachedSettings Memcached servers */ public GuavaMemcachedDataStore(IMemcachedSettings settings) throws IOException { this(createClient(settings), settings); } /** * Constructor. * * @param client The connection to Memcached * @param settings The configuration for the client */ public GuavaMemcachedDataStore(MemcachedClient client, IMemcachedSettings settings) { this.client = Args.notNull(client, "client"); this.settings = Args.notNull(settings, "settings"); this.keysPerSession = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(settings.getExpirationTime(), TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(); client.addObserver(new ConnectionObserver() { @Override public void connectionEstablished(SocketAddress sa, int reconnectCount) {"Established connection to: {}, reconnect count: {}", sa, reconnectCount); } @Override public void connectionLost(SocketAddress sa) { LOG.warn("Lost connection to: {}", sa); } }); } /** * Creates MemcachedClient with the provided hostname and port * in the settings * * @param settings The configuration for the client * @return A MemcachedClient * @throws when cannot connect to any of the provided Memcached servers */ public static MemcachedClient createClient(IMemcachedSettings settings) throws IOException { Args.notNull(settings, "settings"); int port = settings.getPort(); Checks.withinRangeShort(10000, 65535, port, "port"); List<String> hostnames = settings.getServerList(); int memcachedPort = settings.getPort(); InetSocketAddress[] addresses = new InetSocketAddress[hostnames.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < hostnames.size(); i++) { String hostname = hostnames.get(i); addresses[i] = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, memcachedPort); } return new MemcachedClient(addresses); } @Override public byte[] getData(String sessionId, int pageId) { String key = makeKey(sessionId, pageId); byte[] bytes = (byte[]) client.get(key); if (bytes == null) { removeKey(sessionId, key); } LOG.debug("Got {} for session '{}' and page id '{}'", new Object[] { bytes != null ? "data" : "'null'", sessionId, pageId }); return bytes; } @Override public void removeData(final String sessionId, final int pageId) { final String key = makeKey(sessionId, pageId); client.delete(key); removeKey(sessionId, key); LOG.debug("Removed the data for session '{}' and page id '{}'", sessionId, pageId); } @Override public void removeData(String sessionId) { Set<String> keys = keysPerSession.getIfPresent(sessionId); if (keys != null) { for (String key : keys) { client.delete(key); } keysPerSession.invalidate(sessionId); LOG.debug("Removed the data for session '{}'", sessionId); } } @Override public void storeData(final String sessionId, final int pageId, byte[] data) { final String key = makeKey(sessionId, pageId); Set<String> keys; try { keys = keysPerSession.get(sessionId, new Callable<Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<String> call() throws Exception { return Sets.newSetFromMap(createEvictingMap()); } }); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { LOG.warn("An error occurred while creating a new set for the keys in session '{}': {}", sessionId, ex.getMessage()); keys = Sets.newSetFromMap(createEvictingMap()); keysPerSession.put(sessionId, keys); } int expirationTime = settings.getExpirationTime(); client.set(key, expirationTime, data); keys.add(key); LOG.debug("Stored data for session '{}' and page id '{}'", sessionId, pageId); } @Override public void destroy() { keysPerSession.invalidateAll(); if (client != null) { Duration timeout = settings.getShutdownTimeout();"Shutting down gracefully for {}", timeout); client.shutdown(timeout.getMilliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } @Override public boolean isReplicated() { return true; } @Override public boolean canBeAsynchronous() { // no need to be asynchronous // MemcachedClient is asynchronous itself return false; } /** * Creates a key that is used for the lookup in Memcached. * The key starts with sessionId and the pageId so * {@linkplain #keysPerSession} can be sorted faster. * * @param sessionId The id of the http session. * @param pageId The id of the stored page * @return A key that is used for the lookup in Memcached */ private String makeKey(String sessionId, int pageId) { return new StringBuilder().append(sessionId).append(SEPARATOR).append(pageId).append(SEPARATOR) .append(KEY_SUFFIX).toString(); } /** * Removes a key from {@linkplain #keysPerSession} * * @param sessionId The id of the http session. * @param key The key for Memcached lookup */ private void removeKey(String sessionId, String key) { Set<String> keys = keysPerSession.getIfPresent(sessionId); if (keys != null) { // maybe the entry has expired keys.remove(key); if (keys.isEmpty()) { keysPerSession.invalidate(sessionId); } } } /** * Creates a concurrent map with eviction functionality by * access time. * * @return the evicting map */ private ConcurrentMap<String, Boolean> createEvictingMap() { int seconds = settings.getExpirationTime(); Cache<String, Boolean> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterAccess(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .build(); return cache.asMap(); } }