Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 Rudy D'hauwe @ Whizu
 * Licensed under the EUPL V.1.1
 * This Software is provided to You under the terms of the European 
 * Union Public License (the "EUPL") version 1.1 as published by the 
 * European Union. Any use of this Software, other than as authorized 
 * under this License is strictly prohibited (to the extent such use 
 * is covered by a right of the copyright holder of this Software).
 * This Software is provided under the License on an "AS IS" basis and 
 * without warranties of any kind concerning the Software, including 
 * without limitation merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, 
 * absence of defects or errors, accuracy, and non-infringement of 
 * intellectual property rights other than copyright. This disclaimer 
 * of warranty is an essential part of the License and a condition for 
 * the grant of any rights to this Software.
 * For more  details, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     2013 - Rudy D'hauwe @ Whizu - initial API and implementation
package org.whizu.widget;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.whizu.content.Component;
import org.whizu.content.Content;
import org.whizu.content.ContentBuilder;
import org.whizu.content.Decorator;
import org.whizu.content.Element;
import org.whizu.content.Identity;
import org.whizu.jquery.JQuery;
import org.whizu.jquery.Request;
import org.whizu.jquery.RequestContext;
import org.whizu.jquery.Session;

 * @author Rudy D'hauwe
public abstract class Widget implements ContentBuilder, Component, Decorator {

    protected enum State {

    protected String id_;

    protected State state = State.NEW;

    private List<String> cssList = new ArrayList<String>();

    protected String width = null;

    private StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer();

    protected Widget() {
        id_ = session().next();

    protected Widget(String id) {
        id_ = id;

    public final void id(String id) {
        id_ = id;

    public Component css(String clazz) {

        if (this.isRendered()) {

        return this;

    public void style(String style) {;
        if (!StringUtils.endsWith(style, ";")) {

        if (this.isRendered()) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    protected Request request() {
        return RequestContext.getRequest();

    protected String getSelector() {
        return "$(\"#" + id() + "\")";

    protected Session session() {
        return request().session();

    public String id() {
        return id_;

    public final boolean isRendered() {
        return State.RENDERED.equals(state);

    protected JQuery jQuery() {
        return request().select("$");

    protected JQuery jQuery(Identity... components) {
        return request().select(components);

    protected JQuery jQuery(String selector) {
        return request().select(selector);

    public final String render() {
        try {
            if (isRendered()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("This component is already rendered: " + this);
            Content markup = build();
            if (markup == null) {
                return "";
            } else if (markup.equals(this)) { // TODO unnecessary code?
                // (Component doesn't implement Content anymore)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Widget.create() must not return this - causes infinite loop");
            } else {
                return markup.render();
        } finally {
            this.state = State.RENDERED;

    public void width(String width) {
        this.width = width;

        if (this.isRendered()) {

    public void decorate(Element element) {
        if (isRendered()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This component is already rendered: " + this);


    protected void init() {