Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Flint library. * * For licensing information please see the file license.txt included in the release. * A copy of this licence can also be found at * */ package org.weborganic.flint; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import javax.xml.transform.Templates; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.weborganic.flint.IndexJob.Priority; import org.weborganic.flint.api.Content; import org.weborganic.flint.api.ContentFetcher; import org.weborganic.flint.api.ContentId; import org.weborganic.flint.api.ContentTranslator; import org.weborganic.flint.api.ContentTranslatorFactory; import org.weborganic.flint.api.ContentType; import org.weborganic.flint.api.Index; import org.weborganic.flint.api.IndexListener; import org.weborganic.flint.api.Requester; import org.weborganic.flint.index.IndexParser; import org.weborganic.flint.index.IndexParserFactory; import org.weborganic.flint.log.NoOpListener; import org.weborganic.flint.query.SearchPaging; import org.weborganic.flint.query.SearchQuery; import org.weborganic.flint.query.SearchResults; import org.weborganic.flint.util.FlintErrorListener; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * Main class from Flint, applications should create one instance of this class. * * <ul> * <li>To start and stop the indexing thread, use the methods {@link #start()} and {@link #stop()}.</li> * <li>To register IndexConfigs, use the methods registerIndexConfig() and getConfig().</li> * <li>To add/modify/delete content from an Index, use the method {@link #index(ContentId, Index, IndexConfig, Requester, Priority, Map)}</li> * <li>To search an Index, use the methods {@link IndexManager#query()}</li> * <li>to load an Index's statuses, use the method {@link #getStatus()}</li> * </ul> * * @author Jean-Baptiste Reure * @authro Christophe Lauret * * @version 27 February 2013 */ public final class IndexManager implements Runnable { /** * Logger will receive debugging and low-level data, use the listener to capture specific indexing operations. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexManager.class); /** * The lucene version with which this manager is compatible. */ public static final Version LUCENE_VERSION = Version.LUCENE_30; /** * Inactive time before indexes get optimised - set to 30 minutes. */ private static final long INACTIVE_OPTIMISE_TIME = 1 * 1800 * 1000; /** * Delay between each job poll - set to 1 second */ private static final long INDEX_JOB_POLL_DELAY = 1 * 1000; /** * Listens to any problem reported by the indexer. */ private final IndexListener _listener; /** * The fetcher used to retrieve content to index. */ private final ContentFetcher _fetcher; /** * The queue were index job are waiting to be run. */ private final IndexJobQueue _indexQueue; /** * Maps index ID to the indexes IO. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, IndexIO> _indexes; /** * Maps MIME types to the ContentTranslator factory to use. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ContentTranslatorFactory> translatorFactories; /** * Time since the last activity on this manager. */ private final AtomicLong _lastActivity = new AtomicLong(0); /** * Priority of the thread, default to NORM_PRIORITY (5) */ private int threadPriority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; /** * The thread manager. */ private ExecutorService threadPool = null; /** * Stop flag */ private boolean shouldStop = false; /** * A default Translator, used when no Factory matches a certain MIME Type. */ private ContentTranslator _defaultTranslator = null; /** * Simple constructor which will use a SilentListener. * * @param cf the Content Fetcher used to retrieve the content to index. */ public IndexManager(ContentFetcher cf) { this(cf, NoOpListener.getInstance()); } /** * Simple Constructor. * * @param cf the Content Fetcher used to retrieve the content to index. * @param listener an object used to record events */ public IndexManager(ContentFetcher cf, IndexListener listener) { this._fetcher = cf; this._listener = listener; this._indexQueue = new IndexJobQueue(INDEX_JOB_POLL_DELAY); // To initialise the map, use ideally (# of index, high load factor, # of threads writing) this._indexes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IndexIO>(); // Register default XML factory this.translatorFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ContentTranslatorFactory>(16, 0.8f, 2); registerTranslatorFactory(new FlintTranslatorFactory()); this._lastActivity.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); } // Public external methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the default translator to use when no factory matches a MIME type. * * <p>This to the {@link ContentTranslator} used when the MIME. Default is <code>null</code>. * * @param translator the translator to use by default. */ public void setDefaultTranslator(ContentTranslator translator) { this._defaultTranslator = translator; } /** * Set the priority of the thread. * * <p>This has no effect if called after the method <code>start()</code> is called. * * @param priority the priority of the Indexing Thread (from 1 to 10, default is 5) * * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the priority is less than 1 or greater than 10. */ public void setThreadPriority(int priority) { if (priority < 1 || priority > 10) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Thread priority is should be between 1 and 10 but was " + priority); this.threadPriority = priority; } /** * Register a new factory with the all the MIME types supported by the factory. * * <p>If there was already a factory registered for a MIME type, it is overwritten. * * @param factory The factory to register */ public void registerTranslatorFactory(ContentTranslatorFactory factory) { Collection<String> types = factory.getMimeTypesSupported(); for (String type : types) { registerTranslatorFactory(type, factory); } } /** * Register a new factory with the given MIME type. * * <p>If there was already a factory registered for this MIME type, it is overwritten. * <p>The factory object must support the MIME type provided * * @param mimeType the MIME type * @param factory the factory to register */ public void registerTranslatorFactory(String mimeType, ContentTranslatorFactory factory) { this.translatorFactories.put(mimeType, factory); } /** * Add a new update job to the indexing queue. * * @param id the ID of the Content * @param i the Index to add the Content to * @param config the Config to use * @param r the Requester calling this method (used for logging) * @param p the Priority of this job * @param params the dynamic XSLT parameters */ public void index(ContentId id, Index i, IndexConfig config, Requester r, Priority p, Map<String, String> params) { IndexJob job = IndexJob.newJob(id, config, i, p, r, params); this._indexQueue.addJob(job); } /** * Add a new update job to the indexing queue. * * @param index the Index to add the Content to * @param requester the Requester calling this method (used for logging) * @param priority the Priority of this job */ public void clear(Index index, Requester requester, Priority priority) { this._indexQueue.addJob(IndexJob.newClearJob(index, priority, requester)); } /** * Returns the list of waiting jobs for the Requester provided. * * <p>Note that by the time each job is checked, they might have run already so the method * {@link IndexJob#isFinished()} should be called before parsing the job. * * <p>The list will never be <code>null</code>. * * @param r the Requester * @return the list of jobs waiting (never <code>null</code>) */ public List<IndexJob> getStatus(Requester r) { return this._indexQueue.getJobsForRequester(r); } /** * Returns the list of waiting jobs for the index provided. * * <p>Note that by the time each job is checked, they might have run already so the method * {@link IndexJob#isFinished()} should be called before parsing the job. * * <p>The list will never be <code>null</code>. * * @param i the index * @return the list of jobs waiting (never <code>null</code>) */ public List<IndexJob> getStatus(Index i) { return this._indexQueue.getJobsForIndex(i); } /** * Returns the list of waiting job for the all the indexes. * * <p>Note that by the time each job is checked, they might have run already so the method * {@link IndexJob#isFinished()} should be called before parsing the job. * * <p>The list will never be <code>null</code>. * * @return the list of jobs waiting (never <code>null</code>) */ public List<IndexJob> getStatus() { return this._indexQueue.getAllJobs(); } /** * Run a search on the given Index. * * @param index the Index to run the search on * @param query the query to run * @return the search results * @throws IndexException if any error occurred while performing the search */ public SearchResults query(Index index, SearchQuery query) throws IndexException { return query(index, query, new SearchPaging()); } /** * Run a search on the given Index. * * @param index the Index to run the search on * @param query the query to run * @param paging paging details (can be <code>null</code>) * * @return the search results * * @throws IndexException if any error occurred while performing the search */ public SearchResults query(Index index, SearchQuery query, SearchPaging paging) throws IndexException { IndexIO io = getIndexIO(index); IndexSearcher searcher = null; try { searcher = io.bookSearcher(); } catch (CorruptIndexException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed getting a Searcher to perform a query because the Index is corrupted", ex); } catch (LockObtainFailedException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed getting a lock on the Index to perform a query", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException( "Failed getting a searcher to perform a query on the Index because of an I/O problem", ex); } if (searcher != null) { try { Query lquery = query.toQuery(); if (lquery == null) { try { io.releaseSearcher(searcher); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error( "Failed releasing a Searcher after performing a query because of an I/O problem", ex); } throw new IndexException("Failed performing a query on the Index because the query is null", new NullPointerException("Null query")); } LOGGER.debug("Performing search [{}] on index {}", query, index); Sort sort = query.getSort(); if (sort == null) sort = Sort.INDEXORDER; // load the scores TopFieldCollector tfc = TopFieldCollector.create(sort, paging.getHitsPerPage() * paging.getPage(), true, true, false, true);, tfc); return new SearchResults(query, tfc.topDocs().scoreDocs, tfc.getTotalHits(), paging, io, searcher); } catch (IOException e) { try { io.releaseSearcher(searcher); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.error( "Failed releasing a Searcher after performing a query on the Index because of an I/O problem", ioe); } throw new IndexException("Failed performing a query on the Index because of an I/O problem", e); } } return null; } // Lower level API providing access to Lucene objects // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a near real-time Reader on the index provided. * * <p>IMPORTANT: the reader should not be closed, it should be used in the following way to ensure * it is made available to other threads:</p> * <pre> * IndexReader reader = manager.grabReader(index); * try { * ... * } finally { * manager.release(index, reader); * } * </pre> * * @param index the index that the Index Reader will point to. * @return the Index Reader to read from the index * * @throws IndexException If an IO error occurred when getting the reader. */ public IndexReader grabReader(Index index) throws IndexException { try { return getIndexIO(index).bookReader(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed getting a reader on the Index because of an I/O problem", ex); } } /** * Release an {@link IndexReader} after it has been used. * * <p>It is necessary to release a reader so that it can be reused for other threads. * * @see IndexManager#grabReader(Index) * * @param index The index the reader works on. * @param reader The actual Lucene index reader. * * @throws IndexException Wrapping any IO exception */ public void release(Index index, IndexReader reader) throws IndexException { if (reader == null) return; try { getIndexIO(index).releaseReader(reader); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed to release a reader because of an I/O problem", ex); } } /** * Releases an {@link IndexReader} quietly after it has been used so that it can be used in a <code>finally</code> * block. * * <p>It is necessary to release a reader so that it can be reused for other threads. * * @see IndexManager#grabReader(Index) * * @param index The index the reader works on. * @param reader The actual Lucene index reader. */ public void releaseQuietly(Index index, IndexReader reader) { if (reader == null) return; try { getIndexIO(index).releaseReader(reader); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to release a reader because of an I/O problem", ex); } catch (IndexException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to release a reader because of an Index problem", ex); } } /** * Returns a near real-time Searcher on the index provided. * * <p>IMPORTANT: the searcher should not be closed, it should be used in the following way to * ensure it is made available to other threads:</p> * <pre> * IndexSearcher searcher = manager.grabSearcher(index); * try { * ... * } finally { * manager.release(index, searcher); * } * </pre> * * @param index the index that the searcher will work on. * @return the index searcher to use on the index * * @throws IndexException If an IO error occurred when getting the reader. */ public IndexSearcher grabSearcher(Index index) throws IndexException { try { IndexIO io = getIndexIO(index); return io.bookSearcher(); } catch (CorruptIndexException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed getting a Searcher to perform a query because the Index is corrupted", ex); } catch (LockObtainFailedException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed getting a lock on the Index to perform a query", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException( "Failed getting a searcher to perform a query on the Index because of an I/O problem", ex); } } /** * Release an {@link IndexSearcher} after it has been used. * * <p>It is necessary to release a searcher so that it can be reused by other threads. * * @see IndexManager#grabSearcher(Index) * * @param index The index the searcher works on. * @param searcher The actual Lucene index searcher. * * @throws IndexException Wrapping any IO exception */ public void release(Index index, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IndexException { if (searcher == null) return; try { IndexIO io = getIndexIO(index); io.releaseSearcher(searcher); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed to release a searcher", ex); } } /** * Releases an {@link IndexSearcher} quietly after it has been used so that it can be used in a <code>finally</code> * block. * * <p>It is necessary to release a searcher so that it can be reused for other threads. * * @see IndexManager#grabReader(Index) * * @param index The index the searcher works on. * @param searcher The actual Lucene index searcher. */ public void releaseQuietly(Index index, IndexSearcher searcher) { if (searcher == null) return; try { getIndexIO(index).releaseSearcher(searcher); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to release a searcher - quietly ignoring", ex); } catch (IndexException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to release a searcher - quietly ignoring", ex); } } /** * Translate content into IDX data. * * @param type the Content Type * @param config the index config, where the XSLT script is registered * @param content the actual Content to transform * @param params the parameters to add to the translation * @param out the Writer to write the result to * @throws IndexException if anything went wrong */ public void translateContent(ContentType type, IndexConfig config, Content content, Map<String, String> params, Writer out) throws IndexException { translateContent(null, type, config, content, params, out); } // thread related methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Start the Manager by launching the thread. */ public void start() { // only start once... if (this.threadPool != null) return; // create the worker thread pool this.threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r, "indexing-p" + IndexManager.this.threadPriority); t.setPriority(IndexManager.this.threadPriority); return t; } }); this.threadPool.execute(this); } /** * Kills the thread and close all the indexes. */ public void stop() { this.shouldStop = true; // Stop the thread this.threadPool.shutdownNow(); // Close all indexes for (Entry<String, IndexIO> e : this._indexes.entrySet()) { String id = e.getKey(); IndexIO index = e.getValue(); try { index.stop(); } catch (IndexException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to close Index {}: {}", id, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** * The thread's main method. */ @Override public void run() { IndexJob job = null; boolean started = false; // Processed since last batch. while (!this.shouldStop) { try { try { job = this._indexQueue.nextJob(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (!this.shouldStop) this._listener.error(job, "Interrupted indexing: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); // the thread was shutdown, let's die then return; } // We've got a job to handle if (job != null) { // New batch? if (!started) { this._listener.startBatch(); started = true; } this._listener.startJob(job); try { // OK launch the job then load the IO for this job IndexIO io; try { io = getIndexIO(job.getIndex()); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to retrieve Index: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); continue; } if (job.isClearJob()) { try { job.setSuccess(io.clearIndex()); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to clear index", ex); } } else { // retrieve content Content content; try { content = this._fetcher.getContent(job.getContentID()); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to retrieve Source content", ex); continue; } if (content == null) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to retrieve Source content", null); } else { // check if we should delete the document if (content.isDeleted()) job.setSuccess(deleteJob(job, content, io)); else job.setSuccess(updateJob(job, content, io)); } } } catch (Throwable ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Unknown error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } finally { job.finish(); this._listener.endJob(job); this._lastActivity.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); } if (this.shouldStop) return; } else { // check the number of opened readers then OpenIndexManager.closeOldReaders(); // no jobs available, commit if possible checkForCommit(); // Notify the end of the batch if (started) { started = false; this._listener.endBatch(); } if (this.shouldStop) return; } // clear the job job = null; } catch (Throwable ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Unexpected general error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } this.shouldStop = false; } }; // private methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Add or update a document in an index * * @param job * * @return true if the job was successful */ private boolean updateJob(IndexJob job, Content content, IndexIO io) { if (job == null || io == null || content == null) return false; // translate content AdaptiveReaderWriter buffer = new AdaptiveReaderWriter(); Writer ixml = buffer.getWriter(); try { translateContent(new FlintErrorListener(this._listener, job), job.getContentID().getContentType(), job.getConfig(), content, job.getParameters(), ixml); } catch (IndexException ex) { this._listener.error(job, ex.getMessage(), ex); return false; } // build Lucene documents List<Document> documents; try { IndexParser parser = IndexParserFactory.getInstance(); documents = parser.process(new InputSource(buffer.getReader())); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to create Lucene Documents from Index XML", ex); return false; } try { buffer.cleanup(); // add docs to index index io.updateDocuments(content.getDeleteRule(), documents); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to add Lucene Documents to Index", ex); return false; } return true; } /** * Delete a doc from an index * * @param job * * @return true if the job was successful */ private boolean deleteJob(IndexJob job, Content content, IndexIO io) { if (job == null || io == null) return false; try { // delete docs from index io.deleteDocuments(content.getDeleteRule()); } catch (Exception ex) { this._listener.error(job, "Failed to delete Lucene Documents from Index", ex); return false; } return true; } /** * Translate the provided content into Flint Index XML * * @param errorListener a listener for the XSLT transformation errors * @param type the type of the content * @param config the config used to retrieve the XSLT templates * @param content the content * @param params list of parameters to add to the XSLT templates * @param out where the result should be written to * @throws IndexException if anything went wrong */ public void translateContent(FlintErrorListener errorListener, ContentType type, IndexConfig config, Content content, Map<String, String> params, Writer out) throws IndexException { String mediatype = content.getMediaType(); // no MIME type found if (mediatype == null) throw new IndexException("Media Type not found.", null); ContentTranslatorFactory factory = this.translatorFactories.get(mediatype); // no factory found if (factory == null && this._defaultTranslator == null) throw new IndexException("Media Type " + mediatype + " is not supported, no Translator Factory was found and no default Translator was specified.", null); // load translator ContentTranslator translator = factory == null ? this._defaultTranslator : factory.createTranslator(mediatype); if (translator == null) throw new IndexException("No translator was found for MIME Type " + mediatype + ".", null); // ok translate now Reader source = null; try { source = translator.translate(content); } catch (IndexException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed to translate Source content.", ex); } if (source == null) throw new IndexException("Failed to translate Content as the Translator returned a null result.", null); // retrieve XSLT script Templates templates = config.getTemplates(type, mediatype, content.getConfigID()); if (templates == null) throw new IndexException("Failed to load XSLT script for Content.", null); // run XSLT script try { // prepare transformer Transformer t = templates.newTransformer(); if (errorListener != null) t.setErrorListener(errorListener); // retrieve parameters Map<String, String> parameters = config.getParameters(type, mediatype, content.getConfigID()); if (parameters != null && params != null) { parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(parameters); parameters.putAll(params); } if (parameters != null) { for (Entry<String, String> p : parameters.entrySet()) { t.setParameter(p.getKey(), p.getValue()); } } // run transform t.transform(new StreamSource(source), new StreamResult(out)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed to create Index XML from Source content.", ex); } finally { try { source.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.debug("Unable to close source", ex); } } } // Private helpers ============================================================================== /** * Retrieves an IndexIO, creates it if non existent. * * @param index the index requiring the IO utility. * @return * @throws IndexException */ private IndexIO getIndexIO(Index index) throws IndexException { IndexIO io = index == null ? null : this._indexes.get(index.getIndexID()); if (io == null) { LOGGER.debug("Creating a new IndexIO for {}", index); try { io = IndexIO.newInstance(index); } catch (CorruptIndexException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed creating an Index I/O object for " + index.toString() + " because the Index is corrupted", ex); } catch (LockObtainFailedException ex) { // ok maybe it's because the IO object was created in the meantime io = this._indexes.get(index.getIndexID()); if (io != null) return io; throw new IndexException( "Failed getting a lock on the Index to create an Index I/O object for " + index.toString(), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IndexException("Failed creating an Index I/O object for " + index.toString() + " because of an I/O problem", ex); } this._indexes.put(index.getIndexID(), io); } return io; } /** * Loop through the index and check if any of them need committing, also checks if they can be optimized. */ private void checkForCommit() { // loop through the indexes and check which one needs committing List<IndexIO> ios = new ArrayList<IndexIO>(this._indexes.values()); for (IndexIO io : ios) { try { io.maybeReopen(); // XXX: We seem to need to check whether we need to reopen... io.maybeCommit(); } catch (IndexException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to perform commit", ex); } // make sure there's no job waiting if (!this._indexQueue.isEmpty()) return; } // ok optimise now? if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this._lastActivity.longValue()) > INACTIVE_OPTIMISE_TIME) { ios = new ArrayList<IndexIO>(this._indexes.values()); // loop through the indexes and optimise for (IndexIO io : ios) { try { io.maybeOptimise(); } catch (IndexException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to perform optimise", ex); } // make sure there's no job waiting if (!this._indexQueue.isEmpty()) return; } } } }