Java tutorial
/* * Webical - * Copyright (C) 2007 Func. Internet Integration * * This file is part of Webical. * * $Id$ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.webical.web.component.event; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.form.DateTextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RequiredTextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextArea; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel; import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean; import org.webical.Calendar; import org.webical.Event; import org.webical.User; import org.webical.ical.Recurrence; import org.webical.ical.RecurrenceUtil; import org.webical.manager.CalendarManager; import org.webical.manager.WebicalException; import org.webical.util.CalendarUtils; import org.webical.web.action.IAction; import org.webical.web.action.ShowCalendarAction; import org.webical.web.action.StoreEventAction; import org.webical.web.action.RemoveEventAction; import; import; /** * The form used for adding and editing events. This class has two abstract methods * that have to be implemented by the panel to handle the persist and discard actions * generated by the form. * * @author Mattijs Hoitink * */ public abstract class EventForm extends Form { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventFormPanel.class); // markup ID's private static final String HEADING_LABEL_MARKUP_ID = "headingLabel"; private static final String FORM_FEEDBACK_MARKUP_ID = "formFeedback"; private static final String EVENT_SUMMARY_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "summary"; private static final String EVENT_START_DATE_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "dtStart"; private static final String EVENT_END_DATE_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "dtEnd"; private static final String EVENT_START_TIME_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "tmStart"; private static final String EVENT_END_TIME_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "tmEnd"; private static final String EVENT_LOCATION_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "location"; private static final String EVENT_CALENDAT_DROPDOWN_MARKUP_ID = "calendar"; private static final String EVENT_DESCRIPTION_TEXTAREA_MARKUP_ID = "description"; private static final String REPEAT_FREQUENCY_DROPDOWN_MARKUP_ID = "frequency"; private static final String CLEAR_FREQUENCY_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID = "clearFrequencyButton"; private static final String REPEAT_INTERVAL_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "interval"; private static final String REPEAT_COUNT_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "count"; private static final String REPEAT_UNTIL_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID = "until"; private static final String REPEAT_UNTIL_FORMAT_LABEL_MARKUP_ID = "untilFormat"; private static final String ALLDAY_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID = "alldayButton"; private static final String DISCARD_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID = "discardButton"; private static final String SUBMIT_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID = "submitButton"; // Resource ID's private static final String ADD_EVENT_HEADING_RESOURCE_ID = "add.heading"; private static final String EDIT_EVENT_HEADING_RESOURCE_ID = "edit.heading"; private static final String ALLDAY_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID = "alldayButton.text"; private static final String CLEAR_FREQUENCY_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID = "clearFrequencyButton.text"; private static final String ADD_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID = "add.button"; private static final String EDIT_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID = "edit.button"; // form elements private Button allDayButton, clearRecurrenceButton, submitButton, discardButton; private DateTextField startDateTextField, startTimeTextField, endDateTextField, endTimeTextField; private DropDownChoice calendarDropDownChoice, repeatFrequencyDropDownChoice; private FeedbackPanel formFeedback; private Label headingLabel, untilFormatLabel; private RequiredTextField summaryTextField; private TextField locationTextField, repeatIntervalTextField, repeatCountTextField, repeatUntilTextField; private TextArea descriptionTextArea; /** * Used by Spring to set the Calendar Manager */ @SpringBean(name = "calendarManager") private CalendarManager calendarManager; /** * The Event for this form */ private Event formEvent; /** * The event wrapper for the Event */ private EventWrapper eventWrapper; /** * A deep copy of the event to exclude it from the range if necessary */ private Event oldEvent; /** * The date the selected event is on, or the date the new event should be on */ private GregorianCalendar selectedDate; /** * Whether this is an edit form or not */ private boolean editForm; //TODO It isn't clear if this option is used, what it does and what it should do. This has to be clear before it can be implemented // Add it to the EventWrapper? or to the user settings? //True: show events with user offset //False: show events in ics dtstart, so calendar offset private boolean overruleCalendarTimeZone = false; private Long offSetUser = new Long(1); private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat, timeFormat; /** * Constructor * @param id the markup id * @param editEvent the {@link Event} to be edited, null for a new Event * @param selectedDate The date the selected event is on, or the date the new event should be on * */ public EventForm(String id, Event event, GregorianCalendar selectedDate) { super(id); this.formEvent = event; this.selectedDate = selectedDate; // Check if we are editing an event if (formEvent != null) { // Clone the event and keep it for later reference try { this.oldEvent = (Event) BeanUtils.cloneBean(formEvent); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("could not clone event: " + formEvent.getUid(), e); throw new WebicalWebAplicationException(e); } // Create a new empty ExtendedEvent this.eventWrapper = new EventWrapper(formEvent); this.editForm = true; // Check if the event is recurring /* Disabled for milestone 0.4 if(RecurrenceUtil.isRecurrent(eventWrapper.getEvent())) { // Override the event start and end date to the date the selected event instance is on eventWrapper.setEventStartDate(selectedDate.getTime()); eventWrapper.setEventEndDate(selectedDate.getTime()); }*/ // XXX mattijs: leave this comment here until extensive testing has been done /*if(eventWrapper.getrRule().size() != 0){ Recurrence recurrence = null; try { recurrence = RecurrenceUtil.getRecurrenceFromRecurrenceRuleSet(eventWrapper.getrRule()); } catch (WebicalException e) { throw new WebicalWebAplicationException(e); } if(recurrence != null && recurrence.getFrequency() > 0 && recurrence.getInterval() != -1){ int frequency = recurrence.getFrequency(); RecurrenceFrequentyStringResourceModel myStringResourceModel = RecurrenceFrequentyStringResourceModel.getStringResourceModel(frequency, frequencyModels); if(myStringResourceModel != null){ eventWrapper.setFrequency(myStringResourceModel); } eventWrapper.setInterval(new Integer(recurrence.getInterval())); if(recurrence.getCount() != -1){ eventWrapper.setCount(new Integer(recurrence.getCount())); } if(recurrence.getEndDay() != null){ eventWrapper.setUntil(recurrence.getEndDay()); } } }*/ } else { // create a new event this.editForm = false; createEmptyEvent(); } // Set up the Form createFormElements(); if (this.editForm) { alterFormForEditing(); } addFormElements(); } /** * Create the form elements */ private void createFormElements() { // Heading headingLabel = new Label(HEADING_LABEL_MARKUP_ID, new StringResourceModel(ADD_EVENT_HEADING_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("Add event"))); // Feedback Panel formFeedback = new FeedbackPanel(FORM_FEEDBACK_MARKUP_ID); //Title summaryTextField = new RequiredTextField(EVENT_SUMMARY_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "summary")); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(WebicalSession.getWebicalSession().getUserSettings().getDateFormat(), getLocale()); timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(WebicalSession.getWebicalSession().getUserSettings().getTimeFormat(), getLocale()); // Event Start fields startDateTextField = new DateTextField(EVENT_START_DATE_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "eventStartDate"), dateFormat.toLocalizedPattern()); startDateTextField.setRequired(true); startTimeTextField = new DateTextField(EVENT_START_TIME_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "eventStartTime"), timeFormat.toLocalizedPattern()); startTimeTextField.setRequired(true); // Event End fields endDateTextField = (DateTextField) new DateTextField(EVENT_END_DATE_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "eventEndDate"), dateFormat.toLocalizedPattern()).setRequired(true); endTimeTextField = (DateTextField) new DateTextField(EVENT_END_TIME_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "eventEndTime"), timeFormat.toLocalizedPattern()); endTimeTextField.setRequired(true); // All Day Button allDayButton = new Button(ALLDAY_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID, new StringResourceModel(ALLDAY_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("All day"))) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /*(non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button#onSubmit() */ @Override public void onSubmit() { if (eventWrapper.isAllDay()) { setNormalDayEventFields(); } else { setAllDayEventFields(); } } }; allDayButton.setDefaultFormProcessing(false); // Location locationTextField = new TextField(EVENT_LOCATION_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "location")); // Calendar List<Calendar> availableCalendars = getAvailableCalendars(WebicalSession.getWebicalSession().getUser()); calendarDropDownChoice = (DropDownChoice) new DropDownChoice(EVENT_CALENDAT_DROPDOWN_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "calendar"), availableCalendars).setRequired(true); if (availableCalendars.size() > 0) { if (!editForm) eventWrapper.setCalendar(availableCalendars.get(0)); } // Description descriptionTextArea = new TextArea(EVENT_DESCRIPTION_TEXTAREA_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "description")); // Frequency final List<Integer> recurrenceOptions = Arrays.asList( new Integer[] { 0, Recurrence.DAILY, Recurrence.WEEKLY, Recurrence.MONTHLY, Recurrence.YEARLY }); repeatFrequencyDropDownChoice = new DropDownChoice(REPEAT_FREQUENCY_DROPDOWN_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "frequency"), recurrenceOptions, new IChoiceRenderer() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) { String recurrenceString = ""; int value = ((Integer) object).intValue(); switch (value) { case Recurrence.DAILY: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.daily", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; case Recurrence.WEEKLY: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.weekly", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; case Recurrence.MONTHLY: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.monthly", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; case Recurrence.YEARLY: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.yearly", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; case 0: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.none", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; default: recurrenceString = new StringResourceModel("recur.none", EventForm.this, null) .getString(); break; } return recurrenceString; } public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) { if (index >= 0) { return String.valueOf((index)); } return null; } }); if (!editForm || eventWrapper.getFrequency() == null) { eventWrapper.setFrequency(0); } // Clear frequency button clearRecurrenceButton = new Button(CLEAR_FREQUENCY_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID, new StringResourceModel(CLEAR_FREQUENCY_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("Clear"))) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onSubmit() { // Reset the recurrence eventWrapper.setFrequency(0); repeatFrequencyDropDownChoice.modelChanged(); eventWrapper.setInterval(null); repeatIntervalTextField.modelChanged(); eventWrapper.setCount(null); repeatCountTextField.modelChanged(); eventWrapper.setUntil(null); repeatUntilTextField.modelChanged(); super.onSubmit(); } }; clearRecurrenceButton.setDefaultFormProcessing(false); // Interval repeatIntervalTextField = new TextField(REPEAT_INTERVAL_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "interval"), Integer.class); // Count repeatCountTextField = new TextField(REPEAT_COUNT_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "count"), Integer.class); // Until repeatUntilTextField = new DateTextField(REPEAT_UNTIL_TEXTFIELD_MARKUP_ID, new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "until"), WebicalSession.getWebicalSession().getUserSettings().getDateFormat()); untilFormatLabel = new Label(REPEAT_UNTIL_FORMAT_LABEL_MARKUP_ID, WebicalSession.getWebicalSession().getUserSettings().getDateFormat()); discardButton = new Button(DISCARD_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onSubmit() { EventForm.this.onAction(new ShowCalendarAction()); } }; discardButton.setDefaultFormProcessing(false); // Submit Button submitButton = new Button(SUBMIT_BUTTON_MARKUP_ID, new StringResourceModel(ADD_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("Add"))); } /** * Alters the form elements for rendering an edit form */ private void alterFormForEditing() { // Change the form header headingLabel.setModel( new StringResourceModel(EDIT_EVENT_HEADING_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("Edit event"))); // Change the submit button text submitButton.setModel(new StringResourceModel(EDIT_BUTTON_RESOURCE_ID, EventForm.this, new Model("Edit"))); // set the correct calendar for the drop down choice calendarDropDownChoice.setModel(new PropertyModel(eventWrapper, "calendar")); if (this.eventWrapper.isAllDay()) { setAllDayEventFields(); } } /** * Add the form elements to the form */ private void addFormElements() { addOrReplace(headingLabel); addOrReplace(formFeedback); addOrReplace(summaryTextField); addOrReplace(startTimeTextField); addOrReplace(startDateTextField); addOrReplace(endTimeTextField); addOrReplace(endDateTextField); addOrReplace(allDayButton); addOrReplace(calendarDropDownChoice); addOrReplace(locationTextField); addOrReplace(descriptionTextArea); addOrReplace(repeatFrequencyDropDownChoice); addOrReplace(clearRecurrenceButton); addOrReplace(repeatIntervalTextField); addOrReplace(repeatCountTextField); addOrReplace(repeatUntilTextField); addOrReplace(untilFormatLabel); addOrReplace(discardButton); addOrReplace(submitButton); } /** * Create an empty Event and set the start and end times * @return Event */ private EventWrapper createEmptyEvent() { this.formEvent = new Event(); this.eventWrapper = new EventWrapper(formEvent); GregorianCalendar dateCalendar = CalendarUtils.duplicateCalendar(selectedDate); GregorianCalendar timeCalendar = CalendarUtils.newTodayCalendar(dateCalendar.getFirstDayOfWeek()); dateCalendar.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, timeCalendar.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); dateCalendar.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, timeCalendar.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE) / 5 * 5); //Fill the start and end times with proper values eventWrapper.setDtStart(dateCalendar.getTime()); dateCalendar.add(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1); eventWrapper.setDtEnd(dateCalendar.getTime()); return this.eventWrapper; } /** * Update the form and event for an all day event */ public void setAllDayEventFields() { eventWrapper.setAllDay(); // Replace the DateTextField replaceFormDateComponents(true); } /** * Update the form and event for a non all day event */ public void setNormalDayEventFields() { eventWrapper.resetAllDay(); // Replace the DateTextFields replaceFormDateComponents(false); } /** * Replace the DateTextFields on the form, and update the allDay button * @param allDay wheter the form is used for an all day event */ public void replaceFormDateComponents(boolean allDay) { if (allDay) { allDayButton.setModel(new StringResourceModel("AllDay_label_False", this, null)); startTimeTextField.setEnabled(false); startTimeTextField.setVisible(false); endTimeTextField.setEnabled(false); endTimeTextField.setVisible(false); } else { allDayButton.setModel(new StringResourceModel("AllDay_label_True", this, null)); startTimeTextField.setEnabled(true); startTimeTextField.setVisible(true); endTimeTextField.setEnabled(true); endTimeTextField.setVisible(true); } addOrReplace(startTimeTextField); addOrReplace(endTimeTextField); } /** * Show confirmation panel when editing a recurring event */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void showConfirmation() { final EventFormPanel parent = (EventFormPanel) EventForm.this.getParent(); parent.replaceWith(new ConfirmRecurringActionPanel(parent.getId(), "Which instances of " + formEvent.getSummary() + " do you want to alter?") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onCancel() { this.replaceWith(parent); } @Override public void onConfirmThis() { EventForm.this.alterThisEventInstance(); } @Override public void onConfirmAll() { // Update all the event instances EventForm.this.alterAllEventInstances(); } @Override public void onConfirmFollowing() { EventForm.this.alterFollowingEventInstances(); } }); } /** * Stores a new event and excludes it from the old range. */ private void alterThisEventInstance() { // Exclude the new event from the recurrence rule RecurrenceUtil.excludeEventFromRecurrenceRule(eventWrapper.getEvent(), oldEvent, true); // set the UID from the new event to null so it will be saved as a new event eventWrapper.getEvent().setUid(null); // set the eventId to null so hibernate won't override the old event eventWrapper.getEvent().setEventId(null); // Store the events EventForm.this .onAction(new StoreEventAction(Arrays.asList(new Event[] { oldEvent, eventWrapper.getEvent() }))); } private void alterFollowingEventInstances() {"Altering following instance only"); } /** * Get a list of calendars accessible to this user * @param user the User * @return List<Calendar> the list with user calendars */ private List<Calendar> getAvailableCalendars(User user) { List<Calendar> availableCalendars = new ArrayList<Calendar>(); try { List<Calendar> userCalendars = calendarManager.getCalendars(user); if (userCalendars != null) { Iterator<Calendar> calIt = userCalendars.iterator(); while (calIt.hasNext()) { Calendar calendar =; if (!calendar.getReadOnly()) availableCalendars.add(calendar); } } } catch (WebicalException we) { log.error("getAvailableCalendars:Retrieving User Calendars", we); } return availableCalendars; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form#onSubmit() */ @Override public void onSubmit() { // Do some checks to see if the dates are filled in correct if (eventWrapper.getDtEnd().before(eventWrapper.getDtStart())) { error(new StringResourceModel("Exception.endbeforestart", this, null).getString()); } else if (!eventWrapper.isAllDay() && eventWrapper.getDtEnd().equals(eventWrapper.getDtStart())) { error(new StringResourceModel("Exception.endbeforestart", this, null).getString()); } else if (findSubmittingButton().equals(submitButton)) { // Check if we are editing a recurring event if (editForm && RecurrenceUtil.isRecurrent(eventWrapper.getEvent())) { // Editing specific events in a recurrence rule is disabled for milestone 0.4 //showConfirmation(); alterAllEventInstances(); } else { // Store the event as normal alterAllEventInstances(); } } } /** * Stores all the event instances */ private void alterAllEventInstances() { if (overruleCalendarTimeZone && !eventWrapper.getEvent().isAllDay()) { //Display dtstart and dtend in user timezone Integer offSetCalendar = eventWrapper.getEvent().getCalendar().getOffSetFrom(); if (offSetCalendar != null) { float difference = offSetUser.floatValue() - offSetCalendar.floatValue(); if (eventWrapper.getEvent().getDtStart() != null) { eventWrapper.getEvent() .setDtStart(CalendarUtils.addHours(eventWrapper.getEvent().getDtStart(), -difference)); } if (eventWrapper.getEvent().getDtEnd() != null) { eventWrapper.getEvent() .setDtEnd(CalendarUtils.addHours(eventWrapper.getEvent().getDtEnd(), -difference)); } } } eventWrapper.storeRecurrence(); /*if(eventWrapper.getFrequency() != null && eventWrapper.getInterval() != null) { if(eventWrapper.getCount() == null){ RecurrenceUtil.setRecurrenceRule(storeEvent, new Recurrence(eventWrapper.getFrequency(), eventWrapper.getInterval(), eventWrapper.getUntil())); } else { RecurrenceUtil.setRecurrenceRule(storeEvent, new Recurrence(eventWrapper.getFrequency(), eventWrapper.getCount(), eventWrapper.getInterval(), eventWrapper.getUntil())); } } else { //Clear the recurrence RecurrenceUtil.clearRecurrence(storeEvent); }*/ //Refresh the event calendar, or else there is a lazilyexception /*Calendar storeCalendar; try { storeCalendar = calendarManager.getCalendarForEvent(storeEvent); } catch (WebicalException e1) { throw new WebicalWebAplicationException(e1); }*/ //Save the event /* try { //If the is a gCalendar than put this remove this event from its series if (excludeFromRange) { oldEvent.getExDate().add(date.getTime()); eventManager.storeEvent(oldEvent); } eventManager.storeEvent(storeEvent); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Event saved: " + storeEvent.getSummary() + " for calendar: " + storeEvent.getCalendar().getName()); } //Change back to the list EventAddEditPanel.this.onAction(new FormFinishedAction(null)); } catch (WebicalException e) { if (e.getCause().getClass() == UpdateConflictException.class) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("update exception"); } eventSelectionListener.eventUpdateandDeleteException(storeEvent, storeCalendar, true); } else if (e.getCause().getClass() == DeleteConflictException.class) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("delete exception"); } eventSelectionListener.eventUpdateandDeleteException(storeEvent, storeCalendar, false); } else { error("Could not store the event"); throw new WebicalWebAplicationException("Event could not be saved: " + storeEvent.getSummary(), e); } } */ // Store the event if (editForm && oldEvent.getCalendar().getCalendarId() != eventWrapper.getCalendar().getCalendarId()) {"Change Event Calendar " + eventWrapper.getCalendar().getName()); EventForm.this.onAction(new RemoveEventAction(oldEvent)); eventWrapper.setEventId(null); eventWrapper.setUid(null); EventForm.this.onAction(new StoreEventAction(eventWrapper.getEvent())); } else { EventForm.this.onAction(new StoreEventAction(eventWrapper.getEvent())); } } /** * Handles actions generated by this form * @param action The action to handle */ public abstract void onAction(IAction action); }