Java tutorial
/* * Webical - * Copyright (C) 2007 Func. Internet Integration * * This file is part of Webical. * * $Id$ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.webical.test.dao.impl; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.webical.Calendar; import org.webical.Event; import org.webical.User; import org.webical.dao.DaoException; import org.webical.dao.DeleteConflictException; import org.webical.dao.UpdateConflictException; import org.webical.dao.hibernateImpl.CalendarDaoHibernateImpl; import org.webical.dao.hibernateImpl.EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImpl; import org.webical.test.TestUtils; /** * Tests the EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImpl * @author ivo * */ public class EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImplTest extends DataBaseTest { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImplTest.class); private CalendarDaoHibernateImpl calendarDao; private EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImpl eventDao; /** * Sets up the dao for each test * @throws Exception */ @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); calendarDao = new CalendarDaoHibernateImpl(); eventDao = new EventDaoWebDavHibernateBufferedImpl(); } public Event getEvent(String userId) { Event event = new Event(); event.setCalendar(getFirstUserCalendar(TestUtils.retrieveUser(userId))); event.setAttach(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "attach" }))); event.setAttendee(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "attendee" }))); event.setCategories(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "category" }))); event.setClazz("clazz"); event.setComment(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "comment" }))); event.setContact(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "contact" }))); event.setCreated(new Date()); event.setDescription("description"); event.setDtEnd(new Date()); event.setDtStamp(new Date()); event.setDtStart(new Date()); event.setDuration("duration?"); event.setExDate(new HashSet<Date>(Arrays.asList(new Date[] { new Date() }))); event.setExRule(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "exrule" }))); event.setGeo("lilitown"); event.setLocation("lilitown"); event.setOrganizer("me"); event.setPriority(1); event.setrDate(new HashSet<Date>(Arrays.asList(new Date[] { new Date() }))); event.setRelated(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "related" }))); event.setResources(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "resources" }))); event.setrRule(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "rrule" }))); event.setrStatus(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "rstatus" }))); event.setSeq(2); event.setStatus("status"); event.setSummary("summary"); event.setTransp("transp"); event.setUid("uid"); event.setUrl(""); Map<String, String> xprops = new HashMap<String, String>(); xprops.put("x-prop-1", "somethingorother"); event.setxProps(xprops); return event; } /** * Test the store method * @throws DaoException */ public void testStoreEventUnrelated() { Event event = new Event(); try { eventDao.storeEvent(event); fail("Should not be able to store an unrelated event"); } catch (DaoException e) { log.debug("Expected Exception"); } catch (Exception e) { //fail("Unexpected exception... " + e); //FIXME org.hibernate.PropertyValueException... //(org.hibernate.AssertionFailure) log.warn("THIS SHOULD REALLY BE FIXED!"); } } /** * Test the store method * @throws DaoException */ public void testStoreAndRemoveEventMinimal() throws DaoException { Event event = new Event(); String summary = "testStoreAndRemoveEventMinimal"; String description = summary.concat(" description!!!"); event.setSummary(summary); event.setDescription(description); event.setCalendar(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); List<Event> currentEvents = eventDao.getAllEvents(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); int beforeCount = currentEvents.size(); eventDao.storeEvent(event); // insert List<Event> eventsAfter = eventDao.getAllEvents(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); int afterStore = eventsAfter.size(); assertEquals(beforeCount, afterStore - 1); event = null; for (Event tempEvent : eventsAfter) { if (tempEvent.getSummary() != null && tempEvent.getSummary().equals(summary) && tempEvent.getDescription() != null && tempEvent.getDescription().equals(description)) { event = tempEvent; break; } } assertNotNull(event); eventDao.storeEvent(event); // update eventsAfter = eventDao.getAllEvents(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); afterStore = eventsAfter.size(); assertEquals(beforeCount, afterStore - 1); event = null; for (Event tempEvent : eventsAfter) { if (tempEvent.getSummary() != null && tempEvent.getSummary().equals(summary) && tempEvent.getDescription() != null && tempEvent.getDescription().equals(description)) { event = tempEvent; break; } } assertNotNull(event); eventDao.removeEvent(event); eventsAfter = eventDao.getAllEvents(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); int afterRemove = eventsAfter.size(); assertEquals(beforeCount, afterRemove); } /** * Tests the getAllEvents method and the storeEvents * @throws DaoException */ public void testGetAllEvents() throws DaoException { List<Event> events = eventDao.getAllEvents(getCalendarForWebicalUser()); assertNotNull(events); assertEquals(48, events.size()); int allDayEvents = 0; Long calendarId = getCalendarForWebicalUser().getCalendarId(); for (Event event : events) { assertEquals(calendarId, event.getCalendar().getCalendarId()); if (event.isAllDay()) ++allDayEvents; } assertEquals(3, allDayEvents); } /** * Tests the getEventsForPeriod for a calendar method * @throws DaoException */ public void testGetEventsForPeriodForCalendar() throws DaoException { Date startDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils .getStartOfDay(new GregorianCalendar(2006, GregorianCalendar.NOVEMBER, 23).getTime()); Date endDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(startDate); Date startBefore = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.addDays(startDate, -1); Date endBefore = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(startBefore); List<Event> events = eventDao.getEventsForPeriod(getCalendarForWebicalUser(), startDate, endDate); List<Event> events_before = eventDao.getEventsForPeriod(getCalendarForWebicalUser(), startBefore, endBefore); assertNotNull(events); assertEquals(1, events.size()); assertEquals(0, events_before.size()); assertTrue(events.get(0).getCalendar().getCalendarId().equals(getCalendarForWebicalUser().getCalendarId())); assertTrue(events.get(0).getDtStart().getTime() >= startDate.getTime()); assertTrue(events.get(0).getDtStart().getTime() <= endDate.getTime()); } public void testUpdateConflict() { Calendar calendar = getCalendarForWebicalUser(); Event event = getEvent(TestUtils.USERID_WEBICAL); event.setCalendar(calendar); //Is there is a last mod date the synchronization expect the //event to occur in the ics. If the lastmod is before the found lastmod date // there is an updateconflict Date d = new Date(); d.setTime(10000); event.setLastMod(d); event.setUid("uuid:1159123236869"); try { eventDao.storeEvent(event); fail("No UpdateConflict found"); } catch (DaoException e) { log.debug(e); } } public void testDeleteConflict() { Calendar calendar = getCalendarForWebicalUser(); Event event = getEvent(TestUtils.USERID_WEBICAL); event.setCalendar(calendar); //Is there is a last mod date the synchronization expect the //event to occur in the ics. If not occured there is a deleteconflict event.setLastMod(new Date()); event.setUid("xxxxx"); try { eventDao.storeEvent(event); fail("No DeleteConflict found"); } catch (DaoException e) { log.debug(e); } } public void testRecurrence() { Calendar calendar = getCalendarForWebicalUser(); try { Date startDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils .getStartOfDay(new GregorianCalendar(2006, GregorianCalendar.FEBRUARY, 1).getTime()); Date endDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(startDate); List<Event> events = eventDao.getEventsForPeriod(calendar, startDate, endDate); //first occurrence, this is the real event, assumed that there are no other events //given date assertEquals(1, events.size()); startDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.addDays(startDate, 3); endDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(startDate); //the third event in the recurrence events = eventDao.getEventsForPeriod(calendar, startDate, endDate); assertEquals(1, events.size()); startDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.addDays(startDate, 4); endDate = org.webical.util.CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(startDate); //this event is valid for the recurrence rule but this date is set in the exclusion property events = eventDao.getEventsForPeriod(calendar, startDate, endDate); assertEquals(0, events.size()); } catch (DeleteConflictException e) { log.debug("Expected Exception"); } catch (UpdateConflictException e) { fail("updateConflict"); } catch (DaoException e) { fail("DaoException"); } } private Calendar getCalendarForWebicalUser() { return getFirstUserCalendar(TestUtils.retrieveUser(TestUtils.USERID_WEBICAL)); } /** * Returns a Calendar * @param userId the user to get a Calendar for * @return a Calendar or null */ public Calendar getFirstUserCalendar(User user) { try { return calendarDao.getCalendars(user).get(0); } catch (DaoException e) { log.error(e, e); fail("Could not retrieve calendar"); } return null; } }