Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.examples.fedone.waveserver; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.waveprotocol.wave.crypto.CertPathStore; import org.waveprotocol.wave.crypto.SignatureException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.crypto.SignerInfo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.crypto.UnknownSignerException; import org.waveprotocol.wave.crypto.WaveSignatureVerifier; import org.waveprotocol.wave.examples.fedone.util.Log; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.FederationErrorProto.FederationError; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.FederationErrors; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolHashedVersion; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolSignature; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolSignedDelta; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolSignerInfo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.Proto.ProtocolWaveletDelta; import; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import org.waveprotocol.wave.waveserver.federation.WaveletFederationProvider; import org.waveprotocol.wave.waveserver.federation.WaveletFederationProvider.DeltaSignerInfoResponseListener; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Default implementation of {@link CertificateManager}. */ public class CertificateManagerImpl implements CertificateManager { private static final Log LOG = Log.get(CertificateManagerImpl.class); private final SignatureHandler waveSigner; private final WaveSignatureVerifier verifier; private final CertPathStore certPathStore; private final boolean disableVerfication; /** * Map of signer ids to requests for the signer info for those ids. Each signer id is mapped to * a multimap: a domain mapped to a list of callbacks for that domain, called when the signer info * is available for the signer id. It is arranged by domain to facilitate the optimisation where * exactly 1 signer request is sent per domain. */ private final Map<ByteString, Multimap<String, SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener>> signerInfoRequests; @Inject public CertificateManagerImpl(@Named("waveserver_disable_verification") boolean disableVerfication, SignatureHandler signer, WaveSignatureVerifier verifier, CertPathStore certPathStore) { this.disableVerfication = disableVerfication; this.waveSigner = signer; this.verifier = verifier; this.certPathStore = certPathStore; this.signerInfoRequests = Maps.newHashMap(); if (disableVerfication) { LOG.warning("** SIGNATURE VERIFICATION DISABLED ** " + "see flag \"waveserver_disable_verification\""); } } @Override public Set<String> getLocalDomains() { // TODO: for now, we just support a single signer return ImmutableSet.of(waveSigner.getDomain()); } @Override public SignatureHandler getLocalSigner() { return waveSigner; } @Override public ProtocolSignedDelta signDelta(ByteStringMessage<ProtocolWaveletDelta> delta) { // TODO: support extended address paths. For now, there will be exactly // one signature, and we don't support federated groups. Preconditions.checkState(delta.getMessage().getAddressPathCount() == 0); ProtocolSignedDelta.Builder signedDelta = ProtocolSignedDelta.newBuilder(); signedDelta.setDelta(delta.getByteString()); signedDelta.addAllSignature(waveSigner.sign(delta)); return; } @Override public ByteStringMessage<ProtocolWaveletDelta> verifyDelta(ProtocolSignedDelta signedDelta) throws SignatureException, UnknownSignerException { ByteStringMessage<ProtocolWaveletDelta> delta; try { delta = ByteStringMessage.from(ProtocolWaveletDelta.getDefaultInstance(), signedDelta.getDelta()); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("signed delta does not contain valid delta", e); } if (disableVerfication) { return delta; } List<String> domains = getParticipantDomains(delta.getMessage()); if (domains.size() != signedDelta.getSignatureCount()) { throw new SignatureException("found " + domains.size() + " domains in " + "extended address path, but " + signedDelta.getSignatureCount() + " signatures."); } for (int i = 0; i < domains.size(); i++) { String domain = domains.get(i); ProtocolSignature signature = signedDelta.getSignature(i); verifySingleSignature(delta, signature, domain); } return delta; } /** * Verifies a single signature. * @param delta the payload that we're verifying the signature on. * @param signature the signature on the payload * @param domain the authority (domain name) that should have signed the * payload. * @throws SignatureException if the signature doesn't verify. */ private void verifySingleSignature(ByteStringMessage<ProtocolWaveletDelta> delta, ProtocolSignature signature, String domain) throws SignatureException, UnknownSignerException { verifier.verify(delta.getByteString().toByteArray(), signature, domain); } /** * Returns the domains of all the addresses in the extended address path. */ private List<String> getParticipantDomains(ProtocolWaveletDelta delta) { Iterable<String> addresses = getExtendedAddressPath(delta); return getDeDupedDomains(addresses); } /** * Extracts the domains from user addresses, and removes duplicates. */ private List<String> getDeDupedDomains(Iterable<String> addresses) { List<String> domains = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String address : addresses) { String participantDomain = new ParticipantId(address).getDomain(); if (!domains.contains(participantDomain)) { domains.add(participantDomain); } } return domains; } /** * Returns the extended address path, i.e., the addresses in the delta's * address path, plus the author of the delta. */ private Iterable<String> getExtendedAddressPath(ProtocolWaveletDelta delta) { return Iterables.concat(delta.getAddressPathList(), ImmutableList.of(delta.getAuthor())); } @Override public synchronized void storeSignerInfo(ProtocolSignerInfo signerInfo) throws SignatureException { verifier.verifySignerInfo(new SignerInfo(signerInfo)); certPathStore.putSignerInfo(signerInfo); } @Override public synchronized ProtocolSignerInfo retrieveSignerInfo(ByteString signerId) { SignerInfo signerInfo = certPathStore.getSignerInfo(signerId.toByteArray()); // null is acceptable for retrieveSignerInfo. The user of the certificate manager should call // prefetchDeltaSignerInfo for the mechanism to actually populate the certificate manager. return signerInfo == null ? null : signerInfo.toProtoBuf(); } @Override public synchronized void prefetchDeltaSignerInfo(WaveletFederationProvider provider, ByteString signerId, WaveletName waveletName, ProtocolHashedVersion deltaEndVersion, SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener callback) { ProtocolSignerInfo signerInfo = retrieveSignerInfo(signerId); if (signerInfo != null) { callback.onSuccess(signerInfo); } else { enqueueSignerInfoRequest(provider, signerId, waveletName, deltaEndVersion, callback); } } /** * Enqueue a signer info request for a signed delta on a given domain. */ private synchronized void enqueueSignerInfoRequest(final WaveletFederationProvider provider, final ByteString signerId, final WaveletName waveletName, ProtocolHashedVersion deltaEndVersion, SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener callback) { final String domain = waveletName.waveletId.getDomain(); Multimap<String, SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener> domainCallbacks = signerInfoRequests.get(signerId); if (domainCallbacks == null) { domainCallbacks = ArrayListMultimap.create(); signerInfoRequests.put(signerId, domainCallbacks); } // The thing is, we need to add multiple callbacks for the same domain, but we only want to // have one outstanding request per domain domainCallbacks.put(domain, callback); if (domainCallbacks.get(domain).size() == 1) { provider.getDeltaSignerInfo(signerId, waveletName, deltaEndVersion, new DeltaSignerInfoResponseListener() { @Override public void onFailure(FederationError error) { LOG.warning("getDeltaSignerInfo failed: " + error); // Fail all requests on this domain dequeueSignerInfoRequestForDomain(signerId, error, domain); } @Override public void onSuccess(ProtocolSignerInfo signerInfo) { try { storeSignerInfo(signerInfo); dequeueSignerInfoRequest(signerId, null); } catch (SignatureException e) { LOG.warning("Failed to verify signer info", e); dequeueSignerInfoRequest(signerId, FederationErrors.badRequest(e.toString())); } } }); } } /** * Dequeue all signer info requests for a given signer id. * * @param signerId to dequeue requests for * @param error if there was an error, null for success */ private synchronized void dequeueSignerInfoRequest(ByteString signerId, FederationError error) { List<String> domains = ImmutableList.copyOf(signerInfoRequests.get(signerId).keySet()); for (String domain : domains) { dequeueSignerInfoRequestForDomain(signerId, error, domain); } } /** * Dequeue all signer info requests for a given signer id and a specific domain. * * @param signerId to dequeue requests for * @param error if there was an error, null for success * @param domain to dequeue the signer requests for */ private synchronized void dequeueSignerInfoRequestForDomain(ByteString signerId, FederationError error, String domain) { Multimap<String, SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener> domainListeners = signerInfoRequests.get(signerId); if (domainListeners == null) {"There are no domain listeners for signer " + signerId + " domain " + domain); return; } else {"Dequeuing " + domainListeners.size() + " listeners for domain " + domain); } for (SignerInfoPrefetchResultListener listener : domainListeners.get(domain)) { if (error == null) { listener.onSuccess(retrieveSignerInfo(signerId)); } else { listener.onFailure(error); } } domainListeners.removeAll(domain); if (domainListeners.isEmpty()) { // No listeners for any domains, delete the signer id for the overall map signerInfoRequests.remove(signerId); } } }