Java tutorial
/* * WANDORA * Knowledge Extraction, Management, and Publishing Application * * * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Wandora Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package; import*; import org.wandora.application.contexts.*; import org.wandora.topicmap.*; import org.wandora.application.*; import org.wandora.application.gui.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.wandora.application.gui.topicpanels.webview.WebViewPanel; import org.wandora.application.modulesserver.ModulesWebApp; import org.wandora.application.modulesserver.WandoraModulesServer; /** * * @author olli */ public class HTTPServerTool extends AbstractWandoraTool { public static final int CONFIGURE = 1; public static final int START = 2; public static final int STOP = 4; public static final int CONFIGURE_AND_START = CONFIGURE + START; public static final int UPDATE_MENU = 8; public static final int START_AND_MENU = START + UPDATE_MENU; public static final int STOP_AND_MENU = STOP + UPDATE_MENU; public static final int OPEN_PAGE = 16; public static final int OPEN_PAGE_IN_BROWSER_TOPIC_PANEL = 32; private int mode; private String forceUrl = null; private Object param2 = null; private ModulesWebApp webApp = null; public HTTPServerTool(int mode, String fu, Object param2) { super(); this.mode = mode; this.forceUrl = fu; this.param2 = param2; } public HTTPServerTool(int mode, String fu) { super(); this.mode = mode; this.forceUrl = fu; } public HTTPServerTool(int mode, ModulesWebApp webApp, Object param2) { super(); this.mode = mode; this.webApp = webApp; this.param2 = param2; } public HTTPServerTool(int mode, ModulesWebApp webApp) { super(); this.mode = mode; this.webApp = webApp; } public HTTPServerTool(int mode) { super(); this.mode = mode; } @Override public Icon getIcon() { if ((mode & CONFIGURE) != 0) return UIBox.getIcon("gui/icons/server_configure.png"); if ((mode & START) != 0) return UIBox.getIcon("gui/icons/server_start.png"); if ((mode & STOP) != 0) return UIBox.getIcon("gui/icons/server_stop.png"); if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE) != 0) return UIBox.getIcon("gui/icons/server_open.png"); if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE_IN_BROWSER_TOPIC_PANEL) != 0) return UIBox.getIcon("gui/icons/server_open.png"); return super.getIcon(); } @Override public String getName() { if ((mode & CONFIGURE) != 0) return "HTTP server configuration"; if ((mode & START) != 0) return "Start HTTP server"; if ((mode & STOP) != 0) return "Stop HTTP server"; if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE) != 0) return "Open topic with Wandora HTTP server..."; if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE_IN_BROWSER_TOPIC_PANEL) != 0) return "Open topic in Browser topic panel"; return "Wandora HTTP server tool"; } @Override public String getDescription() { if ((mode & CONFIGURE) != 0) return "Open Wandora HTTP server configuration dialog..."; if ((mode & START) != 0) return "Start Wandora HTTP server"; if ((mode & STOP) != 0) return "Stop Wandora HTTP server"; if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE) != 0) return "Open current topic with external browser and Wandora's HTTP server..."; if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE_IN_BROWSER_TOPIC_PANEL) != 0) return "Open current topic with Browser topic panel and Wandora's HTTP server..."; return "Wandora HTTP server tool"; } @Override public void execute(Wandora wandora, Context context) throws TopicMapException { if ((mode & CONFIGURE) != 0) { WandoraModulesServer server = wandora.getHTTPServer(); String u = null; //s.getLoginUser(); String p = null; //s.getLoginPassword(); if (u == null) u = ""; if (p == null) p = ""; String[] logLevels = { "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "none" }; GenericOptionsDialog god = new GenericOptionsDialog(wandora, "Wandora HTTP server settings", "Wandora HTTP server settings", true, new String[][] { new String[] { "Auto start", "boolean", "" + server.isAutoStart(), "Start server automatically when you start Wandora" }, new String[] { "Port", "string", "" + server.getPort(), "Port the server is listening to" }, new String[] { "Local only", "boolean", "" + server.isLocalOnly(), "Allow only local connections" }, new String[] { "Use SSL", "boolean", "" + server.isUseSSL(), "Should server use SSL" }, new String[] { "Keystore location", "string", "" + server.getKeystoreFile(), "Where SSL keystore file locates? Keystore is used only if you have selected to use SLL." }, new String[] { "Keystore password", "string", "" + server.getKeystorePassword(), "Keystore's password. Keystore is used only if you have selected to use SLL." }, // new String[]{"User name","string",u,"User name. Leave empty for anonymous login"}, // new String[]{"Password","password",p,"Password for the user if user name field is used"}, new String[] { "Server path", "string", server.getServerPath(), "Path where Wandora web apps are deployed" }, // new String[]{"Static content path","string",s.getStaticPath(),"Path where static files are located"}, // new String[]{"Template path","string",s.getTemplatePath(),"Path where Velocity templates are located"}, // new String[]{"Template","string",s.getTemplateFile(),"Template file used to create a topic page"}, new String[] { "Log level", "combo:" + StringUtils.join(logLevels, ";"), logLevels[server.getLogLevel()], "Lowest level of log messages that are printed" }, }, wandora); god.setSize(800, 400); if (wandora != null) wandora.centerWindow(god); god.setVisible(true); if (god.wasCancelled()) return; boolean running = server.isRunning(); if (running) server.stopServer(); Map<String, String> values = god.getValues(); server.setAutoStart(Boolean.parseBoolean(values.get("Auto start"))); server.setPort(Integer.parseInt(values.get("Port"))); server.setLocalOnly(Boolean.parseBoolean(values.get("Local only"))); server.setUseSSL(Boolean.parseBoolean(values.get("Use SSL"))); server.setKeystoreFile(values.get("Keystore location")); server.setKeystorePassword(values.get("Keystore password")); // server.setLogin(values.get("User name"),values.get("Password")); // server.setStaticPath(values.get("Static content path")); // server.setTemplatePath(values.get("Template path")); // server.setTemplateFile(values.get("Template")); server.setServerPath(values.get("Server path")); server.setLogLevel(ArrayUtils.indexOf(logLevels, values.get("Log level"))); server.writeOptions(wandora.getOptions()); server.initModuleManager(); server.readBundleDirectories(); if (running) server.start(); wandora.menuManager.refreshServerMenu(); } if ((mode & START) != 0) { wandora.startHTTPServer(); } else if ((mode & STOP) != 0) { wandora.stopHTTPServer(); } if ((mode & UPDATE_MENU) != 0) { wandora.menuManager.refreshServerMenu(); } if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE) != 0) { try { if (!wandora.getHTTPServer().isRunning()) { int a = WandoraOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(wandora, "HTTP server is not running at the moment. Would you like to start the server first?", "Start HTTP server?", WandoraOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (a == WandoraOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { wandora.startHTTPServer(); wandora.menuManager.refreshServerMenu(); } else if (a == WandoraOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return; } } WandoraModulesServer s = wandora.getHTTPServer(); String uri = (s.isUseSSL() ? "https" : "http") + "://" + s.getPort() + "/topic"; if (forceUrl != null) uri = forceUrl; else if (webApp != null) { uri = webApp.getAppStartPage(); if (uri == null) { WandoraOptionPane.showMessageDialog(wandora, "Can't launch selected webapp. Webapp says it's URI is null."); return; } } try { Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); desktop.browse(new URI(uri)); } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } catch (Exception e) { wandora.handleError(e); } } if ((mode & OPEN_PAGE_IN_BROWSER_TOPIC_PANEL) != 0) { try { if (!wandora.getHTTPServer().isRunning()) { int a = WandoraOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(wandora, "HTTP server is not running at the moment. Would you like to start the server first?", "Start HTTP server?", WandoraOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (a == WandoraOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { wandora.startHTTPServer(); wandora.menuManager.refreshServerMenu(); } } WandoraModulesServer s = wandora.getHTTPServer(); String uri = (s.isUseSSL() ? "https" : "http") + "://" + s.getPort() + "/topic"; if (forceUrl != null) uri = forceUrl; else if (webApp != null) { uri = webApp.getAppStartPage(); if (uri == null) { WandoraOptionPane.showMessageDialog(wandora, "Can't launch selected webapp. Webapp says it's URI is null."); return; } } try { if (param2 != null) { if (param2 instanceof WebViewPanel) { WebViewPanel browserTopicPanel = (WebViewPanel) param2; browserTopicPanel.browse(uri); } } } catch (Exception e) { log(e); } } catch (Exception e) { wandora.handleError(e); } } } }