Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013 Raquel Pau and Albert Coroleu. Walkmod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Walkmod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Walkmod. If not, see <>.*/ package org.walkmod.conf.providers; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import org.walkmod.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.walkmod.conf.ProjectConfigurationProvider; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.ChainConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.Configuration; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.JSONConfigParser; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.MergePolicyConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.PluginConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.ProviderConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.TransformationConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.WalkerConfig; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.impl.ChainConfigImpl; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.impl.MergePolicyConfigImpl; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.impl.PluginConfigImpl; import org.walkmod.conf.entities.impl.ProviderConfigImpl; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddChainYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddConfigurationParameterYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddModulesYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddProviderConfigYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.AddTransformationYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemoveChainsYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemoveIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemoveModulesYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemovePluginYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemoveProvidersYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.RemoveTransformationYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.SetReaderYMLAction; import org.walkmod.conf.providers.yml.SetWriterYMLAction; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLGenerator; public class YAMLConfigurationProvider extends AbstractChainConfigurationProvider implements ProjectConfigurationProvider { private Configuration configuration; private String fileName; private YAMLFactory factory; private ObjectMapper mapper; private JSONConfigParser converter = new JSONConfigParser(); public YAMLConfigurationProvider() { this("walkmod.yml"); } public YAMLConfigurationProvider(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; factory = new YAMLFactory(); mapper = new ObjectMapper(factory); factory.configure(YAMLGenerator.Feature.WRITE_DOC_START_MARKER, false); } @Override public void init(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } @Override public void load() throws ConfigurationException { File file = new File(fileName); try { JsonNode node = null; if (file.exists() && file.length() > 0) { node = mapper.readTree(file); inferInitializers(configuration); if (node.has("plugins")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.get("plugins").iterator(); Collection<PluginConfig> pluginList = new LinkedList<PluginConfig>(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode current =; String pluginId = current.asText(); String[] split = pluginId.split(":"); if (split.length > 3) { } else { String groupId, artifactId, version; groupId = split[0]; artifactId = split[1]; version = split[2]; PluginConfig plugin = new PluginConfigImpl(); plugin.setGroupId(groupId); plugin.setArtifactId(artifactId); plugin.setVersion(version); pluginList.add(plugin); } } configuration.setPlugins(pluginList); } if (node.has("modules")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.get("modules").iterator(); List<String> modules = new LinkedList<String>(); configuration.setModules(modules); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode current =; modules.add(current.asText()); } configuration.setModules(modules); } if (node.has("merge-policies")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.get("merge-policies").iterator(); Collection<MergePolicyConfig> mergePolicies = new LinkedList<MergePolicyConfig>(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode next =; if (next.has("policy")) { MergePolicyConfig mergeCfg = new MergePolicyConfigImpl(); mergeCfg.setName(next.get("name").asText()); mergeCfg.setDefaultObjectPolicy(next.get("default-object-policy").asText()); mergeCfg.setDefaultTypePolicy(next.get("default-type-policy").asText()); if (next.has("policy")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it2 = next.get("policy").iterator(); Map<String, String> policies = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (it2.hasNext()) { JsonNode nextPolicy =; String objectType = nextPolicy.get("object-type").asText(); String policyType = nextPolicy.get("policy-type").asText(); policies.put(objectType, policyType); } mergeCfg.setPolicyEntries(policies); } mergePolicies.add(mergeCfg); } } configuration.setMergePolicies(mergePolicies); } if (node.has("conf-providers")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.get("conf-providers").iterator(); Collection<ProviderConfig> provConfigs = new LinkedList<ProviderConfig>(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode next =; ProviderConfig provCfg = new ProviderConfigImpl(); provCfg.setType(next.get("type").asText()); provCfg.setParameters(converter.getParams(next)); provConfigs.add(provCfg); } configuration.setProviderConfigurations(provConfigs); } if (node.has("chains")) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = node.get("chains").iterator(); Collection<ChainConfig> chains = new LinkedList<ChainConfig>(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { ChainConfig chainCfg = new ChainConfigImpl(); JsonNode current =; if (current.has("name")) { chainCfg.setName(current.get("name").asText()); } else { chainCfg.setName("chain_" + i); } if (current.has("reader")) { JsonNode reader = current.get("reader"); chainCfg.setReaderConfig(converter.getReader(reader)); } else { addDefaultReaderConfig(chainCfg); } if (current.has("writer")) { JsonNode writer = current.get("writer"); chainCfg.setWriterConfig(converter.getWriter(writer)); } else { addDefaultWriterConfig(chainCfg); } if (current.has("walker")) { chainCfg.setWalkerConfig(converter.getWalker(current)); } else { addDefaultWalker(chainCfg); if (current.has("transformations")) { WalkerConfig walkerCfg = chainCfg.getWalkerConfig(); walkerCfg.setTransformations(converter.getTransformationCfgs(current)); } } chains.add(chainCfg); } configuration.setChainConfigs(chains); } else if (node.has("transformations")) { Collection<ChainConfig> chains = new LinkedList<ChainConfig>(); ChainConfig chainCfg = new ChainConfigImpl(); chainCfg.setName(""); addDefaultReaderConfig(chainCfg); addDefaultWalker(chainCfg); WalkerConfig walkerCfg = chainCfg.getWalkerConfig(); walkerCfg.setTransformations(converter.getTransformationCfgs(node)); addDefaultWriterConfig(chainCfg); chains.add(chainCfg); configuration.setChainConfigs(chains); } } } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Error parsing the " + fileName + " configuration", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Error reading the " + fileName + " configuration", e); } inferPlugins(configuration); } @Override public void addPluginConfig(final PluginConfig pluginConfig, boolean recursive) throws TransformerException { File cfg = new File(fileName); ArrayNode pluginList = null; JsonNode node = null; try { node = mapper.readTree(cfg); } catch (Exception e) { } if (node == null) { node = new ObjectNode(mapper.getNodeFactory()); } if (recursive && node.has("modules")) { JsonNode aux = node.get("modules"); if (aux.isArray()) { ArrayNode modules = (ArrayNode) aux; int max = modules.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { JsonNode module = modules.get(i); if (module.isTextual()) { String moduleDir = module.asText(); try { File auxFile = new File(fileName).getCanonicalFile().getParentFile(); YAMLConfigurationProvider child = new YAMLConfigurationProvider( auxFile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + moduleDir + File.separator + "walkmod.yml"); child.createConfig(); child.addPluginConfig(pluginConfig, recursive); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransformerException(e); } } } } } else { if (!node.has("plugins")) { pluginList = new ArrayNode(mapper.getNodeFactory()); if (node.isObject()) { ObjectNode aux = (ObjectNode) node; aux.set("plugins", pluginList); } else { throw new TransformerException("The root element is not a JSON node"); } } else { JsonNode aux = node.get("plugins"); if (aux.isArray()) { pluginList = (ArrayNode) node.get("plugins"); } else { throw new TransformerException("The plugins element is not a valid array"); } } pluginList.add(new TextNode(pluginConfig.getGroupId() + ":" + pluginConfig.getArtifactId() + ":" + pluginConfig.getVersion())); write(node); } } public void write(JsonNode node) throws TransformerException { if (node != null) { File cfg = new File(fileName); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(cfg); JsonGenerator generator = mapper.getFactory().createGenerator(fos); generator.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); mapper.writeTree(generator, node); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransformerException("Error writting the configuration", e); } } } } } public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { return mapper; } @Override public void addChainConfig(ChainConfig chainCfg, boolean recursive, String before) throws Exception { AddChainYMLAction action = new AddChainYMLAction(chainCfg, this, recursive, before); action.execute(); } @Override public void addTransformationConfig(String chain, String path, TransformationConfig transformationCfg, boolean recursive, Integer order, String before) throws Exception { if (transformationCfg != null) { AddTransformationYMLAction action = new AddTransformationYMLAction(chain, path, transformationCfg, this, recursive, order, before); action.execute(); } return; } @Override public void createConfig() throws IOException { File cfg = new File(fileName); if (!cfg.exists() && !cfg.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("The system can't create the [" + fileName + "] file"); } } public JsonNode getRootNode() { File cfg = new File(fileName); JsonNode node = null; try { node = mapper.readTree(cfg); } catch (Exception e) { } if (node == null) { node = new ObjectNode(mapper.getNodeFactory()); } return node; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } @Override public void addProviderConfig(ProviderConfig providerCfg, boolean recursive) throws Exception { AddProviderConfigYMLAction action = new AddProviderConfigYMLAction(providerCfg, this, recursive); action.execute(); } @Override public void addModules(List<String> modules) throws Exception { AddModulesYMLAction action = new AddModulesYMLAction(modules, this); action.execute(); } @Override public void removeTransformations(String chain, List<String> transformations, boolean recursive) throws Exception { if (transformations != null && !transformations.isEmpty()) { RemoveTransformationYMLAction action = new RemoveTransformationYMLAction(chain, transformations, this, recursive); action.execute(); } } @Override public void setWriter(String chain, String type, String path, boolean recursive, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { if ((type != null && !"".equals(type.trim())) || (path != null && !"".equals(path.trim()))) { SetWriterYMLAction action = new SetWriterYMLAction(chain, type, path, this, recursive, params); action.execute(); } } @Override public void setReader(String chain, String type, String path, boolean recursive, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { if ((type != null && !"".equals(type.trim())) || (path != null && !"".equals(path.trim()))) { SetReaderYMLAction action = new SetReaderYMLAction(chain, type, path, this, recursive, params); action.execute(); } } @Override public void removePluginConfig(PluginConfig pluginConfig, boolean recursive) throws Exception { RemovePluginYMLAction action = new RemovePluginYMLAction(pluginConfig, this, recursive); action.execute(); } @Override public void removeModules(List<String> modules) throws Exception { if (modules != null) { RemoveModulesYMLAction action = new RemoveModulesYMLAction(modules, this); action.execute(); } } @Override public void removeProviders(List<String> providers, boolean recursive) throws Exception { if (providers != null) { RemoveProvidersYMLAction action = new RemoveProvidersYMLAction(providers, this, recursive); action.execute(); } } @Override public void removeChains(List<String> chains, boolean recursive) throws Exception { if (chains != null) { RemoveChainsYMLAction action = new RemoveChainsYMLAction(chains, this, recursive); action.execute(); } } @Override public void addConfigurationParameter(String param, String value, String type, String category, String name, String chain, boolean recursive) throws Exception { if (param != null && value != null) { AddConfigurationParameterYMLAction action = new AddConfigurationParameterYMLAction(param, value, type, category, name, chain, this, recursive); action.execute(); } } @Override public String getFileExtension() { return "yml"; } @Override public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } @Override public File getConfigurationFile() { return new File(fileName); } @Override public ProjectConfigurationProvider clone(File cfgFile) { return new YAMLConfigurationProvider(cfgFile.getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public void addIncludesToChain(String chain, List<String> includes, boolean recursive, boolean setToReader, boolean setToWriter) throws Exception { AddIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction action = new AddIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction(includes, chain, recursive, setToReader, setToWriter, false, this); action.execute(); } @Override public void addExcludesToChain(String chain, List<String> excludes, boolean recursive, boolean setToReader, boolean setToWriter) throws Exception { AddIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction action = new AddIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction(excludes, chain, recursive, setToReader, setToWriter, true, this); action.execute(); } @Override public void removeExcludesFromChain(String chain, List<String> excludes, boolean recursive, boolean setToReader, boolean setToWriter) throws Exception { RemoveIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction action = new RemoveIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction(excludes, chain, recursive, setToReader, setToWriter, true, this); action.execute(); } @Override public void removeIncludesFromChain(String chain, List<String> includes, boolean recursive, boolean setToReader, boolean setToWriter) throws Exception { RemoveIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction action = new RemoveIncludesOrExcludesYMLAction(includes, chain, recursive, setToReader, setToWriter, false, this); action.execute(); } }