Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Waarp Project. * * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see * <>. */ package org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.traffic.AbstractTrafficShapingHandler; import io.netty.handler.traffic.ChannelTrafficShapingHandler; import io.netty.handler.traffic.GlobalChannelTrafficShapingHandler; import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer; import io.netty.util.Timer; import org.waarp.common.crypto.Des; import org.waarp.common.crypto.ssl.WaarpSecureKeyStore; import org.waarp.common.crypto.ssl.WaarpSslContextFactory; import org.waarp.common.crypto.ssl.WaarpSslUtility; import org.waarp.common.database.DbSession; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseSqlException; import org.waarp.common.digest.FilesystemBasedDigest; import org.waarp.common.digest.FilesystemBasedDigest.DigestAlgo; import org.waarp.common.file.filesystembased.FilesystemBasedFileParameterImpl; import org.waarp.common.future.WaarpFuture; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory; import org.waarp.common.role.RoleDefault; import org.waarp.common.utility.SystemPropertyUtil; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpNettyUtil; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpShutdownHook; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpShutdownHook.ShutdownConfiguration; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpThreadFactory; import; import org.waarp.openr66.commander.ClientRunner; import org.waarp.openr66.commander.InternalRunner; import org.waarp.openr66.configuration.FileBasedConfiguration; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66BusinessFactoryInterface; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66DefaultBusinessFactory; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66FiniteDualStates; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.localexec.LocalExecClient; import org.waarp.openr66.database.DbConstant; import; import; import org.waarp.openr66.exception.ServerException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolNoDataException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.http.HttpInitializer; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.http.adminssl.HttpReponsiveSslInitializer; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.http.adminssl.HttpSslHandler; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.http.adminssl.HttpSslInitializer; import; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.LocalTransaction; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.Monitoring; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.ChannelTrafficHandler; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.GlobalTrafficHandler; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.NetworkServerInitializer; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.NetworkTransaction; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.R66ConstraintLimitHandler; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.ssl.NetworkSslServerInitializer; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.snmp.R66PrivateMib; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.snmp.R66VariableFactory; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.ChannelUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.R66ShutdownHook; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.Version; import org.waarp.openr66.thrift.R66ThriftServerService; import org.waarp.snmp.WaarpMOFactory; import org.waarp.snmp.WaarpSnmpAgent; /** * Configuration class * * @author Frederic Bregier */ public class Configuration { /** * Internal Logger */ private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class); // Static values /** * General Configuration object */ public static Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); public static final String SnmpName = "Waarp OpenR66 SNMP"; public static final int SnmpPrivateId = 66666; public static final int SnmpR66Id = 66; public static final String SnmpDefaultAuthor = "Frederic Bregier"; public static final String SnmpVersion = "Waarp OpenR66 " + Version.ID; public static final String SnmpDefaultLocalization = "Paris, France"; public static final int SnmpService = 72; /** * Time elapse for retry in ms */ public static final long RETRYINMS = 10; /** * Number of retry before error */ public static final int RETRYNB = 3; /** * Hack to say Windows or Unix (USR1 not OK on Windows) */ private static boolean ISUNIX; /** * Default size for buffers (NIO) */ public static final int BUFFERSIZEDEFAULT = 0x10000; // 64K /** * Time elapse for WRITE OR CLOSE WAIT elaps in ms */ public static final long WAITFORNETOP = 200; /** * Extension of file during transfer */ public static final String EXT_R66 = ".r66"; /** * Rank to redo when a restart occurs */ private static int RANKRESTART = 30; /** * Number of DbSession for internal needs */ private static int NBDBSESSION = 0; /** * FileParameter */ private static final FilesystemBasedFileParameterImpl fileParameter = new FilesystemBasedFileParameterImpl(); private R66BusinessFactoryInterface r66BusinessFactory = new R66DefaultBusinessFactory(); // Global Dynamic values /** * Version validation */ private boolean extendedProtocol = true; /** * Global digest */ private boolean globalDigest = true; /** * White List of allowed Partners to use Business Requests */ private final HashSet<String> businessWhiteSet = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Roles list for identified partners */ private final HashMap<String, RoleDefault> roles = new HashMap<String, RoleDefault>(); /** * Aliases list for identified partners */ private final HashMap<String, String> aliases = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * reverse Aliases list for identified partners */ private final HashMap<String, String[]> reverseAliases = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); /** * Versions for each HostID */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, PartnerConfiguration> versions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PartnerConfiguration>(); /** * Actual Host ID */ private String HOST_ID; /** * Actual SSL Host ID */ private String HOST_SSLID; /** * Server Administration user name */ private String ADMINNAME = null; /** * Server Administration Key */ private byte[] SERVERADMINKEY = null; /** * Server Administration Key file */ private String serverKeyFile = null; /** * Server Actual Authentication */ private DbHostAuth HOST_AUTH; /** * Server Actual SSL Authentication */ private DbHostAuth HOST_SSLAUTH; /** * Default number of threads in pool for Server (true network listeners). Server will change * this value on startup if not set. The value should be closed to the number of CPU. */ private int SERVER_THREAD = 0; /** * Default number of threads in pool for Client. The value is for true client for Executor in * the Pipeline for Business logic. The value does not indicate a limit of concurrent clients, * but a limit on truly packet concurrent actions. */ private int CLIENT_THREAD = 10; /** * Default session limit 64Mbit, so up to 16 full simultaneous clients */ private final long DEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT = 0x800000L; /** * Default global limit 1024Mbit */ private final long DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT = 0x8000000L; /** * Default server port */ private int SERVER_PORT = 6666; /** * Default SSL server port */ private int SERVER_SSLPORT = 6667; /** * Default HTTP server port */ private int SERVER_HTTPPORT = 8066; /** * Default HTTP server port */ private int SERVER_HTTPSPORT = 8067; /** * Nb of milliseconds after connection is in timeout */ private long TIMEOUTCON = 30000; /** * Size by default of block size for receive/sending files. Should be a multiple of 8192 * (maximum = 2^30K due to block limitation to 4 bytes) */ private int BLOCKSIZE = 0x10000; // 64K /** * Max global memory limit: default is 4GB */ private long maxGlobalMemory = 0x100000000L; /** * Rest configuration list */ private final List<RestConfiguration> restConfigurations = new ArrayList<RestConfiguration>(); /** * Base Directory */ private String baseDirectory; /** * In path (receive) */ private String inPath = null; /** * Out path (send, copy, pending) */ private String outPath = null; /** * Archive path */ private String archivePath = null; /** * Working path */ private String workingPath = null; /** * Config path */ private String configPath = null; /** * Http Admin base */ private String httpBasePath = "src/main/admin/"; /** * Model for Http Admin: 0 = standard (i18n only), 1 = responsive (i18n + bootstrap + dynamic table + refresh) */ private int httpModel = 1; /** * True if the service is going to shutdown */ private volatile boolean isShutdown = false; /** * Limit in Write byte/s to apply globally to the FTP Server */ private long serverGlobalWriteLimit = getDEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT(); /** * Limit in Read byte/s to apply globally to the FTP Server */ private long serverGlobalReadLimit = getDEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT(); /** * Limit in Write byte/s to apply by session to the FTP Server */ private long serverChannelWriteLimit = getDEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT(); /** * Limit in Read byte/s to apply by session to the FTP Server */ private long serverChannelReadLimit = getDEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT(); /** * Any limitation on bandwidth active? */ private boolean anyBandwidthLimitation = false; /** * Delay in ms between two checks */ private long delayLimit = AbstractTrafficShapingHandler.DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL; /** * Does this OpenR66 server will use and accept SSL connections */ private boolean useSSL = false; /** * Does this OpenR66 server will use and accept non SSL connections */ private boolean useNOSSL = true; /** * Algorithm to use for Digest */ private FilesystemBasedDigest.DigestAlgo digest = DigestAlgo.MD5; /** * Does this OpenR66 server will try to compress HTTP connections */ private boolean useHttpCompression = false; /** * Does this OpenR66 server will use Waarp LocalExec Daemon for ExecTask and ExecMoveTask */ private boolean useLocalExec = false; /** * Crypto Key */ private Des cryptoKey = null; /** * Associated file for CryptoKey */ private String cryptoFile = null; /** * List of all Server Channels to enable the close call on them using Netty ChannelGroup */ protected ChannelGroup serverChannelGroup = null; /** * Main bind address in no ssl mode */ protected Channel bindNoSSL = null; /** * Main bind address in ssl mode */ protected Channel bindSSL = null; /** * Does the current program running as Server */ private boolean isServer = false; /** * ExecutorService Other Worker */ protected final ExecutorService execOtherWorker = Executors .newCachedThreadPool(new WaarpThreadFactory("OtherWorker")); protected EventLoopGroup bossGroup; protected EventLoopGroup workerGroup; protected EventLoopGroup handlerGroup; protected EventLoopGroup subTaskGroup; protected EventLoopGroup localBossGroup; protected EventLoopGroup localWorkerGroup; protected EventLoopGroup httpBossGroup; protected EventLoopGroup httpWorkerGroup; /** * ExecutorService Scheduled tasks */ protected final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService; /** * Bootstrap for server */ protected ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = null; /** * Bootstrap for SSL server */ protected ServerBootstrap serverSslBootstrap = null; /** * Factory for NON SSL Server */ protected NetworkServerInitializer networkServerInitializer; /** * Factory for SSL Server */ protected NetworkSslServerInitializer networkSslServerInitializer; /** * Bootstrap for Http server */ protected ServerBootstrap httpBootstrap = null; /** * Bootstrap for Https server */ protected ServerBootstrap httpsBootstrap = null; /** * List of all Http Channels to enable the close call on them using Netty ChannelGroup */ protected ChannelGroup httpChannelGroup = null; /** * Timer for CloseOpertations */ private final Timer timerCloseOperations = new HashedWheelTimer(new WaarpThreadFactory("TimerClose"), 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 1024); /** * Global TrafficCounter (set from global configuration) */ protected GlobalTrafficHandler globalTrafficShapingHandler = null; /** * LocalTransaction */ protected LocalTransaction localTransaction; /** * InternalRunner */ private InternalRunner internalRunner; /** * Maximum number of concurrent active transfer by submission. */ private int RUNNER_THREAD = 1000; /** * Delay in ms between two steps of Commander */ private long delayCommander = 5000; /** * Delay in ms between two retries */ private long delayRetry = 30000; /** * Constraint Limit Handler on CPU usage and Connection limitation */ private R66ConstraintLimitHandler constraintLimitHandler = new R66ConstraintLimitHandler(); /** * Do we check Remote Address from DbHost */ private boolean checkRemoteAddress = false; /** * Do we check address even for Client */ private boolean checkClientAddress = false; /** * For No Db client, do we saved TaskRunner in a XML */ private boolean saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb = false; /** * In case of Multiple OpenR66 monitor servers behing a load balancer (HA solution) */ private int multipleMonitors = 1; /** * Monitoring object */ private Monitoring monitoring = null; /** * Monitoring: how long in ms to get back in monitoring */ private long pastLimit = 86400000; // 24H /** * Monitoring: minimal interval in ms before redo real monitoring */ private long minimalDelay = 5000; // 5 seconds /** * Monitoring: snmp configuration file (empty means no snmp support) */ private String snmpConfig = null; /** * SNMP Agent (if any) */ private WaarpSnmpAgent agentSnmp = null; /** * Associated MIB */ private R66PrivateMib r66Mib = null; protected volatile boolean configured = false; private static WaarpSecureKeyStore waarpSecureKeyStore; private static WaarpSslContextFactory waarpSslContextFactory; /** * Thrift support */ private R66ThriftServerService thriftService; private int thriftport = -1; private boolean isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed = true; private final ShutdownConfiguration shutdownConfiguration = new ShutdownConfiguration(); private boolean isHostProxyfied = false; private boolean warnOnStartup = true; private boolean chrootChecked = true; private boolean blacklistBadAuthent = false; private int maxfilenamelength = 255; private int timeStat = 0; private int limitCache = 20000; private long timeLimitCache = 180000; public Configuration() { // Init signal handler getShutdownConfiguration().timeout = getTIMEOUTCON(); if (WaarpShutdownHook.shutdownHook == null) { new R66ShutdownHook(getShutdownConfiguration()); } computeNbThreads(); scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.getSERVER_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("ScheduledTask")); // Init FiniteStates R66FiniteDualStates.initR66FiniteStates(); if (!SystemPropertyUtil.isFileEncodingCorrect()) { logger.error( "Issue while trying to set UTF-8 as default file encoding: use -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 as java command argument"); logger.warn("Currently file.encoding is: " + SystemPropertyUtil.get(SystemPropertyUtil.FILE_ENCODING)); } setExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed( SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_EXECUTEBEFORETRANSFERRED, true)); boolean useSpaceSeparator = SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_USESPACESEPARATOR, false); if (useSpaceSeparator) { PartnerConfiguration.setSEPARATOR_FIELD(PartnerConfiguration.BLANK_SEPARATOR_FIELD); } setHostProxyfied(SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_ISHOSTPROXYFIED, false)); setWarnOnStartup(SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_STARTUP_WARNING, true)); FileBasedConfiguration.checkDatabase = SystemPropertyUtil .getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_STARTUP_DATABASE_CHECK, true); setChrootChecked(SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_CHROOT_CHECKED, true)); setBlacklistBadAuthent( SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_BLACKLIST_BADAUTHENT, true)); setMaxfilenamelength(SystemPropertyUtil.getInt(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH, 255)); setTimeStat(SystemPropertyUtil.getInt(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_TRACE_STATS, 0)); setLimitCache(SystemPropertyUtil.getInt(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_CACHE_LIMIT, 20000)); if (getLimitCache() <= 100) { setLimitCache(100); } setTimeLimitCache(SystemPropertyUtil.getLong(R66SystemProperties.OPENR66_CACHE_TIMELIMIT, 180000)); if (getTimeLimitCache() < 1000) { setTimeLimitCache(1000); } DbTaskRunner.createLruCache(getLimitCache(), getTimeLimitCache()); if (getLimitCache() > 0 && getTimeLimitCache() > 1000) { launchInFixedDelay(new CleanLruCache(), getTimeLimitCache(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (isHostProxyfied()) { setBlacklistBadAuthent(false); } } public String toString() { String rest = null; for (RestConfiguration config : getRestConfigurations()) { if (rest == null) { rest = (config.REST_ADDRESS != null ? "'" + config.REST_ADDRESS + ":" : "'All:") + config.REST_PORT + "'"; } else { rest += ", " + (config.REST_ADDRESS != null ? "'" + config.REST_ADDRESS + ":" : "'All:") + config.REST_PORT + "'"; } } return "Config: { ServerPort: " + getSERVER_PORT() + ", ServerSslPort: " + getSERVER_SSLPORT() + ", ServerView: " + getSERVER_HTTPPORT() + ", ServerAdmin: " + getSERVER_HTTPSPORT() + ", ThriftPort: " + (getThriftport() > 0 ? getThriftport() : "'NoThriftSupport'") + ", RestAddress: [" + (rest != null ? rest : "'NoRestSupport'") + "]" + ", TimeOut: " + getTIMEOUTCON() + ", BaseDir: '" + getBaseDirectory() + "', DigestAlgo: '" + getDigest().name + "', checkRemote: " + isCheckRemoteAddress() + ", checkClient: " + isCheckClientAddress() + ", snmpActive: " + (getAgentSnmp() != null) + ", chrootChecked: " + isChrootChecked() + ", blacklist: " + isBlacklistBadAuthent() + ", isHostProxified: " + isHostProxyfied() + "}"; } /** * Configure the pipeline for client (to be called only once) */ public void pipelineInit() { if (configured) { return; } workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getCLIENT_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("Worker")); handlerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getCLIENT_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("Handler")); subTaskGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getCLIENT_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("SubTask")); localBossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getCLIENT_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("LocalBoss")); localWorkerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(3 * getCLIENT_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("LocalWorker")); localTransaction = new LocalTransaction(); WaarpLoggerFactory.setDefaultFactory(WaarpLoggerFactory.getDefaultFactory()); if (isWarnOnStartup()) { logger.warn("Server Thread: " + getSERVER_THREAD() + " Client Thread: " + getCLIENT_THREAD() + " Runner Thread: " + getRUNNER_THREAD()); } else {"Server Thread: " + getSERVER_THREAD() + " Client Thread: " + getCLIENT_THREAD() + " Runner Thread: " + getRUNNER_THREAD()); }"Current launched threads: " + ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().getThreadCount()); if (isUseLocalExec()) { LocalExecClient.initialize(); } configured = true; } public void serverPipelineInit() { bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getSERVER_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("Boss", false)); httpBossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getSERVER_THREAD(), new WaarpThreadFactory("HttpBoss")); httpWorkerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(getSERVER_THREAD() * 10, new WaarpThreadFactory("HttpWorker")); } /** * Startup the server * * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException */ public void serverStartup() throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, ServerException { setServer(true); if (isBlacklistBadAuthent()) { setBlacklistBadAuthent(!DbHostAuth.hasProxifiedHosts(DbConstant.admin.getSession())); } getShutdownConfiguration().timeout = getTIMEOUTCON(); if (getTimeLimitCache() < getTIMEOUTCON() * 10) { setTimeLimitCache(getTIMEOUTCON() * 10); DbTaskRunner.updateLruCacheTimeout(getTimeLimitCache()); } R66ShutdownHook.addShutdownHook(); logger.debug("Use NoSSL: " + isUseNOSSL() + " Use SSL: " + isUseSSL()); if ((!isUseNOSSL()) && (!isUseSSL())) { logger.error(Messages.getString("Configuration.NoSSL")); //$NON-NLS-1$ System.exit(-1); } pipelineInit(); serverPipelineInit(); r66Startup(); startHttpSupport(); startMonitoring(); launchStatistics(); startRestSupport();"Current launched threads: " + ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().getThreadCount()); } /** * Used to log statistics information regularly */ public void launchStatistics() { if (getTimeStat() > 0) { launchInFixedDelay(new UsageStatistic(), getTimeStat(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } public void r66Startup() throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, ServerException {"Configuration.Start") + getSERVER_PORT() + ":" + isUseNOSSL() + ":" //$NON-NLS-1$ + getHOST_ID() + " " + getSERVER_SSLPORT() + ":" + isUseSSL() + ":" + getHOST_SSLID()); // add into configuration this.getConstraintLimitHandler().setServer(true); // Global Server serverChannelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup("OpenR66",; if (isUseNOSSL()) { serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); WaarpNettyUtil.setServerBootstrap(serverBootstrap, bossGroup, workerGroup, (int) getTIMEOUTCON()); networkServerInitializer = new NetworkServerInitializer(true); serverBootstrap.childHandler(networkServerInitializer); ChannelFuture future = serverBootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(getSERVER_PORT())) .awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { bindNoSSL =; serverChannelGroup.add(bindNoSSL); } else { throw new ServerException(Messages.getString("Configuration.R66NotBound"), future.cause()); } } else { networkServerInitializer = null; logger.warn(Messages.getString("Configuration.NOSSLDeactivated")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (isUseSSL() && getHOST_SSLID() != null) { serverSslBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); WaarpNettyUtil.setServerBootstrap(serverSslBootstrap, bossGroup, workerGroup, (int) getTIMEOUTCON()); networkSslServerInitializer = new NetworkSslServerInitializer(false); serverSslBootstrap.childHandler(networkSslServerInitializer); ChannelFuture future = serverSslBootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(getSERVER_SSLPORT())) .awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { bindSSL =; serverChannelGroup.add(bindSSL); } else { throw new ServerException(Messages.getString("Configuration.R66SSLNotBound"), future.cause()); } } else { networkSslServerInitializer = null; logger.warn(Messages.getString("Configuration.SSLMODEDeactivated")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Factory for TrafficShapingHandler globalTrafficShapingHandler = new GlobalTrafficHandler(subTaskGroup, getServerGlobalWriteLimit(), getServerGlobalReadLimit(), getServerChannelWriteLimit(), getServerChannelReadLimit(), getDelayLimit()); this.getConstraintLimitHandler().setHandler(globalTrafficShapingHandler); // Now start the InternalRunner internalRunner = new InternalRunner(); if (getThriftport() > 0) { setThriftService(new R66ThriftServerService(new WaarpFuture(true), getThriftport())); execOtherWorker.execute(getThriftService()); getThriftService().awaitInitialization(); } else { setThriftService(null); } } public void startHttpSupport() { // Now start the HTTP support"Configuration.HTTPStart") + getSERVER_HTTPPORT() + //$NON-NLS-1$ " HTTPS: " + getSERVER_HTTPSPORT()); httpChannelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup("HttpOpenR66",; // Configure the server. httpBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); WaarpNettyUtil.setServerBootstrap(httpBootstrap, httpBossGroup, httpWorkerGroup, (int) getTIMEOUTCON()); // Set up the event pipeline factory. httpBootstrap.childHandler(new HttpInitializer(isUseHttpCompression())); // Bind and start to accept incoming connections. if (getSERVER_HTTPPORT() > 0) { ChannelFuture future = httpBootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(getSERVER_HTTPPORT())) .awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { httpChannelGroup.add(; } } // Now start the HTTPS support // Configure the server. httpsBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); // Set up the event pipeline factory. WaarpNettyUtil.setServerBootstrap(httpsBootstrap, httpBossGroup, httpWorkerGroup, (int) getTIMEOUTCON()); if (getHttpModel() == 0) { httpsBootstrap.childHandler(new HttpSslInitializer(isUseHttpCompression())); } else { // Default httpsBootstrap.childHandler(new HttpReponsiveSslInitializer(isUseHttpCompression())); } // Bind and start to accept incoming connections. if (getSERVER_HTTPSPORT() > 0) { ChannelFuture future = httpsBootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(getSERVER_HTTPSPORT())) .awaitUninterruptibly(); if (future.isSuccess()) { httpChannelGroup.add(; } } } public void startRestSupport() { HttpRestR66Handler.initialize(getBaseDirectory() + "/" + getWorkingPath() + "/httptemp"); for (RestConfiguration config : getRestConfigurations()) { HttpRestR66Handler.initializeService(config);"Configuration.HTTPStart") + " (REST Support) " + config.toString()); } } public void startMonitoring() throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { setMonitoring(new Monitoring(getPastLimit(), getMinimalDelay(), null)); setNBDBSESSION(getNBDBSESSION() + 1); if (getSnmpConfig() != null) { int snmpPortShow = (isUseNOSSL() ? getSERVER_PORT() : getSERVER_SSLPORT()); R66PrivateMib r66Mib = new R66PrivateMib(SnmpName, snmpPortShow, SnmpPrivateId, SnmpR66Id, SnmpDefaultAuthor, SnmpVersion, SnmpDefaultLocalization, SnmpService); WaarpMOFactory.setFactory(new R66VariableFactory()); setAgentSnmp(new WaarpSnmpAgent(new File(getSnmpConfig()), getMonitoring(), r66Mib)); try { getAgentSnmp().start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(Messages.getString("Configuration.SNMPError"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.setR66Mib(r66Mib); } } public InternalRunner getInternalRunner() { return internalRunner; } /** * Prepare the server to stop * * To be called early before other stuff will be closed */ public void prepareServerStop() { if (getThriftService() != null) { getThriftService().releaseResources(); } if (internalRunner != null) { internalRunner.prepareStopInternalRunner(); } } /** * Unbind network connectors */ public void unbindServer() { if (bindNoSSL != null) { bindNoSSL.close(); bindNoSSL = null; } if (bindSSL != null) { bindSSL.close(); bindSSL = null; } } public void shutdownGracefully() { if (bossGroup != null && !bossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (workerGroup != null && !workerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { workerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (handlerGroup != null && !handlerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { handlerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (httpBossGroup != null && !httpBossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { httpBossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (httpWorkerGroup != null && !httpWorkerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { httpWorkerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (handlerGroup != null && !handlerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { handlerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (subTaskGroup != null && !subTaskGroup.isShuttingDown()) { subTaskGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (localBossGroup != null && !localBossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { localBossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } if (localWorkerGroup != null && !localWorkerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { localWorkerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } } public void shutdownQuickly() { if (bossGroup != null && !bossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (workerGroup != null && !workerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { workerGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (handlerGroup != null && !handlerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { handlerGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (httpBossGroup != null && !httpBossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { httpBossGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (httpWorkerGroup != null && !httpWorkerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { httpWorkerGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (handlerGroup != null && !handlerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { handlerGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (subTaskGroup != null && !subTaskGroup.isShuttingDown()) { subTaskGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (localBossGroup != null && !localBossGroup.isShuttingDown()) { localBossGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (localWorkerGroup != null && !localWorkerGroup.isShuttingDown()) { localWorkerGroup.shutdownGracefully(10, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } /** * Stops the server * * To be called after all other stuff are closed (channels, connections) */ public void serverStop() { WaarpSslUtility.forceCloseAllSslChannels(); if (internalRunner != null) { internalRunner.stopInternalRunner(); } if (scheduledExecutorService != null) { scheduledExecutorService.shutdown(); } if (getAgentSnmp() != null) { getAgentSnmp().stop(); } else if (getMonitoring() != null) { getMonitoring().releaseResources(); setMonitoring(null); } shutdownGracefully(); if (execOtherWorker != null) { execOtherWorker.shutdownNow(); } if (timerCloseOperations != null) { timerCloseOperations.stop(); } } /** * To be called after all other stuff are closed for Client */ public void clientStop() { clientStop(true); } /** * To be called after all other stuff are closed for Client * @param shutdownQuickly For client only, shall be true to speedup the end of the process */ public void clientStop(boolean shutdownQuickly) { WaarpSslUtility.forceCloseAllSslChannels(); if (!Configuration.configuration.isServer()) { ChannelUtils.stopLogger(); } if (scheduledExecutorService != null) { scheduledExecutorService.shutdown(); } if (localTransaction != null) { localTransaction.closeAll(); localTransaction = null; } if (shutdownQuickly) { } else { shutdownGracefully(); } if (isUseLocalExec()) { LocalExecClient.releaseResources(); } if (timerCloseOperations != null) { timerCloseOperations.stop(); } getR66BusinessFactory().releaseResources(); } /** * Try to reload the Commander * * @return True if reloaded, else in error */ public boolean reloadCommanderDelay() { if (internalRunner != null) { try { internalRunner.reloadInternalRunner(); return true; } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } } return false; } /** * submit a task in a fixed delay * * @param thread * @param delay * @param unit */ public void launchInFixedDelay(Thread thread, long delay, TimeUnit unit) { scheduledExecutorService.schedule(thread, delay, unit); } /** * Reset the global monitor for bandwidth limitation and change future channel monitors * * @param writeGlobalLimit * @param readGlobalLimit * @param writeSessionLimit * @param readSessionLimit * @param delayLimit */ public void changeNetworkLimit(long writeGlobalLimit, long readGlobalLimit, long writeSessionLimit, long readSessionLimit, long delayLimit) { long newWriteLimit = writeGlobalLimit > 1024 ? writeGlobalLimit : getServerGlobalWriteLimit(); if (writeGlobalLimit <= 0) { newWriteLimit = 0; } long newReadLimit = readGlobalLimit > 1024 ? readGlobalLimit : getServerGlobalReadLimit(); if (readGlobalLimit <= 0) { newReadLimit = 0; } setServerGlobalReadLimit(newReadLimit); setServerGlobalWriteLimit(newWriteLimit); this.setDelayLimit(delayLimit); if (globalTrafficShapingHandler != null) { globalTrafficShapingHandler.configure(getServerGlobalWriteLimit(), getServerGlobalReadLimit(), delayLimit); logger.warn(Messages.getString("Configuration.BandwidthChange"), globalTrafficShapingHandler); //$NON-NLS-1$ } newWriteLimit = writeSessionLimit > 1024 ? writeSessionLimit : getServerChannelWriteLimit(); if (writeSessionLimit <= 0) { newWriteLimit = 0; } newReadLimit = readSessionLimit > 1024 ? readSessionLimit : getServerChannelReadLimit(); if (readSessionLimit <= 0) { newReadLimit = 0; } setServerChannelReadLimit(newReadLimit); setServerChannelWriteLimit(newWriteLimit); if (globalTrafficShapingHandler != null && globalTrafficShapingHandler instanceof GlobalChannelTrafficShapingHandler) { ((GlobalChannelTrafficShapingHandler) globalTrafficShapingHandler) .configureChannel(getServerChannelWriteLimit(), getServerChannelReadLimit()); } setAnyBandwidthLimitation((getServerGlobalReadLimit() > 0 || getServerGlobalWriteLimit() > 0 || getServerChannelReadLimit() > 0 || getServerChannelWriteLimit() > 0)); } /** * Compute number of threads for both client and server from the real number of available * processors (double + 1) if the value is less than 32 threads else (available +1). */ public void computeNbThreads() { int nb = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2 + 1; if (nb > 32) { nb = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1; } if (getSERVER_THREAD() <= 0 || getSERVER_THREAD() > nb) {"Configuration.ThreadNumberChange") + nb); //$NON-NLS-1$ setSERVER_THREAD(nb); setCLIENT_THREAD(getSERVER_THREAD() * 10); } else if (getCLIENT_THREAD() < nb) { setCLIENT_THREAD(nb); } } /** * @return a new ChannelTrafficShapingHandler * @throws OpenR66ProtocolNoDataException */ public ChannelTrafficShapingHandler newChannelTrafficShapingHandler() throws OpenR66ProtocolNoDataException { if (getServerChannelReadLimit() == 0 && getServerChannelWriteLimit() == 0) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolNoDataException(Messages.getString("Configuration.ExcNoLimit")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (globalTrafficShapingHandler instanceof GlobalChannelTrafficShapingHandler) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolNoDataException("Already included through GlobalChannelTSH"); } return new ChannelTrafficHandler(getServerChannelWriteLimit(), getServerChannelReadLimit(), getDelayLimit()); } /** * * @return an executorService to be used for any thread */ public ExecutorService getExecutorService() { return execOtherWorker; } public Timer getTimerClose() { return timerCloseOperations; } /** * @return the globalTrafficShapingHandler */ public GlobalTrafficHandler getGlobalTrafficShapingHandler() { return globalTrafficShapingHandler; } /** * @return the serverChannelGroup */ public ChannelGroup getServerChannelGroup() { return serverChannelGroup; } /** * @return the httpChannelGroup */ public ChannelGroup getHttpChannelGroup() { return httpChannelGroup; } /** * @return the serverPipelineExecutor */ public EventLoopGroup getNetworkWorkerGroup() { return workerGroup; } /** * @return the localBossGroup */ public EventLoopGroup getLocalBossGroup() { return localBossGroup; } /** * @return the localWorkerGroup */ public EventLoopGroup getLocalWorkerGroup() { return localWorkerGroup; } /** * @return the serverPipelineExecutor */ public EventLoopGroup getHandlerGroup() { return handlerGroup; } /** * @return the subTaskGroup */ public EventLoopGroup getSubTaskGroup() { return subTaskGroup; } /** * @return the httpBossGroup */ public EventLoopGroup getHttpBossGroup() { return httpBossGroup; } /** * @return the httpWorkerGroup */ public EventLoopGroup getHttpWorkerGroup() { return httpWorkerGroup; } /** * @return the localTransaction */ public LocalTransaction getLocalTransaction() { return localTransaction; } /** * * @return the FilesystemBasedFileParameterImpl */ public static FilesystemBasedFileParameterImpl getFileParameter() { return fileParameter; } /** * @return the SERVERADMINKEY */ public byte[] getSERVERADMINKEY() { return SERVERADMINKEY; } /** * Is the given key a valid one * * @param newkey * @return True if the key is valid (or any key is valid) */ public boolean isKeyValid(byte[] newkey) { if (newkey == null) { return false; } return FilesystemBasedDigest.equalPasswd(SERVERADMINKEY, newkey); } /** * @param serverkey * the SERVERADMINKEY to set */ public void setSERVERKEY(byte[] serverkey) { SERVERADMINKEY = serverkey; } /** * * @param isSSL * @return the HostId according to SSL * @throws OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException */ public String getHostId(boolean isSSL) throws OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException { if (isSSL) { if (getHOST_SSLID() == null) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException(Messages.getString("Configuration.ExcNoSSL")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return getHOST_SSLID(); } else { return getHOST_ID(); } } /** * * @param dbSession * @param remoteHost * @return the HostId according to remoteHost (and its SSL status) * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public String getHostId(DbSession dbSession, String remoteHost) throws WaarpDatabaseException { DbHostAuth hostAuth = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, remoteHost); try { return Configuration.configuration.getHostId(hostAuth.isSsl()); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException e) { throw new WaarpDatabaseException(e); } } private static class UsageStatistic extends Thread { @Override public void run() { logger.warn(hashStatus()); Configuration.configuration.launchInFixedDelay(this, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } public static String hashStatus() { String result = "\n"; try { result += configuration.localTransaction.hashStatus() + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Issue while debugging", e); } try { result += ClientRunner.hashStatus() + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Issue while debugging", e); } try { result += DbTaskRunner.hashStatus() + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Issue while debugging", e); } try { result += HttpSslHandler.hashStatus() + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Issue while debugging", e); } try { result += NetworkTransaction.hashStatus(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Issue while debugging", e); } return result; } /** * @return the nBDBSESSION */ public static int getNBDBSESSION() { return NBDBSESSION; } /** * @param nBDBSESSION the nBDBSESSION to set */ public static void setNBDBSESSION(int nBDBSESSION) { NBDBSESSION = nBDBSESSION; } /** * @return the rANKRESTART */ public static int getRANKRESTART() { return RANKRESTART; } /** * @param rANKRESTART the rANKRESTART to set */ public static void setRANKRESTART(int rANKRESTART) { RANKRESTART = rANKRESTART; } /** * @return the iSUNIX */ public static boolean isISUNIX() { return ISUNIX; } /** * @param iSUNIX the iSUNIX to set */ public static void setISUNIX(boolean iSUNIX) { ISUNIX = iSUNIX; } /** * @return the r66BusinessFactory */ public R66BusinessFactoryInterface getR66BusinessFactory() { return r66BusinessFactory; } /** * @return the extendedProtocol */ public boolean isExtendedProtocol() { return extendedProtocol; } /** * @param extendedProtocol the extendedProtocol to set */ public void setExtendedProtocol(boolean extendedProtocol) { this.extendedProtocol = extendedProtocol; } /** * @return the globalDigest */ public boolean isGlobalDigest() { return globalDigest; } /** * @param globalDigest the globalDigest to set */ public void setGlobalDigest(boolean globalDigest) { this.globalDigest = globalDigest; } /** * @return the businessWhiteSet */ public HashSet<String> getBusinessWhiteSet() { return businessWhiteSet; } /** * @return the roles */ public HashMap<String, RoleDefault> getRoles() { return roles; } /** * @return the aliases */ public HashMap<String, String> getAliases() { return aliases; } /** * @return the reverseAliases */ public HashMap<String, String[]> getReverseAliases() { return reverseAliases; } /** * @return the versions */ public ConcurrentHashMap<String, PartnerConfiguration> getVersions() { return versions; } /** * @return the hOST_ID */ public String getHOST_ID() { return HOST_ID; } /** * @param hOST_ID the hOST_ID to set */ public void setHOST_ID(String hOST_ID) { HOST_ID = hOST_ID; } /** * @return the hOST_SSLID */ public String getHOST_SSLID() { return HOST_SSLID; } /** * @param hOST_SSLID the hOST_SSLID to set */ public void setHOST_SSLID(String hOST_SSLID) { HOST_SSLID = hOST_SSLID; } /** * @return the aDMINNAME */ public String getADMINNAME() { return ADMINNAME; } /** * @param aDMINNAME the aDMINNAME to set */ public void setADMINNAME(String aDMINNAME) { ADMINNAME = aDMINNAME; } /** * @return the serverKeyFile */ public String getServerKeyFile() { return serverKeyFile; } /** * @param serverKeyFile the serverKeyFile to set */ public void setServerKeyFile(String serverKeyFile) { this.serverKeyFile = serverKeyFile; } /** * @return the hOST_AUTH */ public DbHostAuth getHOST_AUTH() { return HOST_AUTH; } /** * @param hOST_AUTH the hOST_AUTH to set */ public void setHOST_AUTH(DbHostAuth hOST_AUTH) { HOST_AUTH = hOST_AUTH; } /** * @return the hOST_SSLAUTH */ public DbHostAuth getHOST_SSLAUTH() { return HOST_SSLAUTH; } /** * @param hOST_SSLAUTH the hOST_SSLAUTH to set */ public void setHOST_SSLAUTH(DbHostAuth hOST_SSLAUTH) { HOST_SSLAUTH = hOST_SSLAUTH; } /** * @return the sERVER_THREAD */ public int getSERVER_THREAD() { return SERVER_THREAD; } /** * @param sERVER_THREAD the sERVER_THREAD to set */ public void setSERVER_THREAD(int sERVER_THREAD) { SERVER_THREAD = sERVER_THREAD; } /** * @return the cLIENT_THREAD */ public int getCLIENT_THREAD() { return CLIENT_THREAD; } /** * @param cLIENT_THREAD the cLIENT_THREAD to set */ public void setCLIENT_THREAD(int cLIENT_THREAD) { CLIENT_THREAD = cLIENT_THREAD; } /** * @return the dEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT */ public long getDEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT() { return DEFAULT_SESSION_LIMIT; } /** * @return the dEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT */ public long getDEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT() { return DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LIMIT; } /** * @return the sERVER_PORT */ public int getSERVER_PORT() { return SERVER_PORT; } /** * @param sERVER_PORT the sERVER_PORT to set */ public void setSERVER_PORT(int sERVER_PORT) { SERVER_PORT = sERVER_PORT; } /** * @return the sERVER_SSLPORT */ public int getSERVER_SSLPORT() { return SERVER_SSLPORT; } /** * @param sERVER_SSLPORT the sERVER_SSLPORT to set */ public void setSERVER_SSLPORT(int sERVER_SSLPORT) { SERVER_SSLPORT = sERVER_SSLPORT; } /** * @return the sERVER_HTTPPORT */ public int getSERVER_HTTPPORT() { return SERVER_HTTPPORT; } /** * @param sERVER_HTTPPORT the sERVER_HTTPPORT to set */ public void setSERVER_HTTPPORT(int sERVER_HTTPPORT) { SERVER_HTTPPORT = sERVER_HTTPPORT; } /** * @return the sERVER_HTTPSPORT */ public int getSERVER_HTTPSPORT() { return SERVER_HTTPSPORT; } /** * @param sERVER_HTTPSPORT the sERVER_HTTPSPORT to set */ public void setSERVER_HTTPSPORT(int sERVER_HTTPSPORT) { SERVER_HTTPSPORT = sERVER_HTTPSPORT; } /** * @return the tIMEOUTCON */ public long getTIMEOUTCON() { return TIMEOUTCON; } /** * @param tIMEOUTCON the tIMEOUTCON to set */ public void setTIMEOUTCON(long tIMEOUTCON) { TIMEOUTCON = tIMEOUTCON; } /** * @return the bLOCKSIZE */ public int getBLOCKSIZE() { return BLOCKSIZE; } /** * @param bLOCKSIZE the bLOCKSIZE to set */ public void setBLOCKSIZE(int bLOCKSIZE) { BLOCKSIZE = bLOCKSIZE; } /** * @return the maxGlobalMemory */ public long getMaxGlobalMemory() { return maxGlobalMemory; } /** * @param maxGlobalMemory the maxGlobalMemory to set */ public void setMaxGlobalMemory(long maxGlobalMemory) { this.maxGlobalMemory = maxGlobalMemory; } /** * @return the restConfigurations */ public List<RestConfiguration> getRestConfigurations() { return restConfigurations; } /** * @return the baseDirectory */ public String getBaseDirectory() { return baseDirectory; } /** * @param baseDirectory the baseDirectory to set */ public void setBaseDirectory(String baseDirectory) { this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory; } /** * @return the inPath */ public String getInPath() { return inPath; } /** * @param inPath the inPath to set */ public void setInPath(String inPath) { this.inPath = inPath; } /** * @return the outPath */ public String getOutPath() { return outPath; } /** * @param outPath the outPath to set */ public void setOutPath(String outPath) { this.outPath = outPath; } /** * @return the archivePath */ public String getArchivePath() { return archivePath; } /** * @param archivePath the archivePath to set */ public void setArchivePath(String archivePath) { this.archivePath = archivePath; } /** * @return the workingPath */ public String getWorkingPath() { return workingPath; } /** * @param workingPath the workingPath to set */ public void setWorkingPath(String workingPath) { this.workingPath = workingPath; } /** * @return the configPath */ public String getConfigPath() { return configPath; } /** * @param configPath the configPath to set */ public void setConfigPath(String configPath) { this.configPath = configPath; } /** * @return the httpBasePath */ public String getHttpBasePath() { return httpBasePath; } /** * @param httpBasePath the httpBasePath to set */ public void setHttpBasePath(String httpBasePath) { this.httpBasePath = httpBasePath; } /** * @return the httpModel */ public int getHttpModel() { return httpModel; } /** * @param httpModel the httpModel to set */ public void setHttpModel(int httpModel) { this.httpModel = httpModel; } /** * @return the isShutdown */ public boolean isShutdown() { return isShutdown; } /** * @param isShutdown the isShutdown to set */ public void setShutdown(boolean isShutdown) { this.isShutdown = isShutdown; } /** * @return the serverGlobalWriteLimit */ public long getServerGlobalWriteLimit() { return serverGlobalWriteLimit; } /** * @param serverGlobalWriteLimit the serverGlobalWriteLimit to set */ public void setServerGlobalWriteLimit(long serverGlobalWriteLimit) { this.serverGlobalWriteLimit = serverGlobalWriteLimit; } /** * @return the serverGlobalReadLimit */ public long getServerGlobalReadLimit() { return serverGlobalReadLimit; } /** * @param serverGlobalReadLimit the serverGlobalReadLimit to set */ public void setServerGlobalReadLimit(long serverGlobalReadLimit) { this.serverGlobalReadLimit = serverGlobalReadLimit; } /** * @return the serverChannelWriteLimit */ public long getServerChannelWriteLimit() { return serverChannelWriteLimit; } /** * @param serverChannelWriteLimit the serverChannelWriteLimit to set */ public void setServerChannelWriteLimit(long serverChannelWriteLimit) { this.serverChannelWriteLimit = serverChannelWriteLimit; } /** * @return the serverChannelReadLimit */ public long getServerChannelReadLimit() { return serverChannelReadLimit; } /** * @param serverChannelReadLimit the serverChannelReadLimit to set */ public void setServerChannelReadLimit(long serverChannelReadLimit) { this.serverChannelReadLimit = serverChannelReadLimit; } /** * @return the anyBandwidthLimitation */ public boolean isAnyBandwidthLimitation() { return anyBandwidthLimitation; } /** * @param anyBandwidthLimitation the anyBandwidthLimitation to set */ public void setAnyBandwidthLimitation(boolean anyBandwidthLimitation) { this.anyBandwidthLimitation = anyBandwidthLimitation; } /** * @return the delayLimit */ public long getDelayLimit() { return delayLimit; } /** * @param delayLimit the delayLimit to set */ public void setDelayLimit(long delayLimit) { this.delayLimit = delayLimit; } /** * @return the useSSL */ public boolean isUseSSL() { return useSSL; } /** * @param useSSL the useSSL to set */ public void setUseSSL(boolean useSSL) { this.useSSL = useSSL; } /** * @return the useNOSSL */ public boolean isUseNOSSL() { return useNOSSL; } /** * @param useNOSSL the useNOSSL to set */ public void setUseNOSSL(boolean useNOSSL) { this.useNOSSL = useNOSSL; } /** * @return the digest */ public FilesystemBasedDigest.DigestAlgo getDigest() { return digest; } /** * @param digest the digest to set */ public void setDigest(FilesystemBasedDigest.DigestAlgo digest) { this.digest = digest; } /** * @return the useHttpCompression */ public boolean isUseHttpCompression() { return useHttpCompression; } /** * @param useHttpCompression the useHttpCompression to set */ public void setUseHttpCompression(boolean useHttpCompression) { this.useHttpCompression = useHttpCompression; } /** * @return the cryptoKey */ public Des getCryptoKey() { return cryptoKey; } /** * @param cryptoKey the cryptoKey to set */ public void setCryptoKey(Des cryptoKey) { this.cryptoKey = cryptoKey; } /** * @return the cryptoFile */ public String getCryptoFile() { return cryptoFile; } /** * @param cryptoFile the cryptoFile to set */ public void setCryptoFile(String cryptoFile) { this.cryptoFile = cryptoFile; } /** * @return the useLocalExec */ public boolean isUseLocalExec() { return useLocalExec; } /** * @param useLocalExec the useLocalExec to set */ public void setUseLocalExec(boolean useLocalExec) { this.useLocalExec = useLocalExec; } /** * @return the isServer */ public boolean isServer() { return isServer; } /** * @param isServer the isServer to set */ protected void setServer(boolean isServer) { this.isServer = isServer; } /** * @return the rUNNER_THREAD */ public int getRUNNER_THREAD() { return RUNNER_THREAD; } /** * @param rUNNER_THREAD the rUNNER_THREAD to set */ public void setRUNNER_THREAD(int rUNNER_THREAD) { RUNNER_THREAD = rUNNER_THREAD; } /** * @return the delayCommander */ public long getDelayCommander() { return delayCommander; } /** * @param delayCommander the delayCommander to set */ public void setDelayCommander(long delayCommander) { this.delayCommander = delayCommander; } /** * @return the delayRetry */ public long getDelayRetry() { return delayRetry; } /** * @param delayRetry the delayRetry to set */ public void setDelayRetry(long delayRetry) { this.delayRetry = delayRetry; } /** * @return the constraintLimitHandler */ public R66ConstraintLimitHandler getConstraintLimitHandler() { return constraintLimitHandler; } /** * @param constraintLimitHandler the constraintLimitHandler to set */ public void setConstraintLimitHandler(R66ConstraintLimitHandler constraintLimitHandler) { this.constraintLimitHandler = constraintLimitHandler; } /** * @return the checkRemoteAddress */ public boolean isCheckRemoteAddress() { return checkRemoteAddress; } /** * @param checkRemoteAddress the checkRemoteAddress to set */ public void setCheckRemoteAddress(boolean checkRemoteAddress) { this.checkRemoteAddress = checkRemoteAddress; } /** * @return the checkClientAddress */ public boolean isCheckClientAddress() { return checkClientAddress; } /** * @param checkClientAddress the checkClientAddress to set */ public void setCheckClientAddress(boolean checkClientAddress) { this.checkClientAddress = checkClientAddress; } /** * @return the saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb */ public boolean isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb() { return saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb; } /** * @param saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb the saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb to set */ public void setSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb(boolean saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb) { this.saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb = saveTaskRunnerWithNoDb; } /** * @return the multipleMonitors */ public int getMultipleMonitors() { return multipleMonitors; } /** * @param multipleMonitors the multipleMonitors to set */ public void setMultipleMonitors(int multipleMonitors) { this.multipleMonitors = multipleMonitors; } /** * @return the monitoring */ public Monitoring getMonitoring() { return monitoring; } /** * @param monitoring the monitoring to set */ public void setMonitoring(Monitoring monitoring) { this.monitoring = monitoring; } /** * @return the pastLimit */ public long getPastLimit() { return pastLimit; } /** * @param pastLimit the pastLimit to set */ public void setPastLimit(long pastLimit) { this.pastLimit = pastLimit; } /** * @return the minimalDelay */ public long getMinimalDelay() { return minimalDelay; } /** * @param minimalDelay the minimalDelay to set */ public void setMinimalDelay(long minimalDelay) { this.minimalDelay = minimalDelay; } /** * @return the snmpConfig */ public String getSnmpConfig() { return snmpConfig; } /** * @param snmpConfig the snmpConfig to set */ public void setSnmpConfig(String snmpConfig) { this.snmpConfig = snmpConfig; } /** * @return the agentSnmp */ public WaarpSnmpAgent getAgentSnmp() { return agentSnmp; } /** * @param agentSnmp the agentSnmp to set */ public void setAgentSnmp(WaarpSnmpAgent agentSnmp) { this.agentSnmp = agentSnmp; } /** * @return the r66Mib */ public R66PrivateMib getR66Mib() { return r66Mib; } /** * @param r66Mib the r66Mib to set */ public void setR66Mib(R66PrivateMib r66Mib) { this.r66Mib = r66Mib; } /** * @return the waarpSecureKeyStore */ public static WaarpSecureKeyStore getWaarpSecureKeyStore() { return waarpSecureKeyStore; } /** * @param waarpSecureKeyStore the waarpSecureKeyStore to set */ public static void setWaarpSecureKeyStore(WaarpSecureKeyStore waarpSecureKeyStore) { Configuration.waarpSecureKeyStore = waarpSecureKeyStore; } /** * @return the waarpSslContextFactory */ public static WaarpSslContextFactory getWaarpSslContextFactory() { return waarpSslContextFactory; } /** * @param waarpSslContextFactory the waarpSslContextFactory to set */ public static void setWaarpSslContextFactory(WaarpSslContextFactory waarpSslContextFactory) { Configuration.waarpSslContextFactory = waarpSslContextFactory; } /** * @return the thriftService */ public R66ThriftServerService getThriftService() { return thriftService; } /** * @param thriftService the thriftService to set */ public void setThriftService(R66ThriftServerService thriftService) { this.thriftService = thriftService; } /** * @return the thriftport */ public int getThriftport() { return thriftport; } /** * @param thriftport the thriftport to set */ public void setThriftport(int thriftport) { this.thriftport = thriftport; } /** * @return the isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed */ public boolean isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed() { return isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed; } /** * @param isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed the isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed to set */ public void setExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed(boolean isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed) { this.isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed = isExecuteErrorBeforeTransferAllowed; } /** * @return the shutdownConfiguration */ public ShutdownConfiguration getShutdownConfiguration() { return shutdownConfiguration; } /** * @return the isHostProxyfied */ public boolean isHostProxyfied() { return isHostProxyfied; } /** * @param isHostProxyfied the isHostProxyfied to set */ public void setHostProxyfied(boolean isHostProxyfied) { this.isHostProxyfied = isHostProxyfied; } /** * @return the warnOnStartup */ public boolean isWarnOnStartup() { return warnOnStartup; } /** * @param warnOnStartup the warnOnStartup to set */ public void setWarnOnStartup(boolean warnOnStartup) { this.warnOnStartup = warnOnStartup; } /** * @return the chrootChecked */ public boolean isChrootChecked() { return chrootChecked; } /** * @param chrootChecked the chrootChecked to set */ public void setChrootChecked(boolean chrootChecked) { this.chrootChecked = chrootChecked; } /** * @return the blacklistBadAuthent */ public boolean isBlacklistBadAuthent() { return blacklistBadAuthent; } /** * @param blacklistBadAuthent the blacklistBadAuthent to set */ public void setBlacklistBadAuthent(boolean blacklistBadAuthent) { this.blacklistBadAuthent = blacklistBadAuthent; } /** * @return the maxfilenamelength */ public int getMaxfilenamelength() { return maxfilenamelength; } /** * @param maxfilenamelength the maxfilenamelength to set */ public void setMaxfilenamelength(int maxfilenamelength) { this.maxfilenamelength = maxfilenamelength; } /** * @return the timeStat */ public int getTimeStat() { return timeStat; } /** * @param timeStat the timeStat to set */ public void setTimeStat(int timeStat) { this.timeStat = timeStat; } /** * @return the limitCache */ public int getLimitCache() { return limitCache; } /** * @param limitCache the limitCache to set */ public void setLimitCache(int limitCache) { this.limitCache = limitCache; } /** * @return the timeLimitCache */ public long getTimeLimitCache() { return timeLimitCache; } /** * @param timeLimitCache the timeLimitCache to set */ public void setTimeLimitCache(long timeLimitCache) { this.timeLimitCache = timeLimitCache; } /** * @param r66BusinessFactory the r66BusinessFactory to set */ public void setR66BusinessFactory(R66BusinessFactoryInterface r66BusinessFactory) { this.r66BusinessFactory = r66BusinessFactory; } private static class CleanLruCache extends Thread { @Override public void run() { int nb = DbTaskRunner.clearCache();"Clear Cache: " + nb); Configuration.configuration.launchInFixedDelay(this, Configuration.configuration.getTimeLimitCache(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } }