Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Copyright 2009 Scott Campbell                                           *
*                                                                         *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");         *
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.        *
* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                 *
*                                                                         *
*                              *
*                                                                         *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software     *
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,       *
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and     *
* limitations under the License.                                          *
package org.vuphone.wwatch.asterisk;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.AuthenticationFailedException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.TimeoutException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.OriginateAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.response.ManagerResponse;

 * This is a class that provides static methods to generate a call
 * to either an already existing SIP extension or a regular
 * telephone number, and then play a pre-recorded message once the
 * phone is answered.
 * @author Scott Campbell
public class AsteriskConnector {

     * This is the IP of the server where the trixbox resides.
     * Do NOT include 'http://'.
    private static final String SERVER = "";

     * There are the credentials for the maint account on the trixbox.
     * They are necessary for interacting with the web interface via
     * Http Post and Get.
    private static final String MAINT_USERNAME = "maint";
    private static final String MAINT_PASSWORD = "password";

     * These are the credentials for the admin account on the trixbox.
     * They are necessary for using asterisk-java to interact with
     * the trixbox server directly.
    private static final String ADMIN_USERNAME = "admin";
    private static final String ADMIN_PASSWORD = "amp111";

     * This is the default message that will be played to every phone
     * number dialed via the playRecordingToPSTNNumber method.  This
     * must be a .gsm file located on the trixbox server at
     * /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, and it must not include the file type.
    private static final String MESSAGE = "wreck-notification";

     * This method will do all the work necessary to play a recording to
     * any regular telephone number.
     * @param number - a String representation of a 10 digit telephone
     * number that will be called.
    public static void playRecordingToPSTNNumber(String number) {

        final String callNumber = number;

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                String ext = lookupSipExtension(callNumber);
                if (ext.equals("")) {
                    ext = createSipExtension(callNumber);
                if (!ext.equals("")) {
                    makeCallPlayRecording(ext, MESSAGE);
                } else {
                    // Insert some proper type of error reporting here...
                    System.out.println("There was an error creating an extension.");

     * This is a helper method for playRecordingToPSTNNumber that will
     * check and see if the provided number is already registered to
     * SERVER as a SIP extension.
     * @param number - a String representation of a 10 digit telephone
     * number that will be searched for among the current extensions.
     * @return - a String representation of the extension number that
     * will dial the provided telephone number, or an empty String ""
     * if no such extension exists.
    private static String lookupSipExtension(String number) {

        String extension = "";

        // First, get the list of extensions currently on the server.
        HttpClient c = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet get = new HttpGet("http://" + SERVER + "/admin/config.php?type=setup&display=extensions");
        String authorization = Base64.base64Encode(MAINT_USERNAME + ":" + MAINT_PASSWORD);
        get.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization);

        try {
            HttpResponse resp = c.execute(get);
            ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            String responsetext = new String(bao.toByteArray());

            // Now actually get the list of extensions.
            List<String> extensionUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
            int divStart = responsetext.indexOf("rnav");
            int divEnd = responsetext.indexOf("</div>", divStart);
            int refStart = responsetext.indexOf("href", divStart);
            // ignore the first href - it's the address we just visited
            refStart = responsetext.indexOf("href", refStart + 1);
            int refEnd = responsetext.indexOf("\"", refStart + 6);

            while (refStart < divEnd && refStart != -1) {
                String thisUrl = responsetext.substring(refStart + 6, refEnd);
                thisUrl = thisUrl.replace("&amp;", "&");
                refStart = responsetext.indexOf("href", refStart + 1);
                refEnd = responsetext.indexOf("\"", refStart + 6);

            // Visit each of these extensions and see if any of them dial
            // the input pstn number
            for (int i = 0; i < extensionUrls.size(); i++) {
                get = new HttpGet("http://" + SERVER + "/admin/" + extensionUrls.get(i));
                get.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization);
                resp = c.execute(get);
                bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                responsetext = new String(bao.toByteArray());

                // Get the entry in the Dial field
                int dialStart = responsetext.indexOf("<td>dial</td>");
                int valueStart = responsetext.indexOf("value=", dialStart);
                int valueEnd = responsetext.indexOf("\"", valueStart + 8);
                String entry = responsetext.substring(valueStart + 7, valueEnd);

                // The below requires that the number in the dial field be exactly
                // the same as the number that was passed into this method.  It
                // might make sense to change this to allow for things like missing
                // the 1 in front of the area code or adding a 9 in front to dial
                // an outbound line.
                if (entry.equals(number)) {
                    int extStart = extensionUrls.get(i).indexOf("extdisplay");
                    int extEnd = extensionUrls.get(i).indexOf("&", extStart);
                    extension = extensionUrls.get(i).substring(extStart + 11, extEnd);

        } catch (IOException e) {


        System.out.println("I'm going to return: " + extension);
        return extension;

     * This is a helper method for playRecordingToPSTNNumber that will
     * create a new SIP extension to dial the telephone number provided.
     * @param number - a String representation of a 10 digit telephone
     * number that will be dialed from the newly created extension.
     * @return - a String representation of the extension number that
     * will dial the provided telephone number, or an empty String ""
     * if there is an error creating the extension.
    private static String createSipExtension(String number) {

        String extension = "";

        // The first post will open the screen to create a new generic
        // SIP extension
        HttpClient c = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost("http://" + SERVER + "/admin/config.php?type=setup&display=extensions");
        String authorization = Base64.base64Encode(MAINT_USERNAME + ":" + MAINT_PASSWORD);
        post.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization);
        post.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        String info = "display=extensions&type=setup&tech_hardware=sip_generic&Submit=Submit";
        ByteArrayEntity str = new ByteArrayEntity(info.getBytes());

        try {

        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {

            return extension;
        } catch (IOException e) {

            return extension;

        // The second post will create the new extension and set it to dial
        // the provided number.  It will be named Extension<number>, with
        // password <number>-password.
        HttpClient c1 = new DefaultHttpClient();
        post = new HttpPost("http://" + SERVER + "/admin/config.php");
        post.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization);
        post.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        String extenNum = number;
        String extenName = "Extension" + extenNum;
        String extenSecret = extenNum + "-password";
        info = "display=extensions&type=setup&action=add&extdisplay=&action=add&extdisplay=&extension=" + extenNum
                + "&name=" + extenName
                + "&cid_masquerade=&sipname=&directdid=&didalert=&mohclass=default&outboundcid=&ringtimer=0&callwaiting=enabled&emergency_cid=&tech=sip&hardware=generic&devinfo_secret="
                + extenSecret
                + "&devinfo_dtmfmode=rfc2833&devinfo_canreinvite=no&devinfo_context=from-internal&devinfo_host=dynamic&devinfo_type=friend&devinfo_nat=yes&devinfo_port=5060&devinfo_qualify=yes&devinfo_callgroup=&devinfo_pickupgroup=&devinfo_disallow=&devinfo_allow=&devinfo_dial="
                + number
                + "&devinfo_accountcode=&devinfo_mailbox=&faxexten=default&faxemail=&answer=0&wait=0&privacyman=0&in_default_page_grp=0&langcode=&record_in=Adhoc&record_out=Adhoc&vm=disabled&vmpwd=&email=&pager=&attach=attach%3Dno&saycid=saycid%3Dno&envelope=envelope%3Dno&delete=delete%3Dno&options=&vmcontext=default&vmx_state=&Submit=Submit";
        str = new ByteArrayEntity(info.getBytes());

        try {

        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {

            return extension;
        } catch (IOException e) {

            return extension;

        // The third post will submit the changes.
        HttpClient c2 = new DefaultHttpClient();
        post = new HttpPost("http://" + SERVER + "/admin/config.php");
        post.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization);
        post.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        info = "handler=reload";
        str = new ByteArrayEntity(info.getBytes());

        try {

        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {

            return extension;
        } catch (IOException e) {

            return extension;

        extension = "SIP/" + extenNum;
        System.out.println("I'm going to return: " + extension);
        return extension;

     * This will call the specified user and play the specified file
     * @param user - The user to call.  This must be a sip account.  If it is not
     *             an extension on the connected Asterisk server (trixbox), it
     *              must contain the fully qualified host location.  It may or may
     *             not contain the prefix 'SIP/'.
     *             Examples:
     *                         SIP/210@
     * @param file - The audio file to play back to the user.  The file type must
     *             NOT be specified.  The file must be located in
     *             /var/lib/asterisk/sounds on the Asterisk server (trixbox),
     *             and it must be of type .gsm
    public static void makeCallPlayRecording(String user, String file) {

        ManagerConnectionFactory f = new ManagerConnectionFactory(SERVER, ADMIN_USERNAME, ADMIN_PASSWORD);
        ManagerConnection mc = f.createManagerConnection();

        // Make sure that user includes the prefix 'SIP/'
        if (!user.startsWith("SIP/")) {
            user = "SIP/" + user;

        OriginateAction originateAction;
        ManagerResponse originateResponse;

        originateAction = new OriginateAction();

        // This will set it to play back a pre-recorded message that is located
        // in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds on the Asterisk Server (trixbox)
        // The audio file must be of type .gsm.  The four lines below and these
        // are mutually exclusive.

        // This will set it to establish a call between the user above
        // and the destinationExtension given below.  Note that this extension
        // must be one that resides on the trixbox you connected to above.
        // The two lines above and these are mutually exclusive.
        //String destinationExtension = "200";
        //originateAction.setPriority(new Integer(1));

        try {

            // send the originate action and wait for a maximum of 30 seconds for 
            // Asterisk to send a reply
            originateResponse = mc.sendAction(originateAction, 30000);



        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

        } catch (IOException e) {

        } catch (TimeoutException e) {

        } catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {



    public static void main(String args[]) {

