Java tutorial
/** * Vosao CMS. Simple CMS for Google App Engine. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Vosao development team. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * email: */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.vosao.common.VosaoContext; import org.vosao.dao.Dao; import org.vosao.entity.ContentEntity; import org.vosao.entity.FileEntity; import org.vosao.entity.PageEntity; import; import; import; import org.vosao.utils.StrUtil; public class SearchIndexImpl implements SearchIndex { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SearchIndexImpl.class); private static final String INDEX_MOD_DATE = "IndexModDate"; private String language; private Map<String, Set<Long>> index; private Date indexModDate; public SearchIndexImpl(String aLanguage) { language = aLanguage; loadIndex(); } @Override public void updateIndex(Long pageId) { PageEntity page = getDao().getPageDao().getById(pageId); if (page == null) { return; } refreshIndex(); List<PageEntity> versions = getDao().getPageDao().selectByUrl(page.getFriendlyURL()); for (PageEntity version : versions) { removeFromIndex(version.getId()); } page = getDao().getPageDao().getByUrl(page.getFriendlyURL()); if (page == null) { return; } if (!page.isSearchable()) { return; } String content = getDao().getPageDao().getContent(page.getId(), getLanguage()); if (content == null) { return; } String data = StrUtil.extractSearchTextFromHTML(content.toLowerCase()); String[] words = StrUtil.splitByWord(data); //; for (String word : words) { if (word.length() < 3) { continue; } if (!getIndex().containsKey(word)) { getIndex().put(word, new HashSet<Long>()); } if (!getIndex().get(word).contains(page.getId())) { getIndex().get(word).add(page.getId()); } } } @Override public void removeFromIndex(Long pageId) { for (Set<Long> pages : getIndex().values()) { pages.remove(pageId); } } @Override public void saveIndex() { try { byte[] indexContent = StrUtil.zipStringToBytes(indexToString()); FileEntity file = getBusiness().getFileBusiness().saveFile(getIndexFilename(), indexContent); indexModDate = file.getLastModifiedTime(); getBusiness().getSystemService().getCache().getMemcache().put(getIndexKey(), indexModDate); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String indexToString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (String word : getIndex().keySet()) { if (getIndex().get(word).isEmpty()) { continue; } buf.append(i++ == 0 ? "" : ":").append(word).append("="); int j = 0; for (Long id : getIndex().get(word)) { buf.append(j++ == 0 ? "" : ",").append(id); } } return buf.toString(); } @Override public List<Hit> search(SearchResultFilter filter, String query, int textSize) { try { refreshIndex(); List<Hit> result = new ArrayList<Hit>(); List<Long> pages = new ArrayList<Long>(getPageIds(query)); for (Long pageId : pages) { PageEntity page = getDao().getPageDao().getById(pageId); if (page != null) { if (filter != null && !filter.check(page)) { continue; } ContentEntity content = getBusiness().getPageBusiness().getPageContent(page, language); if (content != null) { String text = StrUtil.extractSearchTextFromHTML(content.getContent()); if (text.length() > textSize) { text = text.substring(0, textSize); } result.add(new Hit(page, text, language)); } } else { logger.error("Page not found " + pageId + ". Rebuild index."); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } private Set<Long> getPageIds(String query) { String[] words = StrUtil.splitByWord(query); if (words.length == 0) { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } Set<Long> keys = getPageKeys(words[0]); int i = 0; for (String word : words) { if (i++ > 0) { keys = keysLogicalAnd(keys, getPageKeys(word)); } } //"found keys " + keys.toString()); return keys; } private Set<Long> keysLogicalAnd(Set<Long> l1, Set<Long> l2) { Set<Long> result = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Long i : l1) { if (l2.contains(i) && !result.contains(i)) { result.add(i); } } return result; } private Set<Long> getPageKeys(String word) { if (getIndex().containsKey(word)) { return getIndex().get(word); } return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } private String getIndexKey() { return INDEX_MOD_DATE + getLanguage(); } private void refreshIndex() { Date date = (Date) getBusiness().getSystemService().getCache().getMemcache().get(getIndexKey()); if (index == null || date == null || !date.equals(indexModDate)) { loadIndex(); } } private String getIndexFilename() { return "/tmp/index_" + getLanguage() + ".bin"; } private void loadIndex() { try { index = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>(); indexModDate = null; FileEntity file = getBusiness().getFileBusiness().findFile(getIndexFilename()); if (file == null) { logger.error("Search index not found. " + getIndexFilename()); return; } byte[] data = getDao().getFileDao().getFileContent(file); if (data != null) { String strIndex = StrUtil.unzipStringFromBytes(data); indexFromString(strIndex); indexModDate = file.getLastModifiedTime(); Date dt = (Date) getBusiness().getSystemService().getCache().getMemcache().get(getIndexKey()); if (dt == null || dt.before(indexModDate)) { getBusiness().getSystemService().getCache().getMemcache().put(getIndexKey(), indexModDate); } } else { logger.error("Search index is empty. " + getIndexFilename()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void indexFromString(String data) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) { return; } for (String wordBuf : data.split("\\:")) { //; String[] wordStruc = wordBuf.split("\\="); if (wordStruc.length != 2) { logger.error("Problem with index " + wordBuf); continue; } index.put(wordStruc[0], new HashSet<Long>()); for (String key : wordStruc[1].split(",")) { index.get(wordStruc[0]).add(Long.valueOf(key)); } } } private Business getBusiness() { return VosaoContext.getInstance().getBusiness(); } private Dao getDao() { return getBusiness().getDao(); } @Override public String getLanguage() { return language; } private Map<String, Set<Long>> getIndex() { if (index == null) { index = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>(); } return index; } @Override public void clear() { getIndex().clear(); } }