Java tutorial
/** * Vosao CMS. Simple CMS for Google App Engine. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Vosao development team. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * email: */ package; import static org.vosao.utils.XmlUtil.notNull; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import org.vosao.dao.DaoTaskException; import org.vosao.entity.FileEntity; import org.vosao.entity.FolderEntity; import org.vosao.entity.FolderPermissionEntity; import org.vosao.entity.GroupEntity; import org.vosao.entity.PageEntity; import org.vosao.enums.FolderPermissionType; import org.vosao.utils.FolderUtil; import org.vosao.utils.MimeType; public class ResourceExporterImpl extends AbstractExporter implements ResourceExporter { public ResourceExporterImpl(ExporterFactoryImpl factory) { super(factory); } /** * Add folder and _folder.xml file to zip archive. * @param out - zip output stream * @param folder - folder * @param zipPath - folder path under which resources will be placed to zip. * Should not start with / symbol and should end with / symbol. * @throws IOException */ public void addFolder(final ZipOutStreamTaskAdapter out, final FolderEntity folder, final String zipPath) throws IOException, TaskTimeoutException { if (zipPath.length() != 0) { out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zipPath)); out.closeEntry(); } if (!out.isSkip(zipPath + "_folder.xml")) { out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zipPath + "_folder.xml")); out.write(getFolderSystemFile(folder).getBytes("UTF-8")); out.closeEntry(); out.nextFile(); } } /** * Add files from resource folder to zip archive. * @param out - zip output stream * @param folder - folder tree item * @param zipPath - folder path under which resources will be placed to zip. * Should not start with / symbol and should end with / symbol. * @throws IOException */ public void addResourcesFromFolder(final ZipOutStreamTaskAdapter out, final TreeItemDecorator<FolderEntity> folder, final String zipPath) throws IOException, TaskTimeoutException { addFolder(out, folder.getEntity(), zipPath); List<String> childrenNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TreeItemDecorator<FolderEntity> child : folder.getChildren()) { addResourcesFromFolder(out, child, zipPath + child.getEntity().getName() + "/"); childrenNames.add(child.getEntity().getName()); } if (zipPath.startsWith("page/")) { String pageURL = zipPath.replace("page", ""); if (!pageURL.equals("/")) { pageURL = pageURL.substring(0, pageURL.length() - 1); } List<PageEntity> children = getDao().getPageDao().getByParent(pageURL); for (PageEntity child : children) { if (!childrenNames.contains(child.getPageFriendlyURL())) { addResourcesFromPage(out, child.getFriendlyURL(), zipPath + child.getPageFriendlyURL() + "/"); } } List<PageEntity> pages = getDao().getPageDao().selectByUrl(pageURL); if (pages.size() > 0) { addPageFiles(out, pages.get(0), zipPath); } } List<FileEntity> files = getDao().getFileDao().getByFolder(folder.getEntity().getId()); for (FileEntity file : files) { String filePath = zipPath + file.getFilename(); if (!out.isSkip(filePath)) { out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filePath)); out.write(getDao().getFileDao().getFileContent(file)); out.closeEntry(); out.nextFile(); } } } /** * Add files from resource folder to zip archive. * @param out - zip output stream * @param folder - folder tree item * @param zipPath - folder path under which resources will be placed to zip. * Should not start with / symbol and should end with / symbol. * @throws IOException */ public void addResourcesFromPage(final ZipOutStreamTaskAdapter out, final String pageURL, final String zipPath) throws IOException, TaskTimeoutException { out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zipPath)); out.closeEntry(); List<PageEntity> children = getDao().getPageDao().getByParent(pageURL); for (PageEntity child : children) { addResourcesFromPage(out, child.getFriendlyURL(), zipPath + child.getPageFriendlyURL() + "/"); } List<PageEntity> pages = getDao().getPageDao().selectByUrl(pageURL); if (pages.size() > 0) { addPageFiles(out, pages.get(0), zipPath); } } private void addPageFiles(final ZipOutStreamTaskAdapter out, PageEntity page, String zipPath) throws IOException, TaskTimeoutException { if (!out.isSkip(zipPath + "_content.xml")) { saveFile(out, zipPath + "_content.xml", getPageExporter().createPageContentXML(page)); } if (!out.isSkip(zipPath + "_comments.xml")) { saveFile(out, zipPath + "_comments.xml", getPageExporter().createPageCommentsXML(page.getFriendlyURL())); } if (!out.isSkip(zipPath + "_permissions.xml")) { saveFile(out, zipPath + "_permissions.xml", getPageExporter().createPagePermissionsXML(page.getFriendlyURL())); } if (!out.isSkip(zipPath + "_tag.xml")) { saveFile(out, zipPath + "_tag.xml", getPageExporter().createPageTagXML(page.getFriendlyURL())); } } @Override public String getFolderSystemFile(FolderEntity folder) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element e = doc.addElement("folder"); e.addElement("title").setText(notNull(folder.getTitle())); Element p = e.addElement("permissions"); List<FolderPermissionEntity> list = getDao().getFolderPermissionDao().selectByFolder(folder.getId()); for (FolderPermissionEntity permission : list) { createFolderPermissionXML(p, permission); } return doc.asXML(); } private void createFolderPermissionXML(Element permissionsElement, final FolderPermissionEntity permission) { GroupEntity group = getDao().getGroupDao().getById(permission.getGroupId()); Element permissionElement = permissionsElement.addElement("permission"); permissionElement.addElement("group").setText(group.getName()); permissionElement.addElement("permissionType").setText(permission.getPermission().name()); } @Override public String importResourceFile(final ZipEntry entry, byte[] data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DaoTaskException { return importResourceFile("/" + entry.getName(), data); } @Override public String importResourceFile(String name, byte[] data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DaoTaskException { String folderPath = FolderUtil.getFilePath(name); String fileName = FolderUtil.getFileName(name); //logger.debug("importResourceFile: " + folderPath + " " + fileName + " " // + data.length); FolderEntity folderEntity = getBusiness().getFolderBusiness().createFolder(folderPath); //logger.debug("folderEntity: " + folderEntity); String contentType = MimeType.getContentTypeByExt(FolderUtil.getFileExt(fileName)); FileEntity fileEntity = getDao().getFileDao().getByName(folderEntity.getId(), fileName); if (fileEntity != null) { fileEntity.setLastModifiedTime(new Date()); fileEntity.setSize(data.length); } else { fileEntity = new FileEntity(fileName, fileName, folderEntity.getId(), contentType, new Date(), data.length); } getDaoTaskAdapter().fileSave(fileEntity, data); return name; } private PageExporter getPageExporter() { return getExporterFactory().getPageExporter(); } /** * Read and import data from _folder.xml file. * @param folderPath - folder path. * @param xml - _folder.xml file. * @throws DocumentException * @throws DaoTaskException */ public void readFolderFile(String folderPath, String xml) throws DocumentException, DaoTaskException { FolderEntity folder = getBusiness().getFolderBusiness().createFolder(folderPath); Element root = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml).getRootElement(); String title = root.elementText("title"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) { folder.setTitle(title); getDaoTaskAdapter().folderSave(folder); } readFolderPermissions(root.element("permissions"), folder); } private void readFolderPermissions(Element element, FolderEntity folder) { for (Element permElement : (List<Element>) element.elements("permission")) { GroupEntity group = getDao().getGroupDao().getByName(permElement.elementText("group")); FolderPermissionType permission = FolderPermissionType .valueOf(permElement.elementText("permissionType")); getBusiness().getFolderPermissionBusiness().setPermission(folder, group, permission); } } }