Java tutorial
package org.vle.aid.medline; import com.aliasi.util.AbstractCommand; import com.aliasi.util.Files; import com.aliasi.util.Streams; import com.aliasi.util.Strings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * The <code>DownloadMedline</code> command downloads a * complete set of XML-formatted MEDLINE citations and checksums from * NLM's FTP server. It is able to download both the yearly baseline * files and the daily update files; they only differ in their ftp URL * and the format of their checksums. It only downloads the corrupt * or missing files from a server and may be run daily to keep a * repository up to date. * * <P>If this command completes normally, all files will have been * downloaded with matching checksums. If it does not complete * normally, it will abort the JVM and provide a non-zero return code. * If the command is restarted, it will take off where it leaves off. * The completion status is indicated on the last line of output. If * the target directory is complete, the command will still download * the file list from the MEDLINE server and verify all of the * checksums in the target directory before indicating completion. * * <P>The 2005 baseline consists of 1000 files, 500 of which are * gzip-compressed XML representing citations and 500 of which contain * matching MD5 checksums as hex strings. The total size is roughly * 5.6 GB. Toward the end of the year, the update will contain * roughly half as many files as the baseline, but most of them will * be much shorter; as of October 2004, the size of the 2004 updates * directory was 1.3 GB. Many of the citations contained in these * updates are corrections for earlier citations; users are expected * to replace citations with those in larger numbered files if their * PubMed identifiers match. * * <P>The time to fully downline the MEDLINE baseline is dominated by * network transfer time. Very little CPU time is required, though * the network will be tied up and disks kept spinning at the rate of * network transfers. The Alias-i download took roughly 8 hours, at a * download rate of a little over 210 thousand bytes per second (200 * KB/s). The initial update versus the daily updates directory will * also take a while, depending on the fraction of the year elapsed. * In October, it took roughly two hours to catch up with the updates. * After that, daily updates will only take a few minutes because they * are only two files, a data file and checksum file. Updates occur * Sunday through Thursday. * * <P>The updates contain notes and statistics, which are not part of * MEDLINE and not downloaded by this command. The updates are also * available in zip format, though only the gzipped versions are * downloaded. This command deals with the varying textual format of * the hexadecmial string-encoded checksums between the baseline and * updated directories. * * <P>This command is intentionally single threaded so as not to * monopolize or stress the NLM data servers. It is <i>not</i> safe * to start multiple copies of this command, either within the same * virtual machine or across processes; this will cause duplicate * downloads, potentially corrupt results and possibly lead to * deadlock depending on how file access is managed across processes. * * <P>The following arguments are all required: * * <dl> * * <dt><code>-domain</code></dt> * <dd>Domain name from which to download the citations. Disclosed * to licensees by NLM. * </dd> * * <dt><code>-path</code></dt> * <dd>Path on the domain from which to download the citations. Disclosed * to licensees by NLM. * </dd> * * <dt><code>-user</code></dt> * <dd>User name assigned by NLM. * </dd> * * <dt><code>-password</code></dt> * <dd>Password assigned by NLM. * </dd> * * <dt><code>-targetDir</code></dt> * <dd>Name of directory into which citations are written. * </dd> * * </dl> * * <P>The following arguments are optional: * * <dl> * * <dt><code>-maxTries</code></dt> * <dd>Maximum number of download attempts per file. If the number is * exceeded without successfully downloading the entire collection, an * exception will be thrown before the program exits.</dd> * * </dl> * * <P>In order to run, there must be network connectivity. Note that * the completed download of gzip compressed MEDLINE requires on the * order of 5GB of free disk space. * * <P>For information on obtaining the MEDLINE corpus, which is * available free for research or commercial purposes, see: * * <blockquote> * <a href="" * >MEDLINE Fact Sheet</a>. * </blockquote> * * Information on obtaining MEDLINE are available from: * * <blockquote> * <a href="" * >Leasing MEDLINE</a>. * </blockquote> * * @author Bob Carpenter * @version 2.3 * @since LingPipe2.2 */ public class DownloadMedline extends AbstractCommand { private boolean mIsUpdate; private int mNumFiles = 0; private int mNumFilesOK = 0; private long mStartTime; private String mDomainName; private String mBaselinePath; private String mUpdatePath; private String mUserName; private String mPassword; private Boolean doIndex; private File mMedlineDir; private File mUpdatesTargetDir; private File mBaselineTargetDir; private String mIndexdir; private int mMaxTries; private FTPClient mFTPClient; private HashSet mExistingFileSet; private HashSet mToIndexFileSet; private String[] mExistingFileNames; private String[] mServerFileNames; // doesn't need to be public private DownloadMedline(String[] args) throws IOException { super(args, DEFAULT_PARAMS); mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mDomainName = getExistingArgument(DOMAIN_NAME_PARAM); mBaselinePath = getArgument(BASELINE_PATH_PARAM); mUpdatePath = getArgument(UPDATE_PATH_PARAM); doIndex = hasFlag("index"); mIndexdir = getArgument("indexdir"); if (mBaselinePath == null && mUpdatePath == null) { String msg = "Must define one of parameters " + BASELINE_PATH_PARAM + " or " + UPDATE_PATH_PARAM; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } mIsUpdate = (mUpdatePath != null); mMedlineDir = getArgumentDirectory(MEDLINE_DIR_PARAM); mBaselineTargetDir = new File(mMedlineDir, "baseline"); mUpdatesTargetDir = new File(mMedlineDir, "updates"); ensureExists(mBaselineTargetDir); ensureExists(mUpdatesTargetDir); mUserName = getExistingArgument(USER_NAME_PARAM); mPassword = getExistingArgument(PASSWORD_PARAM); mMaxTries = getArgumentInt(MAX_TRIES_PARAM); reportParameters(); } private static void ensureExists(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) return; if (dir.exists()) { String msg = "Existing file must be directory." + " Found file=" + dir; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } dir.mkdirs(); } private void run(String path, File targetDir) throws IOException { setFTPPath(path); System.out.println("Reading from server path=" + path); System.out.println("Writing to target directory=" + targetDir); mExistingFileNames = targetDir.list(); mExistingFileSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(mExistingFileNames)); mToIndexFileSet = new HashSet(); System.out.println("Number of existing files=" + mExistingFileSet.size()); System.out.println("Reading list of file names from server."); mServerFileNames = mFTPClient.listNames(); checkReply("Read file names from server."); System.out.println("Found server file names. Number of files=" + mServerFileNames.length); System.out.println("Server files=" + java.util.Arrays.asList(mServerFileNames)); getChecksums(targetDir); System.out.println("Number of citation files, based on checksums=" + mNumFiles); checkExistingFiles(targetDir); for (int i = 0; i < mMaxTries && mNumFiles > mNumFilesOK; ++i) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Download new files."); if (i > 0) System.out.println(" Attempt=" + i); try { downloadNewFiles(targetDir, doIndex); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Exception getting files. Stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); exitIncomplete(); } } } /** * Run the command. See class documentation above for details on * arguments and behavior. */ public void run() { try { System.out.println("Establishing FTP connection."); initializeFTPClient(); if (mBaselinePath != null) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Checking/Downloading Baseline."); run(mBaselinePath, mBaselineTargetDir); } if (mUpdatePath != null) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Checking/Downloading Updates."); run(mUpdatePath, mUpdatesTargetDir); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Total Time (HH:MM:SS)=" + elapsedTime()); System.out.println("MEDLINE DOWNLOAD COMPLETE."); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unexpected Exception. Stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); exitIncomplete(); } finally { closeFTPClient(); } } private void checkReply(String description) throws IOException { int replyCode = mFTPClient.getReplyCode(); if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(replyCode)) return; printLastReply(description); exitIncomplete(); } private void printLastReply(String description) { String reply = mFTPClient.getReplyString(); int replyCode = mFTPClient.getReplyCode(); String msg = description + "\n FTP server reply code=" + replyCode + "\n FTP reply=" + reply; System.out.println(msg); } private void setFTPPath(String path) throws IOException { if (!mFTPClient.changeWorkingDirectory(path)) { printLastReply("Server error changing directory to path=" + path); exitIncomplete(); } if (!mFTPClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE)) { printLastReply("Server error changing type to binary."); exitIncomplete(); } } private static final int FIVE_MINUTES_IN_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; private void initializeFTPClient() { try { mFTPClient = new FTPClient(); mFTPClient.setDataTimeout(FIVE_MINUTES_IN_MS); System.out.println(" Connecting to NLM"); mFTPClient.connect(mDomainName); checkReply("Connecting to server"); System.out.println(" Connected."); System.out.println(" Logging in."); mFTPClient.login(mUserName, mPassword); checkReply("Login"); System.out.println("Logged in to FTP Server."); mFTPClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception initializing FTP Client."); System.out.println("Exception stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); exitIncomplete(); } } public void getChecksums(File targetDir) { boolean foundError = true; for (int k = 0; foundError && (k < mMaxTries); ++k) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Downloading checksums."); if (k > 0) System.out.println(" Attempt=" + (k + 1)); foundError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < mServerFileNames.length; ++i) { if (mServerFileNames[i].endsWith(".gz.md5")) { if (!mExistingFileSet.contains(mServerFileNames[i])) { System.out.println("Downloading file=" + mServerFileNames[i]); download(i, targetDir); } if (checkChecksum(i, targetDir)) { ++mNumFiles; System.out.println(" checksum ok. num files=" + mNumFiles); } else { System.out.println(" checksum failed. deleting."); new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]).delete(); foundError = true; } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Exception getting checksums. Stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); foundError = true; } } if (foundError) { System.out.println("Failed downloading checksums."); exitIncomplete(); } System.out.println("Done downloading checksums."); System.out.println("Elapsed time=" + elapsedTime()); } private void exitIncomplete() { closeFTPClient(); System.out.println("Total Time (HH:MM:SS)=" + elapsedTime()); System.out.println("MEDLINE DOWNLOAD *****NOT***** COMPLETE."); System.exit(1); } private void reconnectFTPClient() { closeFTPClient(); initializeFTPClient(); } private void closeFTPClient() { try { mFTPClient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException Closing FTP Client. Stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void checkExistingFiles(File targetDir) throws IOException { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Checking existing files."); for (int i = 0; i < mServerFileNames.length; ++i) { if (mServerFileNames[i].endsWith(".gz")) { if (mExistingFileSet.contains(mServerFileNames[i])) { if (!verifyChecksum(i, targetDir)) { new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]).delete(); mExistingFileSet.remove(mServerFileNames[i]); System.out.println("Failed checskum. File to delete/reload=" + mServerFileNames[i]); } else { System.out.println(mServerFileNames[i] + " OK"); ++mNumFilesOK; } } } } System.out.println("Finished existing file check." + " Progress: " + mNumFilesOK + "/" + mNumFiles + " Elapsed time=" + elapsedTime()); } private void downloadNewFiles(File targetDir, Boolean doIndex) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < mServerFileNames.length; ++i) { if (mServerFileNames[i].endsWith(".gz") && !mExistingFileSet.contains(mServerFileNames[i])) { if (!downloadAndCheck(i, targetDir)) { String msg = "Failed checksum. File to delete/reload=" + mServerFileNames[i]; System.out.println(msg); mExistingFileSet.remove(mServerFileNames[i]); File fileToDelete = new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]); if (fileToDelete.exists()) fileToDelete.delete(); } else { ++mNumFilesOK; mExistingFileSet.add(mServerFileNames[i]); mToIndexFileSet.add(new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]).getCanonicalPath()); String msg = mServerFileNames[i] + " OK" + " Progress: " + mNumFilesOK + "/" + mNumFiles + " Elapsed time=" + elapsedTime(); System.out.println(msg); } } } if (doIndex) { String[] files = (String[]) mToIndexFileSet.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(files); for (String file : files) { try { System.err.println(elapsedTime() + " indexing"); IndexUpdater.main(new String[] { mIndexdir, file }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } } } private void reportParameters() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Downloading MEDLINE"); System.out.println(" Start time=" + new Date(mStartTime)); System.out.println(" Domain=" + mDomainName); System.out.println(" Baseline Path on Domain=" + mBaselinePath); System.out.println(" Update Path on Domain=" + mUpdatePath); System.out.println(" MEDLINE Target Directory=" + getArgument(MEDLINE_DIR_PARAM)); System.out.println(" User name=" + mUserName); System.out.println(" Password=" + mPassword); System.out.println(" Max tries=" + mMaxTries); } private String elapsedTime() { return Strings.msToString(System.currentTimeMillis() - mStartTime); } private boolean downloadAndCheck(int i, File targetDir) throws IOException { download(i, targetDir); return verifyChecksum(i, targetDir); } private void download(int i, File targetDir) { File targetFile = new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]); OutputStream out = null; BufferedOutputStream bufOut = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(targetFile); bufOut = new BufferedOutputStream(out); mFTPClient.retrieveFile(mServerFileNames[i], bufOut); } catch (SocketException e) { System.out.println("SocketException=" + e); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Reconnecting to server."); reconnectFTPClient(); printLastReply("Server reply from Retrieve file=" + mServerFileNames[i]); } catch (IOException e) { // includes connection closed exception printLastReply("Server reply from Retrieve file=" + mServerFileNames[i]); System.out.println("Download IOException. Stack trace follows."); e.printStackTrace(System.out); try { targetFile.delete(); } catch (SecurityException e2) { System.out.println("Could not remove file=" + targetFile); System.out.println("Security exception. Stack trace follows."); e2.printStackTrace(System.out); } } finally { Streams.closeOutputStream(bufOut); Streams.closeOutputStream(out); } } private boolean checkChecksum(int i, File targetDir) throws IOException { File file = new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]); if (!file.exists()) { return false; } if (!file.isFile()) { System.out.println("Checksum file not ordinary file. File=" + file); System.out.println("Deleting and rescheduling."); file.delete(); return false; } try { getExpectedMD5String(file); return true; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Checksum file corrupt. File=" + file); System.out.println(" Exception=" + e); System.out.println(" Deleting and rescheduling."); file.delete(); return false; } } private boolean verifyChecksum(int i, File targetDir) throws IOException { File checksumFile = new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i] + ".md5"); File testFile = new File(targetDir, mServerFileNames[i]); if (!checksumFile.isFile()) { System.out.println("Could not find checksum file=" + checksumFile); System.out.println("Scheduling for retry."); return false; } if (!testFile.isFile()) { System.out.println("Could not find downloaded file=" + testFile); System.out.println("Scheduling for retry."); return false; } String expectedChecksum = getExpectedMD5String(checksumFile); String foundChecksum = getMD5HexString(testFile); boolean match = expectedChecksum.equals(foundChecksum); if (!match) { System.out.println("expected checksum=" + expectedChecksum + " found checksum=" + foundChecksum); return false; } return true; } private String getMD5HexString(File file) throws IOException { byte[] md5Bytes = getMD5Bytes(file); return Strings.bytesToHex(md5Bytes); } private byte[] getMD5Bytes(File file) throws IOException { MessageDigest digest = null; try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IOException("Couldn't find MD5 algorithm. Exception=" + e); } InputStream fileIn = null; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try { fileIn = new FileInputStream(file); int numRead; do { numRead =; if (numRead > 0) { digest.update(buffer, 0, numRead); } } while (numRead != -1); return digest.digest(); } finally { Streams.closeInputStream(fileIn); } } private String getExpectedMD5String(File file) throws IOException { char[] cs = Files.readCharsFromFile(file, "ISO8859-1"); String s = new String(cs); if (s.indexOf(" = ") < 0) { String msg = "Bad checksum file (no '='). Found=" + s; throw new IOException(msg); } String checksumString = s.substring(s.indexOf(" = ") + 3).trim(); if (checksumString.length() != 32) { String msg = "Bad checksum length. Found=" + s; throw new IOException(msg); } return checksumString; } private static final String DOMAIN_NAME_PARAM = "domain"; private static final String BASELINE_PATH_PARAM = "baselinePath"; private static final String UPDATE_PATH_PARAM = "updatePath"; private static final String MEDLINE_DIR_PARAM = "medlineDir"; private static final String USER_NAME_PARAM = "user"; private static final String PASSWORD_PARAM = "password"; private static final String TARGET_DIR_PARAM = "targetDir"; private static final String MAX_TRIES_PARAM = "maxTries"; private static final Properties DEFAULT_PARAMS = new Properties(); static { DEFAULT_PARAMS.setProperty(MAX_TRIES_PARAM, "8"); } /** * Main method to be called from the command-line. * * @param args Command-line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { (new DownloadMedline(args)).run(); } }