Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 VIVO Harvester Team. For full list of contributors, please see the AUTHORS file provided. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the new BSD license which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ******************************************************************************/ package org.vivoweb.harvester.util; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dbunit.DatabaseUnitException; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConfig; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.database.QueryDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.DataSetException; import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.FlatDtdDataSet; import org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgDef; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgList; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgParser; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.UsageException; /** * Clone a database from one jdbc connection to another * @author Christopher Haines ( */ public class DatabaseClone { /** * SLF4J Logger */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseClone.class); /** * database to export from */ private IDatabaseConnection db1; /** * database to import to */ private IDatabaseConnection db2; /** * list of tables to export (null exports all) */ private String[] tables; /** * map of DBUnit features/properties to objects (Boolean,String,String[]) */ private Map<String, ? extends Object> dbUnitFeatures; /** * use this database state file as the input database */ private InputStream inFile; /** * output the state of the input database in this file */ private OutputStream outFile; /** * Constructor * @param inputConn database to input from * @param inputFile use this database state file as the input database * @param outputConn database to output to * @param outputFile output the state of the input database in this file * @param tableNames list of tables to export (null exports all) * @param dbUnitFeatures map of DBUnit features/properties to objects (Boolean,String,String[]) * @throws IOException error resolving file or connecting to database */ public DatabaseClone(Connection inputConn, String inputFile, Connection outputConn, String outputFile, String[] tableNames, Map<String, ? extends Object> dbUnitFeatures) throws IOException { if (inputConn != null) { try { this.db1 = new DatabaseConnection(inputConn); } catch (DatabaseUnitException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } else { this.db1 = null; } this.inFile = FileAide.getInputStream(inputFile); if (outputConn != null) { try { this.db2 = new DatabaseConnection(outputConn); } catch (DatabaseUnitException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } else { this.db2 = null; } this.outFile = FileAide.getOutputStream(outputFile, true); this.tables = tableNames; this.dbUnitFeatures = dbUnitFeatures; // Add value check info if ((this.inFile == null) ^ (this.db1 != null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide one of input database or input file"); } if ((this.outFile == null && this.db2 == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide an output database and/or output file"); } if (this.inFile != null && this.outFile != null) { if (this.db2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This tool should not be used to copy a database state file, please provide an output database"); } log.warn("This tool should not be used to copy a database state file, ignoring outputFile"); this.outFile = null; } } /** * Constructor * @param args commandline arguments * @throws IOException error resolving file or connecting to database * @throws UsageException user requested usage message */ public DatabaseClone(String[] args) throws IOException, UsageException { this(getParser().parse(args)); } /** * Constructor * @param argList option set of parsed args * @throws IOException error resolving file or connecting to database */ private DatabaseClone(ArgList argList) throws IOException { this(initDBConn("input", argList.get("inputDriver"), argList.get("inputConnection"), argList.get("inputUsername"), argList.get("inputPassword")), argList.get("inputFile"), initDBConn("output", argList.get("outputDriver"), argList.get("outputConnection"), argList.get("outputUsername"), argList.get("outputPassword")), argList.get("outputFile"), argList.getAll("tableName").toArray(new String[] {}), getDbUnitFeatures(argList.getValueMap("DBUnitFeature"), argList.getAll("validTableType").toArray(new String[] {}))); } /** * Get the dbUnitFeatures in correct form * @param dbUnitFeatures the existing features * @param validTableTypes valid table types * @return the correct format */ private static Map<String, ? extends Object> getDbUnitFeatures(Map<String, String> dbUnitFeatures, String... validTableTypes) { Map<String, Object> trueFeatures = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String feature : dbUnitFeatures.keySet()) { String value = dbUnitFeatures.get(feature); if (value == null) { trueFeatures.put(feature, null); continue; } if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { trueFeatures.put(feature, Boolean.TRUE); continue; } if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { trueFeatures.put(feature, Boolean.FALSE); continue; } String[] tempArray; if ((tempArray = value.split(",")).length > 1) { trueFeatures.put(feature, tempArray); continue; } Integer tempInt = null; try { tempInt = Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore } if (tempInt != null) { trueFeatures.put(feature, tempInt); continue; } Float tempFloat = null; try { tempFloat = Float.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore } if (tempFloat != null) { trueFeatures.put(feature, tempFloat); continue; } Class<?> tempClass = null; try { tempClass = Class.forName(value); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //ignore } if (tempClass != null) { trueFeatures.put(feature, tempClass); continue; } trueFeatures.put(feature, value); } if (validTableTypes != null && validTableTypes.length > 0) { String tableTypeList = StringUtils.join(validTableTypes, ","); log.warn( "validTableTypes Parameter is now deprecated, to reproduce this effect add the following parameter:\n" + "<Param name=\"DBUnitFeature\">" + tableTypeList + "</Param>\n" + " or\n" + "--DBUnitFeature" + tableTypeList); trueFeatures.put("", tableTypeList); } return trueFeatures; } /** * Initialize a Database Connection * @param dbname the name for this database * @param driver the jdbc driver * @param connLine the jdbc connection line * @param user the username * @param pass the password * @return the database connection * @throws IOException error connecting to database */ private static Connection initDBConn(String dbname, String driver, String connLine, String user, String pass) throws IOException { if (driver == null) { log.debug("No " + dbname + "Driver provided, not using " + dbname + " database"); return null; } if (connLine == null) { log.debug("No " + dbname + "Connection provided, not using " + dbname + " database"); return null; } if (user == null) { log.debug("No " + dbname + "Username provided, not using " + dbname + " database"); return null; } if (pass == null) { log.debug("No " + dbname + "Password provided, not using " + dbname + " database"); return null; } try { Class.forName(driver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } try { return DriverManager.getConnection(connLine, user, pass); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Clone a database * @throws SQLException error connecting * @throws DatabaseUnitException error * @throws IOException error resolving connections */ public void execute() throws SQLException, DatabaseUnitException, IOException { String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; if (this.dbUnitFeatures != null) { for (String feature : this.dbUnitFeatures.keySet()) { if (feature.trim().equals("")) { tableTypes = this.dbUnitFeatures.get(feature).toString().split(","); } } } IDataSet data = getDataSet(); if (this.db2 != null) {"Preparing Output Database"); Connection db1conn = this.db1.getConnection(); Connection db2conn = this.db2.getConnection(); Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> inputDbTypes = getDbTypes(db1conn, "input"); Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> outputDbTypes = getDbTypes(db2conn, "output"); ResultSet tableData = db2conn.getMetaData().getTables(db2conn.getCatalog(), null, "%", tableTypes); while ( { String db2tableName = tableData.getString("TABLE_NAME"); for (String db1table : data.getTableNames()) { if (db1table.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(db2tableName.trim())) { log.debug("Droping table '" + db2tableName + "' from output database"); String sql = "DROP TABLE " + db2tableName; log.trace("Drop Table SQL Query:\n" + sql); db2conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql); } } } for (String table : data.getTableNames()) { // get record set log.debug("Creating table '" + table + "' in output database"); ResultSet columnRS = db1conn.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, table, null); int count = 0; StringBuilder createTableSB = new StringBuilder(); createTableSB.append("CREATE TABLE " + table + " ("); while ( { if (columnRS.getString("TABLE_NAME").equals(table)) { String colName = columnRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); log.debug("Getting column information for '" + colName + "'"); Integer typeCode = Integer.valueOf(columnRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); int size = columnRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); if (!outputDbTypes.containsKey(typeCode)) { if (typeCode.intValue() == Types.BIT) { typeCode = Integer.valueOf(Types.BOOLEAN); size = 0; } else { //TODO: more type conversion issues possible, make this if/else more exhaustive if (inputDbTypes.containsKey(typeCode)) { log.warn("Output database does not support datatype '" + inputDbTypes.get(typeCode).get("TYPE_NAME") + "': using VARCHAR"); } else { log.error("Unknown datatype code '" + typeCode + "': using VARCHAR"); } typeCode = Integer.valueOf(Types.VARCHAR); } } else { // log.trace("typeCode: "+typeCode); } Map<String, String> map = outputDbTypes.get(typeCode); String typeName = map.get("TYPE_NAME"); String params = map.get("CREATE_PARAMS"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(params)) { params = map.get("PARAMS"); } boolean needParam = (StringUtils.isNotBlank(params) && (size != 0)); // log.trace("column '"+colName+"': "+typeCode+" => '"+typeName+((needParam)?"("+size+")":"")+"'"); if (count != 0) { createTableSB.append(','); } createTableSB.append("\n "); createTableSB.append(colName); createTableSB.append(" "); createTableSB.append(typeName); if (needParam) { createTableSB.append("("); createTableSB.append(size); createTableSB.append(")"); } count++; } } createTableSB.append("\n)"); log.trace("Create Table SQL Query:\n" + createTableSB); db2conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(createTableSB.toString()); }"Dumping Dataset To Output"); DatabaseOperation.INSERT.execute(this.db2, data);"Dataset Output Complete"); } if (this.outFile != null) { FlatDtdDataSet.write(data, this.outFile); } } /** * Get the dataset * @return the dataset * @throws IOException error writting to flat file * @throws DataSetException error building dataset * @throws SQLException error communicating with database */ private IDataSet getDataSet() throws DataSetException, IOException, SQLException { IDataSet data; if (this.db1 != null) { DatabaseConfig config = this.db1.getConfig(); String preEscapePattern = ""; String postEscaptePattern = ""; String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; if (this.dbUnitFeatures != null) { for (String feature : this.dbUnitFeatures.keySet()) { Object b = this.dbUnitFeatures.get(feature); if (feature.trim().equals("")) { String[] temp = b.toString().split("?", 2); preEscapePattern = temp[0]; if (temp.length > 1) { postEscaptePattern = temp[1]; } else { postEscaptePattern = temp[0]; } } else if (feature.trim().equals("")) { tableTypes = b.toString().split(","); } log.debug("Setting '" + feature + "' to '" + b + "'"); config.setProperty(feature, b); } } if (this.tables != null && this.tables.length > 0) { // partial database export"Constructing Dataset Based on Given Tables"); } else { // full database export"Constructing Full Database Dataset"); Set<String> tableSet = new HashSet<String>(); ResultSet tableRS = this.db1.getConnection().getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, tableTypes); while ( { tableSet.add(preEscapePattern + tableRS.getString("TABLE_NAME") + postEscaptePattern); } this.tables = tableSet.toArray(new String[] {}); } QueryDataSet partialDataSet = new QueryDataSet(this.db1); for (String table : this.tables) { log.debug("Adding table '" + table + "' to dataset"); String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table; log.trace("Query for table '" + table + "':\n" + sql); partialDataSet.addTable(table, sql); } data = partialDataSet; } else if (this.inFile != null) { if (this.dbUnitFeatures != null) { for (String feature : this.dbUnitFeatures.keySet()) { log.warn("feature '" + feature + "' not supported for input files"); } } data = new FlatDtdDataSet(this.inFile); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("inputFile or input database should be initialized!"); } return data; } /** * Get the database type information for this connection * @param db the database connection * @param dbName the name for this database * @return the type information * @throws SQLException error getting information */ private Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> getDbTypes(Connection db, String dbName) throws SQLException { Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> dbTypes = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, String>>(); ResultSet dbTypeInfo = db.getMetaData().getTypeInfo(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = dbTypeInfo.getMetaData(); log.debug("Building type code mappings for " + dbName + " database"); while ( { Integer typeCode = Integer.valueOf(dbTypeInfo.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); // String typeName = dbTypeInfo.getString("TYPE_NAME"); Map<String, String> map = null; if (!dbTypes.containsKey(typeCode)) { // log.trace("Adding mapping information for typecode "+typeCode+":"); map = new HashMap<String, String>(); } else { // log.trace("Already contained mapping information for typecode: "+typeCode); } for (int x = 1; x <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); x++) { String colVal = dbTypeInfo.getString(x); String colName = rsmd.getColumnName(x); // log.trace("'"+colName+"' => "+(colVal == null?"":"'")+colVal+(colVal == null?"":"'")); if (map != null) { map.put(colName, colVal); } } if (map != null) { dbTypes.put(typeCode, map); } } return dbTypes; } /** * Get the ArgParser for this task * @return the ArgParser */ private static ArgParser getParser() { ArgParser parser = new ArgParser("DatabaseClone"); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("inputDriver").withParameter(true, "JDBC_DRIVER") .setDescription("jdbc driver class for input database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("inputConnection").withParameter(true, "JDBC_CONN") .setDescription("jdbc connection string for input database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("inputUsername").withParameter(true, "USERNAME") .setDescription("database username for input database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("inputPassword").withParameter(true, "PASSWORD") .setDescription("database password for input database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("inputFile").withParameter(true, "FILE_PATH") .setDescription("use this database state file as the input database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("outputDriver").withParameter(true, "JDBC_DRIVER") .setDescription("jdbc driver class for output database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("outputConnection").withParameter(true, "JDBC_CONN") .setDescription("jdbc connection string for output database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("outputUsername").withParameter(true, "USERNAME") .setDescription("database username for output database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("outputPassword").withParameter(true, "PASSWORD") .setDescription("database password for output database").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("outputFile").withParameter(true, "FILE_PATH") .setDescription("output the state of the input database in this file").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('t').setLongOpt("tableName") .withParameters(true, "TABLE_NAME") .setDescription("a single database table name [have multiple -t flags, one for each table names]") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("validTableType").withParameters(true, "TABLE_TYPE") .setDescription( "(deprecated) a single table type ('TABLE', 'VIEW', etc) Defaults to just 'TABLE' [have multiple --validTableType flags, one for each table type]") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('D').setLongOpt("DBUnitFeature") .withParameterValueMap("FEATURE", "VALUE") .setDescription( "Use VALUE for the DBUnit FEATURE (should be (Boolean['true'/'false'] or a comma separated list))") .setRequired(false)); return parser; } /** * Main method * @param args commandline arguments */ public static void main(String... args) { Exception error = null; try { InitLog.initLogger(args, getParser()); + ": Start"); new DatabaseClone(args).execute(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); log.debug("Stacktrace:", e); System.out.println(getParser().getUsage()); error = e; } catch (UsageException e) {"Printing Usage:"); System.out.println(getParser().getUsage()); error = e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); log.debug("Stacktrace:", e); error = e; } finally { + ": End"); if (error != null) { System.exit(1); } } } }