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 * Copyright 2016, RadiantBlue Technologies, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.venice.piazza.servicecontroller.messaging.handlers;

 * Class of unit tests to test the deletion of services
 *  @author mlynum
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.junit.Before;

import org.junit.Test;

import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;

import org.venice.piazza.servicecontroller.elasticsearch.accessors.ElasticSearchAccessor;

import org.venice.piazza.servicecontroller.util.CoreServiceProperties;

import model.job.PiazzaJobType;
import model.job.metadata.ResourceMetadata;
import model.job.type.DeleteServiceJob;
import model.job.type.RegisterServiceJob;
import model.logger.Severity;
import model.request.PiazzaJobRequest;
import model.service.metadata.Service;
import util.PiazzaLogger;

public class DeleteServiceHandlerTest {

    ResourceMetadata rm = null;
    Service service = null;

    private PiazzaLogger loggerMock;

    private DeleteServiceHandler dhHandler;

    // Create some mocks
    private MongoAccessor accessorMock;
    private ElasticSearchAccessor elasticAccessorMock;
    private CoreServiceProperties coreServicePropMock;
    private PiazzaLogger piazzaLoggerMock;

    private RegisterServiceHandler rsHandlerMock;

    public void setup() {
        // Setup a Service with some Resource Metadata
        rm = new ResourceMetadata(); = "toUpper Params";
        rm.description = "Service to convert string to uppercase";

        service = new Service();


     * Test that the handle method returns null
    public void testHandleJobRequestNull() {
        PiazzaJobType jobRequest = null;
        //Mockito.doNothing().when(loggerMock).log(Mockito.anyString(), Severity.INFORMATIONAL);
        ResponseEntity<String> result = dhHandler.handle(jobRequest);

        assertEquals("The response to a null JobRequest Deletion should be null", result.getStatusCode(),

     * Test that handle returns a valid value
    public void testValidDeletionResponse() {

        // Test Response
        String testResponse = "Test Response to see what happens";

        // Setup the DeleteServiceJob
        DeleteServiceJob dsj = new DeleteServiceJob();
        dsj.serviceID = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";
        dsj.jobId = "fd88cf85-9057-440d-91f0-796d3d398970";

        // Try and build a response entity
        ArrayList<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
        ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<String>(resultList.toString(), HttpStatus.OK);

        // Create a mock and do a return instead of calling the actual handle method
        DeleteServiceHandler dshMock = Mockito.spy(dhHandler);
        Mockito.doReturn(testResponse).when(dshMock).handle("a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060", false);

        ResponseEntity<String> result = dshMock.handle(dsj);
        assertEquals("The response entity was correct for the deletion", responseEntity, result);

     * Test what happens when an invalid Id is sent
    public void testInvalidServiceIdNoDeletion() {

        // Setup the DeleteServiceJob
        DeleteServiceJob dsj = new DeleteServiceJob();
        dsj.serviceID = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";
        dsj.jobId = "fd88cf85-9057-440d-91f0-796d3d398970";

        // Try and build a response entity
        ArrayList<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Create a mock and do a return instead of calling the actual handle method
        final DeleteServiceHandler dshMock = Mockito.spy(dhHandler);
        Mockito.doReturn("").when(dshMock).handle("a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060", false);

        ResponseEntity<String> result = dshMock.handle(dsj);
        assertEquals("The should not be found.", result.getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

     * Test what happens when an invalid Id is sent
    public void testInvalidServiceIdNoDeletion2() {

        // Setup the DeleteServiceJob
        DeleteServiceJob dsj = new DeleteServiceJob();
        dsj.serviceID = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";
        dsj.jobId = "fd88cf85-9057-440d-91f0-796d3d398970";

        // Try and build a response entity
        ArrayList<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Create a mock and do a return instead of calling the actual handle method
        final DeleteServiceHandler dshMock = Mockito.spy(dhHandler);
        Mockito.doReturn(null).when(dshMock).handle("a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060", false);

        ResponseEntity<String> result = dshMock.handle(dsj);
        assertEquals("The should not be found.", result.getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

     * Test what happens when an valid service Id is sent
    public void testSuccessfulDelete() {

        String serviceId = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";

        // When calling delete from mongo have it return a successful string
        //DeleteServiceHandler deleteServiceHandler = new DeleteServiceHandler (accessorMock, elasticAccessorMock, coreServicePropMock, piazzaLoggerMock);
        Mockito.doReturn("service " + serviceId + " deleted").when(accessorMock).delete(serviceId, true);

        String result = dhHandler.handle(serviceId, true);
        // Build the actual result which would be built using ObjectMapper
        String actualResult = "service " + serviceId + " deleted";
        assertEquals("The serviceId " + serviceId + " should have deleted successfully!", result, actualResult);

     * Test what happens when an valid service Id is sent
    public void testSuccessfulSoftDelete() {

        String serviceId = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";

        // When calling delete from mongo have it return a successful string
        //DeleteServiceHandler deleteServiceHandler = new DeleteServiceHandler (accessorMock, elasticAccessorMock, coreServicePropMock, piazzaLoggerMock);
        Mockito.doReturn("service " + serviceId + " deleted").when(accessorMock).delete(serviceId, false);

        String result = dhHandler.handle(serviceId, false);
        // Build the actual result which would be built using ObjectMapper
        String actualResult = "service " + serviceId + " deleted";
        assertEquals("The serviceId " + serviceId + " should have deleted successfully!", result, actualResult);

     * Test what happens when an valid service Id is sent
    public void testInvalidServiceId() {

        String serviceId = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";

        // When calling delete from mongo have it return a successful string
        //DeleteServiceHandler deleteServiceHandler = new DeleteServiceHandler (accessorMock, elasticAccessorMock, coreServicePropMock, piazzaLoggerMock);
        Mockito.doReturn(null).when(accessorMock).delete(serviceId, false);

        String result = dhHandler.handle(serviceId, false);

        assertEquals("The serviceId " + serviceId + " should have failed deletion!", result, null);

     * Test what happens when an valid service Id is sent
    public void testInvalidServiceId2() {

        String serviceId = "a842aae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";

        // When calling delete from mongo have it return a successful string
        //DeleteServiceHandler deleteServiceHandler = new DeleteServiceHandler (accessorMock, elasticAccessorMock, coreServicePropMock, piazzaLoggerMock);
        Mockito.doReturn("").when(accessorMock).delete(serviceId, false);

        String result = dhHandler.handle(serviceId, false);

        assertEquals("The serviceId " + serviceId + " should have failed deletion!", result, "");

     * Test the successful registration of a service
    public void testRegisterServiceSuccess() {

        // Setup the RegisterServiceJob and the PiazzaJobRequest
        PiazzaJobRequest pjr = new PiazzaJobRequest();
        RegisterServiceJob rsj = new RegisterServiceJob(); = service;

        pjr.jobType = rsj;
        pjr.createdBy = "mlynum";

        String testServiceId = "9a6baae2-bd74-4c4b-9a65-c45e8cd9060";

        //Mockito.doNothing().when(loggerMock).log(Mockito.anyString(), Severity.INFORMATIONAL);
        // Should check to make sure each of the handlers are not null
        //PiazzaResponse piazzaResponse = sc.registerService(pjr);

        //assertEquals("The response String should match", ((ServiceResponse)piazzaResponse).serviceId, testServiceId);