Java tutorial
/********************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 Lukas Laag * This file is part of lib-gwt-svg-edu. * * libgwtsvg-edu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libgwtsvg-edu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with libgwtsvg-edu. If not, see **********************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMNode; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGClipPathElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGDefsElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGDocument; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGGElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGMatrix; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGPathElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGPathSegList; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGPoint; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGRect; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGRectElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGSVGElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGTransform; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.utils.OMSVGParser; import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.utils.SVGConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main class of the puzzle game * @author laaglu */ public class Puzzle implements MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseUpHandler { /** * Class to represent a drag and drop source/target */ private class Target { /** * The piece contained by this target (if any) */ private Piece piece; /** * The shadow to display when the drag source enters this * target (only for the assembly zone) */ private OMSVGUseElement shadow; /** * The target matrix to which this target belongs */ private TargetMatrix matrix; /** * Coordinates of the target in the target matrix */ private int u, v; public Target(TargetMatrix targetMatrix, int u, int v) { this.matrix = targetMatrix; this.u = u; this.v = v; } public Piece getPiece() { return piece; } void setPiece(Piece piece) { this.piece = piece; if (piece != null) { OMSVGUseElement geometry = piece.geometry; if (geometry != null) { setPosition(getPosition()); } } } void setShadow(OMSVGUseElement shadow) { this.shadow = shadow; if (shadow != null) { setSelected(false, shadow); } } void setSelected(boolean selected, OMSVGUseElement shadow) { OMSVGPoint p = getPosition(); shadow.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(p.getX()); shadow.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(p.getY()); shadow.setClassNameBaseVal(selected ? matrix.selectedShadowClass : matrix.shadowClass); } public OMSVGPoint getPosition() { return rootSvg.createSVGPoint(matrix.x + u * matrix.w, matrix.y + v * matrix.h); } public void setPosition(OMSVGPoint p) { OMSVGUseElement geometry = piece.geometry; if (geometry != null) { geometry.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(p.getX()); geometry.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(p.getY()); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(; buffer.append(".T<"); buffer.append(u); buffer.append(", "); buffer.append(v); buffer.append(">["); buffer.append(piece != null ? piece.toString() : "null"); buffer.append(","); buffer.append( shadow != null ? (shadow.getClassName().getBaseVal().equals(matrix.selectedShadowClass)) : "?"); buffer.append("]"); return buffer.toString(); } } /** * Class to group together drag and drop targets */ class TargetMatrix { /** * An id (to print in the debugger) */ private String id; /** * The matrix of targets */ private Target[][] targets; /** * A rectangle used to compute the layout of the targets */ private float x, y, w, h; /** * The CSS class of a target * (when not selected in the drag and drop operation) */ private String shadowClass; /** * The CSS class of a target * (when selected in the drag and drop operation) */ private String selectedShadowClass; TargetMatrix(String id, int colCount, int rowCount, float x, float y, float w, float h, String shadowClass, String selectedShadowClass) { targets = new Target[colCount][]; = id; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.shadowClass = shadowClass; this.selectedShadowClass = selectedShadowClass; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { targets[i] = new Target[rowCount]; for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { targets[i][j] = new Target(this, i, j); } } } public void setPiece(Piece piece, int col, int row) { targets[col][row].setPiece(piece); } public Piece getPiece(int col, int row) { return getTarget(col, row).getPiece(); } public Target getTarget(int col, int row) { return targets[col][row]; } public Target getTarget(MouseEvent<? extends EventHandler> e) { OMSVGPoint p = getCoordinates(e).substract(rootSvg.createSVGPoint(x, y)) .product(rootSvg.createSVGPoint(1f / w, 1f / h)).floor(); return p.getX() >= 0 && p.getX() < colCount && p.getY() >= 0 && p.getY() < rowCount ? targets[(int) p.getX()][(int) p.getY()] : null; } } /** * Class to represent a puzzle piece */ static class Piece { /** * Piece coordinates in the assembled puzzle */ int x, y; /** * Piece connector to other pieces */ Connector north, south, east, west; /** * The piece geometry */ OMSVGUseElement geometry; /** * The piece shadow used during drag and drop operations */ OMSVGUseElement shadow; Piece(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public String getId() { return x + "-" + y; } @Override public String toString() { return getId(); } } /** * Class to represent a directed connector * between two pieces */ static class Connector { /** * The source piece */ Piece src; /** * The destination piece */ Piece dest; Connector(Piece src, Piece dest) { if (Random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) { this.src = src; this.dest = dest; } else { this.src = dest; this.dest = src; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(src); builder.append(">>"); builder.append(dest); return builder.toString(); } } static enum ConnectorShape { SQUARE { @Override void makeVConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceWidth, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(0.5f * (pieceWidth - direction * connectorWidth))); segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(connectorDirection * direction * connectorHeight)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(direction * connectorWidth)); segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(-connectorDirection * direction * connectorHeight)); } @Override void makeHConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceHeight, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(0.5f * (pieceHeight - direction * connectorHeight))); segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(connectorDirection * direction * connectorWidth)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(direction * connectorHeight)); segs.appendItem(piecePath .createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(-connectorDirection * direction * connectorWidth)); } }, SPLINE { @Override void makeVConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceWidth, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { float x1 = 0.5f * (pieceWidth - 0.5f * direction * connectorWidth); float kx = 0.5f * K * direction * connectorWidth; float ky = 0.5f * K * connectorDirection * direction * connectorHeight; float w2 = 0.5f * direction * connectorWidth; float w4 = 0.25f * direction * connectorWidth; float h2 = 0.5f * connectorDirection * direction * connectorHeight; segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(x1)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(-w4, -h2, 0, -ky, -w4, ky - h2)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(w2, -h2, 0, -ky, w2 - kx, -h2)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(w2, h2, kx, 0, w2, h2 - ky)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(-w4, h2, 0, ky, -w4, h2 - ky)); } @Override void makeHConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceHeight, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { float y1 = 0.5f * (pieceHeight - 0.5f * direction * connectorHeight); float kx = 0.5f * K * connectorDirection * direction * connectorWidth; float ky = 0.5f * K * direction * connectorHeight; float h2 = 0.5f * direction * connectorHeight; float h4 = 0.25f * direction * connectorHeight; float w2 = 0.5f * connectorDirection * direction * connectorWidth; segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(y1)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(-w2, -h4, -kx, 0, kx - w2, -h4)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(-w2, h2, -kx, 0, -w2, h2 - ky)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(w2, h2, 0, ky, w2 - kx, h2)); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(w2, -h4, kx, 0, w2 - kx, -h4)); } }, NONE; void makeVConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceWidth, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { } void makeHConnector(float connectorWidth, float connectorHeight, float pieceHeight, int direction, int connectorDirection, OMSVGPathElement piecePath, OMSVGPathSegList segs) { } } static PuzzleCss style = PuzzleBundle.INSTANCE.getCss(); private static final String ID_PIECE = "piece"; private static final String ID_PIECE_CLIP = "piecec"; private static final String ID_PIECE_PATH = "piecep"; private static final String ID_IMAGE = "puzzle"; /** * Best tangent size to emulate circle with spline */ private static final float K = ((float) Math.sqrt(2) - 1) * 4 / 3; /** * Size of the connector as a percentage of the piece size */ private static final float CONNECTOR_PCT = 0.15f; /** * Size of the border as a percentage of the puzzle size */ private static final float ASSEMBLY_BORDER_SIZE_PCT = 0.075f; /** * Size of the border corner radius as a percentage of the puzzle size */ private static final float ASSEMBLY_BORDER_CORNER_PCT = 0.025f; /** * Size of the margin separating the assemblyZone from the * pieceZone as a percentage of the puzzle size */ private static final float MARGIN_PCT = 0.04f; /** * The list of all puzzle pieces */ private List<Piece> pieceList; /** * The root element of the SVG DOM hierarchy */ OMSVGSVGElement rootSvg; /** * The tile zone */ private TargetMatrix tileZone; /** * The assembly zone */ private TargetMatrix assemblyZone; /** * The number of pieces per column */ private int colCount; /** * The number of pieces per row */ private int rowCount; /** * The dimension of a piece */ float pieceWidth, pieceHeight; /** * The dimension of a piece connector */ float connectorWidth, connectorHeight; /** * The dimension of a tile in the tile zone */ float tileWidth, tileHeight; /** * The coordinates of the upper left corner of * the tile zone */ float tileZoneX, tileZoneY; /** * The coordinates of the upper left corner of the * puzzle in the assembly zone */ float puzzleX, puzzleY; /** * True if a drag and drop session is taking place */ boolean dragging; /** * Distance from the drag point to the piece upper * left corner */ OMSVGPoint d; /** * Drag and drop source */ Target srcTarget; /** * Drag and drop target */ Target destTarget; public Puzzle(OMSVGSVGElement srcSvg, int colCount, int rowCount) { this.colCount = colCount; this.rowCount = rowCount; // Create the puzzle geometry OMSVGDocument document = OMSVGParser.currentDocument(); rootSvg = document.createSVGSVGElement(); rootSvg.addMouseDownHandler(this); rootSvg.addMouseMoveHandler(this); rootSvg.addMouseUpHandler(this); OMSVGDefsElement defs = document.createSVGDefsElement(); rootSvg.appendChild(defs); // Compute basic metrics OMSVGRect viewBox = srcSvg.getViewBox().getBaseVal(); float width = viewBox.getWidth(); float height = viewBox.getHeight(); pieceWidth = width / colCount; pieceHeight = height / rowCount; connectorWidth = CONNECTOR_PCT * pieceWidth; connectorHeight = CONNECTOR_PCT * pieceHeight; float borderWidth = ASSEMBLY_BORDER_SIZE_PCT * width; float borderHeight = ASSEMBLY_BORDER_SIZE_PCT * height; float borderCornerWidth = ASSEMBLY_BORDER_CORNER_PCT * width; float borderCornerHeight = ASSEMBLY_BORDER_CORNER_PCT * height; tileWidth = (CONNECTOR_PCT * 2 + 1.01f) * pieceWidth; tileHeight = (CONNECTOR_PCT * 2 + 1.01f) * pieceHeight; float tileZoneWidth = colCount * tileWidth; float tileZoneHeight = rowCount * tileHeight; float assemblyZoneWidth = borderWidth * 2 + width; float assemblyZoneHeight = borderHeight * 2 + height; float assemblyZoneX = 0f; float assemblyZoneY = 0.5f * (tileZoneHeight - assemblyZoneHeight); tileZoneX = assemblyZoneWidth + MARGIN_PCT * width; tileZoneY = 0f; puzzleX = assemblyZoneX + borderWidth; puzzleY = assemblyZoneY + borderHeight; float totalWidth = tileZoneX + tileZoneWidth; float totalHeight = tileZoneHeight; rootSvg.setViewBox(0, 0, totalWidth, totalHeight); tileZone = new TargetMatrix("tiles", colCount, rowCount, tileZoneX + connectorWidth, tileZoneY + connectorHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight, style.tileShadow(), style.tileShadowSelected()); assemblyZone = new TargetMatrix("assembly", colCount, rowCount, puzzleX, puzzleY, pieceWidth, pieceHeight, style.assemblyShadow(), style.assemblyShadowSelected()); // Create the puzzle pieces pieceList = new ArrayList<Piece>(); for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { Piece piece = new Piece(i, j); tileZone.setPiece(piece, i, j); pieceList.add(piece); } } // Create the connectors between the pieces for (int i = 0; i < colCount - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { Connector c = new Connector(tileZone.getPiece(i, j), tileZone.getPiece(i + 1, j)); tileZone.getPiece(i, j).east = c; tileZone.getPiece(i + 1, j).west = c; } } for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount - 1; j++) { Connector c = new Connector(tileZone.getPiece(i, j), tileZone.getPiece(i, j + 1)); tileZone.getPiece(i, j).south = c; tileZone.getPiece(i, j + 1).north = c; } } // // Create the puzzle game layout: // + at the left, the assemblyGroup (where the player assembles the pieces). // The assemblyGroup itself consists in a assemblyBorder, and an // assemblyZone (which contains the assembled pieces). Optionally and // assemblyHint can be displayed (show the contour of the pieces) // + at the right, the tileZone (where the pieces are randomly positioned // on a grid of tiles) // <g id="assemblyGroup"> // <rect id="assemblyBorder" rx="" ry=""> // <rect id="assemblyContent1"/> // <g id="assemblyHint"> // <use xlink:href="#piecepX-Y"/> // </g> // <rect id="assemblyContent2"/> // <g> // </g> OMSVGGElement assemblyGroup = document.createSVGGElement(); OMSVGRectElement assemblyBorder = document.createSVGRectElement(assemblyZoneX, assemblyZoneY, assemblyZoneWidth, assemblyZoneHeight, borderCornerWidth, borderCornerHeight); assemblyBorder.setClassNameBaseVal(style.assemblyBorder()); OMSVGRectElement assemblyContent1 = document.createSVGRectElement(puzzleX, puzzleY, width, height, 0, 0); assemblyContent1.setClassNameBaseVal(style.assemblyContent1()); OMSVGGElement assemblyShadows = document.createSVGGElement(); OMSVGRectElement assemblyContent2 = document.createSVGRectElement(puzzleX, puzzleY, width, height, 0, 0); assemblyContent2.setClassNameBaseVal(style.assemblyContent2()); assemblyGroup.appendChild(assemblyBorder); assemblyGroup.appendChild(assemblyContent1); assemblyGroup.appendChild(assemblyShadows); assemblyGroup.appendChild(assemblyContent2); rootSvg.appendChild(assemblyGroup); OMSVGGElement tileShadows = document.createSVGGElement(); rootSvg.appendChild(tileShadows); // Copy the source SVG in a dedicated group inside // the defs OMSVGGElement imgGroup = document.createSVGGElement(); imgGroup.setId(ID_IMAGE); for (OMNode node : srcSvg.getChildNodes()) { imgGroup.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); } defs.appendChild(imgGroup); ConnectorShape connectorShape = ConnectorShape.SPLINE; String connectorParam = Window.Location.getParameter("connector"); if (connectorParam != null) { try { connectorShape = ConnectorShape.valueOf(ConnectorShape.class, connectorParam.toUpperCase()); } catch (Throwable e) { GWT.log("Cannot parse connector=" + connectorParam, e); } } for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { // Create the piece definition geometry // Each piece definition has the following structure // <g id="pieceX-Y"> // <clipPath id="piececX-Y"> // <path id="piecepX-Y" d="..."/> // </clipPath> // <use x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#piecepX-Y"/> // <g style="clip-path:url(#piececX-Y)"> // <g transform="translate(-X,-Y)"> // <use x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#puzzle"/> // </g> // </g> // <use x="0" y="0" xlink:href="#piecepX-Y"/> // </g> Piece piece = tileZone.getPiece(i, j); OMSVGGElement pieceDef = document.createSVGGElement(); String idPiece = ID_PIECE + piece.getId(); pieceDef.setId(idPiece); String idPieceClip = ID_PIECE_CLIP + piece.getId(); OMSVGClipPathElement pieceClipDef = document.createSVGClipPathElement(); pieceClipDef.setId(idPieceClip); String idPiecePath = ID_PIECE_PATH + piece.getId(); OMSVGPathElement piecePath = document.createSVGPathElement(); piecePath.setId(idPiecePath); OMSVGPathSegList segs = piecePath.getPathSegList(); segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(0f, 0f)); if (piece.north != null) { connectorShape.makeVConnector(connectorWidth, connectorHeight, pieceWidth, 1, (piece.north.src == piece) ? 1 : -1, piecePath, segs); } segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(pieceWidth)); if (piece.east != null) { connectorShape.makeHConnector(connectorWidth, connectorHeight, pieceHeight, 1, (piece.east.src == piece) ? 1 : -1, piecePath, segs); } segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(pieceHeight)); if (piece.south != null) { connectorShape.makeVConnector(connectorWidth, connectorHeight, pieceWidth, -1, (piece.south.src == piece) ? 1 : -1, piecePath, segs); } segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(0)); if (piece.west != null) { connectorShape.makeHConnector(connectorWidth, connectorHeight, pieceHeight, -1, (piece.west.src == piece) ? 1 : -1, piecePath, segs); } segs.appendItem(piecePath.createSVGPathSegClosePath()); OMSVGGElement pieceClipPath = document.createSVGGElement(); pieceClipPath.getStyle().setSVGProperty(SVGConstants.CSS_CLIP_PATH_PROPERTY, "url(#" + idPieceClip + ")"); OMSVGGElement pieceTransform = document.createSVGGElement(); OMSVGTransform xform = rootSvg.createSVGTransform(); xform.setTranslate(viewBox.getX() - i * pieceWidth, viewBox.getY() - j * pieceHeight); pieceTransform.getTransform().getBaseVal().appendItem(xform); OMSVGUseElement pieceContent = document.createSVGUseElement(); pieceContent.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getX()); pieceContent.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getY()); pieceContent.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + idPiecePath); pieceContent.setClassNameBaseVal(style.pieceContent()); OMSVGUseElement imgUse = document.createSVGUseElement(); imgUse.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getX()); imgUse.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getY()); imgUse.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + ID_IMAGE); OMSVGUseElement pieceBorder = document.createSVGUseElement(); pieceBorder.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getX()); pieceBorder.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(viewBox.getY()); pieceBorder.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + idPiecePath); pieceBorder.setClassNameBaseVal(style.pieceBorder()); pieceDef.appendChild(pieceClipDef); pieceClipDef.appendChild(piecePath); pieceDef.appendChild(pieceContent); pieceDef.appendChild(pieceClipPath); pieceClipPath.appendChild(pieceTransform); pieceTransform.appendChild(imgUse); pieceDef.appendChild(pieceBorder); defs.appendChild(pieceDef); // Create the hints OMSVGUseElement tileShadow = document.createSVGUseElement(); tileShadow.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + idPiecePath); tileShadow.setClassNameBaseVal(style.tileShadow()); piece.shadow = tileShadow; tileShadows.appendChild(tileShadow); OMSVGUseElement assemblyShadow = document.createSVGUseElement(); Target assemblyTarget = assemblyZone.getTarget(i, j); assemblyShadow.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + idPiecePath); assemblyShadows.appendChild(assemblyShadow); assemblyTarget.setShadow(assemblyShadow); assemblyShadows.appendChild(assemblyShadow); // Create the piece // <use x="130" y="260" xlink:href="#pieceX-Y"/> OMSVGUseElement geometry = document.createSVGUseElement(); geometry.setClassNameBaseVal(style.piece()); geometry.getHref().setBaseVal("#" + idPiece); rootSvg.appendChild(geometry); piece.geometry = geometry; } } } public OMSVGSVGElement getSvgElement() { return rootSvg; } public void shuffle() { List<Piece> pieceList = new ArrayList<Piece>(this.pieceList); // Shuffle the pieces int pieceCount = colCount * rowCount; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { assemblyZone.setPiece(null, i, j); tileZone.setPiece(pieceList.remove(Random.nextInt(pieceCount--)), i, j); } } } @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { if (!dragging) { srcTarget = getTarget(event); if (srcTarget != null) { Piece piece = srcTarget.getPiece(); if (piece != null) { dragging = true; d = getCoordinates(event).substract(srcTarget.getPosition()); // Move the DOM node to the end of the tree so that it is drawn after // all other nodes rootSvg.removeChild(piece.geometry); rootSvg.appendChild(piece.geometry); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } else { onMouseUp_(event); } } @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { if (dragging) { if (destTarget != null) { destTarget.setSelected(false, destTarget.shadow != null ? destTarget.shadow : srcTarget.piece.shadow); } Target target = getTarget(event); // GWT.log("target = " + target); if (target != null && (target.piece == null || target == srcTarget)) { destTarget = target; destTarget.setSelected(true, destTarget.shadow != null ? destTarget.shadow : srcTarget.piece.shadow); } else { destTarget = null; } srcTarget.setPosition(getCoordinates(event).substract(d)); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } @Override public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) { onMouseUp_(event); } private void onMouseUp_(MouseEvent<? extends EventHandler> event) { if (dragging) { if (destTarget == null) { destTarget = srcTarget; } else { if (destTarget != null) { destTarget.setSelected(false, destTarget.shadow != null ? destTarget.shadow : srcTarget.piece.shadow); destTarget.setPiece(srcTarget.getPiece()); if (srcTarget != destTarget) { srcTarget.setPiece(null); } if (isGameOver()) { Window.alert(PuzzleConstants.INSTANCE.congratulations()); } } else { srcTarget.setPosition(srcTarget.getPosition()); } destTarget = null; dragging = false; } } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } public boolean isGameOver() { for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { Piece piece = assemblyZone.getPiece(i, j); if (piece == null || piece.x != i || piece.y != j) { return false; } } } return true; } public OMSVGPoint getCoordinates(MouseEvent<? extends EventHandler> e) { OMSVGPoint p = rootSvg.createSVGPoint(e.getClientX(), e.getClientY()); OMSVGMatrix m = rootSvg.getScreenCTM().inverse(); return p.matrixTransform(m); } public Target getTarget(MouseEvent<? extends EventHandler> e) { Target target = tileZone.getTarget(e); if (target == null) { target = assemblyZone.getTarget(e); } return target; } }