Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013 webXcerpt Software GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * webXcerpt Software GmbH - initial creator * ******************************************************************************/ package org.vclipse.vcml.utils; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkBinaryCondition; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkComparison; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkCompoundStatement; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkConditionalConstraintRestriction; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkConditionalStatement; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkNumericLiteral; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkSymbolicLiteral; import static org.vclipse.vcml.utils.VcmlUtils.mkUnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EObjectImpl; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.ComparisonOperator; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.CompoundStatement; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.Condition; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.ConstraintRestriction; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.Expression; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.NumericLiteral; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.SimpleStatement; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.Statement; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.SymbolicLiteral; import org.vclipse.vcml.vcml.UnaryExpressionOperator; import; import; import; /** * * This class provides convenience methods for constructing and simplifying VCML code objects. * It should not contain any NSN-specific assumptions. * TODO This code could be moved to org.vclipse.vcml plugin. * * @author Tim Geisler * */ public class SimplifyingVcmlUtils { public class ConstantCondition extends EObjectImpl implements Condition { private final boolean value; private ConstantCondition(final boolean value) { this.value = value; } public boolean getValue() { return value; } } public Condition mkConstantCondition(final boolean value) { return new ConstantCondition(value); } public Condition mkSimplifiedBinaryCondition(final String operator, final Condition left, final Condition right) { if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { if (left instanceof ConstantCondition) { return (((ConstantCondition) left).getValue()) ? left : right; } if (right instanceof ConstantCondition) { return (((ConstantCondition) right).getValue()) ? right : left; } } else if ("and".equalsIgnoreCase(operator)) { if (left instanceof ConstantCondition) { return (((ConstantCondition) left).getValue()) ? right : left; } if (right instanceof ConstantCondition) { return (((ConstantCondition) right).getValue()) ? left : right; } } return mkBinaryCondition(operator, left, right); } public Condition mkSimplifiedComparison(final ComparisonOperator operator, final Expression left, final Expression right) { if (left instanceof NumericLiteral && right instanceof NumericLiteral) { // TODO evaluate comparison at compile time } else if (left instanceof SymbolicLiteral && right instanceof SymbolicLiteral) { // TODO evaluate comparison at compile time } return mkComparison(operator, left, right); } /** * * @param statement * @param condition * @return null in case the condition is always false */ public Statement mkSimplifiedConditionalStatement(final Statement statement, final Condition condition) { if (condition instanceof ConstantCondition) { return ((ConstantCondition) condition).getValue() ? statement : null; } return mkConditionalStatement(statement, condition); } public Statement mkSimplifiedCompoundStatement(final SimpleStatement... statements) { Iterable<SimpleStatement> statementsNonNull = Iterables.filter(Lists.newArrayList(statements), Predicates.notNull()); switch (Iterables.size(statementsNonNull)) { case 0: return null; case 1: return Iterables.getFirst(statementsNonNull, null); default: final CompoundStatement compoundStatement = mkCompoundStatement(); compoundStatement.getStatements().addAll(Lists.newArrayList(statementsNonNull)); return compoundStatement; } } public Expression mkSimplifiedUnaryExpression(final UnaryExpressionOperator operator, final Expression expression) { switch (operator) { case PLUS: return expression; case MINUS: if (expression instanceof NumericLiteral) { final String value = ((NumericLiteral) expression).getValue(); try { final int i = Integer.parseInt(value); return mkNumericLiteral(-i); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal numeric literal " + expression); } } break; case LC: if (expression instanceof SymbolicLiteral) { return mkSymbolicLiteral(((SymbolicLiteral) expression).getValue().toLowerCase()); } break; case UC: if (expression instanceof SymbolicLiteral) { return mkSymbolicLiteral(((SymbolicLiteral) expression).getValue().toUpperCase()); } break; } return mkUnaryExpression(operator, expression); } public ConstraintRestriction mkSimplifiedConditionalConstraintRestriction(final Condition condition, final ConstraintRestriction restriction) { if (condition instanceof ConstantCondition) { return ((ConstantCondition) condition).getValue() ? restriction : null; } return mkConditionalConstraintRestriction(condition, restriction); } }