Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 mattitahvonenitmill. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.viritin.fields; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.TextChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.server.AbstractErrorMessage; import com.vaadin.server.CompositeErrorMessage; import com.vaadin.server.ErrorMessage; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import org.vaadin.viritin.util.HtmlElementPropertySetter; import java.util.EventObject; /** * A an extension to basic Vaadin TextField. Uses the only sane default for * "nullRepresentation" (""), adds support for "eager validation" (~ validate * while typing) and adds some fluent APIs. */ public class MTextField extends TextField implements EagerValidateable { private boolean eagerValidation = false; private boolean eagerValidationStatus; private String lastKnownTextChangeValue; private Validator.InvalidValueException eagerValidationError; private AutoComplete autocomplete; private AutoCapitalize autocapitalize; private AutoCorrect autocorrect; private Boolean spellcheck; public MTextField() { configureMaddonStuff(); } private void configureMaddonStuff() { setNullRepresentation(""); } public MTextField(String caption) { super(caption); configureMaddonStuff(); } public MTextField(Property dataSource) { super(dataSource); configureMaddonStuff(); } public MTextField(String caption, Property dataSource) { super(caption, dataSource); configureMaddonStuff(); } public MTextField(String caption, String value) { super(caption, value); } public MTextField withCaption(String caption) { setCaption(caption); return this; } @Override protected void setValue(String newFieldValue, boolean repaintIsNotNeeded) throws ReadOnlyException, Converter.ConversionException, Validator.InvalidValueException { lastKnownTextChangeValue = null; eagerValidationError = null; super.setValue(newFieldValue, repaintIsNotNeeded); } @Override public boolean isEagerValidation() { return eagerValidation; } @Override public void setEagerValidation(boolean eagerValidation) { this.eagerValidation = eagerValidation; } @Override protected void fireEvent(EventObject event) { if (isEagerValidation() && event instanceof TextChangeEvent) { lastKnownTextChangeValue = ((TextChangeEvent) event).getText(); doEagerValidation(); } super.fireEvent(event); } /** * * @return the value of the field or if a text change event have sent a * value to the server since last value changes, then that. */ public String getLastKnownTextContent() { return lastKnownTextChangeValue; } public MTextField withConversionError(String message) { setConversionError(message); return this; } public MTextField withConverter(Converter<String, ?> converter) { setConverter(converter); return this; } public MTextField withFullWidth() { setWidth("100%"); return this; } public MTextField withValue(String value) { setValue(value); return this; } public MTextField withInputPrompt(String inputPrompt) { setInputPrompt(inputPrompt); return this; } public MTextField withReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { setReadOnly(readOnly); return this; } public MTextField withValidator(Validator validator) { setImmediate(true); addValidator(validator); return this; } public MTextField withWidth(float width, Unit unit) { setWidth(width, unit); return this; } public MTextField withWidth(String width) { setWidth(width); return this; } public MTextField withNullRepresentation(String nullRepresentation) { setNullRepresentation(nullRepresentation); return this; } public MTextField withStyleName(String... styleNames) { for (String styleName : styleNames) { addStyleName(styleName); } return this; } public MTextField withIcon(Resource icon) { setIcon(icon); return this; } public MTextField withRequired(boolean required) { setRequired(required); return this; } public MTextField withRequiredError(String requiredError) { setRequiredError(requiredError); return this; } public MTextField withVisible(boolean visible) { setVisible(visible); return this; } public MTextField withTextChangeListener(FieldEvents.TextChangeListener listener) { addTextChangeListener(listener); return this; } public MTextField withValueChangeListener(Property.ValueChangeListener listener) { addValueChangeListener(listener); return this; } public MTextField withBlurListener(FieldEvents.BlurListener listener) { addBlurListener(listener); return this; } public void setSpellcheck(Boolean spellcheck) { this.spellcheck = spellcheck; } public Boolean getSpellcheck() { return spellcheck; } public MTextField withSpellCheckOff() { setSpellcheck(false); return this; } public MTextField withId(String id) { setId(id); return this; } public enum AutoComplete { on, off } public enum AutoCorrect { on, off } public enum AutoCapitalize { on, off } public MTextField withAutocompleteOff() { return setAutocomplete(; } public MTextField setAutocomplete(AutoComplete autocomplete) { this.autocomplete = autocomplete; return this; } public AutoComplete getAutocomplete() { return autocomplete; } public MTextField withAutoCapitalizeOff() { return setAutoCapitalize(; } public MTextField setAutoCapitalize(AutoCapitalize autoCapitalize) { this.autocapitalize = autoCapitalize; return this; } public AutoCapitalize getAutoCapitalize() { return autocapitalize; } public MTextField withAutoCorrectOff() { return setAutoCorrect(; } public MTextField setAutoCorrect(AutoCorrect autoCorrect) { this.autocorrect = autoCorrect; return this; } public AutoCorrect getAutoCorrect() { return autocorrect; } private HtmlElementPropertySetter heps; protected HtmlElementPropertySetter getHtmlElementPropertySetter() { if (heps == null) { heps = new HtmlElementPropertySetter(this); } return heps; } @Override public void beforeClientResponse(boolean initial) { super.beforeClientResponse(initial); if (initial) { if (spellcheck != null) { getHtmlElementPropertySetter().setProperty("spellcheck", spellcheck); } if (autocomplete != null) { // sending here to keep value if toggling visibility getHtmlElementPropertySetter().setProperty("autocomplete", autocomplete.toString()); } if (autocorrect != null) { // sending here to keep value if toggling visibility getHtmlElementPropertySetter().setProperty("autocorrect", autocorrect.toString()); } if (autocapitalize != null) { // sending here to keep value if toggling visibility getHtmlElementPropertySetter().setProperty("autocapitalize", autocapitalize.toString()); } } } @Override public ErrorMessage getErrorMessage() { Validator.InvalidValueException validationError = getValidationError(); final ErrorMessage superError = getComponentError(); if (superError == null && validationError == null && getCurrentBufferedSourceException() == null) { return null; } // Throw combination of the error types return new CompositeErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage[] { superError, AbstractErrorMessage.getErrorMessageForException(validationError), AbstractErrorMessage.getErrorMessageForException(getCurrentBufferedSourceException()) }); } protected Validator.InvalidValueException getValidationError() { if (isEagerValidation() && lastKnownTextChangeValue != null) { return eagerValidationError; } /* * Check validation errors only if automatic validation is enabled. * Empty, required fields will generate a validation error containing * the requiredError string. For these fields the exclamation mark will * be hidden but the error must still be sent to the client. */ Validator.InvalidValueException validationError = null; if (isValidationVisible()) { try { validate(); } catch (Validator.InvalidValueException e) { if (!e.isInvisible()) { validationError = e; } } } return validationError; } protected void doEagerValidation() { final boolean wasvalid = eagerValidationStatus; eagerValidationStatus = true; eagerValidationError = null; try { if (isRequired() && getLastKnownTextContent().isEmpty()) { throw new Validator.EmptyValueException(getRequiredError()); } validate(getLastKnownTextContent()); if (!wasvalid) { markAsDirty(); } // Also eagerly pass content to backing bean to make top level // validation eager, but do not listen the value back in value change // event if (getPropertyDataSource() != null) { skipValueChangeEvent = true; Object convertedValue = ConverterUtil.convertToModel(getLastKnownTextContent(), getPropertyDataSource().getType(), getConverter(), getLocale()); getPropertyDataSource().setValue(convertedValue); skipValueChangeEvent = false; } } catch (Validator.InvalidValueException e) { eagerValidationError = e; eagerValidationStatus = false; markAsDirty(); } } private boolean skipValueChangeEvent = false; @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { if (!skipValueChangeEvent) { super.valueChange(event); } else { skipValueChangeEvent = false; } } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (isEagerValidation() && lastKnownTextChangeValue != null) { return eagerValidationStatus; } else { return super.isValid(); } } @Override public void validate() throws Validator.InvalidValueException { if (isEagerValidation() && lastKnownTextChangeValue != null) { // This is most likely not executed, unless someone, for some weird // reason calls this explicitly if (isRequired() && getLastKnownTextContent().isEmpty()) { throw new Validator.EmptyValueException(getRequiredError()); } validate(getLastKnownTextContent()); } else { super.validate(); } } }