Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.vaadin.tori.view.thread; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.ocpsoft.prettytime.PrettyTime; import org.vaadin.dialogs.ConfirmDialog; import org.vaadin.tori.ToriNavigator; import org.vaadin.tori.ToriUI; import org.vaadin.tori.exception.DataSourceException; import org.vaadin.tori.util.ComponentUtil; import org.vaadin.tori.util.ToriScheduler; import org.vaadin.tori.util.ToriScheduler.ScheduledCommand; import org.vaadin.tori.view.thread.PostEditor.PostEditorListener; import org.vaadin.tori.view.thread.ThreadView.PostData; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.MenuBar; import com.vaadin.ui.MenuBar.Command; import com.vaadin.ui.MenuBar.MenuItem; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class PostComponent extends AbstractComponentContainer implements PostEditorListener { private static final String DELETE_CAPTION = "Delete Post..."; private static final String EDIT_CAPTION = "Edit Post"; private static final String BAN_CAPTION = "Ban Author"; private static final String UNBAN_CAPTION = "Unban Author"; private static final String STYLE_BANNED = "banned-author"; private final PrettyTime prettyTime; private PostData post; private MenuBar settings; private Footer footer; private Component editorComponent; private final ThreadPresenter presenter; public PostComponent(final PostData post, final ThreadPresenter presenter, final PrettyTime prettyTime) { this.prettyTime = prettyTime; this.presenter = presenter; = post; setVisible(post == null || post.userMayView()); setStyleName("post"); initData(); } protected void initData() { updatePrimaryData(); ToriScheduler.get().scheduleManual(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { updateAdditionalData(); } }); } public void update(final PostData post) { = post; initData(); } private void updatePrimaryData() { PostPrimaryData data = new PostPrimaryData(); data.attachments = post.getAttachments(); data.authorName = post.getAuthorName(); data.authorAvatarUrl = post.getAuthorAvatarUrl(); data.authorLink = post.getAuthorLink(); data.postBody = post.getFormattedBody(true); getRpcProxy(PostComponentClientRpc.class).setPostPrimaryData(data); } private void updateAdditionalData() { PostAdditionalData data = new PostAdditionalData(); data.prettyTime = prettyTime.format(post.getTime()); data.permaLink = getPermaLinkUrl(post); setUserIsBanned(post.isAuthorBanned()); data.badgeHTML = post.getBadgeHTML(); if (footer == null) { footer = new Footer(); addComponent(footer); } footer.update(); data.footer = footer; if (settings == null) { settings = buildSettings(); addComponent(settings); } updateSettings(); data.settings = settings.isVisible() ? settings : null; getRpcProxy(PostComponentClientRpc.class).setPostAdditionalData(data); } private void updateSettings() { MenuItem root = settings.getMoreMenuItem(); root.removeChildren(); Command command = new Command() { @Override public void menuSelected(final MenuItem selectedItem) { if (EDIT_CAPTION.equals(selectedItem.getText())) { editPost(); } else if (DELETE_CAPTION.equals(selectedItem.getText())) { confirmDelete(); } else if (UNBAN_CAPTION.equals(selectedItem.getText())) { presenter.unban(post.getAuthorId()); } else if (BAN_CAPTION.equals(selectedItem.getText())) { presenter.ban(post.getAuthorId()); } } }; if (post.userMayEdit()) { root.addItem(EDIT_CAPTION, command); } if (post.userMayDelete()) { root.addItem(DELETE_CAPTION, command); } if (post.userMayBanAuthor()) { if (root.hasChildren()) { root.addSeparator(); } if (post.isAuthorBanned()) { root.addItem(UNBAN_CAPTION, command); } else { root.addItem(BAN_CAPTION, command); } } settings.setVisible(root.hasChildren()); } private MenuBar buildSettings() { final MenuBar settingsMenuBar = ComponentUtil.getDropdownMenu(); settingsMenuBar.addStyleName("settings"); return settingsMenuBar; } private void confirmDelete() { ConfirmDialog dialog =, "Are you sure you want to delete the post?", new ConfirmDialog.Listener() { @Override public void onClose(final ConfirmDialog arg0) { if (arg0.isConfirmed()) { ((ComponentContainer) getParent()).removeComponent(PostComponent.this); presenter.delete(post.getId()); } } }); dialog.getOkButton().setCaption("Delete Post"); } private void postVoted(final boolean up) { try { if (up) { presenter.upvote(post.getId()); } else { presenter.downvote(post.getId()); } updateAdditionalData(); } catch (final DataSourceException e) {; } } private void quoteForReply() { presenter.quotePost(post.getId()); } private void editPost() { final CssLayout editorWrapper = new CssLayout(); editorWrapper.setSizeFull(); ToriScheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { PostEditor postEditor = new PostEditor(post.getRawBody(), post.isFormatBBCode(), PostComponent.this); editorWrapper.addComponent(postEditor); addStyleName("editing"); } }); getRpcProxy(PostComponentClientRpc.class).editPost(editorWrapper); if (editorComponent != null) { removeComponent(editorComponent); } editorComponent = editorWrapper; addComponent(editorComponent); } private void setUserIsBanned(final boolean banned) { if (banned) { addStyleName(STYLE_BANNED); setDescription(post.getAuthorName() + " is banned."); } else { removeStyleName(STYLE_BANNED); setDescription(null); } } private static String getPermaLinkUrl(final PostData post) { // @formatter:off final String linkUrl = String.format("#%s/%s/%s", ToriNavigator.ApplicationView.THREADS.getUrl(), post.getThreadId(), post.getId()); // @formatter:on return linkUrl; } @Override public void replaceComponent(final Component oldComponent, final Component newComponent) { } @Override public int getComponentCount() { int count = 0; Iterator<Component> i = iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {; count++; } return count; } @Override public Iterator<Component> iterator() { List<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>(Arrays.asList(editorComponent, settings, footer)); components.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); return components.iterator(); } @Override public void submitEdit(final String rawBody) { presenter.saveEdited(post.getId(), rawBody); ToriUI.getCurrent().trackAction("edit-post"); closeEditor(); } @Override public void cancelEdit() { closeEditor(); } private void closeEditor() { removeStyleName("editing"); updatePrimaryData(); } public Long getPostId() { return post.getId(); } private class Footer extends CssLayout { private final Label upVote = new Label(); private final Label downVote = new Label(); private final Label reply = new Label("Reply"); private final Label score = new Label(); private final ReportComponent report = new ReportComponent(post, presenter, getPermaLinkUrl(post)); public Footer() { setStyleName("footer"); upVote.setSizeUndefined(); downVote.setSizeUndefined(); score.setSizeUndefined(); reply.setSizeUndefined(); reply.setStyleName("quoteforreply"); addComponent(upVote); addComponent(downVote); addComponent(score); addComponent(reply); addComponent(report); addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(final LayoutClickEvent event) { if (event.getClickedComponent() == upVote) { postVoted(true); } else if (event.getClickedComponent() == downVote) { postVoted(false); } else if (event.getClickedComponent() == reply) { quoteForReply(); } } }); } public void update() { upVote.setVisible(post.userMayVote()); downVote.setVisible(post.userMayVote()); upVote.setStyleName("vote upvote"); downVote.setStyleName("vote downvote"); if (post.userMayVote() && post.getUpVoted() != null) { if (post.getUpVoted()) { upVote.addStyleName("done"); } else { downVote.addStyleName("done"); } } long newScore = post.getScore(); score.setStyleName("score"); score.setValue((newScore > 0 ? "+" : "") + String.valueOf(newScore)); String scoreStyle = "zero"; if (newScore > 0) { scoreStyle = "positive"; } else if (newScore < 0) { scoreStyle = "negative"; } score.addStyleName(scoreStyle); reply.setVisible(post.userMayQuote()); report.setVisible(post.userMayReportPosts()); } } }