Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Tomi Virtanen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.ui; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.TableUtil.defaultString; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_BUFFERSIZE; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_CAPTION; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_CHECK_SPACE_AVAILABLE; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_CHILDRENS_ALLOWED; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_COLS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_COLUMN_STRUCTURE_CHANGED; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_DEPTH; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_DESCRIPTION; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_IMMEDIATE; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_INDEX; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_OPEN; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_PID; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_READONLY; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_REQFIRSTCOL; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_REQFIRSTROW; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_ROWS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_ROWS_CHANGED; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_ROW_STRUCTURE_CHANGED; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_SCROLL_GROUPS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.ATTR_TOTALROWS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_COLUMN; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_COLUMNGROUP; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_COLUMNS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_ROWS; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_SCROLLCONTENT; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_TR; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.TAG_VALUE; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.VAR_NEWVALUE; import static org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui.VCustomScrollTable.VAR_TOGGLE_COLLAPSED; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.MultiScrollTableServerRpc; import org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.MultiScrollTableState; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.KeyMapper; import com.vaadin.server.PaintException; import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.LegacyComponent; public class CustomScrollTable extends AbstractComponent implements LegacyComponent, ValueChangeListener, ItemSetChangeListener, PropertySetChangeListener, ScrollContentChangeListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4875429342703360229L; private static final int ROW_BUFFER_SIZE = 5; /** * Keymapper for proptery ids. */ protected final KeyMapper columnIdMap = new KeyMapper(); private final Set<ScrollContent> scrollContents = new LinkedHashSet<ScrollContent>(); protected int requestedRowsToPaint = 5; // requestedFirstRowToPaint is always a index from the datasource container. protected int requestedFirstRowToPaint = -1; protected int requestedFirstColToPaint = 0; private Collection<Object> visibleColumns = new LinkedList<Object>(); protected Object[][] pageBuffer = null; protected Hierarchical datasource; private Object rowHeaderPropertyId; private Object rowDescriptionPropertyId; /** * When true, during the next paint, client will measure the available space * for the rows first and request new data to paint. */ protected boolean measureSpaceForRowsAvailable = true; protected boolean columnStructureChanged = true; protected boolean rowStructureChanged = true; protected boolean rowsChanged = true; /* * This map's purpose is to keep track of the old values. Every value change * will change the value in the map. Key is a property id. */ private final Map<Object, Object> oldValueChangeBuffer = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); private Object valueChangePropertyId; private Object valueChangeItemId; private final MultiScrollTableServerRpc rpc = new MultiScrollTableServerRpc() { @Override public void updateFirstRowIndex(Integer newFirstRowIndex) { handleRowVisibilityChange(newFirstRowIndex, null); } @Override public void updateVisibleRowCount(Integer newVisibleRows) { handleRowVisibilityChange(null, newVisibleRows); } @Override public void updateFirstRowIndexAndVisibleRowCount(Integer newFirstRowIndex, Integer newVisibleRows) { handleRowVisibilityChange(newFirstRowIndex, newVisibleRows); } }; public interface Formatter extends Serializable { char getGroupingSeparator(); String format(Object number, Object propertyId); Number parse(Object value, Object propertyId, Object itemId, Property p) throws ParseException; } private Formatter formatter = DEFAULT_FORMATTER; public static final Formatter DEFAULT_FORMATTER = new Formatter() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 884515870065895819L; private final DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(); { DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(); symbols.setGroupingSeparator(' '); decimalFormat.setDecimalFormatSymbols(symbols); } @Override public char getGroupingSeparator() { return decimalFormat.getDecimalFormatSymbols().getGroupingSeparator(); } @Override public String format(Object number, Object propertyId) { return decimalFormat.format(number); } @Override public Number parse(Object value, Object propertyId, Object itemId, Property p) throws ParseException { if ("".equals(value) || value == null) { return 0; } return decimalFormat.parse(value.toString()); } }; private final ScrollContent defaultScrollContent = new ScrollContent(); private final ColumnGroup defaultColumnGroup = new ColumnGroup(); { defaultScrollContent.addColumnGroup(defaultColumnGroup); } /* * Gets and resets default scroll content. Scroll content will contain a * single caption-less ColumnGroup which contains all visible columns. */ private ScrollContent getAndResetDefaultScrollContent() { Column c; defaultColumnGroup.removeAllColumns(); for (Object o : getVisibleColumns()) { c = new Column(columnIdMap.key(o)); c.setCaption(o.toString()); defaultColumnGroup.addColumn(c); } return defaultScrollContent; } private interface ContainerStrategy extends Serializable { public int size(); public boolean isNodeOpen(Object itemId); public int getDepth(Object itemId); public void toggleChildVisibility(Object itemId); public void expandNode(Object itemId); public void collapseNode(Object itemId); public Object getIdByIndex(int index); public int indexOfId(Object id); public Object nextItemId(Object itemId); public Object lastItemId(); public Object prevItemId(Object itemId); public boolean isLastId(Object itemId); public Collection<Object> getItemIds(); public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event); } /** * Strategy for Hierarchical but not Collapsible container like * {@link HierarchicalContainer}. Store collapsed/open states internally, * fool table to use preorder when accessing items from container via * Ordered/Indexed methods. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class HierarchicalStrategy implements ContainerStrategy { private final HashSet<Object> openItems = new HashSet<Object>(); @Override public int getDepth(Object itemId) { int depth = 0; Hierarchical hierarchicalContainer = getContainerDataSource(); while (!hierarchicalContainer.isRoot(itemId)) { depth++; itemId = hierarchicalContainer.getParent(itemId); } return depth; } @Override public boolean isNodeOpen(Object itemId) { return openItems.contains(itemId); } @Override public int size() { return getPreOrder().size(); } @Override public Collection<Object> getItemIds() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getPreOrder()); } @Override public boolean isLastId(Object itemId) { return itemId.equals(lastItemId()); } @Override public Object lastItemId() { if (getPreOrder().size() > 0) { return getPreOrder().get(getPreOrder().size() - 1); } else { return null; } } @Override public Object nextItemId(Object itemId) { int indexOf = getPreOrder().indexOf(itemId); if (indexOf == -1) { return null; } indexOf++; if (indexOf == getPreOrder().size()) { return null; } else { return getPreOrder().get(indexOf); } } @Override public Object prevItemId(Object itemId) { int indexOf = getPreOrder().indexOf(itemId); indexOf--; if (indexOf < 0) { return null; } else { return getPreOrder().get(indexOf); } } @Override public void toggleChildVisibility(Object itemId) { boolean removed = openItems.remove(itemId); if (!removed) { openItems.add(itemId); } clearPreorderCache(); } @Override public void expandNode(Object itemId) { openItems.add(itemId); clearPreorderCache(); } @Override public void collapseNode(Object itemId) { openItems.remove(itemId); clearPreorderCache(); } private void clearPreorderCache() { preOrder = null; // clear preorder cache } List<Object> preOrder; /** * Preorder of ids currently visible * * @return */ private List<Object> getPreOrder() { if (preOrder == null) { preOrder = new ArrayList<Object>(); Collection<?> rootItemIds = getContainerDataSource().rootItemIds(); for (Object id : rootItemIds) { preOrder.add(id); addVisibleChildTree(id); } } return preOrder; } private void addVisibleChildTree(Object id) { if (isNodeOpen(id)) { Collection<?> children = getContainerDataSource().getChildren(id); if (children != null) { for (Object childId : children) { preOrder.add(childId); addVisibleChildTree(childId); } } } } @Override public int indexOfId(Object id) { return getPreOrder().indexOf(id); } @Override public Object getIdByIndex(int index) { return getPreOrder().get(index); } @Override public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event) { // preorder becomes invalid on sort, item additions etc. clearPreorderCache(); } } public CustomScrollTable() { this((Container) null); } public CustomScrollTable(ScrollContent... scrollContents) { this(null, scrollContents); } public CustomScrollTable(Container dataSource, ScrollContent... scrollContents) { registerRpc(rpc, MultiScrollTableServerRpc.class); setContainerDataSource(dataSource); if (scrollContents != null && scrollContents.length > 0) { for (ScrollContent sc : scrollContents) { this.scrollContents.add(sc); sc.setScrollContentChangeListener(this); } } else { this.scrollContents.add(getAndResetDefaultScrollContent()); defaultScrollContent.setScrollContentChangeListener(this); } } @Override public MultiScrollTableState getState() { return (MultiScrollTableState) super.getState(); } /* * ContainerStrategy will handle the correct order for the hierarchical * content. */ private ContainerStrategy containerStrategy; private ContainerStrategy getContainerStrategy() { if (containerStrategy == null) { containerStrategy = new HierarchicalStrategy(); } return containerStrategy; } public void setContainerDataSource(Container dataSource) { containerStrategy = null; if (dataSource == null) { datasource = new HierarchicalContainer(); } else if (!(dataSource instanceof Hierarchical)) { datasource = new ContainerHierarchicalWrapper(dataSource); } else { datasource = (Hierarchical) dataSource; } setVisibleColumns(datasource.getContainerPropertyIds()); ((Property.ValueChangeNotifier) datasource).addListener(this); ((Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier) datasource).addListener(this); ((Container.PropertySetChangeNotifier) datasource).addListener(this); } public Hierarchical getContainerDataSource() { return datasource; } public Formatter getFormatter() { return formatter; } public void setFormatter(Formatter formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; } @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { final Object[] colids = getVisibleColumns(); final Object[][] cells = getVisibleCells(); final int cols = colids.length; target.addAttribute(ATTR_IMMEDIATE, isImmediate()); target.addAttribute(ATTR_COLS, cols); target.addAttribute(ATTR_ROWS, requestedRowsToPaint); target.addAttribute(ATTR_TOTALROWS, size()); target.addAttribute(ATTR_REQFIRSTROW, requestedFirstRowToPaint); target.addAttribute(ATTR_REQFIRSTCOL, requestedFirstColToPaint); target.addAttribute(ATTR_BUFFERSIZE, ROW_BUFFER_SIZE); target.addAttribute(ATTR_SCROLL_GROUPS, scrollContents.size()); boolean doPaintRows = !measureSpaceForRowsAvailable; if (measureSpaceForRowsAvailable) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_CHECK_SPACE_AVAILABLE, true); measureSpaceForRowsAvailable = false; } paintColumns(target); paintFloatingRows(target); if (doPaintRows) { paintRows(target, cells, cols); } } /* * Add column data to the UIDL */ private void paintColumns(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { target.startTag(TAG_COLUMNS); if (columnStructureChanged) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_COLUMN_STRUCTURE_CHANGED, true); } int index = 0; // Paint all scroll contents for (ScrollContent sc : scrollContents) { target.startTag(TAG_SCROLLCONTENT); // Paint scroll content's column groups for (ColumnGroup cg : sc.getColumnGroups()) { index = paintColumnGroup(target, cg, index); } target.endTag(TAG_SCROLLCONTENT); } target.endTag(TAG_COLUMNS); columnStructureChanged = false; } private int paintColumnGroup(PaintTarget target, ColumnGroup cg, int index) throws PaintException { target.startTag(TAG_COLUMNGROUP); target.addAttribute(ATTR_CAPTION, defaultString(cg.getCaption())); if (cg instanceof HierarchicalColumnGroup) { // Paint column group's hierarchical structure for (ColumnGroup subCg : ((HierarchicalColumnGroup) cg).getSubColumnGroups()) { index = paintColumnGroup(target, subCg, index); } } else { // Paint column group's columns for (Column c : cg.getColumns()) { paintColumn(target, c, index++); } } target.endTag(TAG_COLUMNGROUP); return index; } private void paintColumn(PaintTarget target, Column c, int index) throws PaintException { target.startTag(TAG_COLUMN); target.addAttribute(ATTR_PID, columnIdMap.key(c.getColumnId())); target.addAttribute(ATTR_INDEX, index); target.addAttribute(ATTR_CAPTION, defaultString(c.getCaption())); target.addAttribute(ATTR_READONLY, c.isReadonly() || isReadOnly()); // TODO target.endTag(TAG_COLUMN); } private void paintRows(PaintTarget target, Object[][] cells, int cols) throws PaintException { int index = 0; // Add rows and cell values to the UIDL if (cells != null && cols > 0) { target.startTag(TAG_ROWS); if (rowStructureChanged) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_ROW_STRUCTURE_CHANGED, true); } else if (rowsChanged) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_ROWS_CHANGED, true); } int size = size(); int end = cells[0].length; if (end > size) { end = size; } String v; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { index = (Integer) cells[0][i]; target.startTag(TAG_TR); target.addAttribute(ATTR_INDEX, index); Object itemId = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(index); String rowHeader = getRowHeaderByIndex(index); if (rowHeader != null) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_CAPTION, rowHeader); } String rowDescription = getRowDescriptionByIndex(index); if (rowDescription != null && rowDescription.length() > 0) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_DESCRIPTION, rowDescription); } target.addAttribute(ATTR_DEPTH, getContainerStrategy().getDepth(((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(index))); if (getContainerDataSource().areChildrenAllowed(itemId)) { target.addAttribute(ATTR_CHILDRENS_ALLOWED, true); target.addAttribute(ATTR_OPEN, getContainerStrategy().isNodeOpen(itemId)); } for (int j = 1; j < (cols + 1); j++) { v = (String) cells[j][i]; if (v == null) { v = ""; } target.startTag(TAG_VALUE); target.addText(v); target.endTag(TAG_VALUE); } target.endTag(TAG_TR); } target.endTag(TAG_ROWS); } rowStructureChanged = false; rowsChanged = false; } private void paintFloatingRows(PaintTarget target) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#changeVariables(java.lang.Object, * java.util.Map) */ @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map<String, Object> variables) { // TODO replcae with RPC handleNewValueChange(variables); handleHierarchyChange(variables); } /* Handle hierarchy change. */ private void handleHierarchyChange(Map<String, Object> variables) { if (variables.containsKey(VAR_TOGGLE_COLLAPSED)) { // Handle row's hierarchy collapsing/expanding // Client returns a index that comes from the items container. Integer rowIndex = (Integer) variables.get(VAR_TOGGLE_COLLAPSED); Object itemId = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(rowIndex); toggleChildVisibility(itemId); } } /* Handle cell value change. */ private void handleNewValueChange(Map<String, Object> variables) { if (variables.containsKey(VAR_NEWVALUE)) { // Cell value has changed. String[] s = (String[]) variables.get(VAR_NEWVALUE); handleValueChange(s); } } /* Handle change of first visible row and/or visible row count. */ private void handleRowVisibilityChange(Integer newFirstRowIndex, Integer newVisibleRows) { if (newFirstRowIndex == null && newVisibleRows == null) { return; } boolean doRefresh = false; if (newFirstRowIndex != null) { // requestedFirstRowToPaint is always a index from the data // source. if (newFirstRowIndex >= size()) { newFirstRowIndex = size() - 1; } if (newFirstRowIndex < 0) { newFirstRowIndex = 0; } if (getContainerStrategy().size() > newFirstRowIndex) { Object id = getContainerStrategy().getIdByIndex(newFirstRowIndex); int newReqFirstRowToPaint = ((Indexed) datasource).indexOfId(id); if (newReqFirstRowToPaint != requestedFirstRowToPaint) { requestedFirstRowToPaint = newReqFirstRowToPaint; rowsChanged = true; doRefresh = true; } } else { requestedFirstRowToPaint = 0; } } if (newVisibleRows != null) { requestedRowsToPaint = newVisibleRows.intValue(); rowStructureChanged = true; doRefresh = true; } if (doRefresh) { requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } } private void toggleChildVisibility(Object itemId) { getContainerStrategy().toggleChildVisibility(itemId); rowStructureChanged = true; requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } private void handleValueChange(String[] s) { if (s != null && s[0] != null && s[1] != null) { if (isReadOnly()) { markAsDirty(); return; } // Client returns a index that comes from the items container. int rowIndex = Integer.parseInt(s[1]); if (rowIndex == -1) { // TODO Implement total rows // Header value changed // updateHeaderTotalValue(Integer.parseInt(s[0]), s[2]); } else { setPropertyValue(s[0], rowIndex, s[2]); } } } private void formatAndSetNewValue(Property p, Object propertyId, Object itemId, String newValue) { String preformattedValue = newValue; if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getType())) { try { Number n = formatter.parse(preformattedValue, propertyId, itemId, p); setPropertyValue(p, propertyId, itemId, n); pageBuffer = null; // Check the format. If it needs to be fixed, send a repaint // request. String formatted = formatter.format(n, propertyId); if (!preformattedValue.equals(formatted)) { markAsDirty(); } } catch (ParseException e) { // Invalid value. Request repaint to show the old value. markAsDirty(); } } else { setPropertyValue(p, propertyId, itemId, preformattedValue); } } private void setPropertyValue(String pId, int rowIndex, String newValue) { Object propertyId = columnIdMap.get(pId); Object itemId = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(rowIndex); Property p = datasource.getContainerProperty(itemId, propertyId); formatAndSetNewValue(p, propertyId, itemId, newValue); } /** * Set internal value for the target property. It is recommended to set * property values by this method, when it is necessary to handle table's * internal states like the value change would have been triggered by the * client. * * @param p * Target property in the container datasource * @param propertyId * Target propery's property id * @param itemId * Target property's item id * @param newVal * New value object */ public void setPropertyValue(Property p, Object propertyId, Object itemId, Object newVal) { if (p == null) { return; } oldValueChangeBuffer.put(propertyId, p.getValue()); valueChangePropertyId = propertyId; valueChangeItemId = itemId; p.setValue(newVal); } /** * Expand a target row hierarchy. * * @param itemId */ public void expandNode(Object itemId) { getContainerStrategy().expandNode(itemId); markAsDirty(); } /** * Collapse a target row hierarchy. * * @param itemId */ public void collapseNode(Object itemId) { getContainerStrategy().collapseNode(itemId); markAsDirty(); } /** * Get the row header property id. * * @return Row header property id */ public Object getRowHeaderItemId() { return rowHeaderPropertyId; } /** * Set the row header property id. * * @param rowHeaderPropertyId * Row header property id */ public void setRowHeaderPropertyId(Object rowHeaderPropertyId) { this.rowHeaderPropertyId = rowHeaderPropertyId; setVisibleColumns(visibleColumns.toArray()); } /** * Get the row description id. * * @return Row description id */ public Object getRowDescriptionPropertyId() { return rowDescriptionPropertyId; } /** * Set the row description property id. * * @param rowDescriptionPropertyId * Row description property id */ public void setRowDescriptionPropertyId(Object rowDescriptionPropertyId) { this.rowDescriptionPropertyId = rowDescriptionPropertyId; setVisibleColumns(visibleColumns.toArray()); } /** * Returns property ids of visible columns. * * @return Visible columns */ public Object[] getVisibleColumns() { if (visibleColumns == null) { return null; } return visibleColumns.toArray(); } private Object[][] getVisibleCells() { if (pageBuffer == null) { refreshRenderedCells(); } return pageBuffer; } /** * Set the Collection of property identifiers that will be visible in the * table. Setting a value by this method will refresh the table content. * Unless its a null, which will throw a NullPointerException. Or * IllegalArgumentException when it doesn't exist in the container. * * @param newVisibleColumns * Collection of property identifiers. */ public void setVisibleColumns(Collection<?> newVisibleColumns) { setInternalVisibleColumns(newVisibleColumns); } /** * Set the array of property identifiers that will be visible in the table. * Setting a value by this method will refresh the table content. Unless its * a null, which will throw a NullPointerException. Or * IllegalArgumentException when it doesn't exist in the container. * * @param newVisibleColumns * Array of property identifiers. */ public void setVisibleColumns(Object[] newVisibleColumns) { // Visible columns must exist if (newVisibleColumns == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Can not set visible columns to null value"); } setInternalVisibleColumns(Arrays.asList(newVisibleColumns)); } protected void setInternalVisibleColumns(Collection<?> newVisibleColumns) { // Visible columns must exist if (newVisibleColumns == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Can not set visible columns to null value"); } // Checks that the new visible columns contains no nulls and properties // exist final Collection<?> properties = datasource.getContainerPropertyIds(); for (Object propertyCandidate : newVisibleColumns) { if (!properties.contains(propertyCandidate)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Property ids must exist in the Container, missing id: " + propertyCandidate); } } // Check for column changes if (visibleColumns == null || newVisibleColumns.size() != visibleColumns.size() || !newVisibleColumns.containsAll(visibleColumns)) { requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } visibleColumns = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(newVisibleColumns); } /** * Refresh data (to be painted) instantly. */ public void refreshData() { fixRequestedFirstColumnToPaint(); fixRequestedFirstRowToPaint(); refreshRenderedCells(); } /** * Add a new ScrollContent for this table. Columns in a ScrollContent will * share a same vertical scroll-bar, but will have a separate horizontal * scroll-bars. * * @param scrollContent * @return */ public boolean addScrollContent(ScrollContent scrollContent) { // Add the new scroll content boolean added = scrollContents.add(scrollContent); if (added) { // Remove default scroll content if (scrollContents.contains(defaultScrollContent)) { scrollContents.remove(defaultScrollContent); } // add columns to visible columns list LinkedList<Object> newVisibleColumns = new LinkedList<Object>(Arrays.asList(getVisibleColumns())); newVisibleColumns.addAll(scrollContent.getColumnIds()); setVisibleColumns(newVisibleColumns); scrollContent.setScrollContentChangeListener(this); scrollContentChanged(); } return added; } /** * Returns all scroll contents that are given for this table. * * @return Set of scroll contents */ public Set<ScrollContent> getScrollContents() { if (!scrollContents.contains(defaultScrollContent)) { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(scrollContents); } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Remove the target ScrollContent. * * @param scrollContent * @return */ public boolean removeScrollContent(ScrollContent scrollContent) { boolean removed = scrollContents.remove(scrollContent); if (removed) { scrollContent.setScrollContentChangeListener(null); if (scrollContents.size() == 0) { // Add a default scroll content scrollContents.add(getAndResetDefaultScrollContent()); } scrollContentChanged(); } return removed; } /** * Request data to be painted to be refreshed on next paint call. */ public void requestRefreshDataToPaint() { pageBuffer = null; markAsDirty(); } private void refreshRenderedCells() { final Object[] colids = getVisibleColumns(); final int cols = colids.length; if (requestedFirstRowToPaint < 0) { resetRequestedFirstRowToPaint(); } int firstIndex = requestedFirstRowToPaint; int totalRows = size(); int realCols = cols + 1; if (totalRows == 0) { Object[][] cells = new Object[realCols][totalRows]; pageBuffer = cells; return; } // ContainerStrategy knows the real ordered index for the item. int orderedIndex = getContainerStrategy().indexOfId(((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(firstIndex)); int size = totalRows; // As many as ROW_BUFFER_SIZE rows will be added to the start and // end of the content. Depending on the current position // (=orderedIndex). int reqRowsWithBuffer = requestedRowsToPaint + (2 * ROW_BUFFER_SIZE); // Initial // Adjust the end part of the row buffer. if ((orderedIndex + requestedRowsToPaint + ROW_BUFFER_SIZE) > totalRows) { reqRowsWithBuffer -= (orderedIndex + requestedRowsToPaint + ROW_BUFFER_SIZE) - totalRows; } // Adjust the starting part of the row buffer. if (orderedIndex < ROW_BUFFER_SIZE) { int topBuffer = ROW_BUFFER_SIZE - (ROW_BUFFER_SIZE - orderedIndex); orderedIndex -= topBuffer; reqRowsWithBuffer -= topBuffer; } else { orderedIndex -= ROW_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (reqRowsWithBuffer > 0 && reqRowsWithBuffer < size) { size = reqRowsWithBuffer; } // Notice buffer size if (orderedIndex < 0) { orderedIndex = 0; } firstIndex = ((Indexed) datasource).indexOfId(getContainerStrategy().getIdByIndex(orderedIndex)); if ((orderedIndex + size) >= totalRows) { // Fix firstIndex when it exceeds the actual size (=totalRows) int indexFix = (totalRows - size); firstIndex = ((Indexed) datasource).indexOfId(getContainerStrategy().getIdByIndex(indexFix)); } Object[][] cells = new Object[realCols][size]; Object id = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(firstIndex); int index = firstIndex; Object value; for (int i = 0; i < size && id != null; i++) { if (cols > 0) { cells[0][i] = index; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { Property p = datasource.getContainerProperty(id, colids[j]); value = getPropertyValue(id, p, colids[j]); cells[j + 1][i] = value; } } id = getContainerStrategy().nextItemId(id); index = ((Indexed) datasource).indexOfId(id); } pageBuffer = cells; } private String getRowHeaderByIndex(int i) { if (rowHeaderPropertyId == null) { return null; } Object id = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(i); Item item = datasource.getItem(id); if (item == null) { return null; } return item.getItemProperty(rowHeaderPropertyId).toString(); } private String getRowDescriptionByIndex(int i) { if (rowDescriptionPropertyId == null) { return null; } Object id = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(i); Item item = datasource.getItem(id); if (item == null) { return null; } Object v = item.getItemProperty(rowDescriptionPropertyId).getValue(); if (v != null) { return v.toString(); } return null; } /** * Returns size of the data source. * * @return Total rows */ public int size() { return getContainerStrategy().size(); } protected Object getPropertyValue(Object rowId, Property property, Object propertyId) { return formatPropertyValue(rowId, property, propertyId); } protected String formatPropertyValue(Object rowId, Property property, Object propertyId) { if (property == null || property.getValue() == null) { return ""; } if (property.getType() != null && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) { try { return formatter.format(property.getValue(), propertyId); } catch (Exception e) { return "0"; } } return property.toString(); } /* * Fixes requestedFirstRowToPaint datasource item index. If index doesn't * exist (overflows), index will be set to the index of the first item in * the datasource. */ private void fixRequestedFirstRowToPaint() { if (requestedFirstRowToPaint != -1) { if (getContainerStrategy() != null && size() > 0) { Object id = ((Indexed) datasource).getIdByIndex(requestedFirstRowToPaint); // Check that target item is still visible boolean existAndIsVisible = id != null && getContainerStrategy().indexOfId(id) != -1; if (!existAndIsVisible) { // When its not, requestedFirstRowToPaint needs to updated // Reset content to start from the first item resetRequestedFirstRowToPaint(); } } else { requestedFirstRowToPaint = 0; } } } /* * Resets the index of first requested row to be painted. */ private void resetRequestedFirstRowToPaint() { if (getContainerStrategy() != null && size() > 0) { Object id = getContainerStrategy().getIdByIndex(0); requestedFirstRowToPaint = ((Indexed) datasource).indexOfId(id); } else { requestedFirstRowToPaint = 0; } } /* * Fixes requestedFirstColToPaint datasource property index. If index * doesn't exist (overflows), index will be set to the index of the first * property in the datasource. */ private void fixRequestedFirstColumnToPaint() { if (requestedFirstColToPaint != -1) { if (requestedFirstColToPaint >= visibleColumns.size()) { resetRequestedFirstColumnToPaint(); } } } /* * Resets the index of first requested column to be painted. */ private void resetRequestedFirstColumnToPaint() { requestedFirstColToPaint = 0; } /** * Catch a value change and calculate a new total sum for the target column. */ @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // TODO } @Override public void containerItemSetChange(ItemSetChangeEvent event) { if (containerStrategy != null) { containerStrategy.containerItemSetChange(event); } rowStructureChanged = true; requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } @Override public void containerPropertySetChange(PropertySetChangeEvent event) { requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } @Override public void scrollContentChanged() { columnStructureChanged = true; requestRefreshDataToPaint(); } }