Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Tomi Virtanen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.vaadin.tltv.multiscrolltable.client.event.MultiScrollTableEventHandler; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection; import com.vaadin.client.UIDL; public class VCustomScrollTable extends Composite implements ScrollHandlerWidget { public static final String TAG_COLUMNS = "cols"; public static final String TAG_COLUMN = "c"; public static final String TAG_ROWS = "rws"; public static final String TAG_TR = "tr"; public static final String TAG_VALUE = "v"; public static final String TAG_SCROLLCONTENT = "sc"; public static final String TAG_COLUMNGROUP = "cg"; public static final String ATTR_IMMEDIATE = "im"; public static final String ATTR_BUFFERSIZE = "buffsize"; public static final String ATTR_REQFIRSTCOL = "fCol"; public static final String ATTR_REQFIRSTROW = "fRow"; public static final String ATTR_REQROWS = "reqRows"; public static final String ATTR_COLS = "cols"; public static final String ATTR_ROWS = "rows"; public static final String ATTR_TOTALROWS = "ttlrows"; public static final String ATTR_CHILDRENS_ALLOWED = "ca"; public static final String ATTR_OPEN = "open"; public static final String ATTR_INDEX = "index"; public static final String ATTR_CAPTION = "cap"; public static final String ATTR_DESCRIPTION = "desc"; public static final String ATTR_DEPTH = "depth"; public static final String ATTR_PID = "pid"; public static final String ATTR_READONLY = "ro"; public static final String ATTR_SCROLL_GROUPS = "csize"; public static final String ATTR_CHECK_SPACE_AVAILABLE = "chck"; public static final String ATTR_COLUMN_STRUCTURE_CHANGED = "csc"; public static final String ATTR_ROW_STRUCTURE_CHANGED = "rsc"; public static final String ATTR_ROWS_CHANGED = "rowc"; public static final String VAR_TOGGLE_COLLAPSED = "tc"; public static final String VAR_NEWVALUE = "nValue"; /* Paintable id */ private String pid; private ApplicationConnection client; private final FlowPanel mainPanel; private final FlowPanel contentPanel; private final FlowPanel headerPanel; private HeaderPanel rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel; private ContentPanel rowHeaderPanel; private List<HeaderPanel> headers = new ArrayList<HeaderPanel>(); private List<ContentPanel> contents = new ArrayList<ContentPanel>(); private final List<FloatingRow> floatingRows = new ArrayList<FloatingRow>(); // When true, client.updateComponent(...) is in progress. private final boolean renderingBase = false; private int height = -1; private int width = -1; private int measuredRowHeight = -1; protected final RootUIDLMetaData rootMetaData = new RootUIDLMetaData(); private boolean reconstructAll = true; /* Variables for scrolling */ private static final int SCROLL_DELAY = 100; // milliseconds private int contentVerScrollPos = 0; private int scrollingVertically = 0; private int activeScrollIndex = 0; private MultiScrollTableEventHandler eventHandler; protected class RootUIDLMetaData { UIDL uidlColumns; UIDL uidlRows; // Header structure needs to be repainted boolean createHeader = false; // Header data needs to be updated boolean updateHeader = false; // Rows need to be repainted boolean createContent = false; // Rows data need to be updated boolean updateContent = false; // available space for rows need to be updated boolean measureAvailableHeightForContent = false; // floating rows need to be repainted boolean createFloatingRows = false; // floating rows data need to be updated boolean updateFloatingRows = false; // do only row content needs to be recreated (not the whole layout // structure) boolean clearContent = false; private int contentSize = -1; private int bufferSize = -1; private int totalRowCount = -1; private int requestedRows = -1; /** * Update metadata by the UIDL * * @param uidl */ private void update(UIDL uidl) { measureAvailableHeightForContent = reconstructAll || uidl.getBooleanAttribute(ATTR_CHECK_SPACE_AVAILABLE); bufferSize = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTR_BUFFERSIZE); totalRowCount = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTR_TOTALROWS); int csize = contentSize; contentSize = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTR_SCROLL_GROUPS); requestedRows = uidl.getIntAttribute(ATTR_ROWS); uidlColumns = uidl.getChildByTagName(TAG_COLUMNS); uidlRows = uidl.getChildByTagName(TAG_ROWS); if (reconstructAll || contentSize != csize) { createHeader = true; createContent = true; createFloatingRows = true; updateContent = false; updateHeader = false; updateFloatingRows = false; reconstructAll = false; clearContent = false; return; } reconstructAll = false; if (uidlColumns != null) { createHeader = uidlColumns.getBooleanAttribute(ATTR_COLUMN_STRUCTURE_CHANGED); updateHeader = !createHeader; if (createHeader) { // when header structure has changed, rows needs to be // re-created createContent = true; createFloatingRows = true; return; } } if (uidlRows != null) { createContent = uidlRows.getBooleanAttribute(ATTR_ROW_STRUCTURE_CHANGED); clearContent = !createContent && uidlRows.getBooleanAttribute(ATTR_ROWS_CHANGED); updateContent = !createContent; } // TODO Floating row meta data? // uidlFloatingRows = uidl.getChildByTagName(TAG_FLOATING_ROWS); // if (uidlFloatingRows != null) { // } } void clear() { uidlColumns = null; uidlRows = null; } } public VCustomScrollTable() { mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); initWidget(mainPanel); setStylePrimaryName("v-cscrolltable"); contentPanel = new FlowPanel(); headerPanel = new FlowPanel(); mainPanel.add(headerPanel); mainPanel.add(contentPanel); } @Override protected void onLoad() { reconstructAll = true; super.onLoad(); } public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) { this.client = client; pid = uidl.getId(); rootMetaData.update(uidl); } public void onStateChanged() { updateByMetaData(); recalculateHeights(); recalculateWidths(); } private void updateByMetaData() { if (rootMetaData.createHeader) { headers.clear(); initHeaderPanels(); updateHeaderPanels(); } else if (rootMetaData.updateHeader) { updateHeaderPanels(); } if (!rootMetaData.measureAvailableHeightForContent) { if (rootMetaData.createContent) { contents.clear(); initContentPanels(); updateContentPanels(); } else if (rootMetaData.updateContent) { updateContentPanels(); } if (rootMetaData.createFloatingRows) { // TODO } else if (rootMetaData.updateFloatingRows) { // TODO } } else { measureAndSendRequestForVisibleRows(); } rootMetaData.clear(); } /** * Update data in header panels */ private void updateHeaderPanels() { if (rootMetaData.uidlColumns == null) { return; } int index = 0; int c = 0; for (HeaderPanel h : headers) { h.setFirstColIndexForRowsUidl(c); UIDL colUidl = rootMetaData.uidlColumns.getChildUIDL(index); h.updateContent(colUidl); c += h.getColumnCount(); index++; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * Update data in content panels */ private void updateContentPanels() { if (rootMetaData.uidlRows == null) { return; } // Update row header panel if (rowHeaderPanel != null) { if (rootMetaData.clearContent) { rowHeaderPanel.clearContentAndSetReconstructFlagOn(); } rowHeaderPanel.updateContent(rootMetaData.uidlRows); } ContentPanel lastContentPanel = null; // last content has the vertical // scroll-bar. if (!contents.isEmpty()) { lastContentPanel = contents.get(contents.size() - 1); } // Update content panels for (ContentPanel p : contents) { if (rootMetaData.clearContent) { p.clearContentAndSetReconstructFlagOn(); } p.updateContent(rootMetaData.uidlRows); } // update vertical scroll position here. Content with a visible // vertical scrollbar may have reseted it's scroll position to zero. if (lastContentPanel != null) { lastContentPanel.resetVerticalScrollPosition(); } } private void initContentPanels() { contentPanel.clear(); rowHeaderPanel = new ContentPanel(new RowHeaderContainer(), this, false); rowHeaderPanel.setHeaderContainer(rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel); rowHeaderPanel.setRelatedHorizontalScrollable(rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel); contentPanel.add(rowHeaderPanel); rowHeaderPanel.initContent(rootMetaData.totalRowCount); contents = new ArrayList<ContentPanel>(rootMetaData.contentSize); boolean last = false; for (int i = 0; i < rootMetaData.contentSize; i++) { last = (i == rootMetaData.contentSize - 1); // Vertical scroll bar may be visible only in the last content panel ContentPanel c = new ContentPanel(this, last); c.setHeaderContainer(headers.get(i)); c.setRelatedHorizontalScrollable(headers.get(i)); contents.add(i, c); contentPanel.add(c); c.initContent(rootMetaData.totalRowCount); } } private void initHeaderPanels() { headerPanel.clear(); rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel = new HeaderPanel() { @Override public int getColumnCount() { return 1; } }; headerPanel.add(rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel); rowHeaderColumnHeaderPanel.initContent(); headers = new ArrayList<HeaderPanel>(rootMetaData.contentSize); for (int i = 0; i < rootMetaData.contentSize; i++) { HeaderPanel hp = new HeaderPanel(); headers.add(i, hp); headerPanel.add(hp); hp.initContent(); } } private void initFloatingRows() { // TODO } /** * This method measures available height for visible rows. Information will * be sent to the server and server will request repaint for visible rows. */ private void measureAndSendRequestForVisibleRows() { ContentPanel measure = new ContentPanel(this, false); contentPanel.add(measure); measure.initContent(rootMetaData.totalRowCount); measuredRowHeight = measure.getMeasuredRowHeight(); eventHandler.onUpdateVisibleRowCount(getHeightAvailable() / measuredRowHeight); } private int getHeightAvailable() { if (height < 0) { return getElement().getClientHeight(); } return height; } public void recalculateHeights() { GWT.log("Height: " + height); if (height > 0) { mainPanel.setHeight(height + "px"); } int contentHeight = height; int columnPanelHeight = 0; for (HeaderPanel cp : headers) { columnPanelHeight = Math.max(columnPanelHeight, cp.getCalculatedHeight()); } setHeaderPanelHeights(columnPanelHeight); if (contentHeight > 0) { // Calculate widget heights when height is not undefined contentHeight -= columnPanelHeight; if (contentHeight < measuredRowHeight) { // Space available for the content is way too small when its // under the height of one row. contentHeight = measuredRowHeight; } if (rowHeaderPanel != null) { rowHeaderPanel.setHeight(contentHeight); } for (ContentPanel cp : contents) { cp.setHeight(contentHeight); } } // TODO } private void setHeaderPanelHeights(int height) { headerPanel.setHeight(height + "px"); for (HeaderPanel cp : headers) { cp.setHeight(height); } } public void recalculateWidths() { GWT.log("Width: " + width); // TODO } /* This timer is scheduled when user stops the vertical scrolling. */ private final Timer scrollTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { GWT.log(" after " + SCROLL_DELAY + "ms"); GWT.log("Scrolling triggers a update"); eventHandler.onUpdateFirstRowIndex(activeScrollIndex); } }; /** * Handle scrolling for every widget. Vertical scrolling will also scroll * other parts of this widget. Horizontal scrolling does the same but leaves * out all the other content panels than the target one. * * @param sc * Target ScrollableContent * @param horizontalScrollPosition * New horizontal scroll position * @param verticalScrollPosition * New vertical scroll position * @param forceReset * Force content update by sending a request to the server * @param silentScroll * Handle only the client side scrolling without sending any * content update requests to the server. Has effect only to the * target content panel. */ @Override public void scrollContent(ScrollableContent sc, int horizontalScrollPosition, int verticalScrollPosition, boolean forceReset, boolean silentScroll) { sc.getRelatedScrollable().setScrollLeft(horizontalScrollPosition); if (!silentScroll) { if (rowHeaderPanel != null && !sc.equals(rowHeaderPanel)) { rowHeaderPanel.setScrollTop(verticalScrollPosition, true); } for (ContentPanel otherCp : contents) { if (otherCp.equals(sc)) { continue; } otherCp.setScrollTop(verticalScrollPosition, true); } } else { return; // no need to continue } int prevContentVerScrollPos = contentVerScrollPos; contentVerScrollPos = verticalScrollPosition; if (forceReset || prevContentVerScrollPos != contentVerScrollPos) { int oldIndex = prevContentVerScrollPos / measuredRowHeight; activeScrollIndex = contentVerScrollPos / measuredRowHeight; int indexDelta = activeScrollIndex - oldIndex; scrollingVertically += indexDelta; GWT.log("Scroll index delta: " + scrollingVertically); if (!forceReset && (getRequestedRows() == getTotalRowCount() || Math.abs(scrollingVertically) <= getBufferSize())) { // No need to send scroll request when // 1) all rows are visible // or 2) content is still visible // and previous vertical scroll position is not -1 (-1 is used // to force content update) return; } scrollTimer.cancel(); // cancel the active timer boolean immediate = forceReset; if (immediate) { scrollingVertically = 0; eventHandler.onUpdateFirstRowIndex(activeScrollIndex); } else { // re-schedule the timer. GWT.log("Scrolling re-schedule"); scrollTimer.schedule(SCROLL_DELAY); } } } @Override public boolean isHorizontalScrollbarVisible() { for (ContentPanel p : contents) { if (p.isHorizontalScrollbarVisible()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isVerticalScrollbarVisible() { for (ContentPanel p : contents) { if (p.isVerticalScrollbarVisible()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public int getBufferSize() { return rootMetaData.bufferSize; } private int getTotalRowCount() { return rootMetaData.totalRowCount; } private int getRequestedRows() { return rootMetaData.requestedRows; } @Override public VCustomScrollTable getWidget() { return (VCustomScrollTable) super.getWidget(); } public int getIntHeight() { return height; } public int getIntWidth() { return width; } public void setIntHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } public void setIntWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } public boolean isRenderingBase() { return renderingBase; } public void setEventHandler(MultiScrollTableEventHandler eventHandler) { this.eventHandler = eventHandler; } }