Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Johannes Tuikkala <> * LICENCED UNDER * GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 3, 29 June 2007 */ package org.vaadin.johannes.graph; import giny.model.Edge; import giny.model.Node; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintException; import com.vaadin.terminal.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import cytoscape.CyNetwork; import cytoscape.Cytoscape; import cytoscape.view.CyNetworkView; import cytoscape.visual.EdgeAppearance; import cytoscape.visual.NodeAppearance; import cytoscape.visual.VisualMappingManager; import cytoscape.visual.VisualPropertyType; import cytoscape.visual.VisualStyle; /** * Server side component for the VMyComponent widget. */ @com.vaadin.ui.ClientWidget(org.vaadin.johannes.graph.client.ui.VVaadinGraph.class) public class VaadinGraph extends AbstractComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8483008141219579936L; private final String title; private final CyNetwork network; private final int[] edges; private final int[] nodes; private final CyNetworkView finalView; private int width; private int height; private int maxX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private int minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int maxY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private double cytoscapeViewWidth = 0; private double cytoscapeViewHeight = 0; private boolean textsVisible = false; private boolean styleOptimization; private final boolean useFitting = false; private final Set<String> selectedNodes = new HashSet<String>(); private final Set<String> selectedEdges = new HashSet<String>(); private float zoomFactor = 1; private final List<GraphChangeListener> listeners; @Override public void paintContent(final PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { super.paintContent(target); target.addAttribute("title", title); target.addAttribute("gwidth", width); target.addAttribute("gheight", height); target.addAttribute("texts", textsVisible); final VisualMappingManager vizmapper = Cytoscape.getVisualMappingManager(); final VisualStyle vs = vizmapper.getVisualStyle(); final Color ec = (Color) vs.getEdgeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_COLOR); final Color nbc = (Color) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_BORDER_COLOR); final Color nfc = (Color) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_FILL_COLOR); final Color nlc = (Color) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_LABEL_COLOR); final Color elc = (Color) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_LABEL_COLOR); final Number elw = (Number) vs.getEdgeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_LINE_WIDTH); final Number nbw = (Number) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_LINE_WIDTH); final Number ns = (Number) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_SIZE); final Number efs = (Number) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_FONT_SIZE); final Number nfs = (Number) vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultAppearance() .get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_FONT_SIZE); final Color bc = vs.getGlobalAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultBackgroundColor(); final Color nsc = vs.getGlobalAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultNodeSelectionColor(); final Color esc = vs.getGlobalAppearanceCalculator().getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor(); target.addAttribute("bc", getRGB(bc)); target.addAttribute("ec", getRGB(ec)); target.addAttribute("elw", elw.intValue()); target.addAttribute("nbc", getRGB(nbc)); target.addAttribute("nfc", getRGB(nfc)); target.addAttribute("nsc", getRGB(nsc)); target.addAttribute("esc", getRGB(esc)); target.addAttribute("nlc", getRGB(nlc)); target.addAttribute("elc", getRGB(elc)); target.addAttribute("nbw", nbw.intValue()); target.addAttribute("ns", ns.intValue()); target.addAttribute("efs", efs.intValue()); target.addAttribute("nfs", nfs.intValue()); for (final int ei : edges) { final Edge e = network.getEdge(ei); final Node node1 = e.getSource(); final Node node2 = e.getTarget(); target.startTag("e"); target.addAttribute("name", e.getIdentifier()); target.addAttribute("node1", node1.getIdentifier()); target.addAttribute("node2", node2.getIdentifier()); final double xx1 = finalView.getNodeView(node1).getXPosition(); final double yy1 = finalView.getNodeView(node1).getYPosition(); final double xx2 = finalView.getNodeView(node2).getXPosition(); final double yy2 = finalView.getNodeView(node2).getYPosition(); int x1 = (int) (xx1); int y1 = (int) (yy1); int x2 = (int) (xx2); int y2 = (int) (yy2); if (useFitting) { x1 = (int) (((xx1 - minX) / cytoscapeViewWidth) * width); y1 = (int) (((yy1 - minY) / cytoscapeViewHeight) * height); x2 = (int) (((xx2 - minX) / cytoscapeViewWidth) * width); y2 = (int) (((yy2 - minY) / cytoscapeViewHeight) * height); } target.addAttribute("node1x", x1); target.addAttribute("node1y", y1); target.addAttribute("node2x", x2); target.addAttribute("node2y", y2); if (!styleOptimization) { final EdgeAppearance ea = vs.getEdgeAppearanceCalculator().calculateEdgeAppearance(e, network); final NodeAppearance n1a = vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().calculateNodeAppearance(node1, network); final NodeAppearance n2a = vs.getNodeAppearanceCalculator().calculateNodeAppearance(node2, network); target.addAttribute("_ec", getRGB((Color) ea.get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_COLOR))); target.addAttribute("_elw", ((Number) ea.get(VisualPropertyType.EDGE_LINE_WIDTH)).intValue()); // target.addAttribute("_elc", getRGB(elc)); // target.addAttribute("_efs", efs.intValue()); target.addAttribute("_n1bc", getRGB((Color) n1a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_BORDER_COLOR))); target.addAttribute("_n1fc", getRGB((Color) n1a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_FILL_COLOR))); target.addAttribute("_n1bw", ((Number) n1a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_LINE_WIDTH)).intValue()); target.addAttribute("_n1s", ((Number) n1a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_SIZE)).intValue()); target.addAttribute("_n2bc", getRGB((Color) n2a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_BORDER_COLOR))); target.addAttribute("_n2fc", getRGB((Color) n2a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_FILL_COLOR))); target.addAttribute("_n2bw", ((Number) n2a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_LINE_WIDTH)).intValue()); target.addAttribute("_n2s", ((Number) n2a.get(VisualPropertyType.NODE_SIZE)).intValue()); // target.addAttribute("_nlc", getRGB(nlc)); // target.addAttribute("_nfs", nfs.intValue()); } target.endTag("e"); } } /** * Receive and handle events and other variable changes from the client. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void changeVariables(final Object source, final Map<String, Object> variables) { super.changeVariables(source, variables); if (variables.containsKey("selectedEdges")) { selectedEdges.clear(); final String[] strs = (String[]) variables.get("selectedEdges"); for (final String str : strs) { selectedEdges.add(str); } notifyListeners(); System.out.printf("Selected %d edges\n", selectedEdges.size()); } if (variables.containsKey("selectedNodes")) { selectedNodes.clear(); final String[] strs = (String[]) variables.get("selectedNodes"); for (final String str : strs) { selectedNodes.add(str); } notifyListeners(); System.out.printf("Selected %d nodes\n", selectedNodes.size()); } if (variables.containsKey("zoomFactor")) { zoomFactor = (Float) variables.get("zoomFactor"); System.out.println("Zoom factor: " + zoomFactor); } } public VaadinGraph(final CyNetwork network, final CyNetworkView finalView, final String title, final int width, final int height) { this.title = title; = network; this.finalView = finalView; this.width = width; this.height = height; listeners = new ArrayList<GraphChangeListener>(); edges = network.getEdgeIndicesArray(); nodes = network.getNodeIndicesArray(); measureDimensions(finalView); } public CyNetwork getNetwork() { return network; } public CyNetworkView getFinalView() { return finalView; } public Set<String> getSelectedNodes() { return selectedNodes; } public Set<String> getSelectedEdges() { return selectedEdges; } public void addListener(final GraphChangeListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void setWidthAndHeight(final int width, final int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; requestRepaint(); } public void setTextsVisible(final boolean b) { textsVisible = b; requestRepaint(); } /** * Optimize styles to minimize client-server traffic * * @param b */ public void setOptimizedStyles(final boolean b) { styleOptimization = b; requestRepaint(); } public Container getNodeAttributeContainer(final Set<String> selectedNodes) { final IndexedContainer container = new IndexedContainer(); container.addContainerProperty("index", Integer.class, null); container.addContainerProperty("identifier", String.class, null); for (final Integer nodeIndex : nodes) { final Node n = network.getNode(nodeIndex); for (final String str : selectedNodes) { if (str.equals(n.getIdentifier())) { final Item i = container.addItem(n); i.getItemProperty("index").setValue(nodeIndex); i.getItemProperty("identifier").setValue(str); break; } } } return container; } private String getRGB(final Color bc) { return "rgb(" + bc.getRed() + "," + bc.getGreen() + "," + bc.getBlue() + ")"; } private void notifyListeners() { for (final GraphChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.onGraphChange(); } } private void measureDimensions(final CyNetworkView finalView2) { for (final int ei : edges) { final Edge e = network.getEdge(ei); final Node node1 = e.getSource(); final Node node2 = e.getTarget(); final int x1 = (int) (finalView.getNodeView(node1).getXPosition()); final int y1 = (int) (finalView.getNodeView(node1).getYPosition()); final int x2 = (int) (finalView.getNodeView(node2).getXPosition()); final int y2 = (int) (finalView.getNodeView(node2).getYPosition()); if (x1 > maxX) { maxX = x1; } if (x1 < minX) { minX = x1; } if (y1 > maxY) { maxY = y1; } if (y1 < minY) { minY = y1; } if (x2 > maxX) { maxX = x2; } if (x2 < minX) { minX = x2; } if (y2 > maxY) { maxY = y2; } if (y2 < minY) { minY = y2; } } cytoscapeViewWidth = maxX - minX; cytoscapeViewHeight = maxY - minY; } }