Java tutorial
/** * (DistributionBar) * * Copyright 2012 Vaadin Ltd, Sami Viitanen <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.alump.distributionbar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.vaadin.alump.distributionbar.gwt.client.connect.DistributionBarServerRpc; import org.vaadin.alump.distributionbar.gwt.client.shared.DistributionBarState; import org.vaadin.alump.distributionbar.gwt.client.shared.DistributionBarState.Part; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; /** * Server side component for the VDistributionBar widget. Distribution Bar is * simple graphical bar that can be used to show distribution of items between * different groups. For example distribution of YES and NO votes. Bar must have * at least two values, but there is not any upper limit. Layout where bar is * used can limit the amount of parts that will fit to screen. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DistributionBar extends AbstractComponent implements DistributionBarServerRpc { private List<DistributionBarClickListener> clickListeners = new LinkedList<DistributionBarClickListener>(); public interface DistributionBarClickListener { void onItemClicked(int index); } /** * Will make distribution bar with 2 parts (size value zero). */ public DistributionBar() { this(2); } /** * Generate distribution bar with given number of parts. All parts created * will get the default size value: zero. * * @param numberOfParts * Number of parts. Must be 1 or more. */ public DistributionBar(int numberOfParts) { if (numberOfParts < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Distribution bar must have at least one part: " + numberOfParts + " parts given"); } registerRpc(this); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParts; ++i) { getState().getParts().add(new Part()); } } /** * Create new distribution bar and define sizes for all parts * * @param sizes * Part sizes in integer array. Must have at least 2 sizes. If * less two parts are made with size zero. */ public DistributionBar(final int[] sizes) { this(sizes.length); this.updatePartSizes(sizes); } @Override public DistributionBarState getState() { return (DistributionBarState) super.getState(); } /** * Update multiple sizes once. If given list is smaller than number of parts * then parts at the end will not be updated. If given list has more sizes * than there is parts, then rest of the sizes are ignored. * * @param partSizes * Sizes in integer array */ public void updatePartSizes(int[] partSizes) { for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfParts() && i < partSizes.length; ++i) { getState().getParts().get(i).setSize(partSizes[i]); } } /** * Setup part by defining both size and tooltip with one command * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param size * Size as integer number * @param tooltip * Tooltip content is XHTML */ public void setupPart(int index, int size, String tooltip) { setupPart(index, size, tooltip, null); } /** * Setup part by defining size, tooltip and style name with one command * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param size * Size as integer number * @param tooltip * Tooltip content is XHTML * @param styleName * Stylename added to part */ public void setupPart(int index, int size, String tooltip, String styleName) { Part part = getState().getParts().get(index); part.setSize(size); part.setTooltip(tooltip); part.setTooltip(styleName); } /** * Change size of given part * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param size * Size as integer number */ public void setPartSize(int index, int size) { getState().getParts().get(index).setSize(size); } /** * Change title of given part. This is normal HTML title attribute. For many * use cases tooltip is better option. * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param title * Title for part */ public void setPartTitle(int index, String title) { getState().getParts().get(index).setTitle(title); } /** * Change tooltip of given part. * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param tooltip * Content of tooltip (empty is do not show tooltip). Content is * given in XHTML format. */ public void setPartTooltip(int index, String tooltip) { getState().getParts().get(index).setTooltip(tooltip); } /** * Change stylename of given part. * * @param index * Index of part [0..N]. Only give valid indexes. * @param styleName * Style name of part */ public void setPartStyleName(int index, String styleName) { getState().getParts().get(index).setStyleName(styleName); } /** * Get number of parts in distribution bar * * @return Number of parts in distribution bar */ public int getNumberOfParts() { return getState().getParts().size(); } private void changeStatePartsSize(int newSize) { while (getState().getParts().size() < newSize) { getState().getParts().add(new Part()); } while (getState().getParts().size() > newSize) { getState().getParts().remove(newSize); } } /** * Change number of parts in distribution bar. * * @param numberOfParts * New number of parts. If this is different than earlier number * of parts then all parts will be initialized to default state * with size zero. If given value is less than 2 it will be * converted to two. */ public void setNumberOfParts(int numberOfParts) { if (numberOfParts > 1 && getNumberOfParts() != numberOfParts) { changeStatePartsSize(numberOfParts); } } @Override public void onItemClicked(int index) { for (DistributionBarClickListener listener : clickListeners) { listener.onItemClicked(index); } } /** * Add click listener * @param listener Listener added to listeners */ public void addDistributionBarClickListener(DistributionBarClickListener listener) { if (clickListeners.isEmpty()) { getState().sendClicks = true; } clickListeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove click listener * @param listener Listener removed from listeners */ public void removeDistributionBarClickListener(DistributionBarClickListener listener) { clickListeners.remove(listener); if (clickListeners.isEmpty()) { getState().sendClicks = false; } } /** * Define if parts with size 0 should still be shown in distribution bar * @param zeroVisible true if zero sized are shown, false if shrunk to invisible */ public void setZeroSizedVisible(boolean zeroVisible) { getState().zeroVisible = zeroVisible; } /** * See if zero sized parts are shown or shrunk to invisible * @return true if zero sized are shown, false if shrunk to invisible */ public boolean isZeroSizedVisible() { return getState().zeroVisible; } /** * Define minimum with of part with value. Experimental API! * @deprecated Experimental API! * @param pixels With in pixels. */ @Deprecated public void setMinPartWidth(double pixels) { getState().minWidth = pixels; } /** * Get minimum width of part with value. Experimental API! * @deprecated Experimental API! * @return Minimum with of part in pixels. */ @Deprecated public double getMinPartWidth() { return getState().minWidth; } }