Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Tommi S.E. Laukkanen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.addons.sitekit.grid; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.TextChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.TextChangeListener; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.Form; import com.vaadin.ui.FormFieldFactory; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Data edit form implementation. * * @author Tommi S.E. Laukkanen */ public class ValidatingEditor extends CustomComponent implements FormFieldFactory, ValueChangeListener, TextChangeListener { /** Java serialization version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Form component. */ private final Form form; /** Field definitions defining columns for the grid. */ private final List<FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptors; /** Visible properties of the form. */ private final Object[] fieldIds; /** Visible labels of the fields. */ private final Label[] fieldLabels; /** Visible labels of the fields. */ private final Field[] fields; /** Visible status icons of the fields. */ private final Embedded[] fieldIcons; /** The layout of the form. */ private final GridLayout formLayout; /** The property field index map. */ private final Map<Field, Integer> fieldIndexes = new HashMap<Field, Integer>(); /** The none getIcon. */ private final ThemeResource noneIcon = new ThemeResource("icons/field-status-icon-none.png"); /** The none getIcon. */ private final ThemeResource newIcon = new ThemeResource("icons/field-status-icon-new.png"); /** The ok getIcon. */ private final ThemeResource validIcon = new ThemeResource("icons/field-status-icon-ok.png"); /** The invalid getIcon. */ private final ThemeResource invalidIcon = new ThemeResource("icons/field-status-icon-invalid.png"); /** The db getIcon. */ private final ThemeResource dbIcon = new ThemeResource("icons/field-status-icon-db.png"); /** True if item edited is new. */ private boolean newItem = false; /** Validation state change listeners. */ private final List<ValidatingEditorStateListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ValidatingEditorStateListener>(); /** True if value change listener is disabled. */ private boolean disableValueChangeListener = false; /** * Constructor which initializes the form. * @param fieldDescriptors The field definitions. */ public ValidatingEditor(final List<FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptors) { this.fieldDescriptors = fieldDescriptors; form = new Form(); form.setBuffered(true); form.setFormFieldFactory(this); form.setImmediate(true); setCompositionRoot(form); formLayout = new GridLayout(3, fieldDescriptors.size()); formLayout.setSpacing(true); formLayout.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, false)); form.setLayout(formLayout); fieldIds = new Object[fieldDescriptors.size()]; fields = new Field[fieldDescriptors.size()]; fieldLabels = new Label[fieldDescriptors.size()]; fieldIcons = new Embedded[fieldDescriptors.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldDescriptors.size(); i++) { final FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor = fieldDescriptors.get(i); fieldIds[i] = fieldDescriptor.getId(); fieldLabels[i] = new Label(fieldDescriptor.getLabel()); fieldIcons[i] = new Embedded(null, noneIcon); fieldIcons[i].setWidth(20, UNITS_PIXELS); fieldIcons[i].setHeight(20, UNITS_PIXELS); formLayout.addComponent(fieldLabels[i], 0, i); formLayout.addComponent(fieldIcons[i], 2, i); formLayout.setComponentAlignment(fieldLabels[i], Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); } } /** * @return the form */ public final Form getForm() { return form; } /** * Sets the Item to be edited. * @param item the Item to be edited. * @param newItem true if item being edited is new. */ public final void setItem(final Item item, final boolean newItem) { disableValueChangeListener = true; if (item != null) { form.setItemDataSource(item); form.setVisibleItemProperties(fieldIds); } else { form.setItemDataSource(null); } disableValueChangeListener = false; this.newItem = newItem; refreshFieldState(newItem); notifyStateChange(); } /** * Commits changes to edited item. */ public final void commit() { disableValueChangeListener = true; form.commit(); disableValueChangeListener = false; newItem = false; if (refreshFieldState(false)) { notifyStateChange(); } } /** * Discards changes to edited item. */ public final void discard() { disableValueChangeListener = true; form.discard(); disableValueChangeListener = false; if (refreshFieldState(newItem)) { notifyStateChange(); } } /** * Gets the Item being edited. * @return the Item being edited. */ public final Item getItem() { return form.getItemDataSource(); } /** * Creates a field based on the item, property id and the component (most * commonly {@link com.vaadin.ui.Form}) where the Field will be presented. * * @param item the item where the property belongs to. * @param propertyId the Id of the property. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented, most * commonly this is {@link com.vaadin.ui.Form}. uiContext will not necessary be * the parent component of the field, but the one that is * responsible for creating it. * @return Field the field suitable for editing the specified data. */ @Override public final Field createField(final Item item, final Object propertyId, final Component uiContext) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldDescriptors.size(); i++) { final FieldDescriptor fieldDefinition = fieldDescriptors.get(i); if (propertyId.equals(fieldDefinition.getId()) && fieldDefinition.getFieldClass() != null) { try { final Field field = (Field) fieldDefinition.getFieldClass().newInstance(); if (field instanceof TextField) { ((TextField) field).setNullRepresentation(""); ((TextField) field).setTextChangeTimeout(200); ((TextField) field).addListener((TextChangeListener) this); } if (field instanceof PasswordField) { ((PasswordField) field).setNullRepresentation(""); ((PasswordField) field).setTextChangeTimeout(200); ((PasswordField) field).addListener((TextChangeListener) this); } ((AbstractField) field).setValidationVisible(false); for (final Validator validator : fieldDefinition.getValidators()) { field.addValidator(validator); } field.setRequired(fieldDefinition.isRequired()); ((AbstractField) field).setConverter(fieldDefinition.getConverter()); field.setPropertyDataSource(null); field.setWidth(fieldDefinition.getWidth(), UNITS_PIXELS); field.setReadOnly(isReadOnly() || fieldDefinition.isReadOnly()); if (!fieldDefinition.isReadOnly()) { field.setValue(fieldDefinition.getDefaultValue()); } field.addListener(this); ((AbstractComponent) field).setImmediate(true); formLayout.setCursorX(1); formLayout.setCursorY(i); fieldIndexes.put(field, i); fields[i] = field; return field; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating field: " + propertyId, t); } } } return null; } /** * Can be used to validate the contents of a field. This can be used to * invoke validation of dependent field from another validator. * * @param propertyId the property ID */ public final void validateField(final Object propertyId) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldDescriptors.size(); i++) { if (fieldDescriptors.get(i).getId().equals(propertyId)) { refreshFieldState(i, newItem); notifyStateChange(); } } } /** * Refreshes field icons. * @param newItem true if item being edited is new. * @return true if field state changed. */ private boolean refreshFieldState(final boolean newItem) { boolean stateChange = false; for (int i = 0; i < fieldDescriptors.size(); i++) { if (refreshFieldState(i, newItem)) { stateChange = true; } } return stateChange; } /** * Notify state change to listeners. */ public final void notifyStateChange() { for (final ValidatingEditorStateListener listener : listeners) { listener.editorStateChanged(this); } } /** * Updates field state getIcon of given field index. * @param fieldIndex index of the field. * @param newItem true if item being edited is new. * @return true if field state changed. */ public final boolean refreshFieldState(final int fieldIndex, final boolean newItem) { final Resource currentIcon = fieldIcons[fieldIndex].getSource(); if (fields[fieldIndex].isReadOnly()) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(noneIcon); } else if (newItem) { if (fields[fieldIndex] instanceof CheckBox) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(dbIcon); } else { if (fields[fieldIndex].isValid()) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(dbIcon); fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(""); } else { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(newIcon); } } } else if (fields[fieldIndex].isModified()) { if (fields[fieldIndex].isValid()) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(validIcon); fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(""); } else { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(invalidIcon); try { fields[fieldIndex].validate(); } catch (final InvalidValueException e) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(e.getMessage()); } } } else { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(dbIcon); } return fieldIcons[fieldIndex].getSource() != currentIcon; } /** * Adds state change listener. * @param listener the listener to add. */ public final void addListener(final ValidatingEditorStateListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes state change listener. * @param listener the listener to remove. */ public final void removeListener(final ValidatingEditorStateListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Does form contain modified field values. * @return true if modifications exist. */ public final boolean isModified() { for (int i = 0; i < fieldIcons.length; i++) { final Resource icon = fieldIcons[i].getSource(); if (icon == validIcon || icon == invalidIcon) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Are all form field values valid. * @return true if all field values are valid. */ public final boolean isValid() { for (int i = 0; i < fieldIcons.length; i++) { final Resource icon = fieldIcons[i].getSource(); if (icon != validIcon && icon != noneIcon && icon != dbIcon) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @return true if the item edited is new. */ public final boolean isNewItem() { return newItem; } @Override public final void valueChange(final ValueChangeEvent event) { if (!disableValueChangeListener) { if (refreshFieldState(fieldIndexes.get(event.getProperty()), false)) { notifyStateChange(); } } } @Override public final void textChange(final TextChangeEvent event) { boolean valid = true; final int fieldIndex = fieldIndexes.get((Field) event.getComponent()); if (fields[fieldIndex].getValidators() != null) { if ((event.getText() == null || event.getText().length() == 0) && fields[fieldIndex].isRequired()) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(""); valid = false; } else { for (final Validator validator : fields[fieldIndex].getValidators()) { try { final Converter converter = ((AbstractField) fields[fieldIndex]).getConverter(); final Object value; if (converter != null) { value = converter.convertToModel(event.getText(), converter.getModelType(), ((AbstractField) fields[fieldIndex]).getLocale()); } else { value = event.getText(); } validator.validate(value); fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(""); } catch (final InvalidValueException e) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(e.getMessage()); valid = false; } catch (final Exception e) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setDescription(""); valid = false; } } } } final Resource originalSource = fieldIcons[fieldIndex].getSource(); if (valid) { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(validIcon); } else { fieldIcons[fieldIndex].setSource(invalidIcon); } if (originalSource != fieldIcons[fieldIndex].getSource()) { notifyStateChange(); } } @Override public final void setCaption(final String caption) { form.setCaption(caption); } }