Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 dangllucas * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.vaadin.addons.core.window; import com.vaadin.icons.VaadinIcons; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import org.vaadin.addons.core.buttons.ButtonType; import org.vaadin.addons.core.types.DialogType; import org.vaadin.addons.event.ButtonTypeClickEvent; import org.vaadin.addons.event.DialogWindowCloseEvent; import org.vaadin.addons.event.listener.DialogCloseListener; import; /** * Created by Dangl on 21.04.2017. */ public class DialogWindow extends Window { private DialogCloseListener closeListener; private Dialog dialog; public DialogWindow(Dialog dialog) { closeListener = dialog.getListener(); this.dialog = dialog; setModal(true); setHeight("-1px"); setWidth("-1px"); setClosable(false); setResizable(false); setContent(buildContent(dialog.getTitle(), dialog.getIcon(), dialog.getContent(), dialog.getButtonTypes())); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(this); focus(); } public Dialog getDialog() { return dialog; } public void close(ButtonType type) { close(); if (closeListener != null) { DialogWindowCloseEvent event = new DialogWindowCloseEvent(this, type); closeListener.windowClosed(event); } } private VerticalLayout buildContent(String title, VaadinIcons type, Component content, ButtonType[] buttonTypes) { VerticalLayout root = new VerticalLayout(); root.setMargin(false); root.setSpacing(false); float width = -1; float height = 0; if (title != null) { HorizontalLayout header = new HorizontalLayout(); header.setMargin(true); header.setHeightUndefined(); header.setWidth("100%"); header.addStyleName(ValoTheme.WINDOW_TOP_TOOLBAR); Label l = new Label("<font size=\"4\">" + title + "</font>", ContentMode.HTML); width = l.getWidth(); header.addComponent(l); header.setComponentAlignment(l, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); if (type != null) { Label i = new Label(type.getHtml(), ContentMode.HTML); header.addComponent(i); header.setComponentAlignment(i, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); } height = header.getHeight(); root.addComponent(header); } if (content != null) { content.setSizeFull(); HorizontalLayout contentRoot = new HorizontalLayout(content); contentRoot.setMargin(true); root.addComponent(contentRoot); height = height + contentRoot.getHeight(); } HorizontalLayout footer = new HorizontalLayout(); footer.setHeightUndefined(); footer.setWidth("100%"); footer.setMargin(true); footer.addStyleName(ValoTheme.WINDOW_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR); HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(); if (buttonTypes != null) { Stream.of(buttonTypes).forEach(buttonType -> { Button b = new Button(buttonType.getCaption()); if (buttonType.getIcon() != null) { b.setIcon(buttonType.getIcon()); } if (buttonType.getDescription() != null) { b.setDescription(buttonType.getDescription()); } if (buttonType.getStyle() != null) { b.addStyleName(buttonType.getStyle()); } b.addClickListener(event -> buttonType.getActions().forEach(buttonAction -> { ButtonTypeClickEvent event1 = new ButtonTypeClickEvent(buttonType, DialogWindow.this); buttonAction.getListener().buttonClick(event1); })); buttons.addComponent(b); }); } buttons.setSizeUndefined(); buttons.setMargin(false); buttons.setSpacing(true); footer.addComponent(buttons); footer.setComponentAlignment(buttons, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); if (buttons.getWidth() > width) { width = buttons.getWidth(); } root.addComponent(footer); root.setComponentAlignment(footer, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); height = height + footer.getHeight(); root.setHeight(height, Unit.PIXELS); root.setWidth(width, Unit.PIXELS); return root; } }